usertae · 2 years
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hazbmymhotel · 2 months
Why does both A03 AND Tumblr eat my italics??? If you want formatting, I guess follow the link for chapter 3!
Otherwise head below the cut!
Chapter 3) Listen, Do You Even Know Shit?
Husker flattened his ears in irritation. Across his chest were bright rainbow letters: Be yourself. Unless you can be a lesbian, then be A LESBIAN.
“It's none of your fucking business, Alastor.”
“Oh-ho! You think after that little stunt, you can talk back to me that way?” Alastor acted as though blood wasn't seeping through the bandages on his neck.
Husk turned his head, flicking his tail. “Excuse me, Alastor,” he said out of habit.
“That's my shirt,” Vaggie snarled.
“I thought it looked cuter on Me,” Angel Dust told her, relaxing with his gun at his side. “But now I think it looks Cutest on Husker.”
Husk scowled at the lot of them. “I'm gonna go fuckin' sleep.”
“I'm sure we got this,” Angel told him, eyes fixed on Alastor. “I got some business to take care of first.”
Husk was already halfway out of the room. “Try not to get anymore blood on the walls.”
“No fighting!!” Charlie said quickly.
“Relax, Toots,” Angel told her, dropping his gun into Charlie's hands. “Do Mommy a favor and take this to my room, huh, Doll?” 
Vaggie sputtered. “She's not your personal–”
“Sure!” Charlie beamed, just happy the weapon was now out of dangerous hands.
Alastor stood, waiting with a bored smile.
He waited, staring at Angel.
“What the Fuck was that about?!” Angel finally shouted.
“Ah, there we are,” Alastor sighed. “Shall we talk in my quarters?”
“What? Now you wanna take me to your bedroom?! You fuckin' asshole, I can't believe you'd suggest this shit right now!”
“Ew.” Alastor looked at him flatly, save for his grin. “I believe I just said ‘talk.’ Get your mind to a more savory location, Angel…” he perked up, “such as My bedroom! Shall we?” The Radio Demon walked anyway, not waiting for a proper answer.
“Ugh!” Angel stalked after him, annoyed. He tried not to think about his lack of socks or slippers…no one was around to even glance at his feet, let alone stare. He looked at his own bedroom door as they passed it, wondering if Husk had tucked himself inside.
“Y'know, I should get dressed,” Angel said, feeling pensive.
“You're not in a rush for answers?” Alastor asked, stepping along.
“I don't wanna sit in my transparent fuckin robe and have you staring my body down while I get those answers.”
Alastor paused.
“Fair enough. Though I expect actual clothing, none of those hot pants.” Alastor shuddered uncomfortably.
“Fine. I'll be there…in an hour. A boy’s gotta look presentable.” Angel took Alastor’s silence as a yes, and turned to hurry into his room.
“Oh fuck, what the fuck am I doin’?” Angel undid his robe and tossed it aside. He didn't see Husk anywhere…which was disappointing.
“What did I even get myself into??” Angel pulled on a long pair of socks, feeling more comfortable with that barrier against the world. He sat back on his bed and groaned loudly, grabbing his face with four hands.
“Are you alright?”
Angel nearly jumped out of his skin. Husker pulled himself out from beneath the bed with a long stretch. He'd abandoned the shirt, but was in another of Angel’s ensembles.
“Fuckin’ hell, Whiskers! You almost scared me to death!” Angel sat up, looking him over. He had to struggle to keep his mind clear.
“Husker, are you just gonna wear all my clothes?”
Husk arched back on all fours, stretching his wings. “The last shirt was Vaggie's.” He stood and climbed onto the bed. “They're just clothes…are they special?” He looked down at himself, concerned he might ruin a piece Angel loved.
“Not until just right now, no.” Angel reached his hand out, adjusting the strap of the tight little top on Husk’s shoulder. “I didn't expect you'd put on girl’s clothes.”
“Clothes are clothes,” Husk shrugged. “Plus…I'm a lot cuter now than I ever was alive.”
“Mmh.” Angel just watched him for a moment.
Husk fluttered his wings slightly. “What?”
“I belong to you,” Angel said. “I belong to You.” He leaned over, cupping under Husk's chin. His heart shaped nose blushed red again, and Angel’s insides squirmed.
“What of it?” Husker asked, turning his head to kiss Angel’s palm. He stared down at the bed for a moment, letting his muzzle rest in Angel’s hand.
“I still don't…understand.”
“What?” Angel asked, pulling away to get dressed. He opted for a frilly dress with too many buckles to be practical.
Husk relaxed into Angel’s bed. “I don't get how you turned the tables on Alastor so fast..or…how you claimed me so easily…or how…” he struggled to find the words.
“How I broke my contract?” Angel provided. Husk nodded slightly, so the spider continued, “it's…complicated, Whiskers. I can't say I even know how to explain it. So much of it, from Alastor to, ah, us,” he smiled to himself. He started applying eye shadow.
“I followed my gut.”
“Fuck you. You didn't do all that on a gut feeling.” Husk sat up again.
“Ain't you gonna lie down already? I did. I swear. Mostly.”
“Mostly?” Husk urged.
Angel sighed and moved to blush his cheeks. It was odd to see the little x’s where three of his eyes used to be. It hurt, but it wasn't anythin’ he couldn't handle. “I…Listen, spiders aren't very common down here. We're all part of one big, fucked up family for the most part.”
Husk moved to the edge of the bed. “You got family down here?”
“Hah. Yea, plenty.” Angel made a sour face as he applied lipstick. “Buncha pricks for the most part. Save for my sister. I ain't seen her nowhere in hell…she's probably too good for it, see?”
Husk watched Angel quietly, admiring as he parted his lips to apply mascara.
Angel went on, figuring Husk was just waiting. “We had…lots to do when I was alive. And then the drugs got me. When I died, the fuckers still wanted more. You know how sinners are, I dunno, reborn? We all got special talents?”
“Well, aside from suckin’ dick, I don't really…know much of mine. But my family all has a lot of skills. I dunno, it's fuckin’ magic oowooo garbage.”
“We're in hell,” Husk mused, “isn't all of this some magic oowooo garbage?”
Angel fluffed his hair. “Guess you're right. But…I ain't got a lotta answers. I'm gonna try and get some.”
“From Alastor?” Husk provided.
“Yea…maybe. Maybe he knows somethin’. Or maybe he'll just try to kill me as soon as I get in his room. But that shit he pulled with Val, callin’ me an overlord, that was out of line.” Angel stood up and slid his feet into one of his favorite heels. “I ain't shit.”
Husk stood and grabbed his lower set of hands. “That's just not true.”
Angel’s heart leapt into his throat.
“It's not.” Husk told him. “You've even said so yourself. So go give him hell, Baby. More hell.”
Angel squeezed his hands. “Thanks, Husker.” He held them for a long minute. “Is this where I get to kiss you again?” He brought out his third set of arms and lifted the cat. “I really want to.”
“You own me now,” Husk said, and they both leaned in.
Angel was the first to turn his head away. “There's no reason that should make me feel this good. I'm a goddamned porn star.”
Husk untangled his hands from Angel’s and moved them around his neck. “Maybe I'm just that good.”
Angel giggled as Husk peppered him in soft kisses, from his neck to the new empty sockets on his face. “Fuck, you're full of yourself,” he said breathlessly.
“You could be, too,” Husk said, quietly. Angel felt himself electrified from head to toe.
“I got stuff t’do,” Angel wheezed.
“Later,” Husk promised.
Angel twirled them both before setting Husk back onto the bed. “Listen, you're gettin’ me all flustered. Let Mommy do his job, huh?” Angel tugged Husk’s arms away, once again missing how it made the cat squirm.
“Yeah. Sure. Right,” Husk said tightly, letting Angel push him into the bed. He was even covered with a blanket.
Angel winked at him and finally turned heel, leaving the bedroom.
“Damn, all worked up,” Angel muttered as he took the stairs to Alastor's bastard tower. He knocked firmly on the door, hearing a cheerful:
“Come in.”
Angel did just that, walking into the space and frowning in confusion. “Alastor, don't you got a bed in here?”
“Whatever gave you the idea that I need to sleep?” Alastor's voice cracked. “In any case, welcome. Tea? My dear Niffty brought it up. I encourage you to have some, that is, unless you intend to strip my ownership of her, too?”
“Yea, no, it's probably fuckin' poison.” Angel closed the door behind him. “And you sound pretty pissy about the whole ordeal.”
Alastor's eye twitched, but he just sipped his tea. “You had questions for me, my dear?”
“Uh. Yes?! I'm pretty sure that was fuckin' clear.” Angel crossed his arms and leaned back against the door.
“Yes, yes, of course,” Alastor chatted as though they were old friends. “Do come sit. Surely I wouldn't be stupid enough to try and attack while I'm recovering. Right? Wouldn't you agree? And I like to pride myself in my intelligent choices.”
Angel glared at him, before giving a shrug. “Fine.” He strode forward in two large steps before sitting.
“I'm sure you startled yourself almost as much as you had me with your actions. I had never taken you to be quite so bold.” The deer said around the edge of his cup. “I dare say, I am impressed.”
“Impressed enough to call me an overlord?” Angel accused.
“Did it not work to intimidate your pimp?”
Angel relaxed, if only slightly. He raised his brows and glanced away. “I guess it did.”
“I believe I owed you a favor for sparing my life.” Alastor refilled his tea. “Are you sure you don't want a cup? It's lavender!” When Angel didn't answer, he continued, “we both know you had me. Even your adoration for Charlie wouldn't stop you from killing me…so what was it? A power play, perhaps?”
“I just.. didn't think it was necessary,” Angel rolled the words in his mouth, working to convince himself.
“Oh? But a deal with Me was necessary? That's so foolish, Angel Dust. Try again.” Alastor narrowed his eyes.
Angel crossed his ankles and grunted. He reached out for a tea cup, allowing Alastor to fill it. “You're a creepy son of a bitch, Alastor…but you're my friend. Ain't ya? In some fuckin' sense?”
Alastor sipped his tea, refusing to answer.
“I guess,” Angel swirled the tea in his cup, “I mean I think…I dunno. I guess I know you're still really strong.”
“Ahh, there we go!” Alastor chirped, “it's advantageous to keep me around!!!”
“Ain't it hurtin’ you to talk right now?” Angel sank into his chair a bit. He took a sip, and was surprised, “oh, this is good!”
“Yes, it's why I'm drinking it,” Alastor agreed. “And my throat is fine. I've certainly been worse off.” Angel couldn't tell if he was lying, but figured it was Alastor's own damned business.
“So…I guess goin’ back to overlordin. Where would I even, uh, lord over?” Angel asked awkwardly. “Or were you just gettin’ Valentino outta here?”
Alastor considered for a moment, glancing into his own tea cup. “I think you have…potential. I hope you know I don't say such a thing lightly. Though, you need to have more understanding. And this, I understand, will take some information gathering.”
“You're not talkin’ about readin’ books I'm guessin’.”
“Correct. I'm aware of the Spiders Nest. It would be foolish of me not to be.”
Angel mulled on it for a moment. “I don't really wanna fuckin’ go there.”
“Then squander your potential, as you always do,” Alastor sighed.
“That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?” Angel said with a huff.
“Well, are you going to find answers in a book?” Alastor challenged. “Or do you have a better idea?”
“I don't even know if I wanna do this shit.” Angel slurped loudly, sure it would irritate the Radio Demon.
Alastor rolled his eyes and leaned into his hand. “Are we not speaking candidly, Angel? Are we not friends as you said?”
Angel groaned. “Fuck off, Al, you just basically called me out for that.”
“Now, now.” The deer soothed, “surely you want to protect what you have. All that you have? You've just gained your freedom, more or less.”
“What do you mean, less??”
“You gave your soul to a washed up overlord yourself. What if our good friend Husker decides he wants power once more? He longs for it, you know.” Alastor set down his cup to gesture as he spoke. “It's what my deal with him was for. He's a pitiful, weak man. I can't imagine he'll be pleased as your little pet cat.”
“That's not how I see it!” Angel sloshed his tea as he slapped it onto the table.
“Oh, did I strike a nerve?” Alastor teased. “Surely you called it a marriage or some other such nonsense, but what do you truly know of Husker? And what if you find yourself weak? Will you allow yourself to be a pet? What happens if he gambles you away,” he wafted his fingers in the air, “like the thousands of other souls he'd handed to me. What then?”
Angel stood up, chair screeching against the floor. “I think we're done here.”
“Oh? Such a pity. You haven't finished your tea.”
“Fuck your tea,” Angel was out the door before finishing his declaration, “and fuck you!”
“Always a pleasure!” Alastor called, pleased as punch.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jimin's each and every part is PERFECTION
His face is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. So angelic yet seductive. Prettiest human being to exist fr. You can just stare at him for hours. Reason why JK popping heart eyes everywhere.
Mfing lips God no wonder JK can't stop staring at it, it's made to be kissed hard by a handsome dude let's be honest, so plump and pink 💋💋💋
His eyes, God he can hypnotize anyone and their momma with that eyes. Reason why JK can't keep the eye contact. So brown and deep 🥲❤
His nose???? Cutest lil thing ever. One bite it's gone. I didn't knew button noses were this pretty until I saw Jimin. 🤏🤏😭
His toof. I swear that's one of my favorite feature of him and I'm glad he knows it 😭. Im so fucking happy he is keeping his adorably crooked teeth.
Ears. Yeah obsessed with that lil ears too. The one JK sucked to his mouth infront of whole world lol. And when he wears those dangling earrings >>>>>>>>
Cheeks, JESUS. One bite that's all I'm asking. Rosy chubby cheeks... I just wanna squish. Deserved tons of kisses everyday. 🍞🍞
Hair. Oh luscious thick hair which suits ANY HAIR COLOR??? Has ability to make him look a 7 yr old innocent kid or 27 yr old hottest diva 💫💫
Neck. It shouldn't be underrated at all. His neck is long and thick and prettiest when he wears his dainty chains 😭💥
His slender body with narrow shoulder and frame ? I swear he's so cuddly material. His full frame is only the size of JK's torso 😭 and he's completely engulfed in a hug 😭
His hands ? Have you seen his dainty hands ? The way it moves sooo gracefully when he dances, the way he runs delicately through his body when he dances, it's so pretty GAWD
His chubby lil fingers 😭 He loves it, JK loves it, We loves it. And he adorn it with pretty rings. And y'all have noted his manicured long nails right. He keep it so clean and beautiful 😍
Have you all seen that waist??? He literally trended worldwide and in his home country for that snatched waist. And JK slipping hands inside to hold it ?? It's literally made to he held by strong arms ⌛
His navel ??? It's so smooth and pretty. And the way he's blessing us with some pretty crop tops now. Everyone say THANKYOU JIMIN..And those hips are everything, the way he moves it??
That almighty butt ??? JK obsessed OBSESSED af for. It's so fat and firm and shaply plumped. I'm as obsessed as JK 😭💔
Thighs saves lifes and Park Jimin's Thighs in skinny fit jeans saves this whole universe. The way it fills his skinny jeans ?? So fucking sexy and thick in all right places.
Long legs compared to that smaller upper body and those tiny feets which looks cute af when he wears slippers twice his size 😭💔
And tattoos, can we ignore those tattoos which adds to his beauty??? All tattoos are so HIM ans in the most right and sexiest places. Our Moon Goddess 🌙
His voice, no one can easily copy or replicate his beautiful voice. Its one of a kind, His voice is so Jimin, so soft yet so powerful and his giggles ?? the prettiest sound in this universe fr. I'm sad, JK is exclusive to hear some of the sounds.. just saying 👀
And his dancing?? The way everything surrounding disappears when our dancing doll begins to move 🥰🥰🥰 its Jimin tunnel vision whenever he dances. So graceful and flowy yet crisp and complete moves.
His style. It's so chic. From his outfits to Chelsea boots to his pretty jewelries. So simple yet so stylish. He looks so cute yet so sexy and hot in his style 🔥
Personality. Now that's the one makes him who he is. When I say he's literally an angel I mean it. So selfless, full of love, so caring, so adorable, so kind, so supportive, understanding, respectfu, grounded, calm, soft spoken ... idk I run out of words to praise his Angelic personality ❤❤ JK got an angel for himself.
All in all perfect, when JK said his favorite body part of Jimin is his WHOLE BODY he didn't lied. That man worships Jimin and loves his entire existence.
Anon... you realise Jimin is spoken for, right? Coz JK don't dick around, he will cut you.
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imjusttpeachy · 3 years
sleepy angel. (c.h.)
Can I please request some cute corpse husband fluff. I really want something adorable and cute with him. Like playing with the readers hair and cuddles and that. -anon
okay yall i hope this isn’t too weird but i saw a tiktok abt it and thought it was the cutest thing ever and just— i needed to write about it. pretty short but i’m just getting back into writing sorryyyy
please check out the warnings!!
the licks - lavender kiss
wet bandits - movies as friends
puma blue - want me
dre’es - warm
daniel ceasar - get you
summary: reader is feeling a little cuddly but doesn’t want to disturb Corpse during his stream. who knew the floor could be so comfortable?
word count: 944
WARNINGS: she/her pronouns used, dom/sub undertones???, basically you sit on the floor and he plays with your hair pls don’t read if uncomfy with stuff like that
You didn’t consider yourself a clingy girlfriend.
No, not at all.
It wasn’t clingy to want to be around your favourite person at all times, just to be sure that they’re safe and happy and not too stressed, right? Just to be sure.
Well, that’s what you told yourself anyway as you crawled out of bed and shuffled toward your boyfriend’s office where he was currently streaming. He probably still had a few hours left, but your skin was itching to feel his touch. You had already spent the past couple hours smothering yourself in his hoodie and comforter, reveling in his addicting smell. Though, even with the soft plush completely surrounding you, you couldn’t shake the feeling of just needing to be near him.
You shouldn’t distract him— that was the last thing he needed when he was already so anxious during streams, but it couldn’t hurt to just sit with him, right? It may even be relaxing to have you there, just keeping him company.
Pushing open the door to his office slowly, you peeked in through the crack, eyes immediately spotting that messy mop of black hair only illuminated by the monitor’s light in front of it. You found it odd at first, that he liked playing in the dark, but realized how much smaller it made the room feel therefore being more comforting to him. Finally gathering all your nerve, you pushed the door open and slipped inside the dark room quickly shutting it behind you. You felt kinda creepy, hiding in the shadows and against the walls of the room but you didn’t want to scare him at a bad point in the game and embarrass him in front of his audience. Watching his monitor from over his shoulder, you thought of a plan as you waited for the round to end. You didn’t want to distract him, so sitting in his lap was a big no; glancing downward though, a grin began to pull at you lips as you finally figured it out.
The game went on for maybe another minute or so before the ending screen played and all the characters began transporting back into the lobby— it was go-time. Silently slinking down to your hands and knees, you slowly crawled over to the side of the chair before hooking your chin over his thigh and gazing up at him. You felt his body jerk slightly at the pressure on his thigh, his gaze shooting down from the monitor and locking onto yours as you grinned at him from the floor. He gaped at you for a second before his hand shot out to mute his mic.
“Baby, what-“
“Just wanna be with you,” You could hear the confusion in his tone before you cut him off with your quiet mumble, sighing softly and closing your eyes as you settled in your place, hands folding to rest in your lap as to not accidentally reach out and wrap around his leg as well. Though, as the room settled into silence your brow furrowed as you lifted your chin off of his thigh to look up at him, mind beginning to race with the thought of making him uncomfortable. “Is... Is that okay? I’m sorry I should’ve-“
“No, no it’s okay bunny, I was just surprised.” It was his turn to cut off your nervous rambling just as you began to spiral, his hand coming down to rest against your jaw tilting your gaze back up until it locked with his again. His eyes drifted over your face as you looked up at him with probably the most lovesick expression painted all over your face, nuzzling into the warmth of his hand. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as you settled your chin back over his thigh, sighing in content. Your eyes were fluttering closed when he spoke up again. “Are you sure you’re okay down there?”
A soft hum was your only response as you shuffled closer to him, finally giving in and wrapping your arms around his calf; he tensed for a moment and you were just about to unravel yourself from him again when he relaxed before a large hand found it’s place atop your head. You could practically feel yourself melt into him as he began to card his fingers through your hair, another soft hum escaping your lips in content as his nails scratched along your scalp. Chuckling softly, he leaned back toward him set up and reached for his mic, the hand in your hair still carding slowly through your locks causing you to shiver every so often when his rings ran along your skin.
“Hey, sorry, (Y/N) just needed to ask me something.” You giggled softly as he lied right through his teeth to his stream-mates. It was harmless though, just a little funny; you couldn’t hear them anyway. Even if you could though, all you could focus on was the hand running continuously over your head despite the game starting up again.
“Nah just what I want to eat, we can literally never decide what to have…” His words trailed off of your focus as your body relaxed even further into his. The soothing motion of his hand beginning to lull you to sleep no matter how much you tried to fight it off. His thumb began to run along the cheek that wasn’t smushed against his thigh as you floated in and out of consciousness, his touch so gentle you’d begin to think you’re made of glass. You could barely make out his mumbled words as his soft touches finally plunged you in the depths of sleep.
“Sweet dreams, princess”
When your eyes fluttered open again they were immediately met with pitch black, which would’ve startled you if not for the solid form resting halfway on top of your body; your mouth pulling into a wide grin as you felt the slow breaths of your person warm the crook of your neck. Reaching toward your nightstand, you pat around blindly until your hand lands on your phone— as much as you didn’t want to move, you didn’t know how much time has passed since you had joined Corpse in his office. Squinting as the light from your phone flooded the room, you quickly turned down the brightness before looking at the time, confirming that you definitely didn’t have anywhere to be for at least the next few hours.
However, as you continued to stare down at your phone you began to scroll through the seemingly never-ending mentions, you only became more and more confused. Finally biting the bullet and tapping on one it immediately opened your screen to Corpse’s Instagram— but more importantly, a picture of you.
There you were, completely relaxed face smushed against his thigh as you slept soundly, but that wasn’t all. That signature hand had taken it’s place carding through your hair just as he did to lull you to sleep. Your heart was already fluttering as you stared at the photo on your screen but you think it might’ve stopped as your eyes caught the caption.
corpsehusband: “sleepy angel”
@.valkyrae: was this during the stream? omg corpse you liar
@.sykkuwu: u guys are so cute
@.jacksepticeye: SIMP
@.bretmanrock: jealous 🙄 corpse baby i thought we had something
@.tinakitten: okay loverboy
hey guys long time no see! i was gonna make a post abt why i was gone for so long but i think that’d be overkill. i’m okay now and i’m very excited to keep writing for you!
i think i’m gonna branch out to other fandoms as well but idk yet. i’m working through the requests in my inbox rn so i’m gonna do those first. gonna open up drabble requests too!
okay that’s it! thanks for reading as always, let me know what u think down below or in my asks! love you guys, hope you’re doin well <3
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
The Barbershop (Miguel Edition)
Angel’s Edition
Characters: Miguel Galindo x black!reader
Summary: Miguel calls the reader to come trim his beard.
Warnings: Smut
A/N: This is my first time writing for Miguel! I hope y’all enjoy. Angel’s edition is linked above and y’all let me know if you want me to do more Mayans. I wanna spread my wings a bit.
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The plane literally just landed when you got the call. There was nothing you wanted more than a hot shower and your bed, but when Miguel Galindo calls, you come. Anything for the king. At least you didn’t have to drive over there. Nestor was there at the airport waiting to take you to Miguel’s.
Thankfully, the ride was a little long, giving you enough time to rest and mentally prepare yourself to be around Miguel. There was an unspoken attraction between the two of you. Lingering gazes, blazing accidental touches, and little flirtatious remarks. None of which could be acted on because 1) he was married and 2) you didn’t date clients; it was bad for business (but you were more than willing to make an exception for Miguel.)
When you got to the house, Nestor took all your bags out the car. You told him it was unnecessary, but he just smiled and said, “Just in case.”
Miguel sat out by the pool, waiting for you. He enjoyed being out there because he loved how your skin glistened under the sun.
“Hola, Senor Galindo.” You greeted him tiredly. You wanted him to feel bad for making you come over right after your trip.
Miguel knew he should feel a bit of guilt, but he couldn’t as he watched you take off your jacket revealing how snug your tank top was and how it accentuated your curves. “Hermosa,” he got up from his seat to greet you properly. He wrapped you in his arms and had to resist the urge to bury his nose in your hair. It was so intoxicating that Miguel found himself buying the same hair products you used to comfort him during the lonely nights.
His arms around you were beginning to be a little too much, so you backed out of them and gently pushed him into his seat. “Couldn’t wait one more day, could you?”
Miguel unashamedly shrugged his shoulders. “One more day and I’ll look like a Duck Dynasty reject.”
“Aw, we couldn’t have that.” You teased, wrapping the apron around him.
The conversation with Miguel was kept light and amusing as you worked on his beard. For a busy cartel boss, he was surprisingly up to date with all the small town gossip. You probably had Dita to thank for that.
“How was Los Angeles? I got scared for a bit and thought you would get caught up in the glitz and glamour and not come back to Santo Padre.” Miguel was right, you were fascinated with LA, but only for a moment. Two days there and you were already homesick. It was crowded, there was too much traffic, and they didn’t even have real Mexican food.
“No, never. I love Santo Padre too much. But Chris Evans came dangerously close to making me change my mind.” The reason for your trip was because your work as a barber was getting more recognition. So much so that THE Christopher Jamal Evans dm’d you to shape up his hairline and beard. It was unbelievable. You cut hair of up and coming artists in surrounding areas, but you never thought you would cut hair for one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.
“Is that so?” Miguel asked clearly bothered, but you didn’t notice because you were too busy rambling about Chris.
Chris smelled so good. Chris was so much bigger in person. You felt like Peggy when Steve stepped out the pod. Chris was the sweetest. Chris had the softest touch. Chris was so funny. Chris’ dog was the cutest. Chris, Chris, Chris. If Miguel heard about Chris anymore, he would lose his mind.
“Oh, and he took me to dinner with Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie! Can anybody say choo-choo?” You were laughing at your own joke until you felt fingers in your core. To keep your balance, you had to grab onto Miguel’s shoulders.
“Emily,” you mumbled the wife’s name of the client who currently had their fingers deep in your pussy.
“That wasn’t the name I was expecting. Sure, it wasn’t supposed to be mines? Or better yet Chris’?” Was that jealousy you heard? Did he even have the right to be jealous? He was a married man with a child.
“We can’t, you’re- Fuck!” His fingers massaging your walls made it difficult for you to form coherent sentences.
Miguel was enjoying this. With a touch he was making you fall apart. “Hmm, what was that?” He continued to finger you while he massaged your inner thigh with his free hand.
“We can’t do this, Miguel. You’re married!” In between whimpers you managed to get that out.
Taking his fingers out of you, he made a dramatic showing of licking his fingers clean. “Sabrosa. (Tasty).” Miguel pulled you onto his, thigh, his face gentle now as he held your chin in his hand. “I’m separated. I gave Emily the divorce papers the day you left.”
His words took a while to settle in, but when they did Miguel almost laughed at you shocked little face. “You better not be playing with me, Miguel Galindo!” You slapped him across the chest.
Miguel took the offending hand and pressed a kiss to it. “I promise. I’m giving her a couple of days to get over the shock and read over the papers. She’ll sign them, trust me.”
His reassurance was all you needed. Squealing, you wrapped your arms around Miguel’s neck and smashed your lips against his. It wasn’t long before Miguel slipped his tongue inside of your mouth, taking control of the kiss.
“Finish your job, mi cielo.” Miguel ordered. You tried to get up, but Miguel slammed you back down on his thigh, insisting you finish the job there. Miguel’s hands roaming all over your body made it hard to focus. You let him know that he wasn’t playing fair and his response was, “You’ll learn that I never play fair.”
Soon enough, you finished cleaning up his beard, but Miguel didn’t let you linger and admire your work. “I think I need some moisturizer for my beard.”
“What?! I just applied some.”
Miguel wrapped his arms around your waist and carried you to the couch. He laid down on it while he kept you on top of him. “Yeah, but you’re going to ride my face until your pussy juices soak my beard, mami.”
You still had you smock on with all of your tools in it. Miguel untied it but not before grabbing your blade and slicing your skirt and panties apart. “Such a pretty pussy and its all mine.” Miguel ran his fingers along your slit, making you shiver.
Gripping your hips, Miguel settled you over his lips. His tongue softly made love to your folds. You held onto his hair and called out his name. The devil had a silver tongue and knew how to use it. Instinctively, you rolled your hips against his mouth, riding him like he told you.
“There you go, sweetheart. Ride me just like that. Use me to get yourself off and ready for my cock.”
You followed his orders, but not without a little fun. Never being a selfish lover, you decided to dish out some pleasure of your own. Reaching behind you, you unbuckled Miguel’s belt and pants. His dick practically fumbled out his boxers. The way it slapped against his stomach, told you it was a monster. You got your confirmation when you placed your hand around it. How he would fit was beyond you, but y’all would make it work.
As you stroke him Miguel’s moans turned you on so much that you could see your juices dripping down his beard. Turns out your wetness was a good moisturizer after all. However, you didn’t allow yourself to appreciate it for long. Your attention was needed elsewhere.
Miguel was about to complain about his new favorite meal being taken away from him when he felt you lift up from his mouth.
“What? You’re the only one who can get a taste?” You asked mischievously, pressing a soft kiss to his engorged head.
Miguel smacked your ass. “Nobody likes a tease. Suck this dick, mami.” He thrusted his hips upwards and you welcomed his dick with an open warm mouth.
You prided yourself on being a good dick sucker, but with Miguel sucking on your clit and his fingers carving his name out in your pussy, you were beginning to doubt yourself. So many moans were coming out of your mouth that you barely sucked his dick. But when you did manage to get your mouth around it, you decided Miguel was the best thing you tasted. He was more addictive than the drugs he sold. And the smell of him…god he even smelled expensive down there.
You were so caught up in admiring his dick, that you didn’t notice your orgasm sneaking up on you, almost making you choke on his dick. “Imma have to train you how to properly take my cock, cariña. But that’ll have to wait til later.”
Miguel place you on the couch and took off the rest of his clothes. His eyes remained on you as you shed your top and bra. He couldn’t help but be amazed by your beauty. No matter how long he would be with you, he would never get over you.
“Querida, I promise to give you the world.”
“I’ll just settle for your heart.” Miguel’s soft smile warmed you throughout your body and you promised yourself you’ll do whatever you could to keep that smile on his face. “And your dick as well.” You began to stroke him again.
His growl and how quickly he jumped on you surprised you. “That’s why you deserve everything. You’re the sweetest, dirtiest little thing.”
Running your hands up and down Miguel’s chest and trailing kisses up his neck, you nipped at his ear. “Miguel, if you don’t put your dick in me right now, I swe- FUCK!”
Your cartel daddy filled you up to the brink, bringing a pinch of pain with overwhelming pleasure. Nothing could describe how good he was making you feel. All you knew was that Miguel ruined other men for you.
The moans and expletives coming out of your mouth was a boost to Miguel’s ego. Earlier he was scared that your feelings for him disappeared. Enclosing his hand around your throat, Miguel leaned down to just barely hover over your lips. “I bet Christopher Evans couldn’t have you creaming like this. Could he?”
“No, he couldn’t,” you whimpered. Miguel began to thrust into you harder causing your legs to shake uncontrollably.
“Then, I bet not ever hear another word about him or his little friends using you as a cumdump. You’re mine little cumdump and no one else. Entiendes?”
Tears were running down your face from how good Miguel was giving it to you. “Yes, I understand, daddy.”
“Good. Now cum all over this dick, mi reina.” Miguel kissed the edge of your mouth and intertwined his fingers with yours. The soft gesture had you falling over the edge. Miguel soon followed after you.
The two of you spent a few minutes in silence basking in each other’s glory. When Miguel noticed you drifiting off to sleep, he decided to carry you to his room for a more comfortable rest. The next morning when you woke up, you were grateful that Nestor brought your bags in after all.
Tags: @starrynite7114​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @sadeyesgf​ @woahitslucyylu​ @marvelmaree​ @angrythingstarlight​ @teakturn​ @marvelmaree​ @thickemadame​ @dearsamcrobae​ @strawberrywritings​
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shugojima · 3 years
🍋ʟᴇᴍᴏɴ ɪɴᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢɢɢ🍋 🔞🔞🔞
Ushijima x Y/n (Virgin) SOFT/VANILLA
I feel like he'd be trying so hard to be gentle with you but is unintentionally rough becauseeof his size and his overall movements. Ushi is a soft Dom as well in my opinion. Praises you like ur heaven sent.
"Ushijima senpai! It just won't work!"
I was really mad at myself. Ushijima helped me with my serves and I just can't do it right. I felt like a totally useless little fool to be honest.
"That's alright. Sure, it will take some time until it's perfect but you're doing fine." he said and I swear I could see a little smile on his face. I've never seen him smile and he looked even more beautiful now.
"Could you... maybe help me out again some day, Senpai?" I was giving him my cutest *plssss Ushijima san!! Look at me I'm an angel and you can't deny me anything* face.
"Sweetheart, don't give me that look." he said with his eyes wide open.
He took me by my wrist dragging me to the lockerroom.
"S-Senpai!? Where are we going?" I asked quite irritaded.
He blankly said "I'll keep helping you control your body for the next hour. That's important if you wanna learn to serve."
Wait what?? Does he mean.... NO. Naaah... He probably just helps me streching or something..
He closed the door behind us and pushed me against the cold wall.
"Ahhh!" I let out a little scream as it touched my warm body. Now he just stood in front of me and intensely looked into my eyes.
"U-Ushijima Senpai? What.."
"Shhh little girl. I know you want me too. I saw those thirsty looks on my body." He smiled and I melted away. He was absolutely right on that. Although I really tried to stay cool when I'm around him... He makes me hella nervous.
"I... Ushijima san... I can't do this."
"Why?" he asked a little bit concerned.
"I did never... I mean... I'm.." Oh god this was emberrasing.
He looked at me in shock.
"You're a virgin?" Yeah that nailed it.
"K-kinda..." I wanted to just run away but I couldn't move.
His look softened and he started carressing my deep red cheek.
"You don't have to be afraid, babygirl. I'll be careful. Do you trust me?" he said while I was just shaking cause yeah I was afraid. Lord help... But I want him. Badly.
"Y-yes I do.." I tried to play the confident girl but I wasn't and he saw that.
He came closer and whispered in my ear:
"It might hurt a little, I'm not gonna lie. But you'll be feeling overwhelmed right after. Try to relax, babygirl. I got you." he gave me a intense kiss while his fingers traced down my shaking body straight to my most sensitive spot. "You're shaking, baby. Are you so scared? Do you want me to stop?" he worried so much it was just precious.
"N-no! Please don't.. stop." I mumbled and he smiled again.
As his strong fingers slid over the fabric on my
spot it hit me hard and I couldn't help but let out a loud moan.
"Ahhhh, Sensei..." my knees were about to give up on me and he noticed it, holding me in his arm giving me some time to get used to that feeling. No one ever touched me like he did now. He knew that and it made him proud.
"Wow.. You're so wet already." he smiled making me blush hard again. I looked away in shame.
"Babygirl, look at me. I wanna see the beautiful face you make when I touch you."
His hand now slowly pulled down the only protection I had and he slid in between my lips putting one finger inside my wet mess.
"Ahhhhh, Ushijima saaan! That feels so good.."
"It will feel way better when I'm inside you, baby." He evilly smiled while putting another finger inside me.
"Ughhh you're so tight..."
He then took my hand and placed it on his already hard member. I swallowed hard and looked down on him with my eyes wide open.
He chuckled.. "I know... but I'm sure it fits in just perfectly."
Feeling him on my hand alone made me go crazy. I want him. Now.
I grabbed all my confidence and went down on him pulling his shorts to his feet exposing his full length to me. He looked down at me in shock.
"And yet you're so impatient."
I wanted to taste him so bad so I started to lick his member seductively and he could'nt hold back a moan. We was delicious.
The moment I pushed it completely down my throat made his knees weak.
"Babygirl! What.... fuck." He would be surprised if I could get it halfway in but he didn't think of that one.
"Stop it!! I don't wanna come now. It's my turn."
He gently layed me on my back and positioned himself on top of me.
"May I, babygirl?"
"Y-yes.. but... I'm a bit scared.." I prepared to die at this point.
"Look at me. Don't hestitate to tell me if you want me to stop, ok baby? Bite and scratch my back all you need if that helps. Don't be scared I won't do something you don't want."
He leaned in to kiss me while I felt his tip at my entrance. He slowly pushed inside me and I screamed in his mouth.
"You alright, baby?" he asked me as he stopped for a moment giving me time to adjust to his size. A tear slowly ran down my face and he kissed it away.
"Y-yes don't.. stop."
He began to move and my pain slowly turned into pleasure.
"Ahhhhhh U-Ushijimaa!" I started to get loud I just couldn't hold it back and he clearly enjoyed hearing me scream his name.
"So my little girl starts to like it, huh?" he smiled while increasing his speed.
He was getting more rough and his eyes were getting dark. He was another Ushijima now.
"Ahhhhhgghg Senpai!!! Fuck me harder!"
He pounded in me again and again and fucked me into another world.
"FUCK. BABY... I'm.. close. Come for me."
The look on his face was absolutely hot. We were a sweaty mess and I never felt so good.
I came all over his throbbing cock and he came inside me just a few seconds later.
His hot juices mixing with mine.
He kissed me intensely and layed down besides me.
"Did I... hurt you?"
"Can we do this again?"
He chuckled.
"Whenever you need me, babygirl."
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skycollides · 3 years
Okay I’m bombarding you with these😂😂 pls ignore any if you don’t like them and absolutely no preshure or rush, and this isn’t necessarily a plot but maybe just some fluff with ez where he keeps teasing her for how short she is? Idk you can take it wherever you want, i just love the tall short dynamic!!🤗💖💖 thank you so much for having your requests open!!😊
Sorry it took me so long love! I started writing this so often but was never really satisfied.
I hope you enjoy this one. 🧡🧡
Hey Shorty
EZ x Reader
Authors note: I apologize in advance for grammar mistakes
English isn’t my native language.
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
Requests are still open. Feel free to send them in!
Warning: swearing , heartbreak, insecure reader, happy end
Words: 1.417
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Being short is not alway easy for you. Everyone keeps teasing you for it since you were a teenager. And when I say everyone I mean everyone - your family, your friends, your colleagues. You always wished to be a little taller. It has been going on for so many years and it still bothers you. It even bothers you when your boyfriend Ez jokes about it or teases you. 
Today was another party at the clubhouse and you didn’t feel like going but you know how much Ez would love to send time with and his brothers you you decide to show up there for some time.
When you reach the scrap yard you see its already packed with people. Your first destination is Ez`s trailer but no luck its locked. So he must be inside the clubhouse you think. Once your inside you look around but don’t see him. Instead you see Angel and make your way over hoping he would know where to find your man.
You tap his shoulder and he turns around.
’’Hey shorty! What are you doing here?’’ he greets you before pulling you in his arms. There it is again the reference to your height.
’’Hey Angel’’ you reply and wrap your arms around him returning the hug.
’’You looking for Ez?’’ he asks you and you nod and let go of him.
’’He left about 20 minutes ago saying he’s heading to your place. Said you don’t feel too well. He wanted to check up on you.’’
’’I guess I’ll be leaving then.’’ you say and and around ready to leave when Angel grabs your wrist.
’’C’mon shorty I’ll walk you out.’’ he says and you look at him annoyed because of the reference to your height and also confused why he would think you weren’t able to walk to your car on your own.
’’I may be short but I’m not a fucking child Angel. I know how to walk on my own.’’ you say a bit harsher then you wanted. Angel stares at you with wide eyes.
’’I’m sorry hermana. I know you’re a grown woman but I’m allowed to be worried. There are other charters here too and not everyone knows who you are I’m just looking out for you u know?’’ he says and you kind of feel sorry for your little outburst.
’’I’m sorry too Angel’’ you say and hug him.
’’Thank you for looking out for me - You’re the annoying brother I always wanted but never had.’’
you say and smile at him. He returns the smile.
’’I feel the same about you little one. Will you tell me what is really going on?’’ he asks you after you let go of him.
’’Would you please stop referring to my hight all the time. I know you don’t think that there is nothing wrong with those nicknames but I don’t like it’’ you say and try to hold back the tears.
Angel stares at you and walks you out not knowing what to say right now. Once you both reached your car he speaks up.
’’Whats wrong with your hight hermana? I think it cute.’’
’’Well I don’t I hate it and I hate that everyone make fun of me all the time and teases me it hurts Angel.’’ your voice breaks during the last part.
’’Why didn’t you just say something - huh? If I had known that before I would have stopped. You’re my brothers fiancé and I love you okay? I don’t wanna see you upset. I didn’t know it would hurt you like this. I apologize. Please tell me the next time something bothers you okay? or someone. I know where to hide a body or two’’ he say and you wipe away the tears.
’’I love you too. Its good to have a brother in law like you - well soon to be. I just didn’t know how to approach it. I’ll keep it mind with the bodies.’’ you say and laugh.
’’Get home to your man now’’ he says and kisses your head before leaving you there.
30 minutes later you reach your house.
Once your inside you see Ez already waiting you in the living room.
’’Where have you been?’’ he asks you since you didn’t reply to his texts.
’’Having a great time with your brother’’ you say and smirk
’’I was at the scrap yard looking for you - Angel told me you had already left. Looks like we both had the same thought here. You hungry babe?’’
’’I could eat.’’ he relies and you decide to prepare dinner for the two of you.
Once you start cooking you see that you forgot one of the spices. Once you find it you get a little frustrated since you can’t reach it. Thats when Ez walks into the kitchen.
’’Need some help shorty?’’ he say while leaning on the doorframe watching your attempts to reach the little box with amusement. He thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world. Little did he know how much it really bothers you.
’’Well not everyone can be a fucking giant you know.’’ is all you say in reply and turn away from him. That’s when Ez knows that something is wrong. He walks over grabs the box with your spices and hands it to you and leaves the kitchen after that. Once you’re done you get two plates and that’s when Ez makes a second appearing in the kitchen.
’’Let the food in the pot I don’t want it to get cold.’’
’’Why would it get cold?’’ you ask him.
’’Because you and me need to talk Y/n. C’mon.’’ he answers you before leaving the kitchen.
Once the both of you sit down Ez speaks up.
’’What’s up baby?’’
’’What do you mean?’’ you ask him.
’’You know exactly what I mean. The little outburst in the kitchen when I called you shorty. Whats up with that?’’
Since you told Angel it looks like it is know time to explain to your fiancé.
’’Well i hate - I truly do hate how short I am and it bothers me that everyone reminds me of it with the nicknames. It bothers me that everyone teases me all the time. I hurts in way.’’ you end your speech shrugging your shoulders and look ant your fiancé waiting for his reply.
’’You should have told me baby. Seriously you should have. I’m your fiancé my main priority is your happiness Y/n.
I love how short you are it’s my favorite thing about you right after your beautiful eyes and your incredible smile.
I love that you can’t reach the things on your own that you need me for that. I love the way I can lay my head on top of yours when we hug. I love the way my shirts and hoodies look on you like a dress. Don’t see it as such a terrible thing. This what what I love about you. Think about that when someone calls you little or short or whatever reference they make about your hight. Let this be a reminder of tonight - a reminder of my love for you and everything about you Y/n.
Ugly weeds grow fast and tall but beautiful lovers don’t remember that my love.’’ he says with a smile on his face and you have tears in your eyes because of what Ez just said.
You get up from the sofa and sit down on his lap looking into his eyes.
’’I never saw it that way. I always connected it to something negative. Thank you for being you Ez.
Thank you for being an amazing fiancé. Thank you for loving me and getting my head straight again when I need it. I love you Ezekiel I love you so much it sometimes scares me. I never thought I could feel so much love for a person but you’re living proof that its possible.’’ you end your speech with wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a long kiss.
’’I’m glad I cloud help my love’’ he says and kisses your nose.
’’I’m really up for the food you promised me darling’’
’’Looks like I gotta feed my man’’ you smile and get up to get the plates for the both of you.
The rest of the night you lay in Ez’s arms and couldn’t be happier to have someone as amazing as Ez in your life.
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igotyouniverse · 3 years
Kiss me under the Mistletoe
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Request: Kim Namjoon with drabble prompt 8 please Fluff for Namjoon secret crush they both have a crush on each other and Namjoon is the one to say “Oh wow – who put that mistletoe up there”?? Please??
Prompt: “Oh wow - who put that mistletoe up there?”
Genre: Fluff, secret crush, basically Namjoon pining for the reader in the cutest way
Words: 1,5k
Part of my Seasonal Requests Special - Winter Edition.
a/n: I'm back after my break! So this is the 2nd drabble a lovely anon requested. I hope you enjoy this as much as the first one! ❤️ I was so happy when you requested Namjoon because he is my bias in BTS and overall one of my ults qwq🥺 So this is extra cute and lovely! Hopefully you enjoy it just as much as I do! ❤️❄️
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To say that Namjoon was nervous would be the understatement of the year. For months now, he's had the biggest crush on you – and everyone knew. Except for you. He remembered the day Yoongi introduced you as his new neighbour so clearly in his mind. The way you talked, voice soft and charming like a fairy, completely putting him under your spell. He was hooked immediately. He liked the way you talked with such grace and maturity. The way you saw things just like him, from simple things like food over to books and even the deepest philosophical questions. He couldn't resist from admiring you, following your mouth with every movement, lulled by every word falling from your plumb lips. He was mesmerized by the way you delicately moved your hands while speaking and how your long, wavy hair just fell down your shoulders in the most perfect way. For him, your were the perfect mixture of smart and sexy, just like he always imagined a women who would peak his interest. Yet, he saw your sweet side, like when you passionately talked about your loved ones and job. He even has a blurred memory of you blushing while talking to him, making his heart melt once and for all.
His friends teased him endlessly about him not having the courage to ask you out. Every time you met in your small group of friends  they exchanged conspicuously inconspicuous looks with each other, wiggling their brows at him. It annoyed him. So he knew, today was the day he finally grew some balls and made a move – indirectly. It was holiday season and like every year his friends and him threw a small Christmas party at his place. He wasn't the most creative person when it came to decorations so of course he asked for help.  “Is everyone coming tonight?”, Taehyung asked him while putting up some simple fairy lights on the walls. “Yeah, I think so.”, Namjoon answered, his hands fumbling with a mistletoe he bought in a store just a few hours ago. “Do you wanna hang that up?”, he heard a smirk in Taehyungs voice, who obviously knew about his crush on you. “Ah, I don't know, Tae.”, Namjoon sighed, a hand running through his hair desperately. “What if she doesn't see it?” he asked and looked up at his friend who looked down at him and chuckled. “Then you need to make her see it. Just hang it somewhere obvious – but not too obvious.”, his friend answered and looked across the room, “You could put it in the kitchen door. Not too obvious but easy to get her under it.”, he added and Namjoon scratched his chin, thinking about what his friend said.
“I guess.”, he just mumbled and pinned it on the door frame. He wasn't sure if it would work. And even if he managed to get her under the mistletoe – would she even kiss him? What if she ignore it or just laughed?
“Stop worrying so much. I'm pretty sure she likes you too. We all are, honestly.”, he heard Taeyhung say after hanging up the lights and coming down from the ladder he stood on. “Why are you so sure about it? Have you seen her?”, Namjoon sighed, burying his face in his hands for a quick second to let out a frustrated groan. “Yeah I have. That's why I'm sure. Everyone can see how clearly you two are just pining for each other but obviously lack some balls.”, Taehyung said to cheer up his friend and chuckled as soon as Namjoon shot an annoyed look at him.
Namjoon felt how his nervousness rose with each second passing by and the evening just kept going and going without him even exchanging one word with you, except for a quick Hi when you arrived at his place. He stared at the drink in his hand, taking a small sip, eyes following your every step. You weren't even making the slightest move towards the kitchen and he started to get frustrated. Why couldn't he just ask you out like a normal guy would? Your simple presence made him feel like a lost child, trying to get your attention yet being too shy to actually initiate a conversation. All he did, was listen to you when you talked and agree quietly. He wasn't even sure if you every listened to him when he talked. He even felt a bit confident as the party came closer but as soon as you walked through that door, wearing a dark red dress with a perfectly matched lipstick, delicate golden accessories complimenting your skin tone, looking just way too gorgeous to  be true, his confidence was gone, being a complete flustered mess.
“Okay, honestly. Make a move now.”, he heard Taehyung whisper next to him. “How? She's not even close to the kitchen.”, Namjoon answered and sighed. He wanted to add something but nearly choked on his own salvia when he saw you walking up to him. He coughed before smiling at you, forgetting how to speak for a brief second. “Nice place.”, you said with that angelic voice of yours. Taehyung excused himself, leaving you two in the living room without him. “Oh, thanks.”, he said, scratching his neck nervously. He tried his best to just calm his breath and not stare at you for too long. “I saw your book collection. It's really impressive! I even saw some of my own favourites in it.”, you chuckled and smiled at him once more but this time it really felt like his heart skipped a beat. The way you charmingly smiled at him, made his legs feel all jiggly. “Really? I can lend you some. I mean, ones you haven't read already, of course.”, he chuckled and placed his drink down on a small coffee table. “Ah, that would be sweet. There are some I don't know yet but they look really interesting.”, you said and he watched how you carefully put a strand of hair behind your ear.
He knew this was his chance he just couldn't blow it. “Um, are you hungry? I got some snacks in the kitchen.”, he tried to keep his voice as calm and down as possible but when you nodded and smiled once more he felt how he nearly bit his tongue in excitement. He felt how you walked next to him to the kitchen, his eyes fixated on the mistletoe in front of you. Just a few steps further and he had you right under it – just a few meters until he had a chance of finally kissing you. Anxiety filled his body shortly after, afraid of getting rejected by you – the women he liked just so much. But if he didn't try now, he probably wouldn't ever. So, just as soon as you stepped into the door frame he looked up and chuckled. “Oh wow – who put that mistletoe up there?”, he laughed and scratched his neck once more, before nervously looking at you, seeing how your eyes looked up at the mistletoe before back at him, the corners of your mouth forming into  a small grin. “A mistletoe? I guess we have to kiss now, don't we?”, he blinked a few times, trying to process what you just said to him. His lips curled into a big smile, feeling how his friends stared holes in his back. He cleared his throat, looking at you again, locking his gaze with yours. When he saw you smiling at him, his heart just melt right there in his chest. He carefully cupped your head in his hands, slowly bending down slightly, his breath starting to hitch, before finally connecting his lips with yours. It was like a wave hit him. The way your soft, plump lips felt on his, tasting sweet and endearing. His body filled with a warmth, which spread through his veins, making him feel happy. He was finally kissing you, still unable to fully believe it was really happening right here, right now. It might sound like a cliché but he really felt like a thousand butterflies were set free inside of his stomach. After a few seconds he slowly pulled away, looking back into your eyes seeing them glow as soon as you opened them.
“Finally.” he heard you whisper before locking his lips with yours once more.
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
Christmas Confessions | Connor Brashier
A/n: this is absolute trash and I’m sorry, but sometimes you gotta put out the bad stuff to get to the good stuff. This is also for @wondershawns winter writing challenge, so I hope you enjoy it! My prompts were “old Christmas family photos” and “we’d make a cute couple.”
Summary: Christmas time brings up some feelings for these long time friends
Warnings: friends to lovers, fluff
Word count: 2.2k
Christmas vacation has always been a big thing in our family. It just became even bigger once the Brashier family started joining us. Which, while I like to say our moms are the reason for that – they are, for the most part – it’s really because Connor and I have been attached at the hip since we were in preschool. But it also helps that our moms became best friends too when Connor and I had our first play date. Then if we flashforward a couple more years, Sam and his family joined us too.
Yeah, Christmas vacation is quite an adventure, but it’s truly the greatest time to be surrounded by the people I love for two whole weeks. No responsibilities, just a fuck ton of cookies, egg nog, and Hallmark Christmas movies. The boys claim to hate the movies, but by the middle of the movie – every single time, without fail – they’re arguing over whether or not the main character should be with the big shot lawyer guy that she was supposedly getting engaged to at the start of the movie, or her old high school crush. (Sam votes lawyer, Connor and I say high school crush. But it’s funny how this is the argument every time and even though we’ve seen hundreds of these movies in our lifetime, Sam still votes for the big shot.)
“Kids! Look what I found!” Mrs. Brashier comes into the living room where the three of us are sprawled out on the floor arguing. We all turn to look at her and I furrow my brows at the scrapbook she’s holding.
“A scrapbook?”
“Yes, it has all kinds of pictures of the three of you from all the trips we’ve taken here. You should look through it. Take a trip down memory lane.” She hands the book to Connor, who in turn hands it to me since I’m in the middle. “There’s the cutest photo of you three in there from two years ago, when you’re all under the mistletoe.” She says before heading back to the dining room to sit with mine and Sam’s moms.
“Pause the movie,” I tell Sam. “I wanna look through it.” I reposition myself, taking my pillow off Connor’s back, where I was previously resting my head.
The first few photos are just of me and Connor, and a few with Dylan too, but Dylan hated being in front of the camera as a kid, so he was rarely in any photos with us. “Awe, look at little y/n missing her tooth,” Connor laughs.
“Mhm, that was the Christmas where I wouldn’t stop singing ‘All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.’”
“Oh, I remember. You were tone deaf,” he dead pans and I gasp, slapping his arm.
“Don’t be an ass! I was six!”
“I’m aware. You’re better now.”
“Well, only a little,” Sam says.
“You both suck! I’m a great singer.”
“Mhm sure,” they say at the same time.
“I did not ask to be attacked like this.”
“You don’t have to, it’s our job as your best friends to keep you humble,” Sam nods, nudging my arm with his elbow.
I hum and turn the page, and Sam makes his first appearance. He’s putting way too many sprinkles on his cookie that looks like it was supposed to be Santa. The next photo is of all of us with our decorated cookies. Mine looks almost bare because I didn’t have enough frosting on it – I was never a frosting person, it’s too sweet. Connor’s somehow has the perfect ratio of frosting to sprinkles. Of course, it’s kinda hard to mess up a candy cane.
The next couple photos are of us in the snow – snow angels, snowball fights, another one of just us smiling at the camera, arms all locked around each other. It takes a few more pages before we get to the photo Connor’s mom was talking about.
I’m squished between the guys, Sam on my left, Connor on my right and they’re both kissing my cheeks. My eyes are shut tight and the picture is a little blurry from where the camera tried to catch my hands pushing them away.
“Hey, if you take Sam out of the picture,” Connor starts, going to cover Sam with his hand. “We’d make a good couple.”
“Don’t be a dick!” Sam shoves his hand away so he can cover Connor’s face. “Obviously we’re the better couple. You’re just the third wheel.”
“Okay, that’s enough. Turn the movie back on. We have like three more to watch tonight.” I change the subject, but I look back at the photo and I can’t help but think that Connor’s right. We do look like a good couple.
After we’ve all eaten, the guys and I make our way back to the living room, all the siblings following, scattering on the floor to watch movies with us. The parents have resorted to their rooms, the moms most likely wrapping last minute gifts while our dads all start drifting off so they don’t get asked to do anything. It’s their own tradition.
Once it hits midnight, most everyone has gone to their rooms, except for Connor, Sam, Dylan, and me. But Sam and Dylan are asleep and snoring loudly beside Connor and me. He’s scrolling through his phone and I have my head on his shoulder, watching the movie that’s still on. It’s one of my favorite Christmas movies. Sam hates it, which is why I turned it on after he fell asleep.
“What is it about this movie that you love so much?” Connor asks quietly.
I shrug, “I don’t know. I guess I’m just a sucker for a good ol’ friends to lovers story. It’s the best of all the clichés, I think.”
He just nods. “Yeah. I guess friends to lovers is kinda nice.”
“What? Are you gonna tell me that you don’t like the idea of knowing someone your whole life and slowly realizing that they’re your soulmate?”
“No,” he shakes his head staring down at me with a fond smile. “I – I like the idea. But, I don’t know if it would happen for me.”
“Why not?”
“Well, what if she doesn’t feel the same?” he asks seriously.
“What if she does? What then?”
“It’s not possible.”
“Says who? Any girl would be crazy not to be in love with you.”
He clears his throat, “Any girl?”
“Yeah, any girl,” I say, but I don’t think he quite gets what I’m saying. Because he just nod and looks back at his phone.
“Hey,” he says a few minutes later. “It says it’s snowing. Let’s go.”
“But it’s late.”
“So? We always go out for a walk when the first snow hits. Go get dressed. I’ll get blankets.”
I don’t argue because he’s right. It’s our tradition. Since we started coming here, we always go on a walk together during the first snow. Sam came with us once, but that just resulted in a snowball fight and this was the only quiet time that Connor and I had. So we made it a thing to go when it first started snowing, and then we’d go back out with Sam and go as crazy as we want.
I shiver once we get out there, shrugging my jacket on. “Oh god.”
Connor just snickers and takes my hand. “Come on, let’s go. It’s really coming down out here.”
I follow him and we soon fall into step with each other, our feet crunching the snow beneath us at the same speed, our breathing synchronized.
“Hey, y/n?” he says on our way back to the house.
“Yeah?” I breathe out.
“What you said inside, about liking the whole friends to lovers cliché.”
“Mhm, what about it?”
“Did you mean that you would like it if it were to happen to you?”
“Oh,” I nod and think about it. “Yeah. Yeah, I would. Why?”
Connor shrugs, “I don’t know. I was just – just wondering.”
“Do you want a friends to lovers cliché?”
“I don’t know. Maybe,” he looks down at his feet while he walks. “I mean, I could see it happening maybe… with you?”
“With,” I clear my throat, “with me?”
He sighs and climbs the steps, walking over to the porch swing where we left the blankets. He sits down, “I mean, I’m just thinking like… if I were to have a crush on you or something. Would – would it be possible that those feelings would be reciprocated?”
“Um,” I sit down next to him and look down at his hands that are clasped together in his lap. “I think that if you had a crush on me, it is very, very possible that those feelings are reciprocated.”
He looks up at me with wide eyes, “Wait, you’re – are you serious?”
“What you said earlier, about us looking like a good couple. Did you mean that?”
He licks his lips and I glance down in time to see his pinkie twitching. I reach forward and place my hand over his. He winces. “Fuck, your hands are cold.” And he covers mine with his, blowing on them to keep the heat. I stare at his rosy cheeks, and eyes that seem even brighter in contrast with the bright white snow. “Yes.”
“Yes, I meant it.”
I nod once and exhale deeply. “So… what does this mean?”
“I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t even really know what just happened.”
“Well, I think we might have just admitted we have feelings for each other.”
“Yes,” he confirms. “We did that. So where do we go from here?”
“I have no idea,” I admit. “But hopefully inside, it’s freezing.”
Connor laughs, “Yeah, it is. Let’s go.” He stands, still holding my hand and he pulls me to my feet, leading me inside. We’re quiet walking back in, careful not to wake Dylan and Sam who are still sleeping, the movie still playing on the TV, but long forgotten. Connor leads me to the kitchen, and he pulls two mugs from the cupboard and gets the kettle from near the coffee maker, turning on the stove before filling the kettle with water.
“So,” I say, hoisting myself up on the counter. “Are we gonna talk about this next move thing?”
“Yes,” he answers, jumping to sit next to me, our legs touching. “I think we need to go on a date.”
“Okay?” he asks, and it’s clear he wasn’t expecting that to be my response.
“Well, actually, I would like to be asked on a date.”
He blushes and looks down. “Sorry.” But then he looks back up and he has a very bright smile on his face and I’m reminded why I fell for him in the first place. His smile could light up the whole world, and no I do not take constructive criticism. “Would you, y/n, like to accompany me on an outing, one that is often referred to as a date?”
I can’t help but laugh, “Sure, yes. I would very much like to accompany you on an outing often referred to as a date.”
“Yeah? That’s – that’s great! I’ll start planning tonight.” He says matter-of-factly.
“Okay. That sounds good.” I nod and swing my feet as we both fall silent, waiting for the water to boil.
“I really want to kiss you.”
I choke on air. “What?”
“Sorry,” he shakes his head. “I didn’t – I wasn’t going to say that out loud. I just – well, yeah. I want to kiss you. Because I’ve been thinking about what it would be like to kiss you since I was fourteen and now that we’re going on a date I feel – excuse me for assuming – like I’m that much closer and it’s absolutely killing me to not know what it’s like to –”
“Connor, kiss me,” I interrupt his rambling.
He only hesitates a second before his hands are on either side of my jaw and his lips are covering mine in a heated kiss. I hum against him and reach for his hair, tugging a little, which in turn causes him to moan against my lips. And holy hell, what wouldn’t I give to hear that again over and over for the rest of my life. His tongue teases my bottom lip and I part my lips, allowing him to roam. This kiss is heaven. It’s everything I could have ever wanted with this boy in particular. It’s the type of kiss that leaves your toes curling and your mind spinning. It’s perfect until –
Eeeeeekkk!!! The kettle squeals, startling us both, and causing Connor to bite my lip as he pulls away.
“Ow,” I hold onto my lips while Connor jumps from the counter to take the kettle off the stove. He pours the water into our mugs and then grabs the tea bags from the cupboard above him, placing one in each of our cups before turning and handing me mine. “Thanks,” I say, still holding my lip.
“What’s wrong?”
“You bit my lip when you pulled away.”
“Oh,” his face falls. “I’m so sorry.”
“S’okay. Is it bleeding?” I ask, taking my hand away.
He leans closer to inspect it and shakes his head. “No, it’s not. I’m sorry.”
“You’re okay. Why don’t you kiss it and make it better?”
Connor raises an eyebrow, “You want me to?”
He sets his mug down beside me and I do the same. And then he’s taking my face again and kissing my lips softly. He pecks my lips six times before I groan.
“Kiss me like you mean it, Brashier.”
He chuckles and pulls me closer, doing as he’s told.
I hope you enjoyed!! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Midnight Kisses - Dick Grayson x Reader
Words: 1.3k
Requested? Yes! From the lovely @subtleappreciation and @geekandnerdworld
“Hiiii! May I request a 6 with Dick please?” and “Hey. How are you doing during this major historic moment (which nobody asked for)? Could you please write a fic with Dick from the prompts 1, 6, 12 and 29. Thanks.” (1. pick me, choose me, love me 6. you can’t kiss me all day 12. alcohol does not solve all you proble- 29. dumbass are you drunk??? )
I LOVE THESE my boi Dick needs some love ;))) Thank you for the wonderful requests and I am doing alright in these wild times thank you for asking. I hope you don’t mind that I combined your requests : ) I hope you enjoy!
A Friday night meant board games and spooning, it was all you looked forward to during the week, texting your boyfriend how much you missed him and couldn’t wait to hangout during your weekends together. That was the way your life had been working, Dick was busy saving lives at night and working during the day and you were working during the day and studying at night - but both of you always cleared your Friday nights and most weekends for each other. It was a small tradition but it was reliable and showed that every week there was room in your life for Dick, and room in his for you. 
Sending a quick text then heading over to his apartment. On the way over you got a call from one of Dick’s younger brother, Tim.
“Heyyyyy Y/N so, Dick got in a teensy tiny little fight with Bruce because long story short Damian tried to stab someone and they both wanted to reprimand him differently and it was a whole thing and Dick looked pretty upset when he stormed out so just a warning I know it’s your Friday night date thing”
“How did Damian get a swor- nevermind I know how. Alright, thank you for the warning Timmy I’ll be sure to be extra nice, tell Bruce he’s wrong I don’t even have to know the argument and tell Damian he and I get to have a talk”
“Will do, you’re a lifesaver Y/N!”
And the call ended as you started the walk up three stories of stairs to get to Dick’s apartment. Cursing yourself for falling for a Batboy who enters rooms using grappling hooks to dive through windows and not doors like regular humans you groaned up the stairs, not even stopping to knock you threw open the door. “Honey I’m homeeeee” you called with a giggle, scanning the kitchen and living room for your lovely boyfriend. 
You heard a groan coming from his bedroom and the first sight you saw was Dick lying on his bed his lips sealed around a bottle of wine, the bottle was glugging as he swallowed drink after drink, his eyes half closed, nostrils flaring as he took deep breaths between chugs. “Oh Dick what are you doing?” you rushed to his side, pulling the bottle out of his mouth with a ‘pop!’ the red liquid spilling on him before you could turn the bottle right side up.
“Nowo Eiiim Nooot!” Dick’s slur was terrible, as much as he could pretend, he was a lightweight and you assumed the bottle of wine was not his first drink that night. Shaking his shoulder you chastisted him “Dick you dumbass are you drunk?” he smiled lazily, pulling you into his embrace. Placing sloppy kisses along your jaw he hummed as you ruffled his hair. “Rough day, more kisses” he mumbled, leaning into you as you lightly ran your fingers through his hair. “Baby talk to me, Tim called and told me a little” you whispered through his never ending kisses. 
“Today is stupid. First off Dami tried to turn a kid into a skewer then Bruce thinks he should ground him! Like obviously there has to be a punishment because Damian but also we need to talk to him and explain why that’s not okay and give him alternative ways to use his anger!” Dick was exasperated, waving his hands in the air. You loved the way he looked after Damian, and after being with Dick for so long you loved Damian too, you’d been adopted into a weird half family and gained three lifelong brothers and the love of your life. 
“You’re right Dick, and you’re allowed to be frustrated, but drinking can’t solve all your proble-” Dick stopped you with a long, passionate, kiss. Pulling away you shook your head at him. “You can’t just kiss me all day you drunk” Dick smirked. “Hmm I can and I will!” with one hand he pulled the covers over both of you and pulled you down under them with him. Laying down enveloped in sheets that smelled like Dick snuggled between your boyfriend’s (massive) arms was perfect. You were cupping his face in your hands, eyes boring into each others. “You’re really pretty” Dick whispered, his face just inches from yours. “Very kind of your love bird” you smiled into another kiss. 
“Do you love me?” He caught you off guard, “Dickie of course I do! With my whole heart” you kissed his nose, but he still looked slightly upset. “That’s not what Wally said, he said you were using me for this gorgeous body!” Dick gestured to the grease stained shirt and loose sweatpants. “Yeah baby, real gorgeous” you winked. “You love me! No one else” he stated, opening one closed eye to check that you agreed. “You’ve gotta convince me, prove to me that you’re the best boyfriend ever!” you teased, bringing his lips onto yours again. 
“Mhm okay, okay! I’ve got it” Dick squealed, springing up out of the bed. Running into his closet you sat up, giggling as he threw clothes backwards like a dramatic movie star. He came out in a black blazer that was very clearly inside out, and he stumbled towards the bed, taking both your hands in his. “My lovely Y/N, you’re the love of my life, so I beg you!” he cleared his throat, pretending to wipe away fake tears, “pick me, choose me, love me” then he gave you the cutest puppy dog eyes ever. “You win! Dear world I choose Richard Grayson as my one and only lover!” he cheered and dove back into bed with you. 
“Why are you so goofy when you’re drunk” you teased Dick. With your favorite teasing grin he pulled the bottle of wine off of the side table shaking it mischievously “I drank, you drink, we drunk!” he pushed the bottle towards you making a hilarious face. “D do you really want me to be drinking with you?” he gave you a fake glare. “You drink or I do!” he said cheerfully as you took the bottle from him. “I could drink this, or we could do something else?” with two fingers you traced from his chest up to his cheek, pulling him in for a deep kiss. “Yes, this is what we should be doing!” you laughed, placing the bottle back down, taking a quick swig for courage. 
“You know you’re my favorite person right angel?” Dick was drinking in the look of you in his arms. “I love you too Dickie” were the last words you said before he pulled the sheets over your head, completely focussing on you in every way for the rest of the night. 
The morning after, you woke up wrapped up Dick’s arms while he snored louder than you thought was humanly possible. He was clutching you tightly to his chest, keeping you completely stuck to his side as he snored in your ear. Starting with a poke, it turned into more of a shove, and developed into a sort of cooing Dick awake. With a deep groan he squeezed you so tight you forgot what the ability to breath was before realizing you, his hands holding his head which you assumed would be pounding after last night’s endeavors. 
Grabbing him some water and advil he was sitting up in bed, opening up his arms to cuddle you while he nursed a pounding head. The morning was slow, but serene and comfortable. You and Dick woke up slowly, after a shower and maybe a little throwing up, Dick was back to normal. “I’m gonna go talk to Damian now, wanna come?” Dick had gotten dressed and looked stressed. “Listen to you parent your baby brother and-or son? Absolutely.” you teased Dick, grabbing your purse. 
“Have I ever told you you’re my favorite person in the entire world?” Dick quipped as he grabbed his keys. 
“Uh yea, do you not remember anything from last night?” You teased.
“To be honest I really don’t”
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miioouu · 4 years
I'm actually shy about asking for this, 'cause I don't know if you make smut/nsfw works, if you don't, it's okay ♡ Can i request headcanons of Deku, Bakugou and Todoroki (separately) having an s/o that looks really inocent and sweet and later they discover that she has piercings in her body and it's a dom when the things spice up? Again, if you don't feel comfortable with the request, it doesn't mind, but maybe just the piercings...? Please? Thank you!
Ooooof my first smut requeeeeeest HELL YEAH! Ok but before we continue I want to say that I'm not the greatest when it comes to those situations, but I'll try my best and hopefully I'll get better. And also if you guys are not sure about what stuff I write don't forget to check the rules. Thanks for requesting fellow shy annony! 🖤❤️🖤
Warning:smut, dry humping, boob job, daddy kink, peircing kink.
Midoriya Izuku💚
- He was innocent, you looked innocent, you were the cutest couple in U. A!
- But you know everyone has a freaky side.
- You two had a sweet, wholesome relationship going on that the thought of actually having something sexual never crossed his mind?
-You on the other hand, had been craving just seeing him flustered, panting underneath you, begging you for more and more. You were just waiting for the right moment to make your move.
- That day came sooner than expected, when you were just hanging in his dorm watching some random action movie.
- You got bored real fast and instead of focusing on the screen you couldn't help but star at his exposed abs, where the shirt had ridden up a bit.
- And one thought led to another and you couldn't take it anymore. Your kisses started innocent enough to not make him suspect anything.
-But soon things escalate and now you were on top of him leaving bite marks wherever you could, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
-You took of your shirt to reveal a shining bellybutton peircing.
-When Mido finally saw it, he couldn't help but get harder. Who thought body peircings can turn on our sweet Izuku that much?
-Feeling his growing bulge strain against his sweatpants you decided to just go for it and slowly you started to grind down against him, picking up the speed whenever you needed more.
-Izuku light, feathery touches on your body did nothing but fuel your urge to cum, every now and again his hands would brush your belly trying to feel the cold peircing on his skin.
-"Beg for me Izu, or you won't get anything!"
- Moans turned into screams, til nothing but repetitive "please, please y/n, I need you!"fell out his mouth.
- Leaning down to take his sweer lips into an agressive passionate kiss, not forgeting to scratch on his skin.
-" Cum for me baby. "
-At those words both of you finnaly hit orgasm, leaving you panting messes.
-Cum stains visible in both his thin pants and your underwear, you couldn't helo but stare at each other's after glow.
-"Didn't now you had a belly peircing love."
Todoroki Shouto💙❤️
-Everyone thought it was so dreamy that a sweet girl like you could melt our stoic boy's heart.
-But maybe you were that innocent. Nobody knew you had a darker side, not even Shouto, well that was before you decided to have a sleepover at his house.
- He was stressed, it's the first time he ever has a girl in his house, let alone stay the night in his bedroom, and his older brother making fun of him didn't help the situation.
-You did realize how stiff he looked, but you were nervous too, so it was understandable.
-But when you took off your jumper, to reveal the tight tank top you planed to sleep in, it seems like the air hot ten tines heavier around the two of you.
- Todoroki's eyes never once leaving you breasts, focused on the piercings peaking through the thin material, he didn't realize that you too was eyeing him.
-Biting your lips, you made your way to Shouto, standing between his thights, hands pulling at his hair.
-His fingers palming your breasts through the top, you wanted more, so you tugged at his hair making him look straight into your eyes?
-"Wanna feel more Sho?"
-He simply nodded watching you take of your shirt, now your dainty peircings on full display before his eyes.
-Scooting closer to the bed's edge, you were finally able to straddle him.
-Eyes always watching his every movement, you couldn't stop the moans coming out of your mouth as he tugged on your sensitive nipples.
-You've had enough, your lips attached to his neck, leaving wet open kisses,only pulling away to take off his shirt, now your hands tracing his skin.
-Soon your pants were thrown somewhere on the bedroom floor, leaving you both in simply your underwear.
-"Y/n, I need more of you, please, please!"
-His pleads shooting straight to your core, making you even wetter, you didn't know it was possible.
- Quickly you tug his boxer down enough to release his hard dick and moved your panties to the side.
-Slowly you sank down his length, trying hard to keep your voice down.
-As you continued to grind, squeeze around him, his lips never left your nipples, every so often he would tug at your peircings resulting in a string of curse coming of your lips.
- It's when you pulled his head back, eyes staring into his, you pressed your chest so tightly to his, he could feel your breasts bounce against his skin, making him reach his orgasm, cuming inside you, it was enough to make you reach your breaking point too.
-Afteh you both came down from your high, you smirked and leaned down to nibble at his ears.
-"So you like my peircings baby?"
Bakugou Katsuki 🧡
- Now how did you and Bakugo ever ended up together was a mystery.
-You were so cute, adorable and innocent and he... Well he was the complete opposite.
-But hey you knew what they say, opposites attract!
-But maybe, you weren't that different from him.
- Just like everyday, Bakugou was yelling for god knows what reason.
-"Hey Baku, keep it down please, I'm trying to focus."
- That sentence woken something inside of him. He felt hot all of the sudden, pearly teeth bitting down on his lips, he mover to where you were seated, standing right before you.
-His growing bulge right in front your face, your dirtier side couldn't help but feel heat between your thighs.
-"Why don't you focus on something a lot more important kitten?"
-You were having none of his dominant attitude right now. For once you wanted to prove to him that you could be in charge.
- Lips curling into a develish smirk, you took of your shirt, so slowly it was about to drive the man insane.
-" Not wearing a bra you dirty bi-" he couldn't finish his phrase as his eyes widden at the sight of your sternum peircing.
-Knowing the effect it will have on him, you just wanted to tease him even more, looking at him with angelic eyes, mocking a sweet voice "What's wrong daddy?"
-That was it, that one single word broke him. But you're not going to give up on your plan, no matter who hard he was gripping your jaw, trying to guide your mouth towards his cock.
-But you removed his hand and took your time with unzipping his jeans, but as impatient as he was, he removed them himself, boxer following quickly.
-You moved closer to him, pressing your boobs together around his dick, looking at him through your eyelashes.
-The view alone could make him cum right on the spot, but he stopped himself.
- Spitting so it would be easier, you started to move your breasts along his shaft.
-Loosing himself in the pleasure, he didn't realize how loud his moans were getting, his only need was to cum.
-As he nestled deeper into your cleavage, your piercing rubbing against him, he was so close.
-"Come on daddy, you're doing so good, please cum for me! "
-At your praises, he did as you wished, staring at your cum covered face, trying to regain his breath.
-"Holy Fuck y/n, let's do that again!"
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slvtbible · 4 years
yours, mine and ours
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summary: your former partner left you during your pregnancy then after four months you met Harry, who took care of you and the baby. years later an unwanted guest shows up at your house at night
a/n: hiii! i was bored and realized i haven’t written in a looong time. GOLD is still in the making, don’t worry. but lately i’m a sucker for dad!harry so here it is! if it sucks i’m sorry, i’m a little rusty after not writing for a while. nevertheless hope you all enjoy it! give me feedbacks after! xx
Back in college, you met whom you thought was the love of your life. It all started when he asked to borrow a pen from biology class and had asked you out shortly after to hang out with him. You were inseparable ever since. You two had begun dating for over two years and the thought of being with someone else new didn’t even cross your mind back then, the two of you were too in love. Even your friends were getting sick of it. He had treated you with love and respect, your family loved him and vice versa. The thought of getting married had always been a conversation between the two of you and you were so sure of it. 
But your future fairy tale had ended when you found out you were pregnant. You woke up with a headache before fleeing towards the bathroom and threw up on a toilet bowl. When you bought a pregnancy test from the nearest pharmacy to make sure, you were terrified but at the same time delighted that you were pregnant. You thought that Brian would feel the same way as well when you broke the news to him. Instead, his face fell. He was angry and upset, asking you how could you be so stupid to let something like that happened. He wasn’t ready at all. He loved you but he wasn’t ready. His priority was now his work and he’d be damned to let a baby ruin that for him. At least that’s what he said.
You were broken and disappointed when he left. The whole thing was frightening you. How on earth could you possibly take care of your own baby alone? Your family lived in a different city and although you have friends who care about you, they still have their own lives to deal. It was crazy and you were losing your mind. 
Then you met Harry. A sweet, shy yet gentle loving man who adores you. You two met at a supermarket. You were craving for a yoghurt and had no one else to ask to buy it except yourself, although your feet were tiring and your back was hurting it must have been done. Harry was nearby when you were struggling to grab the item due to the height. He walked over to you and helped you by giving it to you. He was so sweet and kind plus he was a sucker for pregnant women, he loves babies. 
For twenty minutes the two of you were talking and had shared a few stories here and there, it felt really really good. It has been a while since you talked to people other than your mother and your best friend, Janice. He was telling you how he loved coming back to this city because LA had always been such a pressure to him and he needed to get away from all of that. When he learned that your former partner had abandoned you while you were carrying a child, he was angry yet he remained calm on the outside. How could anyone hurt a gorgeous woman like you and left his own baby because of his selfish needs? How?
And that’s when he asked you out to go to lunch, he promised himself to take good care of you and be there for you whenever you needed something.
Now, here you are at twenty five years old, working at a local hospital and has a two year old daughter along with your beautiful fiance. You feel so happy to be with two people that you love more than anything in this world. Nothing could ever replace them.
“Mommy look! I drew unicorn!” Your daughter, Bella squeals. Excitedly showing you her drawing full of purple and pink color. She is honestly the cutest baby you have ever seen.
You smile down at her as you are preparing for dinner, wiping down your hands on your apron. “Wow baby! You’re really good, aren’t you my little artist? Why don’t you show it to daddy when he gets home?” You lean down and kisses her chubby cheek,
She giggles and nods her head before running off to the living room to draw some more. You go back to put a few utensils on the table when you hear the front door open,
“I’m home! How’s my two beautiful girls doing?” Harry walks in with a huge grin on his face. Work has always been so stressful for him but knowing that he gets to see his girls at the end of the day always turns his frown upside down,
“Daddy!” Bella squeals, running quickly towards his tall broad figure and hugs his leg as she laughs, “You home!”
Harry’s smile is even wider now, lifting his leg up before grabbing her small body and holding her close to his chest. “How are you my baby angel? Were you being good to mumma while I was out?”
Bella nods, wrapping her tiny hands around his neck. “Missed you daddy. I drew unicorn! Daddy see!”
Harry smiles and kisses his baby girl’s cheek and puts her down. “Really? You did? Go and get it then, pumpkin” he says, petting her head before she walks off,  excited to show her daddy. After he sees her rushes towards the living room, he turns towards the dining room, seeing you place the home cooked meal. The sight of your hair up in a messy bun and dirty apron causes his heart to swell, you may think you look absolutely ridiculous at the moment but to him, you still look beautiful as ever.
“Hi, lovie” He greets you, wrapping his arm around your waist and kisses your temple. “I’ve missed you at work today.”
You look up to him and give him a warm smile that he always adores, pecking his soft lips. “Hi, H. How was your day?” You ask, untying your apron before putting it down on the counter,
Harry lets out a frustrated sigh, giving you a weary smile. “Better now that i’m home with you. Couldn’t wait to get home to see my two favorite girls. Was pretty bored.”
“Mhmm, i’ve missed you too. I switched my shift with Maya today so no night shifts for me, I get to spend time with you and Bella.” you say, heart warms when he pulls you closer and pecks your forehead, taking your hand as the two of you walk towards the living room
“Finally. Bella has been dying to watch Toy Story 4 with us. Said she doesn’t wanna watch it alone with me, wants her momma too.” He says, pulling off his coat before placing it on the couch. His eyes then turn to your daughter, whose hands are busy grabbing all of the drawings she created. “Are those it, baby?” he asks, kneeling down to her level,
She gives him a toothy smile and gives the papers to him. “Look daddy! This one for you!”
Harry’s heart warms at her statement, gasping slightly as he takes the paper from her little hands. “Oh really? Thank you so much, baby! Daddy will keep it forever!”
Bella giggles and pecks Harry on his cheek before moving her tiny legs towards you. “Mommy, pee.” she says, her big brown eyes looking up to you as she tugs your pants,
You laugh before picking her up. “Okay baby. Harry, love, can you please take the lasagna from the oven please? And go place it on the table. We’ll eat right after Bella takes her potty.”
Harry gets up and nods his head, “Sure thing, bub.” He walks back into the kitchen, taking out the lasagna from the oven and nearly waters at the smell. You sure really know how to cook.
“God, i’m a lucky son of a bitch.” He mutters, smiling softly and places the food on the table. As he struts his way towards the living room to wait for you, he hears a knock on the door. He frowns, looking at the clock noticing it is almost 7pm and wonders who could it be. He doesn’t think you or him called anyone.
The knocks don't even stop, so he slowly makes his way to the front door before grabbing a bat just in case it was a stalker or worse.
He unlocks the door and the sight causes him to almost fall on his knees. He doesn’t even need to ask who he is. He knows exactly who’s the bloke.  The same man who broke your heart years ago, left you with a baby to take care of and had made you fear of falling in love again because the trauma was unbearable. 
Seeing this man standing there and all Harry sees is a picture of you breaking down to tears, blaming yourself for what happened and wishes that you could be good enough for this son of a bitch. He sees red. But he needs to remain calm and collected or else this could go downhill.
Brian is startled, seeing Harry open the door is unexpected. He thought that it was you instead. “Uhh, does y/n lives here?”
Harry crosses his arms, clenching his jaw. How could this asshole even dares to say her name?
“Yes. Can I help you?” Harry asks, leaning against the door frame. Struggling not to kick his ass.
“I uh kinda need to talk to her mate. It’s kind of important.” Brian says, shoving his hands inside his jacket,
“You’ve lost that privilege a long time ago. She doesn’t wanna see you. Get out.” Harry demands. There is no way in hell, Harry would let this man talk to you. Even for a slight second.
Brian scoffs, “look man, you think you know about our relationship but you don’t, now can you go get me y/n? I’m not leaving until I see her.”
“Get off my property before I call the police.” Harry threatens, clenching his fists. He is absolutely ready to throw a punch if he doesn’t leave,
Brian is about to say something back to him, that is after you walk back and call out Harry’s name making the two men freeze,
“Harry? Who’s that on the door?” you question, putting down Bella on her playpen. Your heart stops beating for a couple seconds, you swear it, soon as you see who’s on the front door. 
“Brian?” you squeak, lips beginning to tremble. You cannot believe he found out where you live and had the guts to stop by. “What are you doing here?”
“Hi, y/n” Brian greets awkwardly, seeing you walking closer to the front door. Harry sees how your demeanor changed in a sec. That’s how much this Brian guy had made you suffer and he can’t accept that.
“Just came to say hi.”
“Say hi?” you ask beginning to get mad, tears fill your eyes as he smiles softly at you. “You left me with a baby, alone. You blamed me for everything that has happened and you thought that it was okay to stop by and say ‘hi’?”
Harry breaks when he sees you like that, your voice cracks. You were being just fine, already forgot this bloke for what he did to you and now he showed up years later to ruin that.
“Baby..” Harry starts,
“I know i’m so sorry but i am here to let you know that i’m a changed man. I still love you all these years. I was wrong to leave you with the baby. I’m … ready to be a father to our baby. Ready to be with you again. I promise i won’t ever leave your side again, love.” Brian says, eyes never leaving hers.
For a second, Harry’s face fell. He’s very much upset with it. With this Brian guy. The word ‘father’ coming from his mouth is just like a stab to Harry’s heart. A father?! Brian was never the father and never will be! Harry is! He loves Bella and treats her like his own daughter--because she is!-- and no one could ever replace that. 
“It’s a she” Harry butts in, glaring at him. Gently pushing y/n behind him because he can no longer see her breaks,
“What?” asks Brian dumbfounded,
“The baby is a girl. And she is not yours. She’s maybe your blood but i’m the one who’s been taking care of her, i’m the one who loves her, i’m the one who helped y/n throughout her pregnancy and i was the one who’s there when y/n gave a birth. You are not her father but I am.” Harry says, stepping forward, chest to chest with Brian.
Somehow, brian doesn’t see Harry as a threat, instead he laughs. “Call yourself whatever you want but that’s MY daughter. And I am ready to be there for her, both of them. That’s my family inside not yours.” Brian seethes. 
Harry can no longer express his anger because he was too hurt. So he pushes Brian and sternly says, “Get out.”
However Brian isn’t finished, he has something else to say but that soon cut off when you interfere,
“Get the hell out of here, Brian. You are not welcome.” you snap, feeling yourself might break down,
“y/n please…”
“No!” you yell completely exhausted by now, “get out now!” you threaten, ready to close the door.
Brian looks at her for a while to see whether she could change her mind but noticing that she won’t, he scoffs, shaking his head and back away from her before walking back to his car and driving away.
you sigh out and walk back inside the house before closing the door. Soon as you walk back in, you see your fiance standing in the middle of the living room with his head hanging down and his hands on his hips. You can tell that what happened has upset him. He is close to crying and you can’t help but feel your heart breaks at the sight.
“Harry, baby..” you call out, walking towards him and standing in front of him. Putting your finger under his chin and making him look at you. Your eyes sadden as you see his eyes beginning to get glossy. “He’s gone, baby. He left. It’s okay.”
Harry sniffles and nods his head as he looks at you. “It’s just.. I love Bella and you. He’s not her father but I am. She’s OUR baby not his. Ours. i know i may not be her real father but--”
“Stop. you ARE her real father. You may not be her blood but you have done more for her and me than he ever did. Yes, she is ours. She has always been our baby, my love. Bella calls you her dad not Brian not anyone else. She loves you. You’ve always been there for her, right? You’ve never left her side.” you say softly, placing her hands on the either side of his cheeks, thumbs rubbing softly underneath his eyes.
He begins to smile softly after what you just said to him. His heart and soul are warm now, he should’ve known that you and Bella are his family not that bloke’s. He proposed to you and Bella calls him ‘daddy’. He is so lucky. Nothing could change that ever. He was there to mend Bella’s booboo, he was there when you needed him to get groceries because you were working late and won’t be back home till 10, he was the one who was lucky enough to have a movie night every friday with Bella and you. 
He was the one who got to witness Bella’s first ballet recital with you and had her run towards him after the show was over, calling him ‘daddy!’ over and over to ask him whether she did great on the recital or didn’t, he was the one who Bella made a pancake for on Father’s Day and gifted him a ‘world’s best daddy’ drawing with him and her on the paper and lastly he was the one who gets to make love to you every night, confessing each other’s love and gets to take care of you after, cuddles you close to his chest not caring about the sweaty bodies.
“And you should know that we both love you with all of our hearts. No one could ever take that away. No one.”
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pjm-com · 5 years
Warm Me Up
pairing - Jeon Jungkook x Reader Genre - fluff, smut warnings/tags - semi-public sex, soft sex(?), sex in the woods, cockwarming, drinking mention, awkward sex, marking, fingering, French kissing, and light choking. summary - When temperatures drop below 50 during camping, Jeon Jungkook’s body heat is what's keeping you a live. But he wants you to do something in return.
“Jimin, I swear to god, throw another marshmallow one more fucking time a—“
You barely have time to finish the sentence because you’re squeaking in surprise as you duck out of the line of fire. Failing miserably, the squishy food hits you square in the nose and you fall back in your chair a little. Jungkook grabs the chair before it falls over and everyones laughing at you, even your own boyfriend. Grumbling, you get up to throw a stick at your bother, but Jimin was smart. He moves out of the way too fast, leaving you pouting.
“C’mon, baby lighten up.” You throw a death stare to Jungkook in which he retreats, holding his hands up in surrender before holding out his arms. “Okay, don’t kill me come here.” Your boyfriend was the warmest person you know and the campsite was getting cold, so you had no problem getting up and sitting in his lap. He wrapped his arms around you, lips pressed to your cheek as you continue glaring at Jimin. 
“I’m gonna get you back one day… When you least expect it.”
     Jimin scoffs, unfazed. “Yeah, right. What are you going to do?” That has Taehyung chewing fast to finish his food so he can speak, which almost chokes him. 
“Jimin don’t push it.. Once, I put Y/N’s shorts in the wash with a pink sock and she put pink dye in my shampoo.” That earns an understanding ‘ohh’ from the various people by the fire while Jungkook is laughing with his head back. 
“That’s why you pulled up to Namjoon’s birthday with bright pink hair?” Taehyung whines, not wanting to remember the event as he covered his natural black hair. “Why the hell didn’t you notice? You must’ve… you were jerking it in the shower huh?” Everyone’s laughing now, Taehyung flipping everyone off before retreating to him and Jimin’s tent. You were sad that it was getting late out, and watching Tae zip of the tent just reminded you that you guys had to leave in the morning. This had been one of the best weekends you had in a while and you wanted to freeze time forever. The tugging on your jacket snaps you back from your daydream as you turn to your boyfriend, who by the way, has the cutest cold blush on his nose.
“Ready for bed, angel?” You hear faint gagging by Jimin as you roll your eyes, hands latching together while you guys both get up and grab the blankets. You knew your bother was overprotective of you, but the gagging had you and Jungkook unamused every time. You had been dating for what felt like forever, when it was really a two years. Jimin teased you guys on the first date, and you’re convinced he won’t ever stop.
“No funny business, Jeon.” The sound of Jimin’s voice across the camp has everyone snickering. You laugh softly considering the tone wasn’t too serious, but he was staring down Jungkook’s every move into the tent. He shudders once he is out of his sight and you know he’s internally sweating considering he is actually scared of Jimin. You sit on your knees, pulling your bag in front of you to find the sleeping clothes while Jungkook checked his phone. 
You take off the huge winter coat you had, considering the temperature was in the forties, and set it to the side while pulling off your shirt. Being in only a bralette, you pull one of Jungkook’s thicker hoodies over your figure and pull out his sweatpants.
“What, did you just rummage my closet?” He scoffs, to which you answer ‘yes’ as you unbutton your jeans and push them down before kicking them off your ankles. “Damn.. can’t be mad when I see that.” He’s quick to reach a hand up, pressing a light smack to your ass as you shake your head. Jungkook could see you in a potato sack and find you sexy, considering you were wearing granny panties right now. Guess that’s true love though. Pulling up the pants, you get under the blanket and slide under the sleeping bag before turning to your boyfriend. He is wearing nothing but sweatpants and boxers. 
“Are you fucking crazy?” You whisper, wrapping your arms around his torso to steal his body heat. “You’re going to die of hypo-whatever.”
“It’s hypothermia, and you know I always run super hot. I’ll be fine, you big baby.” You pout at his statement, and are ready to close your eyes before he’s taking your freezing hands and covering them with his big palms. You hum at the feeling, looking up to him as he kisses your forehead. “Can’t have these cold.. you need them to touch my dick.” You swore to god you couldn’t have one cute moment with this boy. That’s how he was though. Lewd, vulgar, and you loved him with all your heart.
You scoff. “Right, cause that’s what god put me here for.” He agrees instantly, making you giggle softly as you tangled your guys’ feet together. You needed all the warmth you could get, even if that meant squeezing it right out of him. You stare blankly into the tent, enjoying the sounds of crickets outside the tent, the sound of cars in the distance, and.. Jin’s laugh throughout the campsite. You and Jungkook are laughing at the sound, knowing that whatever Jin was laughing at couldn’t be that funny. 
You’re trying to think of what he could be laughing at while Jungkook’s lips are pressed to your forehead in slow, lazy movements. You let him continue, thinking he’s just being mushy as he continues, but soon his nose is pushing your jaw to the side. 
“Kook,” you warn quietly and you can feel his lips twitch into a smile or a grin against your skin. Whatever it was, it was mischievous. Your warning falls on deaf ears as he continues, wet kisses to the side of your throat as you huff and watch your breath push out in front of you. “Babe.. we have to go to bed so we can get a head start in the morning.” You can’t say that you hate the feeling of him so close, because you were shivering in his arms and he could feel it. 
“What? It’s barely past ten. We aren’t in bed until midnight.”
“Yeah, because the clock strikes ten thirty and you wanna go to Walmart for no reason, or bake cookies.” He laughs, teeth scraping your skin as he continues. He knows your right, but makes no further attempts to argue while he takes your ear lobe into his mouth. You peek at him from the corner of your eye, his own eyes closed in what looked like pleasure. Either way, he looked sexy as fuck as he moved lower on your neck. 
“You’re basically an icebox, so I say we set a plan in motion to keep you warm.” 
     You don’t like the sound of that, the undertone in his voice revealing ulterior motives as you hum and turn on your back a little, which Jungkook follows like he was attached to marking your skin. You guys fucked last night, so you’re wondering why he’s touchy. “And what’s that?”
He grins, pulling away so you guys can make eye contact. “I say you sit on my dick and keep it warm.” You want to laugh at this ‘plan’, but despite the grin he is dead serious. You stare up at the ceiling with no emotion in your face. He’s never asked you this before, to do cock warming. You never even thought he’d ask you, but Jungkook was way more kinkier than everyone thought.
“You’re kidding me right?” You pinch the bridge of your nose, but you can’t even say you’re surprised. He was very childish when it came to other things, like fighting with you on the kitchen fridge with magnet letters, having pillow fights, and sometimes even scaring the absolute piss out of you. As crazy and hectic as it is, you love him.
     Realizing no one is moving an inch, you sigh and pray to god Jimin doesn’t come around here as you get on your knees. You can practically hear the smirk on Jungkook’s face, rolling your eyes as you push the fabric of your underwear and sweatpants down to your ankles so you can kick them off. Jungkook makes quick work of pushing his own sweats down to the middle of his thighs, eyeing your now exposed bottom half as you throw a leg over his lap only to give him a unamused look. 
He whined. “What?”
“You’re rock hard right now, even after you said this was to ‘keep it warm’.” He laughs at the terrible impression you do, but he’s quick to guide his dick into you slowly. You give a soft hum to the feeling of being stretched, and he opens his arms for you to hug him. The position was, for a lack of better words, weird. You’re on his cock, hunched over in a hugging position while he pulls the blanket over your figures. “Happy now?”
He smiles at your grumbling, hands on your ass. “Very, and you can not sit there, sit on my dick, and say you’re not warm.” He’s right, as much as you hate to admit it. You enjoy the warmth radiating from his torso as well as his arms, even down to the heat inside you. 
You guys end up sitting in silence, growing rather painful by the second and soon you guys are snickering into each others mouths as you kiss. Jungkook laughs against your lips, a huge dumb smile on them as he looks at you. 
“Y’know, I thought this would be less awkward, yet here we are.” You scoff, resting your chin on his torso to look at him. The view is unflattering to say the least, but you still push up a little to peck him. “Does it feel good or anything? To have it.. you know, just sitting in you?”
Groaning, you shake your head. “I mean.. I guess?” You giggle, pushing some hair behind your ear. “This is awkward though.” Jungkook grins, and you immediately regret mentioning something. He always had a plan to spice things up. This really was awkward though, considering you can barely even maintain eye contact with him as you continue to look literally anywhere else other than his face.
“Maybe you could start dirty talking then?” So there was the catch. You throw him an unamused look, pinching the bridge of your knows as he lets out a slight laugh. Thats how you knew he’s more than half serious. “What? C’mon, our sex drives are high anyways. Just ride it.” You slap your hand over his mouth, shushing him even if there is a grin on your face.
“Jimin is two tents away, can you shut up?” Jungkook grins, zipping his mouth playfully in a hand motion before slapping your ass to get you going. Grumbling to yourself, you place your hands on his chest to balance yourself before rolling your hips back and forth to get going. It does, in fact, warm you up and it may even be enjoyable, but Jungkook should’ve just asked to fuck in the first place. You hated beating around the bush. 
You pick up the pace a little, eyes concentrated on Jungkook’s expression which looks like he’s asleep with his head pressed into the pillows. You have half the mind to just pinch his nipples, but refrain considering you know where that ends. You can hear a moan bubbling in Jungkook’s throat, and you smirk at the idea of how hard this might be for him. He’s more vocal than you are; very whiny and breathy during sex. You enjoyed it though. Made things sexier. 
He’s obviously feeling the mood, so you try your luck. “Want me to ride you like this?” His eyes peak open at your innocent tone, teeth pulling in his bottom lip as he nods slowly. You can feel his hands grip your waist harder every few seconds like he’s trying to get you guys closer. Even as he’s encouraging you, you take your time with the pace as you just grind down on him slowly. If you were being honest, sure this was weird, but it felt good to have him warm and hot inside you. 
Now you just felt weird thinking that thought.
Jungkook was rolling his hips up into you gently, signaling he wanted more which you were more than happy to give it to him. You pick your hips up, and push back down onto his dick which knocks the wind out of both of you. Jungkook was not small, even in the slightest. He was seven and a half, and you could feel every inch inside you as you guys moved together. His hands traveled your body, up your stomach to your chest as he held your boobs firm inside his hands. Looking down at the muscular arms, you’re basically drooling at the sight of tattoos littering his skin. 
“You always ride me so good,” Jungkook groaned, hand on the back of your head as he brings you down for a kiss that is hot on your own lips. You give it back smoothly as you pick up your hips and drop back down on him, causing him to open his mouth a little against yours. You start to bounce on Jungkook, not too vigorously, but with enough energy that you guys are both panting in each others mouths before kissing again. You feel the rough pads of his fingers against your back, just running up and down the expanse of your skin before helping you slam harder onto his dick. 
You let out a loud whine which has Jungkook’s hands over your mouth in an instant. You hear rustling outside the tent which has your limbs going cold, but Jungkook doesn’t stop from fucking up into you. If you got caught, you swore to god you were going to tear this boy a new one.
“Jungkook?” Jimin’s voice calls through the tent and you feel your stomach dropping. You guys share a look of ‘oh fuck’, as the zipper starts moving. You’re already planning out what you’re wearing to Jungkook’s funeral within seconds until Jungkook’s hands are flipping you both on your sides, as he’s still in you. He throws the blanket over you and throws the discarded sweatpants in the corner before you feel a cool breeze. Jimin was in the tent. 
Closing your eyes, you lay lifeless against the sleeping bag and you swear you can hear Jungkook’s heart thumping against his sternum. His hand is clutching yours harder than steel under the blanket, which if you were being honest, you were sweating under now. 
“Uh, yeah? What’s up?” You can hear his voice wobbling a little, breathing hard through his nose as Jimin stands there. You prayed to god you could at least see what they looked like staring at each other. 
“Nothing I uh.. I just heard groaning, I don’t know if Y/N was sick or not.” You find that to be a bullshit excuse, cause you do not groan when you’re sick but you remained motionless. “You guys okay?” The skeptical tone in your bothers voice had your stomach twisting into a million knots. 
Jungkook laughs softly, pulling the blanket down to show your face, in which your eyes were closed. “She’s fast asleep, I think she’s having a weird dream or something. She just woke me up from kicking me.” You pray to god Jimin accepts that considering you did have weird ass dreams. You certainly hoped you didn’t make noises in them, but oh well. You hear Jimin give a small fake laugh, before you hear the tent zipping up. You both let out a small breath while Jungkook puts a finger to his lips so you get the hint to shut the hell up. He moves you guys again, slowly this time, and his lips are on the shell of your ear. 
“We can fuck quick and then go to bed, that tired me out.” You nod in agreement, tongue taking one of his fingers into your mouth as he shakes his head. “You’re gonna be the death of me..” He adjusts your legs and hips, pressing his fingers against your tongue before taking them out and pressing his palms against the spaces next to your head. He doesn’t start slow; the pace has your head spinning as you bite down on your lip. He’s not even looking at you, eyes towards your hips where he has a clear vision of his cock sliding in and out of you. You knew it was turning him on, probably an attempt to finish a bit faster now that Jimin was suspicious. 
You cannot, for the life of you, stay quiet as Jungkook pounds into you. You whine through your fingers which are desperately trying to keep yourself quiet. Jungkook isn’t doing too hot either, breathy moans coming through his nose as he keeps the pace hard and fast. Your other free hand is on his shoulder, gripping for dear life as he speeds up the pace. 
“Fuck,” you whine. “You feel— ah.. you feel good, Kook.” He gives you a small grunt in response, hands on your waist as he bites his lip intensely. You feel your stomach tightening, eyes starting to roll as he hits deeper inside of you with each thrust. His eyes are on you like lasers, feeling his gaze burning through his skin as he was drilling into you harder. Harder than maybe he had done in months, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
“You like that?” He growls, and you pray with all of your heart that the strangled moan that leaves your lips is some sort of answer. He’s in you so deep and you can’t help but fist the blankets in your hands and arch into him, his dick rubbing up against that place inside you that makes your hips shake.
“Kook, right there,” you mumble into the back of your hand, and he’s throwing both of your knees to your chest hitting that spot with every thrust. In this moment, your voice is straining from keeping it at a whisper, knowing that ruins your voice the most. Jungkook is hanging by a thread, breath speeding up as his hips are snapping deep into your pussy. “Y-you’re fucking me so good..” You propel him, and he indeed goes faster if even possible. You feel the familiar feeling of your stomach knotting in the pit, wrapping your legs around him as his thrusts start to falter, hands on your hips are growing harder.
He’s so close, you can feel it in the way his thrusts are growing erratic, and your moans are breaking off into squeaks as your voice is shot. “Fuck baby,” he groans, the snapping of his hips coming to an end and suddenly he’s still inside you.
“Shit,” you breathe, cumming onto his cock as you feel his cum spread inside you, filling you up deliciously as you both sit there panting. He leans down, a winded laugh as he kisses you with a smile on his lips. The kiss is heated, but it’s enough to knock the wind out of you with how much passion Jungkook holds in it, hands under your chin gently. You feel him pull out, cum dripping out of your pussy as he groans, taking his dick and rubbing the head in the mess.
“You’re disgusting,” you comment, hands dropping back into the blankets out of exhaustion. He shrugs, laughing as he leans back down to kiss you and rolling his eyes before turning towards the entrance of the tent, hearing nothing as slinks down next to you.
“You’re the one who sat on my dick for warmth.”
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ptergwen · 5 years
you before me
warnings: nahh just fluff
summary: peter parker is a real life angel
prompt: “love is putting someone else’s needs before yours”
a/n: hi i wrote this for tess and claire’s disney writing challenge!! i really hope y’all like it <3
@fairytaleparker @neverlandparker
it all starts when you wake up; sore throat, stuffy nose. not too big of a deal. you just pop an allergy pill and leave for school.
mj is waiting at your locker when you get there. you wave to her on your way over. “hey, y/n,” she greets, then goes back to sketching in her notebook. putting in your locker combination, you cough out a “hi.” coughing? that’s weird. mj seems to think so too because she narrows her eyes at you in that way she does whenever she’s suspicious of something.
“you okay? kinda sounds like you’re getting sick.” you clear your throat. “what? me? i’m fine. it’s just allergies.” “whatever you say,” she shrugs. you can tell she isn’t convinced. holding in another cough, you grab your morning binder from your locker as peter and betty make their way over.
“no ned today?” you ask them. “nope. he got the flu,” peter answers before giving you a good morning kiss on the cheek. you grin at the gesture. you’d kiss him too if you didn’t feel a cough coming on. “another victim of the midtown plague,” mj sighs, looking up from her sketch again. you avoid her gaze.
“ugh, i hate flu season. it’s gross and annoying,” betty complains to the group. the other three of you nod in agreement.
right when the bell rings, mj closes her notebook. “don’t forget we have acadec practice after school. see you losers in chem,” she reminds you and peter. betty waves goodbye and leaves with her for first period. the two of them are halfway down the hallway when mj calls back, “and feel better, y/n.”
you’ve been exposed.
“why did mj tell you to feel better?” confusion is all over peter’s face. you stifle a sneeze just then. worst timing ever. “um... i just... have allergies. the medicine i took should kick in soon.” you sniffle, trying to put on another smile. peter doesn’t believe you even for a second. “i don’t know, baby. you don’t sound too good.”
the last thing you want to do is give peter something else to worry about. you’ll just have to suck it up in front of him. squeezing his shoulder gently, you tell him, “peter, i’m fine. seriously. i swear.” he looks you over for a few seconds before giving in. “hmm, alright. but if you’re worse by third period, i’m taking you to the nurse. deal?” “sounds fair to me.”
with that, you two walk to class hand in hand.
first period consists of you chugging a whole bottle of water to keep from coughing and peter asking “are you sure you’re fine?” basically every five minutes. second period, you can hardly focus with the way your head is pounding. thank god for your deal with peter because it’s finally third period.
you pull peter aside on your way there. he gives you a knowing look. “can you take me to the nurse now?” your voice comes out hoarse. peter frowns, then nods. “of course, of course. let’s go.” he takes your hand and starts leading the way to the nurse’s office.
mj spots you two while rounding the corner. “you guys do know chem’s the complete opposite way, right?” she snorts. peter stops to talk to her. “we’re going to the nurse. y/n might have the midtown plague or whatever you called it.” mj’s mouth forms an “o” shape as she realizes. “i’ll tell mr. dell. feel better for real.” you smile weakly at her before she heads to class.
lacing your fingers tighter with his, peter keeps walking as you follow next to him. the nurse’s office is crowded when you get there. “looks like you’re not the only one,” peter remarks. you look around the room while he searches for somewhere to sit. the place is pretty packed. mj was right about the whole plague thing.
“here, sit.” peter leads you over to an empty chair. you take it. he stands next to you, hand still in yours. the nurse comes over after helping a few other kids. “name?” she asks you, bending over to be level with you. “y/n y/l/n.” she runs one of those digital thermometers over your forehead and makes a face.
“101. you have a fever. can mom or dad pick you up?” “i don’t think so. they’re both at work.” “is there anyone else available?”
you’re blanking for some reason. no one comes to mind. sensing your nerves, peter puts his free hand on your back, leaning to talk to you. “you want may to come? i can call her.” god, if he isn’t the biggest sweetheart.
“would she mind?” “no way. she loves you.” peter turns to the nurse. “my aunt can pick y/n up, if that’s okay,” the nurse looks between the you two with a smile. “go ahead and call her.” you both thank her before peter uses the nurse’s office phone to call may.
you move to a bed that opened up after the nurse changes the protective paper over it. peter finishes his call and sits at the edge.
he gives your knee a small squeeze to get your attention. “may said she’ll be here in fifteen. i asked her to sign me out too.” “you aren’t staying? you’re gonna miss a lot.” you sit up, putting your hand on top of his. “you’ve already done so much for me today. i don’t wanna make you miss your other classes. or... or decathlon practice.”
peter’s mouth drops open like you just said something unreasonable. “no, no, no, you’re not making me. i want to. besides, love is putting someone else’s needs before yours, right? i like to think of it as you before me.” hearing him say that, you can’t fight back the goofy smile on your face. peter gives you one that matches. “right?” “right.”
as promised, may is at midtown in fifteen minutes. she gives you and peter big hugs, then signs you both out of school. peter stays with you in the backseat of her minivan on the ride to their apartment. “thank you so much for picking me up, may. i really appreciate it.” “anytime, y/n. you’re family.”
she meets your eyes in her car mirror, sounding so genuine. the parker’s really are the best people you know.
peter carries your backpack up to the apartment and runs to get something from his room when you’re inside. while he’s gone, may sits you down on the couch and starts making tea. he comes back with one of his hoodies. ”in case you’re cold,” he explains.
your fever is actually making you hot, but peter doesn’t have to know. you’ll wear his hoodies any chance you get. you scrunch the oversized sleeves up in your hands and put the hood up, patting the cushion next to you.
“lay with me?” you look up at peter hopefully. he swears it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. “sure, baby.” he waits for you to get comfortable first. you lay on the arm of the couch, peter behind you. he rests his chin on your shoulder to press a few kisses to your temple.
“how are you feeling?” “eh. but you make me better,” you tell him. peter juts his bottom lip out, may doing the same as she puts a cup of tea down on the coffee table in front of you.
“aw, you two are too adorable. i called your mom, y/n. she’s coming to get you after she’s done with work.” “thank you, may. for everything.” she rubs your back once before sliding the cup of tea closer to you.
“no problem. drink your tea, it’ll help your throat. let me know if you need anything else.” “the remote?” peter interjects. rolling her eyes jokingly, may puts the remote in his hand. “love you, may.” she ruffles peter’s hair, then says she’ll be in the kitchen.
they both prove to you so many times that love really is putting someone else’s needs before yours.
you spend the rest of the day watching your favorite movies, cuddled into peter and his hoodie while may brings you endless cups of tea and literally anything else you could possibly need. like peter said earlier, love really is putting someone else’s needs before yours. him and may show you exactly that. it’s you before him. it’s you before either of them.
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Sugar, Sugar (Stuckony)(One)
Overheard THIS CLASSIC in a store and immediately thought about Bakery Owner!Tony and Hopelessly in Love!Stucky so here, have some sugary sweet fairly shameless (and plotless) stuckony nonsense.
Also for anyone who doesn’t know, I run a bakery! So most if not all of these sweet treats mentioned will be things I have made!
From Steve: Bucky, where are you? We’re supposed to meet Sam at the movies in half an hour. 
From Bucky: Sam can suck it. I have an emergency down the street. 911 get here ASAP. 
From Steve: Is this an emergency like the time you spilled soda down your pants and some little kid screeched that you wet yourself? Or an emergency like you forgot your wallet and have no way to get home?
From Bucky: First of all, that kid was devil spawn. Second of all, just get down here. I’m right past the sandwich shop on third.
“Bucky?” Steve paused just past their favorite sandwich shop and glanced around for his boyfriend. “Hey babe where are--” 
“Steve!” Bucky poked his head out of the little restaurant next door and grabbed Steve by the wrist, yanking the big blond off the sidewalk and right inside. “Thank God you’re here. I was startin’ to get worried.” 
“Well I’m starting to get worried too.” Steve glanced around the bakery he’d rather abruptly found himself in. “What’s the problem? What emergency could possibly be taking place in a tiny bakery?” 
“Just sit down.” Bucky clapped a hand onto Steve’s shoulder and shoved him down into a chair, biting back a grin when Steve’s bulk made the decorative chair squeak alarmingly. “Sit down and wait.” 
“Babe, you’ve got frosting right--” Steve tried to wipe a glob of frosting from Bucky’s lips, and made a shocked snort of noise when his hand was batted away. “Bucky!” 
“Stop tryna steal my frosting.” Bucky swiped the sugary sweet glob away with his thumb, then sucked it into his mouth. “Punk.” 
“Okay.” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and blew out a breath through pursed lips. “You’re doing that thing where you aren’t making any sense, but keep looking at me like I’m supposed to know what you mean.” 
“How else would I look at you, Stevie?” Bucky’s hand was warm on Steve’s thigh, but his smile no less aggravating. “Ten years we’ve been together, you tellin’ me you can’t read my mind yet?” 
“You know damn well I can’t--” 
“Shhhh!” Bucky suddenly hissed and squeezed at Steve’s leg in warning. “Here he comes!” 
“Here who comes?!” 
Steve was well and ready to just get up and vacate the admittedly adorable space, frosting covered boyfriends be damned when he heard a soft voice singing along to the overhead music, “Honey! Bah bah bum bum bum bum! Awww sugar sugar!” and the cutest butt Steve had ever seen backed out from a set of double doors, wriggling and bebopping along with the music. 
“It gets better.” Bucky whispered. “Wait till he turns around.” 
He was practically snack sized, no taller than Steve’s shoulder and wearing indecently tight pants. There was a hilariously frilly apron tied around a soft tummy, big brown eyes topped with a riot of dark curls and a fantastically askew bakers hat, and when the man finally looked up and saw Steve and Bucky watching, his face split with a smile so sweet Steve was suddenly grateful he was sitting down. 
“Wow.” he muttered, and Bucky returned, “Tell me about it” 
“This was the emergency?” 
“Well I mean,” Bucky gestured to the everything currently filling a sweets display case with freshly frosted cupcakes. “I feel like this qualifies as an emergency, yeah!” 
“Holy shit.” Steve patted at Bucky’s hand absentmindedly. “I’m inclined to agree.” 
Their hushed conversation ceased when the baker approached, and Bucky gripped Steve’s leg tight in anticipation. 
“Hey guys.” Another flash of that knee weakening smile. “Welcome to Sweet Peach, my name’s Tony, I’m the owner. How are you?” 
“Uhhhh holy shit.” Bucky audibly gulped and Steve elbowed him in the gut. “I mean hi! Hi Tony! It’s nice to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet you.” Steve was only marginally less goofy than Bucky, but he managed to cover it with a smooth smile and an outstretched hand. “I’m Steve, this here is Bucky. First time customers.” 
“Oh sorry, I’ve got flour on my hands.” Tony declined the handshake and shrugged his shoulders, holding up messy palms. “What brings you in? See my ad in the paper?” 
“I was walking by and smell heaven.” Bucky blurted, and Tony’s scrunched in delight. “So I hadta stop in and would ya look at that, I found me an angel too!” 
“Aw, I bet you say that to all the boys who feed you cake.” Tony winked and Bucky about melted right off his chair. “Steve, would you like a piece? The one Bucky sampled was Apple cake with salted caramel frosting.”
“You give away samples?” Steve leveled Bucky with a look for trying to drop such a cheesy line, and the brunette only blinked at him innocently before returning his full attention to Tony. “I mean, I’d love a piece, but I’m happy to buy from you too.” 
“Trust me, have a piece of this and you’ll be buying plenty.” This time the wink was directed at Steve and if he hadn’t been staring quite so longingly after a rather peachy backside as Tony sashayed over to the bakery counter, he probably would have melted too. 
“Oh my god Steve, look at that butt.” Bucky bit into the heel of his hand to muffle a lecherous groan. “For fucks sake, it just ain’t right.” 
“You have a nice butt too, Buck.” Steve assured his boyfriend sotto voce, but he snorted a laugh when Bucky argued, “Not like that I don’t!” 
“Now I don’t want to hurry you, Steve.” Tony returned with a thick slice of cake and fork and set it on the table. “And once you take a bite of this, you won’t want to hurry either, but I have a cake tasting for a wedding in half an hour so I’m closing early.” 
“Cake tasting.” Bucky eyed the cake enviously as Steve took a bite. He’d already had a sample piece of course, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t considering stealing this piece and eating it all too. “What does a fella gotta do to get in on that sorta thing?” 
“Get married and hire me to make your cake.” Tony waited with a knowing smirk as Steve took a bite and let out a borderline indecent moan. “And based on that noise, I’d say Steve won’t be too difficult to get to the alter so long as you’re feeding him sweets. Go for it, Buck.”
“I would marry anyone who fed me this cake.” Steve decided and scooped up another huge piece. “This is apple? In cake? Tony, you’re a genius.”
“It’s my Auntie’s recipe.” Tony turned positively pink with pleasure and Bucky clutched at his heart helplessly. “During the holidays I’ll make a version with rum too. This one is for the cake tasting too cos the bride said she loves anything apple, but I suppose it can’t hurt to get a second opinion on how good it is, right?” 
“How about I leave all of our numbers with you--” Bucky snagged a piece of Steve’s cake, and screeched when Steve stabbed him for the effort. “Damn it, Stevie! Share!” 
“The hell I will.” Steve hunched further over his cake. “I share my bed with you, that’s all you get. Stay away from my plate.”
Tony burst out laughing and both Steve and Bucky jerked their heads up, a flush high in Steve’s cheeks and a half lecherous light in Bucky’s pale eyes over how great Tony’s laugh was. 
“Well as I was saying.” Bucky leaned back in his chair and let his gaze warm appreciative. “You call us anytime you need a second opinion on anything. Second opinion, third opinion, we’ll provide them all. I’ve got exactly no problem telling you how good your cake is.” 
“So super happy to help.” Steve snagged Bucky’s water bottle and drained most of it in a few swallows, washing down the thick caramel frosting. “I can’t believe we didn’t know you were here before, how long have you been in business?” 
“Just a few months.” Tony cleared away Steve’s plate and hurried it back to the kitchen, returning with two glasses of milk for the table. “At first I was working out of my home kitchen, but I outgrew the space pretty quick. Rented this spot last week and spend at least half the day reminding my old customers where I am now.” 
“Boy howdy, are we glad you chose this neighborhood.” Bucky ignored his glass of milk in favor of propping his hands up on his chin and staring at Tony with a half dopey smile. “I bet you’ll be plenty busy from now on.” 
“Tell your friends about me.” Tony dug into the pocket of his little apron and handed them a couple business cards. “Now that I’ve got a space to rent and overhead, the extra business would be nice. I plan to do a cupcake happy hour on Thursdays, so tomorrow I’ll have everything on sale and more samples.” 
“Thursday, huh?” Steve turned one of the cards over in his hand. “Hear that, Buck? Guess we’ll just have to come back tomorrow.” 
“Guess so.” Bucky didn’t take his eyes off Tony. “Maybe we can take you out for drinks after cupcake happy hour.” 
“Oh, maybe you check with your boyfriend before asking other men out on dates.” Steve countered under his breath and Bucky kicked at him in annoyance. Louder, Steve said, “We’d love to take you out for drinks, Tony. Get to know you a little better, maybe show you around the neighborhood?” That is uh-- if you aren’t busy?” 
Tony narrowed his eyes and glanced between the two of them. “Now hold on a minute. Did you guys come in here to try my cake or just to get an up close look at my sweet peach?” 
“Umm....” Neither of them knew how to answer that question, and when Tony gave his uh... sweet peach a little swat, both Bucky and Steve jumped like they’d been shocked. “Well uh--- er, uh-” 
“I was joking.” Tony laughed out loud again. “But you boys sure look guilty! Wow.” 
“Uh, I’ll be real honest with you, Tony.” Steve rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. “This cake is delicious, but--” 
“Is that why you call the bakery Sweet Peach?” Bucky demanded, utterly shameless in his curiosity. “I’m not complainin’, I just wanna know. Cos it’s a great name. Just fuckin’ great. A+ naming.” 
“Huh.” Tony’s dark eyes sparked in renewed interest as he looked Bucky over. “Not real subtle, are you?” 
“They don’t call me Bronco cos I’m subtle.” Bucky returned immediately. “You don’t like it?” 
“I’d probably like it more if you told me why they call you Bronco.” Tony challenged, but before Bucky could suggest showing rather than telling, Steve cleared his throat and interrupted, 
“Tony. Don’t worry about it. We’d love to take you out for a drink, but don’t think you hafta go with us. And despite us both liking your um--” he cleared his throat again. “--sweet peach, and despite Bucky’s less than tactful flirting, I don’t want you to think--” 
“You’re saying an awful lot of words for someone trying to back out of an offer of drinks.” Tony leaned over and dabbed his finger in a leftover bit of frosting, humming quietly as he sucked the sweetness off and letting his finger go with a pop that Bucky and Steve felt clear through to their cocks. “But don’t worry, I wasn’t going to say yes.” 
“Oh well that’s--” Steve paused, frowned. “Wait, what? Why not?” 
“Probably cos we’re strangers and droolin’ over his booty instead of buying cupcakes and supporting his business.” Bucky decided and Steve sighed over loud. “Sorry about that Tony. Like I said, they don’t call me Bronco--” 
“-- cos you’re subtle.” Tony finished with a nod. “Yeah, I know. But that’s not why I’m saying no.” 
He waited until Steve and Bucky looked up at him expectantly and continued, “I’m saying no because I don’t go out on dates with couples. Ever. It causes drama and leads to weird jealousy and I’m not willing to get involved in it.” 
“Oh that’s... that’s fair.” Steve said slowly. “But Bucky and I aren’t that sort of couple. And it wasn’t that sort of date. Really just meant drinks, Tony.” 
“And I’m flattered.” the baker let his eyes drift over their frames. “Trust me. Flattered. But I don’t even do things remotely resembling dates with couples.” 
Disappointment wrote itself all the way across Bucky’s face. “Aw sugar, I promise we didn’t mean nothing by it.” 
“And I’m not assuming anything from it.” Tony checked the clock on the wall, then whisked his apron off, tossing it towards an unseen laundry bin and pulling a fresh one from beneath the counter. “No offense meant and none taken, I promise. I just don’t do drinks and things with couples.” 
“Now, if you boys wanted to skip drinks all together?” Tony tied the apron snug around his waist, plumping a bow just above the curve of his rear. “Then I’m all for that. But right now, I’ve got a bride and eight bridesmaids coming in to eat cake, so we’ll have to revisit this conversation later.”
“Um--” still stuck with the image of Tony in his ruffled apron, and practically drooling over the implication of skipping drinks, Bucky and Steve found themselves outside the shop before they even knew what had happened, 
“So uh--” Bucky coughed quietly. “Somehow we just tossed outta a bakery by the sweetest peach I’ve ever seen. And uh also, did he say he wouldn’t have drinks with us but he was all good with gettin’ nekkid?” 
“I’m pretty sure Tony didn’t call it gettin’ nekkid.” Steve retorted, and grabbed Bucky’s hand, pulling him down the sidewalk towards home. “And seriously, we should talk about you just asking people out without talking to me first.” 
“You’re tellin’ me you didn’t want to ask him out the second you saw him?” Bucky challenged. “I saw th’ way you looked when he smiled, you about died!” 
“I did about die.” Begrudgingly, Steve flushing red clear to the roots of his hair. “But that doesn’t mean we just ask him out. We probably scared the hell outta him, getting all aggressively weird about how good his cake was and then inviting him out for drinks. Let’s come back for cupcake happy hour tomorrow and start over a little less crazy.” 
“Yeah alright.” Bucky tugged Steve to a stop and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. “That’s fair. Sorry for calling this a 911 when the only emergency was me bein’ immediately horny.” 
“S’alright, babydoll.” Steve kissed him back and tried not to laugh. “I mean, when are you ever not immediately horny?” 
“I dunno Stevie, the other night you wore long underwear and slippers while eating a turkey patty and I think that’s the least turned on I’ve ever been.” 
“Ugh...goddammit Bucky.” 
“The apron has got to go.” James Rhodes folded his arms and glared at the ruffled material as it had personally insulted him to his face. “I’m not doing this if you’re prancing around in leggings and one of my Ma’s aprons.” 
“You shouldn’t be doing this at all.” Tony sniffed, sweeping right past his best friend to give his other best friend a hug, squeezing Pepper tight against him. “Pep, why’d you bring the Cranky Pants groom? I specifically told you, no sour patches allowed. And where are the bridesmaids?” 
“The girls will be along in a few minutes, we came early for hugs and to catch up.” Pepper tugged at Tony’s apron and laughed a little. “And sorry about Rhodey, he insisted on having a say in the cake tasting. He also insisted he didn’t trust you not to talk me into some wacky flavor.” 
“He doesn’t trust me?!” Tony cried in outrage. “What, does he think I have some fiendish plan to ruin your wedding because I’m mad both my best friends are getting married? In what universe am I that petty?”
“In every universe, Tones!” James called from over by the cookie display. “Every single one of them!” 
“I hate him.” Tony scowled in his direction, then took Pepper’s hand and ushered her over towards the array of cake spread out on the counter. “Okay, I have it on good authority that the apple cake and salted caramel frosting are better than porn--” 
“WHAT?! How is that even a comparison!” 
“-- but you also said you don’t want your wedding to feel like a hootenanny.” Tony pushed forward a piece of lemon cake. “This one has blueberry and lemon jam as a filling which should be light and sweet, but also refreshing. Plus, I’ll put sprigs on mint on top to act as a palate cleanser!” 
“It’s literally--” Pepper took a bite and moaned in happiness. “--unfair that you get to make cake all day and don’t gain any weight. Oh my god, this is so good.” 
“Right?” Tony grinned, his eyes crinkling up at the corners when Pepper sighed through another bite. “You can try all the other ones too, but I knew you would like that one the best.” 
“Let me try the apple cake that’s better than porn.” Pepper decided, and James called, “Weird name, Tones! Don’t you dare serve that at my wedding!” 
“He never lets me have any fun.” Tony groused, but pulled a piece of the apple cake for Pepper as well. “Here it is, better than porn.” 
“Well it’s better than any porn I watch.” Pepper mumbled through the frosting. “My god, Tony. How do you this? Honestly.” 
“I’m more worried about which of his customers compared food to nudie flicks.” James finally made it over and took a bite from Pepper’s fork.”Yeah, alright that’s very good. But seriously, which creeper brought porn into the comparison?” 
“Me.” Tony said matter of factly. “Well not really. One of my customers made a nudie flick worthy sound when he took a bite. It wasn’t that far of a leap to think my cake is better than porn, right?”
“Oh Tony.” Pepper rolled her eyes. “Porn is always a big leap. I hope you didn’t strain anything reaching that far.” 
“I did adequate stretching.” Tony shrugged and handed James a different piece,this one chocolate with a swiss meringue buttercream. “Doesn’t matter though. He’s got a boyfriend so a mental comparison of cake to porn was as far as the conversation went. Too bad, too They were both gorgeous.” 
“Still on your no dating kick?” James started to sigh over the cake, thought back to the porn comparison, and decided against it, settling for a pleased hmm! when he tasted the frosting. “It’s been a year, Tones. Probably safe to dip your toes back in the water, you know?” 
“I’m good.” Tony shook his head, then looked up with a smile when the doorbell jingled and Pepper’s eight bridesmaids blew into the shop with screams of excitement. “Besides Rhodey, I thought you were tired of breaking my exes noses. You should be happy I’m not dating anymore.” 
“If this cake wasn’t so good, I’d lecture you about how I wouldn’t have to break their noses if you would just pick decent people.” James pointed his fork meaningfully at Tony, then dug into another big bite. “Be grateful my mouth is full. Be grateful you make good cake.” 
“I’m grateful for both those things.” Tony said mock seriously. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have bridesmaids to feed. Toodle--ooh.” 
“Toodle--fuckin’-ooh, Tony.” Rhodey retorted and Tony laughed over his shoulder as he went to greet the girls. 
Inevitably, his thoughts turned back to Bucky and Steve and the way they’d been so quick to try and ask him out. 
Tony didn’t date anymore, but he hadn’t been kidding about skipping drinks, either. He’d bet good money both the blond and brunette had been drooling over his leggings and apron and Tony smirked thinking about how fantastically unsubtle Bucky had been, and the way Steve had tried to save the moment even though he hadn’t stopped staring once. 
Flattering? Sure. 
Dangerous for Tony’s still healing heart? Absolutely. 
No way he’d be taking them up on an offer for drinks. 
Now if they wanted a chance to get at his sweet peach, whether that meant coming back for more cake or... or something else altogether? Tony grinned to himself. That could certainly be arranged. 
“Sugar.” he sang quietly as he brought out more plates. “Awww honey honey! You are my candy boy, and you got me wanting you...!” 
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @lookuplaughing @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @water-colouredmemories @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @desitonystark @1fuckingshitup69 @agentlokii
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kibybun · 4 years
Willow Tree Promises
Yandere Hawks x reader
Tw: Yandere, murder, suggestive stuff, miscarriage
It was a chilly afternoon as Keigo walked towards the willow tree. His goal was to talk to the hunched over man next to the tree.
The man jumps and looks over at Keigo with a broken look.
"Hello... What are you doing here?"
Keigo shifts and stands leaning against the tree.
"I heard you were (y/n)'s husband."
Keigo could see the pain with the word 'were' but he didn't care.
"I'm an old friend if hers."
"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you. Sorry we had to meet in these circumstances."
The two of them stare out blankly thinking about the person they both once knew. You have been missing for almost two months now. Everyone had given up hope on finding you alive or had just given up on the search entirely. Your husband was one of the last person who still hoped you'd be found.
"She was gorgeous."
Both of them think back, remembering you at different times.
"She was absolutely stunning in her wedding dress."
Keigo never got to see you in a wedding dress. Instead he saw you in a in causal clothes, standing beside the willow in the pale moonlight, looking more gorgeous than anything.
He had never expected to see someone look so angelic while holding such a sad expression.
He approached you, careful not to scare you.
"What's a angel like you looking so sad for?"
You take a second to register that someone was next to you, but when you do you immediately put on a fake smile.
"Oh, hello. What brings you here?"
"Oh Angel, don't smile if you don't mean it. What's got you down?"
You bow your head and wrap your arms around yourself as your lips quiver. You felt so weak, unable to hide your pain.
"Hehe... h-how'd you guess?"
Keigo didn't why he cared so much about how you felt, maybe it was his hero instinct or the simple fact he was just drawn to you.
Your beauty captivated him while your pain drew him in.
You feel unfamiliar yet comforting arms wrap around you.
"It's easy to see through someone's mask when you're wearing your own."
He holds you tight as you cry away your problems.
Keigo is snapped back into reality by your husband as he speaks again.
"She was always so picky with her food..."
Keigo stiffens at his false claim. You always ate whatever he brought you at night.
After your fateful meeting, the two of you continue seeing each other. Most nights ending with you in his arms, relishing the comfort, while he got the pleasure of holding an angel.
Certain nights he'd even bring little snacks and gifts for you. Ranging from chocolates and flowers to boxes of fast food and giant teddy bears.
Tonight was one of the nights he brought fast food.
Amusement was evident in your laugher at his choice of food that night.
"Only the best for you!"
He sits next to you and opens the box, the smell of chicken immediately filling the air.
"Oh, how chivalrous."
The two of you begin to eat fried chicken as your midnight snack, regretting it after as the two of you lay near each other grumbling.
"Uh I thought you said it was the best..." You groan as your stomach rumbles.
"Well, only the best food you can buy at midnight." You snort at his lazy response.
"You jerk! We probably have food poisoning because of you!"
He looks at you with a sly smirk.
"Won't stop me from bringing more food."
"So you'll come see me even if you have diarrhea?"
"Anything to see you~."
"Ewww! You can stay away if you have diarrhea!"
You playfully push him away but he pulls you closer, magicly making your stomach hurt less.
"You don't mean that."
"Maybe only a little."
Keigo smiles fondly at the belly aches he had with you. He's honestly surprised neither of you got food poisoning.
"Oh how she adored tulips..."
Again, he couldn't be more wrong. You prefered weeds like dandelions.
That night the moon was only half full, making it harder to see as you weaved flower crowns with Keigo's head resting in your lap. It had taken both of you a few minutes to find enough dandelions but the two of you managed.
"So why do you like weeds?"
"They're not weeds Keigo, they're flowers."
He adjusts the crown on his head before looking back up at you.
"What makes them flowers?"
You chuckle and finish the flower crown, placing this on your own head.
"Weeds are flowers that are unwanted, so if I want them they're a flowed!"
Keigo laughs and looks at you with a unreadable smile.
"Don't ever leave me."
You smile at his sentiment before leaning over and kissing his nose.
"I won't."
He raises his hand and caresses your cheek.
"Do you promise?"
"I promise."
Sobs from your husband interrupted Keigo, making him clench his fists and looked at the pitiful man.
Tears were beginning to stream down his face as he continued to stare straight off infront of him.
"I loved her so much. If only I was nicer.... If only I told her how much I loved her, she would've never disappeared. She would still be in my arms right now!"
He cradles his head as his sobs get louder.
Keigo almost pittied the man. Your love was definitely something to want, even now he still craved it.
That night the two of you confessed, well aware of how wrong it was. Keigo knew you were married and so did you, but that only his desire for you grow.
He wanted you so bad. You mind, body, heart, and soul.
"I love you so much..."
His kiss was gentle and loving, something you hadn't felt in so long.
"Hehe you're not lying, are you?"
You smile, weaving your arms behind his neck and resting your forehead against his.
"I love you angel. I promise."
"You better keep that promise."
"I plan to."
Your laughter fills the night as he pushes you down and kisses your neck. His arms pulling you closer as he hungerly tries to take you in.
A beautiful night under your willow tree.
"She wanted children, you know."
Keigo's ears perk at the sound of this.
"Did she now?"
"It's the thing that broke our marriage. She wanted kids and I didn't. I should've given them to her..."
Keigo smirks at the man's pain. If your husband had given you kids he would've never met you.
The night he had ment you, your husband had yelled at you saying he never wanted kids. There were other driving factors in you ending up in his arms but that was the main one.
Your husband wipes his face and stands.
"Sorry... I didn't mean to ramble on like that. I hope you have a good day."
He turns and walks away in a slump.
Keigo just watches him walk away before sitting down with his back against the tree.
It's funny how the man didn't see the heart carved into the tree, it was practically right next to him. Within held your initials and his.
He remembers when the two of you wrote that.
It was a chilly night, leading to you snuggling in his arms. That night the two of you haven't spoken much, just taking in all the warmth and comfort.
"Yeah angel?"
"Do wanna have kids with me?"
Your question shocked him but he quickly recovered.
"Of course! What makes you bring this up?"
You don't look at him as you pull his arms around you tighter.
"I want to start a family with you..."
He freezes, unsure if what he heard was true.
"You mean that, right?"
"I promise."
He pulls you closer, burying his nose into your neck.
"We're gonna have the cutest kids ever!"
You laugh at his excitement and slightly pull away from his grasp. He looks at you quizzeled as you tug on one of his sharper feathers. He let's you grab it and watches you carve your intitals then his, circling it with a heart.
"Why'd you do that?"
You smile at him before tracing the freshly cut bark with your free hand.
"So that we can always look back on our promises together, never forgetting them."
Keigo sighs as he finishes the memory. He wished everything turned out differently, wishing that you were in his arms right now.
"You know, your husband is a big push over."
Keigo just spoke, no one was around to hear his words.
"I can't believe you married that guy, we should've met sooner so then we could get married and have kids."
He remembers the night where you practically tackled him to the ground. You were beaming as tears rolled down your cheeks.
He was so worried but in the end it was for nothing.
He asked what was wrong and you told him with a shaking voice that you were pregnant.
He was so estatic, he couldn't help the tears of joy as he held you close, unable to comprehend he was going to be a dad.
"If we had a son, I'm pretty sure he'd look like me but with your eyes. If we had a daughter she'd look like you, I don't know what eyes she'd have. Hehe they'd have little wings and they'd cause so much trouble once they learned how to fly!"
He smiles fondly at the thought before lowering his head.
"Too bad that could never happen now."
He clenches his fist as he remembers when disaster struck.
You were two months pregnant with his beautiful babies. You were walking over to him, forgetting about the prominent roots if the willow tree.
Your foot got caught causing you to trip and land on another prominent root.
Everything became numb as you suddenly felt something dribble down your leg as you sat up.
Keigo was instantly by your side, worried and trying to figure out what happened.
Then he saw the tears welling up in your eyes.
Then he saw the blood on your hands as you touched the inside of your thighs.
Then he felt his heart break the same as yours did.
You fall into his arms unmoving, scared and broken. He tries to hold you close but his body went into shock, leaving the two of you unmoving as you leaned on him.
That was the first rift in your relationship with him.
"You shouldn't blame yourself you know, I'll always love you no matter what. I promised I would."
He rests his hand on the ground next to him.
"I still love you, angel, even though you're actually an angel now."
He sighs and stands, looking down at the spot.
"I'll come back later tonight (y/n), at our usual time."
He walks away, leaving your body underneath the willow tree.
Ever since your tragic miscarriage, you became a lot more distant. You were still hurting from the incident and seeing Keigo was a reminder of what could've been, but what couldn't happen.
You realized the pain you would cause if your husband found out, the pain you caused Keigo by loving him, the pain you caused yourself by doing the same.
So you distanced yourself from Keigo and on the rare nights to went out to the willow you'd shy away from anything intimate. You didn't want either if you to get hurt again.
"Hey Keigo?"
"Yeah, (y/n)?"
"I think... I think we should stop seeing each other."
He felt his world break around him. You were his everything, how could you want to leave him?
"What? Why?"
His works came out more demanding than questioning but it still got his point across.
"I don't want to get hurt again, I don't want to hurt you again!"
He saw you breaking down but he could barely care, you were trying to leave him. After all the two of you been though, how could you?
"No... Did our time together mean nothing? Were all out promises lies!?"
Anger was evident in his words as he stepped closer, making you back away.
"Our time together ment so much to me! And I never lied, I just can't do this anymore..."
You try and wipe away your tears, making you unable to see Keigo grab one of his sharper feathers.
"Oh angel..."
He walks closer.
"Why would you ever try and leave me?"
He walks closer.
"I'll make sure you can never leave me again."
His words were a soft whisper on your neck and before you could understand his words, you were pierced through the back.
Your breath hitches as you look down and see his feather protruding from your chest, blood quickly soaking your shirt.
"Shhh angel, it'll be over soon and we can be together. Just like we promised!"
Everything goes cold as you breathe your last breath, falling to the ground as he watches.
He doesn't feel remorse as his kisses your forehead and begins to dig your grave. It was only necessary so you would keep your promises.
Keigo returns to the willow, just as he promised, only this time carrying a shovel along with. He begins to dig, careful not to dig too deep as to hurt you.
He spends an hour or so before he finds you. He reached out for your rotting and decaying corpse, gently dusting the dirt off as he lifted you from the hole.
"Hey angel. You still look beautiful as ever. Shall I have this dance?"
Silence takes over as he waits for you to respond.
"Then let us dance."
His arm wraps around your spine and ribs as he gently takes your hand, beginning the waltz in the moonlight.
"Im sorry I made you wait two months before I could hold you again, I had to make sure no one would look for you. Can't have my angel taken away from me, can I?"
He smiles at your lifeless body, still thinking you could hear and respond to him.
"Hehe there's still one last promise to forfill."
He holds a lustful gaze in his eyes before it turns loving.
"Don't worry, that's not for tonight. Tonight we dance and tomorrow we can begin our family."
He leans in and kisses your rotted corpse, remembering the life that used to be there.
If only you hadn't made those willow tree promises.
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