#I want Katsuki to reach out to Izuku and for them to claps hands at some point
seagreenstardust · 21 days
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I am waiting for the day this kirimina moment is paralleled by bakudeku
Izuku, quirkless. Katsuki, screaming that the quirk, or lack of one, doesn’t matter in the slightest, and that Izuku is his hero regardless
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bkdk-art · 2 years
No matter when
Chapter 6 - Longing
Summary: Katsuki’s and Izuku’s daily life at UA is disturbed by a younger Bakugou Katsuki suddenly showing up in their common room. While they’re trying to figure out what happened and how to return him to his own time, the younger blond’s behavior towards Izuku reminds them of their dark middle school-years. Both of them – older Katsuki and Izuku – are confronted with different feelings and are handling the middle schooler their own way.
Fandom: My Hero Academia / Boku no hero academia
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Class A, fic-original character (Yamamori)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Word Count: 2,000
Rating: General / Teen
Notes: Takes place after current events / Senior year at UA / I wanted to write a short one shot but it ended up to be a multi-chapter monster :D (:
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
“It means, he will return soon”, the girl said, looking at middle school-Katsuki, “I’ve seen that kind of headache a bunch of times. It mostly happens a few hours before the person returns. It seems to grow stronger the more someone wishes to go back. But…”, she flashed a smile, “I’ve never seen anybody pass out from it.”
Katsuki scoffed, avoided to look at his younger self, laying in Izuku’s arms.
“Drama queen”, Katsuki hissed, feeling Izuku glaring at him.
Kirishima, who had been closest to middle school-Katsuki, had grabbed him before he could fall but although being unconscious, he had been whimpering, kicking around like some lunatic. Only when Izuku had reached out, wrapping his arms around him, had he finally stopped, loosening up.
That’s why Izuku was sitting on the couch, holding an unconscious middle school-Katsuki with such gentleness that Katsuki was baffled by his own jealousy. He wanted to grab his younger self and throw him on the ground, where he belonged.
But Izuku wouldn’t let him anyways. He wouldn’t even let go of him, smiling down on him.
Katsuki exhaled a long, deep breath, feeling his stomach churn.
For fuck’s sake! How could one look at that asshole with so much affection? How was Katsuki supposed to interpret the nerd’s looks now when he was even looking at that shitty bully with that much fondness.
“See”, he said to Izuku, forcing his mind to silence down, “And you want to put yourself in that situation?”
“It’s for training purposes! And Yamamori-san said passing out was rare, so-“
“So what? You want yourself to be the lab rat of someone who can’t control their quirk?”
Izuku’s mouth fell open for a while, looking offended. “Stop being so rude in front of Yamamori-san!”
“She said it herself, dumbass!”, now he was yelling and he knew he was overreacting. He knew this rage came from all those feelings that had built up in the last 24 hours and he knew he was directing his rage at the person who deserved it the least but Izuku was the only one daring to face him right now and he needed to let off some steam!
“Come, come”, Ponytail stepped in once again, clapping her hands gently.
Katsuki turned around, couldn’t stand to face the sight of his younger self laying his Izuku’s arms any longer.
For a while no one said a word.
“Excuse me”, eventually the quirk-girl spoke up, “but I have to go. I’m sorry to leave at a situation like that but I have another appointment today.”
“Of course!”, Izuku said, “Thank you for coming and answering all my question. I hope it wasn’t too unsettling!”
“No, no”, she said and Katsuki could hear the smile in her voice and he imagined them sincerely smiling at each other and he was again struck by sharp, piercing jealousy.
“It makes me actually quite happy when people are invested in my quirk. Maybe we can keep in touch? I’m too curious about Bakugou-san’s departure, to be honest.”
“Sure!”, Izuku promised, “I’ll text you.”
“Fine”, Katsuki turned around again, avoiding looking at Izuku, “I’ll see you out, since our quirk-fan is too busy cuddling that monster.”
“Don’t call him a monster!”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, ignoring Izuku’s comment and gestured the girl to go ahead. She waved at the rest, saying her goodbyes, wishing them the best of luck for their final exams and then they were finally at the veranda.
The guard was sitting on a bench, reading something on his phone. When he was about to stand up, Katsuki held up his hand, signaling him that they still needed a few moments.
The girl was looking at him curiously.
The wind was rustling through Katsuki’s hair and he was suddenly overcome by a deep melancholia.
“Are you scared?”, she asked after a while in which Katsuki hadn’t said anything.
Katsuki hissed, looked away and placed his hand on the back of his neck.
“To be honest – I’m kinda worried that”, he shrugged, “he’ll remember stuff after all and that our present will change.”
Maybe remembering this could end up changing the future for the better. But judging by the way his younger self despised Izuku having quirks and them being close again, it probably would affect it the other way around. His younger self would act even worse.
She exhaled, her shoulders lowering in the process. “I mean, I can’t promise you for sure but… its very unlikely, Bakugou-san.”
Katsuki grumbled. “Guess, that has to be enough, right?”
She smiled at him, nodding. “Try not to worry. And sorry for my remark earlier. I know you’re a good hero. One everyone can count on. Thank you for your hard work!”
He was quite surprised by that. He nodded. “Appreciate it”, he mumbled.
She bowed her head. “I’m leaving then”, she turned around, walking down the few steps. At the end she stopped. Looking over her shoulder, she said: “By the way, I’m a Dekudyna-shipper.”
Katsuki made a stunned sound, unable to respond to that. He felt himself blush.
He had only learned about a fandom rooting for him and Izuku to end up together a few months ago and it had amazed and terrified him at the same time. Was it really that easy to see right through him that even complete strangers were sensing that something was there?
Since he wasn’t saying anything, she flashed him a smile and started to move again.
After taking in a few breaths, he was able to call out for her.
She stopped in her way and Katsuki jumped down the stairs, walking up to her. He briefly glanced at the guard, which made him take a few steps back. Katsuki nodded at him, trying to silently thank him.
“Would you… I mean, could you… like-”, Katsuki groaned in frustration at his own loss of words. He sighed and leaned his head back to look at the clouds and focused on the wind blowing in this face for a few seconds.
Eventually he was able to look back at her and said: “What I’m asking you is – could you image yourself ending up with one of the kids who were mean to you?”
That earned him a sympathetic look from her, and he hated to show her that insecurity, but he wanted to know the answer. He needed to. So bad.
He had to ask someone who wasn’t as pure, like they were made from light, just like the damn nerd inside, holding on to that cruel kid. He needed to ask someone normal.
“Maybe”, she finally said after thinking about it for a while, “If they were showing remorse. Like, truly regretting the things they said to me and the way they made me feel. When they”, she let out a shaky breath, suddenly tearing up and Katsuki could tell her lightheaded attitude earlier had been mostly for show, “When they would work hard to make it up to me, making me feel loved, then… then, yes, Bakugou-san. I can imagen myself ending up with someone like that.”
Katsuki swallowed hard, his own eyes burning too.
“Kay”, he whispered, stepping backwards away from them, “Thanks. And…”, he waved his hands around, “And sorry for bumping into you back then, I guess.”
At that she breathed out a laugh, nodding with a smile. “It’s alright. Be safe!”, she waved at him and he nodded, turning around, sniffing – but only a little.
Izuku was looking at the sleeping middle school-Katsuki, tightening his hold.
He had thought for a moment that he was about to return to his time. And as much as he wished for this Katsuki to get back safely, he had felt a striking grief. Probably because he wanted to part on good terms.
But Izuku probably should say goodbye to that idea.
The door opened and the older Katsuki reentered the common room, looking worked up.
“Kacchan!”, Izuku called out, wanting to clarify his words from earlier but his loud voice seemed to wake the other Katsuki.
“Kacchan?”, Izuku asked, now directed to the middle schooler.
The younger blond grumbled, shifting and cuddling into Izuku, which made Izuku’s heart flutter. Everyone else was giggling too. Well, almost everyone else. Katsuki was eyeing his younger self, distrust on his face.
“Are you alright, Kacchan?”, Izuku shook the younger Katsuki by the shoulder.
“Am I finally back?”, he muttered.
“If you’re asking that”, Mineta said, “you’re clearly not, since you wouldn’t remember it.”
“Fucking smartass”, younger Katsuki said back and tried to find a more comfortable position when he seemed to realize he wasn’t simply laying on the couch.
His eyes shot open, a bewildered look on his face before he jumped to his feet.
“Oh no”, Mina laughed, “Don’t blush, my dear, it’s been a delightful sight. I even took a picture”, she was holding up her phone, showing him how he had nestled himself into Izuku’s arms.
The middle school-Katsuki tried to say something, but he ended up just brabbling incoherent words, making everyone chuckle. Even the older Katsuki was smirking.
Izuku scratched the back of his head. “That was the only way of calming you down, sorry.”
That made the middle schooler even more speechless, his eyes lingering on Izuku’s face.
Izuku smiled, thinking about how unthinkable it was that middle school-Izuku would have been allowed to hug middle school-Katsuki. He kind of felt peace at the experience he just had.
“But the headache you felt”, Izuku started to explain, “seems to be a sign that you’ll be leaving soon.”
“Thank fuck”, the younger Katsuki had finally found his voice again, clearing his throat, “Can’t wait to leave you extras behind.”
“But it might be better…”, Izuku hesitated. He didn’t want younger Katsuki to think Izuku was telling him what to do, “Yamamori-san said that thinking about returning too hard, triggers those headaches. So… well, just so you know.”
He gruffly said something incomprehensible.
Mina suddenly stepped closer to him, grinning at him. “You can’t wait to leave us, huh?”
“Maybe”, she said teasingly, “you just miss your own Midoriya and that’s why you’ve been thinking so hard about retuning.”
Izuku lowered his gaze while the younger Katsuki went crazy, yelling at Mina to shut up, while she was laughing hard, brushing tears of laughter away.
Middle school-Katsuki missing middle school-Izuku? Unlikely.
Present Katsuki probably wouldn’t even miss him when they would be separated for only two days. He might not even miss him if they were not to see each other for longer than that.
Izuku’s heart clenched.
That would be his realty soon enough. They would graduate in no time and he and Katsuki would stop living under the same roof. Wouldn’t wake up to eat breakfast together, to go to class together, to spar after that and to just… spend time together.
He might be going days, weeks even, without seeing the blond and the thought made him ache so bad, he felt like passing out too.
When he started to have trouble breathing Katsuki slumped down on the couch next to him. It hit Izuku that he hadn’t explained to Katsuki how he had meant his words earlier.
“Kacchan! Listen, I didn’t-“
“A new hero action movie is playing next weekend. Wanna go?”, Katsuki looked at his phone.
“Sure, yes”, Izuku smiled, “But about earlier-“
“Thought so. I already bought the tickets.”
“Okay, thanks. But-“
“Saturday, 7 pm, write it in your nerd-calendar.”
“Kacchan, can you just lis-“
“Great. See you later.”
And with that Katsuki stood up again, calling out: “Oi, Dunce face! You better not be eating my snacks again!”
Izuku looked down on his hands, fidgeting with them. He had clearly upset Katsuki.
He pressed his lips together, blinking the tears away.
Oh no, he thought, That’s bad. I want to disappear.
Izuku looked up, meeting eyes with a worried looking Uraraka, Todoroki standing behind her.
“Do you want to see the swans at the beach?”
Izuku sighed, eyeing the younger Katsuki, still arguing with Mina and the rest of Katsuki’s friends.
He still wished to be there when he would return. But he was somehow sure that holding him in his arms would be the most he could hope for.
“Let’s go”, he picked himself up, looking around the room, “We’ll be down at the beach. Does anybody want to join in?”
Most of the girls agreed, running upstairs to fetch their things.
“Maybe you’ll be gone in the meantime”, he approached the younger Katsuki, wanting to tell him to take care of himself and to not burden himself too much with the need to be the best.
But the middle schooler just crossed his arms, turning away from Izuku.
“I fucking hope so. Got tired of seeing your face.”
“Right”, Izuku mumbled, shaking his head at Kirishima when he smacked the younger Katsuki on the back of his head.
Izuku’s whole body hurt.
Middle school-Katsuki wasn’t keen on speaking to him, which wasn’t surprising. But it still hurt though. And if that wasn’t bad enough, even the older Katsuki avoided him and Izuku had to blame himself for not being careful with his words.
He was in fact a Deku.
He turned around, ready to leave with the others. On his way out he looked over to Katsuki several times, but the older blond was just snarling at Kaminari for always eating and drinking his stuff.
I want to disappear, he thought once again, forcing a smile when Uraraka jumped up and down next to him, excited to finally see the swans.
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zukuist · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞
200 followers special
includes: multiple characters (would add more tags but.. i reached 30 ;;)
your name is shortened to y/n, they/them pronouns
notes: thank you for 200 followers! this isn’t really going to be that long, but im just doing the characters i really like so ;; ALSO I MIGHT’VE GOTTEN KIRI’S ENTRY A LITTLE WRONG so ugh sorry ;;
shouto todoroki
from the start, he’s quite oblivious to certain things, (social ques, signs of romantic interest, etc.)
but when he’s observant with someone, then that totally means you’re special to him. does he realize how much he pays attention to you? hmm.. maybe?
he’s going to be the first one that notices you’re hungry, even if you don’t realize it yourself. he’s quick to grab a snack and break it open to you
same thing with being thirsty— if he notices that your water bottle is empty, he’ll quickly find the nearest vending machine and buy a bottle.
temperature is also no problem. he can immediately tell whenever someone’s cold; but he usually helps you first
too hot? he’s slowly putting down the room’s temperature
too cold? his left palm starts emitting some sort of heat in your direction, hoping it creates some sort of aid
if your shoelaces are undone, and/or he notices that there’s a button undone on your shirt— he’ll fix it for you
will ask to take your pictures on dates, and he’ll also help you pick out the best photo (not that any photo of you is short of any beauty)
in short— people will notice that he’s actually a big simp for you; because of how observant he is with you specifically.
katsuki bakugou
just because he’s simping for you doesn’t mean he’ll treat you any differently. bakugou will be bakugou, and you eventually learn how to adapt to that.
but even so, his simp habits slip out sometimes.
when he’s cooking, he’ll accidentally make too much to eat, and he’ll coincidentally put the extras in another box and hand it to you
he’s a good student, even with studies. but would he say he’s a good teacher? hm. probably not
but if he notices you need help, he’ll sigh, feining annoyance as he decides to tutor y’all, because those ‘idiots’ are hopeless
rolls his eyes when he sees food on your cheek, but he’ll grab a tissue and wipe it off for you— claiming how you’re so messy.
he’ll act like he hates hearing your ‘annoying ass singing’ but he’ll lean against the doorway and listen to you rock out to whatever song you’re singing to.
denki will call him a simp for looking after you, and bakugou will just yell at him to “SHUT UP” >:T
he secretly likes taking care of you. his words aren’t the softest thing in the world, but his actions make up to it.
izuku midoriya
as katsuki bakugou would call him; he is a nerd
he definitely meant that as an insult, but his input on detail makes it very useful in things like relationships
he remembers every detail of your quirk, your limits, potential secret moves.
it would’ve been stalker-ish, if it weren’t for the fact that deku does this out of admiration for his s/o
so if you so happen to collapse due to overusing your quirk— deku has a detailed plan on what to do. it’s almost scary.
he puts detail in a lot of things, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, and so on.
deku’s also the type to plan things weeks before it actually happens. like.. planning out the perfect birthday gift
and with this, his memory is really good. so it’s very unlikely that he’ll just suddenly forget anniversaries and birthdays.
i hc deku as a bad cook, so he eats takeout food more than his homemade food
but he’s takes note of your allergies, your dislikes with food— and he finds himself mumbling small details to recall what you like
when you walk out in pretty/good outfits for dates
his face will break out into shades of red— suddenly rambling all the good details of your outfit, complimenting you while he’s at it
“y/n’s looks fantastic as always. i might die from their beauty”
if anyone calls him a simp, he’ll be really embarrassed about it. “me? a s-simp? is that a bad thing?”
just tell him it’s fine.
denki kaminari
a big simp
like.. really big
he worships the ground you step on, and hypes up everything you do
y’all know when irene from red velvet literally breathed in north korea, and the crowd just
yeah, that’s denki to you
it’s so blantly obvious that he’s simping over someone, and everyone’s just kinda used to it at this point
he’s just a big fanboy sometimes
whenever you’re sparring with someone, he’s always in the background like
“go s/o!!” 🤩
and he has tendencies to go a little easy on you like.. what’s he gonna do when you get electricuted??
but that doesn’t mean he’s never serious— nah.
there are times where he’s just a little bashful just being in your presence
sneaking glances your way, as he silently fanboys about you in general.
“s/o looks really good today. they always look good but !!”
when y’all weren’t together, the bakusquad was just tired of the constant romantic pining
it was really obvious that he was simping back then, and they’re not so sure as to how you didn’t say anything about it
mina always called him a simp
so yeah!! it was a big relief when you got together with him. he never makes you feel terrible, because he’s always your #1 hypeman.
eijirou kirishima
— THE HELPING SIMP (rip idk what to call this)
i didn’t really know what kinda name i went for this one but let me carry on
kiri upfront is very confident, and friendly. he never shows a mean side to anyone,
and there are rare cases of him being bashful
he’s kinda almost like a golden retriever? since he’s always nice and friendly to everyone
but then when you enter the room; he suddenly goes quiet, and he’s left alone with his rather loud thoughts about you
he didn’t really know how to properly approach you at first
but him being kiri, he’s still rather friendly to you (for now)
when he’s messing around, practically sharing one braincell with kami and sero
and then you suddenly walk in— he snaps out of his foolishness, and greet you with his very warm smile
“hey y/n!” he waves at you, and he hopes you don’t mention the teasing look on both kami and sero’s face
sometimes when he’s doing his close combat training, and he notices that he’s getting too close to you
he’ll be like “woah man, maybe we should move locations.” bc he doesn’t wanna hit you by accident ;;
kirishima prefers to not stand near you when his hair is all spiky. like he’s never conscious about it, until he’s around you
man poked sero with his hair before, and he doesn’t want to do that to you
kiri always looks at your hand, just to see if it’s occupied with something. his thoughts linger to what your hand might feel like
“their hand looks really.. soft. argh! i shouldn’t be thinking about these kind of things in public! im sorry y/n”
bakugou really only notices kirishima’s simping ways
bakugou always mentions the fact that kirishima goes really silent whenever you’re around—
and he’s secretly contemplating on having you around more so he can just shut up 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
moving aside all of that, kiri always carries your things.
you’ll beg him to give you at least one thing, and he’ll say no because it’s “not manly to let someone carry all of this.”
if you’re sad, he’s the first one to cheer you up— reassuring you that everything will be okay.
kiri’s just wants to be at your service at all times! it’s manly to help people, right?
hitoshi shinsou
no one would be able to tell that he’s simping for someone
because unlike kaminari; he’s not like IM HITOSHI SHINSO AND IM ACTUALLY A SIMP
he’s a lot more discreet, and no one has really caught on, besides you and kaminari of course
he’s a lot less sarcastic with you, asking you about anything that’s happened instead of just being there
he prefers it to hear you talk. the way each word and syllable rolls off your tongue smoothly, and the way you use your hands to emphasize things
he’s amused.
oh and the way he looks at you? almost any normal person can sense the simp in him pop out (he’s so contained though)
he’s definitely the person that’ll get rid of any bug that’s terrifying you— even though he’d normally just leave it to them
he’ll do it, regardless if it’s the biggest fucking spider he’s ever seen, or the smallest spider
he’ll do it to make you feel safe.
he has these random spurs of compliments during the day
the source mainly comes from his staring habit
and they’re just so unexpected and out of the blue. hitoshi’s amused whenever he sees your reaction to his compliments
like.. you could be really frustrated about something, and he’ll just go “your eyes are pretty.” that’s his discreet method tO MAKE YOU TEMPORARILY DISTRACTED FROM THE ISSUE—
call him a simp, whatever. it’s true anyway so he doesn’t why should he be ashamed of it?
he’s discreet about it, since it’s your business and his business. but you can definitely feel his feelings loud and clear
neito monoma
— THE 180 SIMP
“i’m not a simp!”
[you enter the room]
*nervous laughter*
he had his last laugh, and he never thought he’d be this soft around someone.
especially if you’re from class 1-A like.. i became the thing i hated, ugh.
relentless teasing is amped but this is his way of making sure you remember him loud and clear
but he’ll never tease you in a condescending way— like how he torments the rest of class 1-A
that’s reserved for them 💅
always compliments you, that’s the first thing he does when he sees you—
and they’re never generic compliments either
“it’s nice to see you here, y/n! you make the world better day by day!”
“i’m still wondering what you’re doing in class 1-A, you’re much better than them!”
everyone secretly wonders how you got monoma to like you
monoma canonically likes pastels. spread the word
so sometimes, you’ll walk over to your desk— and you’ll just see this random pastel ornament sitting on your desk
you know who it’s from
whenever monoma starts becoming annoying, kendo will definitely use you as a weapon to make him shut up
he’ll be laughing at the expression on his face, thinking he’s absolutely winning at this
but the smile is wiped off his face when he hears “ok go on, i’ll tell y/n about your antics.”
“no, no! i’ll behave now, please don’t tell y/n.”
class 1-b literally use you as blackmail whenever monoma acts up, and it’s because of how different he is around you
like.. his personality takes a 180, (besides the obvious teasing) it’s alarming
©️zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not repost my work❕
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virtual--hug · 2 years
BNHA HCs - They're Scared of Thunder
A/N: Alright, I'm finally doing the task of moving some of my older writing on to here! Most of this stuff was already written, and I'm just reformatting it for here.
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Eijirou Kirishima, & Shoto Todoroki (Seperate) x GN Reader
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff, nothing but fluff, this is fluff (maybe some mild angst, but it turns immediately into fluff)
Warnings: Very small mention of self-harm & blood in Kirishima's (he bites his lip and y'know... sharp teeth)
Summary: There's storm outside, and you begin to realize your boyfriend has a fear of thunder.
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Izuku Midoriya
You sat, crossed legged, on the bed of your dorm room. As much as you dreaded it, you had to finally work on Present Mic's English homework. You had to choose one of the many English children's books he had (for whatever reason) and answer a few basic questions on it. Admittedly, there was nothing too complicated about the book you chose. But, it was still an assignment you wanted to continue procrastinating. 
A gentle rain was pattering against your balcony window as you read. The clouded sky outside darkened your room a bit and brought you a bit of a fuzzy feeling as you worked. You'd been hearing some low rumbles of thunder off in the distance for the past several hours as the rain had been falling, yet it suddenly made its presence known with a loud clap. Your room had been illuminated a blue-white for a moment from the flash of light followed by the startling crashing sound of thunder. The sound rumbled within the sky before quieting.
"Geez, I didn't think the storm was that bad out there." You commented as you looked towards your window. Droplets continued to pelt your window. They were almost in sync with the subsequent knock on your door only moments after you spoke. 
"It's unlocked!" You were too comfy to get up now.
The door opened a crack before the person entered and quietly closed the door behind them. You didn't even really need to look up to know it was your boyfriend, Izuku.
"Hey Izu, what's up!" You greeted him.
"Can– can I stay with you a bit?" He asked. The green haired boy's eyes darted every which way while he fiddled with the strings of the All Might hoodie he was wearing. 
"Sure, I'm just working on English, so I won't be very interesting to talk to for a minute." You replied.
"No worries." He replied before taking a seat at your desk. Despite your close relationship, he rarely sat on your bed with you unless you immediately offered it.
With quick succession from the first flash of lightning, a second one struck and rattled the windows once more.
"Wow, it's really bad out there." You commented.
As your gaze shifted back to him, you were met with an oddly unfamiliar sight. The hero in training looked scared: hands clamped around his ears, eyes dead set to your slightly opened window, and body curled into himself.
"Um– Izuku?" Your voice took on a more concerned tone as you looked at the cowering teen.
"Sorry, it just startled me," he began, "I don't think I've ever seen thunderstorms this big before."
"Izuku." You tried to interrupt him, but he continued.
"Who knows where it might strike. Maybe it'll hit a tree or even a building!" Izuku continued on. You called his name out again to no avail.
"That'd be awful if it was a building! I'd hope heroes or fire rescue could reach them in time." His ramblings didn't cease with another call of his name. "Although, I guess they're much more often to hit somewhere in the middle of nowhere rather than any specific place or person–" 
"Oh, sorry, I was muttering again. You should get back to your English homework. I didn't mean to distract you!" He attempted to correct himself.
"Are you scared of thunder, Izu?" You asked straight forward.
He responded quickly, "What? Of course not!" 
"Izuku, people don't start shaking like that when they're just startled." You pointed towards his hands quivering in his lap.
"I guess," He trailed off for a moment to fiddle with his hoodie strings again, "Loud noises scare me sometimes."
"Oh Izu, come here." The boy's movements from your desk chair to your bed were immediate and his arms were tight around you.
"Sorry if I'm bothering you. I really could leave if you want me to." He offered even as he clearly made himself comfortable in your arms.
"It's fine, besides, Mic-Sensei is nice about homework." You reassured your boyfriend.
You were sure your legs were going to be numb in the morning from this sitting position, but you were happy with comforting him.
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Katsuki Bakugou
  For once, your class 1-A teachers didn't give you any weekend homework. Maybe, they finally wanted to give their students a break after the constant changes, or they (particularly Eraserhead) were just lazy. No matter the reason, it gave you a rare Friday evening with your boyfriend.
You two chose to watch a movie which was quite fitting as a storm began to brew outside while you watched. It wasn't very long before the rain outside was piercing through the voices from the TV, and Bakugou was just as quick to grab the remote and increase the volume greatly over the noises of the outdoors. 
It was around the fourth time that he'd done this when you decided to finally comment on the storm. A particularly loud clatter of thunder prompted Bakugou to reach over behind himself before extending his arm over your body to increase the volume of the TV. Although, before he could toss it back behind him, you took it from his hands to pause the movie. 
"The storm's getting really bad out there." You commented to the blonde.
"Yeah." Bakugou muttered. As you sat up, you realized just how tight his grip had been around your waist as he released it. 
"Do you think the power will go out?" You continued about the storm.
"Maybe." Your gaze shifted towards the blonde haired boyfriend who was still laying down. His crimson eyes quickly met yours and they– were not normal. He looked scared like when he was kidnapped at the Training Camp. 
"Is everything alright?" You asked.
"Yeah, I'm fiNE!" As he spoke, more thunder echoed outside and his voice cracked in response.
He glared at you immediately, "You didn't hear shit." 
"Are you scared of thunder?" Of course, he didn't respond to the abrupt accusation. "It's fine if you are! I won't tell anyone. Is– is there anything that'll help you?" 
He crossed his arms over his chest as he responded, "My mom rubs my hands, sometimes. I tell that bitch not to, but she always bothers me whenever there's a storm." 
You smiled a bit at how sweet it sounded before offering your hand out. With some hesitation, he placed his palm over yours. You rubbed circles over the skin, squeezing at some pressure points you knew of, and then shifting your motions to the other hand. Occasionally, you could feel him tense as the thunder made itself heard within the room. But, it seemed to be calming him down with help of the movie having been turned back on. 
"Hey, Katsuki?" You spoke up
"Hm?" His chest rumbled from underneath you as he hummed.
"Do– do other loud noises scare you. Like your explosions?" 
You would've almost missed what he said if the room wasn't so quiet at just that moment, "Sometimes." 
"You can always come to me whenever this happens, you know? I want to be here for you." You added.
It wasn't until long after you fell asleep that he muttered, "Thanks." 
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Eijirou Kirishima 
  For the past several weeks, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima's main study partner (or really, teacher) had been absent for several evenings to do make-up lessons to get his hero license. So, you, kindly, offered to take his place.
"You can do the extra three problems then we can do the homework together, if you need." You finished while moving to start your own homework.
"Alright!" He replied. Kirishima talked quietly to himself as he did the problems: reading the problems, identifying the numbers, and going through each of the steps that you explained. The room remained rather silent other than his rather quiet muttering and the scratching of pencils on paper. 
"Hey, is this right?" Kirishima turned his notebook towards you to show you the question.
"Hm– it looks…" in between your response a large clap of thunder rattled the room from outside.
"Wow, I didn't even notice it was raining." You looked towards your darkened window, droplets were beginning to smack against it and you could see the many trees outside blowing harshly in the wind.
"Y-yeah, looks wild out there." Kirishima replied. You eyed him for a moment at the stutter that he began the sentence with.
"Maybe Aizawa will finally let us train inside again if the grounds are still wet in the morning. It's been so cold lately." You continued.
"Yeah." Kirishima was looking intensely down at his notebook. It was clear he wasn't really writing anything but rather moving his pencil lightly up and down.
"Are you stuck on that question?" You prompted.
"Oh, no. I'll start on it now." It was silent for another moment as the two of you went back to work. The second sign of thunder wasn't quite as startling. The sky rumbled a bit, and it echoed off the window. 
You glanced back towards the red head across from you for a moment after his odd reaction to the initial thunder. He was biting his lip rather harshly and enough so that you could see a small amount of blood. Meanwhile, his eyes were darting everywhere around the paper at anything but back up at you. 
"Hey, you're bleeding." You reached over to grab a tissue and hand it to him.
"He lightly pressed it to his mouth and saw the small blotch of red that came away when he did so.
"Oh, sorry..." He pressed it back onto his lip.
"Hey Kiri, is everything alright?" You asked.
"I uh…" He hesitated on a response for a moment before promptly replying, "I should probably go. Thanks for the help, (Y/N)! I'll see you in class tomorrow!" He hurriedly began gathering his school supplies together into a messy pile.
"Hey, hold on! I just want to know what's going on. If you're having trouble with the questions or something we can talk about it. You don't have to be embarrassed about it." You rushed to keep him in the room for just a bit longer.
"I understand it all just fine! I can just go back to my room and finish the homework." Kirishima insisted.
A third strike of thunder and lightning illuminated the room. It was much louder the second and sounded much closer as well. And, Kirishima punctuated it with some sort of muted squeak. You two looked at each other for a moment in complete silence.  Kirishima's ears and face slowly burned red while you mentally tried to piece together what happened.
"Are you scared of thunder?" You finally asked.
"I– uh…" he struggled through his words again. 
"It's fine if you are! I just want to make sure you're okay." You explained.
"I know– it's not super manly." He spoke quietly.
"Of course it's manly, Kirishima! Knowing and accepting your fears is always manly." 
"Thanks." The silence extended for another moment. Kirishima continued to stand awkwardly beside your desk. His notebooks still sat on the table, and he wasn't making any move to continue leaving.
"Would you like to stay here? At least until the storm is done." You offered.
"I'd– I'd like that." Hesitantly, he moved back to his previous seat across from you.
"Wanna' watch a movie instead? Homework is pretty boring." You asked.
"Yeah," Kirishima chuckled, "we should." 
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Shoto Todoroki
   It started raining during the middle of training. And, while Aizawa was almost never against using weather conditions as an opportunity to train, All Might would not let that stand (using the multiple poorly dressed and shirtless students as a reasoning). So, the class was all moved into the nearest indoor training grounds while the storm raged outdoors. 
You could hear the loud rain hitting the windows of the training facility, and the building even rumbled as thunder began to pick up. Although the awful storm outside was concerning, you became more concerned with your training partner: Todoroki. He seemed to struggle more than usual in the fight, and his head snapped towards every loud noise including Bakugou's regular explosions. You decided not to comment on it for now. 
"Alright everyone," All Might called out to the class. The sound of something (likely someone) hitting the ground came from the back of the room before the retired hero continued, "Head back to the locker rooms and get changed. It may still be raining, but the walk isn't too far."
"Shoji, protect me from the rain. It always messes up my hair." Mina whined to the tall, multi-limbed classmate.
"Me too!" Hagakure joined the pink girl. Both of them stared at the invisible girl oddly at the comment.
"Don't look at me like that! I just don't want to get wet!" The girl whined.
Nevertheless, the girls walked under the umbrella of Shoji's arms followed by Tokoyami who said something about his feathers despite his hero costume being the best to work against the rain. A couple of people decided not to join Shoji's umbrella group by running back. Others, like yourself, chose to just walk since you could just dry off in the locker room. 
"Hey Todoroki, can I come over again after class today? I don't understand Ectoplasm's lesson at all." You asked 
"Yeah." Todoroki nodded. As usual, he didn't add much else to the conversation without the more talkative Midoriya and Uraraka there.
"Ugh– and he said the test is coming up this Friday! Why does he keep doing that to us!" You whined. The half and half hummed in response to your complaints.
As you continued to walk forward, a spiral of lightning flashed through the sky and the resounding thunder afterwards filled your ears. 
"Wow, I've never seen lightning like that before! We should probably get inside soon, huh?" You turned to the side to look at Todoroki. Instead of him being beside you, he was a bit behind where he appeared to have stopped walking. In addition to his pause, his eyes were wide and he was flaming up.
"Hey, Todoroki, are you alright? Do you need to go somewhere else?" You approached him.
"I'm fine," He responded. Although, he sounded a bit out of breath, "I need to go."
He speed-walked ahead of you and was pretty much at the locker room doors before you even started walking again.
The rain hadn't taken many moments to calm throughout the day, especially not on the way back to the dorms. You followed close beside the group that walked with Shoji this time, yet you still had to change your semi-soaked uniform when you returned to your dorm room. 
Despite Todoroki largely avoiding you after hero training that day, you decided to go to his dorm room after class anyway. You knocked gently on the door with the hope that he was in the dorm. The door clicked and opened to reveal the dual-haired hero in training. He was wearing a sweater now which, fittingly, was blue with a pattern of white snowflakes.
"Hey, Todoroki. I know you said I could come over earlier to work on math stuff." You awkwardly greeted him.
"Yeah, you can come in." He stepped to the side while opening the door. It seemed the consensus was to ignore the events after training for now, "Which lesson is it again?"
"It's the lesson Ectoplasm gave today! I don't get it at all." You slumped down into the cushion beside the low table in the center of the room.
"It's not too hard." He sat himself down across from you, "You just have to follow the steps he gave." 
"That's easy for you to say." You muttered.
"You wrote them all down right–" he leaned closer to you to look at the notebook you had just opened.
However, the loudest crash of thunder you had heard yet interrupted him. You could hear a glass of water he had on the table rattle, and the room around you felt as though it was shaking. You shrieked at the loud noise and there was a matching yelp from Todoroki beside you. A couple of other shrieks or yells came from elsewhere in the dorm building especially after the lights promptly shut off only seconds later.
"W-well, that was loud," You commented, "Right, Todoroki?" 
You could feel him gripping your left arm rather tightly, but he didn't respond.
"Todo?" You repeated the question.
"Could– could you stay here?" He asked, "please."
"Yeah, of course!" You sat in the deafening silence for a moment unsure of what else to say. 
"Are– are you afraid of thunder?" You decided to ask. 
"I– yes. I am." He quietly responded.
"That's fine. I'll stay as long as you need me to. I probably couldn't even make it to my room with it being this dark anyways." As promised, you stayed beside him the rest of the night as the thunder and rain reverberated against the windows. 
237 notes · View notes
h2bakugou · 4 years
4k special | WAP dance reactions
a/n: it’s here! the big moment!! (edit 9.12.2020 - requests are closed and will reopen again soon!)
thank you for 4,000 followers, and as of editing, we’re at 4.3k, it’s insane, thank you so much, i love writing, and your support is what makes it possible. here’s to more in the future. thank you for all your love and support <3
dance credits go to @/ besperon on tiktok!
all characters aged up 18+ au!!
headcanon: them reacting to their s/o doing the wap dance
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, fluff, no smut but 16+
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katsuki bakugou
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Before you even start the dance, you’re pumping yourself up. The song is playing, and you’ve just decided you’ll dance to the part when it gets to it.
You practiced hard enough, and you had a few injuries but now you were ready.
Bakugou’s watching you closely. This song was very interesting to him.
All of the analogies in the song are shocking him the more he listens to it. It’s kind of groovy though.
Bakugou’s waiting, and as he reaches for his phone the ending hook comes and he’s frozen as you kick your leg up and begin to dance.
He watches as you bounce back in forth, your curves moving to the music.
He’s shocked by the way you move, he’s never seen you do anything like that before. But he’d certainly like to see you do it again.
“What was that?” Bakugou smirks. You catch your breath and stand up, smiling.
“The new dance I learned, did you like it?” You question, walking over to him.
“Oh I loved it.” Bakugou smirked. You rolled your eyes and sat down on his lap.
“Glad you enjoyed it.” 
“Could you teach me how to do it?” Bakugou’s eyes were speaking for him, you knew exactly what he meant, but before you’d show him the dance privately, you’d worked his ass out and had him learn the dance.
He nailed it-
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You’ve been practicing this dance for about a week or two now. And you were so excited to see Todoroki’s reaction of it.
“Hey Sho?” You call for your boyfriend and he emerges from his room. You were at his house, and thankfully there was plenty of space for you to do said dance.
“Yes baby?” He asks, standing in the doorway of the large studio you’d been warming up in.
“I have a dance I’d like for you to see me do.” You smile innocently.
You begin to play the music, just before it gets to the part you’ll be dancing too and Todoroki’s face is already red.
And when the beat drops, you’re kicking your leg up and dropping down to the floor, popping your ass out and going at it.
Todoroki is entranced as he watches you, completely mesmerized by how you’re moving.
It’s so beautiful.
When you get to the split, Todoroki’s eyes widen as you move. He’s blown away.
“That was amazing.” Todoroki compliments. It was hot.
“I’m glad you liked it.” You whisper to him, pecking his cheek as his face reddens even more.
“Hey wait.” Todoroki grips your wrist and looks down. 
“Do you have a few minutes?”
“Do you want a private dance lesson?”
“Yes.” Todoroki whispers.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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Be prepared. Because Izuku is going to be a blushing mess before and after.
You’ve practiced, and he’s heard the song you practiced too. It was all over social media and he accidentally interrupted you while you were practicing.
But you shooed him out and finished up alone without any interruptions.
Deku can be a shy boy but he can also be dominant. A true switch.
“You ready?” You ask as Izuku sits down on the couch nervously. He nods and relaxes, sitting back into the dark green sofa.
The music starts and you sway your hips, waiting for the beat to drop, and when it does, you do too.
Izuku’s eyes are glued to you as you kick your leg up and land on the floor, throwing your ass out and following the routine.
Midoriya’s cheeks flush red as he watches, but he can certainly tell how hard it must’ve been to learn the dance, let alone how badass it was as well.
When you finish the dance, you bow and smile at Izuku, who’s trying his best to contain his excitement and fluster.
“That was amazing!” He was proud of you. He knows how hard training can be.
“Did you like it?” You questioned innocently, striding over to him on the couch, taking a seat on his lap.
“I loved it! You did great!” Deku beamed, no longer trying to hide his blushing face.
“There’s a lyric, in this song...”
“Yeah?” Deku’s hands rest on your hips.
“I think I’d like to spell my name out for you sometime.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Horny. Jail.
If anyone knows this song, it’s Kaminari. He knows it word for word, and it’s probably one of his most played songs at the moment. Not for its lyrics, but because he genuinely finds it pretty groovy.
He also finds the ‘touch that little dangly dang that swing in the back of my throat’ part funny.
He’s probably also seen the dance a few times, he’s woke when it comes to tik tok culture.
So when he overhears you practicing the dance, he’s very curious.
“Whatcha doin’?” He peaks his head into the room and you quickly snap out of the position you were in.
“Nothing! Go!” You shoo him away with a smile, closing the door so you can finish practicing.
Kaminari has an idea of what’s going on.
So when you perform the dance for him, he’s aware and he knows what he’s expecting, but at the same time, he did not expect it at all.
The way your body moved and flowed with the music, you looked good, really fucking good.
“Shit.” Kaminari cursed, biting his bottom lip as you brought your leg back around, bouncing into the final split as you bounced up and down.
Kaminari’s never really seen you move like that before, but he knows now that he loves every second of it.
“What’d you think?” You ask, stepping over to him.
“I-It was good.” Kaminari had drool leaking from his mouth as he stared at you, his entire body threatening to short circuit.
“I’m glad you liked it.” You lean down and kiss his cheek, knowing that he was going to be smitten for you even harder.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s heard the song maybe once or twice thanks to Kaminari. He likes the song and thinks it’s actually pretty good.
He doesn’t know there’s a dance for it, and he certainly doesn’t know that you’re practicing it.
So when you bring him into your bedroom and sit him down on the bedroom, he’s a little confused.
And when you start dancing, his faces turns a shade of crimson, very similar to the one he dyes his hair.
Your body moves swiftly, and Kirishima’s eyes never seem to leave you as he watches you dance.
From the way you move your hips, to the point of your toes as you kick into the split.
Watching you do something like that is impressive, Kirishima is impressed.
“Wow.” Kirishima utters as you rise to your feet, clapping your hands together with a big grin on your lips.
“Did you like it?” You question, excitement bubbling inside you. It’d taken hours, probably close to a few days in fact, of practice to nail it. And it was well worth it.
You felt sexy, and validated, and strong, and badass.
“I loved it. You did amazing.” Kirishima smiles, trying to ignore the heat on his face.
“You’re blushing Kiri.” You comment, teasing the red-head as you walk over to him.
“I’m not! I’m just...”
“Being manly. I know.” You kiss his cheek and sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Are you tired?” Kirishima asked quietly, his large hands resting on your hips.
“Why? Do you have something in mind?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
tamaki amajiki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Tamaki is flustered just being around you. He’s a nervous kind of guy, granted he can swallow his nerves when he needs too, but generally speaking, he’s gonna be a blushing mess when you mention even holding hands.
It’s no surprise what this song does to him.
Between the loss of words, and the sheer heat that radiates off of the bright blush on his cheeks, he’s flustered.
Even more so when you begin to dance.
It’s not like he’s embarrassed of sex, or songs that mention it, he just happens to get flustered easily.
Especially when you dance. 
And you dance well.
He’s battling watching you or looking away and not trying to imagine the dance as anything more than a dance. It’s hard, but you wanted him to watch you. Why should he feel bad?
“B-bunny.” He stutters quietly as you transition into the split, popping your hips out, bouncing off the ground.
When the music fades out, he covers his face to hide the enormous blush on his cheeks.
“Awe, Tama-”
“Bunny. T-That was so beautiful.” He stutters, peeking through his fingers to look at you as you approach him.
“Thank you. Are you alright, your face is really red.” You peel his hands away and get close to his face, admiring your boyfriend up close.
“I-I’m fine. J-Just a little hot.” Tamaki gushes, looking away quickly.
“You don’t have to be so flustered about it, I wanted you to see me dance! It’s okay Tamaki.” You kiss his cheek and hold his hands, earning his gaze.
“Bunny.” Tamaki pulls you on top of him and you laugh at him for a second before admiring him even closer.
»»————- ★ ————-««
mirio togata
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Ass man ass man ass man.
He literally sticks his ass out of a bush and you’re gonna tell me he isn’t-
He’s sold the second he hears the song, he already knows what’s about to happen because he’s kind of into the whole tiktok thing.
He watches in antcipation as the song plays, waiting for the moment you drop to the floor.
And he’s so into it. He’s grinning like an idiot, practically drooling over you as your hips move in ways he’d only ever imagined them to move.
More so, when you do the splits, he’s curious about how long you can do them for.
And when it’s over, he’s clapping.
“That was amazing, I had no clue you could move like that.” Mirio hus as you walk over to him.
“I’ve been practicing. I’m glad you liked it!” You smile, giving hin a short hug.
“Could I see those moves again sometime?” Mirio asks cheekily. You giggle and sigh.
“I guess I could teach you a little about them.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
hawks/keigo takami
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»»————- ★ ————-««
This motherfucker.
He knew from day one what you were going to do. Just from hearing the song a little more often from your shared room, and the denial of him entering said room while it was playing-he caught on really quick.
So he did a little research.
And after watching a few videos of people dancing to it, he couldn’t fucking wait.
To see you do those moves? To see you move like that? Oh god he was foaming at the mouth.
He’d purposely try and spy on you while you were practicing, even daring to peep in from the window by flying outside of it.
But at the same time, he wanted it to be a surprise. He’d catch himself in the act of trying to watch you practice and he’d curse himself for being so impatient. Being patient was going to make the final experience even better.
And oh how happy he was to have waited.
Watching you pop your ass and move your hips, laying on the floor and bouncing your ass upward and even doing a split.
He was impressed.
And he was even more so, very intrigued.
“You gonna put all that training to use, Babybird?” Hawks’ sly smile and relaxed position on the couch made the comment that much more sensual.
With his arms stretched out over the tops of the cushions, and his legs pointed outward, you crawled and sat right between them, gazing up at him with bright eyes.
“You’d be lucky if I even let you sleep in the same bed with me tonight, horny ass.”
“Hey- I’m not even in season yet!”
“Shut it bird brain! You can test them out for yourself!” You joked as you got up, walking away from the winged man.
“Oh Babybird, you have no idea.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Much like Hawks, this bastard is way too horny to not know what the fuck is going on when he hears the song WAP playing.
Even more when you practically beat his ass for barging into your apartment without knocking.
“I’m busy! What do you want?” You ask as you push him out of your bedroom, into the hallway toward the front door.
“I’m just checking in on my baby. Is that illegal?”
“Dabi, you’re literally a criminal-”
“A criminal of love baby.”
“Get out. I’ll text you if I need you dumbass.”
Back to practice, it’s tricky. The dance is very fast-paced, but you nail it. after way too many ice-packs and ‘fucking shit’s said later, you have mastered the WAP dance.
Around ten minutes after a ‘come over’ text, Dabi arrives to your apartment.
With candles set out, awaiting Dabi’s blue flames to light them and set the mood, you’re dressed simply in one of Dabi’s favorite outfits.
“Oh baby.”
“Light the candles and sit down.”
With no further questions, Dabi does as he’s told and takes a seat on the couch which he quickly notices is pushed back further than it usually is. Come to notice even more, most of your living room furniture is moved out of the way entirely.
When the music begins, you begin to dance as well, not wasting a second as the lyrics float into Dabi’s ears.
Watching your hips and your ass, Dabi is clearly interested in what you’re serving him. You look good too, but when you move like that, of course he’s going to be a drooling mess.
In a less sexual way, he’s impressed with your moves, he knows training is a big step to anything, so he wonders how hard you worked, and for how long, it took you to master this dance.
“Come here baby.” Dabi ushers for you to come to him with his pointer and middle finger after you finish dancing.
You take a seat on his lap and smile.
“We’ve already set the mood, why not continue? You could give me a private lesson on those moves you just did.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
overhaul/kai chisaki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He has no clue what you’re doing. You asked if you could show him something and now he’s in a room alone with you.
You’re setting up some music and he can’t keep his eyes off of you and the way you’re dressed. He was thankful he was alone in the room with you or he might’ve had to tell people to step out.
You were his angel after all, not anyone else’s.
When the music starts, his the tips of his ears begin to burn bright red. This music is raunchy and sexy, but he likes it. It’s got a good tune, and it’s empowering, and then he sees you.
You’re swaying your hips to the music until a certain point and you drop to the floor, popping your ass and grinding against the floor, dancing to the music erotically.
He’s impressed. Not as much that you’re dnacing on the somewhat dirty floor, but he’s impressed nonetheless.
“Angel, that was riveting.” Chisaki comments, his arms crossed over his chest. He can feel his pans becoming tight but he decides to ignore it.
“So did you like it? I worked extra hard on it.” You look so innocent as you approach him, your pink lips pursed and begging to be kissed as you stand in front of him.
“I loved it.” Chisaki nods, a smile rests on his lips under his mask unable to be seen.
“I could show it to you again up close if you’d like.” You hint at something a little more physcial which only stirs Chisaki more.
“That sounds like a good idea, angel.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
tomura shigaraki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
I’m not sure if Tomura is a big tik tok guy. He’s into video games, and probably graphic novels too, but depending on his fyp, he probably won’t even get close to hearing the WAP song or know anything about the dance.
That being said, he’s gonna get annoyed if he hears “now from the top, make it drop’ one more time.
Currently wishing he could grip a sound wave and decay it.
But, when you pull him away from a video game, or say a meeting with league and sit him down in a chair in a dark room with some rather unpleasant lighting, maybe just enough to illuminate the two of you and nothing else, he’s confused, but also very interested in what you’re about to do.
And there’s that stupid line- ‘now from the top,’ and- you’re dancing.
His crimson eyes lock onto your figure as you dance, the growing urge to turn the music off suddenly dies as he watches you bounce and pop your hips.
The way your body moves, he’s addicted. Like you’re administering some sort of drug, he can’t look away.
When you lay on the ground and roll onto your back, spreading your legs as you roll into a crawl and then into split and continue to bounce your ass, he’s completely speechless.
The very definition of no thoughts, head empty.
And the aftermath of it all.
forget whatever the fuck he was doing before, forget the grudge he was holding against the lyric’ now from the top, make it drop’, forget the terrible lighting, he’s getting down to the bottom of whatever you just did.
“What was that?” Shigaraki ask, his hands daring to scratch at his neck.
“Did you like it?” You ask, batting your eyes at your flustered yet confused boyfriend.
“I liked it yes.” He mumbles, looking at you from the chair, you’re still sitting on the ground as he stands and walks over to you.
“You’re really flexible. Why didn’t you tell me that before?” He towers over you before squatting to your height.
“Meet me in my room in ten minutes.” He whispers.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eraserhead/shota aizawa
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»»————- ★ ————-««
A man addicted to black coffee and funny cat videos on youtube has no knowledge of WAP or it’s current dance craze on tik tok. But do not let that discourage you.
After hearing the song a few times while you practice your dance, unbeknownst to him, of course, he might get a little curious.
You’re being secretive and it leads him to do a little research. Simply typing in a few lyrics, he finds the song and the dance shortly after.
He’s more or less very interested in what you might have to be doing. Because if you’re learning this dance, he might not know what to do with himself.
Sure enough, you come striding out of your shared room one day, wearing something cute for Aizawa.
“Got a minute?” You ask, pulling him away from grading papers. 
Sitting him on the couch, you step back and turn on the song, smiling as he watches you.
And watch you he does. From the second you kick your leg up, to the second you bounce your ass the last time, ending the dance.
His eyes never leave you. The way you crawl, the way you lay on the floor and pop your hips up, he’s not the least bit uninterested.
“Where’d you learn all that Kitty?” He asks, folding his arms over his chest, his long raven hair parted to watch you even better.
“From the internet. Why? Curious to learn it too?” You tease, crawling over to him.
“Only if you teach me.” He says slyly.
“You’re supposed to do the teaching not me.” You smile up at him.
“Is that how you want to play?” Aizawa smirks and crosses his leg, cutting you off from crawling between his legs.
“You tell me, Kitty cat.”
»»————- ★ ————-«« 
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
How would the yanderes react if their darling was the one to initiate intimacy/sex for the first time, and how do you think their darling would come to that point? (stockholm syndrome? being touch starved/deprived as punishment? etc.)
thirsty ! BNHA imagines
goodiebag WARNINGS: yandere, noncon/dubcon, abuse, profanity, anxiety, guilt, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, manipulation, mind control
She was riding for dear life, chasing that light at the end of the tunnel.
Eyes tightly squeezed shut as she hopped up and down, sliding upon Bakugo’s impressive girth, moaning each time his tip poked into her cervix as she clapped down onto his lap again and again and again and again, harder and harder, deeper and deeper, hitting knew spots upon new spots, messaging uncharted territory, rearranging her organs, poking and prodding and fitting so snuggly and perfectly inside her she could all but start crying from the bliss of it all.
She was crying. Hot tears streaming down her cheeks, numb with how warm she was, feverish and febrile and growing madder with pleasure, drunk and drowning in euphoria.
“Fuck.” He stuttered out his gruff moan, barely holding onto her hips anymore.
He'd been inspired and insured that it would be fine to let her move on her own now, knowing he’d made it clear enough she wouldn’t be going anywhere without him being satisfied first, thinking she was showing so much enthusiasm simply to make him come quicker.
He hadn't yet sensed how desperately she was chasing the same release he was, especially since he’d already made sure she came twice before they even started. Once on fingers, once on his tongue. He wasn’t at all thinking she was preparing herself for a third time, especially not on his cock.
Having left her to do all the work for a while now, having been rendered completely blissed-out and awestruck with feeling her eager movements on top of him, he couldn’t really care much for how pathetic a mess he must have looked beneath her.
His eyes scrunched together to hold onto every sharp movement of her hips, lips pursed out and puckered with his grit-teeth, his cock standing proudly, pushing into her again and again at such a fast pace he was barely able to feel his climax coming dangerously close, too numb with pleasure to part it from his release, but as his balls were emptying inside her he shot up into a sitting position in favor of lying down, needing to hold her still so he could pump his load without it spilling, arms reaching around her to keep her pushed down and impaled on him.
She tried humping for more friction even in the tight secured lock, rocking into him, kept snug against his chest, trying so desperately to reach with his cock what was screaming inside her.
He made some indication he was done. His thick arms losing their grip around her torso, head resting on her shoulder as he panted, not yet understanding what hell or heaven he was in for, taken by surprise, by overwhelming panicked surprise.
“No!” She roared out her little whine. Her smaller hands protruding nails digging into his chest to push him back down on the bed, then continuing to ride despite feeling him tense beneath her. 
He tried moving again, fearing, panicking because of his overstimulated cock being continuously pleased almost enough for it to be painful. The hunger already quenched being kept fed, drowning the thirst, so much he felt as though something might burst.
Her hands moved to yank his hair, pulling him back to rest on the pillow, her other hand pushing, seizing around his throat, violating his Adam’s apple, forcing him to gasp as he choked both on the action itself but also at the sheer controversy of it all.
Her mouth hovering above his own as he groaned from the pain of having his hairs ripped from his scalp and his vocal cords abused, whereas she only moaned in return, too concerned with feeling every inch of her being on fire to care.
“Oh fuck, please, Katsuki, please, more.”
Something tight tugged in his pelvis at the same time awe blossomed in his chest at the sight of her and those pretty eyes looking at him with tears and that sweet crinkle of plead between her brows.
His name dripping from her tongue like honey as she continued going up and down the length of his oversensitive cock, slipping even easier in now when coated in his cum. Her thighs sticking to his in juices as her head dipped to lay against his chest while she continued slapping, jumping on his cock with an unrelenting, unsatisfied determination.
His cock throbbed inside her, nearly crying, screaming with something playfully akin to aching, a pressure building again even as he thought it impossible.
She was stabbing herself with his cock, squeezing and seizing and fluttering around the blade, driving him mad.
But as soon as he got over the feeling of bursting, could he pull himself back.
Grabbing her waist and hoisting her off him, she nearly sobbed at the loss of contact.
He pouted in mimic, condescendingly. “Is the little slut begging for more?”
He grinned maniacally as he mounted her, surprised to see and feel her desperately trying to get closer as he pushed her down into the sheets beneath him, lining himself up with her sopping greedy cute little cunt.
He only teased for about a moment more before impaling her on his length once again, pushing all the way into her in a mere swift second, dragging a real pornstar-beautiful moan from her, gleeful to see her squeal with pleasure as he began thrusting into her sharply, angled to hit that sweet blissful spot inside her.
“Be a good girl and cum for me again.” He growled and she swore she felt it like thunder in her stomach, like explosions, like lightning striking. “That’s what you want isn’t it?” The frenzy in his voice, once only terrifying, now made her toes curl and her head feel like cotton. “You want me to make you cum? You want to cum on my cock like a good slut? My slut? Come on, cum for me.”
She was being fucked completely silly.
Tongue falling from her mouth along with a string of wet moans and drool and his name. Her eyes swimming with tears as she tried focusing on his and the gut-churning look of feral dominant lust in the heat of them that had her pussy clenching around him, yet was barely able to hold his gaze as she was being fucked into a cross-eyed mess, feeling the pressure build and build and build and getting so close to bursting she was crying with how she was being kept from her climax by some unknown cruelty.
She just needed him to go harder, go faster.
She just needed more, she just needed him, needed him and his glorious cock to help her.
“I hate you!”
It slipped before she was able to stop it, before she could reconsider, before she could save herself.
She watched with terror-wide eyes locked on his, awaiting whatever awful murderous intent he chose fit for her punishment, and was at once trembling.
Knees growing weak, apologies falling broken on her tongue as her fear’s need to cry outweighed her wish for recovery, resulting in simply blubbering on her sobs. Small frail hands reached out in protection, in a timid means of making him give her a second to gather herself as she fell apart with the painful fear that clenched around her heart, making it hard to breath, making it hard to see, hard to stand, hard to think, hard to do anything except for gasp for air, air that seemed to not want to enter her lungs quick enough.
“Hey, hey… breathe.”
She hadn’t even realised she’d collapsed, nor that Izuku had come to catch her fall, rocking her back and forth in his arms, head resting in his palm. Her eyes wide and frantic as she looked up at him for help, helpless in her crippling anxiety, anxiety he was the trigger of and seemingly the only source of comfort as well.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I take it back, I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry, please, forgive me, forgive me!” She gulped on shuddering breaths, sobbing, hysterical in her scrambling, so completely panicked, so utterly destroyed by her fear of him, knowing how those hands of his could hold the world just as easy as her head and her heart, where despite knowing that through and through she still sought out the comfort in how his fingers stroked through her locks, petting her calm.
Her hands, retrieving more and more mobility, reached up to fold across his back.
“I don’t hate you, I’m sorry, I’m just stupid, forgive me, I’m just ungrateful and spoiled and stupid.”
Tears rolled down her face as she propped herself up in his lap, hands desperate as she intertwined them in his locks, fervently trying to make up for her mistake, trying to prove she was able to correct herself, that she didn’t need another lesson, another one of his mind-shattering bone-crushing lessons. 
The fact that he’d forced her into a perverted set of lingerie had fallen to waste, the fact that he’d been lecturing her about how she belonged to him, how she had no right to disobey him, how she was just a dumb little girl in a world too big for her to ever possibly understand, how she was good for nothing but being stress-relief for him. None of that mattered anymore.
What mattered was persuading him into taking enough pity on her to let her indiscretion slide.
She just needed to beg enough, she just needed to grovel and plead and cry enough.
“Sweetie…” He hummed, no anger present in his voice, but then again, there never was. Tone always laced or dripping with honey, giving no hint as to where his mindset was or what he was about to do.
And all it managed to do was make her cry harder, hold onto him tighter, fear climbing higher.
“It’s okay, Sweetie… I know you didn’t mean it.”
His words were all but reassuring, as she was waiting for the other side of the coin to show its face, waiting to hear his but’s and if’s and punishments and corrections, waiting for those hands of his to show her, to prove to her what she already knew yet let herself forget, that she was a small helpless stupid girl and he was nothing short of god.
And there it was, her worst fear, her worst nightmare, all sounded in one word.
She couldn’t let him continue, and by god she couldn’t let him finish.
Wet soft bloated lips met, or rather pushed, forced themselves upon his stiff ones, suffocating all reprimanding comments, all and everything he was about to say.
She shuffled into a cradling position on his lap, body and chest glued tightly in his embrace, hands running, tangling, gripping desperately onto the emerald locks at the nape of his neck, lips whimpering upon his ones, as though begging them to kiss back.
That desperation tasted delicious on his tongue. How she sat on his lap like some wounded animal, begging for the kind and nurturing hand of their master to help soothe the pain away.
He wasn’t about to discourage that type of behavior, that form of apology.
She wasn’t ready to take his cock, but then again, she never was with how gifted he was and how cursed she were. His cock being so threateningly huge, just like the rest of him.
But given the rest of him was just as threatening, she could manage, she could survive taking but one of his limbs rather than having all his brutal strength take care of her.
So she buttoned up his pants, trembling fingers working hurriedly, spiked by fear of both what was to come and what would come were she to stop. Her mouth still laying sloppy tearful kisses onto his lips, as he didn’t seem to mind just how much she was sobbing to please him.
She was at once stroking him when he was out, her other hand rushing to save her own life as it messaged her clit, trying to warn her of what was to come, what needed to come.
Still he hadn’t said anything, still let her slave for him. Though that might be for the best in this case.
His large hands placed palms down on the floor, simply supporting him as he leaned on them.
When she broke off the kiss, he was about to correct her, yet she ducked quicker, wrapping her warm and wet lips around his cock and giving th head a swirl with her tongue before pushing down as far as she could, glucking on him so eagerly and desperately, rendering what reprimanding movement was to come of his hand to an encouraging petting of her head instead.
She only sucked for a brief moment, leaving the proudly bobbing spit-slicked pole cold once she parted with only strings of drool connecting them. She shuffling back up to align him with her entrance hurriedly.
Her lip quivered as she looked at him to search his stoic features, her body frozen, left to simply hover and sway above his impatient member, as she tried her best to quickly brace herself for the pain she was about to feel.
But then his patience wavered, and strong hands griped her hips and forced her down to take the cock, impaling her as he sheathed himself fully, earning a high-pitched screaming whimper from her.
She fell to his chest, hands tugging his shirt to steady herself as she winced at the feel of him tearing her apart.
“Silly me…” He chuckled, the sound cold and gut-wrenching. “Rewarding you when I should be punishing you.”
She breathed sporadically, hitched and hiccupping.
“I don’t deserve it, I don’t deserve it-”
Agreeing was the only course of action for her, the only thing she could afford.
“That’s right, you don’t deserve it.”
But the world is far from fair.
He was coming.
He was coming and nothing could stop him, nothing could change his mind, nothing could help and nothing could save her, except maybe the next worst thing.
Bargaining pain with unwanted pleasure, the price being her pride, her dignity, her strength.
It would happen anyway after he was done making pretty artwork of her flesh, after he’d tampered with her limits long enough.
She had the chance to skip to the end. But the price remained her spirit, steep like her fear and heavy like her mind, heart and soul scaled together.
And yet, she made the gamble.
It was either she let him bite, chew and swallow her heart and spirit and soul on repeat or she bit back.
This was her biting back.
This was survival of the fittest.
This was her surviving.
She needed to take her aim now or never, before he did it first. So, she barreled the arrow, struck the bow, leveled her hawkeye and took the shot.
“I love you, Shoto.” She proclaimed.
Arrow flying, hands smooth in receiving his chest before he could tug her towards him. Meeting his hungry approach with a focused desperation of her own, dedicated as she pushed him back so that he was the one sitting and she was the one on top for once.
Hands gentle, without much pressure, drumming up the bruises and scars of his chiseled stomach, one side cold, the other hot.
“Will you let me show you how much I love you?” She questioned.
Time to see if the arrow had hit, lips pressed firmly to his forehead a short second later, before pressing one against his temple, careful to not hurt him where the skin was scarred and sensitive around his eye, then one against his jaw, and neck, and shoulder, and chest, trailing down further and further.
He stirred once she kissed on a particular cut, his hands coming to hold her back as he began sitting up.
Yet she was firm in her resolution, her own hands pushing his shoulders down.
“No, no...” She tutted, tone still soft. Not at all as though she was giving him a demand. Not at all like how he thought a command should sound, what he’d learned his mistakes would grant him from those people he trusted.
Not at all like his father’s voice of tyranny and terror.
“Let me take care of you.” She whispered it, and his heart clenched with memories of how his mother would patch him up after training.
The arrow well planted in his chest now.
“You just lie back...”
She kissed his cheek then, adamant she’d make him cry, make him become soft, help him, to save herself.
She kissed his lips then and she swore she heard him whimper like a kicked pup, all fragile beneath her, broken and just a boy rather than the cruel man she knew him to be.
And then he was crying. Softly and quietly, but crying nonetheless. Thin streams of saltwater running down the corners of his pretty eyes.
He looked so vulnerable then. Vulnerable like glass, no… like ice melting.
And when the ice had finally melted she could either swim or drown in what ocean was left behind, all depended on how softly she handled him, where one wrong word would make him sharp like bladed icicles again, and the right words would keep him like this. Small, weak, needy, tame. You can only kiss storms when you’re right in the eye of them, where one misstep will send you flying, falling, to your despair, to your death.
She could make no mistakes.
She aligned her naked sex up with his. The steam in the room layered thick with dew on their naked bodies, alongside nervous sweat.
“You and I are the only ones that matter in this entire world, Shoto…”
She sat down, hungrily ripping a groan from his chest at her almost brutal pace, and she moaned as she dipped down to lay herself on his chest, feeling him sink and twitch inside her, fill her up so perfectly, like two things falling into sync, like yin and yang, like balance.
“It’s only you and me between heaven and hell.”
She whispered the words like a chant, like witchcraft, the breath of them tickling his skin as she kissed down his pelvis, still firmly planted on top of him, hand trailing after, running over him smoothly and precisely, careful in their venture, before dropping down from the loft of his hips to entangle her small breakable finger in his destructive hands
“And everything else is just falling snow…”
She rocked her hips, like a smooth wave rolling into shore, thighs cradling his torso snugly, keeping him safe and trapped beneath her as she continued lolling forward on repeat, tentatively feeling after the pressure his hands gave hers, how tightly he squeezed, if it were a form of encouragement or discomfort, their wrists laid on the warmth of her thighs.
“I love you, Snow-Angel.” He cried, voice jagged and so far away from anything she’d ever heard.
And though this was what she’d been aiming for, having it enrol before her was a frightening type of uncharted waters she hadn’t at all any knowledge of how to tackle.
And that fear, the fear of drowning, increased so spectacularly when he sat up.
His fingers slipping from hers, leaving her control and wrapping around her torso instead, tightly, so tightly she feared he’d break her spine.
And then the heat followed, the blistering heat.
And then the cold, the promise of frostbite.
But then… he was still crying...
Crying like a toddler into her shoulder, nuzzling in her neck and all those terrifying and painful promises seemed to mellow, leaving her unscathed yet panicked, as without the pain she had no way of knowing when or where to go, resulting to her simply sitting there, comforting her captor, speared on his cock of her own choosing, with his tears running down her back.
Her heart beating painfully rapid in her chest as she slowly and unsurely raising her freed fingers to wrap into his dual-coloured locks, petting his head and hoping, praying she wasn’t falling prey to any false sense of safety.
They were doing what they always did.
Simply lounging.
Slugged on the bed, in each-other’s arms. Sickly sweet fumes in the dank room. Air thick like a cloud, dark and grey and matt.
The walls having been erased or rather blurred out into nothing, leaving them there, floating in and about nothing, each-other’s warmth the only constant.
Where in the complete lack of scheduling it had become like schedule, like ritual to simply lay and do nothing, then do something that threw them back into exhaustion which in turn resulted in yet again doing nothing, except maybe sleep.
The day lacked much, and in its lacking there were certain expectations, certain instincts and impulses that had arisen inside her.
She knew something was coming, anticipation, she knew something was supposed to come, and yet they still laid there and did nothing, when they were supposed to be doing… well… something, so that they yet again could go back to doing nothing.
It was safe to say her head had become rather empty at this point.
“Are we forgetting something?” She felt the need to ask, felt the need to hear Dabi tell her, give orders in where she should go and what she should say, something not allowing her to feel the terror of why those necessasties had become second nature or why she found refuge in them.
He mumbled in return, tone dark and scratchy like gravel or coal, evoking something to twist in her lower abdomen and purr with pleasure. “And what would that be?”
Dabi’s hand still fingered a rolled blunt, perfect with his expertise and nimble lanky fingers. Hand dragged to his mouth to take the final blow, smoke puffed out into the small space of the bedroom, layered thickly in the air.
Her eyes puffy and watery and red yet remaining open out of habit. Her lips burned, or rather stung, prickled from the after affects, her mouth dry as though full of ash, and as she breathed she felt the scratchy raw feeling of her throat by how much she’d been coughing earlier.
Dabi was always certain she didn’t take proper drags, therefore resulting in taking the drag for her, locking his lips painfully tight around hers, blowing until her face turned red and he could be sure the smoke reached her lungs. He was never satisfied before her eyes glossed over, blank and stupid, blinking at him so softly, as all off her became softer and softer, both her gaze, her voice, her words, her actions, her thoughts, her resistance.
“I don’t know…” She honestly didn’t, all she felt was that something was missing, that she required something, or that something was required of her, the feeling that she was supposed to be doing something or have something done to her. 
Dabi turned his head to look at her, inspecting her features, the cute confusion warping her face into a feeble timid expression, brows softly scrunched together, eyes focusing on nothing yet something as she raked through her empty head, her foggy ditzy subdued head.
A look of near endearment present on his face as he watched on for a second for the sake of amusement.
He cupped her cheek, her eyes quickly skittering to meet his, as though on command, knowing by instinct that was what she was supposed to do.
“Are you waiting for something, doll?”
Her lips quivered, and he could already spot the brimming of bubbling tears that came flooding to the surface. Soon to be spluttering out hopeless mumbles if he didn’t save her from the fall first. He was almost tempted not to, if only to scoop up what was left afterwards, put the pieces back together in whatever order he so wished, but he was feeling benevolent tonight.
His smile was soft as it neared her, deceptively so, kind and well-wishing, as his lips met with hers.
It felt like salvation, it felt like peace, it felt like all was falling into place, the way they should be, and she felt safe, no… she felt saved. From what? She did not know, as she had not the mind to care. All she had the mind for was to kiss back.
She moved more on her own now, with the reminder of his tongue in her mouth, the taste making her feel like she was being welcomed home.
Leg sweeping over his to plant herself in his lap, in her rightful place, feeling the all too familiar poking of his hard cock kept bulged beneath the comfort or discomfort of his briefs and jeans, brushing into and past the thin fabric of her cotton laced panties, soon to be drenched, as on cue, as though she’d been taught that would be best.
Her eyes were wide, wide with falling, with being lost, with wanting him to catch her, to save her, wide with waiting, hanging onto his every movement, as though incapable of doing anything on her own, as though only capable of taking orders. Just as he’d shaped her.
His finger drummed alongside her thighs where she knelt on his cock. His other hand doing the same, meeting where his jeans were kept on, unbuttoning, then zipping down, all so slowly, all to watch her features turn even more lost, into something that looked so adorably like hope.
“Is this what you wanted?”
He pulled his stiff dick out of his boxers, having it spring and stand proudly in the air, curved and pierced with all sorts of fun.
She licked her lips mindlessly, eyeing the pole, wanting, no, needing, no… compelled to pull her underwear aside, revealing what dripping drooling well-trained mess had pooled from her.
Feeling so utterly fulfilled, it feeling so positively right, as though what she’d lost was now returned, was she’d been missing she’d found, and what more, what she’d been missing had been missing her as well, hungrily so, painfully so. It was all she could think of when she eased down onto the towering pole until she was filled up to the brim, only to push down some more to envelope him entirely, feel him stretch and curve inside her.
More after that, she didn’t know what she needed to do, but she was sure she’d know once she got there, she was sure Dabi would be a saint and tell.
She was losing her mind.
It was a horrendous type of silence. Silence that wasn’t really silence at all as it was cut and sliced and murdered and bled out into the tactless endless mocking clicking of Tomura’s consoler.
Sharp aggressive smacks where he thumbed the joysticks, quick slaps with his long veiny bony fingers slamming with unneeded force into fragile buttons. 
She felt the sting in her temple, eyes squeezed so impossibly tight to a close as her ears sung with irritation.
“I’m done.”
She only barely recognised her own voice. Though she knew she mouthed the words and she knew she added timber and tone to sound them, but that whine, that sickly sweet defeat that laced the syllables, as though she were crying, as though she were begging, that wasn’t her, but that was who she’d become.
“You win.”
And she wasn’t at all sure if she cared anymore about her defeat.
“No… I’m about to.” He mumbled, eyes glancing to her briefly, split-secondly, before they swiftly, with lightning speed, stuck back to watch the bright screen a foot in front of him, the clicking made by his ruthless fingers never once stopping.
She wondered how such force was even possible, given he had to lift one digit on each hand in order not to destroy what he held so preciously. How he had the grip, the agility, the mobility and speed and precision was something that spurred through her mind each time she watched him go on, winning more so than losing. She guessed it was practice. Sometimes it would amaze her, somedays she would watch mindlessly as he sped through all levels, all ranks, all challenges, all side quests, win after win, wondering if it even posed any challenge, any stimulation when he seemed to complete them all with such ease and finesse, effortlessly.
Sometimes it would amaze her, but this was not one of those times.
She swore her ears were bleeding, they were screaming and crying and strangling all wishes she had of sleep. The bed was too soft and everything was too soft, too quiet, yet not quiet at all and she was so fucking bored, so fucking drained of everything and anything except irritation and the need for something and anything, something loud, something sharp to wake her up, something terrifying or something anything everything that could make her feel something anything everything.
She needed it, and she needed it desperately, all things aside, fuck who she was, and especially fuck that shitty fucking game he was playing.
“Fuck! Your stupid! Game! Tomura!”
She hadn’t even realized she’d slid off the bed and was standing on her numb feet, game controller snatched from him in one second and smashed to smithereens on the wall in the next.
She looked more shook than him, if he was being honest.
“What the fuck?!”
He was mad, no, he was fuming.
And she lived for it.
“I swear, you’re gonna pay-”
He hadn’t even reached her before her lips split into a grin, eyes like lightning awaiting the thunder.
“Gladly, punish me, do something, do anything!”
She wasn’t proud with her playful hinting, but you aren’t supposed to live your life without doing things you regret. And though she was playing spoiled brat for a notorious villain, the most dangerous individual she’d ever met, he also had a cock crafted by monsters that seemed to hit every spot it needed to, finding and creating new ones as it filled her up to the brim and she was salivating just by the thought of being split open on it, especially by seeing what mood she’d conjured from him.
But, even though her pride dripped from between her thighs, she was not too eager to plainly say that she desired his dick balls-deep within her needy cunt.
He’d stopped in his tracks, eyeing her. And though some part of him wanted to believe what disgusting depraved thoughts he had regarding why she was seeking his attention, he knew better, rendering her annoyance to simply picking a fight with her captor, quite like a how child throws tantrums at their parents or prisoners riot.
Turns out her playful words did little to sway his thoughts regarding the situation.
“You’ve been playing your dumb videogames all week!” She whined, almost screeching. Eyes angry and lips pouty.
He wanted nothing more but to show her what bad behaviour would give her, but seeing how punishment would be giving her what she had requested, he wasn’t too quick to fold to his desires.
“It feels like I’m dying, make me feel something, anything…”
She was pleading he realized, and stopped in wonder at the revelation.
She was pleading with him, begging for him, for anything of him, anything meaning anything…
Yet… surely not what he wanted it to mean.
“No.” He forced on a nonchalant tone. “You smashed my controller, I’m not rewarding you for that, there are nicer ways of asking…” He drawled and turned casually to get back in his chair, pondering his need to purchase another custom-made console, thinking he had a couple things he wanted to fix anyway.
Was she really going to have to be so literal? Was she really going to have to bend over and beg for him to take her? Was she really going to have to serve him her heart, her spirit, her mind, and soul and body on a silver platter for him to take it?
She thought he was greedy. She thought he was depraved enough to hear what she was asking of him.
No way he was ignoring the invitation, right?
If that were the case, he could at least mock her for her begging, but he barely seemed to even recognise her change in attitude at all. Granted, she couldn’t really see much of his expression beneath that mop of hair.
She wanted to scream, pull her hair out of her head, yet as her knees hit the floor and Tomura sat back down in his chair, she realized she had but one thing to do.
She was silent, shuffling under the table, taking one gluttonous drag through her nose, mouth watering at the reek of male musk, his musk, Tomura’s musk, a smell so undeniably him.
She wasn’t sure she wanted to let him know she was there yet, but decided to be a tease and better prepare him for what she was about to do.
Experienced and confident fingers pressed a woman’s touch to his ankles, running skilled tender touches over the flexing of his calves’ muscles, despite feeling him tense beneath her. Undiscouraged as they went smoothly over his thighs to reach the hem of his boxers, reaching inside them to pull out what she was proud to feel thick and stiff and just as needy as her, warm and pulsating in her tiny palm.
Handling him delicately. First she licked her lips wet and gave the head a pretty popping kiss, before producing her tongue like a pillow for the cap and flicking the pink muscle from side to side under the sensitive skin that was already oozing with precum onto her tastebuds.
She her his breath stifle, but allowed him no rest as she closed her warm wet mouth around him.
He broke instantly.
Now knowing it wasn’t his mind playing tricks.
“Fuck! You win, you win!” He hissed, hand wrapping around her throat to pull her up from her conquering. “If I’d known what a needy little slut you were I'd have given you cock earlier. You should’ve just said so...”
They both giggled ludically as he threw her down on the bed, Thrill already bubbling up a storm on her insides with such lust to be fucked out of her bloody mind she was quaking from head to toe and screaming out her moan when he pushed perfectly into her wetness in one fell swoop.
He heard the padding of her approach. Soft footed and gentle. Not at all like how she would usually stomp around in rage of being trapped.
He didn’t look up at first, thinking she didn’t want anything to do with him, as per usual, yet in his blurry unfocused vision he could spot she’d stopped in front of him, waiting for his acknowledgement, where he sat on the coach, undisturbed and undisturbing until now, scrolling through his phone.
He decided to ignore her, testing to see if she’d speak up and announce her demands, yet was surprised to see she stood there patiently, no words, no screams.
Curiosity getting the better of him he looked up, finding her standing there bare-footed, skin wet, towel wrapped around her, hair dripping, eyes leaking, though not from shower-water, but from brimming with tears.
His instincts kicked in then at the sight of her.
“Are you okay?”
He sprung from the coach, expecting her to push him away once he reached for her, yet was surprised to feel her attach to him, latch around him, welcome his warmth and his offered condolence instead of her usual rejection and snarling.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry, why are you crying?”
He realized then that her body was quaking, seemingly febrile, so much plead knotted between her brows he’d never seen anything like it.
It made him concerned to say the least, eyes searching her body for any possible explanation in the form of bruises, thinking maybe she’d hurt herself, already scolding himself for having left her alone.
“Baby? What's going-”
He didn’t smell it at first, what with the scent being washed off and all at the hands of her shower, but the aroma was soon layered thick in the room, growing alongside her desperation.
A scent so heavenly, so lavish and sweet and ambrosial, already making water pool in his mouth.
Her shaking made sense then, so did the tears, and the desperation and the potent adorable look of despair written all over her pitiful little cute face.
“Oh… I see.”
He was going to take advantage of this.
He was going to ring it for every drop it was worth.
“Does my little angel need me?” His voice shed its concern swiftly, curling into something sweetly sadistic and salacious.
His fingers hung onto her chin, or rather, her chin hung off his fingers.
“If you ask nicely perhaps I’ll-”
“You’re being cruel.” She stated, voice so sweet, so vulnerable, breaking as she sniffled, bottom lip trembling so preciously, as he wasn’t sure the shower-water was instead not indeed sweat. Knees weak, arms heavy, head pounding, stomach hurting, eating her from the inside in desperate need to feed the bottomless hunger that was growing and weeping in her lower abdomen.
Her hand held loosely over her stomach, visibly shaking.
He ignored her statement. “That was a long shower…” It was an insinuating observation, cocky in its nature. “Were you trying to help yourself on the showerhead?”
He quirked a brow at him, a smirk playing in the corner of his mouth.
“Trying to get out of grovelling for me, hm? Despite knowing how my cock is the only thing that can save you.”
He was gleeful, sadistic bliss tickling through his body, sending pleasure through every nerve, because he knew, he knew he was right and he knew what was coming. He knew she would fold, surrender, succumb, and he knew how grateful she’d be afterwards, dripping with his cum, eyes opium-blown, euphoric and fluttering, and looking at him with such wholehearted, such won-over love.
Though, know all that filled her eyes were glistening tears and swirling suffering.
“It hurts…”
His heart clenched at that.
She looked like a toddler, small and weak and helpless and innocent, as though if it weren’t for her predicament she wouldn’t be abusing every ounce of energy in her being to make him miserable.
How ironic, she being the miserable one now, all dependent on him.
“It hurts, please, please help me, help me, Keigo.”
She was aching. Her small needy hands coming to grab at him, to pull him closer as she sobbed, whining so beautifully for him.
“I need you, Keigo.”
He was getting wrapped up in it, hanging onto every perfect needy jerking she did to try and get closer, to try and help herself against him, licking it up as though he was parched
And he was, he truly was, she’d drained him dry, rejecting each and every proclamation of his love. She’d laughed at it, waged war against it, and here she was, finally, embracing it, begging for it.
He realized, he needed this just as much as she did.
He didn’t need anything weightless like a stupid apology, he just needed to hear her say those pretty words.
“I need Hawks.”
Her eyes grew dark, pupils blown wide with lust as her words were laced with such feral carnality.
His hands grabbed ahold of her ample hips, grinding her into himself, where she met his attack by effortlessly maneuvering her legs to wrap around his torso, hands cupping his face as she peered into his eyes, wanting to drown herself in the gold.
“I need you deep inside me, filling me up, wreaking me…”
Her lips hovered above his own as she clutched tightly onto him, begging with every inch of her body, clinging to him as though it were for her very life.
“I need your cum, I need you to fuck me until I can’t walk or talk or think or feel, until I’m numb and all I can see is you, all I can think is you, all I am is you and yours.”
He was left awestruck by the way she looked at him, as though he were the world, or her god, with so much love and so much desperate desire and fear.
A fear he’d come to know all too much chasing her. A fear of rejection, a fear of having her heart broken, a feeling that’s all too much like dying.
“I need your love, please, please love me, Keigo.”
He couldn’t refuse, despite wanting to have used this opportunity as a lesson, he couldn’t. He couldn’t leave her suffering and he most definitely couldn’t leave himself suffering now that his cock was hungry for the attention she was all too eager to give him.
She knew she should be disgusted, she knew she should be angry, she should be fighting it.
If she were the feral creature quite alike the lioness or tigress or any other wild cat, she should by law be scratching and clawing and snarling. She should revolt, reject, uproar at the feel of a collar around her throat.
But here she was, big wide glossy opium-soaked eyes staring up at her Master and his compelling lilac orbs, feeling her stomach curl at the feel of his big fist tugging her leash as he hovers above her, purring like a little kitten, like the little kitten she was, at the feel of his swollen thick cock filling her up so snuggly, breeding her good, while she drools at the collar put, not just on her throat, but on her mind, panting over the thought of having his commands lick every nerve of her body, making her twist and bend and bow all to his wishes.
Fluffy tail wrapped around his leg, holding onto him in the softest form of embrace as her hands are otherwise occupied with being tied to the bed-post.
She whimpered, aching fingers wanting to touch, to run smooth soft fingertips over his skin, his scars, tangle in his wild lavish purple locks.
She bit her lip and clenched around the member inside her, making him groan as he bottomed-out and pulled back again.
“Could- could Master… untie me?” She needed to ask, voice timid and hopeful, again feeling him slowly inch into her core, messaging her insides, her walls kissing alongside his girth, sucking on him gratefully.
He quirked an eyebrow, as if to ask why, or to tell her why he couldn’t do that.
“I want to touch you…” She pleaded, a confession so sweet and voice anything but brazen or wanton, blinking shamefully, guilty of her lust, even though in the light of what he’d done to her and made her do to him, it sounded like mere child’s play, something she shouldn’t even be allowed to be embarrassed about.
His eyes scanned her, curious, doubting her, yet having felt how her legs wrapped around his torso, and the ever-playful cuddling tail that had slithered between his thighs and latched itself around his ankle, tugging on him like such a clingy little devoted kitty.
His lips curled up into a smile, looking down at his little bashful housebroken pet, thrilled to see her look up at him too, eyes full of awe on both sides, lustful, loving.
He pushed himself fully into her, cockhead kissing her cervix, and she gave a mew, moaning while he bowed down to meet her lips with his.
His hands danced up her arms, drumming alongside her limbs before they met with the knots around her wrists, tugging them loose.
Once she was free she hesitated. Eyes still so wide, as though asking for permission, as though asking for guidance, or… as though she were waiting for him to tell her what to do, and then, as though a question was burning at her lips.
“Master… ask me a question?” She requested, slowly bringing her hands down from their position, placing them around the back of his neck, fingers playing with his soft wild hair.
He needed to take a second or two to really fathom what she’d just said, where his mind seemed to leap once he did.
“Something you don’t want the answer to.”
He swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling a rush of blood pool in his cheeks. His breathe grew heavy and eyes intense.
“Do you know what you’re asking?”
He needed to be sure, he needed to hear her say it, admit to it
His doubts were answered as she blinked, biting her lips, looking away shyly, clearly knowing how wrong it was of her to request him entering and playing with her mind like that.
He couldn’t help but smile at her timidity, how she blushed under his gaze. But still, he needed her to give him the entirety of her desire.
“Tell me…”
He rested his forehead on her hers, happy with butterflies in his stomach at the feel of her affectionate hands running through his locks.
“What do you want from me, Kitten?”
Her breath shuddered, legs climbing higher up his back, pulling him closer. Their eyes so adamant on looking, drowning in the other. His storm of lilac so dominant and dangerous, making her mouth water and toes curl and head flutter with knowing how she was completely trapped, completely where he wanted her, loving it all the same, finding refuge in the fact, finding safety and belonging and peace.
“I want…”
Her eyes where only wide, wide with hope and searching for if he’d catch her when she now jumped, leaped into his arms.
“I want you. I want your- your teeth in my mind, marking me, making me yours, making me… feel…”
All of her was clinging to him now, her tail so neatly and snuggly slithered around his ankle, as though chaining him to her, her hands as well entangled with the unruly hair at the nape of his neck, her legs wrapped around him so tightly and desperately, pussy clenching around his cock like a vice, and her eyes hanging off of all and everything of what was giving her.
“Making you feel what?” He pushed, giving another thrust where he barely pulled out only to rock into her again.
That was such an innocent word, such a sweet wish it made his heart hurt with something he couldn’t quite place, whether it was guilt or satisfaction he couldn’t tell.
“Will you do that? For me?”
He could get lost in those eyes of hers forever, those moon-big round eyes, opium-black and blown pupils so wide he thought he was falling through space with how much they reflected the limited light inside their room.
“Do you love me?” He asked then, fearing the answer.
A word can be so many things, a vow, a promise, an echo, a welcome.
Her eyes went blank then, but not before she gave the softest hum as though to say thank you as she felt his presence seep into her mind. Her limbs losing all types of stress, becoming numb and soft. All her worries blanketed, where all she dreamt of was velvet lilac-tinted oceans, getting drunk on grapes and the smell of lavender and all things purple like those great godlike eyes staring down at her, the ones keeping her spellbound and tethered in a deadlock, the ones she belonged to.
The slamming shut of the apartment door, followed by the digital clicking of the lock being closed is how she knew he was home.
He hadn’t said anything.
Where usually he would at least greet her as she quickly sprung across the marble floors to welcome him home, take his jacket, kiss his cheek, all so perfectly like he’d taught her.
He hadn’t said anything.
No ‘I missed you’ or ‘thank you, princess’.
He hadn’t said anything at all.
But most things with Kai weren’t verbal anyway.
She’d learned to pick up cues, analyze a raised brow, or a slight shift in posture, or the almost imperceptible narrowing of his eyes.
He hadn’t said anything, but the scowl that accompanied his aura spoke volumes to the girl. Finding his state of mind, concerned with what she found, as it was not his usual nonchalance nor his occasional contempt, but bitter.
He groaned then, once she’d helped him out of his jacket, green and tacky, purple faux fluff, something so out-of-place on Kai, yet also serving as one of his key recognizable traits.
He kicked off his shoes, also something so very out of character it brought her concern, followed by him shuffling, feet dragging on the floors in complete opposition to how he would usually walk, with his head held high, regarding the floor as though it should be grateful to be gifted by him walking on it.
Now though, he slumped, still without a word, up the stairs, sauntering without haste, without enthusiasm, all in goal of reaching the bed, which he laid out flat on once he got to it.
“Are you okay?” She asked timidly, having followed him and standing unsurely on the threshold of the door, not knowing whether she was welcome or not.
He simply pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, giving her the answer she’d guessed already.
“Can I do anything to help?” Again, she kept her voice soft and tender, hopeful; cheerful in hopes of cheering him up.
“I doubt it.” His answer was curt and bitter as he sat up on the bed, tugging loose his tie with an exhausted growl of irritation.
She padded around the bed then, not exactly having been given an invitation to stay, but not exactly having been given any indication to leave either.
Careful as she climbed up behind him, like a cat easing in on its prey, gracious and soft and focused on not alarming or disturbing the goal.
“Surely there must be something I can do?”
His ears picked up on the play in her voice, the thin hairs at the back of his neck rising, yet his curiosity was stifled as her hands, once so small and insignificant, became the hands of God.
Fingers kneading into his back, thorough and forceful yet welcomed by him through a breathy guttural groan, closing his eyes with much needed rest as he let himself fall completely to the feeling of her messaging all his tense stress right out of his shoulders, seemingly sucking all the bad out of him.
He gave yet another throaty groan as her fingers rubbed and dug into his back, her hand stopping his head from slugging forward, cupping him tenderly and guided him to rest against the softness of her chest instead.
“Do you feel better now?”
She spoke like how a mother should, sweet like summer breeze, just above a whisper, eager to please, affectionate, without ill-will, without anything to gain, selfless and beautiful, and something he was in desperate need of.
He moaned, a long dragged out breathy moan, one filled with such potent gratitude it made her smile.
“Getting there...”
She hummed, her hands like absolution handling his back like dough, thumbs rubbing the stiffness into tender soft flesh once again, working through the knots, before climbing, mounting his shoulders and ensnaring his neck, gentle fingers running smoothly to unbutton his shirt, her face nuzzling in his neck as it was exposed to her, soft plump lips kissing the sensitive skin found there, knowing exactly where to focus, hearing him moan in relief as she zeroed in on his soft-spot.
Her hands running, dancing down his chest, unbuttoning the last of his buttons, helping him slide out of it.
Quick to take her bra off, still while kissing his neck, before pushing her warm soft mounds into his back, hugging herself against him.
“How about now?” Her voice like honey as her words tickled on his neck.
She slithered around to seat herself in his lap, hands cupping his cheeks as she leaned in to kiss him, naked chest rubbing up against naked chest, warm and soft, homey and safe. 
Her hand drummed playfully down his stomach, reaching his pants, moving skillfully on its own to undo the belt-buckle, then the button, then pulling down the zipper.
He shuffled them down his thighs on his own, still keeping his chin lifted to receive her kisses. His clothed erection bumping up into the thin protection of her panties.
Her hand, still so smoothly, reached under the band of his boxers to pull him out. Though his rough way of ripping her lacy underwear off managed to break through her calm demeanor as she yelped a bit and flinched.
However the surprise was quickly followed by giggles as she continued to kiss him, feeling his smirk against her lips and soon his hand cupping her ass before running hungry pressured fingertips around her thigh to play with her slit, thumb roughly pushing into her clit as other reckless digits ran though her folds to test the waters, quite parallel to how carefully she handled his cock with her own elegant hand, rubbing him up and down ever so gently, with the tenderness he carved.
He hissed once her thumb rubbed over his sensitive head, biting into her lip, and though his beastly impulses used to alarm her, now she could only think of them as an invitation.
Holding his cock up to her entrance, giving him time to remove his fingers from her now soaking folds. 
She sunk down on him slowly, moaning softly against his lips as he groaned upon hers. 
“Better now?” She asked, without giving way to the cockiness her question carried, but he deciphered it with ease nonetheless, giving her ass a playful squeeze before guiding her to lay down on her back, nibbling on her neck as he chuckled at how she disguised her devilish naughty humour as being innocent, wanting to make her choke on that haughtiness as he gave a quick sharp thrust up into her.
Her moan rung throughout the massive penthouse where no doors were kept closed, as he licked the sin right off her expression with one needy hungry kiss and a promise as well as a threat.
“I will be once I hear you scream my name, princess.”
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haikyuuwaifu · 2 years
It’s You
Genre: Fluff, Drama
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol Consumption
Y/n watched the ceremony, her head on Katsuki’s shoulder. The blonde gave her hand a squeeze, looking over and giving her a soft smile. Next to her, Shoto looked on fondly, eyes widening comically as he looked down at the lover’s joined fingers. Loudly, Shoto whacked his fiance’s arm, causing the purple haired man to groan. Wedding attendee’s around them gave the group a look,  Uraraka sneering as she made her way down the aisle.
Shoto whispered an apology, as he nudged his fiance again. When the purple haired man looked over, his own eyes widened, causing Y/n to snicker softly. Momo looked back swiftly, face breaking out into a grin as she took notice of the ring on her best friends hand. The group of friends couldn’t want for the end of the ceremony.
Izuku smiled widely, as he and Uraraka stood in front of the receiving line. “We’re married zuku!” Ochaco squealed, gripping her husband’s arm giddily. Izuku only smiled, reaching out to caress his wife’s cheek softly. “I get to spend the rest of my life with you.” He mumbled, leaning over to give her forehead a soft kiss. The couple shared a smile, giddy as they watched the wedding attendee’s lining up to congratulate them. 
Across the way, Y/n found herself wrapped up in Inko Midoriya’s arms, the shorter woman sobbing as she apologized repeatedly. Y/n only smiled, patting the woman’s back kindly. “There’s nothing to be sorry for auntie. Some things just don’t work out.” She hummed, holding the woman close. “Besides, I’ve got news.” Y/n whispered, placing her hand in Inko’s eyeline. The green haired woman screeched, pulling Y/n’s hand close to inspect the rock on her finger. “Mitsuki!” Inko called, looking around for her best friend. “Mitsuki they’re engaged!” She shouted, causing the blonde woman to shout. Bakugo had gone to stand in the receiving line with his parents, hell bent on getting it over with as soon as possible. His mother had just finished wishing the couple well, when he heard Midoriya’s mom scream. Bakugo’s father clapped his sons shoulder, shaking his hand and grinning proudly. Mitsuki let out a loud whistle applauding her son for landing the number one hero as his wife. “Lord knows what she see’s in you.” Mitsuki teased, nudging her son softly. “He’s good to me auntie.” Y/n mumbled shyly, as the loud blonde pulled her in for a hug. “Welcome to the family sweetheart. We Bakugo’s play for keeps you know.” She whispered, winking at her husband. “You’re engaged?” Izuku whispered, looking at the people in front of him. Eyes scanning Y/n’s person for a ring. “Sure are idiot. Asked her this morning before we left for the wedding. Couldn’t wait any longer I guess.” Katsuki grunted, thanking Shinsou as he handed him a drink. “Didn’t want to say anything, it’s your wedding day and all, just had to tell auntie since she’s the closest thing to family Y/n’s got.” 
Y/n smiled, stepping up to the couple and hugging them both. “Congratulations on your wedding. The ceremony was beautiful.” She smiled, rubbing Ochaco’s arm. The brunette plastered a fake smile on her face as she took Y/n’s hand in her own. “Can I see the ring?” She gushed, fluttering her lashes as she looked down at her hand. What she was expecting was something small, something gaudy, sure the other woman wouldn’t want something so attention grabbing. What she didn’t expect was the huge rock nestled on her finger. Orange on a black band. “Had that shit picked out the day after our first date.” Katsuki supplied, filling his parents in on the story. Y/n smiled apologetically to the others waiting to congratulate the happy couple and wrapped her hand around Katsuki’s arm. “Let’s move on to the reception sweetheart. We’re holding up the line.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to the blondes earlobe. Katsuki only grunted, sticking his hand out and giving Deku’s a good shake. “Congrats nerd. Hope you have a long and happy marriage.” He supplied, shit eating grin on his face. “We should get together for drinks to celebrate.” He called behind him, missing the look of anger that flashed on the greenettes face. 
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | birthday gone wrong (aha), f!reader, baker!reader, pro hero!katsuki, blizzards, angst and smut, exhibitionism, cockwarming, begging, confessions. minors dni!
— 4.7k words
Wanna blow off some steam?
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Katsuki jumps ten feet high, and the plastic grocery bags precariously balanced on each finger tear without a second thought. Apples hit the ground with a thud and the egg carton with a depressing slap; one that signifies the crack of at least half a dozen. Katsuki looks at the crowd, red-faced and livid, and Eijirou Kirishima intercepts the awkward silence with:
“Happy Birthday Bakubro! I know y—“
“Said that I didn’t want a fuckin’ party?” Katsuki growls, groceries forgotten on the forgotten. Eijirou looks guilty and chuckles, scratching the back of his head.
“W-Well, yeah, but—“
“Everybody out.”
People sigh, and you think you hear Denki whisper told you he’d kick us out. You hate to say that you foresaw a similar outcome. Katsuki’s never been one for people.
Especially you.
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“Awe come on, Kacchan,” Izuku says with hands on his hips. “We came all this way! Just let us stay for a little bit.”
“Yeah!” Eijirou seems to cheer up once given a sliver of hope. “Plus, we got cake and stuff. And Just Dance.”
Katsuki narrows his eyes, but you know better—he’s always had a soft spot for the redhead. You all wait with baited breath, wondering if this entire evening was a bust, as Katsuki weighs his options in a pool of fallen groceries.
“One hour.”
Eijirou gasps so hard he chokes, and Katsuki’s generosity earns him applause from the audience. (Plus whoops and hollers from Denki and Mina.)
“And I mean it—y’all have sixty fuckin’ minutes before you’re gone without a goddamn trace. Kapeesh?”
Katsuki sighs, rubbing at his temples as he steps over the mess at the front door. You assume he’ll make Eijirou clean it up. “Whatever. Where’s the fuckin’ cake?”
“In the kitchen, my good sir!” Denki says as he ushers the ash-blond into the said kitchen, the rest of the party hot on their heels. Eijirou grabs the cake from the fridge and you’re tense until the plate hits the marble of their island.
“Flavor?” Katsuki asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, I dunno, [Y/N] made it,” Eijirou throws you under the bus, just like that, and you want to scoff at the way Katsuki freezes—if only for a moment. Eijirou’s oblivious as ever, “[Y/N]?”
“It’s red velvet,” you say, trying not to burn under Katsuki’s carmine eyes. You don’t know why he doesn’t look away.
As if you’d give him anything else.
Eijirou tries his best to cram 26 candles into the cake before being forced to opt for 23 lest he ruin your decorations. Denki presses him to make a wish and Katsuki rolls his eyes as he blows out the candles. Eijirou wipes an invisible tear because ‘his boy is getting so old.’ Mina and Jiro cut the cake and people seem to enjoy it, and you think that maybe, reuniting with your high school friends after so long isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
Even if he said he never wanted to see you again.
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“—due to the incoming blizzard, we highly suggest all those who reside in the red and orange zones stay inside until it passes; which should be around ten am tomorrow morning.”
You spoke too soon.
Katsuki turns to the crowd, and you know what he’s going to say before his lip curls.
“Kacchan, don’t be unreasonable!” Izuku says from his comfortable position on the couch. “We’d get caught in the storm if we leave now.”
“Not if you’re fuckin’ fast enough,” Katsuki growls, pulling the greenette’s to his feet by his hair. “Get out, I’m not bunking with you fuckers overnight.”
“Dude,” Denki points to the window, and if you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought the blizzard had already started. “If we leave now, we’ll literally die.”
“Die, then.”
Eijirou sighs, clapping his roommate on the back. “C’mon, man. You know we ca—“
There’s a whirr then a click, and the lights and tv die at once. You can’t see a thing but you definitely hear Katsuki shout:
Eijirou turns his phone flashlight on first; Katsuki’s busy angrily flicking at the light to no avail. You sigh, turning to the ash-blond (and ignoring those ugly fucking butterflies in your stomach.)
“It’s a blackout Katsuki. The lights aren’t going to work.”
“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that, dumbass?” And your chest tightens because even though he’s not eighteen anymore, he sounds the same—but you aren’t sure why you expected him to sound so different either.
You lift an eyebrow (not that he can see it), “It doesn’t look like you do.”
Denki snorts at that, hollering about how you just owned the ash-blond as Katsuki yells at him to shut the fuck up. It’s...familiar and comfortable, like you’re all in high school again, before you had to worry about your friends dying in their line of work because you couldn’t be there with them.
Before you got injured.
“Well I mean, we have a few blankets,” Eijirou offers, and as your eyes slowly adjust to the dark, you’re convinced you see his figure cross the living room. “And like, sweatshirts if it gets too cold.”
“It’s already getting too cold,” Mina says, and you can’t help but agree. The quickly cooling room has the goosebumps raising on your shoulders, and you’re starting to regret forgetting your jacket at home.
“Okay! I don’t have that many, but,” Eijirou hollers from somewhere, before returning with a handful of cloth. He drops it onto the coffee table. “Plus Hanta and Denks left their hoodies here last time.”
“Oh shit, we did?” Hanta says, and you assume it’s his figure who starts digging through the clothes. “Totally thought I lost this, lol.”
“Did you just saw lol out loud?”
“I did.”
“Ooh Ei, do you still have that old Red Riot hoodie?” Mina asks, and all of a sudden, she’s all over the pile. She finds it before the redhead can answer and snatches it away with a gasp.
You watch the pile dissolve in the darkness, one by one, and by the time you reach for something, your palm hits the cool wood of the coffee table. Fuck.
“Oh [Y/N]! Do you need some of my blanket?” Mina offers, but the blanket is small, and wrapping it around both of your shoulders just renders it utterly useless. You shake your head after she tries for a while.
“It’s fine Mina, I’m not that cold,” you laugh, but she shakes her head vehemently.
“No! Girl c’mon, you look like you’re freezing!”
And, well. Freezing is a stretch. Sure, you’re a little cold, but you’ll live.
“Do you need my sweatshirt?” Eijirou asks, already pulling at the hem. You roll your eyes.
“I’m serious guys, it’s not that bad,” you say, waving your arms for emphasis. They all grumble but they give up, and you feel like you can finally relax.
Something soft and army green drops into your lap. You pick it up in confusion, before looking up to see who dropped it.
Katsuki looks down at you, face glowing white from the phone flashlights. His eyes pierce your soul nevertheless.
“I don’t ne—“
“Take it.”
Katsuki takes a seat next to you on the couch in his own hoodie. You don’t realize until you put it on that he gave you a sweatshirt themed after his own hero costume.
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You can’t sleep.
You can’t sleep, and you’re sure it’s due to the temperature. The wind howls and it sounds like you’re in the eye of a tornado, loose branches knocking against the rattling glass, and upon looking through the window, you see nothing but stark white. You sigh, checking the time on your phone for the fiftieth time this hour. Yep. Still four am.
“Stop fuckin’ movin’, dumbass.”
You all decided to bunk in the living room for warmth. You’re surprised Katsuki stayed, though; you figured he would just head to his room and let you all fend for yourselves while he slept in a comfortable bed. But here he is, sleeping next to you on the cold fucking floor.
“Sorry,” you say, but it’s hard when your shivering and your jaw aches from stunting your chattering teeth. Katsuki and Eijirou only had a limited amount of sleeping bags, meaning you’ve got to share a blanket with the hulking ash-blond.
“You cold?” He grunts. You don’t know why he’s asking.
Katsuki sighs, and you hear him adjust, the blanket sliding from your neck to your shoulder. “You’re a shit liar.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows to glare his way, and you look to notice Katsuki’s laying the same way.
“What’s your point?”
Katsuki doesn’t answer for a moment, but it doesn’t seem like he’s looking for an answer, either—his neon red eyes glow through the dark and straight into your soul, and the next time you shiver, it isn’t because of the temperature.
“You’re stubborn.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Thought you figured that out senior year.”
Katsuki’s face flashes with an emotion you can’t quite pinpoint before it’s gone again. “Yeah. You’d think almost dying would fuckin’ fix that.”
You sigh. Looks like you’re having this conversation now, then.
“I didn’t almost die—“
“Yes, you fuckin’ did,” Katsuki snarls, and Denki almost stirs at his raised tone. “You took that bullet and you didn’t get up for months—“
“And then I woke up and everything was fine! Seriously Katsuki, what’s your problem? I lived.”
“My problem is that you shouldn’t have been there in the goddamn first place!” Katsuki says through grit teeth. You watch his temple roll underneath his hairline. “That was my fuckin’ fight. I don’t need some chick jumping in front of a bullet for me just ‘cause she thinks I can’t take it!”
You scoff, looking around to see if any of your other sleeping friends are listening because get a load of this guy. Naturally, they don’t respond.
“That’s what this is about? Oh, well I’m sorry I bruised your dignity because I didn’t want to see you get fucking shot!”
Katsuki chest inflates with disbelief before it deflates again, and he’s rolling his eyes before he says, “That’s not—you fuckin’ know that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh really?” You laugh, and goddammit Katsuki, you just had to bring it up, didn’t you? “Because waking up after two months to your best friend telling you to give up doesn’t preserve your dignity at all, huh?”
“I didn’t tell you to fu—“
“You said those exact words, Katsuki. You said give up, and you left the hospital.”
The ash-blond has nothing to say to that, because he knows that you know you’re right, and trying to jedi mind trick you into believing he isn’t an asshole won’t work.
“Well you fuckin’ listened,” he grumbles, more to himself than you, but enough emotion flares in your core to make you want to scream.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you say, huffing, before turning your back to him, deeming this conversation over. “Good night, Katsuki.”
There’s a lull and it has you convinced you’ve won, finally relaxing (as much as you can) onto the cold floor. At least arguing heated your blood up a bit.
“The fuck do you mean?”
You roll your eyes even though they’re closed before you hop back onto your forearms to give the ash-blond a nasty look. “What?”
“You...said you didn’t have a choice,” Katsuki says, and it’s the first time you think you’ve heard him sound weary. Unsure. “The fuck does that mean?”
“It means I had to give up on being a hero either way.”
Which sucked. Because you had spent the past four years of your life working your ass off to save others, and you wind up out of commission before you even got started. You...suppose you didn’t tell Katsuki the whole story. Well, you hadn’t had a chance to—today’s the first time speaking with him since you woke up in the hospital.
Katsuki eyes you out of his peripheral, but only for a second. “And that means...?”
“It means that if I land on my spine the wrong way, there’s a high chance I’ll be paralyzed from the waist down.” You growl, frustrated that it was easier to coax the truth out of you than you thought.
The bullet buried close to your spinal column. You had to do PT for months, relearning how to walk as you slowly regain your motor functions. That’s when you started to bake.
The howling of the wind turns from somewhat soothing to aggravating as Katsuki’s unimpressive “oh” hangs heavy in the air, and you find yourself sighing, the puzzle pieces finally clicking in your head. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” Katsuki asks—he’s still not looking at you.
“Blaming yourself,” you gesture to his figure, which is lax with depression, lacking its sturdiness and usual fire. “You didn’t shoot the gun.”
Katsuki snorts at that, running a hand through his hair, “I might as well.”
“You got shot because of me,” Katsuki says as if it were a fact. “They were trying to kill me. Not you.”
“And they didn’t kill me. I’m here and you’re here. If I hadn’t been there, you’d be six feet under right now,” you reason. Katsuki shrugs because he’s just as stubborn as you are, and you figure he’s been carrying around this baggage for too many years.
“Does your back hurt often?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I mean sure, I get flare-ups sometimes, but it’s not too bad. Doesn’t really get in the way of baking as long as the table is high enough.”
Katsuki thinks for a moment, teeth worrying his bottom lip. “Is the table high enough? At your café.”
You shrug, failing to see where he’s going with this. “I have a platform thingy, so. It’s mostly for decorating cakes and things—“
“I’ll buy you a new one.”
“I’ll buy you a new table,” Katsuki says, nodding to himself as if he was confirming the idea. “A higher one.”
It takes a second for his offer to process, but once it does, you’re fighting a smile. Still the same kid. “Kats, I don’t nee—“
“An—And if you need a new chair. I’ll pay for that shit too.”
You shake your head—mainly in disbelief, “I don’t need a chair, Katsuki.”
“Then what?” He asks, and it almost sounds desperate with the speed he rushed the sentence, “Y’need a car? That hunk of junk you drive could use some work.”
You ignore the jab, because your car works perfectly fine thank you very much, and snort at the suggestion of such an outrageous purchase.
“What? You tryna be my sugar daddy or something?” You joke. Katsuki gives you a look, and it's dead serious.
“D’ya need one?”
“I—no!” You laugh, and have to remind yourself to reel it in before you actually wake Denki up. “I’m fine financially I just—what’s gotten into you?”
“Nothin’.” Katsuki quickly grumbles, facing forwards again. “I just...”
You raise an eyebrow, “You just..?”
“I dunno. I dunno,” Katsuki shakes his head. You let him gather his thoughts in silence before he tries again. He doesn’t.
“Then fuck me.”
In your defense, your mouth moved before you thought it through.
Katsuki has an unreadable look on his face, but his voice is anything but steady when he says, “What?”
Fuck. Fuck.
“U-Uh, I mean,” you recoil. Stupid big mouth. “I—you—don’t worry about it.”
“You said you wanted to fuck me,” Katsuki deadpans. You choke.
“I—no, that’s not—“
“That’s exactly what you said.”
“No, I meant as in I’m pent up. Obviously,” you defend with a huff, crossing your arms on the pillow as you glare daggers his way. Katsuki matches your stare.
“Not as pent up as a Pro Hero,” he scoffs, lifting an eyebrow. You take it as a challenge.
You click your tongue in faux pity, “Awe, the number two hero Dynamight doesn’t get laid?”
“No fuckin’ time,” he grunts, though you don’t find much remorse in his voice.
“Well, you have time now,” you say, completely unsure of where this confidence is coming from. Either way, you’ll take it and run.
“I do,” Katsuki confirms, leaning in closer. He’s close enough that you can smell what’s leftover of his cologne, and see the hint of a grin that makes his upper cheek shine silver in the moonlight. You find yourself leaning in just as much as he does.
“Wanna blow off some steam?” You dare to question. Katsuki’s grin only grows wider.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Katsuki’s kisses are surprisingly soft, you think, and so are his lips. But you don’t have much time to think about it as he pulls you in by the waist, quietly groaning into your mouth while he lays you down on your back.
“Always thought you were the prettiest fuckin’ thing,” he growls, trailing butterfly kisses down your neck. “‘M gonna make it up to you, yeah? Make you feel so fuckin’ good.”
A hand hikes his sweatshirt above your chest before Katsuki’s latching onto the skin under your collarbone and sucking, teeth digging into your skin hard enough to bruise.
“Y-Yeah, that’s fine,” you whimper, intoxicated by the way Katsuki’s lips flush pink as he pulls away, eyes locked on the fresh hickey on your chest. They flicker up to you; he grins.
Katsuki hums at that, licking his lips before diving back in. You hiss when he bites too hard, prompting him to bite harder, but he always soothes it over with his tongue, topping each bruise with a kiss. You flinch when his lips wrap around your nipple and he chuckles at your meek whimper; a hand removes its grip on the sweatshirt in favor of sliding it up your thigh.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” Katsuki says once he pulls away, enjoying the sight of you writhing in anticipation. “And it’s all for me, ain’t it?”
“Yeah, ‘m all yours just—“ you kick a leg in frustration at the thumb playing with the hem of your panties, “—do something already.”
Katsuki raises an eyebrow, “Do what?”
You frown, huffing, “You know what.”
Katsuki shrugs, adjusting so he’s caging you to the floor. Ghosting a thumb over your panties, he says, “‘Course I do. You gotta ask nicely first.”
You tighten your hands into fists. He would.
“I’m no—“
“Beg, Princess,” Katsuki growls, his stare unwavering. He presses an inquisitive finger to your clit through your panties either as a promise or a threat—which, you’re not quite sure.
You crumble.
“I—fine, just—finger me.”
Katsuki doesn’t move. Asshole.
The ash-blond grins, finally pushing your panties to the side.
“Good girl.”
When Katsuki slides his first finger in, it’s much too easy, and you blame it on the foreplay. You shudder, hands moving to brace themselves on his big shoulders, and the ash-blond muffles a moan as your nails dig into his shoulders.
“Another,” you moan, bucking your hips into his palm. Katsuki’s heated gaze flickers from your body to your face.
“Already?” He chuckles, the rasp in his throat giving his arousal away. You nod—he clicks his tongue.
“Fuckin’ dirty.”
Two fingers feel like so much more than just one, and they have your eyebrows folding in a poor attempt to muffle a whimper. Katsuki’s fingers still move tentatively but they’re getting comfortable, curling and searching for that place that’ll make you tremble. And then he finds it.
“F-Fuck,” your body jolts, and Katsuki’s shushing you against the pillows.
“Keep your mouth shut, Princess,” he purrs, head dipping down to nip at your neck. It adjusts the angle ever so slightly, but enough to make you hiss, and he chuckles. “Unless you wanna get caught.”
“Oh yeah, because that sounds fun right now,” you snort towards the ceiling. Katsuki pulls away with an unimpressed look as his thumb comes down over your clit.
“Can’t wait to fuck the brat outta ya. Maybe then you’ll actually shut up for once, huh?” Katsuki inserts a third finger without you asking him to, and you gasp, clawing at his back.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he laughs against your mouth lowly, as if the light kisses will do anything but make more noise, “Good God sweetheart, you’re really pent up, aren’t ya?”
“Shit—I doubt you’re much better,” you try, scoffing at what you can see of his painfully hard cock in his sweatpants. Katsuki looks down before sending a huff your way, with a cute little blush dusted on his cheeks.
“Shut the fuck up,” he grunts, pulling out his fingers. You whine at the loss. “How d’ya want me to fuck you?”
You need to take a step back from how crude the question is. Right, sex.
“Right um,” you look around, trying to find the least obvious position—and one that doesn’t make a shit ton of noise. Laying on your side, you tuck an arm under the pillow, before turning around to Katsuki to suggest, “Cuddle-fucking?”
“Yep,” you say with finality, popping the p. Making big grabby hands his way, you say, “C’mere, big guy.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes but moves behind you anyways, warm arms easily finding themselves around your waist under the blanket. After a few adjustments and ensuring you're both fully covered, Katsuki’s hard cock presses against your entrance as he hooks his head over your chin with a huff.
“This is so not on fuckin’ brand.”
“I don’t think fucking in a living room with sleeping friends is on-brand for a pro hero or a baker,” you say casually. Katsuki breaks out into a snort, pressing his face deeper into your neck.
“God, I fuckin’ missed you, ya know that?” He chortles. Your chest blooms with something it hasn’t in years, and for the first time, you find that you don’t mind.
“Don’t be such a dick and maybe I’ll stick around this time,” you quip with a smile he can’t see. Though you feel his against the base of your neck.
Katsuki’s last words hang in the air, unusually heavy, and your eyes catch the snow beating against the window with a less than angry howl. Katsuki’s chest shudders against your back but he doesn’t move, hands frozen at your waist.
“Hey, I thought you were gon—“
“I’m getting to it,” Katsuki snaps, and you gasp as he starts to push inside. “So fuckin’ impatient, goddamn.”
He pulls you down until he fills you completely, and you suppress the urge to shout at the speed he did it with. Katsuki moves a hand to slap over your mouth.
“Shut the fuck up.”
You reach around to pinch him in the side with a huff, he calls you a bitch. It’s a little hard to hear you behind his hand as you say, “Then don’t catch me off guard like that, asshole.”
Katsuki snaps his hips and does exactly what you tell him not to do—prompting another surprised whine out of you and a dark chuckle from the ash-blond. His cheek presses into your jaw as he finds leverage in hiking your lower half up until your puffy cunt is level with his cock, and fucking you until you drool all over the pillow.
“What a pretty fuckin’ thing,” Katsuki grunts, and you can tell he struggles to keep quiet in the way his chest sporadically shudders. You have to grip the pillow for some semblance of purchase and Katsuki chuckles at watching you struggle, before he’s hiking your leg up to fuck you that much deeper.
“I always—always knew you’d sound so good,” he pants, the grip around your mouth bordering on clammy. You want to tell him that if he keeps making so much noise he’ll wake up everyone in this fucking room, but there isn’t much time between moans to get more than a word in. “Fuck baby, keep tightening around me like that, and I might fuckin’ cum.”
You find it amusing how close he is so quickly, until two fingers land on your clit and start rubbing in slow, small circles. Your walls flutter around him and Katsuki digs his teeth into your neck with a curse, his grip around your raised thigh contracting as he tries to hold on for as long as he can.
And that’s when Denki starts to move.
First, he rolls to the left. Which would’ve been fine, seeing as it’s in the opposite direction until he bops Eijirou straight on the nose and promptly rouses the redhead from his slumber. Katsuki’s hips still.
“O-Ow, dick,” Eijirou curses under his breath, quickly scrambling to his forearms. It’s hard to tell through the darkness, mostly because you’re squinting your eyes to feign sleep, but it seems like Eijirou rubs under his nose, only to blink back at a bloody hand.
Katsuki’s hips shift, ever so slightly, but enough to nestle his cock deeper and force you to bite back a whine. And another. And then another.
You try your hardest to be discreet when you reach to pinch Katsuki in the side, and he breathes a laugh down your neck.
“What?” He whispers, though it's more than a rasp than anything else. Good to know you’re not the only one struggling to not cum, here.
“You know 'what,'” you quickly hiss. But Katsuki’s hips don’t stop as Eijirou weighs his options to cure his bloody nose in the dark. The fingers on your clit return their usual pressure and you inhale sharply, nails digging into Katsuki’s forearm as your orgasm begins creeping up on you.
Eijirou sniffles and gets up, stumbling through the darkness to turn down the hall that leads to the bedrooms. Katsuki sees that as fucking freedom and his hips really start to pick up so much speed that you struggle to breathe through it all.
“‘M gonna cum,” Katsuki whimpers into your neck, burying his face deeper in a poor attempt to stunt any sound. “Fuck, fuck ‘m gonna cum, you close baby?”
“Y-Yeah jus’ a little more,” you whimper, eyes rolling as Katsuki finds some inhumane energy in him to fuck faster. He nods at that and bites into your shoulder with a growl, “C’mon, fuckin’ cream all over my cock—atta girl, fuck, fuck—“
Katsuki fills you up the moment you clench around his cock with a sigh, the weight of your orgasm knocking you forehead-first into your pillow as you bite the urge to squeal. Katsuki doesn't growl as much as you expect, moans breathy and light as his hips finally stutter to a stop—but you suppose some things have to change over the years.
Katsuki collapses next to you in pure exhaustion and you’re sure that’s his cum leaking down your thigh, but for some reason, you don’t really mind.
“Hey you,” he speaks first, eyes blazing red in the darkness. You snort.
“Hey, you.”
Katsuki chuckles with a stupidly giddy smile on his face, "Y'know, you still fuck really well."
You drop your head on his chest to snort, and his hands find their rightful place around your waist.
"Better than high school?"
"Yeah..." Katsuki grumbles, before his eyes narrow. "Wait—hey, yo—"
"I haven't fucked anyone since," you snuff the fire before it even starts, and Katsuki relaxes, though his eyes stay slim. He pulls you closer and you sigh—it's comfortable.
"Good," he grunts. And then after a pregnant silence: "I haven't either."
That's...strangely reassuring.
Your arms wriggle until they fold over his shoulders to play with the small hairs on the back of his neck, and he hums, eyes fluttering shut with a final peck on the lips. As Katsuki's breathing evens and the white of the snow dyes the highest points of his face white, you smile. He looks older.
You think he's asleep until he nudges your waist.
"Be my girlfriend."
You don't even hesitate.
By the time Eijirou comes stumbling down the hall, both you and Katsuki are passed out—with his body encompassing yours in the most intimate way, face tucked into your hickey-ridden neck as your arms and legs lock around his being. The redhead gives you both a soft smile as he passes, snorting to himself.
“Took them long enough.”
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catacomb231 · 3 years
MHA Boys Purposing To You
I just fell in LOVE with this idea!! Here ya go!!
Characters:Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Ejirou, Denki, Hawks, Shota
Villain version coming soon!
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Deku/Izuku Midoriya
He would purpose to you in the winter, and take you to a very romantic place with Christmas lights! You would both be bundled up in warm coats with thermoses with hot chocolate! You two would sit on benches and kiss and cuddle enjoying the pretty lights.
He would then bring you to the giant pond of water with clear capsules with fake candles inside them. Once there, he would grab your hand and talk to you.
"Y/N L/N, you have made me the happiest man I've ever been! Being able to find someone who I love more than anything! You are my world!" He tells you.
"Izuku, why does it sound like.." You begin before Deku gets down on one knee, causing your eyes to widen as he pulled out a small black box opening it to reveal a very pretty ring.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks.
You begin to cry tears of joy and you scream "YES!" And hug him, having people clap all around you and congratulate you two.
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Shoto Todoroki
He was never really good with being a romantic, much less know what love is or feels like!
But after meeting you, he finally understood what love felt like, and was surprisingly very romantic! Even if he's still a little blunt at times!
So when he decided to purpose to you, he took you to an ice skating rink! You two loved ice skating together! It was the first ever date you two went on!
Despite having gone ice skating for a while now, you still suck at it! So you just hang on to Shoto and cuddle him as he skated around, since he was a PRO at it!
So you two skated around for a while, enjoying your time! That's when Shoto stops and faces you. He was never good with words, so he just went down on one knee right away.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks, pulling out a small box with a ring.
You almost fall backwards from getting surprised but he catches you. "Yes! Yes I will!" You exclaim, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissed him.
The few people around clapped for the two of you.
The happiest day of both your lives.
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Katsuki Bakugou/Dynamight
Some people always thought that dating Katsuki Bakugou would be a toxic relationship! Your friends, family, AND coworkers all told you this as soon as you started dating him!
But being Bakugou, he has to be the best at EVERYTHING! So he has to be the best boyfriend ever!
Plus you are the only person he shows his sensitive and kind side. Everyone else he is the same.
After about 2 years of dating, he finally wants to purpose to you! And what better place than a Firework Festival??
It was summer so it would be perfect!
So when you arrive, you two head up a hill, spread the blanket out, and lay down. Now you wait for the fireworks to start.
Once they do, the pitch black sky was now lit up by hundreds of colored fireworks!
After a while, the show was almost done! The grand finale was about to begin!
Before it did, Bakugou turns to you.
"Y/N L/N," He begins, which surprises you. "In my life I never thought I would find a soulmate. I always thought it sounded stupid and that it was a waste of my time!"
"But after I met you, I realized that wasn't the case. And now, I decided, I never want to leave.. so.." He says, pulling out a small black box, which causes your eyes to widen.
"Y/N, will you marry me?"
"OH MY GOSH! YES OF COURSE KATSUKI!" You scream before hugging him. Just as you said yes, the grand finale began!
Perfect timing!
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Ejiro Kirishima/Red Riot
He's a manly man! Meaning his purposal would have to be manly!
You two would be on an exercise date! He mapped out your route to have you to end at a hill that was called Moonlight Hill.
It was the perfect place because it was the place you two had your first date! So it would be manly and cute!
So you two ran, talked, and just had fun! At last as the sun began to set, you two reached the top of Moonlight Hill.
You two sit down and cuddle to rest, gulping down the water in your bottles.
You thought it was perfect already! But Kirishima proved you wrong. "Y/N L/N," He says, which got your attention.
He gets on one knee and pulled out the ring box. "Will you marry me?" He asks, just wanting to get it over with.
"O-Oh.. oh my! Yes! YES OF COURSE I WILL!" You shout tackling him to the ground laughing.
He really WAS the manliest man you could find!
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Denki Kaminari/Chargebolt
Kaminari has ALWAYS been a flirt! He is more of the class clown, funny type of guy and usually isn't serious!
And after his thousands of attempts of hitting on you with his cheesy pick up lines, they eventually won you over.
And he decided when he would purpose to you in a cheesy way too.
So he bought the ring, and asked you on a date to the arcade, as usual! You both had a blast there and that's when you two were resting on a seat eating some of the food they have there.
"Hey, can I ask you something Y/N?" He asks looking at you. "Of course!" You reply with a nod. He then gets on one knee and pulls out the ring box, causing you to drop the bitten fry you had in your hand.
"My life without you would be like a pointless pencil, I mean pointless honey. I hope you get my point right and add value to my life. Kindly be my point! Will you marry me?" He asks.
Cheesy as ever, but it honestly made your heart pound fast. And you wanted to hear those pick up lines forever!
"Yes! Of course I will! YES!" You scream and hug him, laughing. Others around clapped as well.
Now you'd get to hear his annoying lines forever!
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Teigo Takami/Hawk
Hawks was always one for big, grand gestures!
He always had to one up everything and make it more of a deal than it actually is!
So when he bought the ring to purpose to you, he needed to come up with the best way to do it!
You two have been dating for a good 4 years and he knew it was time! You two loved each other to the ends of the earth! So for a few weeks, he wracked his brain to try and figure out what to do!
He even asked the sidekicks at his agency for help, even confided inside of Mirko since she was one of his only friends who was a girl!
He would've gone to Endeavor, but the situation kind of speaks for itself!
So after getting all of the advice he needs, he immediately began planning his Grand Purposal Having his friends and sidekicks help him plan it secretly!
After a good two long stressful weeks, it was time!
Hawks got the day off and he spent it ALL with you! He brought you EVERYWHERE to give you a good time!
To the mall, to your favorite book and music stores, to a nice restaurant for lunch and dinner, and FINALLY the day comes to a close at the Sakura Tree Park.
At night, especially in the summer, they decorate the whole park with beautiful white fairy lights, illuminating the park ever so perfectly! You two held hands and talked and laughed while strolling through it.
"I gotta hand it to you, this has been the best day ever!" You tell him. "Well I have one last surprise!" He tells you.
You two stand in a clearing staring up at the sky. Once you look up, you see fireworks set off! And they spell out a message. "Marry Me?"
You were confused before looking back at Hawks who was now on one knee and held a ring box out to you. Your hands cup around your mouth as your eyes widen.
"Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" He asks.
"A HUNDRED TIMES YES!!" You scream, tackling him to the ground with tears of joy.
He really did love grand gestures.
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Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Aizawa was usually just straightforward and practically emotionless. But after meeting you, he started being much different! He even didn't mind showing his affection towards you.
So when it came to wanting to purpose, he wanted it to be special yet simple! No extra work needed!
So after he bought the ring, he thought about when to do it. That's when he remembered the Harvest Festival was coming up! That would be the perfect place!
So when it rolled around, you two headed there on a date. You were both bundled up in match orange sweaters and you snuggled against his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around HIS arm. You enjoyed the smell and decorations, and the pretty lights that illuminate the park as the sun went down.
"This is so amazing, Shota. Thank you for this." You tell him closing your eyes, wearing a content smile. "Yeah well don't thank me quite yet." He says pulling away from you and stands in front. Your eyes widen as he got on one knee and brought out the ring box, opening it.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks. He couldn't keep himself from smiling when you nodded frantically and screamed "YES!"
He slips the ring on and you two embrace in a hug and kiss, having everyone clap around the two of you.
He never in a million years thought he would be in such an amazing situation.
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stellar-imagines · 3 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝super saiyan S/O.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto ]
「Headcanons of Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki with S/O who has a quirk similar to a Super Saiyan from Dragon Ball Z.」
♤ Midoriya is always interested in quirks, he will never pass up a chance to discover new quirks and their abilities. He was surprised to learn that it wasn’t actually a quirk and that you were just born like this. Superhuman strength, durability, speed, and reflexes. Seeing all that in person was just unreal, Midoriya is already in love. After all, this guy is weak for strong women like yourself. He’s dying to know more about your abilities ties and superhuman traits. But you know how it is for him, he’s very nervous around girls.
♤ Already has his notebook open when you decide to tell him about how your power actually works. This boy will listen to every single word you tell him, making sure he never missed any details. For the things he missed, he would ask you to repeat it. You'd go on and on about how you became a Super Saiyan, the science behind S-Cells, and different forms of a Saiyan. He'd ask you a lot of questions as if he were a student and you were a teacher giving a lecture.
♤ You are what Midoriya aspires to be in the future. You were strong, skilled, and able to hold your ground when facing villains. He admires you greatly and it shows through how he always seems to stare at you while you're training. This results in him not being aware of the things around him, sometimes he'd end up getting injured. His admiration and respect for you slowly turned into affection. It was his friends who pushed him into confessing.
♤ When you both started dating, this boy is still in the “Oh my god, I can’t believe someone as amazing as you is dating me.” stage for 2 whole weeks. He finds it very unbelievable that you accepted his confession. Midoriya puts a lot of effort into your relationship. This guy has a lot of dates planned in mind but he’s too nervous to ask you out. He will try to bring it up casually, making sure you were free during the weekend. Dates with him are always fun, he’s easily amazed by a lot of things and you can’t help but think that its kind of cute.
♤ Training sessions with him are just different. Midoriya was no longer the shy, timid, and easily flustered boyfriend anymore. He’s brash and reckless. This guy goes all out with you, because he knows how strong you were and that it will take a lot for him to defeat you. He gets a bit frustrated when he gets close to beating you in training, its kind of cute. Due to the similar nature of your quirks, you're always giving him a piece of advice that helped him countless times.
☆ You got this boy whipped from the getgo. Bakugou couldn't take his eyes off of you for even a second. The way you fought and moved during training struck a chord inside him. At first, he was shocked and began to think how unfair the world was, blessing you with such a great ability. After learning that you were basically just inhuman, he wasn't a happy man. He declares you as his rival in front of everyone, and from that day onwards, he's constantly asking you to spar with him.
☆ Despite all that, Bakugou is really weak for you. He admits that you're strong and the most likely to become a great hero to reach the high ranks in the future in Class 1-A. But he never tells anyone that of course, he'd kill himself if that slips out. As time passes, Bakugou couldn't control the growing affection he had for you. It didn't take long for him to realize his feelings thanks to his friends. It eventually led him to confess to you.
☆ Bakugou is very frustrated that you're much stronger than he is. He's very prideful and kind of had this imagination that he'd be the one protecting his S/O. But seeing how strong you were, it was evident that you're able to defend yourself without any help from him. But he's super proud of you and he doesn't bother hiding that fact. He's proud to be dating you but is very against PDA. Don't get me wrong, he loves giving you kisses and hugs but he prefers things like that to be more private.
☆ He loves training with you, its one of his favorite way to spend time with you. Bakugou had always wanted a sparring partner and someone who would join his workout. The two of you would train on hand-to-hand combat most of the time. Sometimes he would take you to the gym where you both will do the same sets together. The two of you will help one another with your reps, he particularly likes having you sit on his back while he does some pushups. 
☆ You like to call it Super Saiyan and a form that transcends human and closer to becoming God. Something about being able to reach the most powerful form of a Saiyan. You explained to him about the different forms of a Saiyan as well as the science behind S-Cells required to take on the form of a Saiyan. It confused him from time to time and he eventually gives up. You just explained it in the simplest form and just told him that your hair stands up whenever you enter Super Saiyan mode.
♡ Definitely not the type to get overwhelmed with how strong you were. It didn't change the fact that he finds your superhuman abilities to be quite interesting. He has never heard of someone not having a quirk and was just inhuman. Todoroki gets curious about your quirk which caused him to initiate a conversation with you. He's not the type who would challenge people and call them his rival or anything. But he's always expecting something amazing from you.
♡ Seeing you in action multiple times made him fall in love with you more and more. He just likes watching you in action, how you were always adapt in different situations. You always performed well during training and surprising him with things that he thought were impossible to do.
♡ Todoroki has no idea how this Super Saiyan thing of yours work at all. Believe me, he tried his best to understand how it works. But once you began going on about S-Cells, Super Saiyan forms, Ultra Instinct, and whatnot, he's already lost. As your S/O, he wants to know everything about you, especially your quirk — ability. You've assured him that it was not necessary but he makes it his goal to decipher your superhuman abilities. So if you feel someone staring at you while you train, don't worry, its just Todoroki.
♡ Todoroki doesn't train that often but if you happen to be the type who would train after classes, he would gladly accompany you. Sometimes he would sit there and watch you, occasionally clapping when you pulled off some cool move. Sometimes he would join you, whether it be sparring or normal workouts in the gym. Todoroki is a great gym partner because he always helps you stretch and keep up with whatever you do.
♡ It doesn't show in his face, but Todoroki is thrilled to be dating someone as amazing as you. He slowly learns about the nature behind your superhuman abilities, as well as the things you could do with it. He shows his affections in an awkward manner but his love for you is so obvious to everyone. He would stare at you unconsciously and buy things that reminded him of you out of instinct. He's not the PDA type and is more of the type who would spoil you with gifts and surprises.
Total: 1313 words Published: 18.09.2021
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 You cannot believe how long I had to sit and listen to my friend's explanation on Super Saiyan and stuff...... But I played Dragon Ball Legends before so I know a thing or two We hope you liked it! ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting it! I don't watch Dragon Ball Z and all I know is Kamehameha. Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests are closed! Matchups are closed!
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓬𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓸𝓸, 𝓲𝓯 𝓲𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾
character(s): izuku midoriya x gn!reader (x katsuki bakugou) 
a/n: gosh i love angst (quick note!! i edit to the best of my ability, however it’s easy to miss things, and i type 100 words per minute, so im sorry if i miss some things!) this ain’t a poly relationship btw, i don’t feel like i could write that well (no shame to people who do!! personally i feel like i would butcher it) 
reblogs are greatly appreciated! 
based off the song: it’s my party by lesley gore
summary: y/n realizes going to katsuki bakugou’s wedding was a mistake
genre: angst all the way shawties 
warnings: light cursing, heartbreak, alcohol, one-sided pining (reader), aged up/pro-hero au, sad reminiscing bc ahaha bakugou made us sad :’) and a crap load of references to the song, friend zoning (eesh) 
word count: 2,566
ik yall are waiting for a part 2 of brutal and part 3 of you’re not my boyfriend but this idea just struck i had to get it down pls 
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“let’s raise a toast to our finest lovebirds, my best friend and his wife, katsuki bakugou and ochaco uraraka!” kirishima took a sip of champagne. 
you lifted your beverage in unison with the others seated at your table but did not drink. you blinked down at the fizzing beverage. 
“we wish you all the best,” kirishima said. “you and your best buds have no doubt you two’ll be known as some of the most indestructible symbols of peace.” 
another wave of applause passed among the crowd. the last toast was finished and the music resumed. your entire table left you sitting. it wasn’t like you knew anyone here, anyways. nobody except for the few classmates bakugou was still in touch with. 
those people consisted of izuku midoriya, who was sitting at the table across from you, as well as across the dance floor. 
the lights twinkled up again, red, blue, and green flashing along the floor. 
you couldn’t deny it. bakugou in a red suit, uraraka in a wedding dress fell just above her knees, a red bow tied around her waist. you did not doubt that if you were to be sold as a healthy person on the black market, that dress would still be worth more than you. 
the only comfort you had was midoriya, who had greeted you when you came in, but the two of you had exchanged no further words. but he looked equally as miserable as you. 
uraraka and bakugou were perfect together. they looked happy. and you were happy to see bakugou happy. happy to see uraraka happy with him. 
bakugou dipped his newlywed wife to the beat of the music. her back arched perfectly into his large hands. 
what hurts the most was that, while you wished it was you instead of her on that dance floor, you knew it wouldn’t work out. 
not that you and bakugou wouldn’t have worked out. the two of you were a perfect couple! 
what hurts the most was that it was a wish, and in every near universe, you still didn’t have that ring. 
uravity and dynamight simply looked...happier. 
you stormed out, shaking. why was your katsuki kissing her? holding her when it should have been you? 
deep down, you knew you had no right. you and bakugou were barely a couple. throughout his years at yuuei, he’d calmed down immensely. so much that he could strike up a conversation with nearly everyone. as it turns out, introverted katsuki bakugou was a shameless flirt. 
the two of you exchanged flitting glances from time to time, but it was never anything serious. at least to him, it wasn’t. 
you knew he’d never taken the flirting seriously, and you also knew about his aching feelings for uraraka. how he covered his mouth whenever she walked by. how his voice raised just a bit, and how soft his eyes got. 
you shouldn’t have been surprised. he never even hinted that he might have had romantic feelings for you. 
the entire room erupted with applause as he kissed her. the katsuki bakugou, kissing someone? pfft, only in dreams. 
for some, the dream would be good. like uraraka, who had shamelessly kissed him back. 
for you, it was a complete nightmare. 
the blaring music, the lights, the balloons, the ‘happy graduation class of 1-A!’ 
you drowned it all out. you curled your knees to your chest. you had no right to be hurt. not at all. they were his emotions. you had no control over them. 
loneliness clouded over you. your chest screamed with longing. a longing to be held. be wanted by him. 
you were alone. nobody was coming to comfort you. nobody was- 
the door opened, clicking shut just as quickly. someone sniffled. 
your eyes flicked up from your knees. 
“y/n? i...i’m sorry, i had no idea anyone was out here...i can leave...”
“it’s alright, izuku.” 
izuku took a swig from a bottle containing something much heavier than champagne. 
that same tug in your chest came about. you were tired of seeing the billboards, the magazines. tired of seeing the unquestionably perfect relationship, perfect love bloom right before you. 
dynamight and uravity this! dynamight and uravity that! 
the music was loud enough, the lights were busy enough, and the people were ignorant enough to neglect your crying figure. 
this was supposed to be my party. he loved me first. 
“you okay?” you asked, swiping your nose. 
izuku looked back at the graduation party. “no, y/n. i’m not.” 
“then we’re both absolute shit.” you let him help you up. “why’re you crying?” 
“just...just uraraka.” 
“for me it’s just bakugou.” 
just as bakugou had calmed down during his years at yuuei, izuku had earned a sense of sarcasm. “are they just oblivious or stupid?” 
“goodness, izuku,” you joked, pressing a hand to your shuddering chest. “calling uraraka stupid?” 
he gave you a sad side-smile. you listened in silence as the upbeat music played on. 
“i guess we’re the stupid ones.” he sighed, chest heaving a little. 
“i guess,” you agreed. he pulled you into a hug, and you let the tears flow. your sobs corrupted your chest as you curled into his arms. “why? why did it have to be her?” 
“not all heroes end up happy, y/n.” 
you looked up at him, eyes puffy, sniffling. “why can’t we be part of that small portion of heroes who are?” 
izuku looked up, trying to neglect the water pooling in his own eyes. “i guess...well, not to be a narcissist—” he let out a breathy chuckle, “―but if you noticed, all the greatest heroes die with some kind of regret.” 
“maybe i don’t want to be a good hero.” you ignored his efforts to lighten the mood. 
“heroes don’t always get to choose whether they’ll be good or not. some things just happen.”
“i’m sorry, izuku.” you swiped at your eyes. “you’re hurt just as badly as me. i don’t want to make it—” 
“hey.” izuku gently pried your hands away from your face, fingers ghosting over your wrists. his emerald eyes gleamed as they stared into yours. “don’t invalidate your feelings just because of me. we’re both hurting, but that doesn’t mean i won’t listen to you.” 
your sobs came back again, and you fell into his chest. 
bakugou spun uraraka, laughing gently as she twirled in his arms. his eyes lit up whenever he saw her. they twinkled. he sparkled. his smile was dazzling. and he was everything you never had. 
you were a heartbroken mess, even after all these years. there was a list of all the reasons you were mad at him, and yourself. 
your sobs were almost uncontrollable, and at this point, you were shocked nobody came to check on you. not that you cared very much. even if you were making a small effort to hide your face, it still would have been nice to feel a touch on your shoulder, someone perhaps shaking you gently to make sure you were awake. 
not that you’d tell them what was wrong. you just wanted to know somebody cared, and to have the option to talk to somebody if you needed to do so. 
but here you were. cheesy, upbeat fifties music echoed along the walls of the room. bakugou had secretly adored artists from back then, and you’d often catch him dancing and singing along to long-forgotten oldies. 
if you weren’t his best friend, you would have blown off coming here and binge-watched ‘my best friend’s wedding’ and sobbed. 
your head was down, forehead leaning on the backs of your forearms stacked upon each other. tears were streaming down, your shoulders shuddering with each weak breath sucked in and released. 
until bakugou chose you, you had no reason to smile. at least not now. by no means were you desperate. love sometimes did that to people. made them look needy, look unwanted. 
you’ve had plenty of options in the past, but the one person who you wanted didn’t want you back. didn’t even care. 
since the graduation party, uraraka and you had been a bit tense. a part of her felt like she knew how you felt, and how bakugou mattered to you more than anyone in the world. 
after the first year, she began abandoning izuku and ignoring his emotions towards her. after she and bakugou found each other, they had already known they would settle with one another. 
you and izuku had never been close, but you were both good friends and were there when you needed one another. 
he had walked you through your pain of senior year, and you’d helped him reach a lot of his goals, too. but bakugou just didn’t seem to care anymore. not even about becoming the number one hero. he looked at uraraka like she was his goal, his new dream, the reason he was happy. he looked at her and saw that he had the world in his hands and wanted to keep it that way. 
you? you were pluto. exiled from the rest of the planets. exiled from the rest of his options, when you used to be his first. 
you and izuku backed away from each other. you’d both been crying for quite a bit. how long it had been, you were both unsure. 
uraraka now stood at the door. you peeked into the window, leaning back a bit and catching glances of the blonde, who was currently being clapped on the back by his friends, congratulated for ‘getting the girl’. 
“are you guys okay?’ uraraka asked. 
“would you cry, uraraka?” 
she tilted her head. “what?” 
you pushed yourself off of izuku. “do you think you’d cry if you saw me kissing him, too?” 
“what’re you―” 
“you would cry, too! you would be sobbing!” you stabbed an accusatory finger at her. “you were my friend! you knew how i felt, and you’re kissing him?” 
uraraka’s eyes widened. “i...i’m sorry. it all just happened, and i—”
“shut the hell up, uraraka. you ruined this party. for me and izuku.” 
perhaps you went a bit far, but in your heart and your mind, you knew she deserved it. she knew. uraraka had known. 
izuku gave uraraka a sympathetic look before pressing a hand to your back and leading you away. 
it still came as a bit of a shock that uraraka had let bakugou invite you to their wedding. gosh. little, domestic bakugou, sealing invitations and batting his eyes at his oh-so-sweet wife so he could invite his best friend. 
little domestic uraraka sweetly kissing her fiance on the cheek and pouting as she said, “how can i say no?” 
it was disgusting, and everything you wanted to have with him. 
you allowed yourself to be selfish this one time. after all, you deserved it. you’d endured hours of bakugou blabbering on about how sweet uraraka was. everything you weren’t. 
you took the bottle to champagne. your ankles were aching as you stumbled out of the room. your vision blurred, becoming foggy with tears. not one person stopped you. you guessed because nobody noticed. 
like graduation night, you slumped down right outside the doors to the party, the music, lights, and laughter muffled. the only difference was that you had a bottle of champagne and the man of your dreams was gone. for good, this time. 
“i wish she noticed me. it was like, after first year, the uraraka i knew just vanished.” 
you nodded. you and midoriya were wandering the streets, cool air brushing down your neck and on your face as cars passed. 
“uraraka was so sweet, but she lost feelings so fast and...ugh.” midoriya ran a hand through his hair, ruffling his curls. “i’m still a bit...baffled. i know people change, but she and kacchan both switched up so fast.” 
“i don’t want to say they’re jackasses, but they’re kind of jackasses.” 
izuku rubbed your shoulder as you leaned on him while the two of you walked. “don’t say that.” 
“sorry,” you breathed. 
“no more being sorry. being sorry all the time leads to shit like this.” 
you chuckled. “yeah, it does.” you sniffed. “did i take you away from the party? you can go back if you want.” 
he shrugged. “’s all right. i don’t mind.” 
“do you want to be here or would you rather be in there?”
“out here with you. i can’t be there right now.” 
“me too.” 
“let me guess.” 
you looked up and scoffed softly. 
“this was supposed to be your party?” 
you nodded. “my party, my groom. i’m not supposed to be crying at my party, am i?” 
your friend shook his head. “not at all. cheer up, y/n.” 
izuku slid down the wall, sitting beside you. he rested his arms on his knees, twisting open his own bottle of champagne. “you look like a mess.”
“and you look like you need anger management.” you smiled. 
he grinned back. “do i now?” 
“yeah, you do. you should have seen yourself sitting there. all alone, the one person drinking something that wasn’t the fifty-thousand yen drinks.” 
“54,795.75 yen, to be exact.” 
you raised an eyebrow. “you’re insane. you kidding me? why do you know that?” 
“i was the weird kid who took notes on everyone in the class. of course i would know this. i’m offended you think i wouldn’t.” 
you tilted your head back in laughter. “gosh, izuku.” 
there was a pause. comfortable silence filled the space, broken by you sigh after gulping down your drink. “so they’re gone?” 
“i’d rather not dwell on it.” 
“how old are we now?” 
izuku gave a breathy chuckle. “twenty-five.” 
you smiled. “really, now? and i thought i would be married by now.” 
“me too. ‘s a shame.” 
“how about, if we’re both still not married by the time we’re forty, we get married to each other, adopt three children and we become hot parents.” 
“yeah, we can have a mini hero agency.” 
“that’s horrifying. but i agree. having a mini hero agency would be pretty amazing.” 
“i’m glad you agree with me, izuku.” you brushed a curl from his eyes. 
“can’t wait until i’m forty,” he smirked. 
“me neither.” 
“maybe by then we would have forgotten all of this?” 
“we’ll be fighting a villain, and we get our memories erased, and then we fall in love because we wake up beside each other in the hospital. we’re both equally confused.” you peppered him with jokes. “it’s a journey we will go on together.” 
“can’t wait until my memory gets erased.” 
“do you wanna get out of here?”
izuku shook his head. “it’s their wedding. we can’t. we shouldn’t.” 
you gave him a silly look. 
“you’re always such trouble, y/n.” 
“if you hate it, then wipe that stupid grin off your face.” 
izuku’s features softened. “maybe i like it. but only sometimes.” he took your head and lead you out, leaving his drink behind while you took yours. 
a single tear rolled down your cheek. he didn’t erase all your pain, nor your feelings for bakugou. it wasn’t what you needed, no. 
you just needed a friend. a real one. one that wouldn’t steal your dream from you. and that’s what you knew you had right now. 
besides, things could happen in the future, right? 
you smiled, and let the cold air touch your skin. 
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 9
Dabi X Reader , Bakugo X Reader
Words: 3214
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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You drank all day. Then took a nap, ate some pizza, and then continued to drink some more.
“Fuck Endeavor!” Dabi threw a pillow at the TV.
“Yeah fuck that guy! Small dick Energy!” You giggled at the sideways glare Dabi gave you.
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about the size of my old man’s dick.” You and Dabi were lounging on the couch, your legs in his lap, empty beer bottles littering the coffee table. You were watching some trashy special on TV about Japans top heroes, and having fun roasting them all. Dabi chuckled as he rubbed circles into your calf. “I have to say… I didn’t think you’d still be conscious at this point. I had you pegged as a light weight.”
You snorted as you sat up to look at him. “Who the fuck you calling a… *burp* light weight?” You sat up too quickly and had to squeeze your eyes shut to keep the room from spinning. His hand came up to steady you and you leaned into his warmth. “I’ll have you know… I am a drinking queen!” You giggled and started singing Dancing Queen at the top of your lungs but replaced the word dancing with drinking.
He rolled his eyes at you before shoving you off of his lap and onto the floor. You landed with a loud thud, but you just continued to giggle. “Aren’t you a Siren? Isn’t your singing supposed to be… I don’t know…good?”
Gasping you held your hand to your chest in mock horror. “How dare you insult my singing. If I wanted, I’d have you on my knees in seconds.”
He smirked at you, “Wait, what does that even mean? Did you mean you’d have me on MY knees in seconds or you’d be on YOUR knees in seconds? Because those are two very different things.”
“UGH! You know what I meant!”
You gave him a pouty look to which he just chuckled in response. “I don’t think I do doll. Why don’t you show me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I refuse to fall for your perverted mind games. I’m too smart!”
Dabi got an evil glint in his eyes. “Too smart huh?” He pushed himself off the couch and held a hand out to you to help you stand up on wobbly legs. “You’ve made some bold claims tonight princess. You say you’re a drinking queen. You say your smarter than me. You said you could have me on my knees in seconds… I just don’t know if I believe you.”
You swayed a bit as you jabbed a finger into his chest. “Bring it on bacon bits. Let’s make it a competition.”
“Okay fine. But it’s only fun if we put something on the line. What are we wagering?” His hand started to travel down your side to grip your ass.
Slapping his hand away you stepped out of his reach. “Nothing sexual! Keep your hands to yourself.”
He watched as you tapped your chin in thought. Obviously you were taking this competition thing very seriously. You looked cute in your drunken state. Your hair was askew and your cheeks a rosy shade or red. Suddenly your eyes beamed, “I know! Truth or dare!”
“Uh what?” Dabi quirked an eyebrow at your antics. “Did you forget that we are adults?”
“Oh come on, don’t be such a buzz kill!” You rushed over to the kitchen and started pulling out cups and beer. “We used to do this at UA all the time! It’s so much fun, come on!”
Dabi groaned as he approached the table that you were currently setting up for beer pong. “Oh come on… I was hoping it could be sexual.” It was his turn to pout now. “We could always play a quick round of strip pong. What do ya say?”
You paused as you set up cups, “Hmm maybe later. I know as soon as my clothes start to come off you won’t want to play games anymore.” You gave him a taunting look, “At least not any innocent ones.”
He raised his hands up in defense, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I am more than capable of keeping my hands to myself.”
You snorted as you set up the last cup. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
He took his spot on one side of the table. “I’ll tell you what… I’ll compromise. For every cup we make we have to answer a question. If I win, we move on to strip pong. If you win or if I can’t manage to keep my hands to myself, I’ll do whatever silly little punishment you can think of.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Sounds good to me.” You cracked you knuckles dramatically. “I hope you’re not a sore loser.” You were really confident for someone who was on the verge of passing out. But if you were being honest with yourself, you knew you were better at drinking games the drunker you were.
Dabi gave you a borderline evil smirk, “We’ll see how cocky you are when I make you play bare ass naked.” He threw a yellow ping pong pall at you, laughing as it smacked you in the face. “I’m sure there’s a some joke I could make about you liking balls in your face… bu-“
You tossed the ball and he watched as it sunk right in. One cup down, five more to go. His surprised eyes met your emotionless ones. You winked, “Drink up bitch.”
He scoffed as he yanked the ball out of the cup before downing it’s contents and flipping it upside down. “Alright… let’s get this over with…what are you gonna ask me?”
That was a good question. What were you going to ask him? You could only imagine the kind of secrets he had. Visions of all kinds of illegal acts and debaucheries crossed your mind. You were enjoying your little daydreams when he cleared his throat. “Any day princess…”
You tapped your chin, “Hmmm. Okay. Why did you leave the League?”
He groaned, “I thought you were gonna ask me something stupid like my favorite color… but no, of course you’d come out swinging.” His eyes looked a little nervous. “I technically never left, but I also was never really an official member. I’ve always done what I wanted. The only person I answer to is me.” His fists clenched, “But if you’re asking why I don’t really associate with them anymore… Well I may be a bad guy but even I have my limits.”
You knew that was probably all you were going to get when he squared his shoulder off and sunk a cup of his own. His eyes gleamed as he repeated your orders from earlier, “Drink up… bitch.” You stuck your tongue out at his before chugging your cup and loudly slamming it back onto the table. “Such attitude tonight? Makes me want to bend you over this table and-“
“Yeah yeah, bend me over the table and fuck me stupid… What’s your question?” Your cheeks flushed. From the embarrassment or the alcohol you weren’t sure.
He growled, “As soon as we finish this stupid game, I’m going to do just that you little brat.” His lips twitched into a brief smile. “So, I’ve been reading those really fun articles about you today and I noticed something… They never mention your hero name.. What is it?”
Your eyes grew cold and your arms came up to hug yourself. “I don’t have one.”
Dabi bristled at your short answer. “What do you mean you don’t have one. You graduated from UA, you worked at hero agency for a few years. Granted you were probably the only real hero in the entire building… but there’s no way you don’t have one.”
You shrugged, which earned you a glare. “Sorry, but I really don’t. When we picked names in school… Well I never really thought I’d actually graduate. Katsuki and Izuku had to talk me out of dropping out almost every other day. So, I didn’t take it seriously. After I got hired, they made it very clear the public would never know who I was. I was a spy. Spies don’t have hero names. They have code names. Mine was Helen.”
Dabi almost flinched at the amount of malice in your voice. Your happy mood disappearing fast. But his curiosity weighed heavy on him. “Why Helen?”
You tossed your ball and watched as it bounced off the table and into a cup. “That’s two questions… and that’s also two cups.” You wanted to change the subject, “My two questions are… Do you secretly like Shoto? And Why do you pretend that you don’t secretly love Shoto?”
“Ugh, Shoto’s a fucking brat.”
You strategically decided you were hot and removed the hoodie you had been wearing, leaving you in a tight tank top and a pair of his boxers. “Oh? I thought you liked brats?”
Dabi leaned on the table as he looked you up and down. “You’re playing a dangerous game there.”
“No… I’m playing beer pong. And in case you didn’t notice, I’m winning. Now answer the question.” You were having so much fun teasing him. You felt safe with an entire table in between the two of you. This was one of the first time the two of you had opened up to each other. Sure, it was because you were both drinking and only because you were playing a very juvenile game. But progress it progress.
He rolled his eyes at you as he gripped the ball in his had. “He’s my little brother… I don’t have to like him. I used to hate him actually. In my head he was the reason our dad was so awful to me. He was my replacement, the golden child.” He was quite for a little while. You could tell he didn’t really want to keep going. He was already more vulnerable then usual.
He knew if he wanted you to open up to him, he needed to offer the same courtesy. “Even now, I see the weird relationship they have and it pisses me off. My dad was awful to us, Shoto included. So, it makes me mad that he’s trying all of the sudden to make up for it, and even more mad that Shoto’s letting him.” He finished drinking his beer. “We’ve talked a lot recently and… at the end of the day he’s my baby brother. Sometimes I wonder if I had stuck around if things could have been different for him.” He finally made eye contact with you and sighed, “So to answer your question… I guess I like the kid a little bit.”
You squealed and clapped your hands. “I knew it! It’s almost impossible to not like him. He’s so adorable, and strong, and nice, and smart, and-“
“STOP! First you talk about my dad’s dick, and now you’re raving about how much you love my little brother… I’m literally right here?” His nose scrunched up in disgust. He shot his ball, it bounced off the rim of a cup and your hand was quick to swat it away. “FUCK! How did you even do that?”
“HA! No question for you. I’m too fast. My reflexes are too fast for you!” You giggled before chasing the ball that was now bouncing away towards the kitchen. You were already unsteady due to the alcohol but the second your socked feet hit the tile in the kitchen they slipped out from under you.
“Oof…” You landed hard on your ass. A few moments of silence passed before you rolled over and started laughing. You felt tears streaming down your cheeks and you clutched your stomach. You honestly could say you hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time.
You felt two strong hands lift you up from under your armpits. “Maybe we should call it a night soon. I have a feeling if I don’t stop you now, you’ll hate me tomorrow when your heads in a toilet.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes and laughed even harder. “I WIN!”
He picked you up and turned you to face him. “I know you’re drunk… but you still have three cups left before you win.”
“NoOo I win! You touched me! Your hands my contact with my armpits! Physical contact was made… I WIN!” You started poking him in the chest. “I win. I win. I win. You lose. I win.” You danced in a circle resulting in you falling into his chest.
His arms wrapped around you tightly, “That’s got to be cheating… You fucking wiped out on the kitchen floor. I still had questions I wanted to ask. This is bullshit.” His hand reached down and rubbed circles on the sore spot on your ass.
The alcohol was starting to hit you hard. You leaned into his warmth and could feel drunken slumber start to drag you under. “I’ll make you a deal. You can ask me one question. But you have to do the punishment I decide no matter what.”
He had no idea what you had planned and by the look in your eyes he probably wasn’t going to like it. “Fine. I’ll do it… Why Helen?”
You froze. You knew he was going to ask. You didn’t want to talk about it, but then again you knew he probably didn’t want to talk about his family. You were torn. You wanted to lean closer to him, to absorb his warmth, to let him hold you. But you also wanted to push him away, to stand on your own feet, to show you’re not weak.
His hand came up to cradle the back of your head, holding you to him, deciding for you. You took a shaky breath. “Well I don’t know how much Greek mythology you know… But there was a woman… Helen of Troy. She was supposedly the most beautiful woman in the whole world.” Dabi’s fingers ran through your hair encouraging you to continue. “She had powerful men fighting over her, on their knees begging for her love. She was the reason the Trojan War started. Most people think it was the Trojan horse that lead to victory over Troy… but in reality, it was her. She brought destruction to an entire country… just by being pretty.” You let out a long breath and felt some of the tension in your shoulders start to bleed out. “So, I was Helen. I was a pretty face that brought destruction to men.”
His hand rubbed up and down your spine. “Well they got one thing right… You are beautiful.”
A shaky chuckle left you as you gripped his shirt. “And if we’re being honest… You are more than capable of destroying anyone you wanted to. You’re just a badass, you are a beautiful badass and that’s nothing you should be ashamed of. Wear it like a badge of honor.”
Your next words were barely louder than a whisper, “I’ve done a lot of bad things.” He didn’t say anything, to which you were grateful. He just continued to rub your back. “I have no right to be mad about those articles… because I did those things.”
Dabi leaned away from to make you look at him. “It doesn’t matter what you did, because you did them with good intentions. I’ve done way worse and believe me when I say I did them all for the worst reasons possible.” His thumb brushed against your cheek. “They took advantage of you. They were the one’s giving the orders. They are the ones responsible, and they are the ones who will ultimately pay the price.”
You blinked back your tears. “I just feel so stupid. I believed so much in the hero system, I was so blind to what they were doing. How many of the people that I apprehended were innocent? How many of them just had interesting quirks they wanted to study? How many of them just didn’t agree with the system? How many voices did I silence?”
“You’ll drive yourself crazy if you think like that. People like us fell through the cracks and that’s not our fault.” You just nodded, done talking about it. There was nothing he could say at the moment that would make you feel better. Only time could fix this, if it could even be fixed at all. Dabi squeezed your cheeks together. “Now why don’t you tell me what this punishment is, because you looked really excited about it earlier.”
You nodded and pushed away from him, wiping your tears. “Yeah. Okay…” You took a deep breath pushing the painful thoughts out of your mind. “I want you… to prank call… Shoto…”
He immediately wanted to deny you. To say hell no. But you had just had a raw moment with him, and he had promised. “… Fine.”
He pulled out his phone and scrolled until he saw Experiment #4 and hit dial. What was he supposed to say? He had never done something like this before. Was he supposed to block his number? It was really late would his brother even answer?
You poked his shoulder and mouthed, “Put it on speaker.”
He rolled his eyes but complied. A few rings later and Shoto’s tired voice interrupted his thoughts. “…uh…hello?”
Dabi began to panic. The only thing he could think of were the immature jokes he’d heard when hanging out with Twice. “Your mammas so stupid… When I told her she lost her mind. She went looking for it…”
You lost it. You bent over in silent laughter. Not only at his ridiculous joke, but the look on his face was priceless.
“… My mamma? We have the same mother. It’s a little insensitive to say she lost her mind Touya. Wait is this code? Are you guys okay? Cough if you need help.” You herd rustling in the background. “Izuku get up I think Y/n and my brother need help. He said my mamma’s so stupid, when he told her she lost her mind, she went looking for it. I think it’s code.”
You couldn’t help it you let out a loud laugh, Shoto was as clueless as ever. Izuku took the phone from his boyfriend. “Sounds like a dumb joke to me babe. Hey Dabi… did y/n put you up to this?”
Something about hearing Izuku’s serious voice made Dabi uncomfortable. He sounded like an angry father who had just been woken up but his dumb children. “Uh… yeah…”
“Great tell her she’s hilarious, and next time she wants to wake someone up at three in the morning to call Kacchan.”
The line went dead and Dabi scoffed, “He really is an idiot I swear.”
“As far as I’m *hiccup* concerned all you Todoroki’s are.” You yawned and stretched. Your eye lids were getting heavy.
Dabi scooped you up and you immediately nuzzled into his shoulder. “One for your room, twice for mine.” You had never been in his bed until last night, but his bed was considerably more comfortable than your own. You held up two fingers. “Anything my drunk destroyer of men wants.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602 @pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop @bakubby99
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Baby Boom (Bakugou x Reader)
Sooo... I think It’s the size of my tag list that was fucking this chapter up so much! Every time I have more than my previous chapter had, this chapter deletes itself from my page/drafts! I’ve contacted Tumblr about it, but don’t cross ur finger’s on that one lol. I am sorry if you weren't able to make the list!
(If you beta read for me you could read the chapters up to an entire day ahead of every else tho! If ur interested in that, just inbox me!)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
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Month 1, Month 2 , Month 3,
--Month 4--
The front door crashed shut like ammunition through cannon fire. The sharp bang clapped and echoed throughout the small, otherwise quiet living space, and soon, three roommates filed out of their respective rooms. One by one, they inched out to get a glimpse of the oncoming storm: Hurricane Katsuki.
Denki warily removed his gaming headpiece as Bakugou whipped past his bedroom door, “Oh hey, Bakugou! You sure disappeared outta nowhere. We coulda used the backup in squads! Where’d ya go, man!?” 
The others listened carefully for the explosive blond’s answer, but got nothing short of an insult in return,
“None of your business, you damn idiots. GO DIE ALREADY!” and with that, Hurricane Katsuki simply slammed the door shut-- somehow even louder than before.
Kaminari, who had gotten the brunt of the explosion, was left wide eyed,
Sero gave a low whistle as he shook his head at Bakugou’s shut door, “Looks like a wild Teenage Bakugou has entered the chat.”
Denki gave an abrupt, slightly uncomfortable chuckle at the remark, but soon gulped, giving his roommates a concerned gaze, “So… should we…” he trailed off.
Kirishima fervently nodded, stepping fully out into the hallway, “I’ll go check on him, guys.” He flexed before making his way to Bakugou’s room—a nervous habit he had picked up somewhere along the line to reassure himself before he dived headfirst into rough situations.
He looked back to his other two roommates one last time and threw a pleading glance as if to say “Wish me all of the luck” before giving a few slight knocks to the rage-secreting room, “Bakugou,” he called out, “You okay, buddy? I know that there is something up. There’s no point in hiding it…we can talk?”
No answer.
Kirishima gave a long sigh, “Well, when you finally want to talk about it, you know where to find me...” 
The other roommates sighed as well before both retreating to their rooms and shutting their doors. Kiri turned to make his way back to his room as well, but only made it a few feet before Bakugou’s door sharply yanked open a few inches.
“Where are those other idiots?” Bakugou’s eyes were redder than their usual vermilion as he glared out from the cracked doorway. Kirishima gave a thick blink in surprise. Had he… had he been crying?
“They back in their rooms?” Bakugou said very lowly. His voice had an extra hint of raspiness weighing it down, Kirishima noticed.
“Y-Yeah.” Eijirou quickly replied, startled by the unseemly sight of his best friend, “They’re prolly back on the game by now.” Bakugou did not say another word as he threw his door open a few more inches and marched deeper into his room to stiffly throw himself on the edge of his bed. Kirishima cautiously followed him-- this was as good of an invitation as any in ‘Bakugou language.’
Bakugou sat, glaring seriously at the floor in front of him, as if it offended him, and his leg bounced nervously. The red head uncomfortably cleared his throat. ‘Holy shit, what the hell is going on…?’  Kirishima had never seen him do that before, “You.. uh.. you wanna talk about it, buddy?”
No answer.
Kirishima waited a few beats before releasing another sigh and shutting the door behind him so that he could make his way to the bed. He sat down next to his best friend and simply sat deep in the silence with him. The two waited for what seemed like hours before someone finally spoke up,
“I got a girl pregnant,” Bakugou said very flatly, still glaring at the floor and bouncing his leg.
Kirshima had to stifle the choke that erupted out of his throat as his own saliva sneaked into his larynx, “Ack! Achkaka!” His natural bodily functions were completely forgotten as his brain tried to compute the sudden and drastic information that was just thrown at him.
Bakugou?? Pregnant? He never thought he would hear the words in the same room, let alone the same sentence! The guy hardly ever did anything but work, work out and come home to play video games. He didn’t converse with people. He didn’t get girls pregnant. Girls didn’t even look at him!
In his coughing fit, Kirishima’s speech was also forgone, “I-I- uh.. man that.. wow I…” he tripped and tumbled over his words. He was dreaming. He had to be. Well, either that or he had wandered into some strange episode of the Twilight Zone or something.
Bakugou’s glare at the floor intensified, “I thought she might not be so bad… but I didn’t want to be with her like this,” Kirishima’s eyes widened at the underlying tone of hurt buried under his friend's words, and then they widened even further once he realized what he just said.
Had Bakugou fallen for someone for the first time?? And then his eyes widened the furthest as things finally began to click within his confused mind.
He sucked into a sharp gasp, “You mean that model!?”
Bakugou simply scoffed, finally relieving his glare form the ground and focusing his hot gaze on Kirishima, “Yeah, turns out she’s actually a fucking bitch.”
Kirishima’s jaw dropped, “BAKUGOU! That’s the mother of your child! You shouldn’t—”
“She didn’t remember the night at all. I was just another fuck toy for her,”  Bakugou stood up and clenched his fists over and over again as if they itched to be slammed against something—tears welling up in his red-hot eyes, “Now tell me if the roles were reversed, how shitty it’d be then, huh?” Kirishima immediately shut his mouth from speaking up anymore as he allowed his friend to release his feelings. It wasn’t often that Bakugou built up enough to let things out this way.
Bakugou scoffed again as he began pacing the room, but Kirishima swore that it had the hint of a cry layered within it somewhere, “they might not even be mine since she likes that ‘fuck toy shit’ so much. That night meant nothing to her…” he threw his arm against the wall, effectively tearing a hole into it
Kirishima jumped a bit from the action as his mind briefly wandered to the security deposit on their lease. He pushed these thoughts away as Bakugou stiffly returned to the bed, his leg bouncing even more fervently than before.
Kirishima simply watched for a moment to allow his friend to simmer down before he spoke up very softly, “But you think it is yours though…”
Bakugou’s eyes snapped up to Kirishima’s, whose eyebrows were furrowed deeply into each other as he stared back.
In all his years of knowing Katsuki Bakugou, Kirishima would have never described his best friend with anything even resembling ‘gullible.’ His gut feeling and instinct were as sharp as ever and hardly ever wrong,
“Must be for a reason then…” he tried to look past the tears that filled up within his best friends eyes but they still left his heart feeling a little heavier than usual,  “If you think it’s yours then I’ll have your back no matter what buddy. You’re not alone in this.”
“What…” Kirishima eyebrows folded toward the center of his expression.
“She’s having fucking twins.”
“Holy Sh…” Kirishima quickly swallowed his words as he took in the forlorn expression plastered onto his friend’s face. There was no room for him to be shocked right now. He had to be Bakuous ‘rock’ so to speak, “I-I mean congratulations!”
Meanwhile you found yourself studying the woman in the reflection of your mirror. Your eyes trailed every detail of her swollen, red eyes. Then to her hair that was fuller than you had remembered—the beauty of bottled color maybe? You danced over the way that loose strands stuck to the slimy mess of tears and mucosa that had accumulated on your cheeks.
A sharp chuckle came out of you, spittle following not too shortly after, but as it reached your ears it resembled more of a cry.
Okay, that’s enough self loathing for one lifetime.
And with that, you moved away from the mirror; however, as you did so, your sight basically smacked the open cabinet of liquor bottles that you were eyeing earlier.
Okay…. Maybe not quite enough self loathing. Your mouth began watering at the delectable sight. It was a desert after a delicious four course meal.  There was always room for more…
With a shake of your head, you brought your hand up to smack these thoughts out of your mind. What was wrong with you? You had been a lot of things in life, but were you really so low to bring yourself to effectively murdering your own children?
That’s what would happen if you drank, right?
You loudly groaned as more tears slipped from your eyes. You really didn’t know shit when it came to this pregnancy thing.
Your mind briefly wondered to Baby Notes Vol 1. You should probably take the time to actually read through it a little. Skimming it wouldn’t kill you.
The sudden pounding at your door snapped you almost immediately out of your thoughts.
“Y/N?? Y/N, it’s me!”
With a final pathetic sigh you found yourself gathering up all the alcohol from the cabinets that you could into your arms and placing them in the bathtub before jotting over to the door.
As soon as you opened it Deku barged in and gripped you softly,  “I came as soon as you called! What’s up, what's wrong?! Are you okay??” His eyes frantically danced around your wet eyes and red sockets before he allowed them to roam all over you, checking for injury.
He wouldn’t ever think that Kacchan was the type of guy to put his hands on you, especially with how much he’s grown since high school, but the nagging voice in the back of Izuku’s mind fervently reminded him of all of the bruises and burns and numberless emotional scars he accumulated with he was quirkless from his childhood friend.
And here was a woman he deeply cared about-- quirkless—having to spend time alone with said childhood friend.
“What’s wrong??” Izuku found himself repeating as his hands mindlessly wiped the fluid from your cheeks. As soon as he committed the action, however, his face ran completely red and he quickly released you from his grip, so that he could get a grip of himself.
You didn’t notice his slip up, and if you did you sure as hell didn’t care at the moment. There were more pressing matters at hand. Two to be exact, “Twins,” you simply said to him as tears began flowing down your cheeks more furiously.
“Huh? Oh… Oh.” Izuku’s eyes went wide as your words sunk in. As soon as he threw you an obviously apologetic glance you threw yourself into his chest and sobbed throwing him a bit off guard as he barely caught you in his arms.
Izuku’s eyes nervously roamed around your home as if he were searching for the right thing to say to you, but as he made contact with an open pantry in your kitchen, his jaw dropped-- your alcohol pantry.
It was far less full than it had been the last time that he visited, “Y/N… What’s with the… have you been drinking?” he pulled you away from his chest and looked seriously into your eyes.
The sight honestly kind of scared you a little—like a 15-year-old being caught with their first beer-- that is, until you remembered that you were innocent as fuck, “No,” you gave a slight chuckle through your tears at the sudden surge of intimidation, “I need your help getting rid of it.”
You walked away from Izuku for a moment, leaving him confused and a bit wary of where this was going, until you returned with a hammer—leaving him even more concerned,
You were aiming for bad ass Harley Quinn vibes, but you were sure that with a dried trail of tears on your cheeks and the force smile splitting your face you came across like more of a psycho ass Harley Quinn. Furthermore, the look on Deku’s face screamed that you were correct (also it screamed ‘GET THIS GIRL IN A STRAIGHT JACKET!’).
“What are you gonna do with THAT?” Izuku squealed.
“I need to get my favorite bottles out of the house. Stat. and you're gonna help me.” At your words, Deku gave a gigantic sigh of relief, but still kept his eyes glued on the hammer in your hands. You noticed and shrugged a bit, “Smashing things is also really cathartic. I am sure you of all people can agree with that.”
“Heh… Yeah. But are you sure this is okay? I mean, I don't want to raise your blood pressure or anything because--”
“Deku. Less talk, more smash,” you threw a towel in your tub to make clean up a little easier, and so you didn't knock a chunk of tile on your bathtub. You gave Deku one last glance. He was still looking very uncertain, but you threw him a short smile before bringing the hammer down onto a bottle of tequila. The bottle instantly shattered, sending bits of glass throughout your tub. You looked up to give Deku an excited glance, and surprisingly, he returned one right back.
“See? Not so bad!” 
But you spoke too soon as the scent kicked you in the fucking nose. It was too far to turn back now. You choked down your nausea and handed Deku the Hammer, “You go ahead and get started. I’ll go get another weapon-- I mean… tool,” you corrected yourself after he sent you a terrified stare.
As you made your way back to the after grabbing your second weapon-- I mean tool a sudden thought crossed your mind. Without hesitation, you pulled your phone out and dialed in,
“Yes. How may I help you today?” Dr. Yamakawa sounded from the other line.
“It’s Y/N…Y/N L/N…” you trailed off, hoping that you wouldn't have to say the ‘p word’ or anything relating to it.
His old ass better take the hint. To your dismay, his old ass did not take the hint, and a long pause of awkward silence filled the air.
You pursed your lips together in annoyance, “Mama Bakugou,” you clarified through gritted teeth, still dancing around the fact that you were a maternity patient of his.
“Ohhhhh!” He exclaimed, causing your face to fall into an expression of disappointment as he continued, “What can I do for you, Mama Bakugou?!”
This mf. You internally ground and fought the urge to facepalm, “Well. I need you to write a doctors note for me.”
“For your pregnancy? Dear, why don’t you just take maternity leave for that?”
“No.” In the moment you shook your head even knowing that he couldn't see you,  “I need a few weeks more before I can tell my job about this… situation. I’m a model. They own me through a contract and I didn't exactly add two roommates to the lease on my body...”
There was a pause on the other line, causing your heart to lurch a bit, but things soon went back to normal when he finally spoke up, “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll email you something.”
You gave one final thanks (and an internal ‘yessss’) before making your way back to the bathroom, “Hey Deku, sorry it took me so long I was just--” you froze at the sight in front of you. The shirt that Izuku wore was completely drenched in liquid and your tub had a gigantic hole on the side.
Your lips fumbled over themselves as you gawked at the spectacle. Deku could only send you a nervous laugh,
“Uh, hahaaa… Can we be done now? This… this burns,” he rapidly blinked the liquid from his eyes as he glances back down to the lot of broken bottles in your tub before throwing your one more pleading glance.
You choked down a laugh, causing it to flee from you in the form of a snort, “Someone had some pent up aggression, huh?”
In response, his face delved into a deep shade of red, “I.. uh..” he had no idea how to answer you when you looked at him like that-- your lips curved into a stunning smirk of a smile. Izuku promptly cleared his throat, “C-can I take a shower?”
“Obviously not that one-- you're totally fixing that by the way Mr. Big Shot Hero,” with a laugh you swiftly made your way to him and carefully grabbed the hammer from his grasp, looking up to see his face dive even deeper into crismon. You flashed a smile at the display. He really was adorable as hell.
You took in his face bit by bit-- his soft, blushed skin, his freckles cheeks, his round eyes. As you digested his expression you swore you could see an entire forest within his stare. Suddenly your heart pinged.
“Uh, Y/N,” Izuku interrupted your thoughts, causing your heart to throb for a different reason as you suddenly realized the proximity of the two of you. You stepped back so fast that your head spun. At least, you hoped that was why your head was spinning,
“You can use my shower.” you said very abruptly as you turned away from him,gesturing him to follow you to your bedroom.
Your bedroom. Your hear throbbed once more. Deep down, you hoped that you were about to have a heart attack or something; however, something  within you told you that that probably was not the case. You swallowed hard.
What the fuck was happening?
The next morning you found yourself stirring awake to a loud succession of banging. Your eyes fluttered open for a moment only before they snapped back shut. The magnet drawing them together and you closer to sleep was much stronger than whatever noise was trying to wake you up, “Mhmfmfm…” you muttered as you rolled over on the couch and pulled the blanket over your head.
Izuku, however, was not one to ignore such an obvious noise and he found himself trudging off of the other sofa he slept on to answer whoever was banging on the door.
“Coming!” the green haired man tiredly called out as he launched himself toward the front door and swung it open.
The astounded face on the other side of the entrance soon mirrored his own.
“Kacchan!” Izuku exclaimed.
Bakugou’s shocked expression very quickly contorted into one of pure rage, “What the hell is going on here?!” He screamed causing you to jolt awake as you threw the blanket over your head. You found yourself fumbling up as Bakugou continued to scream pointed to Deku, “The fuck is he here for??”
You made your way over to the two men- one seemingly terrified, and the other obviously enraged. As your head began lifting from the daze of sleep, you crossed your arms and glared at Bakugou, “He spent the night helping me with something,” you shook your head, trying to free yourself from the oncoming headache, “Hey, better question: why are you here?”
Bakugou seemed to swallow his own tongue as his jaw clenched shut, “I wanted to… uh…” he glared at the ground as he tried to find his next words. Shit. why was this so fucking hard? He should have never listened to that Shitty Hair and come over here. Bakugou scoffed to himself before redirecting his stern gaze back toward you, “Come with me.”
You could only blink.
What kind of caveman talk…You tilted your head as you fleetingly threw a confused glance toward Deku, who only shrugged in response.
Bakugou quickly grew tired of yours and Dekus silent conversation, “You wanna hang out or not??” he growled before throwing another heated finger toward Deku,  “And he can’t come.”
“I was just heading out anyways. It’s no big deal really!” Izuku defensively threw his hands up as if to show Bakugou that he was no threat at all. He went to gather a few of his belongings from the sofa he slept on before throwing Bakugou one more gaze-- this one a lot more astute.
A majority of Midoriya’s mind told him that there was nothing to worry about at all, but there was still a small section of him that couldn't shake the memories of how Bakugou treated him as a quirkless child. Izuku knew that he would never hurt you! But… just in case…
“You take care of her Kacchan,” the tone came off pleadingly but the look in his eyes was a  bit stern. You had never seen this portion of Deku before and it almost instantly caused your chest to thud, harshly reminding you of last night’s sensations. Shit.
“Don't tell me what the fuck to do, Deku. Those are my kids in there. Not yours. You just remember that,” Bakugou scoffed, causing Izuku’s expression to falter ever so slightly before he fixed it again.
Your jaw dropped at the sheer bluntness of his statement, “Kacchan, what the f--”
“I guess you’re right, Kacchan,” Izuku began, “Sorry if  I crossed a boundary,” he smiled at Bakugou-- who only huffed in return-- and quickly turned to you, making the tightness in your chest worse, “Bye, Y/N!” Izuku smiled, almost too innocently, considering the raging war in your gut at the moment.
You smiled back-- a feeble attempt at masking the inner turmoil ravaging your insides. “Peace, bb,” you gave him a weak hug before gesturing him out of your home. You threw him one final smile before shutting the door. You instantly whipped your head back around the the blonde brat behind you, “What. The. Fuck!?”
“I already told you. I want to hang out.”
“Are you fucking allergic to texting or some shit??” you yelled, “You just waltz in like you own the damn place and demand me to ‘Ohhh ahhh wo-man! come with me, wo-man’,” you renacthed his prehistoric behavior. 
Bakugou felt his muscles tighten in response to your taunting. Your loud nature, mixed with the confrontational behavior was reminding him way too much of his own mother. He swore on his life that he would never end up with  a woman like her and yet, here he was standing in front of her fucking carbon copy. The thought made him sick as he groaned in frustration,
“Shitty hair was fucking wrong!” Bakugou spat, causing your eyebrows to furrow in confusion as he continued, “The last thing I want to do is hang out with a bitching hag like you!!”
Your jaw dropped, “Excuse me??” You have heard pretty much every other insult in the book hurdled at you, but ‘hag’ was never one of them. You laughed, “I wasn’t a hag when you fucked me all night, huh?!”
“Yeah? I don't know what was wrong with me then. You are way different when I am not pumped full of alcohol, apparently.”
Your laughter immediately ceased, “Whatever. you came up to me and confessed your love like a raging SIMP, and now all of a sudden I’m a bitch?
“Fuck! Well, I got to know you past a pretty, stupid, fucking face!”
You blinked in shock. The unfamiliar feeling of your heart sinking into the pit of your stomach overwhelmed you as hurt surrounded your face. Practically your entire life, being beautiful has been a mask of sorts for your overwhelming failures. Still, here this man was-- practically a stranger-- seeing past your facade, looking directly into the steaming pile of shit that you truly were. Your eyes suddenly became warm as tears filled them,
“Then why the fuck are you even here, asshole?? TO PISS ME OFF?” you shouted, throwing your hands by your side and clenching them so tightly that your nails dug into your skin.
“BECAUSE  I WANTED TO KNOW ALL OF YOU!” he screamed back. The shocking words fled out from under his harsh tone and stunned you as your brain processed them. You felt your fist unfurl a bit as he continued, “I wanted to know you. Good and bad. Bitchy and not. You're carrying my children… I want to know them,” he finished, almost defeated. This tell of emotion was obviously the last thing he wanted to be doing, you could tell.
Still, it meant a  lot for some reason that he felt that he could do this with you “Oh,” you breath out, unable to articulate much else.
“Oh?!” he angrily repeated. Bakugou felt his face shrivel in disgust. He just poured out his being to you once more for you to trample on it like a fucking gymnast mat. However, as Bakugou formed his mouth to say something else, you halted him,
“Go… have a seat,” you gestured to the couch, blinking the accumulating liquid in your eyes away. The blond could only shoot a lone eyebrow up in response, causing you to sigh in exasperation,  “Well, Are you just gonna stand there looking like that, or what?” he gave you one final scoff before making his way to one of your couches and seating himself comfortably, propping one of his feet on your coffee table as he glared at the non functioning television.
“Welcome, I guess. I am sure you’ll have no issue making yourself comfortable,” you deadpanned, eyeing his propped up legs,  “I’ll go make us some… tea?” you suggested , but no answer came from him, “Tea it is.”
You rolled your eyes before trudging away. You always loved green tea, but for some reason the smell had been killing you lately, so you opted for peppermint tea instead. It was inferior by, far, but it matched the inferior, pathetic life that you had adopted recently.
Jeez. How much self deprecation can you fit into one week? Would this have any effect on the babies? If so, they’d probably come out singing RnB or some shit in the maternity ward. They’d have already stressed dyed hair and an entire Tumblr dedicated to sad aesthetics before they reached their first birthday, for god's sake.  
You vehemently shook your head to once again get rid of the oncoming headache that snuck in with these disgusting thoughts, “So Kacchan!” you called out as you walked back to the living room, “What do you wanna know?”
“Don’t call me that,” he simply barked.
“Don’t call me that name. I fucking hate it.”
You snorted and took a seat next to his glaring figure. You tried not to notice how he shifted further away from you as you sat down, “I am sure Deku disliked being called worthless his whole life too,” you smirked up at him, “I bet he fucking hated it.”
The atmosphere seemed to once more shift into a much heavier tone after your statement and the room fell quiet for a few beats. Bakugou’s small glare morphed into a much more forced one. It was as if he was trying to use the glare to hide another feeling, you noticed.
Finally, he spoke, “How much do you know.”
You tilted your head into another shrug, “Enough to know that you probably hate the fact that I am quirkless.”
His face contorted into one of pure disgust as the glareful mask he wore faded away like yesterday’s lunch.  “I don’t give a fuck,” he argued, but the look you sent him showed no sign of believing it. Bakugou’s disgust deepened, but he made sure to control it enough to where you didn't know that it was directed towards himself.
“Oh really? Let’s see if you can keep that same energy when one of your kids pops out without that flashy quirk of yours,” Of course his face fell, just as you suspected it would. Just like it had for multiple other men you had told.
Most men’s pride utterly shrivels into dust as soon as the pretty girl in front of them-- the one that they fantasize about having a dream life with-- ends up telling them that they are quirkless. As soon as the words fall out of your mouth, the men's dreamy gaze effectively shatters alongside their hopes and dreams concerning you.
Nobody wants to pass weakness onto their children.
“You know what? I think I’ll go first,” you snapped him out of the uncomfortable, uncharacteristic silence, and he gave you an irritated, questioning glance, “You wanted to play 20 questions with me, or whatever. No limitations, okay? And I have the first question for you,” you explained before sending him a challenging gaze, “How could someone so full of hate truly aspire to be a hero?”
You expected him to blow up at you-- to scream, and yell and argue that you were wrong.
The slightly apologetic, yet stern look on his face threw you for an absolute loop, “I wanted to win.” he simply answered. Somehow his matter of a factness was worse for you than any furious defensive scenario you had conjured in your mind, but as you went to open your mouth with a roll of your eyes, he halted you,
“That was when I was younger, “ he sharply clarified, “I wanted to win more than anything. To be better than everyone else—and that hasn’t changed but there's more to it now. I have to protect the people I care about—like my idiot roommates—I want to make sure we all come home safe by the end of the night.”
Once again he had thrown you off with a surprisingly normal non-caveman response, “That was actually…”
“My turn,” Bakugou abruptly cut you off, “How many men the you fuck this past few months?”
Your jaw dropped. 
And back to Neanderthal you mother fucking guess! “Are you fucking kiddin—”
“You said no limitations,” he gruffly stated.
You bit your tongue and shot him a glare that could match his own before giving a sharp sigh, “Four during the last year. You were the last and the only one during the month I… conceived,” you swallowed as the word left a bitter taste in your mouth, “My turn. What about you?”
“How many women the past year?”
“Why the hell does it matter?” Bakugou argued. Your eyes shot down to his body as it shifted around even further from you. From his body language you could tell that his answer was sure to be outrageously high.
He was an extremely attractive guy after all. Those rippling arms were nothing to fuck around with. His red hot eyes could melt steel beams with a passing glance. The chisel of his permanently hardened expression could slice through even the most secured of panties. 
Yes. and there was no denying that he was a sex god in his own right.
It also didn't help that his temperament sucked, so you doubted he had had many long term relationships. He had all of the ingredients of a man whore stirring within him.
“I’m just curious,” you shrugged.
Bakugou threw his glare away from you for a moment as he contemplated on whether or not to answer your stupid question. He had his own questions to ask you still so he guessed that he didn't really have a choice if he wanted his answers,“...One.”
Your jaw dropped, “Seriously?” as his face fell into a furious shade of red you were smacked with a sudden realization,
“Kacchan, did you... lose your virginity to m...?” He glared even further away from you, but you could still see his ears falling even deeper into red-- effectively giving you your answer, “Oh my…” he trailed off. No wonder he was so fucking head over heels for you! Through your discomfort a horribly timed joke flew past your lips, 
“You knocked her up on the first try huh? You’ve got some super swimmers,” you half laughed, but Bakugou obviously didn't find anything funny about it as he snarled angrily as you,
“Shut up!” he barked, throwing a pillow at you, “My turn. What’s up with you and that shitty Deku?”
The pillow hit you, but it was really his question that had smacked you in the face. Your chest thudded, and you prayed to whoever was listening that he couldn't see the racing of your heart, “He’s just a friend! A really good friend to me. Probably my first actual friend ever,” you said this as a joke, but obviously forgot who you were talking to.
“You didn’t make any in high school?” Bakugou’s face twisted up disbelievingly.
“Never went. Couldn’t afford the tuition...” now it was you who was uncomfortably shifting from him. 
“Your parents didn’t help you out?”
“Slow down there, buckaroo,” you laughed, but his face remained as stern as ever as you continued, “That’s like three questions In a row for you. My turn.”
Luckily he caught the hint and didn't press upon the subject any further.
Through the night, you found out a lot of things about him. He was actually younger than you by a few years at twenty years old. His parents were both fashion designers (probably the biggest fucking shock to you considering his choice of black shirts and flannels) and that he was working on making his own hero agency since he had already climbed up the ranks in Japan.
Your game, however, was cut short by the growling of your stomach.
Bakugou almost immediately stood up, surprising you as he walked to your kitchen. Well, you did say ‘make yourself at home’ but this was a little upfront wasn't it? He soon yelled to you from the kitchen as you sat in shock still, “What do you have to eat in this shit hole?!”
Shit hole? You glance around at the decorations and clean atmosphere that you pride yourself on. That jerk. Your house was not a shit hole! “You can eat shit if you want. I’m not hungry.”
“The hell are you talking about? I just heard your stomach growling.”
You shrugged, “Just indigestion. I get a lot of stomach issues with these things inside of me,” the sudden clanging of pots and pan in your kitchen startled you,  “What the hell are you doing??” you called out before marching to your kitchen.
You found him rummaging through your cabinets, stopping momentarily to judgmentally eye your still plentiful liquor cabinet for a moment before moving on, “You can starve yourself all you fucking want, but you're not fucking starving my kids.”
Your breath hitched in your throat at his accusation, “I’m not starving.”
“You think I’m fucking blind?”
“I have to stay in shape for work. Just like you I am sure,” you walked up to him and grabbed a bicep for demonstration, but he quickly threw your hand away from him as his face fell into a bout of shock. He quickly regained himself,
“Whatever,” he grunted before swinging open your refrigerator.
“What are y—Hey!” you yelped as he began haphazardly throwing food onto one of your counters.
“Is all you have in here rabbit food? Jesus fucking Christ,” he ignored your cries and began throwing certain items together and heating up a pot of water.
You couldn't help but blink at the display. He seemed pretty natural in the kitchen and that in itself was unnatural considering his caveman persona, “You... cook?” you felt uneasy.
“You don’t?”
Honestly, your diet consisted of salads and ramen since you were 15, so cooking wasn't a necessity. You reluctantly shook your head at him.
He looked completely disappointed and disgusted with you but, hey, what else is new? Bakugou scoffed, “Well you’re gonna have to learn how now. Pay attention.”
You rolled your eyes at him. If you wanted fucking Gordon Ramsey bitching you around in the kitchen you would have clicked on that stupid ad that always popped up on your Youtube. Then again, Bakugou was more of a Guy Fieri with that spiky hair of his.
You guessed learning how to cook one meal wouldn't be too terrible,  
“What are you stirring the water for if you didn’t put anything in it yet?”
“It helps it heat up faster, idiot.”
“Do you actually throw the noodles on the wall to see if they’re finished?”
Bakugou threw you a frown, “If you’re a fucking dumbass,” he said, moving you aside as he began stirring a saucer filled with vegetables. He completely disregarded your yelp as he moved you as a parade of thoughts bombarded his mind.
He would have to come over more and keep you and his kids fed if you truly didn’t know how to cook. He scoffed and his stirring hand more slightly more erratically with frustration. What kind of grown woman didn't know how to cook pasta?
His thoughts were halted by a loud squelch that sounded through the air. He immediately threw his gaze up to the wall in front of his face and his expression fell at the sight. He growled, snapping his gaze back toward you by the pot of pasta, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” his furious glare danced between you and the wet noodle that stuck to the wall.
“I wanted to see if it would actually stick! Don’t get your balls in a twist, it was one noodle!”
“So damn wasteful,” Bakugou ground his teeth as he frustratedly scrapped the starchy pasta off of your wall. He opened his mouth to tell you just this, but immediately snapped it back shut as he felt something being thrown at his head, “that better not be what I think it is…” he snarled through his teeth as he eyed food dangling from one of the spines of his hair.
“Don’t worry, Kacchan. It’s not a worm,” you laughed, but your giddiness was soon cut off as a hot noodle was thrown back in your direction. You could only blink as it stuck itself on your nose.
“Hmph,” the corners of Bakugou’s lips slowly curled into a smirk, “It’s a good look on you, noodle face,” You laughed but once again was cut off. The brief sound of his laugh coinciding with your own shocked you.
His smile slowly died down as he caught wind of you gawking at him. He cleared his throat, “Are you done being a child? I’m ready to enjoy my good ass cooking.”
However, you didn't answer him as you once again found a smile creeping onto your face. He rolled his eyes and began making himself a plate of food, but he quickly grew tired of you smiling at him like some bimbo,
“What?!” He snapped, “You want another noodle to the face.”
You shook your head as you shuffled past him to serve yourself a plate, “No.. just you have a nice laugh.”
He scoffed, “That all you're eating?” he completely disregarded your comment but you decided to let it die too,
“I don’t see you with any food on your plate,” you shrugged, “I’d be more worried about yourself if I were you,” you winked at him before setting down at the table.
The night went pretty well after that. So well, in fact, that the two of you decided to have “parental meetings” every few days so that Bakugou could teach you how to cook. You ended up learning how to make 10 more dishes within the next three weeks.
Bakugou and you didn't exactly become close, but there were far less screaming matches than there had been in your first few meetings. You still didn't know him very well, but he wasn't necessarily a stranger anymore.
It was… nice.
The next check up came very quickly because of your lack of employment and your dates-- err um… “parental meetings” with Bakugou.
“Your twins should be about the size of avocados now! We’ll check again with a routine ultrasound. We do have the DNA tests in for you all so I’ll just go and run for those real quick.. well walk briskly. You don’t do an awful lot of running at my age.”
“I don’t do an awful lot of running now,” you joked, and Bakugou sent you a stern glare that screamed, ‘don’t encourage him.’ you shrugged as the doctor walked out of the room.
It was silent for what seemed like forever. You and Bakugou still weren't very good at sparking conversations, but eventually he spoke up as you laid back on the exam table, “You're really fucking showing now.”
You brows instantly came together, high fiving each other in your state of being roasted, “Thanks...” you deadpanned.
The look on your face sent a wave of hurt through the blond’s heart.
What the hell. It was like he felt your hurt. For the first time in a long time, Bakugou actually regretted his choice of words. He glared at the ground as he attempted to change the subject, “You’ve been eating, right?”
“How else Would I be sitting here, looking fat and talking to you, Kacchan.”
“I told you don’t call me that,” he paused, as if he were really considering his next statement, “Call me Katsuki,” he finally dragged out.
You rolled your eyes, “Okay, Kacchan.”
Just as Bakugou open his mouth the no doubt scream at you, Dr. Yamakawa entered the room, 
“Mama Bakugou! We have some really good news. Everything seems fine with the twins according to the DNA testing. One is a little small right now, but it’s completely normal for there to be a dominant twin so to speak. No genetic abnormalities or health concerns,” you saw Bakgou visibly stiffen at this before relaxing as the doctor continued, “’Cept for you.”
You shook your head, blinking heavily as if you’d just been punched in the brow, “Me?”
“You do have a concerning BMI—you tend to lean a little towards underweight. I understand you are in the profession of modeling correct,” he said very, curtly, “You need to add more calories to your daily intake. You wont need to ‘eat for three” as they say, but you do need to put on some substantial pounds or you will risk a premature birth..”
You had no fucking idea what to say to that. ‘Nice?’ ‘Cool beans.’ ‘fucking just give me the mother of the year award already!’ You felt your chest tighten and suddenly you realized you hadn't been breathing. You sucked in abruptly, causing the doctor to take a step towards you,
“You're looking a little flushed there, Mama Bakugou.”
“Well how else is she supposed to respond when you tell her like that, old man?!” Bakugou snapped, causing both you and the doctor to gawk at him. 
“Kacchan! What the fuck don’t talk to him like that, jerk!”
Bakugou scoffed, throwing his glare, much more pouty this time-- to the jar of cotton balls on the counter of the office.
“It wouldn't help either of you to sugar coat this, son,” the doctor sighed, “You have made it this far along in her pregnancy. Miscarriage is substantially less likely but if you want to give these babies a better chance, I’d suggest higher caloric intake.”
Needless to say, Bakugou did not leave the doctor's office that day a very pleasant man. He would angrily stalk ahead of you a for a few moments before pausing and grumbling about how ‘fucking slow’ you were as you caught up before the cycle would start all over again. You could only take this for so long, however,
“What!?” you yelled suddenly as the grumbling phase of his cycle began once more, “Will you stop fucking brooding already and speak your mind—”
He instantly snapped his face towards your own to stare into your eyes. You fumbled back a bit as the intense vermilion bore into you. You opened your mouth to speak but his serious expression exclaimed something before yours could,
“I wanna move in with you.”
You paused. You couldn't have fucking heard that right.
He… wants to...
“What…?” you mouthed.
Taglist:  @steggy4ever​ @library-trash​ @watevermelon​ @glimmadora-ble​ @persephones24​ @dragonempress123​ @your-pri-ncess @broken-from-fandoms​ @hot-pocket01​ @tsukineho @bakugousbabydoll​ @bubbzibubbles @ikebukuro-ghoul​ @thehoneycookiecrumbs​ @katsukis-sad-angel​ @dulcetailurophile​ @yukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @kanasakura @lonekitsune @pastel-prynce​ @mynameispurple​ @cutest-celestial-princess​ @minfani​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @galacticrosee @orokayagi​ @centerhabit​ @animefan7420 @katsukisposts   @bakugou-is-my-daddy
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miioouu · 4 years
Can I request for nsfw headcanons/drabble/one shot? 👀 Roleplay kink for Todoroki, mommy kink for Izuku and daddy kink for Katsuki. Thank you for your work~!
Hehehe😈😈 Also i did struggle a bit with todoroki bc like there's a loooot of roleplay options and i didn't know what to choose! Thank you for requesting!! 🖤💜🖤
Warning: smut! Mommy kink, blow job, roleplay, mention of prostitution, daddy kink, choking, degradation and humiliation...
Midoriya Izuku 💚
    It was a normal friday night for you, groans and moans could be heard even from outside the apartment, the smell of sex filling the air. Sitting on the edge of the bed, with you between his legs, Deku can't help the moans and screamings coming out of him. Hands in your hair, trying to thrust deeper into your mouth, but with the glare you sent his way, he stopped his attempts.
You were doing everything you knew that would break him, leaving him panting and begging for more, asking you to fuck him till he passes out. That was normal. But what wasn't normal was the sound that came out from him, when you pulled away just to take him back, completely in your mouth, cheeks hollowing around his dick, sucking hard. "Mommyyy, more please". Those words made you stop all actions, looking up to him, seeing him as surprised as you were.
Pulling away with a pop, the new found kink making you even wetter. While you usually take your sweet time with him, today was different. Quickly pushing your panties aside, not having the patience to take them off, you lowered yourself on him. Thick cock filling you up, arms on your hips trying and failing to pull you harder against him. You're going to show him who's in charge. Starting with a slow, sensual pace, hands massaging his scalp, lips nibbling his ear, transformed to a fast pace, bouncing up and down his dick. Lewd sounds filling the room, from skin clapping to the both of you screaming from pleasure.
You started noticing how close he was, dick twitching inside of you. "Come on baby, show Mommy who's a good boy." It's all it took him to cum, walls milking every drop as you released too. The mixture of both of your juices runing down your thigh and into his. "Wow Izu, I didn't know you were so kinky!"
Todoroki Shoto 💙❤️
Hands gripping the sheets so tight, you were sure that they were about to rip apart. It feels like a stanger was making you feel this good, but it was your boyfriend, Shoto. "Be a good slut or else, you won't get your precious money". He had convinced you to pretend and be a prostitute. A weird kink you recently discovered, you tried all sorts of things, from a cop arresting you, to pretending you were his student.... Everytime it felt amazing, a new experience. As he was pushing your head into the pillows, carelessly, his other hand found purchase on you hips, gripping them ever so strongly, you were sure it's going to leave a bruise. His lips decorating your shoulder with purple spots, he was never that rough before. Always preferring to be the soft lover, sensual and slow, all these habits flying away as you became a mere prostitute in his mind.
With this thought in head, he didn't even care if he was hurting you, if it was all too much, he was too lost in his role. Gripping your hair tightly and pulling you back to see your face, tear stained cheeks from all the pleasure, bruising and bleeding lips from trying to contain the moans. "Such a dirty girl, how many guys have you fucked before? I bet thousands, but you always come back to me, like the good slut you are." His thrusts becoming deep and hard, hitting you in all the right spots, your mind going foggy as all you can think about was how good his dick feels inside of you. His hand sneaking around you hips to start playing at you clit, pushing hard on it. He wante you to cum, he's been telling you to do it over and over again in your ear, calling all the sweet degradation names he can think of.
One, two more thrusts was all it took for you to reach climax, clenching so hard around him, resulting in his own release. Pulling out slowly, he'd watch his cum slipping out of you, all whilst telling you how good you are, slowly returning to his softer side. "You've been such a good girl, I might give you a little tip."
Bakugou Katsuki❤️
Protective, demanding and dominate, in his day to day live as well as in his sexual fantasies. You weren't surprised the first time he asked you to call him Daddy. Now becoming more than just a sexual name, you'd use it to get his attention, to make him give you a little bit of affection. Calling him daddy when he was actually taking so good care of you, it became sort of a life style.
Tired and sleepy, you laid your head on his chest, hands sweetly running over his abs, dipping down a bit just to tease him,and rapidly turning over to avoid his hungry glances. "Someone is being a bad girl y/n. You want to make daddy angry?" the way he'd say it, emphasizing every letter of the word, got you rubbing your thighs together for some friction, not finding it enough, your hand would travel down to slip under your panties, rubbing circles on the bundle of nerves.
Large hand wrapping around your neck, squeezing tightly as he hovered above you, pining you to the bed, as he lookes intently into your eyes. "Are you really touching yourself when I'm right here next to you? Is Daddy's cock not satisfying you enough you dirty slut?" Moan stuck in your throat, tears beginning to form in your eyes, untill he finally removed his hand. Taking off your underwear and pulling his sweats down just enough to reveal his hard member. "Luckily for you, I'm in a good mood today, or else your ass you've been burning by now baby."
Pushing himself fully inside you with a stong thrust from his hips, he didn't even give you time to adjust as he started with a breathtaking speed.
If you thought it was hard to breath then, he just placed his hand around your neck again, pressing and squeezing even harder than before. Lips so close to your ear feeling his hot breath as he whispered so many dirty words to you. Feeling so close, he could feel your walls squeezing his cock. "Don't you dare cum, princess. Don't you dare disobey daddy." You didn't want to, you really didn't. But he felt so good, so so good with his dick raming into you like there's no tomorrow and the pressure of his hand adding to the pleasure of it all,you couldn't stop yourself from cuming all over his cock. "Y/n, I see you're in the mood to get punished huh? Get on your knees for daddy, babygirl, let the real fun begin."
431 notes · View notes
The Skirt
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Summary: Denki wears a skirt in front of her classmates for the first time. Warnings: Coming out, genderfluid character Word Count: 1,796 Ships: Kamanari Denki/Sero Hanta
Archive link!
“You can do this, you can do this,” she chanted to herself over and over again. Despite the affirming words, her hands hovered over the handle to the door. She could do it, she could leave her room and go downstairs. It wouldn’t be any different than it had been the other dozens of times that she had done it. 
“Except this time it’ll be completely different,” she removed her hand from the doorknob completely and sat down heavily on her bed. “Everything’ll be different.”
Panic began to creep up from her stomach and sit heavily in her chest. She ran a hand shakily through her hair, though she was careful to avoid the cute clips that she had worked so hard to get into her hair in a way that didn’t look stupid. A couple more deep breaths had the panic simmering back down for the time being. She could tell that it was there, resting in the background and waiting to spring back up and choke her at any moment, but it was dormant for now.
“Come on, you’ve been female for a week now. You can wear a skirt in front of your classmates and ask to be called your proper pronouns,” she encouraged herself. “Kyouka promised that she’d be there for you if things go badly anyway. You can do this. It won’t be like last time. They’re heroes, they’re not going to be transphobic.”
The other voice in the back of her mind, the one that had stopped her from doing this up until now, spoke up again. It reminded her that genderfluidity wasn’t really accepted as an identity by quite a lot of queer people, and that it was a burden to ask people to remember the correct pronouns when they changed so often.
She didn’t get much of a chance to mull that over as someone knocked on the door. She sat upright as panic fluttered throughout her again, but it quickly settled down as she heard the voice of her childhood friend. “Hey, you missed breakfast. I’m heading to class now, but I’m going to force a granola bar into you during break,” she promised. 
The other teenager heard Kyouka’s hurried footsteps as her childhood friend left to go to class. Denki let out a small hiss. She was hoping that she would have been able to get some of the reaction out of the way before class started, but she had waited too long and now everyone would see her at the same time.
She stood up, a fierce determination taking over her. She flung the door to her room open and fled down the hall after making sure it was securely latched. She was going to do this, she wouldn’t chicken out. She had Kyouka by her side, and she logically couldn’t be the only trans or queer person at this school. Hopefully whoever the other queer people were would recognize that her gender and feelings were real and back her up. If they didn’t at least she had Kyouka.
The trip across the campus was quick and painless. There were very few people traveling over the green or on any of the sidewalks, and those that were didn’t recognize her and she didn’t recognize them. The nervousness that she had been feeling all morning returned to her when she reached the door. She puffed up her chest, smiling slightly as the shirt hung over her differently, giving her the illusion of being physically female like she wished she could be at the moment.
The euphoria of looking like the gender she currently was inside let her open the door and she quickly walked inside. She could feel the eyes of her classmates following her, though there were still the normal speckled conversations that usually took place before their teacher woke up and began classes.
She sat down at her desk, placing her bag next to her. Panic was heavy in her chest but she was doing her best to keep it down and away from the surface. She was doing something that scared the shit out of her, and she couldn’t let them see weakness like she had done in middle school.
Nobody said anything, though more and more of the conversations were dying down as people realized that something was up. Soon she had nearly every single person looking at her, and it was really beginning to get to her. She shifted awkwardly, staring down at her lap. Her nervous mannerisms began to pick up and she started to brush her hands over her skirt and fiddle with the loose strings of her button up shirt.
“Uh, Denki?” someone finally spoke up.
The blond responded by snapping her head up and looking directly at who had spoken. Mina was sitting closest to her and had apparently been the one to finish reeling first too.
“Are you wearing a skirt?” Izuku asked from the other side of the room.
The blond shifted again, swallowing down nothing as she tried to dampen her nerves. She caught the confident smile that Kyouka was wearing and then nodded. “Yeah, I am. I’m wearing makeup too.”
“Why?” Hitoshi asked. 
“If my boyfriend wants to wear a skirt and makeup then he can, whenever he wants to,” Hanta said from behind Denki, immediately getting defensive of her.
Dysphoria flared up in her again as she shifted in her seat. “Actually, um, I’m wearing makeup and a skirt today because I’m a girl.”
“You are?” Hanta asked, blinking. He then panicked, “Not that that’s a bad thing! I just wasn’t expecting it. I still want to be here for you if you need me.”
“Well, I’m not a girl all the time,” the blond got out before any more of the chaos in the classroom could unfold. “I just… I’m genderfluid. It means that I feel like my gender changes. Sometimes I feel like both, sometimes I feel like neither, sometimes I feel female, sometimes I feel male. I know it’s kind of an annoying thing, so I’m not going to ask any of you to change pronouns all the time, but I just want to be myself.”
“Nonsense,” Tenya called over the top of the clamoring of voices from some of the students. “Everyone will respect Denki’s pronouns no matter how often they change, and if you don’t I have some firm words for you.”
“Yeah, same! Disrespect my friend and you and I are going to have a problem,” Eijirou called. “Transphobia is so unmanly!”
To her surprise, the next person from her friend group to speak up was Katsuki. “More than a problem. You might not live to see your birthday if you decide to disrespect her. Got it, you bunch of losers?”
“None of us want to disrespect her, Kacchan!” Izuku called, having become a lot more outward now that he was comfortable around the rest of the class. There were a couple of crows in agreement, before the conversations began to pick back up and people returned to what they were doing.
Momo was up from her chair and gathering Denki up in a hug. “Thank you for coming out to us, it means a lot. I have a couple tips and tricks for this kind of dysphoria if you ever want to spend some time together,” she beamed.
“Ooh! We should invite her to girl’s night on the weeks that she’s feeling like a girl!” Tooru clapped her hands together in excitement.
“Yeah, we could do your hair and paint your nails!” Ochako chimed in, looking just as giddy and excited. “I bet that you could give us some tips on eyeshadow too, you look really good today.”
“Thanks. I used to do it on my sisters and I guess I just got really good over time,” she flushed and rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. 
Tsuyu was the next one to speak. “Also, you don’t have to be female to come to girl’s night. You can be nonbinary or agender like me and still show up. It’s mostly just for us to do girly stuff like gossip and paint each other’s nails.”
“That sounds really nice,” she grinned. “I’m pretty good at painting nails and braiding hair.”
“This is going to be so much fun!” Mina grinned. “You and I have to go shopping the next time that we get a weekend outside of school. I want to have a fashion show with you.”
“Kyouka already took me shopping when I was in middle school, I’ve got some feminine clothes. And it’s not like I have much of an allowance to spend,” she shrugged awkwardly.
The pink teenager rolled her eyes. “My dads spoil me with a big allowance, and I’m sure that they’d be more than willing to help if I told them that it was to get clothes so that you would feel more comfortable!”
“Yeah, okay,” she nodded finally after a moment of deliberation. Mina quickly got caught up in a conversation with Tooru across the aisle about which shops that they should bring their new feminine friend to.
Denki jumped as she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see her boyfriend sitting there with that stupid smile that he always got when he was looking at her. “Hey,” she whispered. “I hope that this isn’t too weird for you. And that you’re not mad I didn’t come out to you first.”
“It’s okay,” Hanta shook his head. “I now that coming out can be really difficult. It took me three years just to be able to tell my parents that I was questioning my sexuality, and even longer to admit to them that I was bi.”
She reached out to grasp the hand that was resting on his desk, threading their fingers together. “I just wanted to get it all done and out of the way at once. Coming out is so hard, so I wanted to do it once instead of half a dozen times.”
“I get that. Thanks for sharing this with us. I’ll try my best to remember your pronouns and change around some of the pet names that I use for you,” he brightened up. “Does this mean that I can finally experiment around with some of the girly ones?”
She laughed, “Yeah, it does.”
“Awesome,” he beamed, leaning across the desk to gently give her a kiss on her lips.
“I love you so much,” she giggled. “Thank you for being so supportive of me.”
“Of course. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I wasn’t supportive?” Hanta snorted. His face softened and he rubbed the back of her knuckles with his thumb. “I love you too.”
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todomochi-uwu · 4 years
Babygirl. (5/?) Symbol of Peace.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Warnings: Angst, Age Difference
Author´s Note: More of a transition chapter, I´m really excited for the next one. 
Tags: @afuckingunicornn, @ikebukuro-ghoul, @dulcetailurophile, @your-pri-ncess, @huh-iwasntpayingattention​
“I love you, baby girl.”
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Gathered in the same room, the top 25 heroes of Japan waited, not know the reason behind the meeting, but they could only expect the worst. Ground Zero, Deku, Shoto, Creati, Suneater, Earphone Jack, Red Riot, all talking and formulating theories about a possible league of villains, a nuclear threat or a terrorist attack, any kind of case that would need all them to be there at the moment. They all went silent when a bunch of executives entered the room, all them carrying graphics and looking quite serious.
The clicking sound of high heels filled the halls, becoming stronger and more present until it reached the room. A woman in a baby blue periwinkle dress lighted up the room; white heels adorning her legs; small golden rings in her fingers; her hair in natural waves covering half of her back, bright eyes and long eyelashes; and a small smile plastered in her face.
"Hello heroes" You vowed before them.
Katsuki felt his heartbeat increasing, his stomach felt to the ground and his lungs craved air, choking him. He hadn´t seen in you in almost two months and he couldn´t believe how much he missed you.
"You can calm down; the reason behind this is not to warn you about some new danger." The room let out a collective sigh, "But to tell you that I´ve managed to finish my book. Based on the experiences and the memories that you so kindly have proportioned me; I am grateful for the support and time you have given me, I wrote this book for the world to be able to know your struggles, to know all the facets and what comes with being a hero, some of you have lost your love ones, sacrificed your happiness and your well for there to be peace in this world. I want to remind people that you also are humans, who feel, who mourn, who love, to show you are not immortal, you are not above death. I thank you for the work you do every day, and I hope this book can capture what being a true hero is, not the fame, not money, not the recognition, but the pure motive of doing it for others. This is More than a symbol, more than a hero." All they stood up, clapping you, making you shy away a bit, you weren´t use to the attention.
"Now, while I want every single one of you to have a copy of this work, there's one special copy I want to give it to someone who showed me better than anyone what is the real meaning of being a hero, someone whose heart was a hundred per cent there with me." Katsuki´s heart swelled up, his eyes opened wide and he felt himself becoming energized, could this be? Would you have been able to forgive him?
"There´s nothing that would honour me than to give the first copy of the book to the hero who´s essence filled my soul, the symbol of peace, Mr Midoriya Izuku." The green-haired man's cheeks went bright red, his hands tremble and his eyes threaten to spill out of his eyes, he was speechless.
A bunch of praises and cheers made him stand up and go to the front of the room, small giggles kept coming out of his mouth as he took the book between his hands, he looked around, trying to convince himself this wasn´t a jock, claps were the only thing that he could hear, his eyes positioned on you.
"I don't know what to say Y/LN, this is just... wow, I don't..." You interrupted him, "You have to carry with a title so high and a responsibility so big; you've fulfilled your role in such a marvelous way, Midoriya. This is my way of paying you back." In a second his arms surrounded you, spinning you in excitement and happiness. “Thank you so much, Y/LN."
You thanked each hero, praising them for the effort and love they put into their job, giving each a signed copy with a personal dedicatory on them. You passed through Suneater to Red Riot until there was any left but... Bakugou.  
You approached him, a nervous smile on your lips, "Mr Bakugou I want to thank you for giving me your time, and I apologise for the problems I may have caused not only in your work but also your personal life. It was never my intention to be a burden."
"You never bothered me Y/N; I helped you because I wanted to. You..." The words stuck in his throat, was his pride getting in the way? No, it was his fear. After a couple of minutes of seeing him struggle you decided to help him out, "it’s okay Bakugou, you don't have to say anything else. I wish you well to you and your family, hoping you and your wife can look past this whole situation."
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, his wife? "Wait Y/N..." Once again he was interrupted, now by your editor.
"Y/N they want an interview with you and Deku right now, come on let´s go." He urged, "Oh my god, yes. I'm sorry Bakugou; we'll talk on another occasion." You excused yourself.
He watched you walk out the door, which was the only thing he could focus on, never had he felt more powerless, you look gorgeous, so professional, so engage in your work. Himself? Looking so pathetic, so small in comparison; you had managed to look past your relationship, it hurt him not to have the first copy but he also knew, either way, it wasn't meant for him.  Wanting to run after you, beg you not to leave, not to abandon him, but it was something so selfish to ask for after all he had put you through.
So once again, Bakugou had let you go, staying behind; regretting every single of his past decisions.
He was completely alone, his heart empties without any energy left, and all he could think about is that very moment nine months you two had met, recapturing every single kiss, every hug, every morning beside you and he regretted was not saying those three little words he was so scared of.
"I love you, baby girl."
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