#light acedamia
roslynnnikole-blog · 1 month
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Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, or Audio?
Whichever way, you'll find me in the Smut department. 😘
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annieartist03-2 · 4 months
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dearestgloaming · 2 years
The Windhover by Gerard Manley Hopkins
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3amnightblogs · 2 years
oh those eyes, disappointed from each side.
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justmymycelium · 2 years
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flimythings · 2 months
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I hate you for abandoning the parts of me that you didn't want to love.
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im-stupidcupid · 4 months
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Betrayal Unveiled
➥ summary: All good things must come to an end at some point. (Y/n) discovers that her boyfriend Shoto has been cheating on her, for how long? She has no ide.
➥ angst
➥ one shot
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It was an ordinary day—or so it seemed—in (Y/n)'s world. The sun cast its warm glow upon the streets, oblivious to the storm gathering within her heart. (Y/n) cherished her relationship with Shoto, a love she believed to be unbreakable. But fate had a cruel twist in store.
As the day wore on, whispers of doubt began to permeate (Y/n)'s consciousness. Flickers of suspicion tainted the corners of her mind, igniting a gnawing unease that refused to be silenced. Deep down, she sensed that something was amiss, a dissonance in the harmony of their bond.
With trepidation coursing through her veins, (Y/n) embarked on a quest for truth, determined to uncover the secrets that threatened to shatter her world. Little did she know that her journey would lead her to the devastating revelation she never thought she would face.
One fateful evening, shadows danced upon the walls as (Y/n) found herself standing outside Shoto's apartment. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of anticipation and dread enveloping her. As she opened the door, the sights and sounds that greeted her shattered the fragile illusion of her love.
There, in the dimly lit room, she saw it—Shoto entangled in an embrace with another woman. The air grew thick with betrayal, and time seemed to stand still as (Y/n)'s world crumbled around her. The pain etched upon her face mirrored the shattering of her trust, her heart torn asunder.
A wave of emotions washed over (Y/n)—shock, anger, and profound sorrow. Tears welled in her eyes as she witnessed the ultimate betrayal unfold before her very eyes. In that moment, the purity of their love was tarnished, irreparably marred by infidelity.
Unable to find her voice, (Y/n) stood frozen in the doorway, her heart bleeding from the wounds inflicted upon it. Every word, every touch, every cherished memory seemed tainted, replaced by the bitter taste of deception. The person she once knew as her rock had become the source of her anguish.
The days that followed the heart-wrenching revelation were cloaked in a suffocating silence. (Y/n)'s once vibrant spirit had dimmed, her heart now guarded by the jagged shards of broken trust. The weight of her pain pressed upon her chest, threatening to consume her very being.
Despite the facade of normalcy she attempted to uphold, (Y/n) could no longer pretend that everything was as it once was. The love that had once bound her and Shoto together now stood tarnished, its delicate threads unraveling with each passing moment. The memories they had shared became a double-edged sword, cutting deep into her wounded heart.
A profound sadness settled within (Y/n), a darkness that seeped into the crevices of her soul. She yearned for the solace of Shoto's embrace, the comfort of his words, but the knowledge of his betrayal lingered like a ghost between them. Her love for him was a battlefield, torn between the desire to cling to what was familiar and the need to protect herself from further pain.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) withdrew into the recesses of her own sorrow. She found solace in solitude, seeking refuge in the quiet corners of her heart where her emotions lay exposed and raw. Her laughter grew hollow, her smile a mere façade to mask the turmoil within.
Shoto, oblivious to the anguish that consumed (Y/n), remained perplexed by her sudden detachment. He yearned for the closeness they once shared, desperate to rekindle the flame that flickered in her eyes. But try as he might, he could not decipher the cause of her withdrawal.
Within the depths of (Y/n)'s soul, conflicting emotions waged war. She longed for Shoto to notice her pain, to see the cracks in her fragile facade. Yet, fear held her captive, fear of facing the truth, fear of confronting the pain that threatened to consume her. The fragile remnants of their love teetered on the edge of oblivion.
Shoto, burdened by the weight of (Y/n)'s withdrawal, could no longer bear the silence that suffocated their once vibrant connection. The torment of her distant demeanor gnawed at his heart, driving him to confront the enigma that had come between them. He sought answers, a desperate attempt to salvage what remained of their love.
One somber evening, in the fading light of the setting sun, Shoto found (Y/n) in the solitude of her sanctuary. His voice was laced with a mixture of concern and confusion as he broke the silence that had consumed them both.
"(Y/n), my love," Shoto began, his voice trembling with a delicate balance of hope and apprehension, "I can no longer ignore the distance that has settled between us. I yearn to understand the cause of your withdrawal. Please, share with me your pain so that we may face it together."
(Y/n)'s eyes bore into his, a torrent of conflicting emotions swirling within her gaze. The storm that raged within her threatened to spill forth, consuming all in its path. The silence that stretched between them amplified the weight of her anguish, until she could no longer suppress the tempest that raged within her.
With a mix of fury and anguish in her voice, (Y/n) unleashed her pent-up pain upon Shoto, her words like shards of shattered glass piercing the veil of their fractured love.
"If you're going to cheat on me," she spat, her voice quivering with a potent blend of hurt and anger, "at least have the decency to hide it better. Your betrayal is not only a stain upon our love but an insult to my intelligence."
Shoto's eyes widened in shock, his breath catching in his throat. The truth hung heavy in the air, a brutal revelation that shattered his own illusions and laid bare the depths of his deceit. The foundations of their relationship crumbled beneath his feet, leaving him exposed and defenseless against the accusations that burned like a searing fire.
"(Y/n)," Shoto stammered, his voice a mere whisper, "I never meant to hurt you. I don't know how you found out, but please, let me explain. I'm sorry."
The room seemed to close in around them, the air thick with unresolved tension and unspoken words. Emotions surged through both their veins, a mixture of heartbreak, anger, and a desperate longing for the love that had once bound them together.
“Don’t even bother,” she splats out before storming away.
A few weeks go by and the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of gold and purple, the stage was set for the musical extravaganza that would captivate the hearts of all in attendance. Today UA High School's was hosting a festival in which would showcased the diverse talents of its students, a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing their gifts.
Amidst the bustling excitement, the members of 1-H took their places on the stage, their hearts pounding with a mixture of nerves and exhilaration. The spotlight illuminated (Y/n), the center of attention, her voice a beacon of vulnerability and raw emotion.
The first notes of the piano resonated through the air, capturing the attention of the audience. The soft strumming of the guitar accompanied (Y/n)'s delicate voice as she breathed life into the lyrics of "10 Things I Hate About You."
♪ The way you walk into the room, yeah, it kills me ♪
♪ And the way you spin those lies, it's so unappealing ♪
♪ The way you smile when you're not around, it's so deceiving ♪
♪ And I hate how I keep letting you back in ♪
Her voice carried the weight of unspoken emotions, the lyrics intertwining with the essence of her own experiences. The words resonated with the hearts of those who listened, evoking a range of emotions from nostalgia to introspection.
As (Y/n) poured her heart out on the stage, the lyrics became a vessel for her own confessions, a bittersweet tale of love and loss. The audience hung on to her every word, their hearts entwined with hers in the musical journey.
♪ I hate the way you make me feel so small ♪
♪ How you're always there but never really there at all ♪
♪ I hate the way you make me chase you 'round ♪
♪ When you're the one who's always letting me down ♪
The lyrics echoed through the auditorium, each word laden with the weight of (Y/n)'s personal experiences. The raw vulnerability in her voice resonated with the crowd, as her performance became a mirror through which they reflected upon their own moments of heartache and resilience.
In the midst of her performance, (Y/n) found herself immersed in a sea of emotions. Her voice soared and dipped, carrying the burdens and joys of her own journey. With each verse, she unraveled the intricacies of her heart, her voice an instrument of truth and self-expression.
♪ But I can't help myself, I'm drawn to you ♪
♪ Despite the pain, the love that I can't undo ♪
♪ And even though I know I should let go ♪
♪ I keep coming back, it's something I can't control ♪
The final notes hung in the air, their resonance lingering long after the song had ceased. The audience erupted into applause, their hearts moved by the poignant performance. (Y/n)'s classmates surrounded her, their pride evident as they congratulated her on a breathtaking display of talent.
In the aftermath of (Y/n)'s mesmerizing performance at the UA Festival, a cloud of unease descends upon Shoto Todoroki.
As the echoes of (Y/n)'s haunting melody fade, the auditorium transforms into a buzzing sea of congratulatory murmurs and joyful applause. Shoto, his heart heavy with unspoken emotions, musters the courage to seek out (Y/n) and offer his support. He yearns to congratulate her on a stunning performance and bridge the widening chasm between them.
With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Shoto makes his way through the crowd, searching for (Y/n) among the sea of faces. His eyes eventually land on her, but the sight that greets him sends a sharp pang through his chest. There, by (Y/n)'s side, stands Katsuki Bakugo, their smiles and laughter intertwining like the melodies of a symphony.
Time seems to slow as Shoto's gaze remains locked on the scene before him. His heart aches with a mixture of jealousy, confusion, and a sense of betrayal. Thoughts swirl in his mind, each one a dagger piercing his fragile hope.
Unable to bear the sight any longer, Shoto's resolve crumbles, and he retreats from the scene, a storm of emotions brewing within him. He questions the nature of his connection with (Y/n), the strength of their bond, and whether it was ever truly reciprocated.
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bitter-pyre · 1 year
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Finally, some soft winter boys ❄️
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painedpen · 7 months
Does anyone else ship polyamorous ships purely because they hate cheating and love triangle tropes? It’s so annoying to me when fic writers incorporate that in.
I saw a fic where Kaede cheated on Shuichi with Miu, and Shuichi got together with Kiibo, and that’s how I started shipping all four of them together. Polyamory and spite fixes everything and I will die standing by that.
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deadpoets7radhika · 1 year
Have you ever sat in a library reading forbidden books after the dark and see a man sneaking in the library, wet and breathing hard and then you realize he looks like one of the characters of the book you were just reading? I have not and I'm sad about it!
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Stressing About Finals
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead x gn!reader (familial/Dadzawa)
Warnings: brief mention of family abandonment (it's like one sentence, so take with that what you will)
Word Count: 845
ao3 link to fic
It was definitely after midnight when Aizawa woke up. He couldn't tell why he woke up at first. He ran through a check list in his head, making sure he didn't have to patrol tonight and didn't have any work to grade.
No and no.
So, what was bugging him all of a sudden like a sixth sense, itching the back of his skull like a song name he couldn't remember?
He sighed as he crawled out of bed, grabbing a small bottle of eye drops from his nightstand and using them so his eyes weren't so dry. He walked down the hall with quiet feet, peeking around the corner into the living room. It was empty, that was good.
Then, he heard it. It was hard to miss in the dead silence of the house, even he wasn't sure how he had missed it before. He turned to your door, and silently opened it to peek inside.
Aizawa had taken you in after your parents made it obvious they didn't want anything to do with you anymore. You were already in his class, so it was already like you were his child, if he could call 1-A his kids in the first place. He tried to be the best dad he could be; he pushed you to do your absolute best while still knowing when to back off. Overall, he was a good dad. He was already beating himself up for not having noticed your muffled sobs the instant he woke up. At least on a subconscious level he had, he gave himself that much as praise.
You sat your desk, back hunched and shaking as you silenced your crying. You hadn't noticed him yet.
He quietly opened the door a bit wider, enough to slip inside and get to your side. He crouched down, now slightly below your height. The moment his hand touched your back carefully, you jumped.
"Oh, sorry, Aizawa, I didn't mean to wake you," you said quietly in the softest voice he'd ever heard. He didn't miss the way your voice shook.
"It's okay, (Y/N)," he assured. "You could have gotten me."
You stayed quiet. Perhaps you didn't want him to know, but he knew now, and he wanted to help. It was his job, as both a teacher and a guardian.
"What's wrong?"
The question hung in the air for a while. He let you mull over your thoughts, collect yourself. In the mean time, he stood up and guided you over to your bed to sit down. When he glanced at your desk, he noticed the open English and Math textbooks and notebooks, half-legible notes all over the place.
Shouta sat down beside you, allowing you to initiate contact if you wanted it. He wasn't big on physical assurance, but he didn't close himself off to it at this moment; you looked like you needed it. And when you leaned over and rested your head on his chest, he was happy to help by wrapping his arm around your shoulder and ground you in this moment.
"Is it finals?" he asked quietly, already knowing the answer. Your nod only confirmed his suspicions. "Hmm. I know it might not mean much, but your skills with your quirk are exceptional. There's no doubt you'll pass my final.
"As for English and Math," he continued, noticing the hitch in your breath, "staying up late and forcing information into your head won't help any. I understand you want to pass, and your determination is admirable, but this self-destructive method will only hinder you later on.
"If you want to study, then get some sleep. You still have a day before your English final, and two before Math. I'm sure Mic will review in class today, and you can ask questions on what you're unsure about.
"I'll help you with your math."
His lecture was a little long-winded, but it gave you time to settle down. It seemed to work as he could no longer feel you shaking or hear your breathing hitch in your throat.
"Won't that be playing favorites?" your quiet voice asked. You were worried he would be giving you too much help, going against his promise to his class that he wouldn't play favorites with any of his students.
"Not necessarily. As a teacher, I am more than allowed to assist you. And as your guardian, it's my job to take care of your mental health. If helping you study does that, then I'll help." He looked down at you, eyes dry from unknowingly staring at the opposite wall. He could see you smiling, eyes watery and cheeks stained.
"Thank you."
He nodded, humming. He let go of you, standing up and tucking you into bed. Once you were all settled in, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and turned off your desk lamp. As he walked out the door, he heard your voice again. He couldn't stop his smile for the rest of the night as he laid back in bed and slept...
"Goodnight, dad."
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pufftheninja · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Katsuki Bakugo! 💥
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neaxsfiction · 10 months
I can see Shigaraki laughing at GenZ memes very easily
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¤•◎◎°⁰°¤ Hermes moodboard ¤°⁰°◎◎•¤
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flimythings · 4 months
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You call it hope that fire of fire! It is but agony of desire. -Edgar Allan Poe, "Tamerlane"
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