#productivity habits.
study-sphere · 2 months
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- Banksy
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How to Build Self Discipline
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Cultivating self-discipline is the way towards personal growth and achieving long-term goals. To me, it’s really all about making choices that honor your well-being and identity.
Understand that self-discipline is about self love and respect
It’s not about punishment or deprivation, but rather caring for yourself enough to make choices that align with your long-term well-being and goals.
You’re showing yourself the respect you deserve by honoring and committing to changes you want to make.
It’s all about recognizing your worth and having the motivation and courage to pursue what’s really best for you, even when it requires a lot of effort and decision-making.
Frame your identity in a way that includes discipline
How we act directly ties to our identities and how we believe we are. If you believe you’re a successful individual, you’ll live a life framed by confidence and determination. If you believe you’re someone who is lazy and unmotivated, you’ll struggle to find the drive to pursue your goals and aspirations.
Gaining discipline is all about acting as the person you believe you are and moving through life in a way that’s consistent with your determined identity. The key here is to try to imagine who you are at your highest self in a disciplined state of mind.
To start this, ask yourself these questions and slowly arrange your life in a way so there’s no distance between who you are now and your highest self:
What does your day look like
What do you eat
What do you wear
What does your week look like
What does your work day look like
What hobbies do you have
What’s your morning and night routine
Who are you surrounded by
What do you say yes and no to
Have systems in your life
I recently wrote a post about habits and mentioned the idea of systems versus goals. Here, I want to delve a bit deeper into that concept within the context of self-discipline.
To me, another way to truly live a disciplined life is to establish starting systems, something that will propel you past hurdles and reduce the friction that accompanies change.
Let’s say you want to improve your eating habits and cultivate discipline in consuming less sugar while incorporating more whole foods into your diet. You could begin by implementing a system of prepping healthy snacks or meals in advance at the start of each week, or however you see fit. By having these snacks readily available, you eliminate the need for decision-making, making it easier to adhere to your goal.
Anything that serves as a reminder or facilitates consistent action toward your desired outcome is a valuable system in your life.
Be okay with not doing something and embrace the mindset of small wins
This may seem paradoxical in the context of developing self-discipline, but being okay with not doing something is crucial. There are times in life when we need tough love and motivation, but there are also moments when compassion is the driving force that propels us forward.
When you don’t follow through with something, whether it’s going for a run or preparing a healthy dinner, it’s important to be okay with it. You don’t need to shame yourself or feel guilty for not taking action because that will only reinforce negative thought patterns, making it harder to create the change you desire.
Consider this: if you miss a planned run and spiral into self-criticism, you’re more likely to avoid running altogether. However, if you approach the situation with understanding and compassion, you’ll be more inclined to try again next time.
This is where small daily victories come into play. Sometimes, all we need is one small step forward to develop a new habit and maintain consistency. Whatever you're striving to improve or change, if it feels daunting, tell yourself, "Just for today, I'll do a 15-minute workout instead of the full hour," or "Just for today, I'll read 5 pages instead of the entire chapter," and celebrate these as small victories. Doing so not only helps you establish new habits but also allows you to acknowledge the progress you've made and the trust you've built within yourself.
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csuitebitches · 8 months
Brainwash yourself with good habits. You need to do it the way you would train a dog - fetch the stick and get a treat.
I love listening to music but I also wanted to start listening to podcasts. I have to go to work everyday, and I prefer to drive myself to work and back.
I know that if I make myself listen to podcasts both drives, the habit will last not more than 3 days.
But if I make myself listen to a podcast on the way to work; and listen to my favourite music on the way back home to de-stress and relax; now that’s a healthy compromise. And it works for the long term.
The same goes with social media. I deleted all social media from my phone. I don’t have Facebook, Instagram, or even tumblr on my phone. The YouTube account that I keep on my phone has been very consciously kept; I only allow the algorithm to show me educational stuff like podcasts, history videos, news, psychology, stuff like that. Absolutely no entertainment. I keep all my social media (and my “fun” YouTube account which is basically Korean mukbangs and all sorts of useless beauty hauls that I honestly love to watch) on another device - my iPad, which I use for work. I check out what’s happening on tumblr or YouTube or Pinterest when it’s my lunch break or a coffee break. That’s another healthy compromise that works for me.
Going cold turkey with anything - stopping something addictive like smoking or drinking or suddenly starting a plethora of new habits- doesn’t work. You’ve restricted your mind and body so much that you keep remember the good old days where you drank like a whale and sat on the couch watching rubbish and you glamorise, romanticise and reminisce those times. Now you’re in that dangerous red zone where you know that if you see that bottle or the packet of chips, your body is going to reach for it before your mind can intervene.
Aim for long-term, sustainable albeit small habits, rather than complex overnight habits.
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byoldervine · 3 months
Writing Tip - What ‘Habit Over Motivation’ Actually Looks Like
We’ve all heard the writing advice that you can’t rely on motivation to get you through writing a book, sometimes you need to force yourself to do it and make a habit of it. And a lot of us will scoff at that or find it too restrictive or boring, it leaves us feeling like it’s a chore rather than a fun activity
As someone who only worked out what people actually mean by it recently, let me explain my take on it
You’re not always going to be inspired to write, you’re not always going to be motivated to write, but if you only write when you’re motivated it’s gonna take a crap ton of time - and writing anything to completion already takes donkey’s years as it is. Forming a habit is going to enable you to write consistently, and thus even unmotivated or uninspired progress is still made. Hence, sometimes you have to force yourself to write
But writing too much will make that habit impossible, or at least it becomes a chore and not a fun activity. You need to give yourself realistic goals to meet, even if it’s only something small. Write for ten minutes a day, write 500 words every week, any snail’s pace progress regardless of how insignificant it may seem. Something small enough that it doesn’t drain you but frequent enough that there’s still a habit being formed, there’s still consistency to it
I used to only write when I was inspired and motivated and could get myself to start writing, and even then the word count would be inconsistent. It could be weeks or even months between proper writing sessions. But now that I have a baseline for productivity, I have a baseline for consistent progress. And I’m only on 1K words a week! And if that doesn’t work, you can do less, or go by time spent writing if that’s a better metric for your writing style!
There’s no such thing as not enough progress when it comes to forming a consistent habit; if you can get at least one word per deadline (day, week, whatever) then that still counts as consistent progress
What everyone else seems to think of is “You must get this big amount of words written daily, think of it as eternal NaNoWriMo, if you miss even one day you’re a failure and you’ll never get the book done, SUFFER FOR YOUR ART!”
Just do what’s comfortable and it’ll be fine, no worries
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emgoesmed · 1 month
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Sunny mornings 🌤️ vs rainy afternoons ☔️
Taking a break at my local cafe, we’re moving next week so I’m trying to psych myself up for a cross-country UHaul trip. Lots of little things to do and I’ve been feeling overwhelmed even though I have no more med school stuff to do until graduation day.
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Are you making good use of your time today?
Hey ladies, we just want to remind you of how important it is for you to stay productive!
Make small new changes to your morning, off days, and night routines!
Maintain self-control and treat yourself with little acts of self-care as a reward for completing productive tasks.
Before you know it those new small habits turn into a lifestyle!
model 🏷️ reniyanicoel
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prettieinpink · 7 months
Hey i just wanna ask since your blog is really helpful, can you give me some advice on how to stop being lazy or how to be more productive? This have been a problem since i was little and im telling you i wanna make it stop
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LAZINESS IS NOT AN ACTION, BUT A MINDSET. If you are truly committed, disciplined and motivated, you will have no problems achieving your goals and being productive. So, no negative self-talk & a limiting mindset only holds you back. 
Eating the frog refers to doing the hardest task on your to-do list first to get in your productivity flow and conquer your to-do list easily. 
Or, what I prefer, is eating the chick(s). Doing the small impact tasks first gives you enough confidence to do your harder tasks. Eat the one you prefer!
FIGURE OUT THE REAL ISSUE. Is this a task you hate? Then make it enjoyable for yourself. Afraid of failing? Expect yourself to fail. Is it overwhelming? Then only do a fraction of the task.  Find a solution. DON’T LIMIT YOURSELF TO TIME. Avoid timing yourself or giving yourself a time limit. Just do your tasks without worrying about time, even if you run out, you’ve still been productive.  SET YOUR ENVIRONMENT FOR SUCCESS. Lay out everything that you have to do, minimise common distractions and remove anything that makes you feel anything but productive. MAKE THE TRANSITION EASY, from non-productive to productive. Ensure that you have a customised ritual before being productive, have a particular time to start being productive and have a specific place where you are productive.  AVOID PERFECTION. It doesn’t matter if your tasks aren’t achieved at a high standard, but if you commit to just doing it, that consistency provides more growth and helps to do that same task again.  PLAN YOUR DAY, PROPERLY. Don’t be vague when planning. Outline what you need to do for each task, because when we know what we have to do, it seems more achievable and less out of reach.  BALANCE IS KEY. Taking breaks, eating healthy meals throughout and getting the blood flowing increases our productivity. Please, do not overexert yourself to be productive.
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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positive habit ideas
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ wake up earlier
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ exercise regularly
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ drink more water
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ follow a budget
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ read at least 10 pages per day
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ plan your week every sunday
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ listen to something positive in the morning
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ journal
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ minimise digital clutter
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ get adequate sleep
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ build financial security (emergency fund)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ take evening walks
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ practice a new skill
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ avoid multitasking
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ check in with your personal goals once a week
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ put your phone away during conversations
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astudyingdemon · 4 months
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Atomic Habits 📚✍🏻 Just shared some key points in my IG page ✨
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ledgend-origin-mew · 5 days
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Forever same-name buddies!
Mite & Persim -> @loupy-mongoose
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tytoalbatross · 1 month
god damn i do not post often but can i talk about intentionality for a second?? one second please
i'm gonna be talking about bg3 but this really applies to any fandom space. people will, surface-level, agree that a Black character is not getting enough content compared to their white counterparts because it's. obvious . take wyll, who is several hours behind on voiced lines compared to other origins despite being one of the original five (before they added karlach and whiteified her too but that's another post). it's hard to deny cold hard facts
but then instead of engaging in content that uplifts Black characters and creators, they'll go right back to pumping out more and more content of just their white faves. on its own, it's not actively harmful, but here's what the implication is, whether they acknowledge it or not: yes wyll has less in-game content, yes his writing didn't get the attention it deserved, therefore i don't like him as much. it only perpetuates wyll's lack of content by contributing to his sidelining in fandom spaces
what i would love for fans who claim to be allies to do is to step out of the comfort zone of their initial favorites (which can, in fact, be biased!) and start pursuing content centering Black characters with intentionality. like all things, anti-racism (actively pushing back against racism rather than simply "Not Being Racist") takes practice and effort. you can't really agree with us that wyll needs more content, then in the same breath say that it's because of that that he's not interesting to you . the point was right in front of you doing a jig and you still missed it
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How to Master Motivation
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Hi friends,
Today I want to talk about motivation and finding ways to maintain it in our daily lives. Motivation is a crucial factor that drives us to achieve our goals, overcome challenges, and stay committed to our development.
Understand the locus of control
Our locus of control, internal or external, is the degree to which we believe we have control over what happens to us in our lives. It influences how we respond to circumstances that impact us and how motivated we feel to take action.
An external locus of control is when we believe that our life and the outcomes we experience are a result of external forces beyond our power. We think everything that happens to us occurs because of chance or luck—two things we can’t control.
The key to staying motivated is to develop an internal locus of control. This is when we believe that we’re responsible for the things happening to us and understand that we have control over the outcome. It’s a level of self-determination where we realize our efforts, decisions, and habits create the life we live.
So, how do we adopt an internal locus of control?
The first point I want to emphasize is that, regardless of your perception of how much control you have over your life, the amount of work you put into something is always within your control. The first step is to abandon the mindset that everything is left up to chance and, because of this, you should stop trying. You need to understand that you always have some level of power over your circumstances, even if you’ve been told otherwise:
Be more aware of the choices you make and realize there is always a choice to be made.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance from those around you.
Spend time self-reflecting and trying to understand yourself better. Reflect on previous instances where you’ve felt a lack of control and write down what could have been done instead.
Don’t be afraid to fail; it’s an opportunity to learn.
Know the different types of motivation
Next, I want to talk about the different types of motivation and how they impact you.
There are 4 different types of motivation, each with their own distinctions:
Intrinsic motivation: This is where you do something because it aligns with your values or just because it’s fun. Although it’s good to have intrinsic motivation, this type is fragile and can be undermined when we start feeling like we’re losing autonomy over our choices.
Extrinsic motivation: This is what most people think of when they imagine motivation. It’s when our motivation comes from outside of us—we’re doing something for a reward or to avoid a punishment. It’s the opposite type of motivation that you should seek if you want to be self-driven.
Introjected: This type of motivation can create resentment or tension. We do something because if we don’t, we’ll feel shameful or guilty. For example, you might go to the gym not because you enjoy it or care about the health benefits, but because you feel guilty if you don’t work out.
Identified: The reason you’re doing something is because it aligns with your idealized self. It’s something that you’ve internalized to be important and allows you to behave in accordance with your self-concept and identity. This is the most important type because it creates habitual behaviors are no longer choices. We understand our identity and that certain habits and behaviors need to be done so that we’re constantly aligned with our higher selves. For example, you might regularly volunteer at a local shelter or organization because you’re someone who values compassion and community service.
So, how can we implement identified motivation more into our lives?
Really try and understand the reasoning behind a goal you want to achieve. Ask yourself “why do you actually want this thing?”. This is also a good time to review your values and whether or not your goal aligns with them.
Constantly remind yourself about why the outcome matters to you because we often forget the reason that we started in the first place. —ex.
Like James Clear said, make your goal, system, habit, or whatever you’re wanting to accomplish more motivating or fun. Beyond that, start associating the reward with the challenge itself. If you’re training for a marathon, instead of seeing the finish line as the only reward, find or fulfillment in the training process and the discipline you developed along the way.
Adopt a positive mindset. Rather than complaining about having to workout in the morning or studying for an exam, start saying “I get to study for this exam and further my education” or “I’m blessed to have a body that works for me and allows me to exercise”. It’s all about perspective and embracing gratitude. If you put half the energy that you use from complaining into figuring out how to take the next step, you’ll accomplish a lot more.
Don’t neglect your emotional and mental health
Slumps are very real, and mental health can impact every aspect of motivation. Self-improvement and changing your life aren’t easy journeys by any means, and there will be times when stress and feelings of being overwhelmed can paralyze you. In these moments, it’s critical to take a break, a breather, or anything that can help reset your mental health. Remember to engage in activities that support your emotional needs. Not every second of the day needs to be spent doing something productive or working toward your goals. It’s okay to take breaks and have rest days; in fact, I think it’s crucial.
Reward yourself often, even for the smallest achievements. It’s not about what you completed, but the fact that you completed something at all. Spend time acknowledging your accomplishments.
Take it one step at a time and remember no action is too small. Starting small is what helps us build consistency in the long run.
Embrace positive self-talk. Avoid talking yourself into a negative spiral, as it will only make you lose motivation and put you in a slump.
Get an accountability partner. Having someone in your corner who will cheer for you and keep you accountable is a game changer.
Stay motivated, stay grateful, stay resilient.
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july-19th-club · 2 months
the other thing baru is always doing is like . simultaneously forgetting everyone around her has personal motives of their own AND assuming motive as applied to herself where there isn't any, like 'why would they send me a person who resembles me complexion-wise for this task? are they trying to get on my good side?' like maybe it's just a coincidence. a lot of things are. but because she's so paranoid she's always reading into every little detail assuming it has relevance while at the exact same time missing relevant details because they have to do with things and people that are not her
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Master Your Money & Tips On Financial Literacy
Understanding and taking control of your finances improves your quality of life in many ways. Making strides toward better financial literacy can save you a lot of stress, unnecessary fees and helps you play a more active role in taking control over this aspect of adulthood. Once you understand the game of money, saving, and investing, it becomes infinitely simpler to devise a plan to set yourself up for a more financially-free future. Here are some practical tips to keep your finances streamlined, secure, and systemized to help you gain more financial literacy and win in this area of life.
Track Your Income & Expenses
Set Financial Goals & Realistic Limitations
Invest Higher-Quality Items To Save Later
Educate Yourself On Different Types of Banking & Investment Accounts
Establish Credit, But Know Yourself
Create An Emergency Fund
Leverage Credit Card Benefits
Understand The Power of A Roth IRA (or Backdoor Roth IRA) & HSA
Automate Whenever Possible
Get Familiar With Taxes & Write-offs
Stay Informed About Employer Benefits
Purchase Seasonally & With Discount Codes (When Available)
Protect Yourself
Read Books
Seek Expert Advice
Track Your Income & Expenses: Always have a record of all of the money going in and out of your accounts. Use the tool on your banking account app(s) to confirm your monthly income and expenses. Tools like Mint also are great to track your spending to see where every dollar is going all in one place. Aside from personal use, for small business owners, Quickbooks is my favorite invoicing and expense-tracking option. 
Set Financial Goals & Realistic Limitations: Once you know your exact monthly income, budget your essentials, savings, investments, and fun money accordingly. Make sure necessities like rent, food, health insurance, electricity, WiFi, toiletries, etc. are accounted for before anything else. Depending on your financial situation, experts (not me – I try to educate myself as best as I can, but am no expert!) recommend trying to save and invest between 15-30% of your pre-tax income. Give yourself the liberty to spend the rest (say 15-20%) of your income, so you don’t feel deprived and stay on track with your goals.  
Invest Higher-Quality Items To Save Later: Initially purchasing a higher-quality item often cuts your overall expenses in a certain area over the long run. (Ex: Well-made clothing, shoes, furniture, kitchen appliances, coffee maker, hair dryer, etc.). If you invest upfront on an item you regularly use, there’s a lower chance that it will deteriorate, rip, break, or otherwise become unusable for the next few years. When you opt for the cheaper option, this practice might save you a few bucks in the short term, but you will probably end up having to replace it a few times over time and spend more in the long run. This tip might seem counterintuitive to some, but it truly does save you a lot of money (and frustration). However, I will place a caveat here and say that this advice comes from a place of privilege. Never purchase something you can’t afford. If you have the means, spend a bit more upfront - it is better for your future wallet, allows you to indulge in a better quality of life, and helps you let go of any scarcity mindset/financial limiting beliefs. 
Educate Yourself On The Different Types of Banking & Investment Accounts: Know the differences between and the use purpose of different accounts: Checking, Savings, CDs, 401K, Roth IRA, HSA, etc. Always opt for a high-yield savings account option to help preserve your money’s value over time with rising living costs and inflation. 
Establish Credit, But Know Yourself: Your credit score is like your adult report card. It’s essential for so many aspects of life, like renting or buying a home, insurance, cell phone plans, etc., so it’s important to start building your credit as early as you can. However, if you know you’re the type of person to overspend with a credit card, look into secured credit card options (you deposit the money that acts as a credit limit, so it’s like a debit card with credit-building benefits). 
Create An Emergency Fund: Pay yourself first. Have between 3-12 months of expenses available in a high-yield savings account at all times. If you have a family or are self-employed, aim for 6-12 months of necessary savings to stay sane. Saving this amount of money takes time. Be patient, and cut back on frivolous expenses if needed for the short term. 
Leverage Credit Card Benefits: If you have enough self-control, always use a credit card instead of a debit card – but spend in the same way you would as though the money is coming directly out of your bank account. This gives you additional flight and other purchasing perks, such as cashback and exclusive discounts. Using a credit card provides additional security, too.
Understand The Power of A Roth IRA (or Backdoor Roth IRA, depending on your income) & HSA: Compound interest is your best friend financially. Depending on your income, invest as much as you can into a Roth IRA account or set up a backdoor Roth IRA through your brokerage firm (I use Vanguard!). HSA (Health Saving Accounts) accounts offer so many benefits – they can serve as a tax write-off, lower your overall healthcare costs, and be leveraged to use as an additional retirement investment account, too (I use Fidelity). 
Automate Whenever Possible: Automate a portion of your paycheck to savings and your investments, so you never see this money. Pay yourself first before spending (on anything but necessities). 
Get Familiar With Taxes & Write-offs: This mainly applies to anyone self-employed or a small business owner (been in the game for 5 years!). However, this point can also potentially be beneficial for students who can leverage an education credit for tax purposes. Explore all of your options to see what write-offs are available in your specific situation. Understand how your income and expenses influence your tax bracket. Investing in a CPA can save you a considerable amount of money and all of your sanity if you’re not a salaried employee. Look over the standardized section C document, and speak with a professional to help maximize your write-off potential (legally and honestly, of course). My CPA is my lifeline! 
Stay Informed About Employer Benefits: Always maximize your 401K match (whatever percentage that is at your company), any wellness perks (like a gym membership or massage credit), or any meals and car services credits for late nights/work trips. 
Purchase Seasonally & With Discount Codes (When Available): Try to purchase items off-season when you can (e.g. purchase classic winter closet staples in the summer when they’re on sale). Utilize plug-ins like Honey or Cently on your browser to have discount codes for any site readily available. 
Protect Yourself: Stay on top of fraud alerts. Freeze your credit bureau accounts if necessary. 
Read Books: Educate yourself on saving, investing, budgeting, building a business, etc. See the ‘Finance’ section of my Femme Fatale Booklist for some recommendations. I also love Graham Stephan’s Youtube channel – his videos are highly useful and practical for beginners in this life arena! 
Seek Expert Advice: Use licensed professionals (CPAs, brokerage firms, your bank, etc.) as a resource, too, for your personal goals. 
This is a lot to take in, so try to implement one action item (or a few) at a time, so you can work towards your goals without getting overwhelmed. Also, for reference, I’m in the United States, so all of these tips are focused on how the system works in my country - if you know of any international equivalents, feel free to drop them in the comments to guide others.
Hope this helps xx 
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jodiellie · 20 days
Day 8: Workout Day!! (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭ (20/5/2024)
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Water intake: 880mL
Sleep: 1:30am - 10am (I fell asleep when I was watching YouTube ASJDNFDSD IM SO GLAD IT'S EARLY AND NOT LATE THO!)
Daily vitamin C intake ✅
Allergy meds ✅
I did a cardio workout this time! I deadass passed out when I was laying on the floor to rest andsndfsdf but I feel really good afterwards so heh >:)
Before bed stretches! I'm starting to think these help with sleeping (or it could be because I'm still sore from working out, so I'm tired)
Link to the cardio workout right below! (Can you tell I rly like Emi Wong's workouts asndknsdf)
1 HOUR WALKING WORKOUT | 6000 Steps Full Body Fat Burn Cardio, NO Repeat, NO Jumping, At Home
NIGHT STRETCH TO WIND DOWN | Relaxing Routine to Get a Good Night Sleep | 10 MIN | Daniela Suarez
Body Care
Washed my hair today bcz holy shit it's HOT and also bcz I exercised uwu
Hair mask + hair oil combo ”ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ“
More Witcher 3!!
Supernatural S3EP8
Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese with Ham
Dinner: Noodles (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
Snack: My leftover slice of soju bday cake 👀 + banana (LISTEN IF I DON'T EAT IT, NOBODY WILL AND IT'S THE LAST DAY I CAN KEEP IN THE FRIDGE-)
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮₊˚⊹♡
We're off to a good start today! I'm trying to get closer to drink at least 1L of water a day, but it's close enough~ Also I finally am able to get all my vitamin + meds in, and was able to workout too! I felt really really good about my body afterwards hehe ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ Which is great because before I started this journey, I was kinda stuck in this depressed loop where I just didn't feel like doing anything. I'm glad I got to rediscover how physical activities can help with me feeling better, whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally :')
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study-sphere · 2 months
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"Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing, and dream while others are wishing."
- William Arthur Ward
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