#so asking a stranger who isn't used to seeing me helped me shop for glasses I may not usually look at
miqojak · 2 months
Dawntrail Graphics Appreciation Post
I think lots of people are so accustomed to the old, outdated graphics version of their characters, that they just need time to adjust to the new graphics, for the most part (most comparisons I see look exactly the same, when people are complaining about the changes). But in the meantime, enjoy some characters no one has any attachment to! Look at how good all these random people from my collection of 'characters I've designed but never used' look in the new graphics! Freshly moisturized skin for the win!
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( I love my green Elezen and long to make her, and the Roe featured is actually named Crying Dove, and she's an NPC that's part of Jak's backstory, and runs a brothel in Ul'dah. If only this game were more alt-friendly...)
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
scenario: you start seeing Jon which leads to the two of you having to hide it from your family and especially Damian.
pairing: jon kent ( superboy ) x fem! reader
note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / can you tell my kent family hyperfixation hasn't left yet? i swear it's becoming an issue lmaooo but this might actually be the longest fic i've written for this blog.
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you talked with your friends who you had snuck into the gala with. Rachel had begrudgingly agreed to come to meanwhile Cass and Steph were the only other ones who agreed to come on their own accord.
"Damian, your only friend is here," Dick said, earning a kick from his younger brother before getting up and leaving you and Raven alone. you knew it was a rare occasion that she even decided to show up so you didn't want to leave her alone. "we probably won't see my brother for the rest of the night. whenever his friend comes, it's like everyone becomes a background character. for him being my adopted 'twin' brother, I have yet to meet this friend."
Raven laughed as you saw the wine that the couple on the dance left on your table drunkenly. the bottle was little more than half-filled and you gave one quick look to Raven before pouring the wine into both of your glasses and discarding it right away.
"to not having fun for the rest of the night," you giggled as the two of you chugged the wine down in a mere few seconds, "drier than I thought it would be but it beats having to pay for it," Raven muttered as you agreed to sneak another bottle from the bartender so you wouldn't have to pay for it. even with your dad paying for all your necessities, the drinks at his galas were far too expensive for you to even willingly pay for them yourself. the only reason why he even paid for all your expenses was because you agreed to skip out on college to help run some parts of Wayne Enterprises with your brother.
another reason why you couldn't exactly go and pay for it yourself was because Bruce was not one to exactly be chippy at the idea of you getting plastered drunk at one of his public galas. "I got one of two ideas. one: I'll go flirt with the bartender and you can sneak behind him and get the other bottle or two: I can flirt with the bartender for enough time to see if he'll just willingly give it to us," you told Raven as she nodded with option two.
the bartender happened to be in his younger 50s. you recognized him from previous WE events and although he was familiar with your family, you doubted that he would say anything to your dad about you flirting him with. all you had to do was push the top of the dress down a bit and hike up the bottom to get his attention.
"hey Martin," you said, leaning up against the bar table and smiling, "enjoying the night?" you asked as you saw him flinch back in surprise. he nodded, trying to divert his eyes from looking at you in anyway you could have felt to be disrespectful.
"I was thinking, how much does the bottle of Lafite Rothschild go for?" you asked, giving him a pouty face. he gulped nervously, "almost ten grand ma'am," he replied, grabbing it from the wine stand, "even for me? I mean, my dad must've paid for it so does it even go for that much considering I am his child?" he asked.
you could tell that you had caught him in a predicament, "I would assume not, I assume you're twenty one, right?" he murmured, handing you the precious bottle. you smiled (a fake one that anyone could see through) and nodded before giving the old man a light kiss on the cheek, "thanks Martin, I appreciate it," you said, giving him a wave before leaving.
Raven perked up seeing the bottle in your hand, "snagged a ten thousand dollar bottle," you said excitedly as you waved it in your hand. Raven stared at you in shock, "you got a ten thousand dollar bottle in less than five minutes?" she exclaimed.
you giggled before whispering in her ear, "the benefits of being a child of Bruce Wayne is that you can practically get away with anything. especially when you're the daughter." you popped open the bottle as you handed her the wine glass and poured the drink with care. you gave her a slight cheers before taking a small sip and being pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as dry for a wine with a huge amount of alcohol percentage.
as the night progressed, you and Raven got actively more drunk. you hadn't realized how hard the wine had hit you until Raven was drunkenly getting pulled home by Gar as you sat at the table with a little less than the bottle still full. you hadn't seen your dad or brother all night and you figured they must've been pulled into doing Batfamily work at some point and left you alone with Steph or Cass. hell, maybe even Dick if he was still around.
you weren't actively apart of the vigilante work all of your siblings did but you did help them out with the technical parts of it when Tim wasn't available. you didn't really like fighting or risking your life so after you graduated, you interned at Wayne Enterprises under Tim's orders while Damian worked under your dad.
at the age of twenty-one, you still hadn't met most of the league for the exception of Wonder Woman and The Flash. the rest were strangers in your head and much to Damian's luck, he wanted to keep it that way. at least in his case with Jon.
"ow, I am so sorry," you slurred as you managed to hit someone on the shoulder. he chuckled seeing as how you were not attempting to get up, "you okay there ma'am?" the man with a southern accent asked. you giggled as you attempted to get up, "I'm ( your name ) and you are?" you asked.
"Jon Kent, pleasure to meet you," he said, kissing your hand. you blushed as you heard one of your favorite songs come through the speakers, "would you like to dance?" you asked, not even caring that you had met this just a few mere seconds ago. he nodded, figuring that since Damian left him stranded at the gala, he had nothing to lose.
the song 'telepatia' by Kali Uchis played throughout the ballroom. Jon immediately took the reigns as the lead as the lights got dimmer and you danced against Jon sensually. "what got you dragged here?" you asked Jon. "my best friend invited me as his plus one. you?" he whispered in your ear, "I work for the company so I kind of had to attend," you managed to say before turning around and facing him.
you looked at Jon with drunken yet loving eyes, "you're handsome, you know that?" you said with no hesitation in your face. Jon laughed, placing his hand on your cheek, "right back at ya, darlin'," he replied as the song switched to another one of your favorite songs.
side to side by ariana grande started.
you shrugged, feeling as though you had nothing to lose and got up on your toes gave Jon a kiss on his lips. he was slightly taken back but played it off by returning it. the two of you remained kissing through the entirety of the song until Jon felt a familiar tap on his shoulder.
"I gotta go but if you're up for it, I'd love for ya to give me your number," you nodded excitedly as you practically snatched his phone from his hand and typed it in as quickly as possible with your name having a hundred emoji's next to it, "text me in the morning!" you screamed.
Jon laughed before following Damian from behind, "you suck, you know that!" Jon exclaimed, "I meet one girl I actually like and you drag me away!" Damian rolled his eyes, "please, you act like there isn't more girls out there to hit on." this time, it was Jon's turn to roll his eyes, "I got her number so I guess that's a plus."
you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache but to a few messages on your phone. you smiled realizing that it was the boy you had met the night before.
"good morning...or actually good afternoon!"
Jon laughed from his side of the phone.
"good afternoon darlin'. I hope you had a good sleep."
you were texting your way down the stairs, greeting Alfred and Bruce before grabbing a plate of lunch and sitting down on the bar top. "what time you'd make it home?" Bruce asked, sensing the hangover you had. "a bit past midnight. drank a bottle of Lafite with Raven before dancing with a boy you invited," you said honestly.
Bruce felt himself go stiff at the admittance of you drinking the Lafite bottle but remained silent as Alfred placed Advil and one of your Gatorades next to you. "yeah, whoever must've danced with you last night must've been drunk too because you'd want to dance with you?" Damian said coming down the stairs.
you threw him a fork, Damian dodging it with ease, "I'd shut up if I were you. I'm actually getting coffee with the guy in like an hour," you replied, chugging down the rest of the food before getting up and going to your room, "yeah and I pray for the man who now has to deal with you," Damian screamed loud enough for you to hear.
you pulled on a skirt and tights before slipping on a sweater and fixing your hair and quickly doing your makeup. you grabbed the keys from your bag and took the back entrance to get to your car. one of the benefits of getting paid so much was that you were able to afford cars that were out of price range for a lot of people your age.
the coffee shop you decided to meet Jon at was a few blocks into the heart of central Gotham. you got a table farthest from the crowd as you didn't want any attention on you and your potential boyfriend. you saw Jon approaching at the front of the coffee shop and pulled on your sunglasses so no one outside could see who you were.
"nice to meet you, this time with me not being drunk," you told Jon, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek, "pleasure is all mine sweetheart," he replied, putting his arm around your shoulder. you got up to the front of cashier and scanned the menu.
"I'd like a venti mocha with oatmilk, what about you?" you asked Jon as he scanned the menu nervously before muttering that he hardly orders coffee. you smiled, "and an order of a grande peppermint hot chocolate," you added on as you took your card out, Jon's eyes widening at the black American Express card.
"wow, Wayne Enterprises must pay you really well," he exasperated, "yeah, I guess you could say that," you said as hesitantly as possible. after the two of you got the coffees, you got back to the table as you took off your sunglasses in a sigh of relief.
"do you really wear sunglasses everywhere you go?" Jon asked. you debated on telling him the actual reason but decided on a vague answer, "eh, it's more for secrecy. I guess if I get another date, I might tell you the real reason," you winked, making Jon blush.
through the weeks, you decided to keep the biggest part of your life a semi secret to Jon still. he knew vaguely of a few things but one mistake on your end managed to throw all of that away in more ways than one.
you were walking downtown with Jon, his hand grasping yours as the two of you roamed an area of town that you knew didn't have major significance to WE. you were holding a coffee in one hand as you walked about a few things that happened to you that week to Jon. it wasn't until you walked towards a busy street that your heart fell to your stomach.
a huge billboard, like signs you would see on highways, of you and Damian representing Wayne Enterprises stood in the middle of an intersection. you stared at the ground, your one secret given away as Jon stared down at you, a look of shock in his eyes.
"wait, you work with Damian Wayne?" he asked as he could tell that you did not want to look at him. you sighed, a bit scared, "work partners might be a little too far from what we are," you gulped, finally realizing that you had to admit to your family ties.
Jon looked at you, now more confused than shocked.
what you didn't know was that at the same time that you were about to confess everything to Jon, a paparazzi had taken dozens of photos of you and Jon that were immediately uploaded to various Twitter accounts and gossip magazines.
"Damian Wayne is my adopted brother. Bruce Wayne is my adopted dad. that's why I have a lot more money than any regular Wayne Enterprise worker."
Jon immediately stumbled to the ground, not expecting that answer coming from you. you immediately felt tears hitting your eyes as you figured that maybe Jon didn't want to be with someone so rich and famous. someone's whose family was always in the spotlight.
"DAMIAN WAYNE IS YOUR BROTHER?" Jon screamed, catching you off guard as this was the first time Jon had ever screamed at you. you nodded, trying not to look at him in the eyes, "he's going to kill me. your entire family is going to plot my murder. I'm a dead man. Clark is going to find me in a ditch," Jon started talking to himself.
it was now your turn to look at Jon confused, "wait, what?" you asked, wiping your tears. "YOUR BROTHER IS MY BEST FRIEND. Damian Wayne is Robin and I'm Superboy!" he whispered the last part, "I've been dating my best friends sister this entire time without realizing it!" he screamed.
you finally connected the dots. every time Damian said he was going on patrol with Superboy meant that he was going to hang out with Jon and every time Damian said that Jon turned down a patrol session usually meant that you were going on a date with him. both of you stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
"small world, eh?" you asked, trying to defuse the tension, "guess we better figure out a way to tell them, huh?" Jon replied as you both heard your phone going off with texts and calls. you opened it to see that Dick, Bruce, Tim, and even Jason and Alfred were frantically calling you.
"hello, what happened?" you asked, picking up Dick's call. "GET HOME NOW!" he yelled through the phone as you heard Damian's screeching voice from the other side, "why? what happened?" you asked, staring at Jon now in fear.
"SHE'S DATING JON? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM BEFORE I KILL HER!" you heard Damian scream before something broke, "pictures of you kissing Jon came to the public on Twitter and he saw them," Jason said, half annoyed.
both of your hearts fell to your stomach as you realized it was now or never. everyone knew of your relationship and it wasn't even something both of you tried to do intentionally. you grabbed Jon's hand, yours shaking in fear as you got into the passenger side of his beat up red truck. he could tell you were beyond scared to go home and he now knew it was time. he had to man up before it got worse and you attempted to break up with him.
once you arrived to Wayne Manor, you sat still, not moving an inch. "it'll be okay darlin', I promise it won't be too bad," he murmured as he opened your door. you nodded as you hopped off and started walking towards the door.
you could hear Damian's yells still going on from the other side door as you opened it. you grasped Jon's hand and walked into the living space, Damian's eyes immediately looking at you before charging to Jon with every ounce of strength he had. Jason quickly grabbed you as Jon dodged him and Damian went straight to attack him again. you couldn't bare to look at the sight and felt tears spring to your eyes as you hid your face into Jason's side.
"hey, you okay?" Jason asked. he could see the tears in your eyes which instantly made him a bit upset. "enough," Jason screamed, catching everyone's attention. Jon and Damian saw the hurt look on your face and as soon as Jon realized you were upset at the fight he was having, he kicked Damian off of him and walked towards you.
he grabbed your hand and whispered an apology into your ear as he stroked your cheek lovingly, "I'm sorry dear but I wasn't expecting Damian to do this," Jon said as Damian watched the way Jon was treating you. a part of him knew that Jon would treat you right. Jon wasn't like your typical average boy but the fact that neither of you told him is what set him off and seeing you being so lovingly with Jon set him off again.
Damian ran towards Jon again but this time, you shielded him which made him stop immediately, "Damian, stop, please," you croaked. Bruce saw you trying to neutralize the situation and stood next to Damian, hinting at him to quit it, "I'm sorry we never told you but the reason why we never did was because we had no idea who the other was. I didn't know Jon was your best friend and clearly didn't know that he was Superboy and he had no idea I was even related to you nevertheless your sister. please, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine," you explained.
Dick, Jason, and Tim stared at Jon who grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side, "and I would have never made the move if I knew she was your sister but we fell in love and it was like a soulmate connection. we were meant for each other and I want her to be in my life. she's it for me," Dick sighed mesmerized as Tim and Jason gagged at the cheesy confession.
Damian growled, "if you even think of hurting her, Clark will be down one son and I mean it. that's my sister and no man will ever be good enough for her. you are my best friend and she might be a pain in my ass, she means the world to me. I will not hesitate to dig your grave and bury you alive if I see one tear of sadness coming down her face," Damian stated before hitting Jon on the shoulder purposely before walking away.
you smiled, your heart swelling at Damian's speech. he never once said anything like that about you and in his Damian way of being, you knew this was his way of accepting your relationship with Jon. you smiled at Jon before giving him a huge kiss on the lips, making your dad and all of your brothers gag at the sight.
"okay, save that shit for privacy, no one needs to see that," Jason said as he walked away. Bruce gave you one look before turning to Jon, "your father knows in case you were wondering but feel free to stay for dinner if you'd like," Bruce said before walking away with Tim and Dick walking away with him.
"I love you," you whispered to Jon as he let out a laugh against your lips, "I love you too and I'm all of this was cleared out." you nodded in agreement as you grasped his hand, "wanna come up to my room? I figured we should catch some sleep before Alfred calls everyone for dinner and Damian starts another fight," Jon agreed, giving you a kiss on your head as the two of you walked up the stairs.
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harfanfare · 3 years
Snow White and Juliet
trigger warning: suicide and just whatever happened in Romeo and Juliet & Snow White but darker.
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People tend to define different things with the same word.
According to some, the lack of life is simply death. Others include there people who do nothing but work. They have no love, no passion. Those who remain unmoved by the suffering of others. Heartless ones.
For one poison vendor, "lifeless" meant being unable to move, drink, eat, but think. Think for eternity about nothing, what is described harsher than real death.
„Test 103 was accomplished with success.”
There is confusion in the experiment hall. Researchers run from monitor to monitor, all comparing unexpected, but desired results.
No errors in documentation. No lapses in research. No difference in subsequent attempts.
The team of researchers was cheering in awe: the antidote for one of the biggest poisons in Twisted Wonderland, the "Poisoned Apple", has been found.
It's time to wake Neige Leblanche up.
The Leblanche Tragedy happened almost two years ago when many haters got to harras Neige and his fiancée, [Name], who just announced their relationship. You were meeting already for quite a time, and knowing each other even longer. It wasn't easy to break any of you by hate.
But it wasn't also easy to live with people, who despised you with all their heart.
"It's alright," Neige whispered, his fingers combing the hair of his beloved. His voice was tranquil and soothing as always, almost by itself vanishing every bad experience. "It will be alright. I will make sure it will be."
"I know. And I am always thankful for that," you replied, cuddling him even more. Neige scent was another thing that hadn't changed over years; it was still the same aroma of wild, but soft flowers and heartwarming sunrays. Another wonderful feature. "I love you, Neige."
"I love you too."
That was the last discussion you had before the disaster happened.
And it started from no one else than Vil Schoenheit, who wasn't even aware how his actions will take a completely another turn than everyone expected.
"Will it solve it? The sleeping potion?" you asked, turning the vial in your hands. It was no bigger than your little finger, and the potion there was taking only half of the space.
Not so long ago, around an hour, you found yourself invited by Vil to a tea party. You couldn't figure if he had been struck by your "help me" aura or was searching for a company, but you ended up in gardens, staring at the porcelain pot in which the tea was brewing.
It favoured the first meeting you two had: the tableware with the same, old-fashioned flowery pattern and the rich aroma of tea leaves of Vil's choice. Only a plate with sweets and fruits was something new—it was hard to convince Vil to bring anything sugary and even harder to make him try it. He finally ate a small (microscopical, in your opinion) piece of hand-made shortcake, but that was all you could do to let him appreciate the sweet energy shot.
"I cannot guarantee anything," Vil replied, watching you examine the bottle's content. "But it may work. With an emphasis on 'may'," he added, tearing his gaze away. Vil was your dear friend, and even if he didn't approve of your taste in men, especially your pick for a future husband, you were close enough to have him help you come up with a solution. "Use it as a last resort. I... am sure you will be able to find a better, safer way. For example, dumping your fiancé."
You giggled, but both of you knew his proposition was impossible. You could never leave Neige.
"Thank you, no thank you," you answered with a smile. The only thing that didn't let it last longer, were your problems. "Again, I am indebted to you. Thank you for being the best and the best prettiest in my life."
Vil puts the tea away, its taste suddenly feeling bitter and hard to swallow.
"...Well then. [Name], don't be reckless."
"I will try my best not to. I promise."
You found a solution.
If you were the reason which made people attack Neige on social media and not only, why wouldn't you just disappear?
Not for eternity. Only for a month, maybe a few weeks, until the turmoil would silence. You and Neige could get married this way, inviting no one else than the closest of the closest people for the ceremony. Announcing your marriage and fake death wouldn't be that much of a shock as many could assume. There is a field called effective business, and everything can happen under that name.
I know how reckless is that, you were writing your thoughts on a paper. Once the dwarfs you invited to yourself saw the letter, they would give it to Neige. And you two would no longer have anyone who could undo anything. But think about it, Neige! If we may finally be together, isn't it a great chance?
You reassured him in the letter that you would wake up after few days. You also highlighted that he doesn't have to use your plan and let you two fight against the darker side of Wonderland together. He could just let you have week-long beauty sleep and with a fresh mind, try to solve your problems by less drastic measures: the press or announcements.
Maybe you were only overthinking and complicating the situation too much.
Your most loving fan, [Name]
You signed yourself and closed the envelope.
Your gaze returned to the sleeping potion. I am exaggerating, you thought. Your plans could fit into a script of a good film but in real life? What you were about to do felt... irrational and foolish.
Maybe you would change your mind if not the rush.
Once you heard footsteps on the floor and your friends, dwarfs, calling your name, you knew it is time to make a decision.
You quickly unscrewed the bottle and put it in your mouth. The sweet, sleepy fragrance with a hint of rosemary sent you to a sleep that devotedly resembled a death. The crash and sound of breaking glass as you fell to the ground immediately alerted everyone in the mansion. You couldn't hear the accelerated footsteps, screams, cries and commotion that was going on over you.
Before anyone could think to do something other than trying to wake you up and calling the hospital, the letter with your plan flew outside the window.
That night you broke two things: the promise you made to Vil and a heart of Neige.
The death of [Name], the fiancée of the most adored man in the world.
Marriage cancelled? The mystery behind the death of [Name] [Surname].
A Dead bride.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
Neige scrolled through the media, each article made his heart ache. He ignored a great count of calls and didn't manage to appear at your funeral in time.
He was a broken toy, who just lost its batteries. He was a wrack of what he was before. Beautiful on the outside, blank on the inside.
Wearing a dark, a bit too oversized suit, he laid against one of the roadside trees. He closed his eyes, trying not to focus on any people, buildings or sounds except his breath. It was slow and steady until he remembered why he tries to calm down; then he would choke on his breath, tears falling from his eyes and trying to not lose balance.
"Would you like an apple?"
Neige wiped his tears in a sleeve and slowly turned around to see an old lady behind a stall. It was ruined and seemed unattended for years. The counter was doty, wood softened and tore off in big pieces by the wind and rain. Between beautifully decorated shops and cafes, this stall seemed to be a remnant that no one ever wanted to touch.
"Thank you, but I am fine." Neige replied in his polite tone, but the smile he sent her looked like nothing near 'fine'. "I am not allowed to take anything from strangers, but that is really kind of you!"
"Not just a bite?" the lady continued, putting an apple on the counter. It was brown, slightly green, and Neige would never guess it was an apple. Maybe more like a rotten apple, but no one would say that this apple was unfresh. Adversely, it contained freshness, but not of the common kind. "Wouldn't you like to join your lover?"
Neige held his breath.
"You mean... to die?"
"What I mean has no value. You will understand it the other way, even if I tried to explain," she replied. Her voice was squeaky as she repeated the question the same enigmatic way she did the first time. "So, would you like an apple?"
"No, thank you..." Neige bowed slightly. He hesitated, before trying his best to speak up. "I- I think [Name] would hate me dying. Only if she could understand this too..."
"Maybe she did" the lady replied. There was conviction in her voice, and Neige couldn't help but take her words seriously. "Or maybe not."
Neige hoped you did. How he loved you and how your death changed him from the happiest man in the world, the saddest one. He didn't know why you took your life and why he didn't notice anything before. He regretted spending not as much time with you as he wanted to.
But nothing could be done to change the past.
"I will get going," Neige said. He glanced towards the old lady, who smiled at him and showed some of her lacking teeth. "And... could you fetch me this apple, please?"
Once Neige's gaze settled on your figure, the world was immediately forgotten.
He could hear his pulse pounding in his ears much more than silence who was your only companion.
No flowers, candles and golden ornaments of the church could divide Neige's attention, as his pace fastened with every step he made towards you. He didn't hesitate to lock his fingers with yours. He squeezed them, wishing his warmth could reach you.
"[Name]..." he whispered, getting his face closer to your sleeping face. He gently removed the lost strands of hair from your face, not believing that you won't wake up anymore. As much as he wanted to, no mage in Twisted Wonderland could bring the dead back to life. At least not in human's form. "I love you so much. T-too much, I think. How can I live without... my life?"
He gave you one last 'farewell' kiss on the lips, his body next to yours. "See you soon, [Name]."
His expression is the softest one he ever wore, as he reaches for an apple.
He bit it.
And then 'died'.
No sooner than the poison completely took control of his body, you woke up.
"Neige...?" you murmured, bringing your hand to his cheek. The anxiety mingled with your thoughts once you look around yourself. "We are... in a coffin?" You sat. It required effort, after not using muscles for a whole week. By the time, you took a break, you conjectured what happened. You jerked your head around and let your hands cup your lover's face. "Ple-please, please, Neige, don't do this to me. Please."
He didn't respond and the bitterness you tasted when you kissed his still warm lips confirmed that he didn't use Vil's potion. He was poisoned, and the amount left on his lips wasn't enough to take you to the same place as him. "Why didn't left anything for me? Neige..."
Your eye caught the glimmer. You went closer to notice the dagger, resting on the floor. It wasn't that visible as the weapon would be, and until you were a step from it, you could see how thin the blade was. As edge as sturdy.
The fear paralyzed you, as you came back to the coffin. But the remorse and the sight of your lover's dead body were stronger. Your whole body was shivering, a tremor affecting you more than you could ever imagine, making you go mad. Insane.
With one sharp move, you dug the blade into your chest, scared and closing your eyes.
"I am a fool."
By the time anyone arrives, it is too late to rescue you or stop the poison coursing through Neige's veins.
In the morning sun rises, and everyone in Wonderland wakes up.
It is also the first time in two years since Neige fell asleep.
He can't feel anything. He can't sense the flaxen shirt the doctors changed him in. He can't get his mind through the haze, that has been floating around his thoughts just after he drank the poison. He can't answer the calls of the doctors and his friends, dwarfs, who are gathering around his bed.
But he can open his eyes.
And once he does, the silence is overcoming. When the fact finally sinks in everyone's heart, a great cheer flies across the room. Some of the gathered give Neige comforting touch or reassuringly squeeze his hand.
It takes him some time to realize what is happening, why is he in the hospital room, why people are crying around him and why you aren't the first one he sees once he wakes up. His habit of kicking you while sleeping was something you complained and teased him about. Even if he didn't wake you in his sleep, when he was getting up, his knee would always hit your arm or stomach, waking you up and having you buck him off the bed as revenge.
What he also can do, except for trying to stay awake and catching things his visitors chatter around him, is to try to remember. He didn't lose his memories! It just needs some effort to get them back from the darkest recesses of his mind! And then to regret it.
A whole wave of memories hits him like a tsunami, not leaving him space to breathe and see anything else than chaos, now replaced by the memories of you two.
The kisses. The promises. The vowes. The proposal. The struggles. The tenacity to get over your problems. The plan. The dead body of yours.
He doesn't have to turn around to know that you aren't in a hospital bed beside him. He remembered some of the talks of his friends when he was sleeping. Now everyone is waiting for him to return.
"Neige! You've finally woke up, huh!" Che'nya chippers, his voice cracking at last words. He is relieved about the news and only bad Neige's condition stops him from throwing himself at his arms and spreading the revelation to everyone... No, not even Neige himself can stop him from the latter.
Neige wasn't going to stop him. His mind still replayed the "finally woke up" part, as if the film stopped at the most painful scene, then broke and started to replay the scene once again. And again.
He turned his head on the side, letting the tears run down his cheeks.
He really can't feel anything.
"That," Neige manages to whisper under his breath. It is the first time he tries to say anything, and grievously struggles to put his words together. "is- is... so cruel." Everyone stared at him in silence, the same way they did when Neige and his dead lover were found. His cry brings tears to everyone's eyes, having many people bow under the weight of sorrow and put a hand over their lips to not let themself break again. "I didn't want to wake up..!"
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mminttae · 3 years
Clandestine | 02
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-> Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x reader
-> Genre : tattoo!artist Jungkook, mafia! JJK,mafia au, bloody!missions, slight violence, got secrets they can't tell, angst, romance, Jungkook's part time job is flirting, sad (backstory), Y/N is strong!
-> Summary : who would have known that just doing a part time job at a night club would lead you to the tattoo artist Jeon Jungkook's messed up world. One letter related to the secret comes out of your mouth you'll be laying in Jungkook's arms but alive or not, that's not guaranteed...
-> Word Count : 4.286 K ( A/N: I’m increasing words )
-> T/W body language, killing, curse words and intimacy are included in the story (you may read if you're comfortable with these)
Part : 2
<< previous chap
.・゜-: ✧ :-playlist -: ✧ :-゜・.
Jungkook's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. Even if me saying that line didn't flatten him enough I knew the nickname did as it always have been doing. It was clearly visible that he didn't expect me to be this bold suddenly. But he being himself smirked after a couple of seconds as his hand snaked up to grab my wrist pulling me more closer "Sure princess.. Do you want to go to the trip now? " His tongue rolling over his bottom lip as his piercing doe eyes holding so many thoughts looked at my lips then to my eyes.
"I don't want to interrupt but the trip has to be postponed "Jimin interferes in the moment, his eyes narrowed and only looking at me as if scared that the younger guy would throw him out if he locked eyes with his. Making a 'tch' sound Jungkook raises his eyebrows at Jimin in a manner that reads he's asking why postpone. I yeet his hand which was holding my wrist and get off from the table clearing my throat while fixing the skirt and apron. Jungkook clearly disappointed for not being able to hear my answer gets up from the seat while putting the black leather jacket around his shoulders. Jimin and Taehyung following him gets up too grabbing their bags. Jungkook walked up to me while fixing his bangs with his index finger.
"Gotta go princess a client's waiting" Nodding I proceeded to walk away but I could hear Jungkook saying with a sad dramatic tone. "Atleast act that you don't want me to go". I'm afraid I won't be able to because I myself don't know what this client of yours gonna do if you don't go on time. Is the person waiting even a client or not? Knitting my eyebrows I look back only to meet with strangers taking up the seat. The three tall mesmerizing men with inks on their body not to be seen anywhere. I don't know what's going on in that foolish yet extremely clever brain of yours but...
Be careful Mr. Artbook..
Mid summer yet the night breeze is able to run shivers down your spine. Not a single soul in sight.
10 at night maybe the shopkeepers closed down the shutters and went to bed. Not many shops here in this area to even begin with. The only workshop's bell which rings here is the Jeon's Tattoo corner which has been ringing from the morning today , seemed to have stopped in the evening but now making its sound again. "Argh I should really break down this bell "
With an annoyed expression the black haired guy opens the drawers searching for a fresh towel. The tall man who just entered the shop walked past the desk table, turning the door knob and allowing himself inside the cozy room. His loud footsteps on the wooden floor telling Jungkook that the guest has arrived.
"Where were you? I waited here for five minutes then went inside the nearby plant store to kill time"
Taking off the long coat the tall silver haired guy walks up to the chair positioned in the middle of the room beside the various tools. "Sorry hyung, Taehyung and Jimin wanted a new tattoo so went to hear out their designs"
Jungkook says, eyebrows knitted while he fishes out the stencil of the beautiful clematis he has drawn beforehand of the leader's arrival. Smiling to himself he walks up to the seated boss whose like a big brother to him, he puts the stencil aside. Taking out a black rubber band from his pocket he takes his hair and ties it up to a small ponytail before taking out a drawer full of tattoo needles and inks. "Heard that Yoongi started boxing classes with you"
The older male speaks as his lip corners slowly moves upwards. Jungkook giving out a laugh says, "Yea Yoongi hyung be moving like a turtle. "
The thought of his hyung boxing and whining that it's hard is enough to make the little one giggle. Taking out a small wooden stool with one hand as the other one was holding the tattoo gun, Jungkook sits himself beside the strong looking man who rolls up his shirt's sleeves revealing all the different type of arts and words of different languages tattooed on his arm.
"Need chewing gum?"
The younger one asks at the thought that it might hurt but the older one replies plainly that he's fine after all his skin had been coming in contact with this gun for a long time now. Jungkook nods before resting the needle on the free space on the top of the man's biceps before starting to draw on it, the awestrucking clematis. "Was thinking of getting a lip piercing but not being able to get it cuz of the adults in the house"
The man says while his dimples makes visits to his cheeks.
"The exact same reason why am postponing on getting an eyebrow piercing"
Jungkook replies as he carefully moves the tattoo gun sideways on the man's bicep.
"So when are you planning on telling your sister?"
He asks as the silver haired guy closes his eyes once realizing what Jungkook meant.
"When the time's right.. "
He replies, slowly opening his eyes his gaze meeting the ceiling.
"But first we need to pinpoint Mr. Choi's location"
Replying with a small and quiet yes Jungkook draws the details on the flower carefully.
"Seokjin has been checking the cctvs regularly and the only thing he found was the black hyundai stopping at a night club at exactly 7pm every Tuesday and Wednesday"
"What's the night club's name? "
Jungkook asks as he draws on the small leaves.
"Hell's night club"
With just the mention of the night club's name Jungkook's hand stops moving as his eyes widened. "Isn't that the club you often visit with the others? "
The silver haired man asks making Jungkook quietly nod his head. If the most feared mafia in the country slash his team's biggest rival had been going to the exact same club at the exact same time as his how come he never saw the familiar old man's face? He thought.
What kind of person does the man disguise him as that even Jimin who encountered him multiple times doesn't notice. "You should be careful and try to see your clients faces carefully and see if they match that old fart's face or not"
Jungkook humming a response continued on giving the clematis it's final touch. Finishing the tattoo he removes the gun making the silver haired man sit up straight and fix his shirt.
"You know what to do right?"
Jungkook asks referring to putting on Vaseline ointment on the tattoo and stuffs. The older guy nods while fetching his coat. "I'll get going then. Thanks for the tattoo kook"
Jungkook simply nods his mind stuck in a different topic. Putting the equipments away and tidying up the towels as the older guy leaves the shop and disappears into the darkness of the night in the empty alleyway, Jungkook couldn't help but think about what you were up to. His mind stitching up different negative thoughts together.
"If Mr. Choi is really going to that club then he must have seen Y/N always talking to us..... What if he does something to her? " Jungkook asks to himself and the next thing he does is take his bag, turn off the lights, lock the doors and run off to meet you.
• -
"I'll be off then"
Bowing politely you take hold of the two big disposable bags and huff out a breathe when you realize how heavy both of them were. Kicking the back staff door with your leg open the first thing you see is Jeon Jungkook leaning on the wall infront. His hair tied up in a small ponytail, a bag hung around his shoulder and inked hands resting inside his jeans pockets. His eyes falls on your hands holding the disposable garbage bags, sighing he walks up to you.
"I thought your job was to serve and take orders not bring out garbages" You looked down at the bags in your hands while saying, "I was coming out anyways it's no biggie"
You flashed him a small smile but his eyes looked worried and his face tensed. You wondered what happened but didn't dare to ask thinking that he will only answer with 'none of your business' . Yes Jeon Jungkook unknowingly says harsh things without thinking when he's tensed. Jungkook takes the garbage bags from your hands and put it beside the door when his eyes lands on your right hand which was bandaged. His eyes widen and he quickly took your right hand examining it while asking
"How did this happen? Are you okay? "
Embarrassed you put your hand away from his warm ones and answer while smiling, not making eye contact
"It's okay I'm fine these kind of injuries are meant to happen if you work in a bar." Jungkook not convinced took your hand again now keeping it infront of him not letting you pull it back. His eyebrows knitted . "You were totally fine this evening tell me what happened". Chewing on your bottom lip you look down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
"Y/N tell me what happened.." Jungkook says once again this time his voice laced with concern as his hands caressed your hair. You were actually a bit taken aback at how the always dominant voice of Jungkook is making its way to you in a concerned and soft way.
"A drunk guy harshly pulled my hand wanting me to sit beside him but I fought back and he suddenly let go of me making me loose my balance at hit the edge of the glass table behind and that's how I got this"
You say while looking at your bandaged hand which was now resting in jungkook's warm palm. He softly held your injured hand and lower down a bit to meet your height. Looking at your eyes he said
"Tell me who did this. Tell me who did this to you I'm gonna fucking kill him"
In a calm soft voice but the last part obviously didn't come out in a soft way. You laughed and pushed him a bit away from you. "It's okay am fine don't overreact he was drunk" But Jungkook not buying the answer walked closer to you and again with a serious tone asked you . "Tell me how he looked like"
Knowing that he won't let go of the topic unless you give him a proper answer you sigh, rolling your eyes while describing the drunk man you happened to meet inside the club. "He had small eyes , a sharp nose and dark stubble on his face and.." You trailed off thinking what else did the man have but Jungkook interrupted asking in a quick manner
"Did he have any sort of tattoo on his wrist? " Replaying the moment inside your head you widen your eyes a bit and nod your head, "Yea he did.. Was that a crown? A crown maybe"
Exactly knowing who that drunk man you encountered was Jungkook's chest sank at the thought that the old man touched you with his dirty hands. Gulping down the saliva that formed in his mouth he without thinking pulled you to his chest engulfing you in a hug. He wasn't sure why he felt like protecting you but he wanted to . He wasn't supposed to feel this way now that he set his mind on the plan his brain made up on the way here but..he did. He wanted to make sure you were safe.
Widening your eyes at how Jungkook suddenly hugged you, your mind went blank. There's no doubt in how fast your heart was beating. To be honest to yourself you were actually frightened when that man tried touching you in an ill manner but now being in Jungkook's arms you felt safe. You felt safe when he was around. Jungkook's arms around you got tighter as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
So this is how you gonna play it Mr. Choi
He thinks.
Flashback 5 weeks back
Stretching your arms you give out a small yawn before grabbing the books from the table and making your way out of the auditorium. Walking while looking at your  surroundings you didn't notice the tall man standing infront of you. Too immersed in the same old paintings hanging on the walls you hit something hard making the copies and books in your hands fall down. Without looking up at the person you bumped into you quickly said 'sorry' while kneeling down to pick up your supplies. The tall gentleman kneeled down too helping you with picking up your stationerys. You got up, the man following you soon. This time facing the guy properly as both of you made eye contact you were about to say thank you when your voice abruptly decided to not come out.
The man had soft long black hair .The kind of hair you would want to play with all day. His baby doe eyes staring at you, his lips parted. The oversized hoodie he was wearing made him the grizzly huggable bear image more.
As your eyes scanned him from head to toe, your lips a bit parted, the guy not being able to control his laughter at how cute you looked when your eyes went big as if you saw something really interesting and you'd like to study that thing more, he gave out small giggles making you quickly close your mouth and look at him. Noticing how every students in tha hall were staring at both of you, you shifted your weight from one leg to another leg uncomfortably. But the guy's Adorable bunny smile didn't go out of your notice. His eyes wrinkled as he tilted his face and asked you softly
"You okay? "
Blinking couple of times you nodded your head making him shyly scratch his nape and mumble 'thank god'. Your lips automatically curved up when your eyes landed on the ID card hung around his neck
"Jeon Jungkook"
Once realization hit you that you were now standing infront of your college's hearthrob while looking like a whole mess which you didn't care about that much until you bumped into him, your cheeks got tinted in a light blush. Pulling your lips in you tilted your head a bit to the side making your baby hairs fall over your face.
"Hey kook!"
A loud deep voice entered the ears of the people standing in the hall making them turn their heads to the two seniors waving their hands at Jungkook's direction, a big wide smile plastered know their face. Jungkook takes out his bracelet covered wrist from his pocket and waves at them. Jimin running towards us and wrapping his arm around the tall guy's shoulders he notices me and flashes me a smile
"Hey Y/N"
Waving your sweater paw at him as a hey you smiled. You met Jimin and Taehyung a couple of times before in some group works with seniors. You not really interested in gossips of the college noticed just a few days ago that Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are the well known hot trio of this college.
Jungkook repeats your name to himself before looking at you once again , smiling while saying
"Sweet name"
His sweet honey voice saying your name was enough to melt you. If it was any other guy right now you would have simply said thank you for helping you pick up the books and walk away without saying anything but surprisingly Jeon Jungkook made you stop. "I'm hungry didn't have breakfast this morning" Taehyung whines while holding his tummy earning a slap on his head from Jimin. "we are going for lunch wanna join us? "
Jungkook asks you making you widen your eyes at the sudden invitation and Jungkook earning some smirks from the seniors beside him, Jimin elbowing his arm while wiggling his eyebrows. Jungkook simply rolled his eyes at his hyungs before looking at you for a reply. You glancing at your silver wrist watch said "I would love to but I should get going. I have some stuffs to do"
Jungkook quietly nods his head before flashing you a smile.
Is he always smiling?
You thought noticing that he had been smiling since the moment both of you met. "Y/N's always studying hard"
Taehyung says earning a nod from Jimin making you shyly scratch your nape.
The Brunnete haired approached you giving you a pat on your shoulder before saying "Study well but don't forget to have lunch okay? "
You flashed him a smile while nodding. Jungkook waving his hands at you as a 'bye' walked past you with the two boys. You looked back at three of them noticing that two of them were wearing hoodies and one of them were wearing full sleeved tees.
It's so hot these days why are they wearing hoodies on top of tees?
Shaking your head you quickened your pace and quickly got out of the college grounds. Walking to the bus stand while looking around at the cozy coffee shops on the streets you keep glancing at your watch from time to time to make sure that you're going on time or not.
Now here's a secret about you that no one knows
You're a student at an art college but you are also a student at a law school. Your father runs the family business of electronics. Yes the electronics company ranking the second best in the country out of all the other electronic companies, which he wants to hand over to your big brother after he retires. Your mother always wanted a child of her to be a sculptor. Borning late in the family with the talent of art you were forced to study this subject whereas you were interested in prosecution, catching criminals and stuffs. What you were most interested in were being a mafia or an assassin but you gave up on those dreams and decided to study law. Your parents only giving their all attention and care to their first born, didn't care about you that much. The only thing they wanted from you was becoming a great sculptor and bringing praise to your family.
After nights of confusion and judgement you decided to study in the law school that you got admitted, secretly with the money your grandparents left you. Your grandparents left some money for you and your brother before passing away and thankfully they were enough to pay for your study books expenses. But maintaining time for your law school as well as the art school was hard but you managed to make time after dropping off from some extra courses of the art college without telling your parents. But it was hectic. Your college hours starts from 7 am. And you have classes till 9am then a break at 9:15 am to 10:30 due to dropping off from some extra class. Your law classes starts from 9:30 so during the break you quickly leave the grounds and head off to the law classes. Then you return to the art college at 10:20 when it's a break at your law school. Then once again when it's a lunch break at the art school you head off to the law school while munching on some snacks, obviously not getting time to have proper lunch. And when it comes to events you had to make up excuses at the law school for not attending as your parents would obviously not skip their daughter's presentations.
It would be more hectic from today cuz you just applied to a job at a night club. There's a course for learning shooting at the law school but you don't have enough money to pay for that so it's time to earn some money.
Stretching your arms while getting up from the seat you had been sitting on straight for 2 hours, you give a yawn before taking out a scrunchie and putting your hair up. All the classes for the day are done. Putting the back pack around your shoulder you bow at the teacher before leaving the school premises. Walking inside the bus and sitting on one of the seat you take out your phone and start typing to your mother , 'Mom I'll be late tonight as I got some extra lessons. Don't worry for me and you don't have to send car I'll come by bus'
"No one's gonna worry about me though"
You say to yourself while letting out a small laugh and looking out at the window. Everything vanishing from your sight at a fast pace as the vehicle picks up its speed upon seeing the empty road. Some of the street lights flickering due to not being fixed for several days now. You take out the 'guideline' paper of the bar you're gonna work in from backpack, going through the structure of the building in your mind and remembering all the rules explained to you yesterday when you went to apply for the job. This night club only seemed to be safe for you to work in now. By safe means you would have no worries of the common students who spends time in bars and clubs to see you. If anyone recognizes you then it's game over. Plus the pay is high too.
The phone screen lighting up as a notification popped up you unlocked the phone before seeing from whom the text is from.
Bro: heard you're coming late at night should I pick you up from the way while coming home?
"Geez already told him?"
You say to yourself once realizing that your mom told your brother to pick up but your brother being nice asked if you want to be picked up first or not. Smiling at his text before typing your reply It's ok you don't have to come. The office is far away from my college anyways. Get home safely.
Waiting for a few minutes to see his reply which you didn't get you turned off your phone and put it inside your bag. Looking out from the window thinking why he didn't reply when he saw your text whereas usually he would try to come pick you up, being the 'protective' brother. You got down from the bus as soon as the bus came to its stop. You walked for a few more minutes from the bus stop till arriving at your destination.
Hell's night club
It's been only five minutes of you serving drinks but you're already tired. How can a human body and mind work for 13 hours straight without any rest. You did mess up some tables a couple of times for which you were now getting a scolding from the manager. You looking down bowing slightly while your hands in front of you.
"Miss Lee Y/N did you properly see the table numbers today? "
The old man asks to which you nod. "Then why are you messing up? " He asks in a raised voice making you flinch and quickly mumble a sorry. You lift your head up a bit to see the old man sighing while pinching his forehead, clearly visible that he's angry. "I'm letting you go as this is your first time don't make mistakes anymore"
He says making you bow and say
"Thank you"
He looked around trying to see if any waitresses are free. Sighing at how there's no one free without counting you he gave you a look before handing you a tray of various kinds of drinks. "Take this to table no. 14. And  do not  make any mistakes. They are regulars here I don't want them gone" Nodding at him you set off to find this table no. 14 . Noticing how your skirt got up a bit you tried pulling the skirt a bit down with one hand as the other one was holding the tray, you quickly withdraw your hand without fixing the skirt upon seeing the tray tremble in one hand. Quickly holding the tray in place and scanning if any drinks were spilled, you sigh in relief. You looked back to only lock eyes with the manager . He staring straight at you with his cold eyes. You gave a small awkward smile and walked towards table 14.
The table no. 14 seemed to be surrounded by many big men. All had some sort of tattoos on them. A familiar man sitting in the middle holding a pen and scribbling something on a notebook. His inked arms full on display as the silver earrings were still being able to shine despite the dullness in the scene. His long bangs falling before his eyes not letting anyone see the face beneath it.
You quietly approached the table and when you raised your eyes from the ground to the man sitting in the middle, your legs automatic came to a halt and your breath hitched.
Jeon Jungkook right there was sitting. The table in front occupied with various weapons and him sitting like a whole five course meal, fingers playing with the dangly earrings
This is totally not what I expected
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Sweet wonderful Andrea | Andrea Marowski
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Requested by anon
Andrea was making a fuss. Ursula was sure it was because of Janet's piano playing, so of course she had gone down to get to her to stop.
As it turns out, he did like music. Andrea just had a preference for the violin.
"Oh? You know, I'm sure Y/N plays," Ursula comments.
"Do they?"
"Yes. I'll give them call." Ursula leaves rather quickly to call you at the earliest convenience.
Andrea looked up at Janet with curious eyes, wondering why Ursula had rushed off so suddenly. He lay back in the bed and waited.
You arrived merely thirty minutes later, case in hand. Ursula takes you upstairs, almost in a rush. You follows her into the bedroom where you're greeted by the sight of a young man sitting on the edge of the bed. Janet helps him over to the chair as you enter the room.
"Andrea, this is Y/N. They live near by, they're going to play for you," Ursula tells him. He doesn't look as if he quite understood, but he saw your case and smiled. The ladies nod at you.
You place the case on the bed and take out your old violin. It's well used, but still in wonderful condition. You smile at the cute young man watching eagerly. You begin to play.
His smile is bright and giddy. Obviously he likes what he hears. When you finish you give a little bow. They applaud.
Andrea holds out his hands to you.
"Give me."
You hand the violin over and let him adjust it. He takes the bow too and you sit on the bed as you watch. Then he plays. It would appear everyone in the room was just as surprised as you.
He could play like a professional.
When he finished, you applauded him with a smile. He smiles up at you.
The ladies look at one another then back at the young man in his chair.
"Can I?" He asks you, holding the violin up.
"Why not," you smile and stand up.
"It will be in safe hands, Y/N." Janet assures you. You nod and leave the case on the bed. Andrea smiles at you as you take your leave.
You ask about him as Janet shows you out. You had heard a stranger had washed up below their house. She tells you very little about him, but he hadn't been here all that long, so you didn't expect they knew much themselves.
You could hear the violin through the window as you left.
You didn't see Andrea for a while for a while after that. He was still recovering at the sisters house. Though you had seen Janet and Ursula here and there. They told you your violin was being put to good use.
They didn't tell you that Andrea had been asking about you. 'The pretty person who brought him the violin,' he had called you, thought mostly in broken English.
One sunny day you sit on the beach and soak in the sun. The sounds of the waves were soothing and the sand below you was warm. It was a beautiful day.
You didn't even see anyone approaching. Before you knew it, someone was standing in the way of the sun, casting a shadow over you. You look up to see a familiar charming face.
"Andrea." You smile at him.
Andrea smiles brightly in return. He sits down beside you, placing the violin case beside him.
"Hello. I see you're up and walking."
"Yes," he nods, " thank you."
"What for?"
He gestures to the case. He opens the case and takes it out. He stands up and begins to play. You listen intensely. He was so very good at it.
You clap when he finishes.
Andrea takes a bow and smiles brightly down at you. He looked so happy.
"For you," he nods at you.
"That was for me?"
He nods and puts the violin away. He stands back up and holds his hand to you. You stare at him for a moment before taking his hand. He pulls you up to your feet and grabs the case in his empty hand. He leads the way back up to the house.
"Why did you bring me here?"
Andrea opens the door and invites you in. You just hope the sisters won't mind. You step in, peering around each side only to find Janet sitting near the wireless. She smiles at you as Andrea closes the door behind you both.
"Stay for dinner?" He asks, looking between both you and Janet.
"Oh no, I couldn't." You look at him.
Janet takes off her glasses and looks at the way Andrea is looking at you. She supposes she should make the choice before Ursula shows up.
"Stay, Andrea wants you to."
You look at her.
"Alright, if it's not too much trouble."
You find yourself sitting next to Andrea, the sisters sitting opposite you. Ursula seemed a little caught off guard when she came in and found you with Andrea at the table.
You tried not to look up at him too much, but you could feel his eyes on you. Your smiles giving you both away.
After dinner you left, though not without Andrea seeing you out. He stood on the doorstep and watched you go.
The next time you saw him, he had come to your house. He had found out where you lived after asking the sisters several times about you. He liked you. They knew that, but Ursula almost didn't want to tell him your address.
You were surprised to see him at your door. He was holding out flowers to you.
"Thank you, they're lovely."
You let him inside. He doesn't have the violin with him this time. You go to put the flowers in a vase while Andrea looks around. Your home was smaller than the sisters, so there wasn't much exploring to do.
Andrea poked his head into the kitchen to see you had baked some bread. It smelled wonderful.
"Would you like some?" You ask, smiling at him. He nods and sits down at your table. You grab a couple slices for each of you and sit down with him, pouring him so tea to go with it.
"I don't remember telling you my address," you say, smiling softly at him.
"You didn't."
"Did your hosts tell you?"
"I asked them."
Andrea takes a bite of your hard work and smiles. Not only could you play, but you baked as well. He wanted to know more about you.
"This is good."
"Thank you. I see your English has improved," you point out. Over that dinner a few days ago, he had been trying his best to talk to you, but he still struggled with some words. It was cute how hard he was trying.
"Yes. I have been learning."
"Well, you're doing wonderfully. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to learn more about each other."
"Yes, I would like that. When I ask... they don't tell me much about you."
"You've been asking about me?" You ask, surprised to hear that. Yet, you were flattered.
He nods.
"Well, what do you want to know?"
"Everything," he says, smiling as happily as ever.
"Oh, I'm afraid there isn't much to tell."
"I want to know anyway," he places a hand on yours. It appeared unintentional, but you let it happen. He was sweet.
"My name is Y/N, I've lived here pretty much my whole life. I play violin, I bake, I garden. I work in a shop in town. I'm not all that interesting I'm afraid." You smile softly.
He shakes his head, eyes glistening in the light flowing through the open window.
"You are very interesting."
"Not compared to you, I'm not," you chuckle. "You're Polish, yes?"
"I heard whispers you were going to America when the storm hit."
"Yes." He nods.
"That must have been scary."
"A little, yes, but it brought me here," he smiles again.
"This isn't America, not even close," you laugh, "there is still a ways to go yet."
"Yes, but you're here. The storm brought me to you." He gives your hand a little squeeze. You feel your cheeks flush.
Andrea looks very pleased with himself. He seems to dwell on something as he looks at you. You watch him with curious eyes as he takes a moment to think. He pushes himself to the edge of his seat and leans over, kissing your cheek ever so softly.
You gasp so quietly, he didn't hear it.
He pulls away, smiling at you. He looks just as bashful as you feel.
"I should go." He stands up.
You take him to the door and open it for him. He stands on the doorstep, turning to face you.
"Can I come back tomorrow?"
You smile brightly.
"Only if you bring your violin," you tell him.
"It's your violin," he corrects.
"Not any more."
Andrea once again has a beaming smile on his face. He kisses your cheek again, a little more confidently this time, then he heads back, looking over his shoulder at you.
You wave until he's out of sight.
Your heart is racing in your chest. You lean against the door biting your bottom lip with a smile.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97
Sweet wonderful Andrea. Perhaps you should thank the storm for bringing him to you.
Part 2
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kpop-cakepops · 3 years
Soulmate: Bells (part 1) // JeonghanxFem!Reader
Ummmmm so mayhaps this ended up being WAY LONGER THAN INTENDED AND WILL HAVE A 2ND PART.
Genre: IDK how to explain it other than VERY light angst mixed with fluff.
Warnings: none
Word count: 3,573 🙊
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"I'm sorry Jeonghan... I really thought this would work out. I thought that this soulmate thing wasn't going to sway me" Sowon couldn't maintain eye contact with Jeonghan as she spoke.
"What do you mean?" He asked with a trembling voice.
"Jeonghan... I found my soulmate... and as much as I fought it, everything in me gave up..." She said
Soulmates. It seemed that the older he grew the more he hated the term. Soulmates? Who in their right mind would believe that a little sound you heard on your sixteenth birthday would lead you to the person you were meant to be with for the rest of your life?
Sowon, apparently.
Despite having sworn to each other that soulmates would not make them waver, despite swearing to be together no matter what, no matter how hard and bumpy the road got... yet there she was sitting across from him, telling him she had given up on all those promises.
"Are you telling me you cheated on me?" He asked.
Sowon's eyes met the ground, but the more she refused to talk the more it dawned on Jeonghan, she had. She had cheated on him.
"I'm sorry! Please, I'm so sorry. It was the last thing I wanted to do but I couldn't stop myself... Jeonghan it's real. I heard it, the sound of glass clinking against glass. It sounds ridiculous because it's such a trivial thing to hear, but the sound made everything feel so clear, it was like my heart just knew and... Jeonghan, I love him. I don't even know him, but there's this- this part of me that I just can't control. I want to! I want to know him" she cried out. Jeonghan felt like all air had been kicked out of him. How was he meant to respond to that? He'd never experienced what Sowon was talking about, he couldn't even bring himself to imagine it... all he knew was that he didn't want to lose her. "I can't do this to you and I can't do it to him either. I'm sorry... we need to break up"
Tears pricked at Jeonghan's eyes as he watched the girl he loved the most stand from her seat and walk away from him.
That was the last time he saw her.
"Turns out his soulmate is a guy named Wonwoo... and he's so much prettier than me too! I seriously, cannot believe this is happening to me again... I was convinced I was his soulmate" you held your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you struggled to pull out a book from its place on the bookshelf. It had been a week since you'd tried to convince Mingyu that he was your soulmate, only for him to find his real soulmate a few days after meeting you.
"Maybe you should stop trying to force every pretty person around you to be your soulmate, Mingyu's bell wasn't even like yours, he was waiting to hear a bike bell and you didn't even hear your bell either, and NO someone yelling Taco Bell isn't a bell. Are you nuts?" Your best friend Soonyoung was on the line eating something as he yelled at you. It was a cycle he was both annoyed with and used to, but he understood. After spending most of your life alone, he understood why you were so adamant about finding your soulmate, the person that was meant to be with you for the rest of your life. The person who would rid you of the fear of dying alone and in pain like those who were never able to meet their soulmates because that's how this world worked. No matter how much you tried, sometimes meeting the one person that was meant to love you, was an impossible task.
"Okay so maybe I didn't hear the bell but I heard a bell" you insisted as you tugged harshly at the book finally managing to free it from its spot but dropping it in the process. You scurried quickly to grab it but a pair of dainty hands beat you to it and pushed the book up to you.
"Thank you" you murmured not paying any attention and walking straight past the stranger.
"You're welcome" answered Soonyoung, and it was almost like she could hear his shit-eating grin.
"Shut up, I wasn't-" you were cut off by the sound of a tinkling bell as the door to the small book store swung open, and suddenly, as if by art of magic everything around you seemed to stop. It was like one of those five gum commercials, at least that's the only thing you could compare it to. All your senses were alive and you couldn't help but feel... aware... of what, you didn't know, but you felt aware. You were reverted to your 16th birthday, sitting alone in your large dining room with no one but your nanny and the sound of a hopeful bell ringing in your mind marking you for the future. "Wait... wait Soonyoung, I heard it. That was it. I heard the bell" you said as turned around quickly to find the person that had just handed you your book.
Your best friend groaned on the other side of the line "Oh god... are you being serious right now? Are you seriously doing this again?"
"Shit... Shit shit shit, where is he? I lost him. He was right behind me-" you rushed over to the spot where you'd dropped the book but no one was there anymore. Then it hit you... the door. The door opened and closed only moments after he handed the book to you, he must have walked out. "Oh no... he left!" You dropped your book and rushed out the door, your phone still in hand as a sense of panic started to fill you.
"Soonyoung, I can't find him. It was him and I don't know what he looks like!" you were starting to freak out. How could you miss him like that? You were also confused. Wasn't the sound supposed to be automatic? As soon as the two of you met the sound was supposed to trigger... for the two of you so why wasn't he there? Were you mistaken?
"Wait, Y/N are you being serious right now?"
"Yes! Soonyoung, it was the bell, but I missed him. Oh god, NOW WHAT?!" You asked as you walked down the sidewalk, eyes roaming every single person in sight in case anything... special or magical happened, but it was to no avail. No one seemed to do anything for her.
"Y/N are you sure you're not just-"
You cut your best friend off in annoyance. "I'll call you back later, I need to find this guy" you grumbled quickly hanging up the call after. You really couldn't find him, he had been in front of you just moments before but he'd disappeared almost as he'd come. A second wave of panic passed you as you looked around helplessly. Tears were pricking at your eyes because despite being childish and immature most of the time, the feeling you got when hearing that bell was nothing like anything you'd felt before... and yet... your soulmate didn't look for you. Your soulmate should have heard the bell too, right? So where was he?
Slowly your biggest fear started materializing before you in the shape of nothingness, in the shape of loneliness. Your soulmate didn't seem to want you or at least didn't seem to care enough to come back and find you.
Except, he had found you. Your very soulmate was staring at you from the bookstore's window with a gaze of confusion, a part of him hated that your sole existence meant he couldn't choose love for himself, that because of the woman on the other side of the glass he could no longer be with the person he chose. That he was predestined to love someone he knew nothing about... yet the other half of him felt an unexplainable urge to walk up to you and hug you like he'd missed you his whole life. Of walking up to you and wiping away the tears you were earnestly trying to hide as you stared at every single person that walked by.
That's why Jeonghan found himself avoiding the bookstore like the plague after that day. He would walk by on occasion wondering if it'd be okay to walk in, but then he'd see you sitting outside the shop waiting for something to happen, and he'd turn right back around. Eventually, you stopped showing up, and although he'd never stopped to talk to you, Jeonghan subconsciously wondered where you'd gone and if you were okay.
After a month of not going, Jeonghan finally dropped by the bookstore when Joshua called him to help him with a new shipment. His friend had grown increasingly curious as to why Jeonghan had been avoiding the store when it seemed the store had been his safe haven since his heart-wrenching breakup.
"Mind telling me what you've been up to lately?" Asked Joshua when the last customer was out the door.
"Studying for exams" Jeonghan lied as he moved the stack of books to be donated into a box.
"Alone?" Asked Joshua curiously.
"Yes alone, who else would I study with?" Asked Jeonghan as he moved his floppy red hair out of his face.
"Oh... alright" Joshua answered.
Unable to hold it in, Jeonghan's best friend spoke again. "I found my soulmate," he said. Joshua knew it was a touchy topic for Jeonghan, but he was his best friend and it was important for him that Jeonghan know.
The red-haired man cleared his throat uncomfortably, he had found his too, but that was not something he necessarily felt like sharing with the world. He had tried convincing himself he was keeping it a secret to show that he was in control of his own mind and emotions, but in reality, he was scared and embarrassed. Scared that he'd be proven wrong about you, that you'd be everything he wanted and dreamed of, and embarrassed that due to his own capriciousness he was hurting you.
"Okay" was all that Jeonghan could muster at the news.
"I want you to meet her," said Joshua as he put unsold books into the same box Jeonghan had been filling.
This caused Jeonghan to pause for a moment. Joshua wanted him to meet his soulmate, "what for?"
Joshua sighed and stood up straight, his big eyes looking straight at his friend. "Because she's important to me and you are my best friend. I want you both to get to know each other."
Unable to say no to his best friend, Jeonghan nodded his head, "okay."
The lack of drive in his usually playful best friend worried Joshua and it pained him to know that if he even tried to bring the worries up, Jeonghan would simply disappear for a few more weeks again. "I invited her out for dinner, her friend will be coming too, so you don't have to worry about third-wheeling"
With a thin forced smile, Jeonghan stood and dusted his hands in front of himself. "Okay"
By the time they finished packing up the boxes, Jeonghan was ushered out of the store. He watched as his friend turned the "open" sign over and locked the door. Subconsciously, Jeonghan's eyes stopped on the silver bell hanging from the door. Memories of the way you had looked on that day, panicked and frantic as you searched the area for him. It made him wonder yet again, what you were up to and if everything was okay with you.
The wait at the restaurant wasn't long. It only took about 5 minutes for a girl to walk in with a bright smile on her face, one that was instantly matched by Joshua's the moment he lay eyes on her. "Hey" she greeted happily.
Jeonghan was too busy watching the two interact to even notice the way you'd followed Joshua's soulmate into the restaurant like a dejected little shadow. The truth was, you hadn't exactly planned on being there. You had been spending the last few weeks feeling sorry for yourself and ignoring your two best friends, for some reason you had started to get comfortable with that way of life, that is until In-na came barging into your home squealing about her soulmate... you couldn't exactly say no to her invitation, and free dinner wasn't exactly a bad idea.
And then you sat down.
You didn't notice him at first. When In-na had told you you'd be meeting her soulmate, you hadn't been thrilled, it almost felt like a slap to the face, but you knew your friend better than to believe her to be evil like that. You knew she had good intentions in mind when she told you her soulmate would be inviting his best friend so you wouldn't feel too much like a third-wheel. It was rude of you, for sure, but since the moment you sat you'd been on your phone texting Soonyoung about how much you hated being there, and trying to convince him to pick you up, but Soonyoung was ignoring you for ignoring him.
"This is my best friend, Y/N" you heard In-na introduce you and for the first time since you'd arrived, you were forced to face the two guys in front of you.
And then you wished you hadn't.
It was him. Everything in your being was SCREAMING that it was him. Every fiber in you knew that the man with hair dyed a deep red, that was sitting across from you at that very moment was him. But something was wrong with him. His big droopy eyes looked like a flashlight that had run out battery, all signs of light were gone and something in you stirred. Was it sadness? Worry? You couldn't pinpoint it.
Then there was Jeonghan, who, unbeknownst to you, saw almost a reflection of himself when he saw you. The burnt-out gaze and the bags under your eyes, except he was the cause for your sadness and then something in him stirred, but unlike you, he knew exactly what it was.
Jeonghan was about to excuse himself to leave but you beat him to it by painting a smile on your face, "nice to meet you guys"
You were mad. Angry. Fuming. He was pretending to not know you. He had pretended from the start because you could tell, even if you didn't want to, you could read him like a book because, despite him not wanting it, you two were entwined for life. Quite literally biologically wired to be together, because that's how society worked, that's how it had worked for centuries.
"Nice to meet you too" greeted Joshua softly, but his eyes we not set on you, just like In-Na's weren't. They were soulmates, after all, they were blind to the world around them... and it was simply disappointing how unlike them you and Jeonghan were.
Dinner was long, the energy emanating from you was directly absorbed by the man sitting across from you. He was uncomfortable, the way you were acting just didn't seem to sit well with him. From the way you picked at your food without taking a single bite, to the way you looked like you would rather be anywhere but where you sat, he felt... worried?
"Who wants ice cream?" Asked In-na and Joshua who, contrary to the 2 extras sitting beside them, were having the time of their lives. You wanted so badly to say you didn't want ice cream, to tell her to take you home, but the light blush that spread across your friend's cheeks and the almost sparkly gaze Joshua stared at her with, didn't allow you to make such a request. So instead you remained silent, and to no one's surprise so did Jeonghan.
"I know a great place, I'll go pay for the food, and then I'll drive us there," Joshua announced.
With that, he walked in direction of the front counter, leaving behind the love of his life and the two dysfunctional soulmates that refused to so much as look at each other. "Isn't he amazing? Isn't he, Y/N?" In-na gushed.
You smiled genuinely, if anything good had come out of that dinner it was the amount of joy it brought your best friend. "He's awesome, In-na. You two really are made for one another"
She clasped your hand in hers and grinned softly. "Thank you for coming. I promise we'll find your soulmate soon" she mentioned mindlessly. It was beyond frustrating to see Jeonghan lift his head from the corner of your eyes, his expression almost clueless.
"I'm going to go outside, I need to make a call real quick, yeah?"
In-na nodded, but you doubted she even heard what you said as her eyes were trained on the man paying at the front counter. With a sigh, you stepped out of your seat and took yourself out of the restaurant. The fresh air outside and the fact that you were no longer around Jeonghan seemed to decompress your lungs.
As if on autopilot, your fingers tapped at the screen of your phone calling Soonyoung.
"I don't know if you realize this, but I'm ignoring you" the man on the other end snapped as he answered the phone.
Hearing his voice made your heart twist in relief because despite being a dumb jerk sometimes, Soonyoung was your best friend. He was your comfort and that's precisely what you needed: comfort. "Soonyoung..." you hadn't noticed you were on the verge of tears until you spoke his name.
All signs of pettiness were gone from his voice as he answered, "y/n. Are you crying?"
"Listen, I get that you're upset with me, but I really, really, need you to come pick me up" you begged, forcing yourself to swallow the lump in your throat. "I promise you can go right back to ignoring me once you drop me off home"
"Where are you? I'll be there in 5 minutes."
"I'll send you the address. Just please come."
You hung up the call, hands wiping at your eyes quickly until a hand reached out before you, the same hand that had handed you a book back then, except this time it was handing you a tissue. You sniffle a bit before snatching it from him and blowing your nose obnoxiously.
Jeonghan didn't say anything as you both stood side by side waiting for Soonyoung to pick you up. He was still feeling guilty, but what exactly was he supposed to say? I'm in love with someone else? No, of course not, because the more he watched you, the more he forgot what Sowon looked and sounded like, and the more he stood in your proximity feeling all types of emotions... the more he forgot what 'loving' Sowon had ever felt like. Was he supposed to tell you that he hated you for something that was entirely out of your, his, and even Sowon's control when all he could focus on was how nice your hair smelled and how good the warmth of your body felt even when he wasn't touching you?
Exactly 5 minutes went by in loud silence until a car drove up to the curve. You pushed yourself off the wall you'd been leaning on and turned to look at your sullen soulmate, who had instinctively followed suit stepping away from the wall in alarm. You huffed in frustration as you watched him. You wanted to tell him off so badly, and yet his big eyes were now telling you he was just as confused as you about all the sudden feelings you were both feeling, you were so flustered you ended up walking away. Then you thought about it twice and turned right back around and stopped right before Jeonghan, your hand grabbing his causing his eyes to meet yours directly for the first time that night. "You, if you run away again and pretend to not know me, I will find you and... I don't know what I'll do yet, but Joshua will tell me where you are. I will make sure of it." you warned him, "bye." The bite in your words made him wince.
He wanted to answer and maybe even apologize but you didn't give him a chance to as you walked up to the car that was waiting for you across the street. A man within the car was glaring at him through squinted eyes, surely he was trying to intimidate Jeonghan, but all Soonyoung really did was make Jeonghan uncomfortable.
"Stop staring at him and drive" you grumbled bringing your friend back to reality.
At that moment both In-na and Joshua stepped out of the restaurant with bright smiles. "Where's Y/N?" asked In-na, big eyes searching the area for you.
Jeonghan didn't find it in him to answer her. The buzzing feeling in the hand you'd held was too intriguing to him.
"Can I have her address?" Jeonghan blurted.
The couple stared at him as if he'd grown a third head. "Um, why would you need that?" asked his best friend in confusion.
Because maybe having a soulmate isn't as bad as I'd thought it'd be.
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Bill Weasley — Intoxicating
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Summary: Bill Weasley had picked up a habit of smoking from his peers in Egypt. When he came back to Britain for summer, he met you in a fancy restaurant, as his barista.
Words: 3,415
Warnings ⚠ : Floofy Stuff, Cute, Sexual Tension, I Don't Write Smut so None of Them, Bill Weasley being Deviously Charming
Disclaimer: Domhnall Gleeson can run me over and I would thank him this man is sO FINE
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"William, you're home!" Molly's voice echoed around the Burrow and Bill laughed as he engulfed the small woman, "Missed you, Mum."
The rumbles of stairs indicated his other family members running down to see him. Upon knowing them for years, he could predict the one who comes down first would be-
"Ah, Ickle Billiekins!" Two grown men engulfed him in a bro hug, and Bill chuckled, "Fred. George. How's the shop going?"
Fred smiled in triumph, "Splendid! We're planning to open our second franchise soon in London!
"Bill!" Ginny pushed away from the twins and hugged him, the complaints of the twins were visible. "Ginny! How are you, lil sis?"
Being the only sister he had, Ginny has a special place in his heart. Everybody knows how spoiled she is with him. The ten-year difference between them doesn't help either.
After catching up with the rest of the family, The Weasleys had a celebratory dinner to celebrate Bill being home for the summer. Ginny and Ron even invited Harry and Hermione, whom Bill knew pretty well because of the war a few years ago.
Molly being the lovable mum she is, kept adding food to his plate, Bill had to ask help from Arthur with pleading eyes. "Now, now, Molly dear, we don't want Bill to have indigestion now, do we?"
"But he's so thin now! Oh, what have they been feeding you at Egypt?"
Bill chuckled, "Mum, I've been like this since Hogwarts."
Molly gave him a motherly smile, "Oh alright. How's Egypt?" She changed the topic, and Bill had never been more grateful, his stomach almost exploded.
Hours after dinner ended, Bill stepped out of the Burrow to puff out a smoke or two. He heard someone opening the door and closing it, footsteps nearing him and Bill was pleasantly surprised to see Harry Potter, the hero a few years ago who defeated the bloody wizard Voldemort.
"You smoke?" He asked in bewilderment. Bill inhaled and kept it in, feeling the nicotine in his system for as long as he could before exhaling the white semi-dense smoke. He kept his views to the tall grass field in front of him, "Got it from my peers back in Egypt. Thought it's a good distraction, and it is."
"Distraction from what?"
"Thinking. So many thoughts and not all of them are pretty. Especially if you have 6 younger siblings and two aging parents." Bill confessed, finally looking at Harry with a small smile, "And now two troublesome future in-laws."
Harry chuckled and diverted his eyes from Bill, a heavy blush at the nickname, "Maybe later, I reckon. Ginny's focusing on her career first and I as an Auror. We have no time for a wedding."
Bill snorted, "Why are you acting like we didn't have Charlie's wedding in the middle of chaos 3 years ago?"
The two men burst into laughter. Looking back, it was amusing to have a wedding ceremony out of nowhere, especially if the night before someone just died- ehem, mad-eye, ehem- anyway. The laughter died down, and comfortable silence began. Harry was looking up to the stars, sighing, "We sure do have a lot of adventures here."
Bill shrugged, "I've been having adventures since I was born, Harry. Adding you into the family isn't that special," He teased and Harry rolled his eyes playfully.
Bill took a final puff and exhaled loudly, dropping the almost finished cigarette to the ground and stepped on it a few times, no one wants a random fire in the middle of the night.
Harry walked back in first, but then he turned back and said, "Maybe you're not the only one getting an in-law soon."
Bill snorted, Harry was referring to Bill about marriage, "Maybe," He said, didn't really want to jinx anything if he says no. Harry smiled at him and entered the Burrow, leaving him alone.
Bill sighed, looking down to the dead roll of cigarette on the ground, "Maybe," He whispered, even when he knew it's not likely.
A few days after that night, Bill got an owl from his peers from Egypt. They invited him to a fancy party in a muggle restaurant in London, something about celebrating their 10th year working in Egypt.
He sighed quietly, he really doesn't want to go, something about being in a crowd exhausts him. But alas, he figured it would be worthwhile to catch up with his friends and enjoy a drink or two.
Who knows, maybe he could find someone there, although that's nearly impossible. Not that Bill cared about blood status, it's more to the scar on his face from Greyback a few years ago.
Who would date a scar-face?
Bill smiled bitterly, this thought kinda hurt him a little bit, but he let it tear down his mood no further. He has a party tonight to attend anyway. A fancy one.
That evening, Bill had whipped out the fanciest suit he could find and had Transfigured his hair into the color of dark brown, for fun. Molly, of course, had her disagreement as ginger hair has become a trademark of a Weasley for so long, but Bill had reassured her it's only for the night.
"Looking fancy, eh? Have a date somewhere?" George teased his older brother, the eldest just chuckled and shook his head, "Got a party at a fancy restaurant in London, had to dress my best."
"Ouch Billie, already forgetting to be a Weasley?" Fred chimed in, faking a hurt expression with his hand on his left chest. Bill rolled his eyes playfully, his dark brown hair sure did look weird after years having ginger as the hue of his hair, "Sod off, Freddie."
"Well, I think you look handsome, Bill," Ginny said suddenly, walking towards her older brother to fix his tie. Bill looked at her in triumph and glared at the twins, "Finally, someone on my side,"
Ginny chuckled and patted his chest when she was done, "I'll always be on your side. Just don't wear it too long, don't want you to forget you're a Weasley."
Bill chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Yes, ma'am."
Apparating to the alley behind the bar, Bill walked in the party looking ravishingly stunning, although he sort of regretting the new color on his head.
"William!" Shouts from his peers made him smile ear to ear. The night was celebrated with a few drinks here and there, Bill had a wonderful time catching up with his friends.
But a few hours later, the said friends had separated into different corners with their partners, leaving Bill, the only one who doesn't have a partner, to be alone.
Bill clicked his tongue, the sudden feeling of wanting to smoke was strong. He hadn't associated himself with this many muggles before. Nevertheless, they're all human beings in the end, magic or not. He checked his watch, it's a quarter past 10, the night is still young.
And so Bill went to the bar section of the restaurant, wanting some alone time from many people. He fished out the cigarette box from his pocket and took one, placing it in between his lips.
Bill inwardly groaned as he remembered he couldn't use magic to light up his cigarette, there are way too many muggles to witness and honestly, he doesn't want to go to Court, especially when the government is still corrupted even after years of Voldemort gone.
He patted around his suit, hoping there is somehow a box of matches resting inside one of his many pockets. The cigarette between his lips was starting to get wet.
Suddenly he heard a flicker, and Bill was met face to face with a tiny light of fire.
Strange, the fire was resting on top of a metallic box with a lid. Bill blinked, and that's when he properly see you.
His eyes met yours, and for the first time in years, Bill Weasley was speechless. It was only when you shook the tiny fire on your hand slightly that he realized that he was staring.
He quickly leaned into the fire to light up his cigarette, nodding to you in gratitude. He took a long inhale, relaxing as the toxic substance entered his system. He exhaled and looked at you with a smile, "Thank you."
You quirked an eyebrow at him, "Did you forgot to bring your lighter or something?" You said, and Bill was slightly surprised at how easily you sparked up a conversation with him.
"I beg your pardon?" He said, and you nudged to the metallic box in your hand, flickering the light up once again, "A lighter. You forgot to bring it?"
So it's called a lighter. Fascinating. Bill thought as he chuckled, "Sort of," he said, not really wanting to say his 'lighter' is a spell.
"Anything you want to drink?" You asked, and that's when Bill realized you were over the other side of the counter, and you were wearing a white blouse and a patterned dark red vest over it. Ah, you're a barista.
Your hair was put on a low ponytail, and Bill suddenly missed his long red hair. Curse this brown short hair.
Bill hold his cigarette in between his index and middle finger, "Just water, please." You raised an eyebrow, "Water? Really?"
Bill chuckled at your teasing demeanor, and you were surprised at how he wasn't offended by your jokes. Your usual customers would usually tell you to shut the fuck up and bring them drinks quietly.
"Home was quite far from here. Don't want to drive home dead drunk now, do we?" Bill chimed, a genuine smile was on his lips. He wasn't this friendly around strangers, but there was this vibe around you that tells him to loosen up and enjoy his time.
You smiled at his remark, he was the friendliest customer of the night so far. "Oh c'mon, you're sitting on a bar! Surely you'll drink something." You said with a playful toothy grin. Once again, Bill chuckled, "Alright then. A glass of wine please."
"Atta boy," You quietly cheered and got to work. Bill watched you silently, occasionally bringing his cigarette onto his lips, somehow the nicotine wasn't as strong as before, now that you're here.
He couldn't pinpoint what was it, but you were... Charming.
"I've never seen you before," You struck up a conversation with Bill again once you delivered his glass of wine. This man before you was ravishingly stunning, would be quite a waste if you just watch this masterpiece from afar.
You could say he was the most handsome man you've ever laid eyes on. Even with that scar on his face. The long trailing scar from his temple to his cheek was intimidating at first sight, but when you look at it longer, it's only a scar, nothing more.
If anything, it makes this man before you look more mysterious than he should be.
"I'm from Devon, actually. My friends thought it would be a good idea to have a party here for our 10th-year celebration working at our workplace." You widened your eyes in, letting out a surprised laugh, "Blimey, 3-hour drive for a party?"
Bill shrugged his eyebrows, 'Huh, 3 hours.'
He sipped on his wine and gestured at the bar with his chin, "How long have you been working here... Y/N?" He asked, his eyes lingering on your name tag before coming in contact with your eyes.
You blinked, oh lord give me strength.
The way he said your name was beyond lovely, as if he's saying such poetic words. And the way he looked at you isn't really that much of a help. You felt heat rushing in your cheeks as you turned around to the alcohol collection, not letting this fine man before you see your blush.
"About 3 years already? Got to make money somehow to live," You said nonchalantly, when another customer ordered a drink. You got to it right away fast, wanting to talk more with the mysterious man whose name you didn't even know.
As if reading your thoughts, he said, "I'm William, but my friends and family call me Bill."
You chuckled and throw him a playful look, "Where did Bill come from out of William?" The remark made him laugh, the sides of his eyes crinkled. You smiled in triumph at the successful attempt of making Bill laugh.
"I honestly have no idea," Bill chuckled and inhaled more of the cigarette between his fingers, the nicotine felt less effective by now.
You stood in front of him, with the wooden bar table between you, biting your lip, "And what should I call you? William," You trailed off, feeling the energy between you shifted from light to somehow heavy.
"Or Bill?" You muttered loudly, giving him a slight smirk.
Bill felt it, the energy shift. And for the first time, he didn't mind. "Well," He started, putting the cigarette onto the ash box, killing it instantly. He took the glass wine, swirling it slightly to make the wine well mixed, and right before he sipped the dark liquid, he looked at you, "Surprise me."
You watched him drink the wine with his eyes on you the whole time, and the action made the butterflies in your stomach came alive.
"Y/L/N! No flirting with customers!" The shout from your manager made you flinch in surprise. You looked to the side, your manager looking at you sternly with his hands at his waist.
You smiled mischievously, "But boss, I don't think we're flirting!" You said with fake innocence, batting your eyelashes innocently. You turned to Bill, smiling in a way Bill was reminded of his cheeky twin brothers at home, "Were we flirting, Bill?"
Bill smiled widely with his front teeth on his lower lip, you're something else, Y/N.
"Were we? I can't remember," He chimed in, giving your boss the same innocent smile, making your own smile widen. The boss rolled his eyes and left, leaving you both by yourselves.
A moment of silence before laughter erupted from both of you. "What time does your shift end?" Bill asked as soon as he calmed down, a genuine smile on his lips.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, "At 12," You voiced out, trying so hard to contain your smile. Bill's smile got wider at the sight of your blushed cheeks, "Alright, I'll be here till 12."
"You sure we're not flirting, Bill?" You said playfully. Bill bit his lower lip and looked up at you, "I don't know, Y/N. You tell me,"
"Oh, you're good at this," You breathed out and nodded, impressed by his flirting skills. Bill chuckled and shook his head, "Sometimes. There's just something about you that makes it easier."
The entire two hours were filled with conversations and laughter, some occasionally constantly flirting here and there, but needless to say, Bill was having a great time with you.
You were charming, funny, witty, and absolutely gorgeous in his eyes. He forgot for a moment, that you can see his scar on the side of his face.
Not that you minded it. Bill was everything. He's a gentleman with a beautiful smile and an amazing sense of humor, mysteriously alluring.
By the time the clock starked 12, Bill stood up from his seat and then you realized how tall he was from you. If before he was looking up to you, now it's completely the opposite. Bill had an amused expression over your sudden realization of his height.
"I'll wait for you outside," He said and you nodded with a smile, already tearing off your vest.
The party was long forgotten, some of his friends had already gone home before he even realized it. Once he was outside, he took out another cigarette and snapped his finger, instantly lighting it up. He took a long inhale, warming his system up to fight off the cold air of London. He exhaled and sighed, the cold mist now mixed with the smoke, making it denser than it should be.
Bill then realized he was supposed to be with you later, and a guy with a bad breath is the last impression he wanted you to have of him. And so he reluctantly threw away the barely finished cigarette, crushing it with the bottom of his shoe.
Just then, you came out and walked to him, looking casual with a beanie on top of your head and hair let down from the ponytail before. "Hello, handsome." You said cheekily with a smile.
He smiled at the sight of you, and with his cold hands, he held yours softly. You halted your movement altogether, now looking eye-to-eye to this beautiful man before you. "I couldn't do this to you before because you're working, but," He said softly, and met your knuckles with his lips, kissing it gently.
The blush in your cheeks was prominent, and you felt like a high-school girl all over again, "Hi," You said shyly.
You suddenly felt some sort of courage running through your veins, because without thinking, you grabbed his tie and pulled it towards you, making him closer to you.
"I may have a few shots before coming out here so please don't mind me," You muttered quickly as you pulled him into a kiss. Bill was pleasantly surprised and kissed you back. The makeout turned heated quickly, Bill had to contain himself as he suddenly found a new hunger for your taste.
Whiskey, and smoke.
It was intoxicating. When you pulled away, you were both panting. You later giggled at the sudden courage before, and your laugh being contagious, he started chuckling on his own. Bill was holding your waist tightly, touching as much skin as he could while you had your arms wrapped around his neck.
Never would he thought a few minutes later that he would be running while holding your hand, laughing with each other as you dragged him to your apartment.
Bill had already loosened his tie and tossed his suit around somewhere by the time you're opening the door. He turned you around suddenly from the door and gave you another hungry kiss. You were pressed between the door and him, and you didn't mind.
Reluctantly pulling away giggling, you opened the door sloppily, your mind still hazy by Bill's kiss.
He was a bloody excellent kisser, holy fuck.
The door slammed shut behind you two, and the kissing continued. It was safe to say, Bill Weasley didn't come home that night.
By the time morning came along, you woke up being wrapped around Bill. His naked arms wrapping around your waist and his leg around yours. You smiled and looked up to him, and was surprised at his long red hair.
You chuckled, shaking your head. You trailed kissed from his freckled chest to his neck, making him humming in content. "Good morning, sweetheart," He said groggily. You giggled at his sleepy attempt of kissing your nose.
You reached your hand to caress his long hair and sighed in content, "You know, you could've told me your real hair is ginger."
He hummed sleepily, "Mmm, yeah-wait, what?" He snapped his eyes open and reached for his hair. Indeed, ginger and shoulder length.
He sat up suddenly, looking everywhere but at you, "I-I can explain." He stuttered.
I knew it was a bad idea, he groaned.
He stopped when he saw you looking up to him with amusement, your arm supporting your head, and your hair falling slightly to the side you're leaning on.
"Why aren't you freaking out?" He asked. You smiled, "I know you're a wizard, Bill. Or should I say, Bill Weasley?"
Bill scoffed in surprise, his tense shoulder relaxed, "Why didn't you tell me you knew?"
You sat up, revealing your naked upper body that you had presented to Bill the night before, and kissed him on the cheek, "I figured it wouldn't be fun if I let you know so soon, so I figured I should play along."
Bill was supposed to feel offended, you did lie to him after all. But all he could find in his heart was warmth. He smiled gently, cupping your face and kissing your lips softly.
"You're something else, you know that?" He stifled a laugh as he said it. You joined his laughter and caress his cheek, leaning your forehead together.
"I know."
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lovelytarou · 3 years
the language of flowers — oikawa tooru
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pairing: oikawa tooru x gn! reader
genre: fluff, flowershop!au
tags: flowerboy!oikawa, slowburn, strangers to lovers
word count: 4.06k
a/n: i finally finished this after 2536484 years of procrastination! but thanks to my moots shae and julie for showing support and giving their opinions about this concept hehe. this is the longest fic i've written wow 😳
⤷ summary: the flowershop on the street you frequently walk on going home is a wonder you didn't notice until recently when the smell of flowers caught your attention. deciding to enter it one day out of pure curiosity, you met the owner of the shop and with it, the start of a blooming romance.
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life was filled with repeating patterns, certain routines and habits that everybody has gotten used to doing. like the way you always took the same path when going home, passing by the familiar faces you encounter all the time, seeing the similar architecture and landscape that brings some sort of familiarity to you whenever you see it. 
your feet stopped in their own accord when a sweet smell invaded your nose. you inhaled deeply, the aroma pleasant and fresh. going a few steps back, you finally saw where it was coming from. the flower shop stood out like a sore thumb in the street with its vibrant flowers that you can see through the clear glass. the sunlight was shining down upon the beautiful flowers and they looked charming even from afar. 
you thought for a moment and decided that you'd stop by in the flower shop for a little while. besides, if the smell alone has caught your attention, who knows what else can? 
the soft tinkle of the bell on the door signalled your presence. you were simply in awe at the sight of the decorations inside the shop. it was breathtaking. numerous flowers, bouquets, wreaths, and some that you don't know the name about were placed neatly and elegantly inside the shop to let the customers feast their eyes (and noses) upon. 
giggles and loud laughter snatched you away from your thoughts, a huddled group of women and men alike are circling over something - or someone? - and they seemed to be too entertained about it than the flowers themselves. chuckling quietly, you shook your head and decided to look around the place more for yourself. 
there were buckets and baskets of anemones in pinks, reds, and purple. there were also daffodils, camellias, and tulips of many colors that you can't help but get sucked in by them. you can't think which one to go to first, there are so many! the hanging plants are wonderful as well, they can make for great decoration. the succulents look cute and adorable, it can also be manageable if you find yourself too busy to take care of a plant. 
you were too deep in your thoughts, caressing a blue tulip to even notice the sudden silence in the shop and the ringing of the bell at the door that tells you the previous patrons have exited the flower shop and you're now alone. or so you thought.
“beautiful,” a sing-songy, lilting voice spoke from behind you, causing you to jolt from where you're admiring the flower and turned towards the owner of the voice. 
if the flowers took your breath away, well he made you get your breath stuck in your throat. he looks like he's not from around him, and simply breathing in his space is something short of disgraceful. you took in his wavy side-swept dark brown hair, and his welcoming eyes of the same color that shone with mischief. his lips are stretched into a smile. 
wow, he is really tall. you're surprised he hadn't reached the ceiling of the shop. he seemed pretty intimidating with his height alone, but there's an air around him that screams playfulness.
“ah, i meant the tulips.” he apologized as a blush coated his beautiful clear cheeks, a hand touching his nape.
“oh!” you cleared your throat, immediately bringing the tulip back where it respectfully resides, “yes, they're very wonderful to look at. you have a lovely shop, uh…” 
he seemed to perk up at the inquisition of his name, he chuckled to himself before offering his hand.
“oikawa tooru, nice to meet you! and thanks, i do try hard to keep this flower shop presentable for customers like you who have taste.” he winked, walking past you and you followed suit – eyes practically glued to his form as he moved swiftly around his small shop.
“must be difficult to run a business like this all by yourself,” you wondered, fingers brushing against petals that your hand can reach. 
it's odd, but staying in there for just a few minutes has brought you a sense of relaxation. as if the flowers all around you and talking to oikawa is such a breath of fresh air. 
“well, you get used to it after a while. besides, i have my friends, uh...help me sometimes.” he nervously chuckled, he certainly knew that 'help' means that force his friends to carry things around while blackmailing them and bribing them for lunch, then sure, he had them help him. 
you only hummed in response. 
he turned around after a while, a pink lily in his hand.
“i think this suits our gorgeous customer, don't you think?” he smirked, handing the flower with a flourish which you took gently – causing your hands to touch and making you feel that slight tingle people talk about in movies and books. 
you felt silly about the way your face heats up at the small gesture, your gaze not straying away from the flowers in fear of letting oikawa see his effect on you. 
but you can try with all your might, nothing can stop him from already seeing your flushed face. he always does these things to entertain the customers but he found his chest feeling warm staring at you like that.
going back to his place in the cashier, he started to tidy up a bit for the next customers that will visit the shop. his brown eyes kept staring at you from time to time as you walked around, trying to see if there's anything else you could buy along with the lily – but we all know it's just to keep your attention away from him and the fact that he can make your heart race with mere flirting.
“i never really noticed your shop before, and i have walked this street for how many times now.” you droned on, playing with the cute pots on the shelf – some of them were heads of the cliché green alien and other space themed stuff which you find adorable, bringing a fond smile to your face.
“oikawa's flower shop is like a secret garden, my dear customer.” he boasted, spraying freesias on the cashier desk with a smile on his face.
“it truly looks like one,” you agreed, with one final look in the flower shop, you walked closer to the cashier and got out your wallet. 
“no, no. it's on the house, lovely.” he beamed, stopping the hand in your bag.
“really? thank you.” your face flushed at the feeling of his hands – the very same one who took care of these beautiful flowers – touching yours. 
he recoiled, as if burned. his face painted a deep red like the roses by the windows. both of you looked away, like two magnets of the same sign – coming in contact with each other only to repel.
“well, um, i'll see you around then.” you muttered, breaking the silence. 
“yeah, see you.” oikawa smiled warmly. hopefully much sooner, he hoped.
with one last look at each other, you turned around and exited the secret garden. you walked home that day all smiles and giddy, still feeling the lingering touch he has left on your skin, how warm and calloused they felt. maybe from how hard he was working. 
you wondered if you'll ever see him again soon. 
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the second time you visited the flower shop was when you saw oikawa in one of the coffee shops you frequented. it turned out that he usually stops by for coffee and his milk bread when the shop's particularly slow. he asked to walk you home and since you're both taking the same path, you agreed. 
he turned out to be a very chatty person – not the kind that will annoy you because they only talk about themselves, but the amusing kind because he has a lot of stories stored inside his big brain full of tales about him and his friends, and occasionally asking about your life as well.
you two had fallen into a comfortable pace as you walked together, sipping both your beverages. 
“hey, let's play truth or dare!” he blurted, eyes sparkling in excitement and thinly veiled mischief, a bright smile on his lips.
“really? here? now?” you asked, incredulous. isn't this something people do in parties around a lot of people? 
“yeah! it'll be fun,” he shrugged. 
“well, okay then.” you sighed, before sipping your drink, “you go first.” 
“okay…” he pretended to think hard, eyes darting everywhere as he hummed, “truth or dare?”
“you don't really need to think so hard about that,” you chuckled.
“just pick!” 
“alright, alright. truth!” you beamed at him, trying to understand what his brain will cook up to ask you.
“ah, that's easy. what's your name?” oh, that's right. you forgot to tell him back then the first time you went in his flower shop. and so, you told him.
“y/n. what a beautiful name. okay, my turn! my turn!” he excitedly chanted, eyes never losing their sparkle. 
you ignored the butterflies that erupted in your stomach the moment he said your name, as if he's taking his time and tasting it around his tongue like a foreign delicacy he hasn't tasted before. 
you cleared your throat, averting his gaze as they zeroed in on you, “truth or dare, mr. milk bread?” 
“hey, they taste really good, i'll have you know.” he scoffed, before his face morphed back into excitement again, “dare!”
you thought for a moment, there isn't really anything too interesting to do while walking. and then you smirked.
“i dare you to greet the person who will walk this corner as if you knew each other for a very long time,” you grinned devilishly. he gaped at that, before darting his gaze towards the street corner you were talking about. 
“y/n-chan, i didn't know you would be the type,” he teased, you were about to retort when a huge, buff man walked around the corner. he looked intimidating, even for you and you wondered what oikawa might be feeling right now. 
but you didn't need to wonder about it any longer as he was already walking up to the man, confident and grinning. he raised his hand in the air before slapping the guy on the shoulder. 
“hey, long time no see, man! say hello to the wife and kids for me, will ya?” the man gave him a weird look before shaking his head, walking past and minding his own business muttering about 'kids these days'.
once the guy was out of earshot, you and oikawa bursted out in laughter, looking at each other with relief and surprise.
“i thought he was going to pulverize you!” you wheezed in between chortles.
“i know! me too! i thought he'll get mad at me or something,” he threw his head back as he laughed. you stopped your own giggles to stare back at him. he looked radiant as he let himself go, you thought he looked attractive with the way he candidly showed his happiness.
“something wrong, y/n-chan?” you hadn't realized he stopped laughing and was left staring at him. his head was tilted in curiosity as he peered at you in concern.
“not at all!,” you catch yourself, suddenly feeling hot and embarrassed, hoping he didn't notice you ogling him, “where were we?”
“it's your turn now, truth or dare?” feeling bold, you chose dare next. 
oikawa gave you a broad smile, his hand extending towards you as if encouraging you to take it, “i dare you to stay a little longer with me in my shop,”
to be honest? you expected him to get back at you and maybe make you do an equally embarrassing (if not more) dare, but you did not expect this. 
what you also didn't expect is the fact that you had stopped in front of oikawa's flower shop with your back turned to it. how did you reach there so fast? it seemed like talking and walking with him made time stop. a part of you would like to keep it that way, if only it was possible.
“i would love to,” was your answer. oikawa opened the door to his shop, letting you in first. he then led you near the back of the shop, opening into a wide backyard that resembled a small, gorgeous garden with different kinds of flowers. some even you haven't seen him display in the shop inside. 
the two of you sat on the two seated table. you were simply at awe with how ethereal this all looked. your eyes couldn't get enough of all the wonderful colors that it landed on.
“wow,” was all you managed to say, taking in your surroundings and appreciating every nook and cranny presented to you.
“i spent most of my breaks here,” oikawa came back with two glasses of water and placed them on the glass table. 
“usually talking to myself and talking to the flowers. i heard it helps them grow faster and makes them more beautiful.” he, too, looked around his small garden with unconcealed pride and fondness. if you looked closer, you could also see the hint of sadness hidden in there. 
“you talk to your flowers? that's so cute!” you gushed, hiding your smile behind the glass of water as you sipped it.
“if anything, you're the one who's cute.” he complimented as if it was nothing, eyes boring into yours as his smile widened.
you choked on your water, coughing it up out of surprise and it was the opposite of cute. but his opinions didn't change.
oikawa barked a laugh, reaching over to pat your back soothingly. once you calmed down, you avoided his gaze once again and decided to stare at the sunflowers nearby. 
“we should just continue the game,” you decided to divert the topic. 
“truth or dare, cutie?” oikawa bit back the grin from emerging on his face. hiding it with a palm propped up on the table.
“d-dare,” you answered without thinking. and oikawa being the little shit he is, took this as an opportunity.
“i dare you to go on a date with me this saturday,” he sincerely declared, eyes not leaving you once. your head whipped back to him so fast, you swear you got whiplash. 
you're not one of these flowers and yet you felt the butterflies going wild inside of you.
your heart beat rapidly inside of your chest, pounding hard and ringing in your ears. 
“you don't need a dare to get me to say yes,” you reasoned with a wide smile.
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oikawa tooru, like his flowers, is a lively, blooming person. you get to know that the moment you agreed to go on a date with him. it followed a few hangouts, and frequent bumping into each other considering this was a small town, afterall. how you haven't noticed such a vibrant person in your life was beyond you.
you see him everywhere, every day in your life right now. in the small bushes that your neighbor has in their garden, the alien and sci-fi movies in the store which were his favorite every time he invited you to watch a movie, the milk bread you saw in the coffee shop you both love to go, and even the characters in the books you love to read. oikawa tooru practically invaded your life the moment you invited yourself in his flowershop and you loved every second of it.
every time you two hang out together, he never misses to bring you any flower. you'd always keep them with you until you come home, placing them in a vase and watering them constantly, taking care of them like how much oikawa takes care of the flowers. you paid no mind to it, only thinking that it was a sweet gesture from him until your friend decided to comment on the fresh flowers on top of your coffee table.
the both of you had known each other for a very long time now and that she's going to get married, she wanted you to be a part of it too. setting down the tea in front of her on the table, you sat down beside her, engulfing her in a hug. 
“oh, y/n! i missed you so much! it's been busy with all the planning for the wedding and the people to invite, i still haven't tried on my dress and tasted the cake, it's kind of stressing me out!” she immediately let her sorrows and agony free the moment you let go of the hug.
“speaking of stress, is there anything i could do to help?” you reached for her hand, rubbing it soothingly in circles. 
she hummed thoughtfully, sipping her tea to calm her nerves, “now that i thought about it, we still don't know anyone good enough for the flower decorations in the venue,” she pouted, sighing sadly. 
a lightbulb lit itself on top of your head, making you perk up, “i know someone who does!” 
“really? are they good?” oh more than good, you wanted to butt in but shake your head free of those thoughts. 
“of course! he's actually the one who gave me these, he takes real good care of them.” you gestured towards the tulips in your vase. it seems like her eyes lit up and she immediately fell in love with the flowers. 
“tulips?! oh, y/n, my dear, he's in love with you!” she squealed in glee, bouncing in her seat like a little kid.
“how did you know that by simply looking at my tulips?” 
“giving tulips to someone means a declaration of love, sweetie.” she sighed dreamily, “you might as well plan for your wedding too!” 
“don't be ridiculous!” you exclaimed, trying your best not to smile too wide. 
you weren't too against on the idea, but you just met afterall. it would be too early for another wedding. even though he never failed to show his affection every time you are together, there's still a lingering doubt whether he did like you in that way.
as promised, you asked oikawa about it the next day, stopping by his flower shop with coffee and his beloved milk bread since it's his break. 
“y/n-chan! it's always a pleasure to be visited by you again,” he greeted you, he was attending to a few customers in the store and excused himself before talking to you. your heart swelled with the action, not being able to hide your smile this time.
“tooru, i was just stopping by to ask you a favor. my friend's wedding is getting near and she still doesn't have any flower decorations for the venue. i mentioned you and i was wondering if you're the one who could do it instead?” you bit your lip nervously, fumbling with the paperbag containing the bread as you looked up at him hopefully. 
seriously, how can he resist you looking at him that way? your eyelashes fluttering, mouth formed into a pout, eyes shining brightly. you're just asking him to devour you whole. before he knew it, he had leaned in to peck the corner of your mouth. 
it completely shocked you to your core. he hasn't done that kind of thing before, always being respectful and never doing anything you didn't want to. but strangely, you weren't mad at him for it. to tell the truth, you kinda wished he kissed you more. 
“i'd love to, y/n-chan.” he uttered, pinching your cheek before turning to hide his own reddened face. 
that was basically the last time you saw each other since you recommended him to your friend. and since then, he has been busy and you tried to help with the wedding as well. you figured oikawa has his hands full with taking care of the decorations for the wedding, but even then, he would still message you or even facetime you after – asking about how yiur day went and craving to see your face without him being able to for how long.
the day of the wedding came and it was magical. your heart melted the moment your friends said their “i do's” as everybody clapped and rejoiced with them. the moment you stepped into the venue, everyone was amazed, speechless at the decorations being the first thing their eyes could feast upon. pink and white roses was all you could see – ranging from vine-like ones hanging from the ceiling, to arches in the doorway, and some are even placed neatly on the tables. 
to sum it all, it was breathtaking.
“your boyfriend did amazing,” your friend teased, bumping her hip to yours as she walked away with her husband to greet some guests.
you were left standing there, mouth agape as you took everything in. you couldn't wrap your head around the idea of oikawa managing to do all this by himself, but then again, he has surprised you by doing a lot of things you didn't know he could do. 
“you know, if you stayed here longer there won't be enough food left for you.” the familiaf voice you grew to love and got used to spoke from behind you. something tugged in your chest, the events seeming like déjà vu all over again. 
“i'm just admiring your work, tooru.” you smiled, turning around to face the man behind the beautiful decorations. 
he's changed his clothes into a more formal attire than his usual getup with the aprons and white button up shirt for a maroon suit and tie. he even styled his hair back, if you didn't know him long enough you might have mistaken him for someone else. 
“you look...good,” you managed to breathe out, it seems like the decorations aren't the only ones that are breathtaking. your eyes drank him in, how the clothes hug his frame perfectly, the color complimenting his skin tone, and the fact that his fluffy hair is swept away really makes you want to jump his bones right here, right now.
“and you look gorgeous. i must say, i don't mind you looking like this all the time, y/n-chan.” he chuckled, a shit-eating grin blooming on his face as he eyed you up and down slowly. your face grew hot against his stare and you felt naked, as if his eyes can see through you. 
“th-thanks, tooru.” you mumbled, playing with the hem of your clothes. before any of you could speak, however, the emcee spoke on stage calling out the bride and groom to give a speech. 
you all gathered around the small stage as they thanked everyone for coming to the wedding, inclduing the guests, their helpers, the staff. after all the mushy speech, she declared it was time for the dance, turned around and threw the bouquet (that's also from oikawa) to the audience. 
you saw the thing flying to you and out of pure instinct, you threw your hand in front of you and ended up catching the bouquet. everyone around you clapped including oikawa himself as you stared at it wide eyed. your gazed met oikawa's and as if your face couldn't get any hotter, you also felt the fast beating of your heart when you stared at each other. 
everybody howled and chanted teasing remarks at the two of you. instead of paying attention to the newly weds they picked the two of you as the center of their amusement. 
your friend's voice overpowered them all as she also chanted, “kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss!” 
oikawa looked at you with a raised brow and you can only smile bashfully in return before you felt the world turn upside down, oikawa dipping you as he kissed you passionately and deeply. time seemed to stop once again as everything blurred and all you can feel is him, and all he can feel is you. he hoped it would be enough to pour all the emotions and words he wanted you to know. 
it felt like the kiss lasted forever before he pulled away, the two of you out of breath as you giddily smiled at each other, both sharing a lovestruck look.
“is it too early to ask you to marry me?” 
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general taglist: @chibishae34 @behan @bukojuiice (tagging you here bcs you're excited for this)
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lunarflux · 3 years
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han jisung x reader / femme o/c
genre — fluff
cafe!au pt 2
suggested background music: x
Like clockwork, Jisung switched off the lights to The Rose Room. The quaint little cafe he owned with a friend seemed to have the most solemn atmosphere just before closing, and tonight was no exception. The red glow from the streetlights danced along the freshly polished floor like a night light. It was time to lock up and head home.
Jisung polished off the last of his coffee, forever regretting how much caffeine he continuously consumed just before he had to sleep. All the part-timers had gone home for the night, and the only company left in his coffee house was the sound of flickering lights and a symphony of car horns from down the road.
Jisung had his key in the door, but in his head, he was counting down.
Ten seconds.
With a deep breath, he heard the gears click together, and right on time, there she was.
Hyacinth & Holly - that was the name of the flower shop across the way. Jisung had his routine locked down that by the time the doors had shut, you were about to walk out.
Always carrying a fresh bouquet of blue hydrangeas, there you were. Locking up your own little kingdom of hues and aromas, you turned and gave him a small wave.
This was the routine that Jisung always looked forward to at the end of the day - seeing you even if for a moment. You both always walked in opposite directions, but that simple five seconds of eye contact were enough to make him forget his fatigue.
One day, he'll talk to you.
One day.
But this is not that day.
Jisung turned his heel, knowing you'd easily turn yours away from him. The walk back to his apartment was always quiet, but lately, it was even more solemn.
Hyunjin, your last-minute roommate had moved out last week to live with his girlfriend. It was just one less person he interacted with during the day, and it was only then that he realized, he didn't really talk to that many people.
In his head, he would imagine you walking through the doors of the Rose Room.
Strawberry latte? Iced rose tea? - He would guess your favorite drinks in the hopes that one day, you'd walk in, and he could surprise you.
Hyunjin used to tease him.
"Just go over there on your break. You're never gonna know her name unless you just talk to her."
Jisung scoffed at the thought of that conversation, remembering how it took over a month for Hyunjin to confess his own feelings. Then again, the flower shop opened up a few months ago, and still he hasn't spoken to you.
One day.
Jisung walked into the Rose Room at 2:00pm.
An unfamiliar vase with two massive sunflowers sat on the bar top.
"What's this?" He picked up one of the yellow stalks and prodded it with a small smile on his face.
Jeongin continued to work on his Americano. "The girl from the shop across the street dropped it off this morning. She said someone canceled their order, and she'd already clipped the stems so it'd be a waste not to put them out."
Jisung felt the lump in his throat expand. She had been in here.
"I was gonna bring her a drink to say thanks, but I didn't ask what she liked." Jeongin slipped off his apron. "I figured an Americano would be okay -"
"I'll do it." Jisung interrupted. "But give that to the next customer, I'll make something."
Carrying a small plastic lunch bag, Jisung steadied himself. The strawberries in the sandwich he made had to stay pristine. Paired with the rose tea, he made his way over to the storefront, ready to be either rejected or welcomed.
"Hello!" A part-timer greeted, the name 'Yeji' scribbled on her name tag. "Can I help you?"
"Um -" The familiar lump in his throat was back. "Th-The girl who brought the sunflowers. Is she here?"
Yeji tilted her head, looking over to the sunflowers behind Jisung, not realizing the amount had been altered. "That might have been my boss? But she isn't here."
"Oh." Jisung was almost relieved.
"Is that for her?" Yeji motioned towards the lunch bag.
"No - I mean, yes, but -"
"She'll be back later. She only came in to help prepare an order, but she closes usually." Yeji said with a smile. "Do you want me to leave that in the back -"
"No!" Jisung nearly screamed. "I mean, no, no, I'll come back. If... that's okay?"
The surprised girl nodded quietly.
The strawberries in the sandwich got soggy and the rose tea watered down. Jisung slumped his head over the counter, still cringing from today's interaction with the girl who very well knows his crush and could easily ruin his chances.
Why am I so awkward?
Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, peering out into the street. He didn't know if you were there. He didn't even know if he could muster up the same courage to go back.
Jisung reached for the door, tempted to just run over if only to catch you before you closed up, but before he could, you emerged.
Holding his breath, he watched as you walked outside - but not alone.
You were with someone. A guy. He patted your head, and you smiled back.
Jisung's grip on the door handle pushed the blood from his knuckles. It was too good to be true. He waited too long.
And just like that, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. He didn't even know you, yet he already felt that familiar pang of sadness and disappointment. It wasn't as if he was craving a relationship, and perhaps, he had built you up too much in his head. He didn't know your name or your favorite color. He didn't know the music you liked to listen to on your way to work or the sound of your laugh. He really didn't know anything, and seeing this solidified that thought.
You were a stranger after all.
Hyunjin and his girlfriend, the day manager left together today, but not before trying to talk Jisung out of his mood.
"You know that might not be her boyfriend," she shook her head. "Don't jump to conclusions."
"What other guy would meet up with her that late at night?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "If you were the closing manager, you know I'd show up to walk you home."
Jisung cringed, seeing the couple exchange loving glances.
"We're just saying not to give up. You can't wait forever."
They weren't wrong. It seemed better to try now and get rejected than to wait and wonder.
It seemed automatic now. The counting. Only now, he didn't really know what he was counting down to.
Jisung heaved a heavy sigh as he inserted his key.
"Are you closed?"
Jisung nearly stumbled down from the small ledge of the door.
There you were. Apron and purse in one hand a fresh bouquet of blue hydrangeas in the other.
"Yeah, we closed -" He cleared his throat. "We closed - I mean, we close at 9:30."
"Oh." You almost looked upset. "I'm sorry, I'm just so used to seeing you leave after ten, so I wasn't sure. I always wake up too late to come here before my shift, and you guys are always so busy.
Jisung put his key back in the lock without thinking. Opening the door, he held his breath.
"I can make you something."
You swung your legs under the seat. Jisung quietly steeped the same kind of rose tea he wanted to give to you before. Glancing over, he could see one of the last strawberry sandwiches of the day as if it had been waiting for him to reenter.
"Do you always work late?"
He heard your small voice over the counter. Walking up, you joined him so that the only thing between you was marble. Jisung nodded, setting the glass of tea and sandwich in front of you.
"Yeji told me you stopped by yesterday. I'm sorry, I missed you."
"It's fine." He could feel the cold sweat on the back of his neck. "I would have brought it later, but your boyfriend was there."
"Ex." You smiled, quietly sipping your tea with a blissful sigh he'd never seen before. "Dropping off my spare work key. I'd forgotten it when I moved out last month."
Ex. Her ex boyfriend. Of course.
"Why did you break up?"
Picking at the edges of the sandwich, you shrugged. "You know how it is. Working adults not working the same schedule. I like working the night shifts. I like closing the store. And he hated how many hydrangeas I brought home. Said it made the apartment smell too much."
"I think they're pretty. The blue ones."
As if you'd forgotten the color already, you giggled. "They're my favorite."
"Mine, too." Jisung could feel the air lessen.
"I can bring you some tomorrow if you'd like."
"That'd be nice." He smiled, genuinely for the first time in what seemed like a long time. "If you want, I could -" He caught himself.
You nodded towards him, midway through your sandwich.
Punching his leg, Jisung quietly scolded himself. "If you want... I could walk you to work. I'd like to see you - the flowers, I mean, and everything tomorrow. Y'know. Before it gets dark."
"You'd wake up early for flowers?"
"W-Well, yes, and I need to wake up earlier anyway - I drink too much caffeine at work, and I need to stop sleeping so late, and -"
"I'd like that," you beamed.
Jisung almost choked. "I'm sorry, it's just. Well. I don't even know your name."
"y/n." You poked his cheek. "All you had to do was ask."
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Ice Cream Princess
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: There isn't a day that JJ doesn't come to visit you at work. On the day he doesn't, you decide to visit him at work instead.
Word Count: 1,876
Note: A Stranger Things and Outer banks crossover imagine that no one asked for. Please give me feedback on anything but the title, I'm judging it and laughing at myself because of it. I hope you love it!
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An ice-cream parlor opens up across the street of The Wreck. The owner quickly judges all of the teenagers that come in looking for a part-time summer job. Luckily for you, your older cousin Robin sweet talks her way - agrees to watch his daughter- to get Hopper to hire you on the spot.
Your favorite co-worker is Steve. Both of you share stories and talk about anything and everything. You're weren't too surprised to find he hang outs with "lil punks".
He has a childish side that comes out when it's you two in the shop. If a touron gives you a weird feeling and tries to flirt with you, Steve takes over like a protective older brother. You started calling him mom when he bossed you around the first time.
Last night there was a party held by the Pogues at the Boneyard. When Robin's girlfriend texts you saying that she woke up with a hangover, you agree with her that it would be best if you cover her shrift.
When you get to the shop on your bike, you park it next to Steve car and cringe when the annoying front door bell rings as you enter. "I'm surprised to see your face this morning."
"Good or bad surprised, mom?" He rolls his eyes as you walk past him and pat his shoulder.
He yells, "the worst!" As you make your way to the small back room and put your backpack in your locker.
You grab the lanyard Pope gave to you and trace the lil doodles Kiara drew on your nametag.
Clocking in, you wave at Hopper through his open office window. He learns further in his chair, arms across his chest.
"You work too much."
"You don't pay me enough."
Humming to the radio that's connected to the speakers that hang from the ceiling, you look over Steve shoulder to see which Playlist he's playing.
You mutter, "I hate that thing" when the bell rings.
JJ is leading everyone, arms flaring around as he jumps on top of the counter. He bends one knee underneath his other leg to sit more comfortably sideways and grins at you.
"You're ass is going to break that and you'll have to pay for it."
"Are you telling me I have a fat ass?" He puts a hand over his heart and fakes cries. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Princess."
You shove him off, chuckling when he almost doesn't save his fall and trip over his own two feet.
"So dramatic like always and Y/N is still my name." You point down at your nametag. "Y/N. Not Princess."
"What do you guys want today?" Steve asks.
JJ glares at him but smirks when you pick up a scoop. He leans over the counter and says, "I'll like a lick of that."
You tell Pope thank you for slapping JJ in the back of the head, making his gray and red snapback fall off.
He runs his fingers through his hair and you barely catch it when throws it towards you.
"You would look better in it than that." He reaches over to tap on your uniform hat wear.
You blush at the hidden complaint and slap his hand away.
"Stop flirting." John B says as he hands over JJ his ice cream.
Kiara slightly pushes him towards the table, they always sit at.
Steve smirks as he leans against the counter. "Princess?"
In the corner of your eye, you see JJ giving himself whiplash. You know Steve is on a mission to find a nickname for you, especially something that you hate as much as he hates 'mom'.
But JJ doesn't. "It's a long story."
"I'll love to hear it someti-"
JJ claps his hands together as the chair slides across the floor as he stands up. "Once upon a time, little miss Y/N dressed up as a princess one Halloween. There was a picture of proof that her mother gladly showed me. Ever since, I've called her Princess and one day she'll call me her Prince. The end."
Sarah 'awwws' and says, "That's actually really adorable."
"Thank you, I know." JJ says proudly and you both smile at each other.
During your next shift, it's only John B and JJ.
"Well hello there boys."
JJ takes off his sunglasses off slowly and puts his arm on the counter. "Princess."
You try not to pay attention to how good his arms look with his gray tank top.
You're the one who breaks eye contact. You don't miss the little fist pump he does but you miss how his shoulders drop when you look at him after seeing how panic John B looks.
Oh, right.
"We need to get the biggest bowl of Sarah's favorite ice cream. Her monthly came to visit and John B, the sweetheart idiot he is, doesn't remember her flavor."
You make 'o' shape with your mouth. "Got it. It's the end of the world for him. Well lucky for you, I know it."
John B screams out, "I owe you one" as he grabs the cup container from you and runs out to the Van.
JJ puts money in the tip jar. "From future Sarah."
After you watch him put his sunglasses back on and the door bell rings when the door closes, Robin pinches your leg.
"Are you going to start helping me again with this or am I going to have to restock everything myself?"
Blushing, you say, "I'm not Steve."
She stops laughing after a few seconds to say, "I bet you that JJ knows his Princess favorite ice cream flavor."
"Shut up."
Pope, Kiara, and JJ all give you a pointed look when they stop by the shop before seeing a movie. The movie you agreed to go to one minute but then the next you said "wait sorry, I have to work." and hanged up on JJ.
"I'm about to drag you and your cute stubborn ass out of here for once and all, Princess."
Kiara has a hand on her hip, when she says, "You need to take a break."
You close your eyes and throw your head back, annoyed that she's right. "You guys know how much I need this job and the money."
A look of understanding crosses JJ's face but he straightens himself and says in a stern voice, "You are also supposed to have fun with your friends once a while."
"I know that!" He doesn't flinch at you raising your voice.
Thinking he's used to it, your heart and face fall.
"I- I'm sorry. How about we all hangout tomorrow at the Chateau and relax? Or we can do anything you guys want to do. Let John B and Sarah know and-"
JJ strides behind the counter and pulls you in a hug. No one words are needed when you shove your face against his chest and catch your breathing.
Pope puts a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, JJ. We're going to be late."
"You know what? I'm actually in the mood for ice cream not theater popcorn. Go on without me."
Kiara tells you both goodbye and Pope mouths "whipped" and does the wrapped around a finger hand's motion as she pulls him away.
You look up at JJ. "You didn't have to do that."
"Do what?" His cocky grin becomes bigger when you roll your eyes before helping a costumer. He leaves the counter to sit at the table, hands on the bottom of his chin as he does silly faces from behind the stranger's shoulder.
Steve looks up when he hears the bell ring and watches as JJ loses his step.
Before he can walk away, Steve says, "She will be back shortly. I sent her to the bank real quick for more change."
JJ lets the door close behind him. He takes a big breath in as he turns around. "You trust her that much, huh?"
"Don't you?"
JJ lets out a dark laugh. "It's different. You get payed to see her, I do it because I want to."
That's Steve's breaking point. "Okay, I don't understand why or how you started hating me the first time you met me but I think I can get a wild guess why. A attractive, couple of years older comes into her life. You're jealous over nothing, dude. I see her as annoying little sister. And yeah, I get payed to do this shitty job but when she's working too, she makes it fun."
"Are you done?" JJ is looking at anything but him.
"One more thing, don't waste anymore time."
Steve looks at the clock on the wall and figures you'll be back any minute.
"I have to get to work." JJ looks over his shoulder.
He opens his mouth but changes his mind, and closes it and walks out.
On the other side of the sidewalk, he doesn't stop when you call out his name.
"Funny seeing you're here."
JJ slams his tray down on the table next to yours. "I work here."
He stops wiping it down and gets the sudden urge to squirt you with the cleaning product bottle when he hears you tapping your feet against the chair across on of your table.
When he looks around and notices there aren't a lot of people in the dinner room he sits down and huffs and puffs. "Why are you here?"
"What? You can come visit me at work but I can't?"
When you both notice another bus boy, you let JJ grab the nearest glass pitcher and pull you some water.
"Now you can't walk away and ignore me, like how you did a couple of hours ago."
"I'm sure Steve told you all about it." The biter in his voice makes you lean over the table to grab his hand.
He jumps but doesn't pull away.
"He told me that you came in the shop, you looked like a little lost puppy when you made eye contact with him instead of me. You guys actually had somewhat of a conversation, which, I'm surprised actually happened."
JJ smiles a little as you start spinning one of his rings. "Steve didn't tell me what it was about...at first."
JJ can't sit still.
He stands up and as he talks, he walks in pace. "He, he uh- shit. Fuck, okay. He got in my head. I couldn't talk to you cause I didn't want to say something that would ruin our friendship. I didn't even know how I would say it-to be honest, still don't but you're smart, I think you know where am I going with this-"
He stops talking, mid-sentence when you laugh. "JJ, just say it or I'll crush your ego by saying it first."
"I love you." He says it over and over again in the middle of the kisses after you say it back.
He stops when someone yells his name and tells him to get back to work.
You give him a quick peak and have to put your hands on top of his to move them off of your hips.
"I'll see you later, JJ. We can go watch a movie?"
"Sounds like a date, Princess."
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Psy-Cutie pt. 1
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Summary // Mind Jack is an S-ranked villain who always manages to evade capture. You are a florist working in the city and never really minded what was happening around you. You kept an ear open for more relevant news, but you never heard of Mind Jack or his schemes. This works in Hitoshi Shinso's favor as he crashes into your shop one day, injured and unable to take care of himself. Lucky for him, you are just the healer he needs.
A/N: Based loosely on the song American Beauty/American Psycho, hope you enjoy! ^^
- - -
Hitoshi knew two things when he woke up in an unfamiliar bed.
One. He was in pain.
Two. He was safe.
He knew he was safe with clear surety because if the person who saved him knew who he was, he would have on handcuffs and a muzzle rather than a blanket and bandages.
-4 hours earlier-
Twisting the dial of his mask, Hitoshi tests the new vocals he had acquired.
"Help me! Please Akane!" The voice of a 45 year old woman echoes in the room, bouncing off the concrete walls. The voice belonged to Hiromi Sasaki, the wife of a broker who had ties to several Pro Heroes in the Coruscant district. She had been a thorn in Hitoshi's side what with her providing new equipment and upgraded tech to superheroes. Last month he had nearly been foiled by a beam that concentrated a hypnotic ray. But now he had the perfect plan to get rid of her.
Or rather, get rid of her clients privacy.
"Hiromi! Are you here?!" Akane yells from afar, finally catching up to him after following the sound of her wife from blocks away. Now that they were in a closed and controlled area, Hitoshi felt no need to continue this game of cat and mouse.
"How precious." His voice rings out. "You really do love her don't you. If only that love was enough to keep her safe." He steps out from his spot behind a pillar, looking at the now frozen broker who stood still at the doorway. Her eyes were wide open, a blank canvas.
He stalks forward, lowering his mask into the folds of his capture weapon. "You're going to listen to me now." Hitoshi beckons her with a finger, walking backwards to a single chair. "Come. Let's go over the terms of our agreement."
The woman sits down on the rickety chair, showing no signs of fear as it buckles under her weight.
"From now on, you'll be attaching these to all the equipment you sell to your heroes." He unties a small bag from his waist and tosses it onto her lap. They were tracking devices. "If you get caught, your wife will not come back from what I'll do to her."
Nothing, nothing showed on her face that she was listening, but he knew his instructions ran clear. He could feel his control taking over. His quirk had evolved since his time at U.A, no longer was his brain washing temporary, no, he could give long term instructions. It was very, very useful. An evolution he was sure his old classmate would have loved to jot down. But today wasn’t a day for lamenting old friendships he already burned.
His focus snaps to the wall next to him, the concrete was beginning to crack as a barrage of fists pummeled into it.
"Don't forget what I told you." Hitoshi pulls his mask back into place, cutting off his connection to the broker, not sparing another second to watch her as he bolts to the farthest window with his capture weapon in hand.
Breaking through the glass he sends the end of the scarf to a faraway pole, using it to swing onto a nearby building. He curls into a ball and tumbles to lessen the impact on his joints before sprinting across the rooftops. Narrowly he evades the paralyzing bullets of police officers on the ground, shouting to the heroes who were hot on his tail.
It was fun, in a way, they were finally making it fun for him after being so easily put down.
But the heroes were prepared for him. Finally, they learned to bring proper backup.
"Mind Jack!" The hero Racer yells from the rooftop next to him. The hero beside them creates a ramp of metal, allowing Racer to send themselves flying onto the rooftop he was currently on.
Hitoshi coils his capture weapon around Racer's leg as they fly midair, twisting them around and throwing them into the new hero behind him. The group that had begun to accumulate was a mixture of A and C ranked heroes, which normally would be easily handled by himself. But he was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a telekinetic that sent him plummeting into the ground and through the floors below him.
“Damn!” His scarf wraps around the exposed edge of a steel pillar poking out of the concrete floor, allowing him to swing out of sight from the heroes that continued their path downward where they assumed he had fallen. But it didn’t mean he was safe.
All he remembers is the cold wind rushing past him as he breaks through the window of the thirtieth floor and freefalls to the unforgiving ground.
- Now -
Now he was staring at a pitcher of water with slices of lemons and leaves of mint.
Just where did he land?
"Oh you're awake!" A voice chimes in from behind a curtain. He squints at the fuzzy shadow, making out something round and human shaped.
A hand grabs the curtain and pulls it aside, the roundness now obviously a ceramic pot and the human shaped figure.. A very cute human.
He tilts his head as he watches you balance the pot of dirt on your hip, your cheeks smudged along with your gloved hands.
Who were you?
"You scared me earlier! I almost didn't get to you in time." You place the pot on a chair and pull up a stool from the vanity against the wall, crossing your legs as you sat down. "My quirk is a little reckless, so I was afraid I might hurt you more than help you. But you're a sturdy one."
"What is-!" Hitoshi cringes at the pain in his throat, reaching up a hand to cup his jugular. It felt like crushed glass was grinding against his vocal cords.
You stood up at the sound of his voice, already preparing a cup of water to give to him. "My quirk? It's repel. I can repel anything, living or non-living- but the force I exert can change from moment to moment if I'm not careful. So when I saw you falling, I had to use it in small bursts to keep you from smacking the pavement too hard."
Well, he was asking for your name but he took the water anyway, looking it over for traces of a sedative. Deeming it clean, he mouths a quick ‘thank you’ before drinking.
Using the opportunity to collect clues on what kind of person his host was, Hitoshi takes in the sight around him. A pitcher of water on a chipped black nightstand. Macrame potted plants hanging by an open window. A wardrobe with a sweater peeking out. A worn beige carpet on vinyl floors. Photographs of friends and family. Clippings of plants and dried out flowers in picture frames. 
Nothing out of the ordinary. Safe.
A part of him wanted to cringe. How long had it been since he was around something so ordinary? He didn’t live in places long enough to decorate it. He didn’t leave windows open, chancing a police officer spotting him. He didn’t have any of these things you had.
He turns his attention back to you.
“Would you happen to be Hitoshi Shinso?”
His grip on the cup tightens instinctively. Without his voice to activate his quirk, he settles on relying on his physicality. Hitoshi reaches instinctively for the scarf around his neck-
But it wasn’t there.
He settles on a nod, preparing to bolt out of the bed should you try screaming for help. Even without his scarf, he was prepared to scale the walls if he had to.
However, it isn't a yell of fear that he is met with. Surprise floods him as he watches your face light up with a smile. You lean forward with your hands tucked under your thighs. “Really?! I watched you in the U.A sports festivals when I was a teenager! You were amazing!”
Without knowing it, his hand raised from his neck to his face, covering his mouth as you continued on, a warmth building in his cheeks.
“I live pretty far away, but I took a trip to U.A. for my second year, and to see you take down students twice your size was so cool! You really worked hard after the first festival and it showed-“ A blush of your own takes root on your face. You scoot your seat backwards. “Ah- sorry about that.. I didn’t mean to be so forward.”
He shakes his head, looking at you with much softer eyes. He was a villain. And had been a villain after leaving amid his third year at U.A. He didn’t regret his decision and never cared for the love the media gave his former classmates. He didn’t need praise or the affection of strangers. He didn’t care about any of that.
But to hear someone praise him for his hard work, and to hear someone put him in such a light? To hear that someone saw him as more than his quirk?
Hitoshi could get drunk on your words alone.
“You don't mind..? I understand if it’s creepy. I've met fans of Deku who even I was uncomfortable next to.”
Once more he shakes his head, unbothered by your enthusiasm. In fact, he liked it. More than he thought he would.
Was this why heroes strived to be popular? The warm feeling it brought? Or was it because it came from you? Someone so blissfully ignorant of what he has done. 
You still saw him as a hero.
A hero.
“Oh! I need to get back to the shop! Your fall left some of my pots smashed, I need to clean it up before someone gets hurt.” You get to your feet and take his now empty glass, refilling it before handing it back. “Take your time,I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” 
And just when he thought you couldn't get any better, you stumble on your way out, drawing out a squeak from your lips.
He was truly and utterly whipped.
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jtrokujo · 3 years
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paring: Tobio Kageyama x fem!Reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: for people who are dealing with depression or who are currently lonely etc please talk to someone. I don't know myself if that needs a warning, but I still wanted to write it here.
gerne: depression
summary: from a happy relationship to pure loneliness. even though the relationship was so beautiful it ended anyway, would they ever talk to each other again?
The days are just around the corner.
The days we are together, but unfortunately also the last time, because after this day everyone goes their own way.
You grow up, some start your own family, buy a big house, a pet, but the question is, do I want that?
This is the life that probably every average adult and I don't want such a life, I want to have someone by my side with whom I can be happy, I don't want more.
This someone shouldn't be anyone other than Tobio Kageyama, but we argued and definitely 2 months before our prom and whether it was enough, it was not a 'normal' argument where you get along after 10 or 5 minutes.
No, we had and separated, the relationship was over.
I don't remember how it really came about, because this argument was pure escalation.
We screamed and so loudly that I didn't know myself whether this could be normal for a person.
But I can remember one part of our argument all too well when Kageyama threw our photo on the wall so that the panes of glass were spread across the floor.
It was the picture with the most emotions, these moments were so beautiful that we did everything that nothing would ever come that could destroy something like that, we were either naive or stupid.
This picture was on our anniversary, our 2 year old, the day that made us naive that we could be together forever.
We were together for a lovely 2 years, I was at his games, we bought mangas, drank our coffee together and ate our favorite cake over our favorite coffee, where we also had our second date.
I remember too well how Kageyama tried to ask me at the time if I would go to the school ball with him, after I answered 'yes' he hugged me by putting all his weight on my body, a little heavy.
But I should seriously stop thinking about the old days after knowing his face - and he is mine.
There are also enough boys or even easier, I just don't go there, but I still have to think about the expensive dress my parents had saved for me.
Knowing not to dress just because of a guy shows how weak I am, I just let my dreams, which I've had for years, burst?
Even when I was little I dreamed of dancing with my lover in front of all classmates, how his amorous eyes met mine and then he just wanted to be with me, which is why he took my hand and we together from school, or wherever we are, and then he just looks at me and says how much he loves me, until it rains in a moment and we still dance together until the night ends.
However, we stopped and his steps approached me and his eyes met my lips, that's the moment, in the middle of the rain he would kiss me.
That's the stereotype that almost every girl had, but only almost.
By that I mean your lover kisses you in the middle of the rain.
It's only noon.
I should make something of my day instead of just thinking about the weirdest things, or about him.
With no motivation whatsoever, she took her cell phone and wrote to a good friend.
"Really, I'm proud of you for going out. Believe me or not, but I was seriously worried that you would spend your life thinking until prom."
Said the young volleyball player from her school and hugged her as he finished his sentence.
"I'm fine and you don't have to worry about me, Sugawara."
She muttered while her head stayed on his left chest and she could feel his heartbeat.
Walking together in the city they talk about a different topic every 5 minutes and none of them seem to bother, sometimes they talk about silly series, sometimes they gossip about their classmates, sometimes they give each other little advice until he said this " Tell me, do you already have a mask? "
She looked at him in amazement and asked "Which mask?"
"We have the topic of the masked ball, you were in favor of it when we talked to the others about it."
Not all of that.
Annoyed, she sighed and saw a mother taking care of her daughter, who has a small wound.
"(Y / N)?" he asked her and grabbed her shoulders and said right away, "How about we take a little break. I heard that the new animated film isn't that bad after all, come on."
Nobody who could see her from the outside could say she was crying, but she did, unfortunately couldn't.
Your body doesn't cry, your mind does.
To know someone like Sugawara is like a gift from heaven, a pure guardian angel.
When we arrived at the cinema, (Y / N) paid Ticktes and Sugawara for the meal.
Strangers would think it was a date, even if it was a friendship date, because just being friends with the opposite sex doesn't mean that they can be a couple or anything else.
(Y / N) should already choose a place and not long she found one, if that wasn't enough, but the hall is empty, a dream come true, sitting she took her cell phone and scrolled through her gallery, two words , a mistake.
Every second photo feels like it is from Kageyama.
Small tears welled up in her eyes, but she knew he wasn't worth it.
"(Y / N)?" she hears Sugawara's voice in amazement.
She turned and got his attention.
Sitting comfortably he started to eat and asked her if her cell phone was on mute, nodding she answered him and asked him if she could rest her head.
"Uh, of course, why not?" and made himself comfortable.
And now the 15 minute long commercials started.
Together with a friend in the shop, the two teenagers look for a mask to steal away the ball.
The mood for it is in the basement.
For once, she goes with someone who is also a gentleman and whether it is not enough, it cannot be overlooked that he has feelings for the classmate.
But what about (Y / N)?
She wants to have time for herself, because you don't necessarily need a partner to be happy, there is also no need.
In addition, she unfortunately still loves him, but the thought of him immediately occurred to her, where is he?
They go to the same class and when school is over she has to go to the sports hall because there is a shorter way and she still doesn't see him, then the thought occurred to her, 'He's not worth it'.
And where are you now?
It is hard to believe that all of the stores are at a tailor's.
But for that the old man seems to be able to do it pretty well, the prices could do away with one or the other, but you only live that way once.
While the friend was still choosing what her mask should look like, (Y / N) already got an idea and told the old man that she had an idea.
Because of her little mental breakdowns, it's nice to see that she has other things on her mind, but while she's talking to the old man about the mask and he's already preparing a sketch, the black-haired one is on the other side of town, alone though not.
"You don't even try to get in touch with her. What you said to her shouldn't say anything to anyone, so go to her tomorrow at school and apologize, then you can both live in peace."
Immediately after the little volleyball player finished his sentence, the black haired volleyball player threw him in the face, silencing him.
"H-hey! What was that supposed to mean?"
"You should stop talking!"
Kageyama yelled at his friend.
"You made me come with you!" he pisses at him.
Trapped in his own mind, Kageyama threw the ball to Hinata, his mistake being that he 1. hit it too hard and 2. the ball was a little too high, which is an advantage for Hinata.
Fixing on the ball, he jumped into the heights of the ball and hit it.
Immediately the ball landed roughly on Kageyama's face, holding his nose painfully, which was bleeding from himself.
Hinata, who is somewhat panicked, apologized several times and handed him a small handkerchief.
That still has him, probably what the pain his ex-girlfriend had to endure immediately after he ended the relationship with her, but he doubts that right away, pain like the one he has is not at all comparable to that of (Y / N) and many other people.
Trapped in his own mind, Kageyama threw the ball to Hinata, his mistake being that he 1. hit it too hard and 2. the ball was a little too high, which is an advantage for Hinata.
Fixing on the ball, he jumped into the heights of the ball and hit it.
Immediately the ball landed roughly on Kageyama's face, holding his nose painfully, which was bleeding from himself.
Hinata, who is somewhat panicked, apologized several times and handed him a small handkerchief.
That still has him, probably what the pain his ex-girlfriend had to endure immediately after he ended the relationship with her, but he doubts that right away, pain like the one he has is not at all comparable to that of (Y / N) and many other people.
He looked at his hand, which was covered with blood, he immediately took his bottle with his free hand and poured it over his hand.
Then he looked at Hinata and sighed, "Let's go shopping tomorrow."
Hinata himself noticed how his friend was changing, but he does not want to interfere in matters that do not concern him, but unfortunately he knew too well that it cannot go on like this and since Kageyama and something has happened Hinata reached for his cell phone and wrote (Y / N).
It is late in the evening when (Y / N) came home safe and sound, she took a warm shower, but immediately afterwards she went straight to her room without having eaten anything.
She carefully took her finished mask out of her bag, then took out her headphones, snacks, her wallet and her cell phone, when she wanted to see if she got a message from her friend, she saw that she had one about 3 hours ago Message received from Hinata.
Hey (Y / N), do you have time tomorrow?
Want to annoy you. :)
She couldn't help but grin and wrote to him to get a volleyball.
It's nice to have someone like Hinata because no matter what comes between you, he's always there for you.
Hinata wrote her that she should have nice dreams and was offline immediately afterwards.
(Y / N) decided to sleep right after, because even if she wasn't in the mood to meet anyone before that, apart from her friend from lunchtime, saying no to Hinata is a big taboo.
The next morning (Y / N) got ready and told her parents that Hinata was coming.
Snacks on the desk, the cuddly pillows spread out on the bed and the old Nintendo lying in bed.
Riding a bike with a rucksack, little Orange made his way to his girlfriend.
The weather was too good enough for such a day, because the sun was covered by wool and the clouds are gray, not white like yesterday.
But that didn't stop Hinata from being happy.
After about half an hour, Hinata finally arrived late, he put his bike right next to the door of the (H / C) hairy girl and rang the bell.
Without waiting long the door opened, contrary to what he expected, he saw his girlfriend with an honest smile.
After a short hug, he entered the little house, but of course he took off his shoes for the first time.
While the two friends were having fun, the black-haired one sits alone in his room and watches his favorite films.
Today the day has arrived.
This morning (Y / N) had showered and at the moment she was doing her hair with the help of her mother.
At the same time, Kageyama is pondering in the shower while the water flows through his body.
When the hairstyle fits perfectly on the head (Y / N) just pulled a thin dressing gown under her underwear and watched the new episodes of her series at the same time.
She looks at her cell phone every now and then and notices how slowly the time goes by.
She still has a good 5 hours ahead of her.
While her mother helps her to lock the dress, (Y / N) stared at the floor thoughtfully.
"You look like a little princess." said her mother to her and her ear and she looked at the mirror which is in front of them and touched her daughter's shoulders.
A little insecure, she cocked her head and looked in the mirror and she looks pretty pretty.
The hairstyle fits perfectly in the head, the dress exudes an extraordinary aura and now the only thing missing is the mask.
"Where's my mask." she asked her mother, she will get it right away which one was on her bed.
"Thanks." she thanked her and hugged her mother, but not only because of this mask, no.
When she found out that her daughter's relationship was failing, she was always there for her daughter and even managed to cheer her up.
"You have to be there in 20 minutes, come I'll drive you there." said the mother and went ahead.
(Y / N) quickly took her little bag and put her cell phone, power bank and mask there before she left her room.
In the car she asked her mother if she could also pick up Hinata, with a 'yes' she agreed and drove in the direction of the orange-haired one.
He was about to set off on a bicycle when his mother honked the horn and drew attention to him (Y / N), got out of the car and said loudly that he should get in.
Hinata quickly told his mother that he was being driven and ran straight to his girlfriend. "You look great, Hinata." she said to him with which he said, "You always do that." answered.
Giggling, the friends sat down in the car and talked about 10 different topics in this short drive.
"We are there." said the mother.
As they got out, they thanked them and made their way into the building.
"Nervous?" asked Hinata (Y / N), she just shook her head and said that they should go inside.
They parted ways in the building as they are now keeping their friends for company.
Hinata went to his volleyball and greeted each one of them.
(Y / N) went to her small circle of friends and hugged each of them with a warm hug. She noticed that she had forgotten to put on her mask, what she is doing now.
Kageyama, who also talks to Hinata, looks out for his ex-girlfriend, because the only thing he still wants to do is to apologize, he was cowardly yes.
That's why he's so eager to apologize today and besides, he still loves her but he knows himself that it might be better not to get together with her again.
The crowds of students drink some punch, some dance like crazy or talk.
After the time the music got a bit too loud for (Y / N), so she leaves the building and takes a little break.
Without knowing someone else came out the door and it was none other than Kageyama.
"(Y / N)." she heard him say her name, unfortunately she knew that voice too well.
Turning around nervously, she saw him taking the mask off his face, she did the same and asked him what he was doing here.
"I wanted to apologize to you, apologize for how I treated you.
We both know you deserve someone better. I'm terribly sorry (Y / N). "
Kageyama apologized and bowed to (Y / N), of course she was a bit overwhelmed but immediately said "You don't have to apologize for what you are not guilty of, we both made a mistake, so I just think we don't need an apology. "
He hugged her warmly and mumbled softly "Do you think we could become something?"
"Sure, but we shouldn't think about tomorrow if you get what I'm talking about."
Nodding, he continued the hug until she said, "Let's go in, I'm getting cold, aren't you?"
"No, but I think you're right."
It has been a total of 2 years after graduation.
The black-haired guy was just getting the last boxes out of the car, while (Y / N) put the boxes in the respective room.
Kageyama quietly crept behind (Y / N) and covered her eyes "Kageyama since I've been your fiancée you can't seem to do anything other than cover my eyes, right?"
She giggled and took his hands from her eyes.
He just giggled and shrugged his shoulders and asked "Shall we order food today?"
"Only when you talk."
"Yeah ok, lazy." he mumbled, but he wasn't quiet enough because she threw one of the little things at him.
"I heard it."
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barjogaron · 3 years
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This is chapter 4 for my Élite AU Love & Deceit! Thanks so much you guys for the lovely comments and support! It can be read on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32302612
And on wattpad here:
Thanks for reading! Enjoy!
Chapter Four:
In the dream, a pair of lustful green eyes glare at me from the dark...
The obnoxious sound my phone's alarm clock rings in my ear. I rub and open my eyes, the alarm of my phone notifying me consistently to wake up and prepare myself for the day. The first day. Work officially begins and I must be on the top my heels with everything. From managing the mansion's staff, to cleaning, as well and looking after the house. It shouldn't be too hard. Right?
I get out my outfit for today which is thankfully more casual than the others who mandatorily must wear suits and or maid dresses. I am privileged to wear more causal clothing, a white button up blouse, a black skirt, and my navy blue Toms. I put on reading glasses and braid my hair into a short pony tail before wrapping a silky and shiny baby blue hijab around my head. Of course I dabble my face with a little make up, eyeliner, and brown lipstick, so I can at least look slightly more fashionable. Honestly, I look like an assistant rather than someone who cleans and manages a mansion.
I enter into the living room of the suite and the girls are nowhere in sight, probably already starting to help the kitchen staff with breakfast for the boys. I open the door, about to enter the hallway when I pump into a what felt like a wall. He's a few inches taller than me and devilishly handsome.
His hair is dark, short, and wavy, and I can smell the nice smelling aftershave on his smooth face. He looks at me and I've never seen such a friendlier smile. His golden brown eyes are like ice, so cold and sharp, but everything about him is warm. He's dressed in a dark blue blazer with a black shirt underneath and ripped jeans.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, miss...?" his Spaniard accent is strong, and I notice that both his hands still rest on my shoulders. After a few awkward seconds his cheeks heat up red and he quickly releases me from his grip.
I clear my throat.
"It's okay, um," I clear my throat again. "Who are you?" I ask sincerely. I must know who this stranger is. I didn't see him last night at dinner. Is he a brother? No, probably not, although he looks the part. But he is definitely more casual.
"I'm Samuel. Nice to meet you," he says and I shake his hand. "I am here to assist you. Mister Crisanto put you in charge of the staff. He put me to assistant alongside you in any way that I can make things easier for you." Samuel smiles. It's a warm and inviting smile. I nod my head slowly.
"I didn't know I'd be having an assistant."
"You'll need all the help you can get, I'm afraid." Samuel chuckles softly.
"I'm thankful. And I'm sure I'll need it. Well, how about breakfast...?" I tell him and he's just staring at me with his lips still stuck in a smile. After a few moments I guess my words have entered his ears and his eyes go wide.
"Oh, right! " he says, starting now towards the stairs. "Shall we?" he says.
"Of course." I walk towards him and we stroll down the stairs together.
"So how'd you get this job?" Samuel asks me as we walk down the hallway on our way towards the kitchen.
"Well, a professor of mine recommended me to take this high opportunity job, and I needed a high paying job and experience like this, so I took the chance. The benefits are spectacular. I've never been to London, and well...here I am." I smile to myself.
Samuel looks at me with much amazement. Silence creeps in and I decide to disrupt it.
"What about you? How'd you end up here?" I ask him and he shoves his hands into his pockets, his smile revealing his perfect white teeth.
"I'm a friend of the family, actually," says Samuel. "We're all just trying to make a living."  he finishes.
"Isn't that the truth." I huff.
After a few more minutes of walking, we near the kitchen, which is before the dining hall.
"Well, I'll see what's up in the kitchen and you check out the dining hall in preparation for set up." Samuel instructs and I oblige. He disappears into the kitchen and I walk further towards the dining hall, finally entering, and is soon disturbed because of the sight in front of me.
Half naked and clothed only in a matte black designer house-robe is, Guzmán. His naked chest bare with a thin gold necklace draped around his neck and laying on his large pecs, his perfect peachy skin glistening from the invading morning light. He sits in the chair inappropriately like a child. The trim of his boxers showing beneath his bellybutton, as his grey sweatpants that shape his legs are slouched down by an inch to display the brand of his boxers. Which are Calvin Klein...
His eyes snap up at me and a smirk grows on his face. He takes a green apple from the fruit bowl in front of him and slowly bites into it. The loud crunch is taunting and obnoxious, making me cringe. I'm sure the crunch could be heard all over the mansion. He munches on the apple while holding his gaze upon me. His lips are now plump, wet, and a deeper shade of pink. I bite my tongue and clench my fist, trying to grip onto the first thing to say that comes to mind.
"What are you doing?" is the only thing my brain could come with, and it's an incredibly stupid question.
"As you know, this is my home," Guzmán smirks. "And I'm eating an apple." he takes another bite out of the apple and his smirk grows to deride me.
Let me try firing a better question...
"I mean what are you doing sitting here half naked at the table? It's..."
"Obnoxious?" Guzmán adds.
"Even better." I reply.
"Abhorrent?" Guzmán continues while standing from the chair. I cross my arms and stand my ground.
"I couldn't agree more." I challenge him, my hands are on my hips now, and Guzmán inches himself closer to me.
"Repugnant?" he continues, getting closer. "Intolerable?" he's even closer, and I back away slightly but there is a wall behind me, meaning I'm trapped.
"Unpleasant?" he says, now standing in front of me. He's so much taller than me that I have to look up.
"Most definitely." I breathe, looking away. Guzmán leans closer to me.
"Dis-taste-ful?" he whispers into my ear, his breath on my neck. Why am I even allowing this?
"Are you finished, Mister Blanco?" I ask him and I hear him chuckle under his breath. "What's so funny?" I ask as he backs away from me, restoring my personal space.
"Mister Blanco is my father. You can call me, Guzmán, baby girl." he winks and my mouth hangs open.
"Excuse me?" I glare at him but it amuses him further.
"Or daddy, if you'd like." Guzmán winks again with a grin.
"Excu—, Why I...!" I scoff. Thankfully, before he could say anything, waiters and waitresses bring out plates of food and fancy eating utensils to spread on the table blanketed in white.
"Breakfast is served!" Carla, who is dressed cutely in her cleaning outfit, shouts and rings a bell as the staff sets up the food on the table. Guzmán's brothers enter the room, selecting their seats. Guzmán sits at the head of the table where his father sat last night, still sitting obnoxiously and munching on his apple, his green gaze still focused on me, trying to get beneath my skin.
"Everything alright?" I hear Samuel's voice and I turn around to see his friendly face, which immediately brightens my mood.
"Yes, of course," I give him an assuring smile and look back at Guzmán and his brothers as they all begin to eat breakfast.
LATER ON, THE DAY has become evening, and my first day was a success for the most part. Breakfast went surprisingly smooth as the rest of the day was a complete and utter day of bland. There wasn't much to do, but it felt like a lifetime of doing so. Floors needed to be swept, mopped, and waxed, the rooms dusted, books organized—things like that. Of course I took care of all of those things on my behalf. Managing the other staff to do lawn work and clean the pool and other parts of the house wasn't an easy fix either. As well as figuring out the meal plan. Crisanto seems to have a very distinct diet for him and his sons, so I want to make sure we live up to his dietary expectations.
It's about a quarter to seven when I am relieved from my duty and I head upstairs to my room. The other girls sought to go sight seeing in the city and shop around before we are to do dinner. I'm just going to get lost in a novel and probably go to sleep. I'll have plenty of time to check out the city of London during my stay here.
The house is silent as I walk through the eldritch hall. Not a soul to be seen or a sound to be heard, other than the sound of my shoes sliding against the smooth floor. Suddenly, a wave of laughter and squeaky shoes on the freshly waxed floors disrupts the silence and I stop, knowing exactly who it is.
The brothers.
Guzmán and his shirtless brothers are dressed in their basketball gear (by gear I mean shirtless and only wearing their sneakers and shorts), entering into the hall childishly. Their skin is glistening and sweaty, hair drenched and dripping. The brother, Ander, even uses his water bottle to pour water all over himself, drenching his curly hair further. I watch in annoyance as it slides down his chest like a waterfall. His brothers snicker and he sighs in relief at the surely cool sensation of his ice cold drinking water that is now all over the floor. I don't know what to be pissed about more, seeing Guzmán smirk at me menacingly, or the fact that Ander is wasting perfectly good water to pour onto himself, and making a puddle on the freshly cleaned floors that the staff and I worked hard on cleaning!
"Um, excuse me!" I storm towards the boys who are way taller than me and they look at me like I'm a lost child.
"Your highness?" Guzmán smirks and Ander and Polo poorly hide their grins. Valerio smirks, which is dark and seductive and honestly, a bit unsettling. Everything is just a game to them it seems.
"Maybe you don't care, but the staff and I worked very hard to clean the floors of this house. Maybe show a little respect by not pouring water onto it?" I try to make my voice as kind as possible.
"Oh you mean like this?" Guzmán opens his water bottle and pours the remainder of his drink on to the floor while looking directly into my eyes. His brothers look at one another, finding amusement in my shocked expression.
"We work hard for your house you know! You can't just mess up the floors when people worked hard to manage it!" I bark at Guzmán, who is rather entertained by this tribulation.
"You're right, this is my house," Guzmán chuckles, taking a step closer to me. "Which means I can do whatever the fuck I want," He is in front of me now, eyes aglow under the pristine lighting of the hall, staring deep into my soul. I flinch and he holds a deathly glare, but I can see the delight dancing around in his eyes and lips. "And you know what else is mine? You and everyone else who works for me. Meaning whatever mess I make, you have to clean it the fuck up." Guzmán drops his empty water bottle on the ground and walks away with his brothers following after him. "Have fun!" he laughs while walking away, his brothers following after him, and also tossing their empty bottles on the ground. All except Valerio...
I stand there for a moment fighting back the tears. I bend down to retrieve the water bottles, cleaned up the mess, and ran straight into my room. Never have I felt so disrespected and humiliated in my entire life, and even worse, defeated. I'm not used to biting my tongue, but I have to if I want to make my earnings and leave a desirable impression. Just when I have gotten comfortable and about to start reading my favorite novel, The Secret History, my phone rings.
"Hello?" I croak into the phone.
"Hey, Nadia! How are you honey? Is the job going well?" It's dad. What do I tell him? That everything is going great? Or I just got madly degraded by a really attractive prick of a rich boy? Of course I go with the first option. "Everything is going fine, baba. The house is beautiful." I tell him.
"That's really good Nadia, me and your brother miss you. Omar is here, would you like to speak to him?" I think for a moment. Hearing Omar's voice would really make my day. "Yes of course, put him on the phone!" I tell him and a few seconds later I hear him.
"Hey doofus." the rough and familiar voice of Omar makes me smile.
"Hey weasel," I tease him with the nickname he detests and I hear his soft chuckles over the phone.
"I told you never to call me that," he laughs and I imagine his bright smile. I've been gone a day and I already miss my brother and baba so much.
There's a few moments of silence, nothing but our soft breathing.
"Is everything alright, Nadia?" he finally says and I wipe tears from my eyes, not allowing them to consume me.
"I'm already missing home." I admit to him.
"Give it some time, sis, you'll do great. Don't let those rich assholes best you down. You're a Shanaa. A bad bitch. You got this." Omar says and I instantly feel better.
"You're right," I wipe more tears away and exhale. "I got this."
"And," Omar lowers his voice. "Ring me up if there's any cute boys available."
"Will do," I half laugh. I guess I'll talk to you later, yeah?" I say.
"Yeah sis, I'll talk to you later. Just be cool." he says and we both hang up the phone.
I toss my phone to the side and bury my face into my book, drifting off until I finally fall asleep.
taglist: @inmyarmsyoufell @jasminejc4525 @@glamorizing @elitestan
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non-navigational maps
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y/n's new to the giant busy crowds of new york so she wanted to ask someone for help
pairing: peter x fem!reader
status: strangerz
Warning: shy reader (idk if this is a warning but just in case)
y/n's POV
new york sure is loud, like really really loud. but thankfully i found a park or something so i can relax a bit and really look at my map. i couldnt understand a thing. seriously how do people use a thousand subways just to get to one place?
after a few minutes i gave up and tried to ask someone for help which isn't very fun for me considering i barely talk to strangers...too shy for all of that but my familly will murder me if i wasnt home by 6 and most importantly im STARVING. hmm lets see, a mom and her toddler? nah shes probably busy as it is trying to stop her little boys tantrum, the old man in the bench infront of me? yeah why not- nope his ice cream just spilled on his shirt poor thing. i wanted to help him out but someone already did, a boy i think wait no he looks older maybe my age?  i dont know, i can only see his back, his hair looked cute though soft, brown, light, did I mention soft?- ok y/n stop it.
"Damn it!" The old man cursed "should've gon for the vanilla" he shook his head, I laughed his comment, he 'should've' gotten vanilla coz his t-shirt was white and it wouldn't stain that much *laughing* ugh so wholesome
I heard another voice, a much younger voice. I looked up from my god damn map to meet the back of the boy who's helping the guy out, laughing at what he said. His laugh is cute too
"But chocolate tastes better sir, I think you made a great choice" he wiped the excess now I know chocolate ice cream off the old mans shirt
"I always make the right choices kid, the names Stan" the once grumbled old man, smiled just from an act of kindness by a boy my age, he held his hand for him to shake
"Peter, Peter Parker sir" he shook his hand and smiled he said something to Stan which made him laugh. I giggled from their interaction just happy from what I've witnessed. for some reason I find guys my age helping others attractive it really shows me how good of a person this guy is, it makes me feel like not all boys my age are bad, I don't know hopefully I'll see him soon
*A/N: YES IM PUTTING A STAN LEE CAMEO IN HERE, if you didn't ask...The old guy I'm talking abt is Stan lee ;)*
After looking at my map a billion more times to try and not talk to people I gave up again and kept looking around, since there wasn't anyone else in this side of the park I decided to walk, if I'm staying for a while might as well get some exercise am I right?
I walked for a few minutes until I found a group of benches again so I looked for someone unoccupied, not sketchy, and hopefully is in a good mood, till i found a beautiful woman probably in her 40s or something ( but she looked amazing though)
she seemed nice as well, she just had that vibe to her so i decided to ask her, yayy can you feel the sarcasm?? I'm TERRIFIED
she was sitting on the bench, lifting her glasses every once in a while to read the book she had in her hand. i slowly walked up to her, nervous. what should i tell her? that im new to the area and if i couldnt find a Mcdonalds soon ill turn into the next hulk? the nerves seemend to fade away once we we locked eyes, she had brown welcoming eyes, a smile ill probably never forget plastered on her face.
"hello sweetie, what can i do for you?" her voice was like honey sweet, and calming as well.
"oh uhm sorry to bother you but i- i am kinda lost and i-i cant find a burger place kind near the are-" i was a stuttering mess! But thankfully i got interrupted from humiliating myself...by the- who is this guy? Oh wait! That's the guy that helped the old man! Peter? Yeah Peter, Peter Parker
"sorry i took a while aunt may, theres this old guy named stan, he spilled his ice cream all over his shirt so i decided to help him and i bought him a new one! should we go..." the boy trailed off, he looked cute not gonna lie, he had the same features as the woman infront of me, brown eyes, soft brown hair, and a kind spirit definitely. "s-sorry was i interrupting something?" he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed
"no its okay peter, this lovely lady right here is just lost would you be a doll and help her? im bad at maps as it is" she laughed pointing at me. the second he looked at me blood rushed to my cheeks, he really was cute. i gave him a small wave and a barely audible 'hi' but luckily he picked it up and replied with a 'hey'
"Peter, yeah I know. Kinda heard saw helping the guy out. That's really sweet of you...what you did" I blushed "a-a-anyways I'm y/n" I wiped my clammy hands on my jeans to take the sweat off quickly before he shook them.
"Uh nice to meet you too?" he fiddled with his hands his smile growing bigger with every second he looked at me "y-you needed help?" He asked blushing and also eyeing may like he's frustrated from her or something, I laughed at his face and opened the map in my hands
"Uhm, well i-I'm supposed to go to the 21st street 3rd Avenue or somethig by 6 coz my parents will kill me if I was late since were new here, but I think there's enough time to go find some burger place or something since I'm starving and there should be a Macdonalds around the corner right? Oh my god I'm so sorry I'm rambling...I do that a lot when I'm frustrated.....and hungry haha" I nervously laughed mentally kicking myself for being such an idiot to a boy I potentially liked
"Oh no no, I don't mind. So uh you live in queens?" He started off smiling a bit, I was scared for a second since i didn't tell him about that part how would he know that?
"Oh uhm, I'm from queens and the 21st street 3rd Avenue is in queens" he probably got nervous since he saw my slightly frightened face, but it softened once I knew that he wasn't a creepy stalker or some shit
"Y-yeah yeah queens, sorry" why the the fuck am I apologizing?
"No it's fine, you don't need to worry. You probably couldn't find the 21st because you held the map upside down?" he chuckled flipping the map and I just died in embarrassment like can the floor eat me or something?
"I'm such an idiot oh my god" I face palmed and laughed a little the world has something against me I am sure of it
"No you're not, you're new to the busy subways and noisy streets it's fine" he assured me and continued on chuckling, can this day get any worse? "well ironically there isn't a burger place near this area" well great "but t-theres this deli sandwich shop that I always g-go to, uhm I don't know if you'd like that but it's uh really good" he squeaked red swarming to his cheeks and the tip of his ears
"He can show you, if you want? Since you're new and everything he'll be happy to help" the woman buts in smirking, turns out she's been listening to our conversation than reading her book. She sent Peter a wink and packed her stuff
"But what about the library may, you said you wante-"
"It's ok Peter, just come home before 7 and be safe!" She patted his shoulder and gave me a smile. It all happened so fast but I smiled back. Guess I'm gonna go eat with a handsome stranger?
"Well uhm sorry about my aunt" he cleared his throat "wanna g-go grab a sandwich? It's like 10 minutes away and uh we have like" he checked his watch " 3 hours before it turns 6 so plenty of time..." he trailed off, I could either decline and not explore with a cute boy and get lost again? Or risk it and potentially get kidnapped....yeah the answer is pretty obvious
"..uhm yeah sure, let's go" I ushered him taking the map and stuffing it in my bag "well, after you"
I'm thinking of doing a part 2 idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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The rise and fall of our love
part one | part two
playlist: broken by jake bugg
no.1 party anthem by arctic monkeys
pairing: james x reader, james x lily 
warnings: language, angst, fluff 
A/N: sooo im back with part two!!! thank you for the fantastic feedback and appreciation you gave me on the first part, and i hope this lives up to your expectations!!!! sending all the love xoxo
(moodboard made by me)
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"How is he?" 
"Y/N…" Remus began, putting down his quill. Your gaze never left the essay in front of him, refusing to see the pity that his stare held. Because that - that glint in his eyes, the way the right corner of his mouth lifted in a poor attempt of a smile - that was pity. 
You shook your head softly. How did it get here? 
"Am I not allowed to know? He won't speak to me or look at me. I almost feel guilty even though I know I haven't done anything wrong." 
"James is…"
"A fool." 
You knew he was trying not to smile. "Yes, that is the obvious answer. But he is still with Lily." 
Of course he is. What he said that day - or rather what he smelt - has been the talk of the school for weeks. People were staring at you in the halls, pointing behind your back - so much that you stopped hanging out anywhere else besides your dorm and the library. 
And James - he never bothered to say anything to you. It hurt more than you expected to, but you didn't let it show. I am fine, you said every time one of your friends asked. Then, you would smile kindly and change the subject. You would see them exchange worried glances - you pretended you didn't notice. Soon they stopped asking, and you stopped pretending. 
"Do they love each other?" Something in your pathetic heart broke at the quiver in your voice. Love.
Love. Never in your life have you heard a more overrated word. So much loss, so much damage made for love. Was it really worth it? The way your stomach dropped and the slight tremble of your lip, the ache that would just not go away - were these the cost of love? 
You lifted your head, meeting his gaze. He watched you in awe - as if he read the truth in your eyes. You felt the tears roll on your cheeks, hitting the parchments sprawled on your desk. You let them fall. He opened his mouth, then closed it. 
"I understand." you whispered. 
You got up, but Remus caught your hand. 
"Do you…?" 
You smiled softly. "Does it matter anymore?" 
He let go of your hand and you walked away. 
"Hogsmeade, today?" Sirius asked as he plopped down next to you. He took a big bite of your sandwich - and noticing your icy glare, he put his hand over your shoulder and pressed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You pushed him off you and wiped your face. 
"Bloody hell! You even kiss like a dog!" you retorted. 
"No, I don't." 
"No, he doesn't." Marlene smirked and you rolled your eyes. 
"Hogsmeade, you were saying?" 
"Yes - Remus and Lily are busy with their important top-secret prefect duties and James has quidditch practice, so it'll be just us. I guess you don't mind third-wheeling for a bit." 
"Can't wait!" you feigned excitement. 
It was freezing, to say the least. You were glad you had two pairs of socks on, otherwise you might have had to postpone the trip and pay a visit to the hospital wing instead. 
"I don't sound like that!" Sirius whined, handing you and Marlene your butterbeer - you've decided to stop at The Three Broomsticks. 
"Of course you do, darling. And may I add that you look ravishing." you purred in your best impression of Sirius' voice. Then, you turned to Marlene and winked. "You are the most gorgeous person in here."
"Careful, that's not true." a voice caught your attention. No, no no no.
"Oi - Prongs, mate! Thought you had quidditch practice!" Sirius clapped him on the shoulder. 
"Got cancelled because of the snow. Hello." he nodded and smiled towards you and Marlene, then pulled a chair at the table. It was the first time he's talked to you in weeks. 
You didn't bother to answer. In fact, you didn't even look at him. The rest of your stay at the pub passed in a haze, with careless answers and quick nods. 
Before you knew it, you were left on a bench with James, waiting for the others to "buy some quills from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop", as they were in big need of "quills" and "didn't have any left to write the Transfiguration essay we had due Wednesday". Oh, if only you had Transfiguration on Wednesdays! 
"So… how have you been?" James trailed off, rubbing his neck. Ah, so that's how he wanted to play this game.Too bad. 
"Why, James?" you ask, gazing at the shops in front of you. "Why did you ignore me? What happened that day?" 
He sighed. "I don't know. I- I made a mistake. You shouldn't have found out, not like that." 
"You have some guts, don't you?" you spat. 
"Excuse me?" You faced him. That face - the face you dreamt about, the one you kept telling yourself you hated - you missed that face, you missed him so much that you were glad you were sitting down, for you might as well have fallen to your knees. 
"Do you know how it is," you started, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes, "to feel so alone that you find yourself crying without a reason? Do you know how it feels to spend your nights wondering why you weren't enough - what you did to deserve this? Even if you did nothing wrong?"
"Do you know how it's like to watch the person you love drift away from you? To watch that person become a stranger? Do you know how it felt to know that you wouldn't even look at me?" You were now shouting. "Tell me, James! Look me in the eyes and tell me!" 
Silence. You watched him trying to find an answer and you silently begged him to say something. 
"Do you love me?" he whispered incredulously. Not that. 
"Would it change anything if I said I do?" 
"I don't know."
"Do you still love her?" You couldn't say her name. 
"I don't know." He let his head fall in his hands. For the first time in weeks, you laughed. You laughed until your vision went blurry, until you felt the salty taste of your tears. 
"You know nothing, James Potter." you sneered, then got up. 
You made your way back to the castle alone. 
"Guys guys I have the most amazing idea." Sirius came rushing in the Great Hall, managing to trip and almost fall. He quickly regained his composure and continued running as if nothing had happened. 
"That's new." Remus said while reading the prophet. 
It's been weeks since that night in Hogsmeade, weeks in which you've avoided James at all costs, despite his numerous attempts at conversation. 
"I'll choose to ignore that." Sirius glared at his friend, then continued. "Don't you all want to go for a dip?" 
"I think I speak for all of us when I say that I do not intend to die in the freezing lake on a lovely day of winter." You scowl, munching on your pastries. You loved pastries. (mood) 
Sirius smirked. "I'm glad you are all so joyous so early in the morning, but for your knowledge, I wasn't talking about the lake. My dear, smartass friends, I was thinking of crashing the Prefects bathroom!" 
That got your attention. You looked at Remus full of hope and he shrugged. 
"And how exactly are we going to do that? "
"Well, this is where our prefect friends come in handy."
"Lily would never help you do this." James cuts in. 
"That's why I wasn't planning on inviting her." Much to your surprise James didn't object. "You forgot about our other prefect friend - and I'm looking at you, Moony." 
You all looked at Remus who seemed a tad bit uncomfortable. "I guess - alright? But if anyone catches us, it's your fault." he pointed his finger at Sirius. 
"I solemnly swear." He put his hand over his heart, then winked. 
"Looks like your plan to ignore James isn't gonna last." Marlene said while stuffing all the towels she could find in her bag. 
"I'm aware of that." You really were. You've mentally prepared yourself to spend the night in the same room with him for the past week. "Ready? The boys are waiting." 
"Yeah, let's go." You were to go to the bathroom in groups of three using the cloak, then spend the night there. 
"Alright," Sirius' head popped from under the cloak "we'll go together - Remus, James and Peter are already there. Come on." he whispered. 
You got to the bathroom in no time and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. You felt pathetic - you were all going to hang out as friends. 
Marlene's hand squeezed yours - everything will be alright. It was your thing; back in the day, you used to do this every time the other would be anxious about something. You looked at her and smiled, squeezing back twice - I know. 
You entered and your mouth flew open.  You've never seen a more luxurious bathroom before. The "bathtub" was easily the size of a medium sized pool. Greek caryatids held the archways, and the stained glass windows reflected their patterns on the marble floor tiles. 
"I suddenly feel bad for not working harder to be a prefect - if I had known this would be my bathroom, I would've gladly learnt the entire History of Magic coursebook by heart" Marlene said, with a small pout on her face and her arms crossed. 
"Same here." Your gaze followed the sculptures on the ceiling and slowly fell on him. He looked angelic - the way the coloured moonlight caressed his face, the faint blush on his cheeks - made him part of the setting. 
There was no point in lying to yourself. You liked him, despite everything he's done, everything he's said, you continued to like him. All those comforting lies you've said were trying to cover the inevitable truth, the truth which had been well hidden somewhere deep inside your soul. Until now. 
You stripped out of your clothes, fully aware of his impertinent stare. You stepped into the pool, sighing in pleasure at the warmth of the water. 
"Wanna play anything?" you asked no one in particular. 
"Oh, we should play shoulder wars!" Sirius exclaimed excitedly.
"I think I'm gonna skip this!" Peter announced from his chair. 
You looked at James, then turned to Remus. You rose your eyebrows inquisitively, and he smiled kindly. 
"I guess imma skip this one as well." James said, slightly disappointed. 
"Come on, Marls, we gotta kick some ass."
And so did the games begin. 
You were trying, and failing miserably to keep your balance on Remus' shoulders. 
"Haha- losers!" Marlene laughed. It was your sixth time losing.
"Y/N, I think I'll give up now, before this becomes too humiliating." Remus said while getting out of the water and pulling out his book. 
"No Remus, you can't give up now! I know we can do this!" you saw him sit comfortably in an armchair, and something clicked into your mind. "You ditch me to read? And sabotaged me? Remus John Lupin, I'm disappointed."
"Take Prongs instead, he's far more competitive than I am." he smiled innocently. So this was his plan. 
You turned to James, and he got up excitedly. You got on his shoulders, and his hands tentatively touched your legs. You saw Marlene and Sirius smirking and you glared at them. 
The score was close. It was the match point. Marlene was desperately trying to push you when you came up with the winning idea. You splashed some water into her face, obstructing her vision. Then, you tickled her and she fell. 
"And that's how it's done!" you shout, raising your fist. Marlene's head appeared from under the water, clearly mad. 
"That was not fair!" 
"There's no such thing as fair!" Marlene smirked, as if she was saying oh, really? and pushed James with such brute strength that he fell, taking you with him. 
He caught you before your head could hit the bottom. He lifted you up bridal style and you put your left hand around his neck and moved the other one from your nose to his shoulder. You stayed in his arms, not wanting to let go. You were gazing into each other's eyes, breathing heavily, when it hit you. 
You loved him. 
And he was still with Lily. 
You pulled away from his embrace, breaking the stare. "It's not right - Lily…" you mutter, getting out of the water. 
The others seemed all deeply interested in Remus' book. You could even hear Sirius asking questions about the plot. You turned away; James was still in the pool, in the same place, trying to make out the meaning of what happened. 
It wasn't fair. 
Life wasn't fair. 
stay tuned for the next part and lmk what you think❤️
taglist: @futurewriter2000, @puppycat714, @booksbeforebois, @slytherinquill, @screennamealreadyused, @fific7, @with1love1anu @slytherinwriter618 @angelinathebook @mischiefsemimanaged @remibarnes22 @hxfflxpxffs @approved-by-dentists @hss20052313 @pregnant-piggy @marauderswhisperer @lumoscharlie
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for language and themes
If you recognize it--IT AIN'T MINE
Sorry for the OOC-ness
Chapter 7
The next day, after two fittings with costumes, two phone interviews, a shoot for an ad, and a tv spot; I finally got back to the dorms, and back to that story.
Bryn PoV--
As if today wasn't bad enough, I walked into the house to find it completely empty. The kids wandered around and I tried to field a million questions about where they were gonna sleep and what we were gonna eat. That and the meltdowns every five minutes led me to try to call my little brother. I really just needed to talk to another grown-up. As soon as I had supper figured out, I called Joey.
"Hello," said a voice on the other end of the phone.
"Ummm. Hi?"
"Oh. Hello," The voice was familiar, but it wasn't Joey.
"Is Joey close?"
"Sorry. Who?"
"Sorry. Jooheon. Kids call him 'Uncle Joey'. Guess it stuck."
"Hmm. No. You just missed him."
"Dern. Can you pass on a message?"
"Can you tell him to call Bryn when he gets back?"
"Oh! I didn't recognize your voice, Bryn. How are you? It's Kihyun. Joey is in the shower. Can I help you with whatever you need," I asked, biting my lip and praying she would say yes. Just the sound of her voice was both soothing and somehow able to tie me up in knots.
"Actually, I was calling to vent. I've had a particularly terrible day today. Joey is my sobriety sponsor."
"He is? Wow," I said before Honey came charging at me, his hair still wet. "I would still LOVE to talk to YOU," I shouted.
"Gimmie my phone, Kihyun."
I handed him back the phone and heard him say
"What's up, Sis?"
Though I couldn't hear exactly what was said, I could tell by the look on his face, it wasn't good.
Then, Honey sighed. "Lemme see what I can do from here."
"Please, let me help."
If it were possible for him to get any more pissed off, he did. "HE WHAT," he yelled. Then, he pulled the phone from his ear and said, "I need a one way ticket to Peoria International!! I'm gonna kill him. I am gonna fuckin' kill him." Next, he put the phone back to his ear, "Lemme see what I can do here, Sis," he growled as he demanded numbers and wrote them down, and then hung up.
As he started digging on the internet to find the cheapest fare, HyunWoo said, "Hold it, Hot Shot. What happened?"
"That douchbag finally left. He took everything! Even the kids stuff. He left them with NOTHING! That is why Sis was calling. He cleaned out their account and took everything. Damn lucky he couldn't touch the shop accounts or he would have cleaned them out too. Literally everything. She needs a little cash to feed the kids til Friday."
"Thank God it is Wednesday," said CK. from the far side of the room. If anyone had bothered to look, the reflection on his glasses was an Amazon cart with 37 things in it. The only time ANYONE has that many things in an Amazon cart is when they are buying groceries. However, most of those were chips or snack cakes.
Honey, Min, and HyungWon all sat down to iron out how much and what they were gonna contribute.
Silently, I picked up my bank book and palmed the slip of paper with her info on it. Only HyunWoo saw me slip out the door. He stopped me as I waited for the elevator and handed me a few bills from his own wallet before turning back towards the room.
"What," was all I could get out before he interrupted, cutting me off mid-question.
"We look out for our own," He answered before he opened the door to the dorm.
After heading to the nearest Western Union, I called the number on the slip from Honey. When she picked up, I smiled.
"Hey, Bryn, it's Kihyun. I wired you some money. Should be about $100, if everything gets exchanged right."
"Kihyun, you guys didn't have to do that. My dad was already gonna feed the kids. I just needed to talk to someone. This has got me so shaken up, I want a drink really bad. Guess I wasn't too clear with Joey."
"Really? Then why was he," I stopped as a shadow fell over me. "Well, shit. Guess who is now standing right behind me."
"Tell him to calm down."
"Bryn says to calm down. She told me to sit on you if I have to."
"Kihyun! I did not."
"I paraphrased," I laughed. "Besides, Sweets, if looks could kill, I'd be dead right about now."
"Really," she chuckled.
"Oh yeah. He is probably gonna follow me all the way to the dorm. I guess I am not allowed out on my own," I laughed.
"Why," She asked.
"I tend to do dumb things, according to others. Though they may be a little impulsive, they always work out in the end. So don't look the horse in the mouth."
"I won't."
"Good girl," I laughed, "So why did you call him, anyway?"
"I needed someone I could yell at that would not take it personal."
"I am always here. Though, I may occasionally yell back."
She laughed. "Thank you."
"Making me laugh. I needed that. "
"Damn. I was looking forward to the screaming match. C'mon, get it started, Angelface," I said as I stopped at the stoplight and waited for the crosswalk. "Do you want me to start," I asked, then pulled the phone away and yelled.
Bringing the phone back to my face, I asked as the crosswalk lit up and I crossed the street, "How was that," I grinned.
"A 10. A fuckin' 10. Have you thought of being a Rockstar," she laughed.
I could almost hear the smile on her face, which made me laugh. Even if my throat killed me in the morning it was worth it.
"Hey, hang on a second. I want to send you something," I said as I put my phone on speaker and started the camera.
"Oh dear God, what now," she asked.
I took a short video of me sending her a kiss and sent it off. "Nothing bad."
"Ok, if you say so. Just not cool with unsolicited dick pics from strange men."
"I would not send you unsolicited dick pics, nor am I a stranger. Now, if you asked for them...Like a good girl," I started and looked over at Honey, who was looking at me with the 'better never do that' face. "Uh-oh."
"I'm getting side eye."
She laughed and said, "I know just the look. It screams, 'You'd better not be sending photos of ANY part of your anatomy to my sister'."
"Yes," I laughed. "So how are you feeling? Better?"
"Much. Thank you."
"No problem. I'm here all week. Try the veal," I laughed. "Still want a drink," I asked.
"No. The laughs did it for me. Thank you."
"You are very welcome, Darling. So did you get the video I sent?"
"I did. That was very sweet. Thanks."
"You are very welcome, Pretty Lady. Well, we are back at the dorms."
"I should probably go then," she sighed.
"Just remember I am also available for Mitzvahs," I chuckled, which made her laugh. "Seriously, Sweetie, anytime you need a sounding board or a laugh fest, a screaming match or some naughty-Ow, Mother fucker!-I got smacked on my arm for that last bit. I am always here,"
"Thanks again. Until next time."
I paused and came VERY close to telling her how I felt but said, instead, "Again, you are welcome."
"Bye, Kihyun."
"Bye, Bryn," I breathed, then hung up.
Honey looked at me as he crossed his arms over his chest, "It took everything you had to not tell her 'I love you' didn't it?"
All I could do was nod and hope that my dreams tonight would be better than they had been.
As we got into the elevator, He said, "It was good hearing that you made her laugh."
"I love the sound of her laughter. Once I got her started, I didn't want her to stop. I think that she is just as funny as she is sweet."
"You do know that she will do one of two things, right?"
"What two things?"
"Either immediately send the money right back, or hang on to it and physically give you back every bit. She hates asking for help...of any kind," he said as he opened the door to our dorm.
"Yeah? Wonder why."
He just laughed, "Her ex-fiancée, ex-husband, and her father."
"What happened," I asked as I made us a pot of coffee.
"They all held every penny over her head. Her dad decided he wanted her out the minute she turned 18 and to do it, he threw her out the boat, so to speak. Said if she floated, she never needed help anyway; and if she sank, well, it was her own fault."
"That's abuse. Financial abuse."
"Yep. He was the kind to tell her everything she had was his, that she owned nothing; not even the clothes on her back. He comes from the 'I Own You' school of parenting. Her ex-fiancée would demand she work, then make her late, so she would lose any job she got. Then, he'd take any money she got paid and use it for crap he wanted rather than the bills she had it ear-marked for."
"Oh, tell me he didn't."
"Oh he did. Spent it on girls at the local under 21."
"Shit. He screwed around on her, didn't he?"
"Yep. Which is why if you ever think about cheating, I will castrate you myself," he growled.
Somehow I knew he would do it, and I would let him. "Don't have to worry about that. Can you tell me about her ex-husband?"
"That asshole was a piece of work. Emotionally, Mentally, and Fiscally abusive. The entire time they were together, he would pinch a penny until it died if it was something she needed, but she was expected to turn over her things and cash to him. She worked second shift in a factory; out of the house from half 1 to almost 1 am. He was in semi driver school at the time, racked up a HUGE amount of debt; I'm talking almost 40K. Constantly accused her of cheating when he had a different lot lizard every night. It's a miracle he never gave her anything."
I was disgusted by this guys behavior. To have a woman like her waiting at home and trying his best to break her.
"And that isn't even the worst of his offenses. He screamed at her one night while he was over the road, on training. She was at work, and he called her on her lunch break. The entire time, he screamed at her for having a cold sore and yelled about her cheating loud enough for her co-workers to hear. Her boss to tell her to turn off her phone; that he was tired of hearing that jerk yell at her. The guy he was learning with, told him that 'If I were her, I would be calling the lawyer first thing in the morning, after that shit.' He 'apologized' pretty quickly after that."
"Icky. I hope she ended it there."
"No. That girl has a ton of stay and No show. He ended up deployed to Egypt and told his brother about the girls there. Never thought his brother would run and tell her. She still didn't leave. You left a blister on her cheek one night and he threw her out in the snow."
"Stay and no show? I'm not sure I understand."
"Horse terms," came a voice from the doorway. I had forgotten Hoseok was staying with us while his apartment was getting the pipes fixed. "When a filly is learning to ride, it's said she is full of Show and no Stay. Meaning she looks good, but is too skittish to stand still. Sis--Well Sis may not look like much, but she has tons of loyalty to those who show her the same. She has the patience to play a 30 year long game, and the courage to weather ANY storm. But she has a problem knowing when to leave, and so she gets hurt."
"Hold up! He threw her out in the snow?!"
As Hoseok filled his own mug, he answered, "Yeah, he threw her out of the apartment in the middle of a snowstorm. Lucky her parents were in town. So if you start this with her, and you ever want out; you are gonna have to straight up tell her to go. She won't understand otherwise. She doesn't play games and has a tough time with subtly. So always be direct and honest with her."
I nodded taking it in. There was something I thought I wanted, so I asked, "How is her aegyo"
"If you are looking for overt aegyo, don't. Hers is subtle but she has got it in spades, and she doesn't even know it. It's in the way she plays, either with her guy or her kids," he said as he leaned against the counter, "It's in the subtle blush when you say or do something for her without her asking. It's in a compliment and the smiling eyes that comes with it. She has never had some of the things other girls take for granted, like a stolen kiss or flowers on her birthday. Other things, like those romantic gestures, she has only had once or twice. If I remember right, the last guy to 'play' was an FWB years and years ago, and that guy only stole one kiss, once," Honey replied.
"Don't expect her to run with girls. Most girls find her too harsh, too rough. She doesn't appreciate girls and their whiney, gossipy ways. She never wears makeup, and I have never once seen her with her nails painted. She is a guys-girl, a tom-boy through and through; wasn't made delicate. She is stronger than most people will ever know. However, her heart is extremely delicate, it's been broken and bruised so bad, even I wonder how she is still alive. So, let me tell you, right now," Hoseok said as he sat down his mug and leaned over the counter in my direction, "She may not be blood, but she is my sister."
"Hmm," I nodded. "You really don't have to worry about that," I replied. "How are you related to her again," I asked.
"Distant cousin. Her auntie married my mothers little brother, for all of five minutes. I am only gonna tell you this once, if you hurt that filly in ANY way; you wont walk again."
"Got it," I replied, cringing.
"You know that she won't ask for what she wants or needs. You are gonna need to be damned good at reading between the lines, cause she is so afraid that if she tells you what she needs, what she wants, you will do the same thing every one else has done," Honey said after a minute.
"Run," I answered nodding.
"Yep. Most men can't handle her intensity so they either run or try to turn her down to levels that they can handle without realizing that her fire isn't meant to be dimmed, but fed. She is gonna need you to be just as emotional as her, to show her that it is ok to feel again. She is very touch oriented, very tactile. So a lot of her feelings are touch related."
"I understand, Joey."
"You had better. The only reason I didn't beat the shit out of the other assholes, is that I wasn't there. If I had been, I would have had no problems with a few months in the county lock-up. And if Clark had tried that shit while I was there..."
"Yeah. See, the shit of it is, she fades into the background. She doesn't want all those things that other girls want. She isn't the kind to run or chase. She doesn't play games. She is also emotional. Ease into it. Don't try to love bomb her, she went through that shit with Clark and won't put up with it from you," Hoseok said, then turned to Joey, "Speaking of, did you hear what Lone Elm called him?"
Joey shook his head.
Hoseok grinned. "Elm called him a fuckin fishstick."
Joey started laughing, "Elm called him 'Fishstick'."
I looked back and forth between the two men who were holding themselves up on the counter while they laughed. "I don't get it. What-What's a fishstick?"
A hand landed on my shoulder from behind. I turned to see Changkhyun standing there, an amused look on his face.
"Fishsticks are only available in the States. They are mashed-up fish paste, about an inch wide by around six inches long, which is then breaded. Then, they are to be baked in an oven. Either they turn out soggy or they are hard as a rock; inedible either way. Which is good, because they are fuckin' gross. Nasty little things."
"Are they like the fish at Mickey's?"
"No," CK stated. "The fish there is actually decent. Fishsticks are generally served in school hot lunches on Fridays due either to religious reasons, or because they are cheap and can be purchased by the gross. At any rate, they are still inedible."
"Icky. How in the hell can people do that to their kids?"
"Not a clue. That was why I always took my lunch on Friday. Every Friday, the hot lunch was always the same thing; rock hard fishsticks, soggy tater tots, dehydrated-rehydrated mixed vegetables, and golden glow salad with mayonnaise on the top. It was the grossest meal I have ever seen in my entire life."
I shuddered to think of those poor kids. Forced to eat that nasty stuff.
After reading that, I was glad her kids never had to eat that. She fixed boxes for them. School lunches in the States sounded gross.
'Some things were ok.'
'I thought you took your lunch, Mami?'
'I did. My dad said cold lunch was cheaper. But, there was one day, once or twice a month, that I would get school lunch. They called it pork pattie day, but it was a breaded pork tenderloin on a bun. It was pretty decent. It was pretty gross the rest of the time, but that day wasn't too bad.'
'Have I watched you fix those before?'
'Not sure.'
'Are those the sandwiches where you beat the pork chops to nothing and then bread and fry them?'
'Those do look pretty tasty,' I said as I dug around for what to fix the next day, so I could write it on the board. 'Hmm. Help, please. Can't figure out supper.'
'Whatcha got?'
'Hmmm. Some sausages, some tiny shrimp, and a package of chicken,' I said as I dug around in the freezer.
"You can use the shrimp and chicken in Gumbo.'
'It has been quite a while since I've had Gumbo. I've never made it before though.'
'Look it up. There are a million Gumbo recipes out there.'
'I think I will do that. Thanks, Baby. Have I told you, today, how awesome you are??'
'Yes, but I can always stand to hear it again,' she laughed.
A/N)--The above abuses......actually happened. First hand experience.
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