#the second that note hit the emo kid inside of me jumped to life
ovenproofowl · 3 years
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,702 Words
Summary: Training and Todoroki siblings.
Warnings: Abuse Mention, Death Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Notes: Touya’s clothes include links to what they look like.
Hair Dye Buddies: Chapter 5
"Where are we headed? The teacher dorms?" Touya asked.
"They're right over there." Shoto told him, showing him the building inside the gates. "But we're not going there. Mr. Yamada is over in the 1-C dorms right now, talking to Shinsou, another friend of mine through Midoriya, I guess. We're gonna go bother him and ask if you can train."
Shoto led Touya along after him into the 1-C dorms and was instantly greeted with exclamations of a new student from about half the populous. Touya was happy he still had a mask on his wrist because he heard someone coughing. He quickly put it on his face as he hid behind Shoto.
"No, this is my brother. Where's Present Mic? Still in Shinsou's room or down here?" Shoto asked the tall one with the big chin.
"Mr. Yamada is up in that weirdo's room. Is your brother even allowed on campus?"
Shoto brushed past him, taking Touya's wrist in hand and pulling him along to stay closeby so he wouldn't get bothered by the Gen Ed students who had bombarded them at the door. Touya got led up to the fifth floor and the fourth room on the boy's side before Shoto knocked on the door.
"S'up, little listeners?" Present Mic asked as he opened the door to reveal who Touya was assuming was Shinsou sitting on the bed looking rather tired.
"Is this a bad time?" Shoto asked.
"Not at all, me and Shinsou here were just talking about something but we were just finishing up since Shinsou needs to get his sleep in." Mr. Yamada told them. He was loud and energetic and bubbly, Touya was reminded of Fuyumi.
"Mr. Aizawa said we'd need someone to watch over Touya if he were to train his quirk. and Mr. Aizawa feel asleep in the 1-A commons. I'm sure that Sero's put whipped cream in his hand by now. But Touya needs a teacher to watch him and you're the only one who I knew where you were." Shoto told him.
"Alright, I'll be there just gimme a few minutes, little listeners!" Present Mic beamed and closed the door over. The pseudo-twins stood down the hall by the stairs and waited about ten minutes for Shinsou and him to finish up and hopefully Shinsou was falling or already asleep. He'd looked like he'd need it.
Shoto led Touya back through the students downstairs but this time, Mr. Yamada was leading them through. They began the twenty minute trek to Gym Gamma and they began there.
"Alright, kid, show us what you've got." The teacher told him and he unleashed a blizzard in the building they were in, icing the walls and floor with its intensity before he stopped it of his own will, something he'd never have achieved with his old fire. "That's a mighty strong blizzard you got there, kiddo." Yamada told him.
"Thanks." Touya mumbled.
"Do you have any special moves yet? Yamada asked.
"No, but I guess I could work on it?" And thus began trying for hours until he came up with a concentrated stream of snow flurries being like a firework, his snow acting as a smokescreen, and he learned how to create instant-made snowballs.
"You did great, little listener! I'm proud of you!" Yamada exclaimed.
"Thank you." He mumbled as Shoto and him went back to the dorms and Mr. Yamada
"Do you wanna take a shower, Touya?" Shoto asked.
"If you didn't pick up anything for yourself, I have some soaps in there. Most are for dry skin, but that's probably a plus with how much your fire used to give you burns. The whole towel closet is communal so you don't need to worry about grabbing the wrong one." Shoto told him as they got into the dorms.
"Yeah, thanks, Sho." Touya smiled.
"The twins are bonding!" Yaoyorozu looked pleased.
"Hi, Momo." Shoto greeted them.
"Hi, Momo." Touya parroted.
"Did you have fun training, Touya?" She asked.
"Yeah, I came up with a few things I can do besides just making a blizzard. It feels like this quirk was actually made for me." He proudly announced.
"That's great, Touya. I'm happy you're advancing quickly!" Momo bubbled with energy and smiles. Touya smiled back a bit, her energy was unmatchable, though.
"Hey there, Touya." Came Aizawa from the living room.
"Hi, Mr. Aizawa." He muttered.
"Us teachers had a meeting about the permanence of your deaging and Nezu has your adoption papers going through tonight on a UA direct order. All you need to do is sign them since you're technically a legal age and you'll legally be my son come tomorrow morning." Aizawa handed him a paper on a board.
"Okay." Touya read it over briefly before he signed on the line for his name to be.
"Congratulations, you're my son as of dawn tomorrow. Welcome to the family, we have more cats than humans." Aizawa told him, patting his head and Touya thought he'd get hit for a split second and jolted a the touch.
"Sorry." He muttered. "Didn't mean to react like that."
"You can't help engrained habits and I don't get offended by old habits. They die hard, I get it." Aizawa told him. "Alright, get a shower, you trained with Hizashi, I heard."
Flopping on his bed after his shower felt like heaven. Touya wasn't sure that wasn't what this was, actually. No Endeavor, no abuse, he had his brother, friends, a new parent even. He felt like he was home as he fell asleep in the cloud of a bed, cuddling a pillow close.
He heard but didn't react when Midoriya and Bakugou had their inevitable argument or Aizawa screaming at them to both shut up. He was actually kind of happy to have been deaged. Whatever life he had, he didn't care what it was, couldn't have been better than this new second chance at life.
The next morning was a weekend. Naturally, Aizawa invited Fuyumi and Natsuo over to speak on the matter of Touya's deaging. As soon as Natsuo walked into the meeting room and saw Touya, he was bawling and Fuyumi gasped and stood still. Shoto had to lead her in all the way to close the door.
"Touya, you're alive." Fuyumi whispered.
"Hi, guys." He awkwardly greeted them.
"As you can see we have some serious business to discuss. Please, sit." Aizawa told them. Both older siblings sat down in the chairs around the table.
"How is he alive!?" Natsuo asked loudly, causing the other three siblings to jump.
"Touya was found by Kirishima here the night before last." Aizawa gestured to Kirishima sitting next to him. "Touya has been permanently deaged five years for the last month. And his quirk was changed by the man Kirishima found harassing him outside a convenience store." Aizawa told them.
"He was on the streets two weeks and that man, Matsuda Ryuu, housed him for two weeks after." Aizawa told them. "Touya was temporarily enrolled into UA's hero course so I could keep an eye on him, however his enrollment will be come permanent if that's what he wants. I've legally adopted him since he's stated, at this age, your father threw him out onto the streets to begin with."
"Touya is staying in the 1-A dorms and I trust neither of you will have trouble not telling your father of this development until we figure out how to handle the situation of your father possibly trying to take custody back." Aizawa looked at Natsuo and Fuyumi expectantly.
"Of course not!" Fuyumi exclaimed.
"I don't speak to that piece of shit." Natsuo told him.
"I'll likely tell him once I establish full custody and fully move him into both my house and the dorms. Get him set up, establish communication lines to me and my partner, Hizashi." Aizawa told them.
"You'll keep him safe?" Was all Fuyumi asked.
"Of course. I'm his new parent and guardian, of course I'll keep him safe."
"Alright. Then, I don't see a problem." Natsuo told Aizawa and he looked over Shoto and Touya. "You know, I always thought you two looked like twins." Natsuo told them abruptly.
"Alright, if everyone's good with this, you two have full admission to the campus for the day so you can spend time with Touya and Shoto. Touya has yet to set up anything in his room, so hopefully you two can help him with that." Aizawa told them.
And, with that, the four siblings were off to the dorms and ended up in Touya's room, Natsuo laughing when he saw the clothing Touya had.
"You're still our emo brother, Touya, good to know." Natsuo smiled brightly.
"Yeah. Kirishima's friends took me out for that." Kirishima slung his arm around Touya's shoulders.
"Yeah, his style's a lot like Bakugou so a lot of that stuff is things we picked out for him." Kirishima told them. "This shirt is actually one Kaminari, our local pikachu, picked out for him. Speaking of, I should probably stop him from trying to get his toast out with a fork for the fifth time this week." Touya let them look at the black shirt with chains he was wearing as Kirishima saw himself out.
"I'm glad to see you never changed." Fuyumi beamed.
"I never aged, guys, of course I didn't change. I'm an angsty teenager in the prime of my quarter-life crisis." Touya reminded them.
"You know what I mean." Fuyumi smiled brightly as she hugged him close, she was sniffling? Was she crying? Touya tried to look up but his head was buried in her neck in a way he could barely move it. "I missed you so much." She whispered.
"I mean, I missed you guys too, for the month I remember at least." Touya admitted.
"We thought you died, Touya." Natsuo joined Fuyumi. Shoto awkwardly hugged him as well.
"You three will make me cry and then Mina will be mad about my makeup getting messed up again." Touya let his siblings tackle him into a cuddle pile on the bed. He felt safe having people, his siblings no less, holding him so close.
Taglist: @lgbtforeverything @rin-tanaka @everythingisstardust
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wonder-womans-ex · 3 years
Curtain Call
Act One, Scene Eight 
“I’m home!” Sirius calls, unlocking the door. 
It takes a few seconds, but then, “In here!” comes James’s voice from the living room. 
(‘Living room’ is probably a bit of a stretch, really, because ‘living room’ implies that there are also other rooms, and the fact of the matter is that they have two bedrooms and then a kitchen with a couch and a TV in one half and a table in the other.) (James is, evidently, in the designated couch half of the kitchen.) (Sirius had originally suggested calling it the ‘lounge,’ and it is a sad sign of how determined James is to grow up at least partially that this suggestion did not become a reality.)
Bending down to unlace his combat boots, he shrugs his backpack off and leaves it there on top of James’s checkered Vans and a pair of black sneakers he doesn’t recognize but probably belongs to him. 
He walks past the fridge, glances at the schedule held up by the J and S magnets they got from Peter when they moved into the apartment, and makes a mental note that he has his first rehearsal for Oliver tonight. 
“What’cha watching?” he begins, noticing the flicker of the TV screen, and then stops dead. 
There are a few moments of silence before Sirius grabs one of Elvendork’s catnip mice off the floor and chucks it at his younger brother. “You fucker!”
Regulus sits up from where his head had previously been resting on James’s lap. “Hello to you, too, Sirius.”
“You came to visit! And you didn’t tell me!” 
“In my defense, I didn’t even know I was coming until, like, ten this morning. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.” 
“Hey, they didn’t tell me, either. Just showed up at the door an hour or two ago, knocking like their life depended on it. I thought it was the police coming to tell me you’d been arrested. Or found dead in a ditch.”
“Shut up, James,” Sirius says, rolling his eyes. “Of course they didn’t tell you—I’m his brother.”
“Well, I’m the love of his life.” 
Regulus buries their face in James’s shoulder. “Why did I tell you that?” he groans, and Sirius glances between the two of them, blinking. 
“Wait. Are you two—”
“No,” they say in unison, which clears up absolutely nothing.
“...I think I’m missing something.” 
“You’re definitely missing something.”
(Yes, but what?)
He watches nervously as a significant look passes between them. It’s a conversation, really, but instead of words everything is communicated with eyebrow raises (mostly Regulus) and exaggerated winks (all James). 
Finally, Regulus lets out a huff of breath. “All right,” they say. “Fine!” 
James protests when Regulus climbs off the couch—not at the climbing off the couch part, but because he takes the blanket with him. The two stick their tongues out at each other, and Sirius feels his heart swell. He loves them both so fucking much, and he’s never been so glad that Reg managed to get out of that house, too. He’s not sure what he’d do without his little brother. 
The walk in silence towards Sirius’s bedroom, and Regulus immediately jumps onto the bed once the door is opened. They bounce slightly when their body hits the springy mattress, and they flop over onto their back to stare at the ceiling. 
“I came out to James,” he says, not bothering with pleasantries or preamble. Regulus never has been one for that—straight and to the point is the only way they really know how to do anything. 
“You dated James.” Tact, Sirius, he reprimands himself immediately inside his head. Just because your brother is a conversation heathen you don’t necessarily have to stoop to their levels. 
“Yes, I know I dated James. But… I’m not gay.” 
“Okay.” Sirius pauses, waiting to see if Regulus is going to elaborate further. They don’t, so he prompts, “Do you know what you are?”
(So they’re doing this the hard way, are they? All right—Sirius can work with that.)
“I’m not gay,” Regulus says again. “I’m not pan or bi or any of those things. I’m… I’m asexual. And aromantic.” 
Sirius blinks. He takes this in. He nods. 
He says something that, in fifteen years, he will look back on and want to dunk his head in very cold water for. “But… James.”
“James.” Regulus nods, sighing heavily. “James is different. I don’t know how to explain it—I don’t love him anymore. But… I did. I used to. And I haven’t felt like that about anyone else, well, ever. Yeah.”
Before Sirius can say anything, Regulus starts talking again. “It’s like—what was it you used to say? In high school? ‘Having a crush on James Potter doesn’t make you gay. It makes you human.’ I loved James, but that doesn’t make me allo. Make sense?”
“Yeah. Wait, actually, one thing—so, James is the only person you’re ever loved? Romantically?” 
“Uh huh.”
“And you told him this?”
Regulus brings his hands up, covering his face. “I know. It was a mistake, okay? I should have known it would only inflate his ego even more. I feel like an idiot.”
“Yeah, because you are an idiot.” Sirius reaches over, swatting them on the shoulder. “But at least you’re not as big of an idiot as the guy who knowingly and willingly flirted with his ex today.”
“Mm hmm. But that’s a story for another time.” Smirking, Sirius glances over his shoulder before beginning to walk backwards out of the room. 
“You fucker!” 
Reg chases him all the (admittedly very short) way back to where James is sprawled on the couch, clearly making good use of his friends’ absence. Finally, Sirius can see what’s playing on the TV—it’s Ocean’s Eleven, and it’s already at least a good half hour in. He and Regulus look at each other, identical smirks etched onto their faces. Together, they jump, and James yelps. 
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Regulus tells him jokingly, and there comes a muffled groan from where James’s face is smashed into the pillows. 
Sirius makes sure that James can actually breathe before he starts to make himself comfortable. He’s perched on the small of James’s back; Regulus is settled in the gap between James’s feet. 
“Is this really,” James laments, “how you want to treat your best friend?”
“Yes,” Sirius says, and smothers a laugh. 
“And you, Reggie—have you no respect for the love of your life?”
Regulus pretends to think for a moment, then, “No,” they say. 
The muscles in James’s back tense suddenly, but Sirius doesn’t think much of it. He should, really, because barely an instant later, James heaves himself over, tipping both Black brothers onto the floor. 
“Ouch,” Sirius says, pouting. “My ass hurts.”
Regulus has an unbelievably shit-eating grin on their face. “Loser.” 
“I thought you were on my side!”
“I’m on no one’s side but my own.” 
This is a mistake, and Regulus knows it. His eyes widen when James and Sirius look at each other, nodding, and lunge forward. There is only one weakness to Regulus Arcturus Black, and the two of them know it better than anyone else in the world. 
Because Regulus may be coolly confident with a sharp sense of humour, but they are also extremely ticklish. Their shrieks and laughs are interrupted by the occasional ‘No!’ or ‘Mercy!,’ but it does nothing to quench Sirius and James’s combined ruthlessness. They are unstoppable, and Regulus can do nothing to beat them. 
George Clooney is shouting about something onscreen, but the three young men tussling pay him no mind. The movie plays on, forgotten, and Sirius lets himself forget—just for a moment—that Remus or heartbreak or that fucking writing class exist at all. 
“So,” James says through a mouthful of chow mein, “How was the class?”
“It was good.”
Regulus raises an eyebrow. “‘Good?’ You sound like a kid coming home from school to overly inquisitive parents.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’d know all about that.” 
“Fuck off, they didn’t talk to you, either.”’
“Go on, Sirius,” James breaks in. “How was it?”
“It was better than last week, at least. Worse, too, I guess, but then it was better.”
He’s glad for the excuse to. He needs to talk to someone, and therapy’s an obvious no because he doesn’t have the money and also he has a bad track record of scaring therapists away on the first session, so James and Regulus are kind of the only options. (He’s not kidding anyone. He’s been dying to tell the two of them, specifically, for like forever, but Regulus hasn’t visited in ages.) “Well, I found out why Remus broke up with me. And then I met up with his friends at Frankie’s, and apparently they’re my friends now, too, which is cool, because at the moment my only friends are, well, you guys. Oh, and I helped set Marlene up with a girl.” 
There is a pause as both Regulus and James look at him, taking in this information. “Okay,” James says. “Do I want you to tell me more?”
Sirius pokes at his rice with one chopstick. “I dunno.”
“I—um—you mentioned you made some new friends?” continues James. Regulus stifles a laugh, and Sirius has to admit that the phrase ‘make some new friends’ sounds more fitting for a conversation with a grade three than a university student. “What are they like?” 
“Well, there’s Dorcas—the one who’s into Marlene—and she’s, like, the most extroverted extrovert to ever extrovert. Then there’s Frank, who doesn’t talk much, and Mary, who talks even less, but Mary’s got dyed hair so she’s all right, I guess. Alice is pretty cool, too, and then there’s Lily, who’s pretty but terrifying. Oh, and Fabian, who seems to be allergic to not being a nice person, and Caradoc, who I’m almost positive is related to Angelia Jolie because his cheekbones are just that sharp. And Remus, of course, but I’m sure I’ve told you guys enough about him to last a lifetime.” 
When he’s met by only silence, he scrambles for something to say. “They all strike me as the kind of people who would wear ‘gay rights’ t-shirts unironically, which is sort of my only prerequisite when it comes to friendship. Our resident emo not included, of course, because I would never want to force them into anything that isn’t some sort of My Chemical Romance merchandise.”
Regulus looks down at the shirt he’s currently wearing—it’s got the American Beauty/American Psycho album cover on the front—and then back up at Sirius. “Actually, this is Fall Out Boy.”
“Same difference.”
“How dare you.” 
Laughing, James spears another piece of broccoli and gestures with it between the two of them. “Reg, you can’t exactly blame him for his ignorance around your obsolete music tastes.”
“Says the guy who listens to the fucking Monkees—” 
“Fuck off! The Monkees were an icon; a legend—”
“The Monkees are trash.” 
“You’re trash!”
“Whoa, there,” Sirius breaks in. “I dodged a bullet when my only two friends in the world had a friendly breakup instead of an unfriendly one, and the last thing I want is to find out that that bullet is actually a boomerang.” 
Regulus groans. “Okay, first of all, we’ve always spent like fifty percent of our time arguing about music, even while we were dating—which you’d know if you hadn’t started avoiding the two of us like the plague the instant we got together.”
“Shots fired,” James says under his breath, but he’s immediately silenced by a glare from Regulus. 
“Secondly—and more importantly—if you ever make another analogy remotely like that one, I will hurt you. Are we clear?”
“Crystal,” Sirius assures them, but he’s struggling to hold back laughter. 
There’s a pause, and then Regulus crosses his arms, pouting. “What?” 
“You’re laughing.”
“Because you’re funny.”
“I’m not funny!”
“You’re cute.”
“I am not cute!”
“Yes, you are!”
Regulus turns on James once more. “James, am I cute?” Clearly, they think better of this, because they quickly add, “Wait, no, don’t answer that.”
“See, you’re cute! And you know it!”
“I give up!”
Sirius sits back in his chair. “You’ve lost, Reg. Admit it. And then get me a fortune cookie.”
“All right. Fine. I’ve lost. But I hope your fortune cookie tells you you’re going to get struck by lightning tomorrow.”
“Sweet; maybe I’ll get cool powers.”
“It doesn’t work like that, moron.”  
“Whatever you say.” 
For a moment, he thinks he’ll have to get the fortune cookies himself, because Reg isn’t going to, but then his little brother stands up and reaches into the brown paper bag on the counter. “Here,” they say, tossing the cookie at Sirius’s head. 
James gets a cookie, too, but his is placed on the table in front of him, not at all a threat to his health, well-being, and quite possibly his life. Sirius points this out, labeling it ‘favouritism,’ but Regulus only takes a bite of his cookie and calls him dramatic. 
“You first,” James says, nodding at Regulus, causing Sirius to gasp in betrayal. The other two pay him no mind, however, and Regulus clears his throat. 
“You will,” they say, “come into fair fortune or good will in the near future.” 
Almost immediately, James starts clapping. It’s tradition—after a fortune cookie reading comes the raucous applause. For them, it’s half the fun of ordering Chinese food. 
“All right, my turn.” James squints at the slip of paper in his hands. He holds it up to the light, and then, “Something will happen soon that will change how you look at the world.”
This time, Sirius and Regulus know to wait before they applaud. James always adds something funny after his fortunes, and they’re curious to see what it is he’ll come up with this time. 
“What,” he says, after a brief moment of thought, “will my glasses prescription change or something?”
Sirius looks at Regulus, and they both laugh as they clap. It’s cheesy, entirely too predictable, and basically the most James thing possible. Neither of them knows what really caused them to want to befriend James all those years ago in—oh fuck, it was grade four, wasn’t it?—but it sure as hell wasn’t his sense of humour. 
“Sirius?” It’s said like a question, and Sirius is quick to answer. “On it, Reg,” he says, and breaks his cookie in half with both hands. (Well, he says ‘half;’ it’s really more like a quarter and then the other three.)
He reads out his lucky numbers first, without even looking at the fortune itself—that’s his tradition; he’s the only one of the three of them who does it. “Three, thirteen, seventeen, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, forty.” 
“Isn’t that, like, the fifth time in a row you’ve gotten thirteen?” Regulus says. “That’s gotta mean something.”
“Shut up,” Sirius tells them, and finally he lets his eyes find the tiny lettering that is his fortune. 
Without letting himself hear the words in his head first, he reads them out loud. “You have forgiven easily in the past; it is time to do so again.”
There’s a silence. What is this? It’s not a fortune; it’s a statement. Advice, maybe, but even that’s stretching it a little.
“Well.” James says, and claps, Regulus following quickly after, but Sirius can tell it’s strained. They’re all obviously thinking about the same thing—Remus. 
Somewhere in his head, he knows that this doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It’s a fortune cookie, after all—what does it know? But… maybe it does mean something. He’s not sure which he’s hoping for. 
Seemingly just for something to say, James asks, “Don’t you have rehearsal tonight?”
Sirius is, in a way, glad for the excuse to stand up. “Yeah,” he says, “at seven-thirty—which is twenty minutes from now—so I should probably get going.”
“Probably,” agrees Regulus, as they begin to clear the table. “Need a ride?”
“Nah, I can take the bus,” Sirius begins, and then stops. “Wait, why are you offering? You don’t have a car.”
“Reg, is there something you aren’t telling me?” 
“You have a car?”
“I mean, technically it’s a rental, so no, but—”
“Whatever.” Sirius doesn’t need to hear any more. “Yes, please, take me to rehearsal.”
James makes a noise of protest. “What, and leave me here alone?” 
“Yes, James; you can survive on your own. You’re an adult.”
“I don’t feel like one.”
“Or act like one,” Sirius adds under his breath, which earns him a definitive not helping look from Regulus. 
“You’ll be fine as long as you don’t burn the house down. Goodbye.”
Sirius grabs his script and his blue hoodie with the picture of a rubber duck on it from his bedroom, and when he walks back through the kitchen to the front door, Regulus looks him up and down once and hands him his backpack. 
The only sound that accompanies their walk down the hall and subsequent elevator ride is the faint jingling of the key ring in Regulus’s hand. It’s not until they’re in the car and pulling out of the parking lot that Regulus says, “And you’re all right with this?”
“All right with what?”
“Me being… you know.”
“A total asshole? No. Aroace? Yeah, of course. I’m your brother. I’m here for you, Reg.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
(Sirius ignores the ‘I guess.’) “Is James cool about it? Because if he isn’t, I’ll kick his ass.”
“No, he’s fine. He’s great. He made a couple jokes about himself having raised my expectations so much I could never be with anyone else, but that’s just James.” 
“That’s just James,” Sirius repeats. “And you know that you can always talk to me, right? If anyone tries to mess with your head?”
“Yeah. Now, enough about me. Let’s talk about the guy who ‘knowingly and willingly flirted with his ex’ earlier.”
Damn. He’s hoped Regulus had forgotten about that. 
For a moment, Sirius is trapped between the want to stubbornly refuse and the need to actually talk about his feelings. He settles on the latter, but not until they’re close enough to the rec centre where rehearsals are held that he knows he can hop out of the car and walk the rest of the way if need be. “He’s just… he’s everything, you know?
“And I know that he doesn’t want to get back together, and I know that we really shouldn’t even if he did. But he’s Remus. And I’m constantly flip-flopping back and forth between wanting to be his friend because we’ll never be anything more than that, and…”
“And what?”
“Being so in love with him it hurts.”
Regulus glances away from the road ahead for a split second, eyes flickering over Sirius's face, their expression unreadable. “Sounds like a you problem,” they say finally. 
“Not helping.”
“I just—my eyes basically turn to hearts whenever I look at him, but it also hurts, you know? Because he broke up with me, obviously, but also because today I found out that the reason he broke up with me was that he kissed someone else, so obviously that’s kind of shitty, and I don’t know how to feel about any of this because he’s basically the nicest person in the world, and can one mistake really change who a person is? But he also hasn’t tried to make up or anything, and we’re apparently pretending we’ve never met, and did I mention he’s got a fucking tattoo of the Sirius constellation that he never told me about, and… this is my stop.”
Regulus pulls over, wincing a little as the tire grates against the curb, and then turns to meet Sirius’s gaze. “So, it sounds like you’re not in a great place right now,” he says. “And I get that. You know this goes both ways, right? You can always talk to me, too.”
“I know. Love you.” He grabs his backpack, making sure it’s got everything he needs in it—phone, script, highlighter and pencil for notes and directions, bottle of red Gatorade—and closes the door. 
The window rolls down slightly, and Sirius watches his own reflection disappear with it and be replaced by his brother’s faint smile. “Love you, too,” Regulus says, and then he is gone.
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
Just a Beta : How long?
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Pairing : Past!Alpha!Sam x Beta!Reader, Beta!Dean x Reader.
Word count :   1,756
Warnings : Time jump of approx 2 1/2 years. Pissed Alpha!Sam, but also hurt, sad and guilty Sam. 
Masterlist • Patreon.
Part 7 of Just a Beta.
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Sam’s brows were furrowed together as he looked at the map on his screen. “Sam? Still there?” Jody’s voice pulled him back.
“Yeah, I’m still here. It’ll take a bit for us to get to you, I’m going to have to go pick up Dean.”
“Pick him up? Where is he?”
Sam shrugged as he sat back in his chair. “Visiting some girl he’s been seeing.”
“Dean has a girlfriend? Who is it?”
“No clue. Came back one day like two years ago and had a mating mark on him.”
“Two years and you don’t know who she is?”
“Won’t let me meet her. But I guess I’m about to find out.” His eyes were still on the map that showed the location of his brother's phone. “I’ll give you a call when we’re on our way.”
“Sure thing. Thanks, Sam. Really need your help on this one.”
“See you soon, Jody.” Sam hung up his phone and leaned in again as he put it down. “Who the hell do I know who lives there?”
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He expected an apartment. A bungalow style house at best, but this? This was two stories, with a well tended front yard in a half decent neighborhood. There was a school a few streets down and everything. What the hell was Dean doing here?
Sam looked at the Impala in the driveway as he made his way towards the front door and rang the bell. He heard movement inside and a moment later the door opened, the sound of music spilled out and Dean looked surprised. “Sammy? How’d you-”
“Find my device.” Sam answered before Dean could even finish the question. He saw his brother awkwardly look back into the house before taking a step closer to being outside.
“What’s up?”
“Jody called. Her and Donna are dealing with a little something out of their league, called us, only it was just me so I had to hunt you down first. What are you hiding, Dean?”
“Nothing.” Dean's face took on a look of offence for a second, and Sam gave him the look, the one he always gave his older brother when he tried to bullshit him. “I’m not. I’ll pack up and be out in a bit. Give me like ten minutes. Good?”
Sam rolled his eyes with a nod, annoyed that he was here and Dean still wasn’t opening up about whoever the hell he’d been seeing. He was making a mental note to not let him get away with it this time, to use the long car ride to Jody’s to have a chat with his older brother. But when Dean took a step back to head inside, he heard some faint singing start up from inside, and a slight moment of fear flashed across Dean's face as recognition hit.
“Sam-” Dean put his hand up to stop him, but Sam’s jaw clenched. “Sam, wait- wait!”
Sam shoved past his brother and moved through the house. He didn’t look at the pictures on the walls, he didn’t glance around in the slightest, he just followed the sound of the voice as anger built in him. He recognized it now, your scent, it was everywhere. The faint scent he’d smelt on Dean a million damn times over the last few years, it made sense. It was different but the undertones had been so familiar to him, because it was you. You’d tried to change your scent, or Dean had tried to cover it, but here, it was all you. It had the hair on his arms standing on end as he got closer.
And then he saw you, totally unaware of his presence in your home for the moment, but it wouldn’t last. You’d smell him soon, just like he could smell you, an Alpha intruder in your happy little home. You looked good,  you looked happy, dancing and singing along with the music as you worked at the counter with your back to him. He could feel his heart ache at the sight and sound of it. He’d missed you.
Before you could see him, he turned and stormed back out, past his brother without a word and left a home he obviously wasn’t welcome in.
“Don’t-” Sam warned, knowing Dean was following him down the walkway towards the car. He was angry. He was angry that this was how he found out. That rather than just fucking talk to him, he’d had to find out like this.
“Sammy, please, just-” Dean reached out for him and Sam turned, grabbing his older brother and slamming him against the car.
“How long?” Dean didn’t answer, he just stared up as his brother. “How fucking long, Dean? Has it been her this whole fucking time? Since she left me? Before she left me?”
“No, I ran into her in that coffee shop last time we were in town here, I-”
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me!?” he screamed, giving Dean another shove. “You knew how bad I was when she left. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me!?”
“I couldn’t.”
“Because I asked him not to.” Sam turned, and you were watching him wide eyed from the top of the walkway. “I asked him not to because I was scared.”
“Scared of what?” he snapped.
“Scared of you, Sam. I was so scared of seeing you.” You watched as he let Dean go, trying to let go of some of his anger as Dean took two steps to put himself between the two of you. “I saw you, in a coffee shop here in town, and I hid. I hid behind the door, and you stopped right in front of it because you smelt me and I was so fucking scared. Dean showed up on my doorstep later the same day.”
“I’d never hurt you. You know I’d never hurt you, so why were you so scared?”
“But you always hurt me, that’s why I left, remember? Because I was hurting and you weren’t seeing it.”
“You could have talked to me. One of you could have fucking talked to me.”
“I couldn’t, not then. I still loved you.” There was so much pain in your eyes as you looked at him, all the pain of the past coming back. “You’d remind me of the good times, and then I’d be right back where I started because nothing would have changed. I’m still a Beta and you're still an Alpha. Even now, it still hurts. I smelt you in the kitchen and I felt it in my heart, and I got fucking scared.”
Sam moved closer, regret and pain in his eyes. He stepped past his brother and reached out, hand cupping your cheek. “I wish you would have just talked to me, told me. I missed you, so fucking much. I tried to find you at first, but it was obvious you didn’t want to be found so I just hoped that you weren’t dead in a ditch somewhere alone. That maybe you’d gotten out of the life, found someone who could love you right and were happy.”
“I am happy.” You smiled sadly at him. “I have everything I dreamed here. I’m not just some Beta anymore. I’m his Beta, and he’s mine.” Sam closed his eyes at that, a sad nod as his hand fell away. “We’ve got pups.” Sam's eyes shot open at that. “You have a niece.” you smiled proudly at him. “She’s napping right now, but if you want, you can stay and meet her.”
“You- you have a kid?” he looked from you to Dean who gave him a small nod.
“Kids. Another on the way.” he looked back to you, and down at your stomach as you ran a hand down the small bump that was unnoticeable until you smoothed the shirt along it. “We didn’t hide from you to hurt you, Sam. I just couldn’t face you, I wasn’t ready. But I might be ready now.”
“We uh- we’ve got a case..” Sam muttered quietly. “Jody called, needs us. It’s why I came.”
“Okay.” you gave him an understanding nod. “Gives us both time to process. If you want to talk afterwards, though, meet your niece, I’ll be here. I’ll always be here.”
“I’m going to pack my bag.” Dean’s voice was gentle and low, and directed at you both as he started for the house, leaning in and kissing your temple before walking inside.
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too, Sam.”
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Dean was driving down the stretch of empty back road, and had been for hours without a word coming from the passenger side of the Impala. “So what’s this case?” he tried. Minutes ticked by without an answer as Sam just stared out the window. “Look, Sammy, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you it was her. Or that I have kids-”
“I get it, Dean. Really, I do. I fucked up so bad that I got shut out. I don’t deserve to know anything about her life, I’m certainly not entitled to it.”
“You’re my brother. You deserved to know about mine.”
“It’s fine. Really. I just- I just need to get used to the idea that she’s yours now.” Dean nodded and left his brother to quietly stare out the window. He was surprised when Sam spoke again. “What’s her name? My niece, what’s her name?”
Dean smiled wide with pride. “Ava. Her name is Ava, and she’s so fucking beautiful, Sammy. She’s gonna be two soon.” He glanced over to Sam. “She’s got me wrapped around her little finger, I can’t say no to her.” he chuckled, looking back out over the road.
“Do you know what the next one is?”
“Not yet. Maybe next month we’ll find out. Or maybe we’ll let it be a surprise this time. Who knows what the wife has planned.”
“Wife.” Sam repeated the word, and though Dean had said it like it was the sweetest of words, it left a bitter taste in Sam’s mouth. You were Dean’s wife. Dean glanced over at him, but Sam schooled his face and shifted how he sat. “Were you there for the birth at least?”
“A day late.” Dean sighed, glancing out his side window at passing trees for a second.  “But I’m home every damn chance I get.” Sam nodded at that and looked down to his feet. “I really am sorry, Sammy.”
Sam looked up to find Dean watching him again. “Yeah. Me too.”
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Tagging :  Just a Beta - @vicmc624​ @lovelyrocker​
Dean - @akshi8278​  @adoptdontshoppets​   @evyiione​ @karikatz12481​ @idksupernatural​
Sam -  @evyiione​
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis @flamencodiva  @deanandsamsbitch​  @deans-baby-momma​  @thebescht​ @67-chevy-baby​ @supraveng​   @musiclovinchic93​ @holyfuckloueh​  @ksgeekgirl​   @hobby27​ @maddiepants​  @roxyspearing​ @onethirstyunicorn​    @fandom-princess-forevermore​     @kalesrebellion​   @deanwanddamons​
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authorized-trash · 4 years
To Tie a Knot: Chapter 6: What Do You Mean The Hotel Room Only Has One Bed?
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
Content Warnings:
Self deprecation, elusion to character death, a character assumes another character is dead, tell me if i need to add more
Chapter Summary:
God, Damian is so GAY
Word Count:
What is that saying? Calm before the storm? Because that would be an accurate description of this chapter.
Rain began to pitter-patter on the windowsill. The crystal drops dripped down the glass, seemingly racing as they ran into each other, marking patterns as they went.
A flash of lightning followed by thunder rocked the coffee shop, lighting up the inside with a bright white light. The customers continued chatting, unbothered. One lonely college student looked out the window with longing, watching the outside world grow damp.
A draft from a cracked-open door caused a few of the hanging plants to sway, and one couple got up and moved to a different table due to the rain beginning to get in and making wet spots on their jackets.
A booth in the far back corner held a man dressed semi-formally, his hands hidden inside yellow gloves. His light hazel eyes would normally be hidden behind the brim of his hat, but as of now they were wide, staring in shock at another man who had approached the table with his friend.
The barista washed the front counter, looking outside to see no one approaching the small, family owned coffee shop. They walked to the back, near the kitchen. It was, again, a very small establishment, so they were the only one working. It was growing kind of late now and business was slowing.
The barista took out their phone, and dialed their brother, thinking now would be an alright chance to check in.
The phone rang for a few seconds, and just as they were going to hang up and try again later, their brother picked up.
“Hey Elliot,” their brother greeted, and the barista, Elliot, smiled.
“Wassup Virge, just thought I’d check in and say hi, it’s been a few days.”
“So it has. I’m doing fine, as usual. Some weird… uh… stuff as happened, but other than that I’m as dandy as a dandelion.”
Elliot laughed, shaking their head, “Uh huh, and when have you ever said anything like ‘dandy as a dandelion’? Seriously Virgil, what’s up? What happened?”
“You won’t believe me.”
“Try me.”
“I have another soulmate.”
Elliot gave a long and low whistle, “Another? How does that even work?”
“Who knows, a new string just appeared the other day, we sent Logan to go and find them, haven’t heard any news yet.”
“That’s rough buddy,” Elliot said. Virgil laughed loudly.
“Yeah well, we’re expecting a call from Logan soon.”
“So wait, a whole ‘nother string just appeared out of nowhere, twenty years into your life?”
“Uh huh. We’re all in this state of shock, I guess.”
“I would be. Well, it seems like you got your hands full, then. I’ll get off here and leave you and your boyfriends to it. Oh! Wait, by the way, have you done it yet?”
“Yeah, you know, the thing. With the rings.”
“Uh, no, not yet. We just got a new soulmate, it’s safe to say I’m holding off for awhile,” Virgil gave an awkward laugh on the other side of the line.
“Ha, yeah that would make sense. So wh-” Elliot was cut off by a ding from the register, and quickly said into the phone, “Oh hold on Virge, I got a customer. I lied, stay there, I’m not hanging up yet.”
Their brother laughed nervously, but said okay and stayed on the line.
Elliot took the person’s order. It was a sweet looking little old lady. She nodded as she took her drink, before slowly making her way back to a seat.
Elliot raised the phone back up to their ear, but paused before saying anything.
“Hey, Virgil?” They asked, bewildered.
“What? You getting robbed or something?”
“Uhm no, Logan is here.”
“Wait really? What is he doing? Wait no, don't answer that I sound like a stalker.”
Elliot laughed, “He’s talking to another customer. Huh, I don’t see the sunglasses guy from earlier, it’s just them.”
“Another customer? Logan doesn’t talk to people, what does this person look like?” Virgil was sounding a little frantic. There was what sounded like a scuffle over the line, and suddenly there was another voice.
“You have found my beloved!” Shouted Roman into the phone, peaking the microphone and causing Elliot to take the phone away from their ear a bit.
“Yeah it’s definitely Logan. The other person- uh, I assume they’re male but I’m not taking any chances, looks pretty put together. Hat, gloves, oh! And they have a scar on the left side of their face.”
“And what does Logan look like?” Said a third voice, and Elliot knew this was Patton.
“Like Logan.”
“No you piece of shit, what is he doing?” Virgil snapped, and Elliot smirked at pissing their brother off.
“He looks… pretty smitten, actually.”
“It’s them! He found them!” There was a loud thump.
“Roman! Jesus, you didn’t need to eject yourself from the couch!” Patton exclaimed, and Elliot assumed he had jumped down to help his soulmate.
“Should I go talk to them?” Elliot asked, a little confused about what he should do at this point.
“Just finish your shift and let them talk, we’ll meet them soon enough it sounds like,” Virgil’s voice caught, and Elliot got the impression that he was excited.
“Alright, should I leave you guys to freak out in peace? I got more customers coming in and don’t feel like being fired for being on my phone too long.”
“Yeah alright, fine, bye,” Virgil hung up abruptly, and Elliot shook their head fondly, expecting no less of his sibling.
They looked up at Logan who was still chatting with what seemed to be their new soulmate, and smiled.
He was happy for them.
Damian was sure he had stars in his eyes as he stared into the other man’s blue eyes. He was gorgeous. He was tall, lean, and had a smattering of freckles across pale skin. His hair was a dusty blonde, and sharp, square glasses sat on his nose. As cliche as it was, Damian found himself lost in his eyes, a pretty crystalline blue behind thick lashes.
Remy cleared his throat, giving Damian a pointed look.
Damian gave a bright smile, fighting the urge to run, and stood up. He stretched out his hand to shake the other man’s.
“Hello, my name is Damian J. Lyer, and yours is?” He asked coolly with a flourish of his hand. The other man took it, nodding as he greeted him back.
“Logan Barry, pleased to meet you. Really pleased, in fact.”
Damian gestured for Logan to sit across from him, just as Remy took a few steps back.
“You know what? I’m going to go sit in the car and talk to my own babe, you lovebirds have fun,” Remy said as he turned and left, taking his too-sweet coffee with him.
Damian gulped as he watched him go, turning back to face Logan.
“Well, Logan, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself? A few moments ago all I knew was your fatestring was the loveliest shade of indigo,” Damian said as he gave a wink, clasping his hands together on the table.
Logan’s face heated up, “Yes of course. I attend college at a town close to here, where I live with my- er- our three other soulmates.”
“Uh huh, and what are their names? Surely they’re just as pretty to the ear as ‘Logan’,” Damian decided he wasn’t going to think too hard about Logan referring to his soulmates as his as well, he wasn’t quite ready to face that truth yet.
“Oh, they are. Patton, Roman, and Virgil, all male,” Logan responded, ignoring the fact that he seemed to turn another shade of darker red at the compliments.
Damian nodded, his little gay heart pounding. All male, awesome. That was- wow, his brain was short circuiting. He had always hoped his soulmate would be male, and it looked like he hit the jackpot.
That awful gnawing feeling of guilt began to chew at his stomach again. 
Look at him, talking with a replacement soulmate. His original soulmate was probably looking down on him, angry. Perhaps sad. Disappointed. Disgus-
“Are you alright?” Logan asked, moving to place a hand on top of Damian’s. Damian’s face immediately flushed a deep crimson, and they both paused to stay at their hands for a second, before both of them took them off the table and placed them in their laps.
“Of course, what gave you the idea that I wasn’t?” Damian asked, giving another dashing smile to hide his growing pain.
“You were looking off into nothing, I grew worried, and therefore asked if there was an issue.”
“Nope,” Damian responded, perhaps a bit too fast and high, “Why don’t you tell me more about your soulmates?”
Logan frowned, “Ours,” he corrected, before continuing all the same, “And alright. Patton is a baker, very soft and sweet. Roman is an actor, loud, dramatic, and infuriating. He is very fun to argue with. In a healthy way, of course.”
“Of course,” Damian repeated, nodding. He completely understood the whole ‘fun to argue with in a healthy way’ kind of thing, he and Remy did it all the time.
“Finally, there is Virgil. He’s quiet, keeps to himself a lot of the time. Roman describes him as “ridiculously emo.””
Fuck, a theatre kid, a nerd, a kind baker, and an emo? Oh ho ho, Damian’s head was spinning, they were checking all of his standards boxes, shit.
“They sound exquisite,” Damian responded, smiling softly. Logan nodded.
“They really are. They are excited to meet you, you know.”
“Really?” Damian said, eyes brightening a bit, “I thought you- you know what? Nevermind.”
“No, don’t cut yourself off, you thought what?” Logan sat forward in his seat, suddenly appearing worried.
Damian slumped, “Well, I thought you wouldn’t like me… intruding, on your relationship.”
Logan looked at Damian. Really looked. He observed his posture, the way his hands seemed to tremble ever so slightly, and the way he was avoiding eye contact. He looked at him, and saw past the facade of a man who was confident in himself.
He saw how small Damian looked just then, curling in on himself. A swell of emotion (ugh) welled up in his chest, and right then and there he swore to himself that he would protect this man for the rest of his life.
“No, Damian. I must admit we were all taken by surprise when the string appeared a few days ago, however, it never even crossed our minds that you were an intruder. We aren’t looking at it like you’re intruding, but being added,” Logan assured him, his voice soft. Damian looked at him with glassy eyes and sniffed, giving an attempt at a smile.
“You’re cute when you’re not so serious,” Damian responded. Logan sat back in his seat and straightened his tie.
“I am not cute, and I am always serious, I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Damian laughed, eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Uh huh, sure Specs,” he said, snickering behind his hand. He wiped his eyes with a gloved hand, clearing away the tears that were both from near crying and laughter. 
“Thanks, by the way, I needed to hear that,” he added under his breath. The affirmation helped clear his thoughts a little, but the gnawing guilt was still there and still present, if a little lessened. If only Logan could say something that would make him feel less awful about replacing his last soulmate.
Logan inclined his head in response.
“Well, Damian, it is getting late. I must ask if you would like to come with me to meet with our soulmates.”
Damian felt a swell of anticipation, “Why not?” He replied.
A loud crack of thunder shook the little coffee shop.
Logan blinked, a bit startled. He fixed his glasses.
“It seems that it will be storming most of the night. I did book a room at a hotel nearby to stay in, if you would like to accompany me there.”
Damian nodded perhaps a bit too quickly. He stood up from the booth, heading towards the door.
“Yeah, let me just go tell Remy I’ll be going with you tonight.”
He went outside, wincing as the cold rain hit him. He half jogged out to Remy’s car, sliding into the passenger seat. Remy looked up from his phone.
“How’d it go? You seem to be in a hurry, babes.”
“I’m leaving with him.”
“You’re what?!”
“I’m leaving. With him.” Damian repeated, breathless as he leaned his head against the passenger seat.
“Isn’t it a little early to like… ya know, ‘do the do’? You met him twenty minutes ago babes. Like, no judgement, but I thought you were-”
Remy shut up as Damian smacked him in the back of the head.
“No you bird brain. I’m going with him to meet the others.”
“Oh. Oh shit! Fucking get some DJ, I’m proud of you. Now get out of my car and go meet the loves of your life.”
Damian nodded and left the car, ignoring how that comment made him feel like dirt as he closed the car door.
The ride to the hotel was not even fifteen minutes. The silence was right on that line of comfortable and awkward. Logan had asked if Damian listened to music in the car, and Damian shook his head no.
“Sometimes, but normally only when I’m going to be in a car for longer than thirteen minutes.”
Logan chuckled, “Well, I can’t be in a car for three minutes with Roman before he has some Disney song playing as loud as possible, belting out the lyrics.”
“I take it he’s good at singing?”
“Oh, he’s the best,” Logan said, passionately, “He could outshine most broadway stars in my opinion.”
Damian nodded, falling silent. 
That was the last thing said before they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel building.
Logan signed it at the front desk, and Damian just followed him. They took the stairs to their room, Damian didn’t have anything to carry and Logan simply had a backpack with him.
It wasn’t until they had made it to their room that Logan seemed to remember one small, minor detail.
“There’s only one bed.”
Damian barked out a laugh, “You’re kidding, right?” He had read his fair share of fanfiction in his life, he knew where this was going.
“Why would I kid? I wasn’t expecting to meet you so soon, and didn’t think ahead to get a room with an extra bed,” Logan said, running a hand through his hair.
“Listen, it’s fine, I’ll sleep in a chair.”
“Absolutely not!”
“Oh? Would you rather me sleep in the bathtub, then?” Damian said. Logan looked at him as he sat his bag onto the single bed in the room.
“Preposterous. You will simply have to sleep in the bed with me. If you are alright with that, of course,” Logan said, fixing his glasses that had slid down his nose.
“You offered,” Damian shrugged, ignoring the way his gay brain was absolutely screaming at him to shut up and just sleep on the floor.
“That I did,” Logan said with a small smile.
The two of them both went about their business. Logan brushed his teeth and took a shower while Damian went down to the lobby to purchase his own essentials he would need to stay the night. Or nights, if all went well tomorrow.
By the time they were both done, Logan was sitting at the end of the bed. Damian didn’t have anything to sleep in and Logan hadn’t brought any kind of extra pajamas so he had just unbuttoned a few buttons on his top and stripped to his boxers.
Logan averted his eyes when Damian entered the room, desperately trying to pretend like he didn’t know his face was firetruck red.
They had to admit, crawling into the bed was honestly really fucking awkward, but both were so exhausted neither commented. 
There was only one bed, but it was large enough that if they faced away from each other, they could pretend the other wasn’t there.
Of course, like all good sharing-the-singular-bed stories go, they ended up tangled together when they woke up.
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softangstywriter · 5 years
• "Those bright eyes of his... They scare me"
I remember him so well. Too well. More than I want to, honestly. If I close my eyes, I can see him with such utterly small details that it gives me shivers, shivers out of sheer guilt. He was the softest thing ever, most precious, innocent cinnamon roll. He had the sweetest voice, calmest attitude, respectful posture, everything you see in these cliché perfect precious boys in generic movies. Usually the one who gets called a nerd and a "kick me" note on the back of a old hoodie.
And he was the weakest person I've ever met on my life. He had the loudest cry, the thinner arms, clumsiest manner, perfect to punch. He was a slow runner, a coward at his best. He never replied when we offended and laughed at him. He cried like a stupid baby when some of us burned or ripped his notebooks full of hero entries he studied so hard to finish. He never hit back when ''some of us'' almost made him deaf by making explosions way too close to his soft baby ears and making he throb in pain. He didn't care about the bullying, since a long time ago, and that drove me nuts. Who that jerk tought he was to act so goddamn cool?
It started pretty early, being honest. At the start it was just a ridiculous joke, as we were little kids who might just have started to discover who they are. Or who they aren't. We blasted. We flew. We had tails. We had crazy body parts, cool abilities, weird stuff going on. He had nothing. He just had his puffy cheeks, his weirdly symmetrical freckles, his scaredy cat green eyes and that messy dark olive hair.
So bad I'll never see these things again.
Time flew, of course, and when we realized, it was a sick, dizzy endless spiral of offenses, threats, awful bruises, adult negligence and even worse. We were both pathetically weak, we still are, but he made me feel powerful. He made me feel like I had control over his life. He was submissive because of all the pressure and harm I had put on his shoulders and didn't even realize. And yet, he still called me a friend. We had a really distorced vision of what friendship was, and we couldn't do nothing about it.
At least I couldn't. Not in time.
Despite all my obsession with heroes and being so fucking heroic, I was too blind to save him. I was such a coward... Such a villain.
Of course, there is always the high point. The apogee. In my case, the lowest blow I could ever think of blowing. And the worst part, I tought I was absolutely right, until it was too late to come back.
This day, he said he wanted to apply to U.A. we made such fun of him this day. We blew our limits shamelessly. It was so ridiculous! He didn't have a quirk, how would he go to U.A? What a joke! He was so naive. I took another of his notebooks, seeing the unbelief show in his eyes the millionth time. He tried to get it back, but I was at least ten inches taller than him, it was easy to mock that little poor soul. My hands burned the booklet and carelessly threw it from the window to the hard floor behind our hell-ish school. He stood there, hanging to look at the window, almost crying. Like the jerk he was. "Oh, come on!" I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, alongside with my 'friends' (whose I am now so disgusted of now that I don't even remember their names). "If you want to be a hero so hard, just jump off a fucking roof and see if you have a quirk in your next life!"
That was the low blow.
The look he gave me after that didn't disturb me at the time, I was too arrogant to care, but now it haunts my deepest nightmares. A look of shock, anger, lute. A look of despair, unfairness, reluctance, such a mixture of bad feelings, accumulated over so many years of oppression exploding inside him, staring directly at my soul in a way I've never seen him even trying to do, a wildness that haunted my eyes for all my years, dragging my counciousness down to an unknown path with him, forever. It's something hard to forget. Hard to overcome.
He had an accident involving a villain that day. Almost died. If it wasn't for All Might showing up at the last second, the slugde villain would've suffocated him. Ah, that was the best moment of that poor emerald's miserable life. He admired All Might so much, so much, he couldn't even believe he was being saved my his idol. By what they told me, he asked for him to sign his notebook, the same I had blown away from the window barely half an hour before. He even asked to All Might if he could be a hero even if he didn't had a quirk. He was shining.
But then, he got crushed. Appearently, All Might tought the same way as me... Or he was just being protective, knowing the struggles and dangers of being a hero, trying to keep his naive and sweet innocence safe. It didn't work. He was already suffering, and this triggered his already weak head beyond any limit. Amy humanity he had at this point was dead.
That same evening, Izuku Midoriya jumped off a roof, like I said him to. He purposely chose a building that no one looked at, just so he wouldn't get the attention for himself. It was painfully calculated, cruelly well-thought. A successful failure.
That same evening, the same criminal who attacked him almost took my life away the same way. If it wasn't All Might and some other heroes... I'd probably be in hell. In hell, like the monster I am. This day changed me forever, even when I still didn't know about Deku's fate yet. It made me rethink how I see my life. It made me appreciate it. Made me realize for once that the power I thought I had was non-existent, made me see how weak I really was. As my mom would say, I am a rat. A bastard.
Then they found his body, and my world was twisting once again. Not that I liked him. Not in the way people think I do. I just never realized how my jokes made his life a living hell. The look his mother assumed to no one specifically once she knew... It was tortuous to look at. Her painful sobs and screams, the shaking agony that exploded towards her body, the muffled, utterly sad voice as she desperately repeated the word "Izuku" a million times in a row, begging for the only thing that she loved to come back uselessly still gives me so many bad thoughts when I think about it. How could I be so cruel? How could I have ruined such a innocent woman's life like that? My own mother looking at me with a cold blooded gaze wasn't very relaxing either. She knew it was me, but she didn't even say anything about it. Just her poisonous red eyes staring at the dirtiest secrets of my soul were enough to torture me for years. She knew how to make me feel the worst kind of pain, she still knows. She plays a lot with it.
Once the controversy was over, I finally got to U.A. I owed this to both myself and Izuku. For once, I stopped offending him in my mind. Too late for apologies. I still visit his grave every year though.
I made new friends at that place. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I've met people like Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Ashido, Jirou and many more. Even the people I'm not so close to, I still try and have a nice conversation sometimes (although I'm not the most delicate person on earth), like Iida, Uraraka, Tokoyami and Aoyama; hell, I even made somewhat of a friendship with the complicated emo™ Todoroki.
But, I still feel his eyes above me every single moment. His once green, livid eyes, now dead, full of white emptiness, staring at my deepest self with wild rage. He's attached to me like a shadow, unquiet and unsettling. He's my shadow, but he don't have my spiky blonde hair, nor my sharp features. No, his uncanny softness was still still there, haunting me unhumanly, not like the boy, the victim I once knew, but a ghost determimed to chase after me sleeplessly, gazing me, keeping all my darkest secrets until I join him wherever he might be, waiting for me, planning his sweet revenge, maybe.
Those bright eyes of him...
They scare me. A lot.
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Eve of Destruction
Summary: Everyone has a past, some more honorable than others. After a mission gone wrong, Bucky has no choice but to visit one of the darkest parts of his, the only glimmer of hope being you….if only you can forgive him after all this time..
Word Count: 2038
Song Pairing: Eve of Destruction- Berry McGuire
Authors note: This will be a mini-series so if you want to be tagged just comment below! 
**if you comment or reblog my fics theres now a 110% chance I’d die for you**
     You pulled out your dagger from the body laying at your feet, “Oh fuck me”. Cleaning your favorite weapon you rubbed it against your leg, the blood not showing against your black pants. Bucky continued to hold Steve up, “Doll I had too-”.
“Don’t doll me Barnes, it’s been five years. You really think bringing pretty boy here is a good idea?”.
Sam began to get a little ancy, knowing that Steve wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer. He parted his lips to speak but Bucky narrowed his eyes, silenting telling him to not make this any worse.
     Bucky sighed, “Look, you want his blood on your hands?  You know what he means to me (y/n)”. Looking up at the sky you groaned, knowing that this was a bad idea but you had too. 
You began, “Within two seconds of you being here someone’s already tried to challenge you, and if I hadn’t been here to take em out it would’ve been your ass on the floor”.
For affect you nudged the dead body at your feet, hoping it would remind Bucky of the severity of this entire situation. He tried to answer but you continued, “You’re lucky nostalgia is a bitch..follow me and don’t say anything until we’re in my room okay?”.
Bucky nodded his head, and after you turned around he smirked. Under his breath Sam said, “If you’re wrong about this place, I’ll make sure it is your ass on the floor”. Taking a step toward he helped carry Steve, easing the weight.
The three of them were currently on a secret mission, Steve abandoning the title of Captain America and all its’ restrictions, and finally doing some dirty work. Following up on an old hydra lead from Bucky’s past had lead them here.
Hecate’s Crossroads. A safe haven for mercenaries and criminals alike, a sort of playground for the worst of the worst. In Greek mythology Hecate was a shapeshifter goddess of dark and forbade forces, it seemed only fit to name the place after her.
It hid in plain sight, what appeared to be a hotel to most was actually an oasis for those who lived on the darker side of life. It had been a second home to Bucky when he was the winter soldier, which was how he knew to bring an extremely injured Steve here.
The men followed behind you, watching you type in your six digit code to leave the back alley and enter the building, and then another four digit code to enter the elevator and go to your correct floor and room.
Sam had thought he’d seen it all, but everything he was witnessing now was completely new to him. There were your classic goons and thugs, drug pushers and dealers, but there were also people with super abilities.
If Steve hadn’t been going in and out of consciousness he would’ve been just as shocked and intrigued. After what seemed like the hundreth code the men finally entered your room, Sam shocked once again to see how nice it was.
“Do I even wanna know how you pay for this?”. The men hoisted Steve onto your huge marble kitchen countertop, an almost makeshift operating table. While beginning to get to work you teased, “Hmm let’s pretend I get paid a $100 for every confirmed kill”.
After seeing the look in Sam’s eyes while trying to do that math Bucky intervened, “She’s kidding Sam”. Sam calmed down for a moment until he watched you silently mouth “no I’m not”. He sighed and instead chose to focus on Steve.
As you rolled up your sleeves Bucky opened multiple cabinets getting various herbs and crystals, this wasn’t the first time you’d both done this. He laid them around and on top of Steve, hitting all the right areas.
You rolled your head in a circle and cracked various bones, prepping your body for what you were about to do. After closing your eyes you told Bucky, “You owe me big time James”. That was the first time Sam had ever heard anyone called Bucky by his real name, not even Steve did it.
Unfazed Bucky nodded his head and let you get to work. As you slowly began to repeat an incantation various patterns appeared on your skin and began to glow a vibrant blue. Sam marveled as he watched the same patterns appear on Steve.
The longer you spoke the more vibrant the colors became, and they also grew and expanded. Within no time Steve’s entire body was glowing, and so was yours. Bucky smiled as he looked at Sam and how amazed he was.
Bringing your hands closer together you moved your fingers, a now navy ball of energy forming between your palms. Looking to Steve again Sam saw that same ball of energy surround Steve’s heart before almost exploding and reaching every inch of Steve’s skin as it disappeared.
The room fell silent as Steve began to wake up, his eyes glowing an intense dark blue for a moment. Abruptly he sat up, just as shocked as Sam when he realized he didn’t need any recovery time.
You weren’t just any normal human, you were half terran and half something else. You didn’t know much about your mother, but your father hadn’t been lying when he’d said she’d been special.
She’d given you your powers; they were almost like a ying and yang kinda thing. You had the ability to heal just about anyone or anything, but that could just as easily shift as to inflicting an umberable amount of pain.
You past hadn’t been perfect, especially when people realized how much damage you could cause, so you refrained from using them as much as you could.
“All fixed, now get pretty boy out of here before anyone else realizes you’re back James”. Following the sound of your voice Steve turned toward you, not only wondering who the hell you were but why you’d just called Bucky by his real name.
The sound of the door beginning to unlock made everyone tense up, and once again you reached for your dagger. Quickly Steve got off of the counter and took his fighting stance between Bucky and Sam.
The door crashed open, “Honeybuns I’m home- holy fuck you didn’t tell daddypool you were bringing home America’s sweetheart and his emo boyfriend! I would’ve freshened up”. Everyone eased up when they realized it was only Wade.
Pulling off his mask Wade moaned, “God sometimes it feels like I’m trapped inside a big red condom..I know safe sex is great sex..but I’d rather let life fuck my raw”. Sighing in annoyance you left the kitchen and joined him.
“It looks like it already has”. Wade threw the nearest pillow at you, hoping to stop your laughter. He narrowed his eyes, “Laugh all you want, but I know I’m totally in your clit-flicks”.
“Did you just try to do the female version of spank-bank..what is wrong with you?”. After answering with pretty much everything, Wade jumped up from the couch and entered the kitchen.
Like a complete animal he started to rummage through the cabinets looking for food. After stuffing his mouth as soon as he could he pointed to the countertop, “I see you’ve started the virgin sacrifice without me”.
Sam genuinely laughed for the first time all day, loving the insinuation that Steve was still a virgin. You turned to Steve, “It’s nice to meet you but like I said, you guys can’t be here”.
Steve didn’t even know where here was, and as he looked to Bucky he saw an almost shameful look on his face. Sam was sold, “I’d like to listen to the scary lady, let’s go before the lights go off and we wake up without kidneys”.
“Don’t worry Tweety, we go straight for the heart around here because it’s worth the big bucks”. Wade finished his sentence with a smile before stuffing his mouth again. Bucky took a step forward, “We’ll be on our way doll, thank you”.
You didn’t know why, but you felt a pang of regret after hearing him say those words. He looked at you solemnly, and you wondered if he’d felt the same way you had. You’d both be lying if you said the first time he’d left had gone smoothly.
Before anyone could say anything, you heard the worst sound anyone could hear in Hecate’s Crossroads, the lockdown alarms sounded throughout the entire building. Knowing what that meant Bucky immediately tensed up.
“James what did I tell you? Now we’re all stuck here until he decides we can go”.
Looking around the room metal suddenly surrounded all the windows and exits, literally locking you in the building. It was part of the protocol, someone would press a button and all exits would be blocked off.
Steve grew impatient hearing you call Bucky by his real name, it wasn’t that he was jealous it was that you obviously meant something to Bucky and he’d had no idea who you were. Wade put his mask back on, “You went and pissed of the big guy, even I don’t wanna poke that bear”.
“Buck, you need to start talking”. As Bucky looked to Steve he was filled with guilt. Bucky knew that this was a huge secret to keep, but right now he couldn’t tell Steve everything. You stepped forward, “No. We all need to get suited up and find out what he wants”.
Steve’s annoyance was more visible, “Who”. Steve continued to hold Bucky’s gaze, surprised to see his friends entire expression change. Bucky opened the cabinets under the sink, happy to see that’s still where you’d stocked your weapons.
“Titan”, Bucky answered while cocking his old favorite gun that you’d somehow kept all these years. The fact that it was just a one word answer scared both Steve and Sam, as if solely his name explained how dangerous this all was.
Wade laughed almost insanely, “Oh you think we’re bad news? That guy makes Hitler look like as intimidating as one of the fucking teletubbies…Laa-Laa though not Tinky-Winky because he’s seen some shit you know?”.
Slapping Wade behind the head got him to shut right up. Steve put his emotions aside, “So, what’s the plan”. Suddenly everyone in the room looked to you, making you look up at the sky and curse again.
There was another announcement that sounded through the entire intercom, Steve thankful that all you swears were now muffled. The voice was Titan himself, something that rarely happened.
It appears someone has brought Captain America here, and no one is leaving until we find his star-spangled ass and see if he really bleeds red, white, and blue. The doors of your rooms will unlock in five, which means his ass better be brought to the penthouse in ten.
It was like you’d asked the universe if things could get any worse, and it was doing it’s best to show you they could. Titan’s announcement would result in nearly every goon hunting down Steve, and you.
Before anyone could say anything Bucky held your gaze, for a moment acting as if it was just the two of you. His expression was soft, “I promise I won’t let you lose control, I won’t leave this-”.
If you let him continue his sentence you would’ve started crying. You needed to fight all the memories that were trying to resurface, “Let’s just promise to all make it out alive”. It wasn’t much, but Bucky knew it was the best you could do.
It was more than you owed him really, given everything he’d done it was a miracle you’d even helped Steve for him. Wade looked down at his adventure time watch, “We can save the longing glances and eye-sex for a later date, we got four minutes until this turns into a real life game of saw”.
You nodded your head, daring not to even look at Bucky right now because all the emotions running through you. You’d been right, nastologia was a bitch and it was making you realize that maybe you’d never stopped loving Bucky to begin with…
Tags: @lovelyttom @mizz-kraziii @dolphinpink310 @potterwolf16 @blackirisposts @darkmystress00 @esoltis280 @msvega24 @destielinamoose @jade-taillia @courtneychicken @thisisbullshytt @lipstick-kami@sonofadeanwinchester @buckysmusculararm @capandors @omghelenabonhambae @sincerelydorky @cravingmustard @mister-doctor-john-waton  @princess-yuna @xinyourdreamsx @sarahp879 @pandawolfunicorn @heartbreaker6995 @alice-in-arkhamasylum @actuallyivar @slywinterpilot @regularmenace @onlystylesangels @spn-marvel-nerd @redshenanigator @badsongwinchester  @anon122010ns @greenpugmire @savemefromanepicoftimewasted @skulliebythesea @lokilover-girl @drunkoncommunism @all-fandomthings @itishebihime-samaforyou @lost——girl @ptoridactyl  
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etherealblasphemy · 6 years
Sanders’ Sins
oops my hand slipped
credit to @dreamsshadowwashere for the original idea of a Dark! Pride! Roman.
TW: Cursing, Deceit is just... Deceit, mentions of injuries (nOBODY LIKES YOU, DECEIT), I think that’s all
He still has no idea how things ended up this way. He had been in his room, working through another writing mojo, his hands furiously scribbling notes and other little details as he tore through the parchment paper, his fingertips stained jet black as the ink dripped from his raven’s quill, ever so reminiscent of crimson blood.
   The knock on his door had startled him; he had jerked the quill across the parchment, smudging half a day’s work. He exhaled loudly. He didn’t need distraction now, he was getting to the most important part!
   “Roman, I know you’re in there!” came from the other side. Virgil. Oh, great, what did the emo nightmare want now? As much as he had come to love Virgil over the course of a couple therapy-like sessions with Thomas, sometimes Virgil had the habit of interrupting Roman at the worst opportune moment in history.
   “What does the thunderstorm require from the prince?” he’d called. There’d been a beat of silence before Virgil replied that he just wanted to talk. That alone should have been a red flag, an evacuation alarm to get out of whatever conversation would follow. Yet he had still opened the door to his room with a wave of his hand, allowing the anxious to gingerly tiptoe around the stacks of paper and crafts, careful not to not any down.
   Virgil had been quiet as he approached Roman. Sure, he was a lot quieter than the rest of them, but he at least made an effort to say something, rather than sit in awkward silence. The impending doom of silence made him anxious, Roman knew.
   “What did you want to chat about, Hot Topic?” he asked. Virgil had plopped on his bed, wrinkling the pristine red sheets. He wrinkled his nose at the thought of having to smooth it out again, but he let it slide for now. Virgil looked like he wanted to talk about something important, he wouldn’t have come directly to Roman’s room otherwise, instead just summoning him to the Commons like normal.
   Virgil took a deep breath. “I had a nightmare last night,” he began, swinging his legs nervously on Roman’s bed. He let out a long sigh. “I was… back with the Dark Sides,” he mumbled, nervous of how Roman would react. It was hardly any secret to the rest of the main sides that Virgil had associated himself with Deceit and the others, but what exactly that association had entailed was as much mystery as Virgil let it be.
   “But,” Virgil continued as Roman returned from his mid-day-dreaming. “Something was different. Normally when I dream about them, I can tell exactly who’s there. Like, I recognize their silhouettes or something? But I didn’t this time. It was really weird…” he trailed off, mumbling something Roman couldn’t quite hear. That had been the second red flag. The last time Virgil had come to Roman, asking for his help in interpreting the dream, had been just before Deceit showed up in the Commons with Thomas.
   “Well, what was weird about them?” Roman asked. Stupid. He should’ve just assured Virgil there was nothing to be worried about, just a bad dream is all, just his anxiety getting a little to hyped up.
   “I saw things that reminded me of… of you guys…” Roman’s heart stopped cold. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit- “You okay, Princey?” He didn’t trust himself to speak the misguided truth, only nodding as he swallowed the dryness away from his throat. “Anyways, I saw someone with a hoodie like Patton, someone with glasses kind of like Logan, and someone wearing a crown, like you.” Virgil’s gaze is hot beneath his skin and it’s all he can do to not scream.
   Then Virgil’s gaze settles on something on his desk, something glossy and inky black that had been… bestowed upon him earlier that day. He’d pushed it to the side, completely forgetting about it. “Roman, is that… is that what I think it is?” His question sends alarms in Roman’s mind as his cocoa brown eyes fixate on the corrupted crown sitting on the edge of his desk, hiding behind a scroll tossed haphazardly over it. The spikes shine in the glare of pastel pink fairy lights overhead, seeming all but warm. Emblazoned in the middle was his crest, the ones the fanders had come to know him by.
   He couldn’t speak. His voice wouldn’t come out of mouth, wouldn’t work some fancy, witty remark to explain away why Roman just happened to have this sort of crown in his room, when he had made a point a while ago to say that he hated any tiaras, diadems, or crowns that didn’t fit with the prince image.
   Virgil had been staring at him for a while before the emo finally spoke. His voice had cut through the tension like a knife, jolting the prince back to reality. “Why do you have this?” Roman shook his head, opening his mouth, though all he made were a couple croaking sounds, sounding so unfamiliar to the royal. “This is… this is just like the crown in my dream- and now it’s here and you said you don’t like crowns like this, so why-” Even though Roman’s own thoughts were hurried and alarmed, he noticed the panic rising in Virgil’s tone. “Is he...” he trailed off, seemingly unable to speak the lying side’s name.
   “Roman, is… is Deceit trying to coerce you to join the Dark Sides?” Virgil asked, his eyes scared and full of concern. Roman scoffed.
   “‘Coerce?’ More like go back-” The hand was slapped over his mouth before he even registers the words tumbling out. His eyes glanced about, pricked for any sign of the little snake, missing the way Virgil’s face goes slack, completely stunned at the accidental revelation. Roman had turned back in time to see Virgil finishing process his slipped secret, his face darkening, the prince mentally cursing himself for being so stupid.
   “Roman.” He didn’t like the tone in Virgil’s voice. The poor kid had been through a lot with the other Dark Sides. Knowing Roman had been one, too, once upon a time, was a harsh blow to the trust he and the emo had slowly built up the past few months. “Are you…” Virgil couldn’t seem to finish the question that was plaguing his panicking mind. “Are you a Dark Side?” he blurted out. Roman felt his entire body stiffen, even though he had know for some time that with the official appearance of Deceit, the secrets Roman had tried to hide in all his vainglory would come spilling out.
   He couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t say anything.
   Virgil’s eyes narrowed, the prince’s silence all he had needed to confirm his worst fear. He began scooting up along the bed, further away from the prince. He was going to make a break for it, Roman had recognized. He had to at least say something before Virgil escaped to his room, never to speak with him again.
   “Virgil,” he croaked, his voice cracking. “I’m not like Deceit and the others, please believe me. I would never do anything to hurt you, Patton, Logan, or Thomas, please Virgil, it’s me, we’re friends.” 
    His reassurance had had no effect on Virgil, who had continued regarding him with the disdainful. Virgil could see all his faults, he was sure of it. He was seeing the history Roman deserved to have.
   “So you’re the one Deceit was talking about… ‘Pride’, was it?” Virgil snapped, hugging his knees close to his chest. For a split second, it all came rushing back- the glory, the disdain, the achievements that could never seem to satisfy him- and his eyes went red. Virgil saw this, his face paling even as Roman’s eyes went back to normal, the royal’s expression one of terror. “You’re trying to make me go back there, aren’t you?” Virgil said softly, his voice not betraying the fear welling up inside of him. Roman shook his head vigorously.
   “No, I swear to God, Virgil, I’m not trying to bring you back to the Dark Sides. I never have and never will, on my life. A prince never breaks his promise, right?” he pleaded. Sweet pastries, he sounded insane. He had to be. This all had to be just another daydream gone wild, not the truth, not reality, not anything he couldn’t handle.
   Virgil snarled, snapping his fingers, and they were suddenly transported to the Commons. Roman noticed Patton jumped from his position in the couch, yelping in surprise. Logan, nosing around in the kitchen for leftover Crofter’s, whipped his head towards the duo’s sudden appearance.
   “Did you know about this?” Virgil had growled, gesturing towards Roman, who had unconsciously grabbed the crown and was now clutching it tightly. Both Patton and Logan looked confused. “He’s a fucking Dark Side!” Virgil had yelled, the fear finally infusing itself with his voice. Patton had looked so confounded he didn’t even reprimand Virgil’s choice of language.
   And now here he was, confronted by the sides who had become his precious family. He could hardly breathe, let alone explain himself. “What do you have to say for yourself, Roman?” Virgil snaps, poking his chest with a single finger, its stubby, uncared for nail painted a grimy shade of black. If Virgil ever forgave him, he would have to buy him a new shade of nail polish. His voice is failing him again.
   “You’re family, Roman. And family doesn’t keep secrets!” Virgil’s voice rises with each word, Roman flinching as he ends with a snarl. It is all he can do to not fall to his knees, the whispers in his ears growing so loud they sound more like white static from a broken television.
   The cry that slices across the room doesn’t come from Roman’s throat, though. Instead, three bewildered sides turn to look at Patton, who has fallen to his knees, his soft brown eyes filling with warm tears. He sobs something incoherent, his words garbled by his whimpers. Virgil’s face pales as though someone has backhanded him across his face.
   Roman isn’t prepared for the memory that hits him like a violent sledgehammer, sending him collapsed on the ground, shaking. It’s a blurry image that flashes through the back of mind, but what it reveals is almost enough to make him lose it. His eyes flash red again, dangerous and depraved.
   A small figure, a young child, a little boy. They are crying, unable to stop the tears from pouring out of his soft brown eyes. He tries to calm them, to stop their embarrassing tears before Thomas gets bullied again for being a crybaby, but it’s no use. They can’t stop crying. He touches their shoulder only to yank it back sharply. Touching them, he feels the emptiness within them. He can’t stand the feeling. That feeling that he’s useless, unappreciated, unwanted. That feeling he has yet to shake off.
   Roman’s head snaps towards Patton, recognizing the dad for his true form. “...Depression…” he whispers. As if waiting for the truth to be spoken, Patton’s façade falls away. Now, in this form, his skin is gray as the dead, eyes glossy and full of ever-present tears. Patton wraps his arms around himself, protecting from the onslaught Virgil might send him.
   “I’m so sorry,” Patton cries, unable to meet Virgil’s gaze. “I should’ve told you all, I should’ve said something but I didn’t!” Patton’s grey eyes flash brightly in sudden anger before losing the light once more, startling the emo in front of him who looks like he’s on the verge of a panic attack. “I didn’t say anything… Does that mean I’m not family anymore?”
   Roman reaches out a single hand toward the moral side before it falls weakly by his side. His mind is a torrent of wild, racing thoughts and a heartbeat like dubstep double the speed. Fragments of forgotten memories spill through him. How had he forgotten Depression?
   The heavy tread of footsteps catches his attention as he swivels his head to be met with Logan heading into the Commons from the kitchen. “Virgil, you must know we didn’t mean to hurt you when we didn’t tell you. It’s logical to do so, taking into account what you experienced with the others. I assure you none of us meant to cause you any alarm or panic,” Logan says smoothly, adjusting his thick glasses. Virgil is just whipping his head back and forth between Patton, Roman, and Logan, his brain malfunctioning as he tries to process what has just gone done.
   “Oh, don’t tell me you-” Before Virgil can finish his sentence, Logan is morphing to his other form, one taller and decked with tan and grey horns curling above his perfectly combed hair, not a strand out of place. His eyes go pitch black like a demon’s. On any other occasion, Virgil’s stunned face would be priceless, with the way his jaw dropped like a cartoon character’s, and how he made some sort of animalistic whine.
   “You may call me ‘Obsession’ in this form.” Even Logan’s voice has changed, infused with the slightest bit of desire and lust- though Roman knew the feelings were anything but sexual, memories of Obsession, too, flooding back.
   Virgil still can’t speak, too overwhelmed. He sinks to the floor, a blank expression overtaking his face. “Were you all ever going to tell me?” he asks, his voice so soft Roman can barely hear the masked betrayal.
   Somehow, he finds his voice. “To be completely honest right now, I didn’t even remember Patton and Logan as Depression and Obsession. I should’ve remembered, but I… I forgot them.” As much as it pains him to say he forgot his own comrades, Roman needs Virgil to believe him, to know he’s not alone in the rush of emotions that’s making him feel sick right now. “I should’ve told you, and I didn’t, and… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Virgil,” he pleads, begging Virgil to at least look at him and not the little tangles of fabric in the carpet.
   “I should mention, I have no recollection of Depression or Pride, either,” Logan adds, morphing back into his logical form, noting how it scares Virgil. “It seems our memories have all been repressed.” And Roman is nearly choking on rage, everything clicking in place.
   “Where’s that little snake bastard?” he nearly screams, the adrenaline already coursing through him, ready to rip every limb off of that little lying, twisting, cheating fucker. He gets off the ground, his eyes flashing wildly. Virgil has registered Roman’s words and has curled in on himself, trying to figure out what it means.
   He hears a low chuckle, so characteristic of him, and whirls around to see the little bitch in all his glory, lounging on the stairs as if he owned the goddamn place. Roman can hardly hear Patton telling him not to do anything rash before he yanks Deceit up by his collar, his nails digging into his skin.
   “You’re the one who hid us from each other, aren’t you?” He doesn’t even have to see Deceit’s lip curl into a leer to know it’s true. He took a deep breath, trying his best not to beat the absolute shit out of Deceit. The snake bats his eyelashes, feigning ignorance.
   “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Pride,” he lies, unable to help his low cackle as Roman grunts in pain, one hand clutching his pounding head. “You thought you worked so hard to change, but looks like you’re just aching to come back home,” Deceit laughs, his eyes flickering to the forgotten crown where Roman was, its spikes as alluring as always. “You used to be king,” he says, jerking his head towards the crown. “Why would you demote yourself to being just a prince? Nobody loves princes anymore.” Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shutupshutupshutup-
   He hardly has time to register the foot before Deceit’s head snaps back with a sickening crack. Virgil brings his leg down in a spin only performed by movie characters. “Shut up, you fucking dirtbag. You manipulated me and you manipulated Thomas, are you’re still not content with the destruction you’ve caused?!” Virgil shouts angrily.
   Roman swears he sees Deceit pale just the tiniest bit. “Virgil-” Roman grabs Virgil’s hand before he strikes Deceit. He’s still a part of Thomas, no matter how much they all hate him. Hurting him too badly would have awful consequences on Thomas. Instead, he hoists Deceit up with his free hand, not even breaking a sweat.
   “You will regret this, mark my words,” he threatens. Deceit visibly shudders. Though the words themselves are not very threatening, Deceit knows full well what Roman is capable of, what Roman did to the others after he told them this exact phrase after some long-forgotten skirmish. He knows that whatever Roman has planned for him will be brutal and shameless. He wasn’t known as Pride for not relishing the work he did, making every detail perfect so he could properly vaunt about it.
   He lets go of Deceit’s collar with a flourish, and the snake sinks out almost immediately. He turns to Virgil, who’s staring at the spot where Deceit was sitting, watching the drama unfold before him like it was some sort of soap opera. Virgil’s hands are closing into fists, releasing the tension, and repeating the cycle.
   “Virgil-” The silence is broken and everyone’s gazes land on him. “I truly did not mean any harm to you when I did not reveal my origins. Please believe me.” He can hear the pleading whine in his voice and resists the urge to cringe. Perhaps it’s because of the events that just went down, but he can feel the insecurity clutching him even tighter than normal, breathing hotly down his neck like some sort of omniscient beast.
   Virgil isn’t answering. For half a second, Roman is convinced he’s crossed the Rubicon and Virgil will never be his friend again, until the emo opens his mouth and all thoughts stop in their tracks so he can hear whatever he has to say. “I’m sorry. I said some things I shouldn’t have, and… I’m sorry, I was such an idiot-” Virgil begins to sink out before Roman grabs his arm, stopping him.
   “Virgil, I don’t think realize we’re all idiots here. Yes, Deceit did hide our memories because we didn’t want to believe, but we chose to stay hidden of our own volition.” Virgil’s shimmering eyes flash across the room, glancing at Patton, who has stood up and wiped away his tears, at Logan, who is watching the scene as though nothing has happened (typical), and at Roman, who’s letting him see the most vulnerable parts of himself yet.
   “We have to have a long talk, don’t we?” Virgil muses halfheartedly. “I’m getting the ice cream.” He conjures four (extra-large) servings of rocky road, their favorite, handing a pint to each present side. “Let’s just not make this as sappy as I’m scared it’s going to be,” Virgil requests. Roman nods, rubbing the back of his neck.
   His eyes glance towards the crown still left on the floor. He reaches for it, grabbing it and observing it for a long moment. With a flick of his wrist, the crown disappears. Not gone, though. Simply back in his closet, stuffed behind other old props he just couldn’t let go of. He knew it was only inviting future dilemmas, but he couldn’t get rid of it.
   Sometimes he liked pretending he was king.
   He settled down on the couch, ready to start a long breakdown-session. He takes a deep breath, knowing what he’s going to say. “So I guess I’ll start.”
   “You can call me Pride.”
Ending? Who’s she? Never heard of her.
I left it ambiguous in case you guys like this enough to want to see more. If you want to see some of my other writing, check out my Sci-fi Sanders Sides AU, called “A Story Across Time, Space, and Genres”! (ayyyy look at that self-promo)
I hope you all enjoyed this! :D
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taejinkive · 6 years
Taste Of Your Love- 32
Taehyung’s eyes were unfocused, his breathing uneven he felt as if a huge tide had swallowed him and then threw his remains against a stone paved bank- taking with it his most precious possession. Seokjin’s lifeless-looking body laid in the hospital bed surrounding the two of them in a choking silence- one that is too devoid of air. Too devoid of Seokjin. Because to Taehyung, Seokjin was as important as the air. The air around his room in his apartment when the younger was pressed against the former’s chest was soft, sweet with their lingering hushed midnight whisperes that had gently mixed with Seokjin’s own special smell- a smell that took Taehyung back to his hometown. Back to the fields he loved running around as a kid. Back to simple, quite yet imparting an exquisite warmth- Daegu. He loved every moment with Seokjin. But not this. Not when the latter was lying in a motionless state with the pale yellow hospital walls around them.
When he went to Seokjin’s apartment, with a big smile and a huge box of his boyfriend’s favorite chocolates he half expected to see Jimin vigorously tapping on his phone and then pressing it to his ears. Taehyung felt his own phone vibrate in his pocket and curiously went up to the younger boy standing by Seokjin’s door with a picture of distress on his face.
“You were calling me?” He asked. Seokjin’s apartment door was open and Taehyung peeked inside searching for his lovely boyfriend. He couldn’t wait to see his cute, cute Seokjin in the new haircut. If a picture could make him look that perfect, how good would he look in person?
“Taehyung I… Seokjin.. he,” Jimin hesitated. He knew how Taehyung would feel the moment he hears the news. Despite being an asshole previously, Taehyung had changed so much over the past months. And he loves Seokjin so much… Jimin felt a phang in his chest.
“I was texting Seokjin but then he made weird typos. Something told me he was not fine. Probably because the same happened when he fainted the previous time…I dont know but… I found him passed out in his apartment,” Taehyung gasped. “I just sent him to the hospital as soon as possible before calling you.”
Taehyung stood there shell shockef for a few minutes and then everything happened so fast. Before he knew he was once again sitting by Seokjin. 5 hours since then- somewhere, some time ago, I heard a clock strike one. Seokjin’s being was still still.
Taehyung sat with his mind in a frenzy. A mess and a complete utter chaos. But he had always been a mess, he thought bitterly. He was an insecure mutt and spent a good part of his life denying Seokjin’s place in his existence. Heck, if thought carefully, he was the reason why Seokjin suffered and why he keeps suffering. If he told his beautiful soul that it was infact connected to Taehyung’s the very day he discovered bit, maybe Seokjin would stay back. Maybe the godforsaken flight would have no Kim Seokjin in it. Maybe now the older would not have to bear the burden of a truth Seokjin was yet to recall. The burden of his follish, childish past.
Seokjin was like little blooming rose amidst the harsh thorn bush that he was. His rough edges were too many and showed too often. Taehyung was impulsive- contemplating about things before taking any decisions were often not a part of his checklist. This made him hurt many without meaning too. He was too egotistical and thus, saying ‘sorry’ was hard for him. He was often irrational, confused and so stubborn. But then… Seokjin happened. Seokjin took Taehyung’s hand and told him how to show his emotions properly, guided hin through the extreme relief that is apology and acceptance. Seokjin’s small smiled when Taehyung would pause before saying something that would lead to misunderstanding during fights always made Taehyung proud. Proud that he managed to stop an argument. Satisfying Seokjin felt good. So so good.‘Perhaps this is truly the meaning of having a soulmate-’ he thought, ‘- to have someone bring out your best.’
His heart thumped against his chest and he continued starting at the pale cheeks of his lover under the hospital lights. Oh how much he adores holding Seokjin’s shy hands when they are out for a date- even after so many months, Seokjin still was shy when it came to PDA.His face would cover into a pretty blush and he would hide his smile under his free hand while casting his eyes at the ground. But the very same shy Seokjin was the most confident person he ever met. Always going on about how he is ‘worldwide handsome’ and that his face is his most important feature. Yet he was so insecure of his fingers because they were double-jointed and uneven. Taehyung wanted to kiss each and every one of them and tell Seokjin that he loves his fingers no less than he loves hi-
It’s like a hidden door behind Taehyung’s head gave a red singnal. White and red lights filled his eyes and his hands felt extra clammy, extra, sweaty. His brain hit void he was unable to think of anything else.
I love Seokjin. I Love Him- Kim Seokjin! I am in love with Kim Seokjin!
Taehyung was combusting.
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Shoving his phone back into his pocket, Taehyung suddenly felt the presence of a smile on his lips. ’Feels this good to be in love, huh?" He smiled, “Seokjin wake up fast! I have a lot to tell you!” He whispered to the man before him.
Taehyung almost missed the way the younger's fingers trembled and his lips quivered, the previously resting eyelashes fluttered against the puffy hamster cheeks. The older was about to jump in celebration. It was almost as if the powers has heard his prayer.
“Seokjin! You’re up? Gosh you scared me,” Taehyung said with a relieved sigh. He felt as if someone poured life into him. Watching the constant dynamic Seokjin had become such a regular habit that stagnant Seokjin scared him. He felt as if Seokjin would forever remain that way. Cold and motionless.
“Here, drink some wat-” before the older could register what was going on, the glass flew out of his hand and shattered into a million pieces against the white floor. Taehyung was shoked, his heart was jumping in his chest. He looked at Seokjin with bewilderment written on his face only to meet with blazing eyes. Seokjin’s face twisted into an expression that made Taehyung feel sick in his stomach. He gulped at the sheer intensity of Seokjin’s fiery glare.
“S-seokjin?” Somewhere, from deep within, Taehyung’s voice drew out a small, scared whisper. He felt his eyes become teary- ‘what happened to him?’ his mind kept asking the same question in vain.
“You,” Seokjin’s voice wasn’t very strong but the venom laced in it was piercing through Taehyung’s heart.
"You lied to me. More than once."
Taste Of Your Love
previous-Chapter 32-next
I was ranting so much in my previous post that I forgot to warn y'all that the second climax of the story is going to start from the next chapter so please be prepared. I can't wait for y'all to see the ending tbh because I have it all thought out shsvsj. The comeback has officially made me an emo hoe. Today i gave a horrible English Language exam i forgot to title my notice and email. I guess 2 marks gone and i also wrote some crappyass essay so much marks gone uwu
Taejin/Jikook Soulmate AU
[based on social media and texts]
AU where, when people turn 18, they get to slightly taste the food which their soulmate is having.
Stuck in the fate-tied world, Kim Taehyung, world famous music artist, strongly distastes the concept. Why would nature decide who he is to love and date?
Kim Seokjin, however, is always waiting for the warmth of his soulmate, that was made just for him. He desperately wants to find the person nature has gifted him.
But, no road is formed without bumps and we seldom find it easy to get what we yearn for the most. The undeniable bond between the two of them teach them how to give up, own up, forgive and find the happiness that’s created just for them.
In which Jimin and Jungkook are tired of all the angst like?? please get together and live in peace and let us live in peace to thank you very much.
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spacenerrrd · 6 years
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover: Chapter 4
Sander Sides
Word count: 1519
Characters: Patton/Creativity, Virgil/Anxiety, Patton/Morality, Logan/Logic
Warnings: Negative thinking, kinda the start to a panic attack. Please let me know if I missed anything.
Summary: Logan runs a library in a small town, allowing him to share his love of books without feeling left out. His business partner and friend Roman helps by running the bright Disney themed cafe that attracts more people to stay for longer. The two clashing but somehow perfect match of a friendship went their days peaceful in their small community until one day a new pair of brother; Patton and Virgil, moved into town and showed the owners a new way of life.
Chapter four: A nice encounter
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Roman was cleaning the area of the cafe after the library had closed. Humming one of his favourite songs when he’s working in the cafe, Gaston, he dusted and broomed after pushing the tables and chairs to the side. He insisted that he would pack up after Logan’s emotional afternoon, not letting him know of his own. Lights flickering off to hide the cakes and lettering of his little part to the library, the rest of it was soon turned off as he walked out. Gloves on to keep his fingers from freezing, he made his way down the road. Like Logan, he was lucky to be able to be walking distance from the library. Starting to break into a light jog (which was awkward considering his prince outfit wasn’t fit for running), his boots trotted heavily along the apartment before turning into the cul-de-sac. Nose starting to go pink from the cold, he made quick work of the keys and rushing inside. Taking a sigh. He turned the lights on and the heater to full blast. As much as he loved to play the prince persona as if he was actually one, he went straight to his room to take off the boots, suit and makeup that started to weigh him down. Getting changed into his Disney pyjamas, he played some soft rhythms through his phone to calm his already exhausted brain from over working anymore. Only having left overs to eat, the aroma of pasta goodness filled the house as he waited for the microwave to stop. He could finally let his expression be true to itself in the safety of his own home. He didn’t smile, or look that joyful at all. Bags under his eyes and poorly taken care of skin that the makeup his so well, his posture slumped more than his usual ‘royalty’ pose.
Beep beep beep.
Pulling the container from the microwave and sitting in the corner of the couch, he started to eat in a silence as he tried to pick a movie from his completely adult section of movies….a variation of Disney, Dreamworks and other cartoon movies.. His expression almost seeming emotionless as he finally settled on Winnie The Pooh. Finally a gentle small smile was on his face as he hummed the tune. When he saw Tigger on the screen his smile grew as it reminded him of Virgil and the kids. The story telling and sketching Virgil did for them. He cringed a little as he remembered how emotional he got and his cheeks heated up from the memory of the hug. He honestly didn’t expect it from Virgil. Someone who seemed to hate him initiated the hug and stayed with him until Roman basically demanded for him to leave so he could go home. Even then Virgil seemed hesitant but left the library with a Patton happily skipping behind. A soft smile was on his face as he relished the feeling before Roman suddenly snorted. Choking on his pasta, he was in a laughing fit. Gasping for air as he couldn’t get a breath between his laughter, he remembered that he slipped a note into Virgil’s pocket during their hug. Don’t be mistaken, he didn’t fake it. They were very much true tears, but Roman was just always prepared to leave a little something for a cute guy.
Virgil had immediately went to his room, grunting to let Patton know who went to start dinner. He sat at his desk and pulled out his sketchbook. Falling on to an open page, he stared….and that’s what he did for 45 minutes until Patton called him downstairs. Groaning in annoyance, he basically stomped down the stairs to the table. Patton had a small concerned smile on his face that calmed him down almost instantly. He sat down on the table and started eating his chicken. He never really said it, but he was grateful that Patton took the time to learn how to cook proper food for them after….
“So I saw you were helping Roman today.” Patton said, looking down at his food but Virgil could hear the smile on his face. Of course he would point it out.
“One of the kids wanted me to come over and play with them.”
“Awww that’s so just the sweetest gosh-darn thing! I overheard you guys making some wild stories, was it fun?”
Surprisingly a lot. “I guess.”
“You have to give me more than that kiddo! How was it like hanging out with Ro?”
Amazing. “It was alright.”
“Juuuuussssttt alright?”
Virgil looked up to see Patton looking at him, shimmering his shoulders and wiggling his eyebrows in a way that couldn’t stop him from laughing. “Shut up.”
“Watch your language kiddo.”
;“Yea yea. Thanks for dinner Pat, I’ve got work to...do…” Virgil was reaching into his pocket to put his headphones back in when he felt a foreign piece of paper in his pocket. He pulled it out to reveal a phone number. Who’s it was was evident by the small crowns places on the top of every 0, making the hooded boy blush. Patton raising a curious eyebrow jumped on the table to look at the paper from above. He gasped excitedly when he recognised the design. “AWWWW THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!”
Virgil trying to make an annoyed face at his brother just sulked away, message he wanted not really effective by the blush on his face. “It is not!”
“LA LA LA I AM NOT LISTENING.” Virgil called back, blocking his ears until he made it back to his own bedroom. Sighing, he laid down on his bed, school work to be forgotten about as he stared at the number. It was calling out to him to just do it but the growing anxiousness was trying to hold him back.
“What if he didn’t think anything of that hug?”
“What if he just sees you as a loser?”
“Failing student?”
“He graduated last year and he already owns a cafe. What are you going to do?”
“You’re an angsty teen who is just good for no-”
“He really likes you kiddo.”
Virgil’s attention snapped up to Patton who was in his doorway. “Don’t you remember the rules about privacy Pat?”
“I do, but your door was cracked open and I heard your breaths being really heavy as I walked past. I didn’t mean to intrude, I was just worried.” Patton’s face told it. His smile was full of concern as his eyes tried to tell Virgil a million different heart warming things.
“It’s alright, I’m just….what if he doesn’t like me in anyway? What if he sees us as a tutor-student relationship? He is just so much better than me and I’m scared that he’ll think of me as nothing and-”
“Virgil, calm down.” Patton had swiftly sat next to the laying down Virgil, taking a hand between his own. “I see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. Believe me, he doesn’t see you as just a student. Besides, he only graduated last year himself, right?”
Virgil was afraid of his voice cracking, so he just nodded slowly.
“Exactly. He won’t see you like that, you just need to believe it.”
With the calming traces of Patton’s fingers across his knuckles, Virgil’s breaths started to even out again. His mind had slowed down and wasn’t screaming at him about everything bad that could happen. Almost like routine, once Virgil clung on to Patton’s hand a bit tighter to ask him not to leave Patton shuffled on to the bed more, lifting his younger brothers head into his lap. Sighing contently as his hair was being played with, his eyes looked up to the blue shining orbs of his brothers. His protector. “I’ll stay here with you, but I’ll promise not to look unless you show me.”
Smiling gratefully up at Patton, he grabbed his phone from his patched hoodie and opened up contacts to add the new number in. After a few shaky breaths he got the courage to open messages and send a text that took him 10 minutes of rewriting and convincing from Patton that it was fine.
anxiousemo: hey disney nerd
Virgil stared at his phone for 5 minutes. Panic was starting to set in again as the seconds tick by. Patton continued to play with his hair lightly, reassuring him that he was just busy. Virgil’s thoughts were getting loud again, betraying himself and taking his breath away. He wasn’t going to be able to stay rooted for very long. He was just pathetic and-
They both froze as they looked at the screen
👑RoRo👑: hello dark and stormy night
Patton shrieked in joy, making Virgil jump and laugh with a smile. “Calm down calm down, he….I’ve got this.”
Patton nodded but was still jumping up and down in excitement. “I’m just so happy for my little brother.”
“Alright, thanks Pat. Now stop jumping otherwise you’re going to make the bed hit the….wall.”
Yoooo, I’m kinda really happy with this so I hope you guys enjoy this. If you wanna know about future chapters let me know and I’ll add you to the tag list ^-^
Next chapter
Tag list below:
@deathbyvenusftw @moonlightinwater @princeanxious @roman-is-a-gay @coffeekeyboardsss @ocotopushugs @thepoolofthedead @sanders-sides-things @angered-turtle @gayrobotalien @rebaobsessions @a-ghosts @catsandrandomness @fricksonsticks @v-blue-writer @hanramz-the-fander @your-username-is-unavailable @emphoenixcat @daughterofsomnus @anaveragegayfan @louisthewarlock @saro5100 @6tick6tock6 @nienna14 @fandomsofrandom @notalwaysthevillian @thestoryoferissur @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes @virgil-crofters @thatgaydemigodnerd @ijustreallylovesanderssides @221b-quote @bubblycricket  
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37. Seulgi x Reader •Bad Girl•
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Tapping your fingers in a fast continuous motion on the large wooden library table, you silently prayed for inspiration to hit you, the daunting white page in front of you burning through your skull.
Essays, you hated them, don’t get me wrong you loved writing, and had a talent for it too, just not when you were given a theme and track to follow.
“Could you stop with the damn tapping?
The harsh voice scared the hell out of you, and once you realized whom it belonged to, your heart rate did not slow down, on the contrary, it sped up.
Kang Seulgi, also known as one of the most popular people at your school for some reason obscure to you.
You heard her name being whispered in the hallways every day, the same hallways that seemed to be cleared every time she passed and you found yourself squashed against a locker as the other kids parted for her like the Red sea.
Legend had it she had been kicked out of her last school for vandalism and sending one of her classmates to the hospital.
All you had seen her do was bite back at some teachers and stare at everybody that got in her way with a burning hate.
In your opinion she was like any other person in this high school except for your best friend, pretty annoying.
“If you ask nicely I will.”
Her dark eyes filled with surprise, you took notice of her grunge, goth look, heavy makeup on her face, even more noticeable as her eyes seemed to burn with indignation,
“How about you stop being a huge pain before I break your fingers and shove them up your...”
A loud shush interrupted her vulgar statement, the old librarian’s face bright red, hands on her waist.
“Get out of my library right now, the both of you!”
You huffed in annoyance before grabbing your stuff and sticking it in your bag hurriedly, you fixed your round framed glasses before turning towards the bother next to you,
“Thanks for this you vulgar little emo.”
Seulgi seemed ready to knock your front teeth out as you made your way out of the library, her eyes making their way to your jean clad cute little butt.
A strange feeling rising in the pit of her stomach as she watched you walk away, two questions swirling around her head,
who is this girl and how dare she?
Your next encounter was on a rainy Thursday morning, Seulgi had been wondering aimlessly down the hallways, not feeling the current algebra class. She turned a corner and almost ran straight into you,
“What, are you skipping or something?”
Seulgi’s arrogant voice already bothering you, “I’m actually hanging some school clubs announcements, you should think about joining them, do something with your life.”
Seulgi really had a good time teasing you, she loved how your cheeks turned a light shade of red whenever she spoke,
“And who gives you permission to do it during class hours?”
Your eyes rolled dramatically at her insistence,
“My mom is the vice principal, I do some favors for her, and she just lets me and my photography group alone.”
Seulgi scoffed at your answer, “Sounds a lot like nepotism to me.”
You turned around, skirt slightly rising at the sudden movement, Seulgi’s eyes lowering in an instant,
“Oh wow, such big words!”
Her eyes darkened as she took a step closer, trapping you between herself and the wall, your heart making a strange little tap dance in your chest.
“Don’t sound so surprised, a girl can be pretty and smart at the same time.”
There was barely any space between your faces when the bell rang suddenly, making you jump on the spot. It took a few seconds to register her words and for the offense to hit you, “I never said...”
Your words got muffled by the noisy stream of students flooding the hallways, you stood still, mouth agape and thoughts all over the place as Seulgi disappeared into the sea of teenagers.
On Friday the weather seemed to have worsened, leaving your photography group, you sprinted across the school parking lot, backpack hanging from your shoulder and protecting your new Leica M5 under the heavy parka you were wearing.
You were in a good mood, photography had been really fun today, and the rain always somehow made your mood brighten.
Unsurprisingly you struggled to open the door of your grandpa’s old car, a gift for your last birthday.
Once inside you sat for a few minutes, waiting for the old beast to warm up, listening to the rain outside falling incessantly.
As your eyes wondered at the the outside world they fell on a trembling figure just outside the main entrance.
From the dark clothing and smoke coming from her you could tell who it was in an instant.
As you slowly stopped the car right in front of her you rolled down the window, offering a warm smile, “Need a ride home?”
She seemed taken aback by your sudden friendliness, stubbornly shaking her head in a refusing manner, you couldn’t help but feel your heart warm as you took in her appearance with more attention than usual.
There she stood, shaking from the cold, cigarette in one hand and smuged mascara from the rain, pretty eyes staring right through you.
Not taking no for an answer you stretched over and opened the door for her,
“Stop being so stubborn and get in.”
Seulgi reluctantly flicked the cancer stick away, getting in your car she gave you a thankful smile, immediately nearing her hands to the heating vent.
“You can pick a cd, they’re all in the glove compartment, oh and it’s kind of...”
A loud laugh escaped her lips as a waterfall of cds and random stuff fell from the compartment as soon as it opened,
She only laughed louder as your cheeks turned a deep shade of red, eyes focused on the road ahead.
“I live in Rosewood by the way.”
You tried not to give away your surprise at her words.
Rosewood was a gated community just outside of town, it was known for being the home of some of the richest families in the area, the elite.
You couldn’t hide your surprise though, when Seulgi picked one of your favorite R&B albums and the soft notes filled the car,
“What, did you think I only listened to heavy metal or something?”
Eyebrows lifting playfully, she hit your arm lightly, “I thought the vice principal would have taught her daughter not to judge a book by its cover.”
You loved how easy going Seulgi was acting at the moment, there was someone special behind the mean girl facade she put on every day at school,
“It was the cop actually that taught me that, my dad.”
Your chest tightened just a little as you thought about him, the girl next to seemed to sense you were uncomfortable with the subject so she immediately switched to how she was positive she had failed her algebra test earlier.
“You really should try a bit harder Seulgi, your parents must have paid a hell of a lot to get you accepted in december and I heard my mom talking about how the principle is really not happy about your attitude.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t really care.”
You scoffed at her words, “I know for a fact you do though, I’m not falling for this bad girl facade you have going on.”
Seulgi finally realized how different you were from any other kid at your school, somehow more mature, and absolutely beautiful.
“So, does the cop know you smoke weed?”
So she saw it.
The cheeky smile on her face indicating she had no problem with it calmed you down a little,
“Actually my dad passed away last year while on duty, but if you ever wanna smoke give me a ring and I’ll be there.”
The pretty girl sitting next to you couldn’t understand how you still had a smile on your face, she couldn’t even fathom losing her own father, even though they often fought, she absolutely loved him.
As you passed through the security gate you seemed to enter a world of privilege.
Lowering the windows and looking around, you felt extremely out of place, “Wow, this neighborhood even smells of rich people.”
Seulgi hit you in retaliation as she kept indicating where to turn until you reached this huge property, a perfectly mowed lawn with a path on the middle that led to a large white painted mansion, extra security guards stood at the beginning of the path eyeing your old vehicle suspiciously,
“Well, I’m not a fan of any type of guns, so I’ll just leave you here okay?”
Seulgi thanked you before stepping out of the car, and slamming the door shut.
You were watching her leave just to make sure she arrived safely when she turned around in a rush and ran back towards you, thinking she had forgot something you lowered the window, Seulgi took a few deep breaths before actually being able to talk to you,
“How about we meet up to study algebra on Saturday and then I take you out for dinner?”
Anxiety seemed to be painted on her face as she waited for an answer, it was actually nice seeing her so flustered,
“Is it a date?”
Your hopeful tone seemed to give her back her usual cockiness as she smirked at you,
“Absolutely Y/N.”
Eyes shining, she looked at you with the purest look on her face,
“I guess I’ll see you on Saturday then.”
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daily5sosupdate · 6 years
The Australian pop-rock quartet's third album is finally here; we toast it with a salute to the hits and fan favorites.
One of the best things about music is how the same band can be loved in so many ways by so many people. How cool is it that two fans can be connected by a shared love for a band, and yet have completely unique views on which songs or albums are their best work? Given the same material, you can form the same bond but in a new way.
I discovered 5 Seconds of Summer back in 2013 on the Take Me Home tour when my friend and I had front row tickets to see One Direction, and even though Harry Styles literally winked at me -- the closest thing I’ve ever had to a spiritual experience -- I left talking about four dorky Australians that stole my heart.
I appreciate each of their releases for different reasons, but I’ll always feel the strongest emotional connection to the songs I heard at those first shows. Without them, I might not have been paying attention to hear the increasingly impressive tunes that were to follow. “Youngblood,” the second single and title track from their brand new album, ranks very high on my list. “Lost Boy” deserves to be heard again live, and whoever decided they should cover “Teenage Dream” all throughout 2014 deserves a raise. With all of this in mind, I attempted to choose my top 10 favorite 5SOS songs and trust me… it’s harder than it looks.
10. “End Up Here” [5 Seconds of Summer, 2014]
Sometimes you just need a good power pop song in your life, and “End Up Here” is definitely that song. Of course it's pure catharsis when Bon Jovi sings about living on a prayer, but it’s truly incredible how four Australian kids singing about loving "the song about living on a prayer" gives the same reaction. We put so much pressure on bands to always be creating music that means something deep, but sometimes you just that blissful rush of fandom. Play this song on summer road trips and let it soundtrack the ride away.
9. "Beside You" [Somewhere New EP, 2012]
If you really want to experience this track, find a live acoustic version. You don’t get the full effect of the group’s harmonies unless you’re hearing it in its raw form, which reminds you how rare it is to find a non-boyband band where each of the members is equally talented vocally. “Beside You” was released on both the Somewhere New EP and their self-titled debut album, but I’ll never hear it enough for my heart to not break upon hearing, “My heart wants to come home…”
8. "Long Way Home" [5 Seconds of Summer, 2014]
I have a soft spot for any song that belongs in the end credits of a typical teen movie. “Long Way Home” fits the “this summer is the last time we’ll all be in the same place, so let’s make the most of it” vibe perfectly, without being cheesy. The acoustic guitar is just prominent enough to give the song a nostalgic feel, but it still feels fresh and fun. Roll the credits.
7. “She Looks So Perfect” [5 Seconds of Summer, 2014]
Were you really a 5SOS fan in 2014 if you didn’t have at least one family member ask about the band that sings about American Apparel underwear? This song kicked off the band’s meteoric rise from being known within internet circles to heavy rotation on top 40 radio and 20 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100. It also helped bring pop-punk back to the mainstream, allowing 5SOS to promote other acts on a scale that otherwise may not have been possible. This song deserves a place on this list not just for the moment in time it represents, but because it has one of 21st century rock's best choruses.
6. “Outer Space/Carry On” [Sounds Good Feels Good, 2015]
There aren’t enough words to accurately sum up this song. Each half is a work of art all its own, coming together to close out the band's sophomore album on a hopeful note. The “Outer Space” half is heartbreaking, painting a picture of a relationship that can’t work unless it’s away from the struggles of life on earth. For a second in the bridge, you start to think their love can survive because they’re in outer space, or a place all their own where nothing else can affect them. But then those last few lines come around and kick you when you’re down. “Love me like you did, I’ll give you anything.” My heart hurts and we’re not even done yet.
“Carry On” comes in and ends things on a better note, reflecting on how time will pass and things will get better. It kind of feels like a premonition for their new album, getting to a place where they can create what they want and regain some energy after years of non-stop touring.
5. “Disconnected” [She Looks So Perfect EP, 2014]
An early favorite, “Disconnected” reminds us of the power in being with people without the distraction of technology. But in a lovely twist, it doesn’t do it in a condescending way that belittles those that genuinely enjoy social media. This song was written with help from Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low, which explains why this song felt so familiar from first listen to many pop-punk fans. When these bands grow up and leave their deadbeat towns, it's on them to assist them to pass the torch to the next generation.
4. “Girls Talk Boys” [Ghostbusters official soundtrack, 2016]
Reviews for the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot were mixed, but feedback on “Girls Talk Boys” was positive across the board. This track was the tipping point where the band started gravitating away from pop-punk and towards their new, 2018-ready pop sound. Though leagues away from their early racket, you can still feel the same energy shining through; it’s genuine growth, not a forced directional shift. Whether you prefer their rambunctious roots or their new, streamlined sound, let’s celebrate the one track between album cycles that opened the floodgates for a new era of 5SOS.
3. “Try Hard”  [5 Seconds of Summer, 2014]
I will spend my life championing this song and advocating for it to rejoin the band's setlist, despite reminders that they haven’t played it in four years. “Try Hard” is a true masterpiece, giving us an alternate version of the story told in Avril Lavigne’s “Sk8er Boi” 16 years ago. The story of two people who were just so different and then yadda yadda yadda, he ended up on stage with her in the crowd at his show. When I hear Luke referencing the girl in the front row, it takes me back to 2009, when I fully believed a Jonas brother would see me at their world tour and whisk me away to a new life where I’d be serenaded with “Hello Beautiful” every morning.
2. “Youngblood” [Youngblood, 2017]
The band’s newest era  kicked off with “Want You Back”, which was only a taste of what was to follow. “Youngblood” takes us into a whole new age of 5SOS, less focused on being pop punk and more focused on going wherever the music takes them. Genre is much less defined in 2018; everything is a streaming era amalgamation of so many influences and ideas. This song is the perfect example of what can happen when you jump out of the box you put yourself inside of and see what’s happening outside -- in this case, swaggering tight-grooved pop with EDM inflections.
1. “Jet Black Heart” [Sounds Good Feels Good, 2015]
I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I would literally die for “Jet Black Heart,” a expert-level emo-pop power ballad for anyone still holding on to Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge-level angst. Michael takes center stage and shines on lead vocals, giving the track the storm cloud-romantic edge it needed to reach its full potential. If you ever find yourself trying to introduce 5SOS to a skeptical audience, this might be the song to break through the tough exterior to the hurricane underneath it.
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thesides · 7 years
born from resistance [can’t keep me tied down]
Fandom: Sanders Sides (duh) Pairings: None, yet! Chapter: 1 Read:  AO3 Notes: I have no idea where I’m going with this, but I promise you the next chapters will be WAY better! Tag List:  @neetrash @lonewolfmemories @trash-can-so-do-i @half-blood-geek @topspintessa @sweetie2136 @tragicrevenge @babyboylittlepupper
“Virgil remembered the nights when he was a kid, begging for someone to whisk him away from the constant judging. He could remember the shrieking and the crying, hoping that one day it would change.
It never did. ”
Sanders Sides Demigod AU
Virgil wasn’t normal.
That much, he definitely knew. Because as he walked down the street, he could practically count every side glance he’d get. So far, he was at twenty, but his high score was fifty in an hour. How bad was his life that his best achievement was how many people looked at him with disgust? Well, Virgil thought, it wasn’t that bad. He had known a lot of other of people who had it almost as bad as he did - sometimes, worse. And it was those people that he managed to befriend, in his own odd, weird way.
Honestly, Virgil wasn’t even sure how they became his friends, but he wasn’t gonna question it. Not now.
Virgil tugged at his hoodie strings, cursing under his breath as he bumped into someone.
“Sorry,” Virgil muttered, looking down and forcing himself to keep moving. He could hear them groan about ‘Teens these days,’ and Virgil just kept walking, tightening his fists at the veiled insult. Keep walking, Virgil thought, just ignore them. It shouldn’t hurt as much as it did, since, at this point, it was practically routine. Go outside, crash into someone, get insulted, go home. It almost made him want to stay inside all day - almost. Contrary to the nosy middle-aged neighbors, Virgil did have a social life, thank you very much. It just… wasn’t as prominent as everyone else’s. Could you blame him, Virgil thought out, shaking his head.
With the looks everyone gave him constantly, you’d think people would understand that ‘Hey, this guy is outed by society! He’s screwed in the friendship department!’
Apparently, Virgil overestimated people’s intelligence. Never again, he thought, people were exactly as dumb as they looked. They didn’t even know him- yet… Everyone knew he was wrong. A dud.
Shoving his hands in his pocket, Virgil walked towards the train. The crowd was forming rapidly, and anxiety shot up in his spine. He licked his lips, fingering the small amount of cash before walking forward. Virgil quickly paid, practically jumping into the train before the doors slammed shut. He looked around for a seat, faintly noting that the train was a wreck. Sure, it wasn’t a dumpster, but… Virgil sat down on a mangled seat, thread sticking out of it on all sides. Yeah, the train was definitely high class.
He sighed, leaning back against the train’s walls. Virgil winced as the chatter of the train picked up. Sure enough, a group of tourists were blabbering right in front of him, and Virgil wanted to groan out. Of course… Virgil whipped out his headphones, thanking whatever higher deity in existence that they weren’t tangled. He popped them in, listening to some song before closing his eyes.
Virgil felt the train move, and he let his mind drift. What was he thinking about, again? Oh… right. According to literally every person in existence, he was a heathen with purple hair and an emo/angsty background. Yay. Virgil couldn’t help the bitter taste in his mouth at that description - damn, he was getting too good at being right. Because he knew that everyone thought of him that way - even people who didn’t know him at all. And it wasn’t even his fault - he didn’t want to be this way. Virgil remembered the nights when he was a kid, begging for someone to whisk him away from the constant judging. He could remember the shrieking and the crying, hoping that one day it would change.
It never did. Such was his life.
Virgil wished he’d accepted that fact sooner.
Everyone knew he wasn’t normal. He was an outlier, the unknown - Virgil wasn’t supposed to exist. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. He was supposed to be this, act like that. But it never happened - he was just Virgil.
Virgil gave off this ‘bad vibe,’ according to literally everyone that walked past him. People always gave him that ‘look’, for reasons that Virgil didn’t even care anymore. Some small part of him broke whenever someone would cuss him out under their breath, but for some reason, it only managed to make Virgil come back with a furious hatred for the world.
Virgil knew he wasn’t normal. There was something wrong with him. Especially when he saw things jump out at him in the middle of the night. They were… monsters, in every way possible. He recalled one time when he was walking in a Subway. Never again, he promised. Subway was evil. But there were always things that happened to him. Feral dogs that seemed to be at least double his own size attacked him out in the blue. Buffed out people with only one eye stalked him whenever he walked out in the park - one even tried to kill him. But whenever he tried to explain it to someone… Apparently, that dog was a kitten and that person was an elderly.
Yep, totally makes sense.
Virgil forced himself to open his eyes, feeling the train coming to a stop. He glanced up at the sign, squinting as he tried to make out the floating letters. Nope. Wasn’t his stop. Virgil leaned back, sighing as he turned up the volume.
The train moved again and Virgil hummed along with the tune of Over My Head, tapping his fingers against his leg. If he had to sit on a thirty minute trip across the city, then at least he’d have his music. For a second, Virgil managed to relax, leaning his head back and just enjoying the blast of music.
And then, of course, someone had to sit next to him.
Immediately, Virgil stiffened, instinctively turning down the volume blasting from his headphones. The last thing he wanted was someone to start a lecture about ‘modern music.’ Yeah, so what if the Beatles were really the hit in the 70s? He didn’t. Care.
So Virgil forced himself to just sit in silence, swallowing at the sudden awkwardness bursting between them. Seriously, who sits next to a person when there’s about ten other spots-
“Ah, yes, I forgot to ask, do you mind?” Virgil blinked at the voice, whipping his head around to the person sitting next to him.
“No.” Was all Virgil managed to say, well, muttered as the person sat straight up.
“Great. I apologize for not asking sooner.” The guy was… weird, Virgil noted. He talked like a textbook - looked like one, too. He wore a necktie and a dark blue shirt, matched with black skinny jeans. Oh, and glasses, because this guy was really trying hard for that nerd look. Or maybe he really was one? Wait, why did Virgil care? “I needed company for the experiment I am engaging in.”
“Ex… Experiment?” Oh no, Virgil was not liking where this was going. He swallowed and berated himself for stuttering. Yeah, great English, Verge-
“Yes.” The man adjusted his glasses and pushed them up at the sides. “I was unable to gather any other information via the Library and the ‘Internet. You seem to be in the same situation as I am.”
“What?” Virgil blinked, feeling his hackles rise and his brain started screaming at him. “Look, I don’t care what drugs or thing you’re selling. I don’t want it.”
Traveling around the city, you were bound to run into one of those ragtag groups that practically pressured you into buying some sort of drug. Virgil had had his handful of interactions, and he’d always barely escaped them. But… The guy didn’t look like one of those people. He looked nice.
And he also looked very, very confused. “No…” He began, “That wasn’t what I meant. Was my statement not trustworthy enough? Allow me to rephrase- I believe that another person will help me in my studies. I can’t be the only one experiencing these… anomalies.”
“Yeah,” Virgil snorted, the guy was a living textbook, “Right. You literally just met me and suddenly we’re the same. Keep talkin’, lunatic.”
“I do not appreciate you insulting me. And frankly, I was simply trying to conduct an experiment-”
“Whatever- I don’t appreciate you ‘experimenting’ on me. Can you just lay off?”
People were turning their way, eyes looking at him. Shit, he thought, all he wanted to do was go home in peace.
The nerd had the nerve to huff, rolling his eyes before leaning back in his seat.  “Fine. I will not intrude further. I just…” He adjusted his glasses, and Virgil faintly noticed the bags under the guy's eyes.
Oh no, his mind said, no, we’re not going to feel bad for a stranger. None of that. Weren’t we just insulting the guy two seconds ago? He was but… Virgil couldn’t help but feel just a bit bad. The guy looked- well, he looked just like him. The nerdy look probably didn’t help with being social, and the way he talked probably didn’t get him any points in some club or something. And Virgil couldn’t help the understanding. Sure, Virgil wasn’t a ray of sunshine, but he wasn’t going to ruin a guy’s fucking day because he wanted to.
“Ah, fuck it…” Virgil muttered, turning to face the nerd. “Go ahead, show me what you got.”
The nerd’s face actually brightened. “Very well. I assure you, the time will not be of waste. I have gathered a series of plausible factions and various-”
“Whoa, whoa, slow down. Just tell me what you wanted to do.” Virgil slowly spoke out, and he briefly regretted his decision, just for a second.
“Right- I… I have been seeing these sort of images in the middle of crowds or chaos. Yet, whenever I discuss these with the authorities, it seems as though they never existed. They just weren’t there.” Virgil felt his blood go cold as the geek kept talking, “I have tried to collect photos, but it never worked. I have sketched out diagrams-”
“Wait.” The train slowed, and Virgil could barely make out anything. “Wait- What’s your name, geek?”
“Logan. Logan Everill.”
Someone- Someone was like him? “Logan- Logan, do they ever attack? What do they look like?”
He couldn’t help the pounding in his chest, the beating of his heart, the rapid breathing in and out. Virgil wasn’t alone. Someone saw the things he saw. Normal, Normal, Normal. The words repeated like a mantra, the only thing burning into his mind. Logan Everill was like him. He saw the things lurking in the darkness -  saw the feral dogs growling at him. Logan saw the things he did… he wasn’t alone.
“I… I cannot describe them. They look like-”
Suddenly, the train lurched forward and Virgil felt his back slam into the pole next to him. He gasped, mind spinning before whipping his head towards the front. The tourists in front of him were launched forward, screaming. Logan was right behind him, standing up and gripping the pole desperately.
Virgil’s eyes widened and his heart jumped out of his chest. “No…”
For a split second, Virgil wished for someone to say anything, do anything just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. And then a little girl cried out, screaming. It sunk in, and people started yelling and he could see out of the corner of his eyes the girl was kneeling on the ground. Logan moved forward, eyes wide and fist tightened. People kept on shrieking and Virgil couldn’t help the shaking in his bones.
This… This couldn’t be happening, he thought dumbly. There’s no way…
Because the front of the train was gone and in its place was a dog the size of his own apartment.
“Yeah,” Virgil heard Logan whisper under his breath, “They look like that.”
The dog looked up, and Virgil screamed.
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