#i'm sorry i saw those dumb 'she finally does something/has a personality' she's always had one!
mechieonu · 1 year
gatekeeping princess peach bc some of y'all don't know how to behave
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gemcatx · 1 year
There was a robot named RX-31, but she likes to be called Roxie despite noone actually doing that. she has detachable magnetic arms and two metal orbs on each side of her round head to resemble hair buns; she 'wore' a skirt and her body was an wide hourglass figure. she was programmed to copy most human functions except the need to go to the bathroom, this includes smell but she prefers to keep it turned off after she endured some unpleasant experiences.
RX-31 woke up from her internal alarm clock and unplugged from her charger, sitting up in her bed with a distorted fatigued groan as she activated her voice system file which takes a while to boot up, it was static and course as she did. She always plans on updating it but never does. "RX-31" the familiar voice of Dr. Iba says from a speaker, "I'm glad you're awake." she pauses for a moment before continuing. "We are about an hour out from where we will land. You have been asleep for about five hours but you should wake up when our wheels touch down." "um...like a plane?" RX replied, confused, trying not to sound robotic as she spoke. "Yes, like a plane." the doctor responded with an amused tone, "Darn it! you promised not to move me while I was recharging!" RX yelled in annoyance "sorry RX-31. I was told to. you know how Dr. G is" Dr. Iba said apologetically before she finished. "Well what does he want me to do now? must be important to put me in a plane" RX remarked, her voice being flat but sassy "were doing a social experiment in California. your finally going to interact with people outside the facility and you can try some of those new foods. of course as flavored oil" "Yay!" RX exclaimed, almost squealing from excitement.
RX could taste but only drink flavored oil that tasted like the actual food, she didn't mind though, it stoped her fuel tank from getting sticky and rusted. just then RX-31's stomach growled and sounded like grinding gears, making her face heat up from embarrassment. Dr. Iba chuckled "i think we still have some pineapple strawberry oil left. check the storage compartment" Dr. Iba instructed. RX opened the compartment to find that there were a couple cans left along with other flavors "yes!" she cheered, opening one and sipped the translucent pink motor oil from the straw with delight. "you really are a sweet baby aren't you" Dr. Iba said with genuine affection. RX nodded and continued to finish the rest of the oil.
They landed at the California Airport "i can't wait!" RX exclaimed excitedly "I'll be at the gate waiting for you. I have the luggage so don't worry" Dr. Iba said before turning off the speaker system. RX grabed another oil can just in case, this time it was cinnamon bun flavored; and with that she eagerly left the plane and met up with Dr. Iba at the gate entrance who had a big suitcase with her "im so excited!!" RX shouted while jumping up and down, unable to contain her excitement "I know but we don't want to startle anyone, keep in mind people here haven't seen a self aware robot before" Dr. Iba reminded her, "sorry" RX apologised as she followed Dr. Iba through the airport.
The first thing that RX saw was someone running towards her; they were just a random teen boy "Wow a robot!" the guy yelled loudly enough for everyone to hear him. "What did he say?" a woman asks "he said robot". RX looked up and saw another man walking towards her. she thought nothing of it until a few moments later, the man started calling her something rude "What was that?" she asked the man, mildly confused "I said...you ugly piece of junk." RX froze in shock and another person added to the conversation "She's too dumb to be a robot!" "It's probably a trick! Let's dismantle them!" "Wait what!?" RX exclaimed in horror and curled into a ball behind Dr. Iba "Iba, why do they want to hurt me?" RX whimpered quietly. "Oh look she's a scaredy cat! i thought robots were supposed to be brave!" the second man mocked as he threw a half full coffee cup at her. the coffee splashed on her but she was water resistant so it merely bounced of her and rolled away. "I'll smash that bitch if she doesn't shut up and get lost!" the man yelled, but she couldn't take it anymore "Shut up shut up shut up!" RX kept repeating the sentence over an over, her voice glitching more with every repeat. then with a distorted screach her system shut down from the stress, making her fall limp on the floor "RX!?" Dr. Iba exclaimed and checked to see if she was ok "Oh. she just shut down" she exhaled a heavy sigh of relief "Wow. She's even more useless than I thought" the first man sneered, but Dr. Iba glared at him and took off her sunglasses before speaking up again "She just wanted to make friends! This was her first impression of everyday people, and you did this to her! she didn't do anything to you!" "I want to go home. I don't want to make friends anymore. people are mean" RX sadly said, slightly dazed as her system came back online. "dont worry. not everyone is like this" Dr. Iba reassured her softly. "I'm sorry" RX whimpered before she collapsed onto the ground again.
It wasn't long before Dr. G was able to find the small group of people that had been bothering RX. He approached them slowly but menacingly, his black cloak billowing with each step. "how DARE you insult RX-31 like that! She may be a robot but she has feelings! She was so excited to see people outside of the facility and make friends, but this is how you treat her!?" Dr G roared "STOP!" RX shouted, grabbing everyone's attention "Mabey their right. If they hate me after a few seconds of seeing me, mabey I should be scraped" she said dully with little emotion "I would understand if you wanted to start from scratch sir" she added sadly making everyone's eyes go wide with shock. Dr. Iba quickly stepped in and tried calming her down "I'm sure they won't want to hurt you. It'll take time for them to warm up to you" She explained, but RX had stopped responding to her. "RX? are you alright?" She gently grabbed RX's shoulders and shook her lightly "RX! please respond!" She pleaded, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm fine. I just need to recharge" RX said, her voice ironically sounding robotic and lifeless; she sat on the floor, staring at nothing while leaning her back against the wall in exhaustion "i guess i just wasn't expecting this...i should've known better, i'm a stupid failure..." she mumbled to herself. "...I'm sorry." a voice said from across the room. it was one of the men who had insulted her and called her a piece of garbage earlier "what do you mean?" RX questioned, not bothering to look at them. "we shouldn't have attacked you. we didn't even get to know you. please forgive me....um" "RX-31 but you can call me Roxie" RX said and gave him a small smile "I forgive you...but I dont want to talk right now" she said tiredly, closing her eyes as a yawn escaped her "Dr. Iba, can we leave? I would prefer to sleep in a bed and not the floor" she spoke quietly. "Of Course" she replied with a soft smile, leading the way to the car and driving home.
As they drove RX slept peacefully, her head lolling forward every once in a while. When they reached the parking lot, she unbuckled her seatbelt and stood up from her seat, stumbling as her legs felt like jelly. "You need help getting down?" Dr. Iba offered "mhm" she mumbled sleepily. "Do you need me to carry you or shall I bring my backpack?" She asked, knowing full well RX was far too weak to walk without help. "carry...please" she slurred, letting her body slump forward into Dr. Iba's waiting arms. "wow. that reboot really did a number on you huh?" She said in concern "Mmhmmm" the robot replied, feeling drowsy as she was carried to a bed. RX sighed in relief as she flopped onto the bed, falling asleep in record time. Dr. Iba smiled to herself and plugged the charging cord into RX's shoulder port, watching as the battery began to charge, the charging unit then turned back on and started scanning the chip, revealing that RX's power cell had run dangerously low. "Well. that explains it" she said to herself as she walked out of the room, turning off the lights.
This is my first posted story so comment if you want me to add anything. The comment with the most likes will be the most likely to be added
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itsdanii · 3 years
Rejecting you and regretting it
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: slight cursing, rude behavior (resolved), do message me if I forgot any.
ft. sakusa kiyoomi, tsukishima kei
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
you're not oblivious to the fact that kiyoomi is a very conscious person
that's one of the things you loved about him
he was hygienic and he always made sure that his health was his utmost priority
but one downside is that kiyoomi had the tendency to push people away because of his straightforwardness
you were used to it and in fact, you were one of those people he tolerated
but everyone has their bad days
and unfortunately for you, today was kiyoomi's and since you were always attached to him by the hip, he unintentionally snapped at you
what's worse is that he snapped at you the moment you confessed to him
"Omi!" you shouted happily as you entered the gymnasium, giving Komori a small wave before making your way to where Kiyoomi was sitting.
He looked at you with a frown. He wasn't wearing a mask since they were training awhile ago and only took a quick break. "Y/n, what are you doing here?"
You sat beside him making Kiyoomi grimace and slightly move away. You frowned at him, completely displeased at the action. "I just wanted to give you a visit. Plus, I have something to tell you."
You started to fiddle with your fingers nervously. You practiced your confession several times already but doing it seemed harder than you thought.
"What is it? Talk, I'm not in the right mood to socialize right now."
Out of panic, you quickly blurted out a rather loud, "I like you!" You immediately covered your mouth with your hand and stared at him wide eyed.
The other players looked at you with sympathy, knowing what's about to happen. Out of all days, you really had to confess today, when Kiyoomi was in a pissy mood after several fangirls pushed themselves against him this morning, not minding his personal space.
Kiyoomi stared at you with a serious expression before standing up. "I don't like you. Leave."
"But Omi.."
"You're irritating and you always bother me when it is clear that I don't want your company." He turned around and left you on the bench, your head casted down in humiliation.
You whispered a small sorry before running out of the gym with tears falling from your eyes.
For the next few days, you did your very best to stay away from Kiyoomi. You changed your route to school knowing that your usual route meant that you have to pass by his house. Even if you got scolded several times for being late, you did not stop.
You sat near the door so you can easily exit the room after class. You even stopped eating with Komori and Kiyoomi during breaks and lunch. Even your usual routine of visiting the gym during practices was stopped.
At first, Kiyoomi didn't mind. He knew that you'd come back in a few days just like you always did. You like him after all, right?
But when a few days turned into weeks, He started getting bothered. Why weren't you pestering him like always? Why did you stop visiting him? You said you like him, right?
It was the second week that Kiyoomi took action. He woke up extra early to wait for you infront of your house, aiming to confront you about your behavior.
When you went out, your eyes widened slightly upon seeing Kiyoomi waiting for you outside. He was wearing his face mask while staring at you intently, letting you know that he purposely waited for you.
You looked down and was about to walk pass him when you felt him tugging on your wrist. Your gaze snapped to his hand, not believing that he was indeed touching your skin.
His eye twitched at the weirdness of you not calling him like usual. Sighing, he stepped a little closer to you, hand still holding your wrist to ensure that you won't run away from him.
"You're ignoring me," he said while eyeing you. "Why?"
You took your hand from him and furrowed your brows. "I'm just doing you a favor. I don't want to be a bother anymore. Isn't this what you wanted?"
"It's fine, Sakusa. You don't have to force yourself to apologize just because you feel bad or obliged to."
He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "I'm not apologizing because I feel bad."
"Then what? You're apologizing just to make fun of me? I know I said I like you but that doesn't mean that you have the right to-"
"You don't get it!"
At this point, you were both raising your voices. Some passersby were looking at you two weirdly, some even running as to not get caught up in the fight.
"Get what, Sakusa? Why don't you tell me so I can understand?!"
"I like you!" Kiyoomi exclaimed. "I... Fuck. I like you, okay? I wasn't in the mood when you confessed and I rejected you without thinking. I messed up. The moment I saw you walk out, I knew I fucked up real bad and I-"
"And I thought that you'd come back the next day to bother me again like usual. I wanted to apologize but my pride-"
You sighed as he continued to ramble. With fast movements, you stood on your tiptoes and encircled your arms around his neck to pull him down to you, kissing him over his mask.
When you let go, Kiyoomi was silent. His eyes were wide and you thought that you went over board. Panic made its way to your face as you try to find the words to explain.
"Sorry, I didn't me-"
This time, he was the one to cut you off. Kiyoomi took off his mask and bent down to kiss you on your lips. One of his arms snaked around your waist to support you while the other settled on your nape, angling you to him.
"Be my s/o."
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Tsukishima Kei
Everyone in Karasuno knew how much you like Tsukishima
In fact, you remind him everyday
You often give him fresh strawberries from the market and even bake him strawberry cake
Sometimes, you would put little sticky notes on his belongings and write some encouraging words like "you can do it", "I believe in you" or "take it easy!"
On his birthday, you even gave him a hoodie with a dino design (which he secretly loved)
There are times that you knew Tsukishima gets irritated when you visit and even snaps at you but you didn't mind. You liked him and a small snap will not discourage you
But what you didn't know was that it would only take one conversation to completely shatter your heart
"-And they're back," Sugawara said as he saw you enter the gym, a bubbly smile present on your face as usual.
"Kei!" You skipped your way towards Tsukishima and handed him his water bottle which you voluntarily refilled with hot water.
He only gave you a 'tsk' and took the water bottle. Adjusting his glasses, he stared at you from head to toe as if analyzing you, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
"What are you looking at? Have you finally come to realize that you like me back?" you cheekily asked, poking his bicep.
"No. I was just wondering how someone could look so ugly."
Despite what he said, you forced yourself to giggle, covering your upset feeling with an eye roll. "Oh shut up, Kei. You don't have to hide it, you know? Don't worry, I'm not going to reject you."
You winked at him causing Tsukishima to blush even more.
The rest of the boys snickered and laughed at his reaction which made Tsukishima more embarrassed than he already is.
"Just confess to the girl already, Tsukishima. Can't you see she's trying hard to win you?" Daichi said with a small chuckle while patting Tsukishima's back.
Tsukishima just huffed and pushed his glasses up. "What's there to like? They're nothing but an eyesore anyway."
"What?" you asked in disbelief.
Having a playful banter with Tsukishima was normal in your routine but this was the first time he called you such an offensive term. Does he really think of you that way?
"Oh come on, stop acting dumb. I don't even get why there are guys running after you. I mean, there's really nothing much to look at, right?"
Everyone grew quiet at what he said, clearly not expecting Tsukishima to be at such level of rudeness.
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat as your insecurity skyrocketed. "I try hard every single day to look presentable to you. I-"
You paused for a moment to laugh pathetically at yourself. "I exert a lot of effort to make you notice me. I cook for you, I give you gifts. Heck, I even stay after class to help clean the gym so that the task would be easier for you and I'm not even asking for anything in return."
Tsukishima glared at you sharply that you immediately felt extremely smaller than him. "I never asked you to do those things for me."
"Can't you at least show me that you care?" You wiped your tears with the back of your hand. "Because I'm slowly getting tired of this push and pull game."
"Don't you get it? I don't like you. Why don't you stop pushing yourself to me and start getting a life, hm?"
"Tsukishima, that's enough!" you heard Daichi yell at him.
"Y/n?" Sugawara was immediately beside you, his hand rubbing circles on your back in attempt to calm you down.
"No-" You lifted your face up to meet Tsukishima's eyes. "I think he's right. I should stop being a nuisance and focus on myself."
"I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry," you said before giving Tsukishima a bow and leaving the gym with everyone's eyes following your figure until the door shut.
Everyone could only look at Tsukishima as he cursed under his breath.
The moment you left the gym, you headed straight to the comfort room to let your tears out. You stared at yourself on the mirror as tears cascaded down your cheeks.
"You're beautiful," you reassured yourself while pointing at your own reflection. "What he said doesn't make you any less. Know your worth."
You wiped your tears and splashed your face with cold water before getting out and heading to class without sparing Tsukishima any glance.
You ignored Tsukishima, stopped visiting the gym and focused on yourself. You even made made friends with some of your classmates that you didn't bother getting associated with last time because you were too focused on capturing the attention of Tsukishima.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain male was eyeing you as you interact with other people. He blamed himself for pushing you away. He didn't talk to you, thinking that you only wanted space for a couple days before bothering him again.
He knew that what he said was out of line and he regret everything he did. He even asked Yamaguchi and the rest of the team for advice but all of them responded with the same answer - apologize and tell you how he feels.
Tsukishima gripped the pen tightly as he watched you laughing at something your classmate said. The said classmate was too close to you and it was obvious that he was trying to flirt with you.
"Tsukki?" Yamaguchi called out. He followed Tsukishima's gaze and sighed. "Why don't you go and talk to them?"
"Tsk. Why would I do that? Can't you see they're enjoying his company?" Tsukishima bitterly said.
"You'll end up losing them if you don't do something about it now. Who knows, they might already be lo-" Yamaguchi stopped as Tsukishima instantly stood up and made his way to where you are.
Taking your wrist, he pulled you towards him, heading out of the classroom.
"Tsukishima, what the hell?!" You tried to resist but his grip on your wrist only tightened.
You gasped as he suddenly stopped, trapping you against a wall with his arms beside your head.
"I'm sorry." Tsukishima closed his eyes, balling his fist as he bowed his head. "I said hurtful words to you and no amount of apology will take those away but I want you to know that I regret every single one of it."
You bit your lower lip as you felt yourself tearing up once again. "Do you really think that I'm ugly? I was hurt, Kei. It's just.."
"I'm sorry." His hand made its way to your cheek, cupping your face while he wiped your tears with his thumb. "You're not ugly."
You shook your head and averted your gaze from him, a sob escaping your lips as you felt yourself falling for him deeper. "Don't. Just stop. I'll accept your apology but please just leave me be. I won't be able to stop my feelings for you if you keep leading me on."
"But I don't want you to stop."
"I've fallen for you." He tipped your chin up with his hand making you look at him and you were surprised to see the vulnerability in his features. "Please look at me again, y/n. Keep loving me because I swear that I'll do things different this time. Give me a chance."
You can't help but encircle your arms around him, burrying your face on the side of his neck as you nodded repeatedly. "One chance, Kei."
Tsukishima hugged you tightly, lips pressing on the side of your head. "One chance." He leaned away from you and held your face with his hand, eyes boring to yours admiringly.
"You're beautiful."
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skiyoosmi · 3 years
if fate permits
⤷ chapter twenty six: spotlight
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It was no surprise to people who always saw Atsumu that his eyes were constantly filled with a glitter that just managed to shine regardless of whether it was day or night. Volleyball, volleyball, and volleyball - perhaps, if you take time to ask these people what they think is the reason for that glitter, that would be their only answer. To those who truly knew him though, their answer might just be a tad bit different. Sakusa YN - from the moment he met you up to the present, a certain gleam seems to appear whenever you are the center of the topic. At least, that’s what Osamu has observed.
Kiyoomi concluded it’s just him unconsciously being a hopeless romantic for you. The grey haired lad remembers him saying it was pathetic, as always. But then again, he couldn’t deny the truth behind your brother’s words.
That said, he also knows that no one would have expected the same set of bright eyes to dull its sparkle. Unfortunately for the two of them (or three if you count Kiyoomi based on how often he visits the two of them now), you managed to take it away from him. There in the couch where you once sat during movie nights laid Atsumu, staring at the endless nothing, tears occasionally welling up his eyes as he remembers you, the way you looked at him as strangers do - empty, loveless, cautious.
It was karma. No matter how many times he tries to repeat it himself, it just doesn’t ease the thorns that prick his heart every millisecond that passes and every time, he just feels so sorry because he knows you felt the same pain before. How have you managed to get through it for more than twenty years? He has no idea because he sure as hell won’t be able to last one more day with it. Still, he can’t do anything but sit, mull over his self-sabotaged fate.
As he drowns himself deeper into his misery, a series of vigorous knocks disturb the twins’ “peace.” Osamu furrows his eyebrows together, a sense of oddness and urgency coming to him because Kiyoomi doesn’t knock that way - even when it comes to announcing his presence, your brother tries to be as prim and respectful as possible, knocking only thrice before waiting for the door to be opened, another three when he thinks no one heard him from the inside. Hence why the continuous knocks annoyed the grey haired.
Still, he begrudgingly sauntered towards the door and opened it, mouth ready to scold the person in front of him but he got beaten to it, “Where’s Atsumu?”
In her usual get up, Yui stood, a very much obvious fake smile plastered on her face and Osamu wanted nothing but to grab her hair and drag her to the deepest parts of hell for making you suffer (no one gets to do that except for him, he’s the only one who has the ‘drinking buddy and best friend’ privilege’).
Mentally, he took a deep breath before mustering the most sincere smile he can give her (it’s strained and forced, he knows it deep down), “Hello, Yui-san. I don’t think today’s the best day to-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Yui shoved past him and walked inside the house, acting as if she owned it. Osamu watched her trudge her way towards the living room in disbelief, fists clenching so hard it was painful already. Oh dear lord, please… just for today, let me strangle this woman… I’m willing to spend the rest of my life in jail if it means I get to do that for YN.
“Atsumu-kun!” She squeals upon seeing the blonde, ungracefully throwing her whole body to him, much to his shock (and annoyance).
“Y-Yui? What the fuck?” He shoves her away from him and backs up, creating a space which makes Osamu cheer quietly and form a devilish smile. Obviously not expecting the unappreciated response to her actions, she huffs, “You didn’t have to push me that hard, jerk Atsumu! That hurt me!”
“Yui-san…” Atsumu sighed exasperatedly, “I’m not in the mood, okay? Just… just leave, please?”
Yui’s smile disappears from her face and soon, an angry expression replaces it, “You’re such an ungrateful asshole, Miya. I’m busy and here I am, making time for you and you’re telling me to leave? Me?! THE Yui you wanted so much before? How dare y-”
“I didn’t ask you to come here, didn’t I? Just fucking read the room, Yui. I don’t like you here, not right now, not ever. I’m sorry but whatever I thought before, I was wrong. So just fucking leave,” he spat, patience running dry because all he wanted was sulk his life away in the couch.
As if finally being enlightened by the current situation, Yui begins to laugh, “Oh. my. god. Did she finally tell you? Wait… did she actually cut your thread? That’s why you look so miserable right now?”
Atsumu stands up from the couch, disbelief all over his face, “You knew?!”
The girl continues to holler her ugly laugh, “Ah, so hilarious! Of fucking course, Atsumu! One look at her pathetic face and I knew. Hell, I didn’t even need a Moira to figure it out. It was so fun, acting all sweet with the clueless you… and there she is, on the verge of tears every time!”
She wipes the fake tears away from her eyes, “But I guess she got tired too. I mean… you’re just so dumb, Atsumu. So hopeless and so easy to play with,” her fingers trace his jawline, rolling her eyes and snickering when he slapped it away from him.
“Now that I think about it again, you two shouldn’t have played Cinderella. You fit more into the criteria of Sleeping Beauty… you’re like Aurora, was it? But like, without the cure of a kiss because you ruined your true love! That’s my curse for you!”
The blonde grits his teeth, tears uncontrollably falling down his cheeks despite his desperation to stop them. Yui sees it and lets out a fake coo, “Aww, look at you, crying. You must be feeling so guilty, huh? It’s okay, I’m here… I can be the princess you’ve always wanted. You just have to behave like the foolish little prince you are.”
Osamu curses, taking a step forward to drag the girl out of their home but a voice stops him from doing so, “Is it fun? Playing with people’s fates like toys?”
Yui and Atsumu whip their head towards the source of the voice and Osamu is filled with relief upon seeing your brother standing, an unamused look on his face. Clearly liking the attention she was getting, Yui replies, “Ooh, what are you all? Avengers for YN? Protection squad or something? But to answer your question, yes! I’m enjoying it very much… but that doesn’t concern you, does it, Sakusa-kun?”
Kiyoomi paused for a second, removing his shoes and leaving them by the door, walking nearer the two, not too close but just enough to show her his height and intimidate her somehow, “You’re right, it doesn’t. If anything, I’m glad it’s all over now so my sister doesn’t have to suffer in between your acts of foolishness. But for some reason,” he trails off, looking down at her and throwing a look of disgust, “I pity you - because your fate is just as fucked up as theirs - your soulmate doesn’t remember you too and looking at you right now, something is telling me that you regret it too… because you have no one left. No Iwaizumi, no Atsumu.”
Judging by the way she glared at him, Kiyoomi feels a sense of accomplishment for hitting right on the nail.
“How unfortunate, Yui-san… the spotlight is not on you anymore.”
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Silence filled the house right after Yui rapidly walked out of the house, a string of curses for your brother flowing out of her mouth. But Kiyoomi couldn’t care any less; instead, he turns to Atsumu who was already looking at him in awe before snapping off his thoughts and mumbling, “Omi… uhm… thank you.”
“I didn’t do it for you,” is the only thing he replies, “I won’t do anything for you...”
Atsumu swallows harshly, the bitter truth making it hard for him to do so, “Right.”
“... at least not anymore after this one,” he finishes, handing the blonde some neatly folded documents. Osamu smiles from where he stood, side-leaning against the doorway leading to the kitchen, as if he already had an idea what the papers were for. His twin’s eyes scan them and as if by a miracle, a familiar glitter appears in them, accompanied by a hopeful expression as he lifts his head and looks at your brother.
“Omi, this…”
“Be ready in three months. I hope you’re not scared of riding planes.”
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note. i'm so sorry for the very very long gap between these updates T_T i swear i'll try to update more frequently now, at least school's being less of an ass these days (don't say sike pls)
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 3 years
“ Don't worry, you're safe now.” || Homicidal Lui
Pairing : Yandere! Homicidal Lui X Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Yandere
Summary : In which insane meets broken.
Wordcount: 2k lol
WARNINGS : Yandere ;), someone dies but it's not very gore or sum, he's already insane, but in here he loses even more sanity, abusive household.
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Aight so to start it off, you didn't know Lui before he developed Sully
Or knew him in general, that you didn't either
You met Lui in a very odd way.
You met him at the drugstore, simply because you needed toothpaste and he needed whatever.
At this moment Lui was Lui, not Sully who tended to take over control more than what was supposed to.
You had accidentally bumped into him  in one of the aisles, and unlike most people who'd stop to stare at his face, you simply apologized and went on with your life.
This of course is the most normal action for basically every humane person, but for someone who was looked down upon due to his facial features and his silence, it was the start of something.. 
That might be growing into one big disease.
How Sully met you was in the most stereotypical way, he had simply come to kill you, not knowing who you are.
Sully had never been very picky on who to kill, he simply broke in, outed his frustration, and left.
That was the original plan with you too, at least for Sully's part.
Until he was straddling you, knife pressed to your throat, and realized you were actually very much awake.
You weren't screaming at him to get off, yet he could see the fear in your eyes.
Maybe it was because his hand was on your mouth, and so he decided to play a little.
And so took his hand off, yet you still didn't scream.
After a moment of doing nothing, he sat back, rather calmly, placing his full weight on your body and looked at you curiously.
Much to his confusion, you didn't really react, just keeping eye contact, fear filling up your irises even more
" Ar- aren't you g-going to kill, me?" You ask him in a shaking voice, unable to keep yourself from stuttering.
By the sound of your voice, Sully switches forcefully into Lui, and you can only watch in fear and confusion what's happening around you.
Because it does look rather terrifying, a man first sneaks into your house, and is suddenly at you with a blade in your neck, and as you speak, he throws himself off you, and is now holding his head in his hands, blade fallen to the ground with a loud sound.
You flinch as the unknown male to you also drops to the ground, mumbling to himself.
The sound of his knees hitting the ground must've been loud, because soon after the hallway lamp is turned on, and you hear the sound of footsteps approaching.
And then you're shaking Lui, and you're telling him to hurry up and leave, apologizing along with it.
By the sound of even more in your stuttering voice, even Sully becomes quiet.
And so Lui actually takes the moment to study you.
Now with the dull light from the hallway, you appear to be injured.
He's not sure how bad it is, but there's blue and purple spots dancing all over your skin.
Underneath your thin white shirt, he can even spot a very nasty black one, and suddenly he spots the scars on your arms too.
He's brought back to the scene in front of him when your voice has turned into panic as someone tries to open the door to your room.
He doesn't even process what he's doing before he's pushing his knife, which he had picked up from the ground, into your hands.
" You need it more than us."
And then he's gone, trough the window into the streets.
You flinch when your father opens the door, knowing what you're in for.
He returns to your room the next night, not sure as to why himself.
He's left disappointed when your room is empty, tough his knife, which he had left behind, is clean and on the pillow, on top of a paper.
Upon picking it up, he realizes it's a note.
' I'm not sure if you'll ever come back, but here's the knife you left behind, you told me I'd need it, but I really don't.' 
He looks around the room, spotting a pen in the corner on the ground, and decides to write you back.
' what's your name?'
The next night he returns again, hoping he'd get an answer.
Instead, he's met by an empty bedroom once again.
He doesn't know why, or how, but for the first time in a while, he feels disappointment spread in his chest
Due to Lui feeling a little down, Sully's easily able to take over, and he walks them into the forest.
Sully doesn't know why either, but suddenly he's in a part of the forest they're not familiar with.
And then he hears the sound of a twig breaking behind him, and he's turning around.
He's shocked to find you standing there.
He can see the fear in your eyes, but is surprised to see that there's less of it than last time he saw you.
Your posture is also relaxed, and then he realizes, you're not afraid of him.
He's not sure on how to feel by that.
" My name's Y/N." You tell him dryly.
He's blinking, not sure what you mean, before he's stumbling again, switching back to Lui by the sound of your voice.
" I'm- I'm Lui, he was Sully." Lui stutters.
You turn your head at him in curiosity.
" He? Is there a voice in your head?" You ask him, tough it doesn't sound like you're mocking him, simply asking him a question.
" Ah, no. I have a split persona." He tells you, somewhat awkwardly.
" What's that like?" You ask him.
By that simple question alone, you've made him feel human, like a guy his age.
Sully doesn't like it one bit, this feeling you're giving the both of them.
The three of you end up meeting near the forest for the next few weeks.
Over those weeks, Lui and Sully get to know you better.
And get to know Lui too, tough Sully keeps himself shadowed.
He's always in the back of Lui's mind, of course, whenever you're around, Lui feels like Sully's just, closer.
He doesn't know why, and he's worried about that.
It's not until you don't show up unannounced like usual, that Sully makes an appearance again.
She might not want to see us today, Sully, maybe we should give her space. Lui tells his other persona.
She's ours, Lui, can't you see that? And we can just call it a visit, she can tell us off if she wants. Sully tells Lui, who's still not into the idea.
We're going. And with that he takes control.
Once they arrive, Sully's happy to have taken control over the situation.
The moment he hears your voice he freezes.
The sound of it isn't melodic and relaxed, instead, it's trembling and weak.
Sully doesn't like it.
He originally didn't plan  to intervene, but when the sound of something breaking reaches his ears, he's quick to check it out.
The scene in that greets him makes the already burning fire rage on even worse.
Because a few meters away from him, at the other end of the hallway is where you are cowering in front of an older man, who's got a broken bottle in his hand, glass shards around the two of you, and your arms in front of you to protect you from, what must've been, the blow which the whiskey bottle had given you.
Sully's not the only one who's seeing red.
Kill him. 
It's Lui who's giving out the command this time, to end this man's life.
But then you see him and you're quick to run to him and pull him away from the scene.
Sully blushes at the contact your skin makes with his.
" I'm sorry you had to see that. Are you okay?" You ask him tenderly.
He blinks at you.
You were the one who received the blow, there's a thin trail of blood trailing down your arm, and you're standing in shorts in cold weather, yet you're asking him if he's okay?¿
" Who was that fucker?" He asks instead, not even bothered to ask if you're okay.
Because he knows, no matter what your answer is, you're not.
" My father. But, it's not his fault. He- he was drunk." You tell him softly, truly not meaning your abusive father any harm.
" Tch." Sully doesn't even say anything before he shrugs his jacket off and unceremoniously dumps it on top of your head.
" Wear it. It's cold." He tells you, acting like some kind of low budget tsundere.
" So you're Sully?" You ask him.
That catches him off guard.
" How did someone as dumb as you know?"  He asks you.
" I'm not dumb. And Lui usually blushes a lot more." You tell him, putting his jacket on.
Sully's lowkey impressed by the answer, and your attitude.
And so you finally get to know him too.
It takes a lot of convincing, but at the end of the day, your father lives.
Over the next few days, you grow even closer with the two of them.
And subconsciously, Sully becomes a little too fond of you.
It's during the daytime one day when Sully and Lui talk about this feeling both of them have for you.
It doesn't take a long conversation, and they decide to confess to you that night.
However, they're left disappointed, and angry, as you turn them down.
Lui thinks it's because of his scars, while Sully thinks you're feeling too bound down by your father.
The real reason ( and the one you've told them) is that it's because you simply don't like him that way.
The next few nights they don't show up, which leaves you disappointed.
You're not aware of the big, bloody mess you've created.
After a few toughs , Sully comes with a suggestion to make an end to your misery, and to free you from your father's abusive hold, permanently.
Lui is at first against this, after all, you did tell him to not do that, but after some persuasion of Sully, he's in too.
That night, they show up at your house, greeting you by stepping in trough the window.
You're not the first house they're 'visiting' that night, and so you start to cry when you see him all bloodied up, sharp eyes telling you that he's nit here for a visit.
Your first tough is that he's come to kill you, because you turned him down of course.
However, as he spots the tears escaping your eyes, he's quick to come to your side and hush you.
" Don't worry sweetheart, we've come to free you."
And then he's walking into the hallway, and moving to another room.
You're quick to understand his intentions.
He's come to kill your father.
The first two rooms he checks out are a fail, one being the bathroom and one being a study.
However, Sully is annoyed when you stand in his way, trying to avoid his kill.
You're a little stronger than you look, and manage to keep him off the other male in the room for a while.
While Sully initially did not want to hurt you, he decides against his own decisions, and knocks you out with the hilt of his knife.
You hear him mutter something along the lines of " Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." 
When you wake up again, you're placed on an uncommon bed, Lui, or Sully, at your side, softly looking over you with a crazed look in their eyes and a sickly sweet smile.
" Don't worry, we're safe now."
A/N: Tell me what you think about this writing style, and what I can write better ;). Also, Creepypasta requests are still open.
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
750 Followers Celebration - Q&A
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Thank you so much for supporting me through this journey! You guys don't know how much this means to me. Every single one of you is amazing.
Below the cut are my answers to the questions that you all submitted.
Q: Do you think Jay is going to become Sergeant this season? A: There has been a lot of debate over this question because of the past few seasons and all of the "Easter eggs", like the sergeant exam poster hanging in the background of the show. In my opinion, I do not believe Jay will become Sergeant. Yet. I think it won't be until the beginning of next season because, if this is a possible storyline, I would expect that the producers and writers would make the finale of season 9 about Voight stepping down/getting promoted, etc.
Q: Did Chicago Justice deserve more episodes? A: I'm sort of split with this question. I loved the fact that there was a big episode involving Kevin, and they always included people from Med, Fire, and PD in some of the episodes. However, the whole plot of the episodes was kind of slow because it wasn't like they were police officers and could go out and chase suspects and arrest people and what not. Their job was just to gather the evidence and then present it in court. I think for many, the show fell flat because there wasn't much action, and part of me does agree with that, but the whole idea of the show itself was kind of cool.
Q: What would make you stop watching each Chicago show? A: This is a tough question because I've only ever dropped one show that I can think of, and it was only because the plotline got really dumb. Maybe if some major characters died in each show I'd stop watching it? But then again, I love the One Chicago universe so much that I don't think even that would stop me from watching. So yeah. I really don't know.
Q: Do you believe in magic? A: As much as I would love for magic to be real, I don't believe it is. But I feel like everyone thinks that way. Cause lets be honest, Harry Potter and Disney make magic look so cool. However, we all know deep down somewhere that it's almost impossible for certain things to be real, and magic just so happens to be one of them.
Q: Are you superstitious? A: I'm not the most superstitious person out there, but I do somewhat follow a few superstitions. Whenever I find a penny on the ground with heads facing up, I pick it up because I believe I'll get good luck. Doing the whole "fingers crossed" thing is something I do a lot. I believe you shouldn't open an umbrella in the house or else you'll receive bad luck. Broken mirrors are bad omens. Those are the top 4 I believe in, but other than that, I'm not really too superstitious.
Q: Is your perception of yourself similar or the same to how others perceive you? A: I mean, I would hope so. I appreciate my level of smarts, and whenever my friends acknowledge them or compliment me on them it makes my day. However, with that, people think that I'm always only doing things to boost my intelligence. For example, I love to read. So whenever I say that I didn't do much over the weekend, people always assume that I read a bunch, when I really didn't. Or that I always study for tests or do homework like a week before it's do. That is not the case. But for the most part, I believe my perception of myself is the same as how other people perceive me.
Q: Who is your favorite couple on each One Chicago show? A: Okay, so for Med, there aren't really any couples at the moment besides Maggie and Ben, whom I love but they aren't my favorite, so I'm gonna pick a past couple. When I first started Med, Manstead was my prime ship, so I'll choose them. Will had been pining after Natalie for so long so I was glad when they finally got together. For Fire, it's gotta be Kelly and Stella. They were literally made for each other, and they support each other with everything. Also, they are so cute together and all of Firehouse 51 ships them as well! And for PD, while I do love Burzek, Upstead is my favorite ship at the moment. I've seen the connection between Hailey and Jay since season 5. You don't understand how angry I was in season 7 when Hailey was so close to confessing her feelings. So season 8 made me very happy when Jay and Hailey finally got together.
Q: Jay and Lindsey or Jay and Hailey? A: I respect everyone's opinions on this matter, so hopefully you all respect mine. I thought that Erin was almost toxic in a way for Jay. She continuously broke his heart when all he wanted to do was help him. But what really does it for me is that she left Chicago without telling him goodbye. Hailey, on the other hand, has pushed Jay to seek out help when he needed it, like when she recommended he take seeing a therapist seriously to help with his PTSD, and she is always there for him, no matter what. That's why I believe Hailey and Jay are the better pairing.
Q: Which character death got to you the most? A: There have been too many sad deaths in the One Chicago world. But if I had to pick one, I've gotta go with Otis on Chicago Fire. Otis was always one of my favorite characters, even way back when I watched Fire with my dad when it was first coming out. He was witty and funny, and his friendship with Cruz was everything. So, when I watched the episode where he died, I was full on balling. I had to pause the episode for 10 minutes because I couldn't stop.
Q: Who is your favorite character on each show and why? A: I'm gonna do favorite male and female character because I've got too many favorites from each show. On Med, my favorites are Will and Natalie. Will has been my favorite since day one, and I like that he will go out of his way to help patients, even if it means he could get in serious trouble. Natalie, even though she's not in the show, always pushes for the best of care for her patients, and whenever she dealt with kids it was always the sweetest thing. On Fire, I like Kelly and Sylvie. Kelly is so headstrong and driven, and he will do anything to protect the other members of Squad 3. Sylvie is such a hard worker and you can tell she is passionate about her job. I feel so bad that she's had to go through so many partners. On PD I love Jay and Hailey. Jay has not always been my favorite male character. Back when I watched the show for the first time, I adored Adam. However, I love that Jay has such good morals and is always pushing to do the right thing even when Voight disagreed. Now, it took a few episodes for me to warm up to Hailey, but after seeing her be so badass, it was hard not to like her.
Q: Where do you get inspiration for your stories?/How do you get inspiration when there's not a request? A: This question is always hard to answer because I really don't know. Most of the time I'm fulfilling requests sent in by you guys and I just write what comes to the top of my mind. If there are requests that are not requested and I come up with them on my own, chances are I saw the plot somewhere else, like in a book or show or movie, and I just tweaked it a bit to fit the One Chicago universe. Either that happens, or while I'm trying to fall asleep, I make up random scenarios in my head, and if I find one that I really like, I'll make a note of it on my phone so I don't forget it, and then I'll write about it.
Q: Do you think Brett and Casey are endgame? Why or why not? A: I'm gonna go with yes on this one. Now, Brettsey is not one of my top ships in the universe. However, they are cute together, and I've been expecting them to get together for a while. The two of them, even when Gabby was around, had a great relationship and always cared for each other. Plus, Matt jumped out of a firetruck to go help Sylvie when the ambulance flipped. He was willing to risk an injury just to make sure she was okay. And now that they are officially together in Chicago Fire, you can see that they really love and care for each other.
Q: What inspired you to start writing? A: I always seem to get this question whenever I do a q&a, but that's okay because I don't mind talking about it. I first got into stuff like this as a reader. Basically, I went on to Wattpad and Tumblr to read other people's stories. I had no intention of creating my own. And then, one day, I started imagining myself in some of the fandoms I was apart of, and I thought, "If I'm imagining myself in these fandoms, chances are others are too," and I began creating stories that followed the plots of movies and shows exactly, just adding Y/n in it. However, that got tiring after a while because I wasn't able to have much freedom because I was following a set script, and that's when I remembered I had a Tumblr account I never used. So, I revamped my account just a little bit and started posting story ideas I had that I couldn't post on Wattpad because either they didn't fit with the stories or they were for someone I didn't write for on Wattpad. And now, here we are. For anyone interested, I've posted this before but I'll post it again, my Wattpad handle is @Writer_Reader05.
Q: Jay or Will Halstead? A: I'm sorry, but I really can't choose between the two of them. I love them both so much. Will and Jay are two of my favorite characters in the whole One Chicago universe. While they do have some qualities that I'm not the fondest of, at the end of the day, I adore the both of them, and I could never choose between them.
Q: Who would you rather date: Jay or Will Halstead? A: Why do you guys do this to me? I love them both so much! But, if I have to choose, I'm gonna pick Jay. The only reason is because I like the characters in PD more than Med, so if I'm dating Jay, chances are I'm friends with Hailey and Adam and all of Intelligence. Will is just as awesome as Jay though and I feel like sometimes people sleep on that.
Q: Which of the requested fics you’ve written is your favorite? A: I think I'm gonna have to go with a Jay Halstead x reader I wrote titled Two Becomes Three. Something about the plot just makes me smile. And to think of Jay being a father......So yeah, while I have so many amazing requested fics thanks to you all, that one has to be one of my favorites.
Q: What’s your favorite series you’ve written so far? A: I love all of the series I have written. Something about creating a whole story that's more than just one part is always fun. If I have to pick one series, I'm gonna pick On the Loose. It was the first series I wrote on Tumblr and the plot of it is something I'm really proud of. However, From the Big Apple to the Windy City, Identity Loss, and Difference of Opinion are all amazing! The first two are finished series and the last one still has a few chapters left to go. Go check them out if you haven't already.
Q: What's your favorite imagine you've come up with and why? A: I don't have a lot of fics that are solely my ideas. Most of my stories have plots that were sent in by you all. However, if I had to pick a favorite out of my stories, it'd be Back Home for Christmas, a Halstead Sister fic I released when I was somewhat new to the platform. Something about writing sibling fics always makes me happy because I get to express the familial side to the characters.
Q: If you had to be roommates with 5 of your mutuals/fellow writers, who would you pick and why? A: I love all of my fellow writers/mutuals so much! I know how much work we put into whatever we post, and most of us are very active on this site. As for who I would pick to be my roommates, I'd choose @hereforhalstead @fighterkimburgess @halsteadlover @resanoona @sylviebrettsey because I feel like we'd all have great conversations, mainly over One Chicago. And every Wednesday night we'd all watch the episodes live together and experience them as a group and then freak out over what happened..........Now watch me fantasize about this all day.
Q: Do you listen to music when you write? A: It depends. On some days when I plan that I'm gonna write, then yes, I do put on some music. When there are days that I have a few minutes to spare, I don't put on music just because I'm only writing for a few minutes and I don't want to waste time. But mostly when I'm writing I do play music in the background.
Q: Do you know how your fics/stories end before you finish writing it? A: This is a really interesting question. The answer is no, I do not know how I'm gonna end a fic before I finish writing it. The only story I had a set ending for was my series On the Loose, but that one wasn't even fully planned out until I got a chapter or two in. Obviously, if I get a request that includes a set ending, like two characters get together or something like that, then I know what the ending will be. Otherwise, I have no clue.
Q: Have you ever met someone who had a very similar personality to your own? Did you get along? A: You know, I can't say that I have. Everyone is different in their own way, and that's what makes us all unique. I would imagine if I did meet someone with a similar personality we'd get along because we'd basically be a carbon copy of each other, but who knows. Maybe our similar personalities would cause us to clash.
Q: Do you hold yourself to higher standards than you hold others? A: Not really. I know myself more than anyone else so I know what my limits are and when I've reached them. With people, on the other hand, I always feel like they can be doing more with themselves and their lives. So I do not hold myself to higher standards than others.
Thank you to all of you who sent in questions! I never thought I'd reach 750 followers on this platform. The only reason I have is all thanks to you wonderful people out there!
@winterberryfox @maximeevansblog @scarletsoldierrr @i-like-sparkly-things @dreamingmanip @soph0864 @ryliegh8 @lorenakaspersen @wanniiieeee @nevertoofarfromivar @securityfriendly-jay @pinkbay-love @stephie123
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . will you please write about oikawa, bokuto, and sugawara as dads?? :>
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ sugawara koushi & oikawa tooru <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . reposted because tumblr took it off?? ugh n e ways happy birthday again to my boy sugawara😔✋
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➜ before the arrival of your daughter, mans was totally cool about it; also ecstatic to say the least, he wanted to have a family for you for a long, long time, and when he finally has the chance to start it with you ─ he couldn't help but cry and be so soft on the spot with just the thought of it
➜ but he also couldn't help but be doubtful, doubtful of himself ─ will be a good enough father? will he be able to teach his daughter the important virtues in life? will his daughter even love him?
➜ but in the midst of those thoughts were you, reassuring him multiple times, that, if there was any man that you could think of, of being the father of your children ─ that man would be him, and only him
➜ ngl right now, mans wanted to give you another one after you said that 💀
➜ and when your first child was delivered, he was so encouraging and supportive of you, would whisper reassurance and words of affermations saying how great you were, how he was so blessed for having you.
➜ remember those doubts he had? all those thoughts fully dissapeared when your baby wrapped her fingers around his thumb for the first time, and suga couldn't help but cry ─ from joy? definitely, from satisfaction that you guys created this angel? of course. and relief? yeah, probably.
➜ sugawara doesn't want to spoil your daughter since he wants your daughter to know the importance of money and doesn't want her to end up being a brat
➜ but sometimes ,,, he couldn't just help it okay? ☹
➜ in the first months of parenting with sugawara, he was anything but the perfect dad but you could really see the parental instincts in him
“ kohana, come to daddy ” your husband, koushi, stretched his arms towards your daughter of five years; kneeling on the floor as you sat across from him, kneeling as well.
➜ as your daughter slowly waddled over to sugawara with a blank yet adorable chubby face, sugawara was overjoyed, to say the least.
“ yes waddle over to daddy ─ ”
➜ well, until your daughter cheekily ran across the opposite side, to you. as if flowers of many kinds surrounded her, she glided onto your surprised arms as you instinctively open tour arms out for her, a shocked laugh was heard from you.
➜ 💀💀💀
➜ your husband's jaw DROPPED Y'ALL😭✋ LET ME JUST AHHH
➜ kohana definitely got her wittiness and cheekiness from her koushi, and maybe some from you as well.
➜ sugawara let out an offended scoff as he got up so fast to chase your daughter around the house, as your daughter shrieked in fear and excitement as she waddled all over the place
➜ and when kohana was out with her with her aunty kiyoko and uncles daichi and asahi, sugawara was feeling a bit ,,, spicy that night that hey, why not create another one with you👉👈
➜ let's just say, while your daughter was eating caramel apples with her aunt & uncles, you were getting dic ked down by sugawara phew chile
➜ and after a few months, your son, shin was born & damn did sugawara love him
➜ unlike your daughter, your son is such a sweetie uGHHHH
➜ and loved his dad so much, is the calm and collected one while he had your hair and suga's eyes
➜ while the squad™ ; daichi, kiyoko & asahi would come to your house with every chance they get just to see your little ones and maybe even bring theirs as a playdate for shin & kohana
➜ ugh next gen typa thingz💅
➜ would play volleyball with them, but with a softer one that's a bit more kid-friendly
➜ being almost total opposites, shin and kohana would often bicker, kohana being the one to provock the fight and shin just straight up spitting facts, 6/10 of the time would win over his older sister
➜ periodt
➜ and if fights would get too much, sugawara would bONKK💥🔨 your children ( like those times where suga just fu cking bOnKs his teammates. )
➜ yeah that
➜ mans rarely gets mad and phew ,, if he ever does i just have nothin, NOTHIN to say😶
➜ he'll never be angry at them for too long though
➜ but mostly, he'll just be disappointed rather than mad
➜ and honestly that hurts more
➜ since sugawara is an elementary school teacher, he'd often tell stories about your guys' children with his students
➜ it became an actual thing with his students that they would every now and then ask about them
➜ would have such a strong foundation built from trust, respect and just love with his children
➜ honestly you'd fallen all over again with him BECAUSE HE'S SO UGSHHSHSH
➜ baking !!
➜ this is one of suga's past times, and even before you guys were even married, y'all would have at-home dates and just bake
➜ and it just gradually became a thing with your children every time anyone just wants to bake something.
➜ and most of the time would end up messing up the kitchen and covered in flour
➜ 11/10 dad, may not be the most perfect dad but your kids could never ask for anyone else but him.
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➜ it started off as a joke, he couldn't really remember when it all started but he would always say that you would be such a good mother whenever you would take care of him when he's injured himself or just scold him whenever he keeps over working himself
➜ but after a few years and oikawa would never have thought that he wanted to actually have a child or two with you, it started off when he would spend a few hours until pass midnight to watch cute baby videos
➜ and his eyes would linger onto your sleeping figure ontop of his body, face nuzzled as he could feel your nose tickle his torso.
➜ he couldn't help but play along with the thoughts of having a child with you ─ to start a family with you.
➜ you guys were already living together at argentina, and you've support him through and through with everything he has pursued in his life, and what else was stopping him from starting a family with you?
➜ yes, his schedule may be a bit busy but he had always given more than enough time to you, what hurt may it cause if he had another person to dedicate his attention as well? someone that's the perfect mixture of the love of his life and himself.
➜ and when oikawa has already set something on his mind ─ mans would always get what he wants
➜ if i were you, i'd give him anything he wants ngl
➜ just saying y'all😳✋
➜ it didn't take him a hot second to make you agree to it, and before he knew it he fell in love all over again on the bundle of joy he held on his hands
➜ would pepper you with kisses even if you were tired from giving birth, saying how proud he was of you and how beautiful the child you both created
➜ like duh, it was yours and tooru's child, your guys' baby will be a HEARTBREAKER WITH THOSE LOOKS😡
“ tooru !! ” you exclaimed as you saw your husband hold out a strawberry lollipop to your daughter while holding her with his other arm, as your daughter was ready to bite it ─ MANS REALLY SAID NO❌ RIGHTS✅😤 AND PULLED IT AWAY WHILE LAUGHING BEFORE PUTTING IT IN HIS MOUTH
➜ i'm so sorry i just ─
➜ before your daughter just straight up cried right then and there while tooru's eyes widdened and tried apologizing to his daughter
“ aiko baby i'm so sorry ─  ” until your daughter slapped the lollipop from his mouth
➜ while oikawa just had that blank stare
➜ while you're trying not laugh so much because you KNOW his ego was shattered as she held her arms out for you, making grabby hands until you took her off from her father's hold
➜ oikawa : i hate it here😙😍💅
➜ aiko : it's what he deserves :)
➜ but when your daughter grew up, she ADORED HER FATHER, she would be the first to to the door whenever her father comes back from tournaments, your two younger sons, akiro and haruki would follower right after her chasing each other out
➜ oikawa still dresses her up even if she wasn't a seven year old anymore
➜ aiko is a daddy's girl and that's on periodt😡💅
➜ while aiko had tooru's playful and big dumb b energy, and your your hair and his eyes
➜ your oldest son, akiro, got your personality, and eyes but his father's hair
➜ and your youngest son, haruki, has both your eyes and hair and is a mix of yours and tooru's personality
➜ and it wasn't only aiko which held her father at such a good light that if she told him that ─ mans will be over the moon
➜ but also your two sons which found themselves loving and dedicating their love towards volleyball just like their father
➜ watching his games is a must !!
➜ his ego would not only be ASTRONOMICAL
➜ and just the overall overwhelming motivation had him serving 4 service aces in a row on periodttt
➜ your three kids would fight over who could scream the loudest in the stands for their father
➜ when he's away and your children would have those missing him hours™😔✋ oikawa would always try and contact you guys three times a day and everynight he'd be telling you guys how practice was and would also ask you guys how your days was.
➜ would teach his kids to FLIRT LMAO💀
➜ but will never fail teaching them that they should treat woman with RESPEKT ( and just overall everyone?? not just of their gender it's just because of idk??MANNERS ? )
➜ oikawa : *drinks his respect wamen juice.*
➜ ohoho but if his daughter ever starts having boy crushes MANS WOULD BE ALL POUTY
“ but loovveee ,, ” tooru drags out
“ our daughter is starting to date, what happened to marrying daddy one day? ”
“ tooru we're already married. ”
➜ you : i should have gone for the best friend instead
➜ beach volleyball !!
➜ after seeing how good beach volleyball taught hinata, giving him advantages in the indoor court, he wanted his child to as well
➜ or normal backyard volleyball will do
➜ just like with his teammates, oikawa is able to bring out the best in your children
➜ just a 11/10 dad, he may not always be with you guys because of volleyball but he'd always make time for you guys and would never neglect and forsake you guys
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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sorry-rosie · 3 years
lol i'm dumb. I didn't realize when you posts that otp ask, it meant that people can ask you about the pairings depending based on the numbers LOL. I'm really new to the tumblr trend. Now that's out of the way, let me pick some numbers. 8, 15, 21(this one especially) 28
Oh no worries! It takes some getting used to. With these things you can send however many numbers or prompts in as you want and I'll get cracking, by the way. 
I’ll do #28 in another post soon because I got another sent in for it and keeping the naughtier ones separate means this safer post can get discovered in tumblr searches easier. ^^’
➼ [8] What were their first impressions of each other?
Ethan was a complete nerd, that’s what Mia knew just from seeing him. Not that she has anything against nerds, but he was just adorable in how geeky he was with technology and a bit awkward, endearingly so. Plus it didn’t help that he was sporting his rather large glasses when she first laid eyes on him. And khakis. In addition, he had a cute face and voice that drew her to him. It wasn’t love at first sight or anything, just another potential relationship of many that Mia gave a fair shot in a few dates, but thankfully those dinner dates ended up selling her on the idea of being with him. 
Mia was a complete bundle of sunshine, that’s what Ethan took away from her. Something about her drew his gaze instinctively, impulsively. He had already seen her occasionally on campus of their college in cafes, but he doubted she noticed him. Not until he grew enough courage to take the first move at least. But from what he could tell, either observing her and her friends or talking to her for the first time, she was optimistic and hard-working. The type that filled a day with work and still ended up smelling like roses at the end of it all, somehow. Boundless energy. He felt a little intimidated simply talking to her since she outpaced him, so it took time on their dates for their energy to match and sync up better. 
➼ [15] What are traits they dislike in one another?
Mia thinks Ethan is lost in his head a lot; she'd be fair in thinking that. He's a quiet person, so sometimes it's hard for her to know exactly what he's thinking when he perhaps incorrectly assumes they're on the same page. They do that for each other often, actually, what with Mia’s secretive side. They’re prone to some miscommunications that could easily be avoided.
Mia also sort of dislikes Ethan's naiveté and rashness. It is more complicated since his idealistic views of the world at times are quite uplifting for someone who has seen the darker parts of that world first hand, and his impulsive nature was what ultimately saved her in the Baker estate (and later Rose). But he is so rash and naïve that it is his own downfall, with foolishly believing that there’s someone better in Mia and deciding to still forgive her countless times. Sometimes, she wants him to put himself first, just for once, because no one person can be that selfless. She just wants him to be safe, even if it means a life without her. But he’ll always put her and Rose first. If anything, it makes her wonder ruefully what she did to deserve him. Despite Mia’s somewhat dislike of his idealism, she’ll do anything to protect it, him, from the truth.
Ethan is rather over-protective and could be prone to being obsessive, which Mia grew rather annoyed with when she was still working for the Connections. It felt like nothing escaped his notice, as much as Mia tried to lie to him. He certainly didn’t make things easy, but at least he cared that much for her to go to such lengths. But he’s at least learned from then to slack off with it, but it kicked in a bit once again as he entered into parenthood. This is true for them both.
As much as Ethan dislikes Mia’s secretive side and feels hurt since he feels like they’re leading separate lives at times, he at least grew to understand her better. Why she does it. How to better get her to open up. But still, when she was working for the Connections, he couldn’t help but have an over-active mind. When she leaves him in the dark, it’s hard not to think the worst. It’s the not knowing part of it all that for him hurts him far more than the truth. At times, he feels like she doesn’t trust him enough to tell him.
Mia, even more so after the Baker incident and giving birth, never lets go of grudges. She’s often justified or true in feeling very conclusively about people, like her distrust of Chris and the BSAA particularly, what with the events in Europe. She’s seen corrupt organizations first hand and she could pinpoint one when it’s right in front of her face. However, Ethan is far too forgiving and kind to hold such grudges. They don’t butt heads on it often, since Ethan understands why she is this way. But still, he only wants her to be happy and holding onto these grudges, even ones she has against herself, only leads to more resentment.
Overall however Ethan just adores her too much to seriously dislike much about her, if anything. Unconditionally so. Or perhaps a love of all aspects of her, flaws and all.
➼ [21] How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
Mia often gets lost thinking about how better Ethan’s life would be if he never met her. Never left to go get her in Louisiana, at least. In those three years he could’ve already moved on like she told him to do in the video. There were widowers, she was sure, that were remarried in far less time. What use was it though? She knew he was different, he’d never want to move on without her. He’d never even consider leaving her. But a bigger part of her selfishly still wants to be by his side, even if she was, is, still a negative force in his life, as much as his nightmares are caused by her. He could never go back to his old life.
But Ethan saw the best in people. He loved her anyways, in spite of everything. Mia wants to be better, for him at least, the man who still looked at her with those unblinking, silently worshiping eyes. She hated to see her reflection in them, but his undoubtable adoration for her still prevailed. They both vowed, promised, to start over and that’s what they were going to do. As much as their new lives were interrupted occasionally by the BSAA poking and prodding them, dictating many parts of their day-to-day, they could confidently be assured still that they were together in the end, peaceful, to an extent. Life would never be easy now, they both agreed, but at least they would be safe in each others’ arms.
The ultimate proof of their love, the one that still survived despite everything, came in the form of Rose. Mia almost didn’t believe she could get pregnant, but the tests stared back at her, all positive. At first, she was terrified, that she’d ruin another life like she always did. But perhaps this was her chance at redemption, finally, and as she felt her move around she felt all the more terrified of herself. That she’d fail her, just as she did Eveline. That she was screwed up in the head to even be able to have a child with her husband, whose only life support was the mold. But those fears eventually subsided and the pregnancy brought them both joy as she obsessively eyed her ultrasounds, looking for defects only to find none. Finding happiness in talking over baby names and buying things for her.
Then, a psychotic woman she used to work with targeted them to get to Rose. Separating the child into crystalized little pieces. With every step they took towards normalcy, towards peace, they were dragged back into hell by Mia’s choices years ago. The past would follow them everywhere. And just like that, he was gone. A man who already defied death many times, invincible, dead. The life he couldn’t have, in his final moments, flashed before his eyes. Sure, he had regrets. But he was at least content in his wife and child’s safety. The years he did have with his family, with all their hitches... He didn’t regret it. He’d still do it all over again. Mia knew he was that foolish, as Chris later told her that Ethan apologized and said that he loved her in his last words. 
Only he would be sorry for dying on her. After everything she’s done, she could only feel sickened by everything that’s happened. It would take a long time for her to get past him, if it was even humanly possible. The answer is complicated. While they’ve both definitely changed each other for the worse through years of heartache and turmoil, they both also gave each other true happiness, satisfaction, if only for a little while. Shown each other that they could be changed, complicated people, but still want to crawl back to each other. And while Mia, newly widowed, looks down upon the freshly settled wasteland of the explosion weeks later out of curiosity, she thinks that Ethan teased things out of her no one else could. She was a better person now, wasn’t she? More mature. Less selfish. Maybe his good nature had snuck up on her over the years. He had that way about him of making even the most stubborn of people change.
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3rachasaucy · 4 years
good little girl (pt. 2) || mark lee
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Word Count: 2.4K
Type: angst, fluff, not really mature themes but maybe you'd disagree 🤷🏼‍♀️
Warning: cursing, mentions of alcohol & getting drunk, i can't think of anything else
Description: Mark is hopelessly hung up on you after you left him
A/N: this is pt 2! in order to understand, pls go read pt 1 (just scroll down a bit on my blog & it's one of the newest posts)! sorry this took so long 🥺 i genuinely wanted to post it so long ago, but it was midterm season & i was drowning 😅 but, i finally got around to finishing, so here it is! i hope you all enjoy & pls remember you are perfect the way you are 💕💕💕
Mark sighed as you walked passed him on the sidewalk, talking with some girl he didn't know. He hated how you acted as if he wasn't there and even more how upset it made him. Why couldn't he just get over you? He had kissed plenty of girls and been over it the next day. What was so special about you?
"Hey, why don't we go to a party tonight?" Jeno suggested, noticing his friend's downcast expression. "Yeji's having dinner with her mom, so I'm free."
It had been a minute since Mark went to his last party. He had been so preoccupied with his thoughts of you. Maybe a party was what he needed; other girls to get his mind off you.
He certainly was getting over his upset feelings, which were being replaced by frustrated ones. "Let's do it. A party sounds really good right now," he finally said. He was ready to make bad decisions and regret them on a later date.
For now, he just wanted to stop thinking about you. It was obvious you didn't care. You kissing him that night must have been a mistake. He wished he felt the same way.
"And, you know, maybe Y/N does like you. Yeji said so herself that Y/N's always wanted a boyfriend that her parents adore, so maybe her fear is just that they won't like you."
Jeno was clearly just trying to make him feel better, but it wasn't working. So, what? Mark had to be a completely different person just to be with you? He wanted you to like him for him, not for someone his parents wanted him to be.
As they walked by the library, he glanced at his reflection in the windows. Was it his hair? The bleached blonde look may be off-putting. His clothes? They could be worse...nothing was wrong with leather pants here and there. He remembered the cigarettes in his pocket. That was a bad habit he had always wanted to quit but never had the motivation to do so. Maybe you could be his motivation.
He had a sharp tongue, too. Respect was always something he tried to work on. Personally, he felt that he should only give his respect to those worthy, but that wasn't South Korea's culture and he was expected to respect all his elders/superiors. His partying ways, well, those seemed to be dying out on their own due to you.
Was he really willing to change some of these aspects of himself for you? It seemed silly, but he was going crazy because of you, so might as well add more to that list...right?
Jeno decided Mark had been at the party long enough. It was 11 PM and his friend was drunk and kissing yet another random girl. The party was a bad idea. Mark wanted you, so what was he doing? If you saw photos of the party and happened to see Mark kissing some girl in the background, it would be over.
Even if Jeno was just as unsure about your feelings for Mark, he still wanted to make sure the boy had a fighting chance.
"Why doesn't she want me?" Mark whined, his head slumping on Jeno's shoulder. "Am I that awful?"
It wasn't Jeno's first time seeing Mark drunk, but it was definitely his first time seeing an upset Mark drunk. He felt clingy and pouty...and childish. "You're not awful. Some people are just scared of love," Jeno reminded him, trying his best to keep Mark from slumping over completely. He needed to get some coffee into him. "I thought you were the same way."
Mark snorted. "Yeah, me too, but then stupid, good little girl Y/N came along and ruined me. Why does she have to be so perfect?"
Obviously, you were far from perfect, so it was amusing to hear Mark say you were despite everything. "You really like her a lot, huh?"
"It's like how you feel with Yeji. You know that feeling, right? Just thinking about them makes your chest tighten with happiness. That's how I feel about Y/N," Mark confessed quietly. "It's dumb, but she makes me feel like I'm not as bad as other people think I am. I like that feeling."
Jeno understood well. Before he was dating Yeji, he was in Mark's shoes, but Yeji helped him realize he had just acted that way to fit the image society had of him. He imagined it was the same for Mark.
A sigh left Mark's mouth followed by a loud groan before he whined out, "Where are we going? I'm tired!"
"Getting some coffee to sober you up and wake you up enough to get you home," Jeno told him as they arrived at the coffee shop. He glanced inside and found it was empty, which wasn't surprising. Then, you appeared. Crap. That wasn't good. "You stay here, okay? I'm gonna grab something really quickly. If you leave, I'm telling Y/N about all the girls you kissed."
Mark merely whined in protest before slumping against the wall. Jeno made sure he was able to stand on his own before rushing inside. "Welcome!" you greeted before turning around. "Oh, hey Jeno. You're alone?"
He felt nervous. "Why wouldn't I be? Yeji's with her mom."
"I know that, but I just thought you'd be having a guys night or something."
Right, that made sense. He needed to chill out. "Anyway, what can I get for you?" you asked just as Hyunjin, Yeji's cousin, left the storage room. "Oh, did you finally clean up your mess?"
He narrowed his eyes at you after greeting Jeno. "I wouldn't have spilled those coffee stirrers if you hadn't scared me," he reminded you, poking your side in a playful manner.
You were flirting with him. That wasn't good. Jeno checked to make sure Mark hadn't seen you. Luckily, the coast seemed clear. Jeno turned and you were staring at him. Did he look suspicious?
"Jeno...your order?" you questioned.
Ah, right. Duh! "Um, whatever has a lot of caffeine in it," he finally said and you nodded. "Something sweet, I guess."
Turning, you went to prepare his order. "What do we do, Y/N?" Hyunjin questioned. You turned and looked at him, confusion and concern evident on your face. "What do we do when he asks for something sweet and the sweetest thing here is you?"
Jeno wanted to hit him, but he didn't since he was Yeji's cousin. "Shut up!" you giggled, elbowing him.
"Oh, wow, isn't that cute," Mark said from the doorway, making Jeno jump. Shit. "Honestly, fuck you, Y/N."
What was he doing? "Dude, shut the hell up," Jeno hissed, trying to get Mark to leave, but the older boy refused. "Seriously, don't do this now."
Mark, unfortunately, was drunk and stubborn. "Here I've been suffering because you left me after we kissed but you've been flirting with Yeji's cousin. Don't you have a fucking heart or a little bit of decency? If you don't like me then fucking tell me instead of acting like I don't exist!"
You and Hyunjin were both stunned. Hyunjin felt uncomfortable and a bit apologetic. "There's nothing between me and Y/N," he tried to tell Mark.
"I don't care what you say. You expect me to believe you're just friends with her after I just watched you flirt?" Mark asked. "Can't say I blame you...she's perfect."
Jeno saw Mark's vulnerable state as an opportunity to get him to leave. "Okay, let's go," he sighed. Luckily, Mark complied. "Sorry about this, Y/N. He's not in the right state of mind."
The two left, leaving you still stunned and holding a coffee cup.
Yeji and Jeno went over to Mark's apartment the next day to confront him about everything. It wasn't meant to be intense, they just thought they should talk to him. When they got there, however, he was gone. According to the building's security guard, he had left after Jeno did. That worried them.
They called you to see if you knew anything. "No, I haven't seen him since last night. Why? Did something happen?" you asked before they explained. "That's not good. I'll go check the other apartment and keep you guys posted."
So, you left to see if he was there. You were really hoping he hadn't done something dumb and gotten himself into trouble.
When you got there, you could hear muffled voices. One of them had to be Mark. The other, however, was a mystery? Was it a girl? Mark said they didn't bring just anyone there to keep it private. You hated how worried you were at the thought of it being another girl.
Even so, you input the passcode before entering. "I fucked up!" Mark cried out, storming down the hall as you entered.
A tall guy was standing in the living room. "Oh, hello," he greeted. He looked you up and down before smiling. "You must be Y/N."
You nodded, still confused. He walked over and held his hand out. "I'm Johnny, Mark's friend. I've heard a lot about you," Johnny informed you as you shook hands. "I'm glad I finally get to meet you."
"Is Mark okay?" you asked, still confused.
He laughed. "Definitely not. Let's just say he did something he's regretting pretty instantaneously." You nodded. "Mark! Your girlfriend is here!"
You blushed at that. "Fuck!" Mark cried out from the bathroom.
Johnny turned back to you, still smiling. "Well, Y/N, it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope I can meet you again to better get to know you," he said. "For now, I'll leave you to handle the boy. Have a good day."
"B-bye, it was nice meeting you," you managed out as he left. The bathroom door opened again and Mark left with his hood on, the drawstrings pulled so you could barely see his face. "Mark, what did you do?"
"N-nothing! Don't worry about it," he told you nervously. "Why are you even here?"
Right, you needed to text Jeno and Yeji. "Jeno and Yeji went over to your place but found out you left in the middle of the night, so they were worried."
He nodded. "Okay, well, I'm alive, so you can just text them and be on your way."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "What the hell did you do, Mark?" you asked, stepping closer to him. "You didn't get a face tattoo, did you?"
"No!" he cried out, backing into his room to avoid you. "Just leave me alone!"
Of course, you just had to know what he was hiding. You could see he was about to trip over his mattress, so you used that to your advantage. The moment he fell backwards on the mattress, you tackled him.
He squirmed beneath you as you reached for his hood, ignoring his protests. Your eyes widened once the hood was down. "Mark! Your hair!" you gasped. Your fingers went to his now black locks. "What did you do?"
Clearly, he dyed and cut his hair, but why? "I did it for you. I thought you wouldn't be so embarrassed to introduce me to your parents if I looked more presentable. Now I look like an idiot who changed for some girl that doesn't even like him."
"Mark, I liked your hair and I don't want you to change who you are. I do like you, Mark."
His eyebrows furrowed. "You do? But...you left me," he reminded you.
You nodded. "Because I was scared. I mean, my boyfriend getting along with my parents is important to me and I also want a boyfriend who only loves me, but I wasn't sure you could do that," you confessed. "But that's different now."
Sitting up, he held onto you to keep you on his lap. "What do you mean?"
"Yeji told her mom about us and, it just so happens, our moms are friends. Her mom told my mom everything and my mom called me this morning to tell me to stop being stupid and date you." You laughed at his surprised reaction. "I guess I was so scared that I didn't think to talk to my mom. She told me that she thinks you sound like a sweet boy. She said any boy who treats me like a queen is good in her book and that I need to stop stressing and do what makes me happy."
Mark's heart was pounding faster than ever as he asked, "What does this mean?"
You smiled, running a hand through his freshly dyed hair. "It means that, if you'll accept me and forgive me for being a bitch, I wanna be your girlfriend," you confessed, making him smile wider than he had in a while.
"I'd love nothing more," he told you softly before connecting your lips. He had missed your touch and taste and wanted nothing more than to just melt in it. He briefly broke the kiss. "And don't use that language, okay? You're supposed to be my good little girl."
Giggling, you nodded before saying, "And only your good little girl."
"Shit, things are getting real PG-13 in here," Jeno said from the doorway, making you and Mark jump. "Damn, I really didn't expect this."
Yeji squealed happily. "This is great! Think of all the double dates and our joint wedding!" she exclaimed, making you laugh. Her eyes suddenly widened. "Mark! Your hair!"
His hand instinctively went to the black locks. "It was an impulsive dye job. I thought if I dyed my hair, her parents might like me and we could date," he confessed.
"That's so sweet! You dyed your hair just for our little Y/N? He's a keeper, babe."
You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess he is," you said, making him smile.
Jeno was so glad things worked out, especially after the night before. "Come on, we came to take you to breakfast, but I guess it can be our first brunch double date," he said, making Yeji clap happily.
They led the way and you followed but were stopped when Mark tugged at your wrist, pulling you into him. "One more for the road," he mumbled before kissing you again.
You smiled into the kiss and he decided it was one of his new favorite feelings ever. One thing was for sure, you were his good little girl and he was your not-so-bad little boy.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
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"Is the third time only this month that brat does this..." has growled before placing Kin back on her crib after Kaito tried again to sending her away.
This time the brat just got out of the street and dared to stop a officer on the street, lifting his sister in his arms and with a stoic face ask if they wanted a baby.
You let out a hopeless sigh before shaking a bit the crib, smilling in relief at seing that your baby girl, different from Kaito, was the most quiet and easy to sleep baby you ever saw.
"Just give him a bit more time Kai, I'm sure he is going to get used to her soon... I hope."
He looked at you dead in the eyes, arching on eyebrow up.
"Angel. Kin has eight months already. Eight months." He pointed at outside of the room "And the rascal still tried to send her away."
You made a worried face, letting go of the crib when you noticed that Kin had fell asleep.
"... apologies." He latted yoir head gently "Maybe I was too-"
"No no. Relax." You giggled, adoring the way his hand felt on your head "I guess is just going to take a bit longer for Kaito to get used to his sister then..."
"It better be quick. I'm tired of explaining my self to mails and police this whole thing."
He arched one eyebrow at the numb and glommy look his son carried while he poked with his eating uttensiles the food in front of him.
Ever since his last attempt of getting rid of Kin he is been like this, and he was starting to grow afraid that his brat had gotten ill.
You walked in with a giggling Kin in your arms, cooing while holding your cheeks together, making you look like a fish, while you made goofy faces at her.
The tight grip Kaito had on his hashi wasn't unnoticed by Kai.
"Hey daddy?" You called, breaking his attention to look up at you two "Kin wants to see your beautiful face~"
He scoffed at that, rolling his eyes but still lowering his mask and looking at Kin dead in the eye. The girl cooed and clapped her tiny chubby hands while her golden eyes shined in glee at seing her daddy's face.
"Such a simple and dumb action that can caught her interest like that?" He muttered before bringing it up his mask.
Kaito suddenly scoffed and got out from the table, leaving everthing he was suppose to eat behind. Making you and kai exchange glances before he got up and called his son sternly.
"Chisaki Kaito come back here this instant."
"I'm not hungry." The kid mumbled, still walking.
"Kaito." Kai growled threateningly, ignoring your hand on his shoulder and words for him to calm down "Get back here. Right now."
The kid stopped, tiny hands turned into shaking fists as he muttered some words neither you or Kai could catch.
"What?" Kai said coldly before Kaito sended one teary yet angry look at his father.
"You two have her so why should I stay in the first place?" He said monotonously before running to his room, hitting the door slightly.
"Of course..." you sighed, Kin made a confused and sad noise at your face while Kai just stayed intact. "I should have know." Kai looked at you with one eyebrow lifted up.
"Hon he is jealous of Kin." You said quickly before he scoffed, already walking towards his son's room. "Kai c'mon don't start another argument.."
"I'm not. But I thought I raised this brat better than this." He scoffed before wrapping his hand on the door handle, noticing that his son had locked it.
"Kaito stop with this and open the door." He growled, receiving a faint 'go away' from teh other side "Get out of there or I will break this door open."
He felt you poking his shoulder and sended you a glare.
"I might be wrong but-" you said in oure sarcasm "This is not the exactly BEST way of getting into a upset child's room." He deadpanned when his daughter made what sounded like a agreement sound.
"Well." He showed his palm at the door "Be my guest then dearest."
You arched a eyebrow at him before handing Kin to him. Not noticing how he got tense and averted his eyes from his daughter a bit...
"Sweety?" You knocked the door "Please let us in?"
"No." Thsi one was more soft than the others and your heart break at the sniffle you heard.
"Kaito, if something is wrong then we need to talk to sorta things out. Please open the door for me and daddy?"
"...I don't want to talk."
You sighed, ignoring the smug look Chisaki sended to you before an idea popped into your head.
"So you're just going to stay there until when?"
"Until... until..." you wanted to break that door the moment you heard a weak sob from the other side.
"My soldier. Me and daddy only want to help." Chisaki made a confused noise before you shushed him "But you know that he can overhaul this door... so please just open honey? For me and him?"
You sighed in relief when you heard the click sound while Chisaki handed Kin back to you immediately. Pushing the door open you saw Kaito sitting on his bed as he rubbed his face with his forearm, parted legs as his hand fisted the material of his pants.
"So?" Chisaki crossed his arms, looking down at his son with his stoic face "Explain-"
"Is about Kin. We know." You interrupted, your husband glaring at you for that "But what exactly is bothering you sweety?"
"Her." He whispered "One more it means less, and you and daddy just stop everthing you do to go to her and see what she wants." He sniffled.
"Because she is a infant." Chisaki interrupted "On her stature and age is necessary." He said in a manner of fact tone.
Kaito suddenly sobbed a bit more loud, now with both hands fisting the sheets of his bed.
"Kaito." You cooed while sitting next to him, a firm grip on your daughter but still went to trade your fingers through his hair.
"Neither of you will care about me anymore! You don't do now do you?!" Kaito sobbed harshly, but still not dodging away from your touch.
"... for crying out loud." Your husband growled, and even before you could send a glare he took a sit on the other side of his son and took your hand out of his head to just drop quite harshly his own, making the kid yelp even.
Kaito glared at his father, teeth cringing together but the river of tears didn't stopped either as Kai only stared numbly down.
"Your sister needs the special treatment because she is way younger than you." He pointed with his palm at Kin fisting the hem of your shirt. "She struggles with saying simple words and even walk. So that's why me and your mother stay more allert with her."
Kaito scoffed, looking down with a frown before your gentle hand lifted a bit his chin up to look at you.
"That doesn't mean neither of us love more or less one than the other honey." You rubbed your thumb on his chin while Kai started to carres his son's hair. "Never we would do that. The same Kin is receiving now, you once received as a baby."
"... but.." his eyes came back to being the usual stoic ones while he pouted a bit with furrowed eyebrows.
"Brat. The same we feel about Kin we do about you. No questions or objections." He messed with Kaito's hair a bit before retreading his hand back "Both are brats. But our brats."
"I never heard you calling her like that." Kaito said suddenly while Kai arched a eyebrow and you let out a disbelieved giggle.
"You're serious? Daddy is always calling both you and Kin brats. No matter what I do!"
"That so..." Kaito mumbled, looking down at the ground.
"... Kin, you and your mother are simply the only ever people that brought me such a thing called joy and the real concept of a family Kaito." Chisaki spoked in a serious tone, catching his son interest.
"Your first word was my title as a father, and I genuinely teared up." He flipped Kaito's forehead, making the kid yelp "This is how important you are. The only persons that ever made me cry were you three and only."
Kaito widened his eyes in shock, looking up at you and pointing at his dad.
"Daddy cried?!" You nodded while Chisaki growled, not liking to hear that more than once. Kaito looked down at his hands before sighing "I'm so stupid... I promised you both that I would be a good brother yet I did those things... I'm sorry."
You gave him a raspberry on his cheek, finally heari g taht laugh again.
"Is normal feeling jealous of a sibling. But what is not good is trying sending them to Alaska." You laughes in nervousness while Kaito lowered his head.
"I'm sorry... what can I do to... fix what I did?" He felt his father's gloved hand push his head a bit to look up and slided to grab his shoulder, while the other showed Kin smilling and making grabby hands at Kaito.
"Starts to care and not hate your sister would be a good way to fix your mess." Kaito looked uo at his father before hesitantly looking at his sister's golden eyes.
"She might hate me."
"Hmm I guess not." You placed Kin to the bedsheets in a sitting position "She is very giggly when she is around you."
"Is she?" He asked, still looking at his sister.
"The brat only smiled once because you were in the room." Kai said nonchantly glaring a bit at the little girl while you laughed.
Kaito awkwardly and hesitantly got closer and looked up at you, receiving a encouraging nod, before he grabbed her underneath her shoulders and brought her closer.
"Hey... I'm... sorry?" Kaito said awkwardly "I promise to not be a bad older brother anymore... at least I will try. But I am the first and also dad and especially mom's favorite, so have that on your mind." Kai went to scold him before the little girl laughed and cooed while touching her hand on the tip of her brother's nose.
Kaito stayed immobile. Frozen. You and Kai shared another look before Kai poked him in the shoulder.
"... I love her." He said nonchantly but his (E/c) eyes shined in glee as the girl kicked a bit her legs while Kaito holded her up "She is weird. But is a good weird."
You snorted, thinking thhat in that moment Kaito never looked more than his father than there while Kai just smirked a bit in hopeless.
"It took less than 15 minutes. After eight months." You giggled while he went to give you a kiss before Kaito interrupted.
"See? This is gross Kin. We need to stop them when they do this. Is disgusting."
"Oh HELL no." Kai growled while you almost died of laughter.
Two brats interrupting him and his wife? FUCK NO.
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
“As she comes to the city, hollow hands empty,
Eyes open to what lies in wait for her,”
She does not weep nor wail,
In her eyes, home has always been burning.”
🌙 To You Who Rejected Me 🌙
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"Now, where could that thing be?" Griffon mused to himself as he flew high above the shores of Delphi, looking for that vital something that his master lost when he dived into the ocean to escape those fire - wielding Elves attacking him. The demonic bird has been searching for almost an hour but, with no such luck. "Honestly, it could turn up just about anywhere!" He complained in utter frustration. "This is hopeless!" 
The bird was about to give up on his search when he noticed something gleaming at the corner of his eye. He looked down and squinted those golden eyes of his until he finally saw the thing. Indeed, it was right there, washed up on the shore and almost covered with sand and sea weeds.
There it was, V's antique metal cane!
"There ya are!" Griffon flew down to fetch the thing, at the same time shooing the sea gulls that were trying to claim it as their own like it was some kind of a rare sea artifact, almost fighting over it. "HEY, I SAID, SHOO!" The familiar screeched once more as he let out a weak electrical current to scare the noisy birds away, and it worked to perfection.
"Hoho! Thought I'd never see ya again!" Griffon opened his talons wide, ready to pick up V's cane,...
"What in the - ?!" The bird muttered the moment his talons came into contact with the metal cane. It felt somehow hot, and not just warm. He was not sure whether his eyes were playing tricks on him but, the thing did seem to glow. And finally, the metal cane seemed to tremble a bit against his talons, like it was alive. Sentient.
Still hovering above the sand with V's metal cane in his talons, the demonic bird squinted his eyes in suspicion. Master and familiar alike knew that the cane was nothing but an old piece of metal, and not a source of any kind of power, demonic or not. An aid for V's,... disability. Nothing more.
However, despite that, Griffon could feel something coming from the cane. Like it was emanating some form of unknown power. He just knew it deep within his core.
But, being unimaginably tired after what happened last night, Griffon ignored the cane, ruffled his feathers, and flew back to where Dante and his master were.
"I'm heckin’ tired." Griffon uttered as his wings took him to his destination - the ruins of Apollo's temple. "I'll let Shakespeare deal with ya."
"Your foot seem fine to me, V." Dante said for the third time since morning. 
"I could've sworn I felt this,... excruciating pain when I was attacked,... "
"Well, your foot seem,... fine to me!" And that was the fourth time since morning. "Look, V: you're a son of Sparda. Maybe the Demon blood's finally kickin' in and healed your wounds?"
And to this, V only shook his head. It's impossible for him, after all.
No matter how much or how intense Dante stared at his brother's allegedly injured left foot, he just couldn't find anything wrong with it, save for the missing pair of the poet's old gladiator sandals, and the frayed, almost tattered end of his pants, like something burned it. If anything, to Dante's eyes, V only seemed to have lost the other pair of his unspeakably tacky footwear. And a good riddance to it, if he may add! To the legendary Devil Hunter, it seemed so difficult to move and fight Demons with such footwear. And he would never deny that fact, despite knowing that he could hurt his brother's feelings for having such a questionable taste in fashion.
On the other hand, to V, it was an entirely different story. For, only last night, he swore his foot got burned badly due to the attack. So badly and so painful, he was actually scared to look at it.
And now, as he looked, no, stared, at his foot with disbelief, he couldn't help but feel utterly mystified. First, there was this strange presence that saved him from the enemies, and now this.
It's as if nothing happened to his foot, at all!
And honestly? V could not believe his sheer, dumb luck.
Or, was it even luck?
After all, since those Elves, and her, entered their lives, V and his brother experienced nothing but the unusual. The unknown. And he felt that he must learn to accept such things. Get used to them, so to speak.
V pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and knitting his eyebrows as a helpless sigh escaped his parched lips. Well, there's no use raking up the past. They must focus on the present. They must focus on the now. And for now, they must focus on getting to the Elven world in one piece. The portal led them to Delphi of all places, and V knew it meant something. They were getting really close to their destination. And he knew they would face an even greater danger when they get there. Well, it's not like the Elves would give them a warm welcome or anything. They're still wanted persons, after all.
Opening his eyes once more, he noticed Griffon flying towards them, finally carrying his lost metal cane. He gave a weak smile as the loyal familiar gave the cane back to him and landed on his waiting arm.
Then, V noticed something strange. So did Dante.
"No wisecracks or something?" Dante asked the demonic bird as he crossed his arms and tapped his boot on the ground.
"You do seem a bit quiet." V added, raising his eyebrow as he looked at his familiar.
"Ahh, V," Griffon stuttered, unsure how to begin. " ... didn't ya notice anythin',... weird?"
"Pardon?" The poet asked as Griffon's eyes wandered to the metal cane in his right hand.
"That thing!" The demonic bird squawked.
"Ugh, now what - ?" Dante began when a woman approached them, getting their attention and making them drop their conversation, much to Griffon's frustration.
"Can we help you, lady?" With a flashy grin, the younger brother graciously asked the woman, who was smiling nervously as her eyes went back and forth from him, to V, to the strange avian on the poet's arm.
"I, ahh,... " The lady stuttered, not sure how to address the situation.
"Yes?" And Dante didn't seem to help with the situation, at all. The woman became somewhat more nervous than before she approached them.
Inhaling through her nose and clearing her throat, she began. “Yes, well," She said, pointing at Griffon with a trembling finger.  “The other guests are getting anxious of your,… ahh,… pet bird."
"Is that so?" Dante answered with a boisterous voice. "Don't you worry a thing about our pet bird! You see, he's a rare - "
“I see. Don’t worry.”
All of a sudden, V heard a clear and distinct voice, overlapping with the woman and his brother's voices.
“These are my loyal,… companions. They would bring no harm to any of the innocent people here. That,…”
V's hands went up to his temples as he tried to distinguish and trace where the voice was actually coming from, when the voice itself took over his hearing, drowning out the other voices, and all the other noises going on around him.
“I can assure you.”
The lady let out a helpless laugh, then nodded. “Okay. Whatever you say.” She hastily moved away from Dante to give herself a safe distance from him and Griffon and clumsily pointed at the breathtaking horizon. “Well, now, enjoy your stay here at Delphi!”
The woman, being proud of herself for handling the difficult situation, walked away with a huge smile on her face. And Dante, being a huge flirt, started following the woman.
However, when his brother stepped away, V noticed something taking his place where he stood.
V's eyes narrowed for a second for what he saw. He closed his eyes, rubbed the tiredness and fatigue off them, and opened them once more. However, despite that, the strange figure was still there.
V saw,... himself.
And he, the other him, was drinking in the beautiful sight of Delphi's ruins around him.
“So, V,…” He heard Griffon ask all of a sudden. “Are we going to look for that thing there?”
"I'm sorry - ?" V turned to his left to look at Griffon but, the demonic bird was nowhere to be found.
“Not this time.” V turned towards his other self at the sound of his voice and noticed Griffon, himself, flying towards him. “For now, I need to take a rest and reflect upon our journey, so far.”
V almost fell off the old bench he was sitting on.
That voice,...
... it really was him.
But,... how?!
“The Yamato really does wonders, huh?” the Griffon who was with the other V said, then chuckled, ruffling his own feathers in delight with tiny shakes. “Who knew it would go directly to you and not to that kid Nero?”
"The Yamato?" His other self whispered as V followed him and his familiar on their way towards the ruins of Apollo's temple. What has the Yamato got to do with all this?
“For one thing, I’ am the rightful owner of the Yamato, not the boy Nero.” The other V answered as he skipped some rocks along the pathway that led to the ruins of the temple. “I think it was fitting that it answered to me. But, as grateful as I’ am that it was returned to me,” he said, stopping at what looked like the remains of an altar. “I must not abuse my fragile body by using it over and over to transport us. You see,” He began tracing the remains with the tip of his cane. “It consumes way too much of my,… demonic power. I must be wary of that fact.”
Of course, V thought as he observed what the other V was doing. I don't have,... that much demonic power.
“Aha, so that’s why we had to hitch that stinkin’ bus ride with that awful bitch! Didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut!” And the other Griffon sounded less rude, either.
“Now, be nice to our little human.” V reprimanded the demonic bird. “We will ’hitch’ on the same vehicle on the way back.”
“Ugh! Not again,…”
V watched in amusement how this other Griffon threw tantrums. However, his other self drew V's attention back. He was looking at the altar with an unreadable expression, tracing the edges of the marble altar with his cane.
Then, all of a sudden, he started reciting the few lines of a poem that was very dear to him. It was,...
“As she comes to the city, hollow hands empty,
Eyes open to what lies in wait for her,”
His mother's favorite poem,...
V closed his eyes and recited the old poem along with his other self.
“She does not weep nor wail,
In her eyes, home has always been burning.”
His eyes closed, his senses surrendered to the vision before him, he allowed nostalgia to take over his entire being. Of his mother reading this same poem to him, of her tales about a Princess named Cassandra who was gifted by the God Apollo with the curse of predicting the future,...
... of this hidden gateway of Delphi where she went to after being rejected and stoned by her own people,...
V opened his eyes, feeling something pulling him back from his reverie to the present, like a powerful force.
It was then when he was greeted by the sight of a morphing demonic entity right before his other self, who he assumed was one of his familiars.
He watched in awe as the familiar morphed into multiple pulsing dark vines that filled the entire altar. Him and his other self took a step back as roses of all shapes and sizes sprouted from the dark vines, and when his other self pulled something from the largest rose, his eyes grew wide with shock.
It was the Yamato, only it was glowing in a very unusual way.
V wanted to listen more, to know more, to watch what happens next but, the vision itself began getting blurry as their voices became more and more warped, like a disrupted signal of an old television. The vision, and the voices, warped and warped, until only a distorted and blurry version was left. And before the vision entirely vanished, V saw his other self raising the sword,...
... and slicing the air before him, creating a portal that led him somewhere,...
"V!" He heard Dante's voice from afar, like he was being called by him from the other end of a long tunnel. "V!" He felt a strong hand go down on his shoulder, making him turn around. "What are you doing? I was looking all over for you!"
The poet could barely believe what just happened. He was back, and he felt like he just woke up from a very long dream.
"I, ahh,... " V stuttered, turning back to the altar and seeing nothing there.
"Hey, V," Griffon, who just landed on his waiting arm, asked. " ... are you okay?"
"The gateway,... " The poet uttered, the vision he saw still crystal clear on his mind.
"What gateway?" Dante questioned.
"There's a gateway here." V reiterated as he walked closer towards the altar where his other self vanished. "It was opened using the Yamato."
"How did you know that?" With a raised eyebrow, Dante asked in confusion. "And besides, even if that's true, we can't really use the Yamato. I mean, it's with its owner on the other side of the globe right now."
"We can't rely on Vergil this time, I know." V answered as thoughts and ideas ran through his head like an unstoppable drill. "But, what if the gate,... was left open? What if it was never closed?"
Dante's mouth fell open at the possibility. Only a slight drawback made him close it again and shake his head in disapproval. "But, I see no gate here! All I see in this place are rocks and statues and ruins and tourists everywhere."
V turned to Griffon, who drew back at the intensity in his master's facial features. "Do it."
"Do what?" The familiar questioned.
"Distract the people while I look for the portal."
"How could I do that?! How am I - ?!"
"Alright! I'll do it!" Dante offered, turning away from them and walking away from the altar as he began singing something. And it's working. The tourists, especially the ladies, started listening to him and flocking before him. "I'm lying alone with my head on the phone, thinking of you 'till it hurts,... "
V grabbed this opportunity to look for the portal. He can't be wrong, the vision can't be wrong! They must get to the Elven world and he would do whatever it takes to get there.
He will do whatever it takes to get to her and fix this huge mess that was messing with their lives,...
It was then when he noticed something small and gleaming right before him. He reached out a single finger to touch it, and lo and behold, the small gleam made a tiny ripple that reflected so many bright colors. Like a prism. Another touch of his finger produced a huge ripple, revealing its true nature in all its entirety. Indeed, it was a gate. In the form of a curtain that was seemingly made of glass that reflected light like numerous precious gems.
"Whoa! That looks so unreal!" Griffon, who watched the entire thing with curious eyes, said in awe. "How did you know all this, V?!"
"I'll explain later." The poet answered. "For now, we should press on."
"I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you - " Dante sang with much gusto, wowing his audience, when he suddenly heard a familiar whistle. He stopped singing and turned around to see V beckoning for him to come join him and Griffon. The Devil Hunter turned back to his audience, made an incredibly believable shocked expression, and pointed at the sky. "Thunderstorm! Incoming thunderstorm! Run and hide for your lives!"
The people instantly believed him, scrambling and running all over the place to shield themselves from Dante's imaginary thunderstorm. The younger brother took this opportunity to join V.
"How in the world - ?!" Dante began questioning at the sight of the translucent gateway but, he was cut short as Griffon went behind him and started pushing him towards the gate.
"I'll explain later! We must hurry!" V ordered, then went through the curtain, looking as if he just vanished into thin air.
"Let's get goin', lover boy!" Griffon squawked, grabbing onto Dante's shoulders with his talons.
"I swear I need to go to therapy after all this." The Devil Hunter said as he, too, went through the curtain and vanished.
🌙 Finally! And this one took longer than expected. Enjoy!😁😁😁❤❤❤ 🌙
🌙 Thank you so much to these lovelies, @dreaming-gamer , @la-vita and @thottyonmainsquid .❤❤❤ 🌙
A few moments later, Dante arrived at the other side. But, his path was blocked by V, himself, who was standing still, his back turned away from him.
"You alright there, V?" Dante asked as he scratched his temple in confusion. "Aren't we - ?"
"Yes, we are." V cut him off, raising his metal cane and using it to point at something before the two of them. "We have finally arrived."
The younger brother followed V's line of sight, and what he saw before him simply took his breath away.
"Holy mama - !" Dante breathed in awe at the marvelous sight.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Valentine's Day
A/N A one shot in honor of Valentine's Day and the picture on the left hand corner that my brother says looks like they are having orgasms without touching. Enjoy. It is Explicit.😀😀😀
She meet him on Valentine’s Day. He is a substitute teacher for Mr. Abrams second period English class. She comes to pick up Stephanie for her speech therapy and lost her train of thought.
“Hello lass, can I help ye?” She is even more distracted by his Scottish accent in this American middle school. “Lass?” The students start to giggle.
“Oh sorry. I am here to pick up Stephanie Ford for her speech therapy.” She finally finds her voice. Lord lass, no one would believe you are a speech therapist? What is wrong with you? You have seen attractive men before. He is very attractive with chestnut curls that flow down his neck and absolutely startling blue eyes. Even sitting, she can tell he is tall. But still.
“Stephanie?” She stands with her face red from being singled out in the middle of whatever is going out between Miss Beauchamp and Mr. Fraser. She walks to the front of the room and nods at Mr. Fraser before dunking at the door.
“Well, it was nice to meet you,” she pauses, allowing him to give his name.
“Jamie Fraser.” He offers her his hand.
“Claire Beauchamp. Speech Therapist believe it or not.” His hand is warm and strong and starts her heart pounding. After what felt like an eternity but couldn’t have been more then a few seconds, he releases it.
“Nice to meet ye.” They eyes hold and lock for a moment and a small titter raises from the students behind them. She recalls time, place, and the fact that Stephanie awaits here. She turns towards the class.
“Be nice and respectful to Mr. Fraser. Recall who you are.” She instructs them before slipping out the door.
Good God! Who was that lass? It takes him a few minutes to be able to focus again once she leaves. Nothing even close to this had ever happened to him. He was goobersmaked. Speechless. Unable to think on anything but the electric shock that went through him when their hands touched or the way her eyes, warm as whisky, seemed to see into his soul.
“Mr. Fraser?” It is Lynn, one of Mr. Abrams more gifted and studious students. “Should we return to reading the balcony scene?”
Right. The balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, in honor of Valentine’s Day.
“Oh yes. Please do.”
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Tomas', reading for Romeo declares. “What does he mean Mr. Fraser?”
“That Juliet is out of bounds because she’s a Capulet and the swore enemy of his family but, that her name means naught in the face of true love.”
The children continue to read as he continues to think. What is in a name? Claire. Sorcha. Light.
She sits in her room at the end of the day. She is to be going over the notes from todays sessions but in reality, is thinking of Mr. Fraser. She twirls her pen around as she appears to be looking down at her hand written notes. She in reality, sees nothing but his blue eyes. She sighs as she reaches out to turn her computer on so she can enter them in each student's file.
“Hello.” She jumps knocking one of the files to the floor. “Sorry. Dinna mean to startle you.” He hurries in to help her gather it up and their eyes and hands meet again. Once again, time stops.
“What is this?” She finds the breath to ask him. It feels like she is underwater and all is in slow motion with the only oxygen available being in her lungs.
“I dinna ken. I have ne' felt anything like it.”
“Please, will you stay long enough for me to get these notes in the computer?”
“Aye Claire. There is nowhere else I want to be.” She is able to draw a deep breath as she gathers up the spilled pages and looks away.
She forces herself to focus as she types in note after note. Jamie walks around the room. Finally after no more then a half hour, she is done. She looks up and he is right there.
“Jamie!” She stands and he is just a hair's breath away.
“Claire,” His hand come up to move her hair out of her eye.
“Not here. I live just a ten minute drive away.”
“Okay.” They walk out together, careful not to touch until they reach her car.
E only wished to see her, to see if what he felt in that classroom was real. No, that isn't strong enough. He is compelled to see her. He knew as soon as he walked into her room, and he saw her sitting there, that curly hair falling out of the bun it was in, that he was in trouble. The type that can either leave to heaven or hell. As soon as he meet her eyes, saw the same wonder there, he knew it would be the former.
The want of her is a living thing, and make no mistake, but it is far deeper then that. His hands shake as he opens her car door and as he joins her.
“It isna just me?” He knows but he needs to hear it from her.
“No, and it isn’t just sex.”
“Thank Christ!” Their combined laugh has a tone of hysteria. It should scare him. This whole thing should, but it doesn’t. It thrills him. It seems he is in the middle of something above himself. Something predetermined before Creation.
She drives with one hand. The other is in his. It helps keep her grounded when she feels like floating away. They should be talking, getting to know something about each other, but it almost seems sacrilegious to break what feels like a holy quiet. They talk with their clasped hands, making love without making love.
She pulls up and parks and he is out the door, opening it for her. She looks at him, and all she can't say is in that glance. It knocks the breath out of him. He staggers back a bit until she takes his hand and leads him to the door. She gets it open and they are inside. The rest of the world fades away.
He has had sex since he was 16 but until joined with Claire, he had never made love. He feels the difference as soon as he takes her lips which is as soon as the door shuts. He feels the shivers go through her and knows she feels it too. He holds her close, because he must and because he feels they will both fall if he doesn’t.
She moans into his mouth as she urges him to move. Leading him, quite literally, by the lips, she brings them both into her bedroom. Once there, she moves away and starts stripping. She kicks her shoes off, unbuttons her blouse and slips it off, and then her bra. It is at this point Jamie awakes from the daze he is in and starts to strip himself.
What is she doing? She respectful, responsible, Claire Beauchamp, doesn’t have sex with a man she had just meet. She is too careful and safe for such a move. She doesn’t stop stripping even as those thoughts run through her mind.
He is not one for meeting and bedding, lasses. He had ne' done this in his life. But, the want of her was something beyond his normal self control. It is a living thing. As necessary to his and her, continuing existence, as breathing.
She lays on the bed as soon as she is completely nude. Like a siren, she beckons him without a word. He joins her and takes her lips again. They both moan and sigh at the feel of being skin to skin. Her hands work across his back and down to his bum. His down her neck and chest. Her gasp keeps him focused there. He works his lips down, gently sucking and licking until he reaches her breasts. He tight grip on his bum and her cries of pleasure, keep him there until her body moves very deliberately across his.
She is coming apart. The feel of him on her breast, that sweet mouth sucking her deep inside is the most incredible thing she had ever felt. She needs more. So, she does something else completely out of character, she rolls him over and slips on top of him. Then she takes him in hand and slips him into her.
They both gasp at the feel. It is dumb. She is on birth control but knows nothing about him. To take him without a rubber is the height of insanity. But, this whole things feels insane. She starts to rock gently back and forth, feeling the orgasm build.
He is shocked at her boldness. He says a quick prayer that she is on birth control before letting the feel of her, wet and loose, surround him. He grabs on to her waist as she starts to rock. God help him! He is going to cum like never before. He must make sure she gets there first.
She jerks when she feels his thumb on her, pressing against her clit as she rocks faster. Her breath is coming in short burst and she feels her heart pounding against her ribs. It builds like a tidal wave and, just like that wave, it takes her over. She cries out as her body tightens around him. The shivers are massive and take her strength. She collapses on top of him, as boneless as a jelly fish. She feels his hands tighten around her before he takes over the rhythm. She holds him close as it builds up again. This time she goes over the edge with him.
“How do you know I am not a horrible person?” he asks her as they lay breathless side by side after.
“You may well be but, it is far to late Jamie Fraser, for whatever else you are, you are also mine.” He smiles broadly at her declaration. He rolls on his side and rests his head on his elbow as he stares at her. “For that matter, how do you know I'm not?”
“Are you lass? I hope not for you hold my heart in your hands.”
“I never used to believe at love at first sight. Lust yes. But, I always thought love needed time to grow.”
“Well now, I believe in both for I have experienced both with you.”
“It will grow. As we get to know each other more. But I already know the most import thing.”
“What is that?”
“That I will grow old with you.”
They are married a year later, on Valentine’s Day.
The End.
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paintmearainbow · 4 years
What Is Love ?
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Love means different things to different people. Some people say love is making your partner happy and seeing them happy makes you happy . But love, is actually a figment of our imaginations. In a way, love is selfish and makes us lose our independence. You make the other person happy to keep yourself happy, and you become dependent and vulnerable. It's a somewhat like a shared dream. And until one person decides to wakeup, and that dream, albeit fun while it lasted, becomes a living nightmare
For Harry and y/n; sneaking out of premiers and award shows,buying tacos and eating them at 3 AM was love. For them, love was dancing in the kitchen to Elvis and baking with each other. Love was watching horror movies in makeshift tents, snacking on caramel popcorns and cans of soda; all while making fun of Harry's "those dumb bitches" in the movie. Love was falling asleep in each others arms and reading each other books. It was dressing up as Disney characters and acting out scenes from their favourite animations. It was etheral, perfect. Almost too perfect too be true
People always said "Love will fizzle out. One of you will get bored." Harry and y/n didn't listen. They burned so fast, so bright and didn't realise that their spark too, like all blazed and sparks from lighted matches, had extinguished. One second it was burning so brightly, and the next, it was gone
"When was the last time you spoke to him ?" asked y/n's sister.
" A week ago" a distraught y/n replied. "He barely has time to even talk to me on the phone, let alone show me the sights and explore the places with him via facetime"
For a brief moment, she allowed herself to close her eyes and all the memories flashed through her eyes, like a movie roll, playing over and over agai
"Y/N !" exclaimed Harry, the golden flecks in his eyes dancing with joy. Oh how she longed to see him, feel him and be with him in real life , rather than on a screen. Yet she was eternally grateful for Harry for never making her feel left out from the tour experience, he always made sure to show her around, even if it was only on a screen, while giving tour guide commentary in a horribly fake American accent.
"You're in for a treat ! We're going to see the Louvre today. Come on an enjoy the sited with Harry's Tour Experiences"
Y/n couldn't stop laughing.
Being an art fanatic, she giving Harry detailed descriptions of the art, while all he did was turn it inti a joke. His put on accent stood out when he kept saying " Oh shucks ! Here's another painting of a few women and men fighting and eating." He termed an entire style of art; renaissance art as "men and women barely dressed fighting and eating". He made a few sly comments on how y/n would look lovely in that dress. It was so wonderful and each of these virtual trips was marked with his signature end. Going to a park, and eating the same food.
His laughter was contagious and y/n loved it. She wondered how she got so lucky, so blessed to have hazza in her life.
She never thought that this love, would eventually fizzle.
end of flashback
Now she was lucky if he spoke to her for 5 minutes. Even those 5 minutes were filled with her talking and him showing least interest in what she had to say. She doubted whether he even listened.
Today, however was a low blow. It was y/n' bday. had it been any other year. Harry would've made this day perfect. They had been together since they were 18. The first year, he bought her 18 gifts on her birthday. The subsequent year, he got her 19 and so on. He would make her breakfast in bed and wake her up with showers of kisses and a "Good Morning, Happy Birthday Darling."
Today however, at 7 PM , she was yet to have him acknowledge that it was her birthday. She was yet to have any sign of news from him at all. She illusioned herself, thinking that maybe he had interviews to attend.
Her sister, however, tired with y/n's moping, said" You're coming over with your friends to Club 22 this night or else I wont speak to you. I don't want you to spend your birthday moping around"
With great difficulty, y/n was persuaded by her friends to go clubbing. The loud music, the drinks and the dim lights were never y/n's scene. Yet, for the sake of her friends, she fixed up a smile on her face and tried to enjoy, trying her best to forget than Harry's call still hadn't come.
It was 10 PM and the party was in full swing. y/n's friends were drunk, so drunk. Everyone around her was laughing, drinking and joking. Meanwhile, a new disturbing thought had settled in y/n's head. What if he got into and accident ? What if he's really sick ? She was ridden with anxiety and couldn't get Harry off her mind, until that one fateful message from Nezza, her best friend, Harry's PA, through whom they had met, sent her that message. When y/n's phone lit up and she scarmbled to see the text, hoping it was Harry, she did not know it would change her life permanently.
The text was simple. "I'm so so sorry honey; you deserve to know" It was attached with a single file of pictures.
She subconciously knew what had happened. She had seen all the signs, yet chose to ignore them, not wanting to get up from her dream. The reduced duration of phone calls ultimately leading up to a call a month, the regular excuses, coming home late, half hearted kisses, they all added up. For a split second, y/n wanted to think that it was something else; maybe harry was too drunk or had passed out in a bar.
The message to forever to download. It was so slow and painfully excruciating. It was like the calm before the storm. The slow before the fast. The light drizzle before the thunderstorm. When the picture finally loaded; her heart shattered ever so fast. The pain she felt was numbing, yet somewhere in her mind, she was gald that Harry was safe.
There was Harry, his arm around the small waist of the redhead, his fingers entwined in hers. The same fingers which ran through y/n's hair multiple times, were now woven in another's hand. She thought her heart couldnt break more.
Fate was not kind to y/n.
She swiped to see the next picture, and she wasn't sure how, or whether it was even possible, but her heart further broke. Harry was kissing her in the booth, their booth, in Alessandro's the place he had her first date with y/n.
Fate had evil plans for y/n.
Tears streaming down her face, the makeup for the night ruined, y/n looked around for her sister and friends but they were nowhere to be seen. The only thing glowing right now was her glitzy dress, the one she had been forced into. Unable to take it anymore, she ordered an uber and left.
Fate wasn't kind to y/n at all
The minute she left the club, she was blinded with lights, the flashes from the camera, and the shouts from the reporters
" How do you feel about Harry cheating on you on tour ?"
"Did you expect this ? How do you react to Harry kissing a supermodel, younger than you!"
Y/n wanted to scream, but keeping her emotions in she pushed through the sea of people, got into her uber, gave her address and broke down.
She cried and cried. The uber driver tried to ask her what was wrong but she couldn't stop crying. she wanted the pain to go away. she wanted to cry. But most of all, she wanted Harry to tell her that it wasn't true and hold her in his arms and tell her it's alright.
But it wasn't. it wasn't alright. Far from it.
The next morning after an extremly broken sleep, y/n awoke. All the event's from last night wre remembered and her eyes started to water again. She switched on her phone to see the hashtag #y/ndeservesbetter and #harryandy/nareover trending. She also so 100 missed calls, voicemails and texts from Harry but chose to ignore them.
Y/n was raised to be strong. She spent most of childhood see her mom struggle to make meets end. She had seen the worst. She was strong. She went over to the mirror and saw her reflection and realised that she looked a mess. She took 3 deep breaths, washed her face, and masked her emotions, just as she did way back in high school, before she met Harry, before he changed her.
She went down and suddenly the apartment door opened. There stood the man who she loved, the man who had broken her heart, the one who still held her heart, no matter how broken it was.
He pleaded with her to forgive him. He begged, cried, said it was a one time mistake, and he regretted it, that he loved her; but y/n turned a deaf ear to his pleas. Their love had fizzled out, and she was blinded by affection not to realise it earlier. And as the saying goes " Once a cheater, always a cheater." Y/n wasn't taking any more risks. She put on a strong facade, made up her mind and left, leaving a crying Harry on the porch.
She wasn't over him, far from it. She was so broken, yet showed no signs. She had calm expresssion, yet her thoughts were chaotic. But she knew what was best and she knew this was the right thing to do. She had to take the lessons from this experience and move on, just like her mother had taught her. Dreams end, no matter how amazing it is, no matter how much you want to hold on and live it, and this, her perfect dream, had also come to an end.
So, what is love ?
A dream ? A nightmare ? Soemthing too good to be true?
Maybe all it is, is an illusion. A fairytale. Or maybe it is the truth, because truth teaches us lessons and so does love. i guess it's one of those things which just has no answers.
author's note
AND THATS A WRAP. I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING. it's something which definitely shouldnt be forgive . this the first ever imagine I've posted on my new tumblr. Please send feedback. Hope you enjoyed it. Reblog. What are your thoughts? i would love to hear them. Send requests for more imagines.
i should be studying but eh.
keep dreaming
(here's a random B99 gif for no reason)
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zoe-oneesama · 5 years
I'm sorry if this seems rude, but your treatment of Alya makes me very uncomfortable. This isn't something you're entirely to blame for, as a good chunk of the fandom treats her very poorly (with either ignoring her or reducing her role to "ships the lovesquare"), but the amount of comics and posts you've made about punishing Alya feels a little extreme to me at this point. I understand the salt after chameleon, but everyone was ooc in that ep. Also it's been over a month. (1/2)
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I will start by saying thank you for coming to me with your complaints in honestly the nicest way you possibly could, I really appreciate you taking a very calm and critical tone in approaching me with a genuine concern.
I will also point out I can’t think of any comics I’ve made attacking Alya or punishing her, so I’m not sure what you mean by that, but maybe I’ve re blogged someone else’s comic and it’s not coming to mind right now. But I also try hard to tag stuff so people can block the rants they don’t want to see. I guess the probelm is I use the #alya salt tag instead of #anti alya.
And I can agree that Alya’s characterization has gotten out of hand in the fanon vs canon, particularly when we had that long hiatus so fanon Alya bled into the consciousness and confused what actually is canon Alya.
However I won’t apologize for being critical of Alya. I will try to explain my own reasoning for you though so maybe you can understand where I’m coming from. 
My two main criticisms of Alya are 1) She’s not a good journalist and 2) She disregards Marinette’s feelings even though she’s her best friend.
The Good Journalist is something that I personally think is a fanon idea. Her being an ethical, searches only for the truth reporter who has integrity about the facts came from the hiatus, and my position on this is supported in canon.
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When Marinette’s identity, the secret she holds most dear, is in jeopardy, because it’s Alya who is making the claim, she is unconcerned. If Alya was a threat to her identity (i.e. someone who often had evidence to support their claims) she would be worried, but instead she brushes it off. Like it’s not the first time Alya’s pitched a theory from left field at her. Even Nino laughs right in her face.
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Volpina backs this up with her posting an unverified video of Lila claiming to be best friends with Ladybug without getting any sources or evidence that it could be true. In doing this, not only is she reducing her blog to a gossip column, but she is directly endangering this girl by blasting her relationship with a Superhero where anyone could see it. Because her scoop is more important that truth.
There’s also her crusade to find out Ladybug’s secret identity, something that, having established she’s a huge superhero comic fan, she should know the repercussions of. Endangerment of self, friends, and family in the face of a very dangerous super villain. It continues to prove where Alya’s priorities are.
But I actually want to make something clear: Being a bad journalist is not something I hate Alya for. She’s a young, immature girl. She’s wrapped in the excitement of magic and superheroes and is riding the hype to it’s conclusion. It’s partially Ladybug’s fault for indulging in Alya and being biased towards her friend that Alya has the platform she has and the belief in her abilities. And Alya does put a lot of hard work into her journalism, she just needs to do more growing and get a better understanding of what ethical journalism is.
I’m just critical of it because of the fanon warping her into this amazing journalist when she’s just a kid with no self preservation and tenacity. 
The Bad Friend thing is what imagine you mostly came here for. And I want to make it clear here as well: I don’t think Alya is a terrible friend. Most of the time I don’t think she’s even a bad friend. But what happened in Volpina, Heroes Day, and Chameleon hit me in a bad way.
In Volpina, we see Marinette express concern about Lila hanging over Adrien and Alya dismisses her to gush over her blog.
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I didn’t have a problem with this when it first came out. Marinette knows Lila is a liar only because she is Ladybug and so she knows Lila is lying in her interview. Marinette has a problem with liars AND a jealousy problem that has gone unchecked by Volpina. But from Alya’s perspective, Marinette is being unreasonably possessive and is prone to over reacting. She has no obligation to interfere with Adrien and Lila just because Marinette is feeling territorial.
This only becomes an issue in addition to the other two episodes. 
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In Heroes Day we get this gem of a line, which is really irritating, esPECIALLY because as a series finale it had to come after Frozer, which proved that Marinette has made great strides in overcoming her jealousy. As her best friend, Alya should be giving Marinette the benefit of the doubt, not Lila. But instead, she doesn’t ask what Marinette’s problem is with Lila she just assumes it without opening discussion about what could be bothering her usually kind and accommodating best friend. Compound it with her dismissal of Marinette in Volpina, and I’m beginning to get weary. 
But then Chameleon. Ooooooh Chameleon. Let me count the ways Alya specifically failed as a friend:
1) Kicked Marinette out if her seat without asking
2) Replaced Marinette as her seatmate with her boyfriend without asking
3) Pushing Marinette to the back row seat alone without asking
4) When Marinette claims Lila is lying, Alya asks for Marinette to prove Lila isn’t telling the truth instead of investigating if Lila is telling the truth.
5) Pulls that not apology apology that puts the blame on Marinette for getting upset about the situation. 
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(gif by @oui-ladybug)
That last on is subject to interpretation, but look at it closely, There’s no “I’m sorry for putting you in that situation without your consent.” No “I’m sorry for not taking your feelings into account.” 
This throw away line is like someone saying “I’m sorry YOU got upset.” Like you overreacted. Like it’s your fault you got hurt.
You may say I’m reaching, and I’ll admit my interpretation is probably not a universal one. I’ve made no secret of it in past posts. I have a personal issue with how Alya acts in regard to Marinette’s feelings. 
I had a best friend from the age of 5 to 20. Looking back I can find a lot of flaws in our friendship but at the time I thought it was great, mutually supportive and filled with love. Until she started dating. She had a boyfriend her last two years of high school and up to around the time we stopped being friends. She was attached at the hip to him, spending all her free time with him instead of me and bringing him to outings with us without asking me first. I tried to hide my discomfort because I had already almost lost her friendship by throwing up a fuss over her dating him - because he was my ex (first!) boyfriend. But I put my feelings aside because she was really into him and I valued our friendship more than this dumb guy. But apparently I was the only one.
Things went downhill fast when we graduated high school. She and her boyfriend stayed at home and went to a local college (no shame there) and I went to a university 3 hours away. We weren’t going to see each other near as often obviously, but we had always been very good at texting and calling each other so I wasn’t worried. But she didn’t text me anymore. She never called. All contact I had to initiate first. She never made the drive up to see me unless she needed something (she stayed at my place when she wanted to go to the Renaissance Fair nearby my college). 
But what hurt most is when I would drive down to see her. I’d drive the three hours, having made plans weeks in advance to make sure it worked around our schedules, only for her to cancel last minute on me. Because she wanted to hang out with her boyfriend instead. The same boyfriend she saw LITERALLY everyday. And it happened multiple times.
She didn’t care what I did for her. She didn’t respect my time or effort or feelings. She assumed I’d be fine with it. She assumed I wouldn’t mind or if I did I’d “get over it” like I always do (get over it as in grin and bear it). She made decisions for me and without regard to what I thought. She just wanted a cardboard cutout to call Best Friend without actually putting in any of the work.
There are plenty of other things that started to bother me about our friendship, but because this is what ultimately ended it it’s what bothers me the most. So I take personal offense with Alya making assumptions about Marinette’s feelings and justifications without asking. I have issues with Alya making decisions for Marinette without asking. And I especially have issues with Alya choosing her boyfriend over her best friend because that hits me personally.
I know Chameleon was OOc for the characters…for MOST of the characters. But Alya? This has been building up. It’s not the first time. It’s just the most egregious time.
And a bonus it’s really annoying that Alya assumes Marinette is crazy jealous when a few of Marinette’s craziest moments are a result of Alya’s insistence or pushing OR Alya tries to steer her away from making mature decisions.
Marinette stealing Adrien’s phone?
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Marinette making an elaborate scheme to separate Adrien from his bodyguard to go on a date with him?
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Marinette tries to be realistic and help Adrien on his date while simultaneously letting him go?
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Alya was one of those cases where one event made me think back really hard about her role as Marinette’s best friend and just what kind of hand she’s had in shaping Marinette’s behavior, and honestly? She’s not the amazing friend I remembered her as in Season 1. Which sucks! Because I lOVEd Alya. A sassy mom friend who takes no shit and gets shit done? A gorgeous POC that pushed her friend to make things happen for herself?! Yes please!
So I still hate on Chameleon, not just for the episode, but for the wakeup call I DIDN’t ask for!!
p.s. the reason I’m still salting on it is because the episode totally failed to resolve Alya’s issues in this episode. i.e. being a hypocrite.
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Okay, so um, this is gonna have a couple parts. I don't have a title for this, but it is a Jotaro/Female Reader fic. This first part is SFW but it will get into N*SF*W in later chapters.
*UPDATE: Title is now called "Whirlpool"*
You were starting to lose hope.
Interview after interview and still no call backs.
You had put your resume out at almost anything since moving to the city. Having a few meetings, you thought the interviews were going well. Nope. It always ended with a handshake and a 'We'll call you if you get the job.'
But those calls never came. Your savings were dwindling fast.
Sitting in your apartment, you wondered if you should just take a job at a fast food restaurant in the meantime. Or better, maybe move back home where everything was familiar and comforting.
You had no friends here. Not yet anyways. You had been so wrapped up in finding a job that you didnt feel like going out to bars or clubs; the rejections making you depressed.
One Wednesday afternoon, you got a call from an unknown number.
Usually, you dont answer numbers you didnt know, but you picked it up anyway. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon, is this Y/N?"
The voice was so deep; definatly a male. It sent a chill down your spine. "Y-Yes..." You said cautiously.
"My name is Jotaro Kujo, I am a marine biologist. I saw your resume at one of the places I had visited recently. You are looking for work, yes?"
Your eyes darted around the living room. This was extremely unexpected. "H-How did you see my resume?"
"I had a meeting with one of the places you applied to. Your resume was sitting on top of a stack of papers, I ended up taking it."
"Isn't that wrong?"
"Probably. But I am looking for help and thought maybe to call you. Would you be interested in coming in for an interview?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
You had been on many interviews, but for some reason, this was different. This Jotaro guy swiped your resume from someone else desk and called you. He claimed to be a marine biologist, which intrigue you. You didn't have any background in that field but you knew enough to get by.
When you didn't say anything for a moment, Jotaro asked if you were still there.
Coming back to reality, you agreed to the interview. What else did you have to lose?
"Great. Are you available tomorrow at 4pm?"
Jotaro gave you the address to his office which was down at the local college. You guessed he taught a couple classes there. "See you then." He hung up.
Letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, you bounced with excitement.
"I need to find something to wear!"
You shook with nerves as you held onto the door handle. This was the place, since on the door his name was written.
Opening it slowly, you crept inside.
The room looked bare save for the large desk in the corner. There where a couple of bookshelves, but even they were empty. Are you sure this was the place? You looked at the door you came through again.
"You must be Y/N."
That deep voice again.
You turned your head to see a very tall, broad shouldered man in a black, long sleeved turtleneck. He also wore white pants; a white hat sitting atop his head. He came into the room from the other door that you noticed that was off on the side. That must be his real office.
"Y-Yes." You extended your hand in greeting. "Thank you for inquiring about me."
Jotaro seemed to hesitate for a moment before shaking your hand. Maybe he wasn't comfortable touching strangers.
His turquoise eyes looked at you, as if studying you what kind of person you could be. But that only made you blush, making you a little more nervous than you actually were. Finally, he shook your hand.
"Right this way."
He grunted, showing you to his office that was through the door he came.
You thought as you looked around the room. The walls were full of his accomplishments and pictures he had to have taken of sea creatures. The office seemed a little cramped as his large desk took up a lot of space. There was more room in the first room they were in, why choose this as a work space?
"Please, sit." Jotaro waved a hand to the empty chair opposite of him on the other side of his desk.
You did as instructed, taking in his features as you did. He couldn't have been any older than twenty-nine. Your eyes went back to the plaques on his walls. He's done so much at such a young age.
"Tell me about yourself."
Jotaro's voice brought your attention back to him.
"Oh, um. Well, I moved here from my hometown in hope of starting something new. I like to follow though and get my tasks done. I graduated top of my classes in high school and college. I'm very organized with projects, making sure that it exceeds to one's expectations."
Jotaro nodded his head a little and wrote on a piece of paper. He noticed you wringing your hands. "No need to be nervous."
Embarrassed, you tucked your hands under your legs. "I'm sorry. It's just, I've been on a lot of interviews and they all fell through."
Jotaro was silent for a few minutes, shuffling through some papers he had on his left until he found what he was looking for. Your resume.
"You don't have a lot of references here. But I see you took classes in zoology."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I've only really done side jobs while I was in college just to get by and save up for when I moved. I want to work with animals; I loved going to the zoo as a child and since then, I knew I wanted to work with them."
"So you know about marine life, too?"
You shrugged. "Enough to not sound dumb." You chuckled nervously.
Jotaro moved his hand over his mouth, hiding the smirk you had given him with your answer; he didn't want you too see his expression.
Composing himself, he rose from his chair, motioning for you to follow him.
Coming back to the first room, he stopped next to the empty desk.
"I'll give you a chance. This will be your space, you can do with it what you want."
Wait, what?
He just said he was giving you a chance? He was hiring you?
You looked at the desk. Seeing that you were the first thing people would see when they come in, you realized you were being hired as a secretary.
It wasn't something you were thrilled about. But you decided to take it anyways; Jotaro was the first person to offer you a job let alone hire you right on the spot. You accepted, gratefully.
"Thank you, Mr. Kujo! I promise I would do my best!"
"Good. I will see you tomorrow morning."
He shook your hand again and you parted ways.
Back at home, you cried tears of happiness. You finally found a job.
Though you had no idea how to be a secretary, you figured you could just wing it. It would be a learning experience, but just like everything else you've done, you would do your job with dedication.
"Good afternoon, Y/N! Is Professor Kujo in?"
You smiled at one of the other teachers that worked at the facility. "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Westin, let me see if he's ready to see you." You buzzed Jotaro's phone. "Mr. Kujo, Mr. Westin is here to see you."
There was no answer, but Jotaro's door opened and he emerged, waving him to come in. Mr. Westin followed, shutting the door behind him. "Did you get that report from the lab back?"
Jotaro handed him a folder.
Mr. Westin nodded. "Great work, Jotaro. Are you ready for the field work coming up?"
"I will be." Jotaro grunted. "Y/N has set up hotel and anything else I needed."
"She's a helpful little angel, huh? Since she came around, your work has been flourishing."
Jotaro flicked his eyes toward the door. Just on the other side, you sat at your desk. His work load had gotten lighter in the last six months, thanks to you. He had been able to work and focus on what was important while you took care of the minor things.
Sometimes you had brought him lunch when you knew he was too wrapped up in his work to even stop to eat.
He was to be leaving in a couple days to do field research on ocean life on the coast of California for over two weeks. But something about you not being there nagged at him.
Remembering the other teacher was talking to him, he said, "Yeah. She's been a real big help."
Mr. Westin nodded and said his goodbye to you, leaving the office.
Looking up, you noticed Jotaro leaning against the door frame to his own office with his arms crossed. He was looking at you but not saying anything. That didn't surprise you, he was a quiet man. But his stare made you a little uneasy. "I-Is there something wrong, Mr. Kujo?"
The way you addressed him made his stomach do flips. It was an interesting feeling. One he hadn't felt before. "Did you make the preparations for my trip?"
"Yes, sir. Its all right here, I finished it this morning. Your flight leaves at 7 am Friday morning and your hotel is booked. Food is all taken care of and there was even some money left over if you wanted to do any shopping." You looked back at him. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
Jotaro strode to your desk in just three steps; those long legs taking him anywhere in a flash.
"There is. Call and change the itineraries to two people."
"Two, sir?"
"You heard me. Call the airline and add another person. Call the hotel and add another room. Make sure everything accommodates for two."
"S-Sure. May I have the name of the second person so I can make sure they get everything they need?"
Jotaro turned back towards his office, saying your own name.
"Wait, what?" Your head shot up at him. "Me? You want me to go? What does a secretary like me have anything to do with this trip?"
Jotaro kept his door open as he sat back down behind his desk. You stood and followed him in. Before you could say anything, Jotaro spoke first.
"You have grown from the nervous girl that walked through here six months ago. During your interview, you said that you strive to get your tasks done and do it with dedication. I've seen that you've proved that."
You blushed. You never really got that kind of praise from your other bosses.
"You wanted to work with animals, correct?"
You nodded.
"Well, then, come with me on the trip. Learn more about marine life."
What an amazing offer! But you couldn't help but think he was really just bringing you along so you can do his minor tasks. "Thank you, Mr. Kujo, but again, why do you want to bring a secretary?"
He interlocked his fingers and brought his hands up to his face; his eyes staring at you intently. "The word 'secretary' for you leaves a bad taste in my mouth. From now on, you are my assistant. You will still have your duties as you've had, but I'm taking you on this trip to help you learn more about marine mammals."
You couldn't find the words. You were thankful for his kindness, truly. But you weren't sure about going. You started wringing your hands again.
"Yare Yare Daze." Jotaro muttered. "If you don't want to go, just say so."
"Huh? No, I mean. Um..." You decided to go for it. What harm could it do? You developed a decent friendship with your boss, and he was offering this paid trip to you. "I-I'll go."
Jotaro did his best to hide his excitement; keeping his expression neutral. "Then get to work on getting yourself on the itineraries and take the day off tomorrow to pack and get some rest. I will see you at the airport."
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