#i always get into everything so late after the hype dies down like tell me why i was thinking abt getting into genshin & hades NOW 😭
dollsuguru · 29 days
HI HI KAIROOOOO !!! i hope you’re sleeping and snoozing peacefully rn <3333333 BUT . I HAVE. AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT QUESTION

have u played . genshin impact.
and do you know who this man is.
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.. bc i literally JUST realized that he’s extremely kairocoded and i can’t believe i haven’t asked you this before??????? you would ADORE him he’s so dilf!sugu coded :((((( his name is zhongli hehe
 i’m assuming you’ve heard of him at least but. we’ve Never talked abt genshin so i can’t be sure 😭 i just KNOW you’d be a kaeya stan too
 ur taste in men is unsurpassed i fear
ANYWAY THAT’S ALL i needed to ask u immediately bc i’ve been thinking of him lots lately
. my baby

 weeps . ily kairo :33

. and

. gulps

. dilf!suguru coded you say

. i never played/put a name to zhongli’s face but dear lord he’s so pretty THE HAIR THE EYES THE AMBER/ORANGE AURA + THE BOUQUET OF FLOWERS??? i need him
 AND PLEASEDNDNDNDN YOU KNOW ME SO WELL 😭 i do indeed know kaeya his massive honkers & eyepatch & blue hair/eyes + tan skin have bewitched me the day i saw him

. AND FANK YEW FOR MY UNSURPASSED TASTE IN MEN (they’re all freaks but they’re sexy & dilfy) <333 BUT OMFG
 i may need to start playing

. (and ily too :3 đŸ©·đŸ€­đŸ©·)
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madhatterbri · 7 months
New Beginnings | C.C.
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Summary: Christian and you finally confess each other's feelings.
Author's Note: Part two of Too Late
Dedicated to @1dluver13xx and her incredible taste in men. đŸ€Œ
The tension was suffocating during dinner. Adam and Beth continued to talk about your brother's new adventure with AEW. He was still so hyped about having one last ride with his best friend. Meanwhile, Christian sat across from you doing everything in his path for you to look at him. You were ignoring him.
Deep down you knew despite everything that happened you needed him. He was in your life before he debuted in wrestling almost thirty years ago. The past three years had been absolute hell for you. It felt like you lost an arm. Christian was always there for everything.
"I wonder if we can get these two involved in some story line," Beth teased and elbowed you softly. Your sad thoughts pushed to the back of your mind. You looked at her with a fake smile. There was no way you wanted to be around Christian after tonight. "Maybe you can be with me while Christian is yelling at us while Adam is out in the ring,"
"Whatever brings viewers I am in," you answered and looked around the restaurant. Christian's light eyes continued to watch your every move closely. Despite being the one to break your heart he had to make sure you were going to be okay.
"Maybe even a cheesy storyline where you find out they had an affair," Beth joked to Adam and rubbed his hand with her thumb. Adam laughed and looked at his wife before turning his attention to you and Christian. "Imagine the whole best friend and little sister story. They would eat it up,"
"I would kill him," he laughed and playfully punched his best friend in the arm. "You want a husband in jail?"
The dinner ended longer than you hoped. Adam drove back to the hotel. Christian was in his own car allowing you space to breathe.
"Talk to her," Beth whispered and motioned her head towards you. Adam looked at you through the rear view mirror. Your head rested against the glass while watching the city pass you by. He noticed the crushed expression on your face. One similar to when your mom died.
At the hotel, Beth rushed off to attend to the girls. Her parents had come down to watch them. They must need some sort of break at this point. Adam assured her he would be right up after he walked you to your room.
"Everything okay?" Adam asked and placed his hand on your shoulder. The elevator ride suddenly felt a lot longer. You prayed someone would come in to interrupt but it was late.
You smiled briefly and looked away. He could always tell when you were lying. Your face turned a bright red. Your eyes watered. Damnit.
"I can't tell you. You would kill him and my nieces wouldn't have their dad," you confided in him. He sighed instantly remembering dinner. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your head in his shoulder. After a few seconds you took a step back.
"I love him, Adam. We were together one night three years ago and the next morning he told me they were giving their marriage a second chance," you stuttered trying to hold in your sobs. "Tonight he tried talking to me but... I don't know what to do,"
"Hear him out, sis. He misses you. He always asked about you whenever we went to a hockey game or he whenever he saw Beth and I," he admitted. "I didn't want to get involved but since we all are going to be seeing each other more. Text him to see you. I won't stop you both from being happy,"
He gave you one last hug before the elevator doors opened signaling your stop.
For the first time in three years you unblocked Christian. The weight of the world lifted off your shoulders. Your heart swelled at the thought of him coming back into your life. You stared at the message screen and sighed. Your thumbs quickly typed a message and sent it to him.
Hey don't fuck yourself quite yet. I'm in room 807. I'm ready to talk.
Within minutes Christian knocked on your door. You opened the door to see him with a bouquet of white roses. Your favorite.
"Come in," you greeted and opened the door wider. Christian walked in and handed you the roses. You thanked him and placed them on the counter for now.
"What did you want to talk about?" He asked standing uncomfortably by the door. The talk at the arena didn't go exactly as planned. He hoped the two of you would have gone to being a couple.
"Christian, I'm sorry for what I said at the arena. I was so hurt and I... I missed you," you confessed. His eyes widened in shock but you couldn't read them. "I told Adam what happened between us,"
Christian flinched unsure if this was good or bad news especially after dinner. Once he didn't hear Adam running at him to murder him he calmed down a little more. He still didn't say anything. The man that always had so much to say. Speechless.
"I love you, Christian, and I need to know how you feel about me before I can continue,"
You were met with silence but he appeared to be thinking. This was the moment, his moment. The things he should have told you before breaking you. He cleared his throat.
"You and I have always had something, your name. I couldn't put a finger on it until that night. It wasn't just the sex but the way we acted like a couple. The dinner and just cuddling on the couch watching hockey. I hadn't had that in so long and it made me realize I had to end it with her once and for all," he licked his lip trying to figure out his next words. "I told her what happened between us and she was going to tell Adam unless I stayed. I figured our daughter deserved both her parents and tried with her again. You know the rest,"
The air felt light once more like it always had been between the two of you.
"So where does that leave us?" You asked wanting to hear him say it. He pointed at the white roses. The symbol of purity, innocence, and....
"A new beginning,"
The next morning found you lounging in a pool chair. Today was going to be an easy day for the two of you. Just making up for lost time. You chatted away with Beth while Adam sat next to Christian.
"Some of those punches are going to connect next week," Adam warned him and looked at him. His serious face clashed with the playful twinkle in his eyes.
"Wouldn't doubt it, brother," Christian smiled. "And I'll gladly take them,"
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smtown-tourist · 2 years
Post Jonghyun’s Passing Thoughts:
I always see people talking about how much of a Taemint Jonghyun was before he passed - going to his concerts, knowing his choreography, the infamous crying while wine drunk over Taemin’s latest music video, etc. - and I always have mixed feelings about that. I’m not hating on any of that because it shows how much Jonghyun cared about their maknae, how much he supported Taemin’s solo career because he knew personally how much it took for Taemin to get to that point, but it makes me sad to think that he never got to experience the other SHINee members’ solo careers.
Like can you imagine? Jonghyun would’ve been at every concert, every showcase, dancing to every song, belting them out on instagram live, wearing all the merch, taking selfies with every advertisement he came across, hyping up that member’s comeback look, playing their songs on Blue Night and then gushing about them right after. Jonghyun loved his members with all his heart and it breaks my heart that he’s not around to do that anymore.
I am a little biased when I say he would’ve especially been losing his shit over Key’s solo work, and while Taemin might be his baby, Key is his best friend and “soulmate” according to Jonghyun himself. And he would’ve been doing the same for Onew and Minho, too. He would’ve been the first one saying how much he enjoyed Dice and seeing Onew not just doing ballads like we’re used to from him. He would’ve been teasing Onew, asking him how an old man is able to dance that well and joking about ruining SHINee’s image when he just laid down on the stage at his first solo concert. For Minho, he would’ve been complimenting him on how handsome he looked in his music videos, teasing him about looking like a billionaire, and congratulating him on releasing songs that don’t really have any rapping lines in them.
My heart goes out to the other SHINee members, too, because I can only imagine how they must feel. There’s no doubt in my mind that those similar thoughts cross their minds every time they release something new. How much they must long to hear what their main vocalist and master lyricist thinks of their albums. How much they wish Jonghyun could’ve written a song just for them that they could include on their albums. How much they secretly envy Taemin for something they will never have. And I’m sure part of Taemin feels guilty that he got all of Jonghyun’s support and the other three didn’t get that, even though he tells himself he shouldn’t feel that way because Jonghyun loved them equally and Onew, Key, and Minho’s solo careers just came a little too late.
I like to think that that’s the reason the other three jumped right into releasing solo work not even a year following Jonghyun’s passing. The lyrics in Key’s I Will Fight sum that up beautifully because I do think that, in a way, they are doing it for Jonghyun. Taemin made his solo debut 4 years before the other three did. They could’ve solo debuted in that time, but my gut tells me that there can’t be a coincidence that they did it after Jonghyun died, especially since they continued the pattern of having their album titles rhyme. He is never not on their minds and everything they do, they do for him in some way. They are living for him. They are continuing and expanding their music careers for him.
I know a lot of what I said is speculation and can’t be taken as fact, but I thought I should share these thoughts because I’m sure a lot of you are feeling and thinking the same things, especially since Key just recently talked about Jonghyun on Living Alone. I’m glad that he and hopefully the other SHINee members are getting to a place where they can freely talk about him and how that affected their lives. I don’t want any of us Shawols to pressure them to do so because it is a sensitive topic for them and if they don’t want to talk about it that’s perfectly acceptable and understandable. I’ve made posts like this in the past because I follow the same logic that a lot of other Shawols follow: talking about Jonghyun, sharing our thoughts and feelings about him and SHINee is our way of remembering him. I don’t want to ever forget Jonghyun and I know all of you don’t want to either.
This post kind of got away from me, but I want to end it with this: if you’ve ever hesitated to post something about him, something like this, because you’re afraid of what others might think or are afraid that it’ll affect the other SHINee members in some way, I want you to know that it’s okay. I highly doubt the other SHINee members could hate that (as long as it’s not slandering him). They want us to remember Jonghyun in every way we can. I think it makes them happy to see that we haven’t forgotten him. It will make them sad, that part of it will never go away, but it’s better if we do talk about him and continue to show our love for him than to never do so at all. Make those Jonghyun related posts, create fan art, reblog his old photos, share your thoughts and feelings. You’re not alone, and if we ever want to get the other SHINee members to feel comfortable in sharing these things about him as well, we have to remind them that they aren’t alone and we’re right there with them. And if they don’t want to share, we have to support that, too, and show them that no matter what we love them and they are doing well.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
ain't it fun? | Part five
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Summary: reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
Warnings: pregnancy, chronic illness, spencer's career chance - he's a high school teacher now, they have a 1-year-old, smut at the end but not graphic.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: I imagine this is in season 10, so they've been together at least 7 years-ish now, I just jumped well into the future because I wanted to! also, Cordelia's nickname is Edie and pronounced Ee-dee !!
P1 P2 P3 P4
Spencer sighs, “are you going to like any of my suggestions?”
“When you give me a baby name that isn’t from some weird old male book character, then yes, I’ll take them into consideration,” she replies, hand on her stomach as she lays back against the pillows.
She was huge, 9 months pregnant and so, so close to the finish line. She was swollen and in pain and exhausted. Going off every single medication and recreational drugs to make a life was a commitment and a half, she was doing well but she was so ready to be done. To do a few more months of breastfeeding and then go back on her medications.
Spencer was terrific. He was googling and asking Penelope to research things, he had called doctors he knows and friends and did everything in his power to find a way to ease her pain even before they got pregnant. He’s taken the last 3 months off of work and he doesn’t know when he’ll go back. He has just been so, so incredible the whole time.
Naming a child was hard. You had to not only think about all the nicknames and what their initials spell, but you also had to think about how they’ll like it; if it’ll fit their personality and spirit. And most of all, is it going to get them bullied? There are some terrible kid names. Like Richard
 how do you name a newborn Richard?
“I want something meaningful with a nice nickname and works with our names and her siblings,” she whispered towards him. “They need to all work together.”
“What are some of your favourites?” He asks, moving in closer and finding a way to cuddle in with her and her pregnancy pillow who has all but replaced him lately.
“I like earthy names, like Lennox, Juniper, Aspen, Elowen,” her voice is really soft, she bites her lip at the end as she thinks them over again. “And old things like Cordelia and Winnifred.”
“Which one sounds the best with Reid?”
“I like Cordelia Reid the most, and then we can call her Edie and I was thinking you can pick her middle name?” She’s been thinking about it for a while, but too afraid to know his opinions.
“Cordelia means core in Latin, which makes sense cause she already has my heart,” Spencer teased, he has made it very clear that their little girl is going to be spoiled, loved and a daddy's girl.
He took all his fears of being a bad dad and threw them out the window. He knew that just being there was all he wanted from his dad, and so that’s what he was going to do. He left the BAU for the time being, he was doing the odd lecture at the academy and answering calls for cases. They couldn’t just stop using his brain, there were some things too pressing to not ask the walking computer, but other than that, he was done.
He was looking into other jobs for when he finally decides to go back, he was unsure how long of a paternity leave he wanted. He was really content with just staying home all the time now, but he did miss going out and being useful during the days. The job he was most interested in, however, was a high school teacher.
A prep school in DC is looking into adding an Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology course to their curriculum, and they wanted Spencer. They thought he would be perfect for the seniors, he is fun and young and attentive, he can control a room and keep them entertained, and he’s probably the best teacher a kid could get.
It was going to make him a good dad too.
“I think Jade is a nice middle name,” he adds after thinking it over for a few minutes.
“Cordelia Jade Reid,” she says the full name for the first time and it just feels right, like they already know her.
She was very calm for a newborn baby.
She liked to just look around and blink, she licked her lips a lot and she was constantly breaking out of her swaddle. She was always happy to have cuddles with her dad and she pooped every night at exactly at 3 am, without fail. She didn’t cry a lot, but when she did it was still wonderful to hear.
They were so in love with her, she was absolutely perfect for them. She fit right into their sleeping schedule and their life, she ate like a pro, she slept most of the night and she was growing way too fast for their liking.
One day they’re crying over the fact they made a life in a tiny little hospital room, and the next thing they know she’s about to turn 1.
She’s sitting in bed with Y/N, she’s sitting in her lap with two handfuls of hair and a story to tell. She’s been babbling so much lately, she hears them talking all the time and she wants to join so badly. They indulge her, asking her to continue her thoughts and gasping at her gossip.
“No way, and what did you do next?!” She asked the little one sat in her lap.
Edie babbled on once more, smacking her tongue on the roof of her mouth as she pushed air past her vocal cords, humming and making the funniest sounds. She went on and on, she was so enthusiastic, like her father, as she waved her arms around to make her point.
“That is so fascinating, you are so cool, little Edie,” Y/N hyped her up, smiling at her as she leaned in close and pressed their noses together.
Cordelia laughed and it finally made Spencer giggle too, he had been watching from the doorway as his ‘wife’ and daughter talked in bed. They were best friends already, always talking and snuggling, learning or reading together. She was always happy when she was with one of them, she was needy and snuggly and very co-dependent but they didn’t mind, they preferred all the attention from her.
“Look who’s home,” Y/N whispered and Cordelia shot a glance towards the door, she smiled and screamed as she saw him.
“Hi Edie!” He waves at her with a smile, he takes his bag off and places it by the dresser followed by his blazer.
He gets into the bed and she instinctively reaches for a hug. He wraps her up and she snuggles right into his neck, with a fistful of his shirt, she just holds him there. She didn’t understand why he wasn’t home all day anymore, she missed him for lunch and at nap time but she loved the new routine of a snuggle when she woke up and he got home.
Spencer leans back against the pillows beside Y/N, turning his head to capture a kiss from her lips. They always just spend a quick second kissing when he gets home, even if it’s just a peck or a full-on passionate make-out, he always kisses her when he comes home. He smiles at the end of the kiss, pulling her into a hug too.
“I love Fridays,” he whispers, “Edie do you know what Fridays mean?”
She pulls away and sits up, she loves to listen to him. “Friday is the last day of the school week, which means I get to spend 2 whole days with my favourite people now.”
Edie smiled, almost like she understood what he meant, and then she was talking again, it was completely incomprehensible but they imagined she was telling him about her day.
“You forgot the part where we went to the park,” Y/N added.
Cordelia looked at her with wide eyes, “dada,” was the only word she said before babbling on again and they both stopped.
“Did she just?” Spencer was shocked and frozen still after asking.
Y/N sat up and looked right into Cordelia’s eyes, “who is that?” She pointed at Spencer.
“Dada!” She said it again and they were suddenly all squealing, even Cordelia was suddenly excited as she kept screaming dada over and over again.
“Can you say, mom? Or mama? Mummy?” Spencer tried his hardest to find an easy way for her to say it.
“Mumm,” she pushed her lips together to hum her M sound and Spencer was floored, he bounced her up and down a small amount as they cheered.
“Smartest girl in the world!” Spencer cheered her on before pulling her into another hug.
Y/N was crying softly, little tiny dreams that she didn’t even know she had were coming true every single day with them. She knew she wanted to be a mom when she was growing up, all those dreams died when her illness got worse and they all warned her that having kids would put her at risk of being moneyless and that working wasn’t an option to even support them. Let alone the threat of them taking them away just because of her autism or depression possibly being considered ‘too bad’ to care for them.
Spencer took all those fears and he kicked them out. Every day she got to experience the most precious gifts the world had to offer, her daughter was perfect and her husband was incredible. Together they were a perfect little family that ran on trust, love, and communication. Always talking, always hugging, always there for each other.
They crawl into bed much later than they expected to. Cordelia didn’t want to go to bed, she was trying her hardest to keep staying awake to spend time with them but eventually, sleep won. They finally placed her in her crib with her white noise and her complete darkness and closed her door for the next few hours of peace.
They both let out a deep sigh before rolling to face one another. “How was your day?” He asks, like always.
“Good,” she smiles, “I think having a kid and getting on her schedule was the best thing I’ve ever done actually, cause I’m sleeping on time, I’m eating when she does and I’m outside a lot more. She’s given me this purpose and it’s rewarding on my body.”
Spencer moves in so he can kiss her nose, “I love hearing that.”
“How was your class today?” She asks back, loving his little stories about all the 17 and 18-year-olds that were fascinated by him. As well as the kids who thought it was cool to try and pick on him before getting the shit verbally kicked out of them in front of the whole class.
It was interesting seeing him in a form of authority, he never really took charge at the BAU, she’s never seen him yell at his friends and he’s never really yelled at her either. He’s been incredibly calm, so to see him verbally tear someone apart by acknowledging their biggest flaws to make sense of why they feel the need to bully, it was pretty intense.
“They were a lot better today, they enjoyed the lesson and the kids that were giving me trouble skipped, I guess he really didn’t appreciate me calling him out that bad on Tuesday,” Spencer smirked, rolling his eyes like he cared.
“I still can’t believe that he thought it was okay to call you names in front of other students, where is the respect these days?”
“Well,” he’s about to do what he always does. He can never be truly mad at someone because he knows why everyone does what they do and that they can’t help it. “In his file, it says his parents are newly divorced, we get a list of all the kids information on the attendance like allergies and things, but also small info like life changes in case they act out.”
“Doesn’t mean he can call you the f slur,” she whispers, “all because you wore a purple shirt?”
“If I met his father I’d probably get an answer for that,” he adds, “if he’s afraid to show his emotions around his son, it’s probably why his son thinks colours are gay.”
It makes her laugh, “you look hot in purple too so I don’t see the problem?”
“Do I?” He teases, getting in even closer and pressing their bodies together.
She rolls her eyes before wrapping her arms around him and leaning forward for a quick kiss, “I think you look sexy all the time.”
He kisses her as a thank you, “I think the same about you.”
“Even when I haven’t showered in 2 days because she cries if she can’t see me and she cries if she gets wet?” Y/N laughed, annoyed but in love with their little monster at the same time.
“Always,” he reminds her. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she kisses him again after.
There are probably a million more things to share from the day, but they spend their time kissing instead. It’s been too long since they’ve just rolled around in the sheets making out like they did in the beginning. Before they ever had sex, before they had kids and a house and a love as strong as they do now.
A part of them missed the early days when everything was new and exciting, but she also loved the fact that they knew each other so well that they didn’t have to communicate anymore. They ran like 1 unit, always completing the other person's thoughts, needs and wants. They were so unbelievably happy.
She wants him badly and he wants her just as much, and he’s about to take her when she pulls back. “Nope, as much as I love her I can’t get pregnant again for at least another year.”
It makes him laugh as he pulls away and rolls over to look through his nightstand for a condom, “it wouldn’t be that bad?”
“You carry it then, seahorse it up,” she teased. “I like being back on my medicine, I need some time to be okay before I go through all that again.”
Once he’s all situated in the latex and back between her legs, he hovers over her, so close that their lips are touching ever so slightly. “I am fine if it’s just the three of us forever.”
“I’m not,” she smiles, “there will be 4 of us one day, just not today.”
With that, she’s pulling him into another kiss as he pushing inside. It’s a feeling she’s accustomed to but will never be used to, it’s a stretch that shouldn’t be as intoxicating as it is. She holds him closer as she plays with his tongue in her mouth.
He was so good at everything he did, especially the sex. He knew every single part of her body now and exactly how to push all her buttons the right way. She could live in the moment of his pumping in and out of her while his thumb circled her clit and his other hand groaned her breasts. Eventually, he kissed down her throat and she was a mess of breathy moans and low gasps.
Writing in the sheets, her legs wrap around him as she tried to pull him in even closer. It was impossible to get closer but he was still too far away, she wanted to absorb him and live in him forever. He was her safe place and she never wanted to be anywhere else.
As her orgasm bubbled, so did his. The both of them gasping and panting, she whined as she breached the edge and gripped his back, “Spence!”
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he whispered before fucking into her harder and faster, pushing her through it as he reached his own.
His movements on her clit never stopped and suddenly one felt like two and she wasn’t sure when the rush was going to stop and she didn’t care when it did. It was powerful, soothing and euphoric. A high she could live in for a while and return to it without problem as long as she had him.
He came with a small moan, trying to keep quiet as he muffled it into her neck, stilling his hips on his last thrust and dropping onto her more. Her hands were all over his back as she pressed kisses to his forehead, coming down but not wanting the love to stop there.
The love was never going to stop there for them. Their love was never-ending, and somehow as she held him there in her arms and felt his breath on his neck, she turned to see the baby monitor with their peaceful child sound asleep down the hall, she loved him even more now somehow.
Loving Spencer Reid was like falling down a bottomless pit. She never knew when she was going to reach the end, but she was content with falling.
smut taglist: @g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Spicy horror
Pairing: Frank x [fem] Reader Word count: ~ 4 000 Genre: Smut / Fluff Summary: It's Halloween, and (y/n) and Frank finally confess their crushes to each other when binge watching horror movies on Frank's place. Kind of content: Praising / Protected / Oral
Requested by @thisisjustforrequestingfanfics (can't tag you, sorry hhh my T*mblr is acting weird)
a/n - I'm sorry that I coudn't proofread, I might do it soon; I was supposed to be asleep rn
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"You're just annoying, old man," I tease with a grin. "But don't whine or else you'll ruin the makeup!" I continue spreading the white concealer over his face, careful to get it on the corners around his nose and around his eye, though not to irritate his eyes.
"No, fuck you," Frank groans, his face twitching to suppress any expression. "Why can't we watch it again tonight? They're the best movies! And stop calling me old man, it's just my birthday! I'm not decomposing or anything!" Despite his words, he smiles, opening his eyes once I pull away, leaning back against the chair of the desk – I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I agree." I grab the eyeshadow palette from the desk and move closer to him again. "TCM is a great series and all, but can we not watch it for a single week? It's your birthday and we can watch literally any horror movie! And it can be special, like, not something we've watched a thousand times already to the point we already know most of the lines." I glare before motioning for him to close his eyes.
Frank sighs grumpily, leaning his head back. "What are you planning on, then? Alien? Jaws?" He lets out a weird cry when I slap the side of his head lightly, though he is soon chuckling.
"And then you complain when I say how annoying you are!" I spread the dark eyeshadow over his eyes, humming. "It's been a while since we've watched The Howling, Evil Dead, House of Wax. I mean, 'm not gonna complain if we decide on Alien and Jaws either." He hums, pouting. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite old man." I press a kiss to his head.
"I hate you," he laughs.
After a little bit of fake blood and retouching on my makeup, the two of us are leaving Frank's house to go to school, waving his mother goodbye. We don't look like what most of the kids will go dressed up as – not putting enough effort nor choosing the same themes as the jocks and popular people and not invisible enough just to throw on whatever in a black theme. Frank looks like a chill vampire with Bela Lugosi's Dracula references, though still looking like a punk, while I decided on one of my favorite characters. Nothing too extra, but still in the vibe.
"You look ridiculous with that hair slicked back." I kick one of the pebbles on the sidewalk. "I prefer the hedgehog or whatever it is in the normal state."
"I honestly feel like I could kill someone just from biting their jugular off." He grins, throwing his nose in the air – I can't help but to chuckle; he's adorable. "But not gonna be anyone from school, they're not worth it neither their blood would taste good." He twists his mouth. "I feel like most I'd get would be booze, botox and steroids."
"Damn," I snort, "awfully accurate. You're gonna starve, sorry."
Frank pouts, looking down, but a smirk soon tugs on his lips as he takes a step closer. "But you're not that bad, baby, you know?"
"Oh, fuck off!" I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue. "You just want to get in my jugular!"
Both of us burst out in chuckles and our conversation eventually dies down when we walk past the gates to inside the school, replaced by jokes at other people's costumes, sometimes needing to hold onto each other from laughter.
We walk into the first class, already a bit late, but all it does is to attract everyone's attention the moment we step in.
"Ridiculous, as always," some girl mutters under her breath. Funny.
Frank wraps a hand around the length of the coat to stupidly bring it to cover the lower part of his face, looking around with narrowed eyes then wide ones. "I smell not just a lot of blood here," he says in a low and raspy voice, "but also stupidity!" He points at the girl judgingly, making her twist her mouth disgusted.
"I hope Freddy Krueger visits you tonight," I say when walking past her, patting her shoulder. A scream comes from her when noticing the fake blood stain I leave behind on her white outfit, having Frank and I chuckling on our way to the back.
No one really pays attention to the classes – it's Halloween, we're even in stupid clothes and anxious for whatever is going to happen later in the day, so the teacher doesn't even bother scolding Frank and I for talking nonstop in the back of the classroom. To be honest, I think only the goody two shoes are actually doing something, sometimes turning around to glare at the others.
"Okay, okay, shut up for a minute!" I tell Frank, taking a look at the messy words over my notebook to check if I forgot to write something down. "We've got The Howling, Alien, Evil Dead, House of Wax, Dawn of the Dead, Funhouse, Pumpkinhead..."
"Fright Night," Frank continues, "Opera, Cannibal Holocaust, Texas Chainsaw–"
"I said no TCM! Fuck you," I curse, rushing to write everything down, crossing out TCM when I accidentaly write it down.
"Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, Near Dark and Elm Street," he finishes, glaring at me. He hits my shoulder, not enough to hurt. "I'll make you watch TCM with me until you have memorized every single frame of it!"
"Your TCM phase will have died down by then!" I twist my mouth bitterly. "Sorry to kill the hype, baby!" I throw my nose in the air with a chuckle at his sulky manners. He furrows his eyebrows, sucking in a breath for words he never really gets to say. "And we still got to watch all these goth movies and shows lying around! Do you think it was easy finding the 60s Addams family show on DVD? Or that one Frankenstein version on cassette." Okay, the last one was easy to find in a yard sale, but still, it was just luck.
"Okay, mommy, please just don't punish me," Frank says with a groan and a fake moan. I stare at him as he's not able to contain his laughter before starting to hit him with the notebook.
"Too bad you're not a good boy, hun."
For once, school ends up actually being nice and just because Frank and I were getting in the character sometimes and pissing people off. By lunch, he had pulled on some sunglasses and looked like the stupidest fucker while eating his sandwich and smudging more of the lipstick and fake blood around his lips. At some point, we had pretended to have a fight and pierce the other's chest with a pair of scissors just to squeeze a bag of fake blood at whoever walked by – mostly some of the jocks or plastics. So much fun.
The house is quiet when we arrive back at it, a couple hours after school ended, and we find out, later, a note from Frank's mom apologizing she can't be here during the rest of his birthday, though she's sure he'll have fun with me.
"Imma take a shower," I sigh, pointing upstairs.
"Sure," he hums, looking up from the note for a moment to smile at me.
Thankfully, I always leave some clothes at Frank's place because I'm here far too often and not always have the chance or disposition to go back home and grab some clothes. It doesn't prevent me from stealing his hoodie, however, and walking out of the bathroom without all of that sticky makeup or fake blood is the best thing ever. Later, Frank is the one to go take a shower while I take care of the food he had already started to prepare.
"Much better!" I raise my eyebrows at the sight of Frank with his hair back to normal and only a bit of black makeup smudges the underside of his eyes now.
"Y'know, I never said a single thing about how you looked," he mutters with his brow low, coming to lean against the counter, next to me, "still, you've been attacking me every chance you got!"
"Does it offend you?" I smile.
"No, but it still hurts!" He sniffles, a hand flat against his chest. "I know I'm too badass for you to handle, but you don't need to let it be that clear!"
I look at him from head to foot. "I hate you, y'know that?"
"Love you too, hun!" He grins and moves closer, cupping my face exaggeratedly to peck my cheek before we head upstairs with everything we need.
We turn the lights on to organize everything, soon sitting down against a pile of pillows and with food surrounding us, though most of it is on the bedside tables since Frank, mainly, gets extremely uncomfortable with it falling on the bed. It doesn't matter, though, since the food and half empty cans end up going forgotten halfway through the movie at the same time the chatter dies down and we watch The Evil Dead as if it was the first time.
Some funny part comes on – well, not exactly funny, but enough to make us chuckle quietly – and brings us back to reality, sighing and glancing at each other, adjusting our postures as we'd slid down the pillows.
Frank yawns.
"Already tired?" I tease, poking his shoulder.
"No." He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Getting tired is for losers." He does glance at the clock on his bedside table, however, and the red glowing numbers say it's six something.
"You're my favorite loser, then." I smirk lightly, exhaling.
Frank's eyebrows knit together as he looks at me, but then rolls his eyes. "Well, duh, of course I am! Who else? I'm the best." He scoots closer until his head is leaning on my shoulder and I can't help but to smile.
"No, I am," I groan, arms wrapped around him.
"I am!" He glares and, at some point, we end up in a wrestling match, pushing each other around the mattress among laughter and curses, which comes to a stop when we start getting too tired and I just let Frank lie down on top of me, head on my chest, still watching the movie. "Do you like anyone, (y/n)?" he asks suddenly. "Like, got a crush?"
Random. Why does he want to know? I mean, I do have a crush, but telling him about it is difficult.
"Um, yeah, I guess, why?" I blink, startled when he suddenly brings himself up on his elbows to stare at me.
"I swear to God I'll hunt them down if you forget about me because of them, do you understand?" Frank presses his forehead to mine. "You're the only one I got, sometimes I'm so worried you'll even leave me for whatever reason."
"What?" I breathe a chuckle, though there's not exactly anything funny here. "Never in my right mind would I do that! And you can't hunt my crush down if my crush is actually you," I laugh in a sudden rush of confidence, which wears out awfully quickly, leaving me lying there and rethinking every life choice.
"Me?" Frank widens his eyes. At the lack of answer, he takes a hold of my collar, straddling my hips. "Did I hear it right? Please, (y/n), (n/n), soulmate? I'm your goddamn crush? For how long?"
I shake my head lightly, shrugging. "Months? A long time."
"And you just told me now?" He cries, forehead pressed to my shoulder. "Slow motherfucker."
"I didn't want you to leave me either, c'mon!" I sigh in defeat, running a hand through his hair. "I remember that time a girl confessed to you and you'd simply vanish whenever she showed up. What if that was with me? I'd not be able to live like this, y'know that."
"Y'know, yeah, seeing it from that point..." Frank shrugs, bringing himself up to face me again. "Still, I wouldn't avoid you like that! Dunno, but it doesn't matter now because you just relieved me of months of suffering. Looking at these pretty lips without being able to kiss it." He furrows his eyebrows, eyes on my lips. "Can I kiss you, tho? Now that we feel stupid for all these months. Damn. At least I feel."
I breathe a chuckle. "Of course! Do you think I wasn't dying to do it either?"
Next thing I know are Frank's lips pressed against mine softly, soon growing firm with confidence. His fingers run along my neck lightly, in a caring manner, dropping to trace my collarbones.
"Also," Frank breathes, pulling away; his face never moves farther than a couple of inches whilst he adjusts his position, lying down beside me on the mattress. "Maybe it's wrong to say and I've always tried to say it in a subtle manner, but–" his eyes meet mine, "–you've got the body of a goddess! Like, dunno, sometimes you comment about not having an 'ideal', skinny body, but you're just so perfect," he groans, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Frank!" I tap on his back lightly. It's not that I don't like what he said – no, damn, it sends my heart fluttering, this warmth taking over my chest –, but is it really the truth? I didn't think it was possible for anyone to tell me this.
"No, I'm telling the truth!" Frank grins. "Like, your thighs and all. I just want to squeeze and bite you! Not in a bad way, I mean." I must give him a funny look because of how flustered he grows, tongue playing with his lip ring as he looks away. "There's a lot to unpack, fuck, I thought it was obvious how I always sit there gazing at you and shit, but..."
"Likewise." I glare playfully, making him chuckle.
"Y'know–" Frank smiles lazily, "–this is the best birthday I've ever had, by far." He brushes his lips against mine softly, watching me through half lidded eyes. "Never knew you'd actually like me back. Never believed it was possible, to be honest."
"I never cogitated you like me," I breathe.
"Well, okay," he says, "we've already gotten through this. I think we should focus on now."
"I'm not the one who keeps bringing back past thoughts!" I chuckle at how he pouts, scowling funnily.
"Shut up, shut up, I get it!" Frank rolls his eyes and presses his lips to mine before I can say anything, having me smiling against the kiss until returning it, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Now that we've finally kissed, keeping our lips off each others' feels almost impossible – letting go of each other feels almost impossible. "God fucking damnit," he groans under his breathe, moving to press kisses down my jaw, soon reaching my neck.
A sigh escapes my lips at the kisses, though it turns into quiet pleased sounds at the feeling of his teeth pulling at my skin and sometimes closing around it, sucking on it whilst all I can bring myself to do is tugging onto his hair. Suddenly, however, feeling his hands traveling down to my hips and squeezing them makes me gasp, probably reacting a bit more than I intended.
"What?" Frank pulls away at the same moment, eyes wide. "Did I do something wrong? Please– Damn, I'm so sorry!"
"N-No, no," I finally bring myself into speaking up, feeling my cheeks burn bright red. "I, um, I actually... liked it. A lot. Sorry if I scared you, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't mind, really," I insist as he continues looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"You sure?"
"Yeah!" I smile, bringing him for a quick kiss before he's trailing down my neck again.
Frank's hands go down my body, experimentally at first and then squeezing my hips again, receiving another reaction this time, including just a soft gasp as I push my hips up – a shiver runs down my spine with it, a nice one. Fuck.
"Damn..." Frank breathes, hands running down to my thighs then up again to slide under my shirt. "It's a bit early, maybe–" he shrugs, looking at me, "–but... is it okay if..."
Holy hell. "Of course," I say without thinking much – he continues to stare, so I nod.
"Fuck yeah," he mutters, lips against mine for a few seconds before he's pulling my shirt over my head and the expression on his face carries such admiration that I can't help but to feel embarrassed for a moment. He never lets me cover myself, nonetheless, hands flying to my waist to hold firmly onto it as he's pressing kisses from my stomach to my hip. "No, seriously–" he sits up again, "–how can someone be so perfect?" He seems to be talking mostly to himself, getting rid of his shirt.
"Dunno." I grin. "How does it feel to be so perfect, baby?"
Frank exhales shakily. "You'll be the death of me and I ain't even joking." He presses a kiss to my collarbone, starting to nibble down at the skin again, trailing down to my chest, lips sometimes lingering over my breasts – sure as hell he leaves a few marks behind, considering how invested he gets.
Something tells me he doesn't know what to focus on. His hands never stay in the same place for too long, going down my thighs then trailing up to my waistband, up my torso, and then he repeats it.
"C'mon," I mutter, placing his hands on my waistband. He's a bit hesitant, but quickly undoes the buttons and starts pulling it down – I help him, kicking the pants away in the end.
A string of curses slip past Frank's lips as he quickly gets rid of his jeans too and, when coming back, he kneels down between my legs this time, spreading them apart. Our lips are yet again locked in a kiss, different from the others, more heated up and urgent this time as we hold onto each other. I play with the hair on the back of his neck and tug onto it instead at the feeling of his hands around my ass, groping.
"Frank, damn," I breathe quietly for a second we pull apart and, opposite to earlier, he gets the hint and does it again, humming against my lips. Once he stops groping, his hands just run along my skin, up and down my body, sometimes lingering. The most lovesick look decorates his face when he pulls away. My heart.
I place my hands on Frank's shoulders as I sit up, changing our positions. He observes me with wide eyes and I smile at him before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving behind a hickey before I can go lower and lower until my fingers are around the waistband of his boxers and I pause, looking up at him, and continue after he nods.
Frank's already half hard, a breath hitching in his throat as, after discarding his boxers, I assume my previous position.
Even if it's not the first time I've done that, this nervousness still lies under my skin as I wrap a hand around him, pumping him lightly before wrapping my lips around the head experimentally. He breathes sharply.
Only halfway through it that I allow myself to look up at Frank, pausing for a moment after finding out he's been watching, propped up on his elbows, eyes focused on me and jaw slack, but I don't look away, hollowing my cheeks instead and watching him break under my gaze, letting go of all the tension for a second.
I repeat the motions a few times and pull away, licking up along the underside, around the tip, and he's suddenly pulling me away – eyes wide and face flushed this time.
Frank mumbles something I can't quite understand, but it doesn't really matter. He moves closer, both of us soon assuming the position we were in minutes ago, pressed against each other. Now, he removes my underwear and his hand slips between us, however.
Pleasure is sent ringing up my spine at the feeling of Frank's fingers slipping past my lips, quickly finding my clit and wasting no time on working his thumb on it while a couple of fingers tease my entrance. Moans just escape my throat easily after he breaks the kiss, mouthing his way until the inside of one of my thighs – he bites and sucks on the skin there. His tongue is suddenly there, then, against my clit, working around it before being replaced by his lips and my vision goes fucking blank when I can feel him sucking on it.
"Fuck," Frank curses once pulling away, moving to frantically rummage through the nightstand's drawer; I groan at the loss of touch, pushing my hips up into nothing.
Hearing the sound of foil being torn makes me understand what's happening, and I watch him rush to slip the condom on, giving us a moment to catch our breath before he's positioning himself, a hand on my hip whilst another holds himself up.
"Tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" he asks slowly, "I'll stop right away. Don't be afraid."
"Same to you," I say softly, cupping his face to pull him for a soft, quick kiss.
Frank smiles with a nod and looks down before I can feel him against my entrance, pushing in slowly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly, feeling his chest vibrate against mine with the low moan coming from him, replaced by a sigh once he sinks in completely. He starts moving right away, hips jerking experimentally before attaining a heavy and slow pace which doesn't last long due to how needy we are already.
I gasp at how he thrusts in harder, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to hold him close and having my legs around his hips, instinctively.
Curses and praises are breathed into my ear among moans, somehow making the pleasure pool down in my lower stomach even more intensely, summed up to feeling his hands groping on my ass again, fingers sinking into the skin.
"You're just so perfect, (y/n)," he babbles, "and even better that now you're all mine."
Suppressing a louder moan turns out to be impossible at the feeling of Frank's hips reaching a certain angle and, soon, the answer I had in my slips away from my grasp and all there's left is just how good he feels. I travel a hand up to his hair, remembering how he reacted to it earlier, and tug on it in a form of response, though also wanting to hear how pathetically he moans at it.
"'M gonna cum," I manage to say before being cut off by a moan, arching my back.
"Me too, babe," he groans, "almost there."
Frank pauses, adjusting himself so a hand is under my thigh and another on the mattress for major support and his thrusts are suddenly harsher. I throw my head back at the same time, holding onto him tightly, and it doesn't take long for all the pleasure that had been building up so far to unravel at once – it apparently triggers the same on him, considering how tight his grasp gets whilst a higher pitched moan comes from him.
Coming down from the high, I feel almost numb, in a good way. Frank pulls away and I'm only aware of him when he's lying down next to me, both of us breathing heavily and unable to do anything aside from staring at the ceiling for a long moment.
"Damn, I love you so much, so much," he mumbles again.
I breathe a chuckle, feeling him cuddling up to me, arms wrapped around me. "And I love you, dumbass." I press a kiss to his head.
"My girlfriend now, right?" he asks. "Nevermind, you don't get to choose." He chuckles, though it quickly dies down. "Just kidding, okay? Tell me to and I'll fuck off."
I laugh, still breathless. "Of course I am. I didn't confess for nothing."
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annie-mit-ie · 3 years
Glimpses: Part 12 (Kathryn Hahn x Fem!Reader)
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Part 1 // previous chapter <<< >>> next chapter
Summary: Will you be able to go with Kathryn?
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This is a little shorter, I know, but I hope all of you still enjoy it. Look at this little tag list we have going on now!! - I might actually get a little emotional that so many of you are still reading this little story. With all that being said, here we gooooo. xx
Tag List: @danvers97 @zafirosreverie @srtamercurio @wanatag @pulledbythestars17 @plantowl​
Don't forget to check out the new official Playlist! :)
“You can’t take her.” Jennifer is walking up and down in Kathryn’s office. She arrived here right after you had left, ready to plan to thrip to New York, as well as the upcoming project. Kathryn shifts her focus from her hand to her manager and huffs. 
“NO. Kathryn, no. You know it yourself. First of all, she is a distraction. Yes, you like her, I KNOW, but this is not you. This is not how you do your job.” Jennifer looks at her boss with pleading eyes.
Running her fingers through her long mane, Kathryn bites the insides of her cheek. “you’re right, I know you are, but at the same time
“NO BUTS, Kathryn.” Jennifer interrupts her, prompting Kathryn to shoot her a short glare. 
but at the same time I haven’t been this happy in years.” Thinking back at the time you spent with her, a small smile creeps onto her face.
Jennifer gets it. She understands Kathryn’s point, but as her manager it’s her job to secure the actress’ job, which is why she needs to make sure there are as few distractions from work as possible included in the trip.
Placing a hand on her arm, Jennifer looks at Kathryn with warm eyes. “Sweetie, I know you don’t like it. I don’t like it either, because I know how good the time with her is for your heart. But we can’t have this. Not now. Not during your shining moment. Yeah?”
Slowly but surely, Kathryn starts to nod as she can feel the sadness rise in her chest.
Meanwhile, you and Alex are having the same conversation back in your room. She tries to talk sense into you and talks animatedly to her phone, as you try to find a way to accompany Kathryn.
“Honey, you simply can’t. There is no way. It’s during the exam phase. You can’t be abroad for that.” She shakes her head.
Considering your options, you try to talk against her. “I could ask for online exams.”
 there is a multiple hour time difference - you can’t be serious, Y/N.”
“I could postpone exams?” You raise an eyebrow.
Alex shakes her head harder now. “NO GIRL. No. Kathryn wouldn’t want you screwing up your education for this. You have leftover classes, exams to write and then you’ll have to write term papers you have to prepare for,” you take a visible breath. “Yes love, I am aware you could write those on set but we all know you wouldn’t. It’s better for you to stay.”
You want to argue. You really do. But there are a few things holding you back. First of all, you know Alex makes a valid point. Second of all, you don’t even know where you are standing with Kathryn. What are you to her? What is happening with her? The lines are so blurry that it’s hard for you to see, so you think it might be better not to assume and make a fuss about all of it.
Lastly, you don’t even know if she wants to have you by her side in the first place, because, again, it’s not like she is your girlfriend or anything. Not that you wouldn’t want her to be.
So, just like Kathryn does with Jennifer, you agree to what Alex says and make your decision to stay, even though it hurts your heart just as much as it hurts hers.
Given the fact, that she has to leave for New York right the next morning, it’s not possible for you to see her again. You think back at the soft kiss she planted on your lips as you left her house under yesterday’s hot afternoon sun. You feel so good with her and you can’t stop to think back at how beautiful her eyes look up close - even more beautiful than on all her pictures that Alex and you have been sending back and forth whenever Kathryn did a new promo shoot.
It’s late afternoon as you’re lying on your bed and stare at the ceiling, a random Marvel movie running in the background.  Alex has been trying to hype you up all day, but, given the fact that Kathryn is gone for an unforeseen time, you still feel sad.
You turn off the movie because you can’t seem to concentrate and connect your phone to the speakers to play some music. You remember that you can sit on your windowsill that’s facing the backyard and and decide to sit down and watch the birds in the tree outside your window as you open Spotify and it starts playing the last song you stopped on. “She” by dodie fills the room and you don’t think you related to a song like that ever before.
It really describes the feelings of uncertainty that you have right now. It doesn’t help that you never really took the chance to talk to her about all of not. Not properly, at least. This mistake leaves you with this endless feeling of emptiness that seems like it’s eating you up from the inside as you don’t even know if she feels the same in any way. 
Your phone chimes and you nearly fall off the windowsill as you shoot up to reach for it. It’s the group chat you thought had died a while ago that you joined right after Kathryn appeared on Wandavision. 
Apparently, news of Kathryn’s casting already sank through and everyone is screaming about it. Unwilling to share any knowledge, and also way too careful with it, you want to put your phone away as it chimes again and your eyes widen.
You immediately click the message.
“New York is wild! Haven’t had time to get to you yet. Seems like everyone and their mom wants to speak to me today. Just left my second meeting and now I have to leave for a work dinner in a few. How’s the day going back home? xxx K.”
A bright smile creeps onto your face as you realize she uses the “everyone and their mom” phrase that you use so much whenever you describe difficult situations to her. You decide not to reply immediately - you don’t want her to assume you are sitting on your phone just waiting for her. 
Instead you opt to create some art and grab your supplies. There is an empty canvas behind your bed and you feel like there are enough feelings trapped in you to create something cool on it.
Your mom works long on Mondays, so you haven't realized just how much time has passed as you perform the last of the night and call it a day. Your picture is colorful. Very much so. The acrylic paint hasn’t even dried yet, but there are already tons of ideas floating around in your head about what to do with the artwork from here on out. Maybe you should get some fine liners and work out the edges, maybe do some highlighting as well, you don't know yet.
Just as you want to put the brush aside your phone lights up on your bed. You can't pick it up just now because the slowly drying paint sticks to your fingers and you anxiously reach for the closest paper towel to white it off as best as you can. Not expecting anything, you finally reach for your phone and pick up the call before reading the name - an automatic reaction to late night calls from Alex.
You are greeted by a very familiar, yet unexpected, face. Kathryn smiles into the camera and adjusts the lights around her. She is clearly in her pjs, with no make up on, her hair open and messy, falling off her shoulder. You can see she is wearing a loose gray shirt and your whole body starts tingling as you realize it's the shirt she gave you to sleep in last weekend. Immediately, your brain runs wild and you try to figure out if she packed this exact shirt on purpose or just grabbed the one that was available easiest as she was probably in a rush.
Luckily, Kathryn interrupts your train of thought. “Hey! Hiya hon! I just wanted to check in. Make sure you’re alright because you haven’t replied to my message.”
For the first time you look at the clock. It’s 8.30pm and you haven’t had dinner yet.
“Shit.”, you mutter and your hand flies to cover your mouth immediately. 
Kathryn, who hasn’t heard your muttering, looks confused. “Sweetheart, is everything alright?”
You smile thankfully. “Yes! Yes it is. I guess I was just wrapped up in my art and you pulled me out of it and I always need a minute to adjust. I’m fine. It’s late though and I haven’t eaten yet. Thank you for reminding me.”
“Good. Do you want me to order you pizza or something. Because I totally would.” She reaches for a notepad.
“Alright Mom
” she looks at you for a moment and you can’t tell if she is shocked or amused or anything really because she stopped reacting completely and just stares at you. Right when you are about to start panicking about the situation she bursts into laughter.
“I mean I’M SORRY. How dare I offer pizza.” She continues laughing. You love this. This is easy and light and you realize once again just how much you enjoy her company. Gosh, you miss her already.
You remember her message as you make your way downstairs. “How was dinner, Kathryn? And the rest of your day? Tell me about it!”
For the next 10 minutes, as you prepare your own dinner, she tells you about her day and the plans for the next few weeks. The two of you laugh and make jokes and for a moment it seems like both of you have forgotten that you won’t see each other for a while. After she finishes talking, you fall into a comfortable silence and just look and smile at each other for a moment.
“I like you, you know?” She is the one to interrupt the silence. “Spending time with you makes me really happy and I’m sad you can’t come to Europe with me. I need you to know. I wish I could’ve taken you with me.”
Your heart melts and your hands start to shake as you realize Kathryn might indeed feel the same way. You put the knife, that’s in your hand from making dinner, aside. You’re unable to answer right away and fight for the right words, so she continues on with her short monologue.
“I just wanted to call tonight to check in and see how you are doing since I had to kick you out so abruptly last night and maybe we can do this from time to time, check in on each other? I would love that.”
Check in on each other? Why is she so vague all the time? For a moment you thought she’d confess her feelings for you but here you are again, uncertain of what she really thinks about you. You smile, though, and try to keep it calm because you don’t want her to get annoyed with you already.
You realize it’s getting close to 9pm, which means it should be about midnight at her place. Taking responsibility, you send her off to sleep and have a short dinner followed by some reading yourself.
Before Kathryn hangs up, she promises you to call again before leaving for Europe completely. She also wants to know if you want a souvenir from NYC (why is she so cute?) and tells you to call her anytime you need something or someone. With that, she shoots you the brightest smile and leaves you to it.
The ecstatic feeling you felt when you talked to her fades quickly as you come down from the call. Suddenly, your home feels all quiet and lonely and the silence is killing you. You walk back up to your room to sit on your bed and stare out of your window to enjoy the night sky. The tree right next to your room is slowly moving in the wind as its branches scratch the glasses surface.
You decide to call it a day as the week ahead is full of work and school and the weekend was eventful, so you change into comfy clothes and get ready for bed immediately. You fall onto your bed a few minutes later just as your phone lights up again.
"Good night, Sweetheart. It was great seeing your face. xxx K."
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Cooking (Denki x fem!reader)
Pairing(s): Denki x fem!reader
Warning(s): cussing, smut/18+ (minors DNI), sucking d*ck, switch Denki, mentions of ADHD
Word Count: 2,465
A/N (IMPORTANT ONE): everyone in this story is aged up to the 19, UA is a college in this AU but everything else is the same. So they are NOT minors and they are freshman in college!
A/N: request are always so pen so go ahead and drop on by, either leave the request in my inbox OR toy are more then welcome to message me if you want more detail or just want to get to know me :)
Playlist I made so you can listen to coming while reading this: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6KD7SsmFn8QM4bp3BP6DCV_ML1B2AZC3
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You laid on the couch, relaxed and in a comfortable position where anything can happen. You where watching this new anime called Demon Slayer that Mina recommend to you. Saying something along the lines of his hit the guys where. Honestly, you didn’t get the hype, but it was pretty entertaining and you didn’t have anything else better to do then to study and actually get work done so why the hell not? Little did you know a little spark plug was about to attack you. That little spark plug going by the name of Denki Kaminari. He was annoying as fuck and you didn’t want him around. But he kept coming back for more so you let him in your life and you guy’s had this little friends-with-benefits thing going on.
“BOO!” Denki screamed on the top of his lungs, you jumped in fear and got your quirk ready. Your breath coming out in short puffs as you stared at the honey eyed boy.
“You shit head! I was at a scary scene!” You hissed, slapping Denki on the back of his head like Bakugou’s Mom did to him from time-to-time when the bakusquad was over at the angry blonde’s house.
“Sorryyy!” Denki wined, rubbing his head slightly as he mumbled some cussing under his breath. You rolled your y/e/c eyes before staring at the blonde again.
“What do you want?” You asked, annoyance filling your voice and clicking your judgement slightly. The screams of Tanjiro still ringing from the TV.
“Well I had this ADHD burst of energy and I will want to bake a cake but I can’t do it alone because if I do it alone then I will make a mess and then I will clean it up and then I will start cleaning and then—“ Denki kept on rambling about this whole chain of effects that would happen if you didn’t bake with him. You rolled your eyes and stared him straight in his bright electric yellow eyes. You paused for a moment, thinking of ways to shut the teenage male up. A idea popped in your head as you smirked and grabbed the back of Denki’s neck and drawing him towards your lips. Leaning in closer and kissing his slightly puffy lips. He was wearing the same cherry chapstick that you commented that smelled good before you noticed that Denki liked you. You always guessed that this was a way for Denki to get you to notice him. The kids went on for a few minutes before you took over and pushed him on his back against the couch. The blonde gasped between the kiss, his eyes started to water a little at the sudden reaction. Before things to get out of hand you broke the kiss and smiled at the blonde. Keeping a poker face on as you pulled away and swiped away the drool that was connected the two of your mouth’s. You giggled a little, a cocky smile dragging across your face.
“Shut up
” You leaned in and whispered into Denki’s ear, biting his ear lobe a little and giggling a little as Denki choked back a moan that was forcing it’s way up his throat.
“Y-yes ma’am
” Denki whimpered submissively, his lip quivering slightly as you let go of his ear and going towards the dorm room kitchen. Denki followed you like a lost puppy dog, he would be a good little puppy. You chuckled slightly at the joke that you made up in your head.
“What type of cake do you want to bake?” You prompted, getting the pantry open and seeing what cake mixes you guy’s had and if you needed to go get in a car and drive to the gas ration at this god forbidden hour.
“Oooh chocolate!” Denki cheered, a childish smile plastered across his face as he bounced up and down. You chuckled and looked across the pantry to see if you guy’s had any chocolate.
“Well,” you started to say, smacking you lips and staring at the pantry with a disappointment look on your face. “Crap.”
”We don’t have any chocolate cake mix.”
You closed the pantry door and went towards your dorm room to grabs out jacket and skateboard. “Wait dude, did you customize your skateboard?” Denki awed as he stared at your Haikyuu inspired skateboard that had Bokuto on it. You nodded your head ‘yes’ and fully pulled on a y/f/c hoodie.
“Yeah, I started customizing skateboard’s over the summer when we graduated UA” You answered Denki’s question fully and explained it. A smile on your face as you glanced back at the blonde-and-black haired male as he ran to grab his yellow hoodie and skateboard. His late board looked plainer then yours but that is probably because he used it more then you did. You smiled brightly at Denki before going outside of the dorms. Denki spoked followed and the two of you started skating down the street.
”We should do this more!” Denki exclaimed, a playful smirk on his face as he started to do more tricks on the skateboard. You laughed at Denki and started video him for a tiktok. The tiktok was of him singing the lyrics of Alien Boy and having a blast of his time.
“You’re such a dork
” You scoffed as you stopped recording the tiktok and editing it. Not even having to look up to know the way where the gas station was.
“Can you send me the tiktok?” Denki requested, you looked at him and gave him a ‘are you serious?’ Look before agreeing with a nod of your head and sending the tiktok to him the moment you posted it. You guy’s started to skate more, trying to impress the other guy doing some more tricks. But soon, you got to the gas station and stopped the both of your skateboards and set hem down on the outside red brick wall. You and Denki imminently went to the candy section and got some chocolate box cake along with some different flavors of monster. You bought for everything.
“Did you get everything you where looking for?” The cashier asked, looking at the two of you and smiling tiredly.
“Yeah we did, thanks!” You chirped, getting out your card and paying for the stuff. Denki grabbed the monster and opened it up as you guy’s grabbed the skateboard the started heading out the front door. Laughing at dumb jokes that you guys cracked with each other.
*when you two got to the dorm’s because I know y’all waiting for the 18+ part you sinners*
Denki and you started following the directions, baking the cake and putting it in the oven and setting the timer for a hour. “There!” You declared, pumping your fist up in the air. Luckily you guy’s could be as loud as you wanted due to the fact that it is Spring Break and everyone went to there parents house. Well everyone but you and Denki. Your parents never wanted you to begin with, from the very start, they made it very clear that they didn’t want you. So why would you want to got there? Of course the bakusquad knows this. The plan was that everyone I the bakusquad was going to stay so you won’t have to to alone in the dorms but everyone seemed to have plans.
Crimson Riot had a book signing contest so Kirishima just had to go catch up on that, he seemed to be very upset to at he left you and promised that he would call you every night and FaceTime you for hours upon hours. Well, you checked your phone every second it seemed for the past two days and still no sign of Kirishima.
Bakugou’s parents got into a fight and they got a divorce so Bakugou had to go home for that. He didn’t seem to sad or caught up about it, although, you swore to yourself that you heard sobs coming from Bakugou’s dorm room after he told you over text that he couldn’t stay. So far he has texted you every once and a while and checked on you, made sure you where taking care of yourself.
Mina was going to a party and didn’t really seem to care that she was leaving you alone. Not that she was petty or anything she just never seemed to mind if she dropped her plans when they involved you. She gave you a couple of drunk text but nothing more and nothing less.
Sero didn’t talk to you about the thing, he said he would be there for you but he left you alone so you didn’t know where he was. Although, from what his Instagram story told you, he has in Disney with his family and having the trike of his life.
Jiro got her first new hit for a album of her song covers and needed to leave you. It was very emotional and you could tell that she didn’t want to leave you alone but she had to since her family was struggling and she wanted to make them proud.
But Denki stayed with you, the whole time, there was not a time that you thought ‘oh, Denki isn’t going to be there for me’ or ‘oh, I can’t count on Denki to be here’ because he always was and he always will be right by your side. Ever since the two of you where kids and Denki first got his quirk, you still remember that day, he went to hug his best friend but accidentally shocked him and the kid died of electrocution. He cried for hours and hours in class and (from what you heard) in his own home. Refusing to hug anybody until he got into middle school and you came along. You guys had known each other due to your parents working together in the same hero agency but you never started building a friendship until middle school. A lot of people say that relationships end in middle school and high school but in reality. That is when Denki and yours started to bloom.
“Remember when you first got your quirk?” You popped up, laughing a little as the tips of Denki’s ears turned a flush red.
“HEY I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT!” Denki pouted, crossing his arms and trying to be mad at you.
“Oh ok
I am sorry
” You whispered in a pretend hurt voice, knowing full well that Denki will come crawling back to you once you had the slight hurt tone in your voice.
“Wait no! Baby!! Come here!!” Denki exclaimed, wrapping you in a warm hug, you burst into laughter and hugged Denki back. Feeling bad for the honey eyed male for the millionth time in your life (no but like seriously, how did this man get you to feel bad about everything?)
“Its fine Denki.” You reassured the worried teenager with some pats on the head and a kiss on the forehead. Denki smiled innocently at you before pushing you against the couch. “Oof!” You gasped as you felt he fabric press against your back. Denki smirked in accomplishment.
“GOT YOU!” Denki declared proudly, trying to pin you down on your back. You cocked your brow up slightly and flipped you and Denki over so you where on top and he was on bottom. Denki whined and bit his lip, eyes looking at you in a pleading sort of way. You smirked seductively and leaned down to kiss Denki. Your lips crashing with his, biting the male’s slightly pink lips to ask for entrance (which he obeyed instantly). You slipped your tongue into the wet cavern of Denki’s mouth and started exploring every inch of it and sucking on his tongue a little bit. Denki moaned into the kiss and started grinding his body against your pants and whining like a submissive bitch. You chuckled darkly and brought your hand to mess with his hair before yanking his hair and making him break the kiss. A string of saliva connected your two mouths and you just swiped it off and shoved your fingers inside of Denki. Smiling slightly as he gagged.
“Want me to suck your dick slut?” Your horse whisper sounded in Denki’s ear as you bite his ear lobe and tugged on it slightly. Denki nodded his head ‘yes’ before letting out a string of moans. You smirked in accomplishment of breaking the presumably top nineteen year old who flirted with all the girls at school. You pulled down Denki’s sweatpants and boxers in one Swift motion all while keeping eye contact with him. Going down on your knee’s you opened your mouth and started sucking Denki off. Your tongue swirling around his head as you slowly started going deeper and deeper until you felt it go to the back of your throat. Once you felt that your head bobbed up and down, Denki moaned loudly and threw his head back in pure pleasure. Mumbling out praises and barely forming a sentence. You smiled to yourself as you reached down and started rubbing circles along your clit, you tongue almost lolling out to the side of Denki’s duck at the pleasure of hitting the sweet spot.
“You’re such a girl girl yeah you suck my dick yeah you suck that duck so well yeah you do
” Denki managed to say before moaning loudly again at the sight of you touching your self and sucking him off. He is in complete heaven. You felt Denki’s thighs tense up around your head and you stared up at him. Expecting him to say something. “I’m gonna cum
!” Denki mumbled out before moaning again and letting his sex face out. You moaned around Denki’s dick and that caused both of you to cum at the same time. You guy’s where a panting mess on the floor. Denki had his legs spread wide and your head was all fuzzy and not cleared out with good thoughts. You guy’s stood there, a few comfortable in the air as both of you where a shaking mess. Soon, you got up and carried Denki to the other corner of the couch and grabbed a large fluffy gray blanket along with some large pillows. On nights like these, Denki liked it if you took charge in the aftercare stuff. Not even letting you two get changed until the morning. You smiled warmly at the goofy blonde who laid there on the couch, almost fast asleep, while you played Death Note (he says it is to scary so you like watching it when he is asleep or cuddling with you).
“Hey baby?”
“What’s up Pikachu?”
“Did we ever get that cake out of the oven?”
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: How you met Akaashi, Iwaizumi & Suga! + How things go down when you two realize you go to the same school!
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I’m kinda shy on posting bc my notifs are on and y’all are so nice to me đŸ„ș feel free to send requests at any time and I’ll get to them ASAP! KITHES ❀
Update: I’m posting twice today! Check out my other writings below or just find your way around my page! 💞
✿ Masterlist ✿ ✿ Find Your Way Around ✿
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‱ It was one of his rare days off of Volleyball and babysitting so he went to pick up a new book to keep himself distracted on bus rides and downtime
‱ You were Visiting the book store to pick up a new book as well after reading so many good reviews about it - you loved reading with all the downtime you had
‱ As you reached the book store you made your way to the isle the books genre was, before picking up the book - the last copy!
‱ You smiled before hearing a sigh behind you and turning to see a boy your age looking at the book in your hand
“Looks like the last copy.”
‱ You looked down at your hands before handing it to him smiling slightly
“I can just purchase it on my phone.”
‱ You wouldn’t because it wasn’t the same but you could always come back and buy it another time, you were feeling nice today
“No no, you were here first I can find another book.”
‱ He smiled at you returning it but you didn’t accept it, you held your smile coming up with an idea.
“You can read it and if we ever meet again, you can let me borrow it?”
‱ He smiled, nodding and walking off with the book before stopping in his tracks before looking at you again.
“Akaashi.... My names Akaashi.”
‱ He continued walking as you smiled turning around and scanning through more books to buy.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
‱ Yeah you began seeing Akaashi everywhere around school now - it’s not that you didn’t know he existed you just never knew him personally.
‱ You also didn’t know he was so popular with the girls, sadly now known to you.
‱ He’d also notice you more, walking and reading your book, eating and reading your book. Definitely thought it was cute
“And I didn’t even spike it hard enough to break a vase- what are we looking at?”
‱ Once Bokuto found out, he was so excited to meet you.
“I’m captain and ace!”
“That’s so cool!”
‱ Akaashi loved how much enthusiasm you had talking to Bokuto, and he was glad the crazy owl haired boy befriended you because now he could too.
‱ Bokuto got Akaashi to ask you on a date to which you obviously said yes to
‱ You two spent a lot of time sharing thoughts about certain books, going on dates and taking care of Bokuto
“I’m just saying Hinata and Tsukki could be your kids!”
“No ❀ we have enough with you đŸ§šđŸ»â€â™€ïžâœšđŸ„°đŸ’žâ€
“Akaashi 😔”
‱ One certain date confused you as Akaashi brought you flowers and a gift
“What is it?”
“If I tell you it ruins the surprise - that’s what wrapping papers for hun.”
‱ You rolled your eyes playfully only to have a book left in your hands with wrapped paper on the floor
“The book! Aw I never got to read it!”
‱ He watched you gush over it and smiled, he swore he fell in love with you all over again
“Stop staring at me I’m shy!”
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‱ It was a New Year and what did that come with? New Years Resolutions!
‱ January 2nd, you began to regret saying everything about going on a morning run every morning
‱ but here you were, dressed in your running clothes with a hoodie to help the cold
‱ As you started running you felt your body temperature warm up as you got tired after a few minutes but still pushed yourself
‱ you looked to your right to see a certain brown haired boy pass you
“Bruh rude.”
‱ you picked up your pace and passed him - as you should queen 😗
‱ This turned into a competition of who could continued to run longer
‱ He won, but only because you began dying on all the air you weren’t getting 😣
‱ This became a daily thing because you two wanted to see your cute running partner every morning during you twos winter break!
‱ Neither of you spoke a word to each other though - it was just constant running and pushing each other to your limits.
‱ It wasn’t until you saw his friend jog up to him on your last morning running day and noticed who his very popular friend was, Oikawa, that you remembered who he was, but it was too late because Oikawa dragged him off.
“Oi! Shittykawa let me go!”
“Iwa-Chan you don’t have to be so mean!”
“Then stop being shitty!”
‱ You giggled at their banter before running back home, Iwaizumi watching your retreating figure, sighing.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
‱ When Oikawa approached you a few days after school resumed - you hated it here 💞 not because of Oikawa but because of all the ugly looks from fans that came with him approaching you
“Y/N! Please you have to meet with Iwa! He’ll shred me to pieces for not letting him catch your name! Please!”
‱ You looked at the setter who was on his knees
Y/N: 👁👄👁, Oikawa-San please get up!
‱ What a weird sight this would be, Oikawa on his knees begging for you to just go to the gym after school and you frantically waving your arms around saying ‘alright’ and ‘Oikawa get up PLEASE!’ He’s so dramatic but Iwaizumi was holding a grudge against him
‱ You kept your promise and walked to the volleyball gym after school and mentally prepared yourself
This is a bad idea, What if he doesn’t want to see me?, stupid Oikawa what if he’s pranking me? I could be eating a good sandwich right now on the way home-
‱ Your own thoughts were cut off by the door swinging open and knocking you down ❀
“Shit! Are you okay?”
‱ You looked up to see your classmate Mattsun with his hand out, which you took. Oikawa was laughing like a manic right about now
‱ Iwaizumi asking what Oikawa was laughing about before he saw you, his face now glowing a bright red as you gave him a shy wave
‱ Oikawa laughed even harder and called for a break to which Iwaizumi walked over to you
“Y/N, I don’t think I ever told you but my name is Y/N.”
“I like that... The names Iwaizumi.”
“Yeah your friend practically kept screaming Iwa-Chan while on his knees asking me to come here.”
“No! No I didn’t-“
‱ Makki and Mattsun had teased Oikawa for getting on his knees and begging to which Iwa just yelled at him for being embarrassing
‱ That became your life as his girlfriend soon, hearing the bickering and the taunting. You sometimes felt bad for Oikawa so you stood up for him at times
Y/N: Boys don’t be so mean
Oikawa: Y/N-Chan loves me! Unlike you guys!
Iwazumi: I’ll choke you trashykawa, she’s my girlfriend
Oikawa: Not without my help!
‱ Yeah this was a common argument
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‱ You and Kiyoko were friends and you met Suga at Kiyoko’s birthday gathering!
‱ It happened when Noya and Tanaka saw you and Kiyoko hug and noticed you were her best friend
“Please date me!”
“Get me a date with my beautiful Kiyoko!”
‱ as you slowly backed away scared for your life Suga gabbed the two by their collars and yanked them back
“I’m sorry about them, they can be quiet a handful.”
“I told you two not to be weird during Kiyoko’s birthday party!”
‱ You spent a lot of time that night celebrating Kiyoko’s birthday at chatting with the sweet boy who saved you earlier
‱ He definitely had to get hyped up by Daichi to ask for your number
‱ You obviously gave it to him and Kiyoko was making fun of you
Noya: Not fair Senpai - why do you get to ask for her number but when I ask for a date everyone freaks out
‱ you two made plans to hang out in the future and definitely were both excited about it
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
‱ Things don’t always go as planned and you ended up seeing him at school
‱ How you hadn’t seen him before was beyond you but he saw you when you were walking with Kiyoko and laughing with her, he was giving you big puppy dog love eyes when Daichi sighed and pulled him to go say hi to you
‱ He got really happy when he saw you smile a bit bigger as they approached
‱ What he wasn’t expecting was to see you looking through your backpack all the sudden
“I put it in here somewhere - there’s that fork I was looking for earlier- AH HA!”
‱ He died when you pulled out a little volleyball keychain with a tiny crow you hooked onto it and a #2 charm
“I made this for you the other day! You were telling me all about how you played and I just thought you’d like it...”
‱ His eyes twinkled with adoration and he immediately took it and put it on his bag thanking you with a hug Kiyoko had to drag you to class because you were love struck and frozen
‱ he keeps it on his bag and he makes sure he has it for every game - he wouldn’t trade it for the world
“This? Y/n made it for me! It’s awesome huh?”
‱ It wasn’t too long after that he had finally asked you on a date and you guys made it official - so you would spend a lot of time next to Kiyoko at games
Noya: They’re like Goddesses...
Suga: Yeah đŸ„șđŸ„°đŸ’ž
‱ This man is a simp for you don’t let him get away
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779 notes · View notes
Bobby made a list of all the possible things that could’ve gone wrong that day. He was going to update it that night, once the show was done and they had rocked out the Orpheum. It started out great. The four boys woke up with hardly any sleep in them because of their excitement for the day, but nothing could kill their adrenaline for the day ahead of them. Even Bobby, who usually tried to hide his emotions, was almost all smiles that morning. They all got their parents to agree to let them stay the night in the studio. 
“Just think, later tonight we could have a manager and we could finally get big like we’ve always dreamed!” Luke said, being the band’s usual hype man. Reggie nodded,
“Yeah! Who knows what’s gonna happen tonight, but it’s gonna be a big night.” Alex smiled in response, but the band knew the fact that their entire future was almost riding on that night, it would make him more anxious than the rest of them. They were all anxious about it, of course, but they wouldn’t let it take away from their excitement in any way. 
“No matter what happens I’m sure everything will turn out good in the end.” Bobby tried subtly reassuring Alex, which didn’t do much, but Alex appreciated the attempt. 
“Yeah for sure.” he nodded. They knew he wouldn’t wanna ruin their fun with this, so they all shared a look and immediately knew what to do. 
“Hey, let’s go check out the area. Maybe we’ll be able to meet some fans!” Reggie got his big grin, opening the garage doors for them to start on their quest to calm Alex down at least in the slightest. 
Bobby’s list of things that could go wrong - 1. An instrument could get damaged.
They ended up seeing some people already lining up outside the orpheum, waiting just so they could get good spots. All of their hearts felt like they were flying when they saw the sight. Alex actually got a real smile at that, not the one he gave them to make them feel better. 
“Luke, are you sure you wanna open with ‘Now or Never’?” Bobby questioned him, “It kinda feels like one we should save for last, y’know, to really blow them all away. It’s our song we always hear the most positive response to.”
“That’s exactly why we gotta start with it, man! We gotta show everyone how good we are, catch them by surprise and keep them on the edge of their seats. I don’t want them to just enjoy us at the end, we gotta keep them going the whole time!” Bobby couldn’t help but smile at the boy’s enthusiasm. 
“All right, fine, but if the crowd doesn’t seem as passionate about the rest, don’t blame me.” Reggie chuckled and put his arm around his friends.
“I say we go check out the area and see if we wanna get something to eat and we just kill time for a while before we go and rehearse.” 
That’s what they did for a while, they ended up having a lot of fun and they managed to get their nerves set aside and that allowed them to get fully excited for the show later that night. 
“Hey, do any of you wanna hear my joke about the blunt pencil? Oh it doesn’t matter, it’s pointless.”  Bobby said, and he got an evil grin at the sound of his friends letting out an annoyed groan. 
“No, I want to hear it!” Reggie said excitedly, which only made his friends get more tired of them. 
“Reggie that-” at the look on Reggie’s face Alex just paused and sighed, “okay.” 
Luke decided to ignore the terrible puns going on and turned to his friends. “Hey, let’s go do that sound check- we don’t wanna not be ready for our performance.” 
“You sure you don’t wanna go with them? I’m not sure you’ll be able to occupy yourself for two hours.” Rose smiled at him, 
“Nah, they’ll be fine. I’m not sure even they could fuck everything up in the time they go get food and come back.“  Bobby chuckled, trying to come up with more flirty lines but given his tendency to use terrible puns, he’s not exactly the best with flirting either. 
It had been almost an hour and a half since they’d left. Bobby knew it might’ve taken them awhile to find food and get it but it shouldn’t be taking them this long. 
“Bobby, I say we just go out and search for them. Maybe they lost track of time and we just need to go get them.” Rose suggested to the anxious guitar player. 
“No- No, they wouldn’t ever lose track of time. This means the world to them. They’ll be here. I know they will. Even if they died, they’d find a way to play the Orpheum.” Bobby started pacing back and forth. They both knew he was just trying to convince himself at that point, “They wouldn’t miss this.”
Bobby’s list of things that could go wrong - 2.The equipment is messed up.
“Luke, R-Reggie” Alex croaked out, tears streaming down his cheeks from the pain. They didn’t respond. Alex felt everything inside him stop. They were gone. The pain from the hotdogs weren’t even anything compared to the loss he felt. Alex screamed, his two best friends just died. He started coughing up blood, everyone around him trying to save the boy but knowing they couldn’t.
“Please, I don’t wanna die.” 
Bobby started getting a little upset at them for taking this long, they had missed the rest of rehearsal and they only had minutes before they were supposed to go on stage. Why were they taking so long?
“I don’t wanna go to hell.” He begged.
Bobby could hear everyone chanting just thirty feet away. They were late, he couldn’t go on without them. He felt everything in his body freeze up when he saw the doors open, he hoped it was them.
The last thing Alex heard was a thumping noise filling his ears, slowing down into nothing, and a scream. 
“Are you Robert?”
Bobby nodded, a wave of fear washing over him. He knew it would be bad but nothing could prepare him for why this man was here. 
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but.. You won’t be playing tonight.”   
“Alex Mercer, time of death at 10:24 PM”
Bobby stopped breathing for a moment, “What do you mean?”
Everything felt like a blur after that. 
“Kid, I don’t know how to tell you this.” the next words felt as if they were being said through a loudspeaker, as Bobby was underwater. “Your bandmates all passed away about half an hour ago.” 
Bobby’s list of things that could go wrong - 3.One of them is late.
Bobby was completely calm with the next few words. “Why wasn’t I told right away?” It caught the officer off guard. He shifted, slightly worried at how easily this kid was taking the loss of his friends.
“We had to fix everything up and tell their parents-” before the officer could even finish, Bobby took his guitar off and smashed it right at his feet, which would have hurt like hell if he had cared enough to notice. Bobby was now shaking, but no one could tell if it was out of anger or pain. He had a look that they couldn’t read. He looked at the broken guitar, feeling a mix of dread and relief from doing that. By now, the crowd had started to get quiet after the loud crash of the guitar.
Still trying to stay completely calm, he responded “I’m sorry about that officer. I gotta go, now.” Bobby started walking off only to be stopped.
“We’re gonna have to take you in for investigation. We apologise, but we have to go down to the office.” Bobby paused for a moment, staring off into the distance before he burst into tears. He collapsed, and Rose rushed forward to help him. She’d still been in shock about the whole situation. Just hours ago, she flirted with people who are now dead. 
“I- I did this, didn’t I?” Bobby whispered to Rose, she felt her heart break. The officer got more suspicious, thinking this was some kind of act. To try and trick them, he confesses to the act and acts broken about it so no one truly suspects him. People can think that sometimes, when they aren’t the ones affected by the situation. 
“We’re going down to the office right now, if you try to resist I will have to arrest you. I don’t wanna do that to a kid, so let’s just go right now and we can get it all settled.” Bobby stood up, but he couldn’t feel his legs. The noise from earlier came back - like he was underwater, pushing up against the waves and trying to escape, but losing the fight. The officer held him by the arm and pulled him along.
“Why didn’t you go with them to have the hot dogs?” Officer Smith asked. Bobby glanced at the voice recorder, still feeling like none of this was real.
“I stayed behind to talk with Rose.” He knew how stupid it sounded. They’d already gone over it but he was already interrogated and ripped apart by that. Bobby couldn’t believe how stupid it sounded, either. 
Officer Smith was clearly exhausted, he hadn’t gotten any real evidence so far and he tried doubling down on questions but it wasn’t working. He sighed, pressing stop on the voice recorder. 
“Alright, well, we’re gonna let you go home but we’ll have to schedule another interrogation.” Bobby yet again felt like he was pushed underwater. He wanted to say it was him, it was all his fault. He should’ve stopped them, but he didn’t. That might as well make him a killer. He wanted to scream at the officer, to tell him it was all his fault. “You should’ve stopped them”  he felt a voice whisper. That voice was him. Bobby knew that. But it didn’t hurt any less. Now the water he’s fighting against is a raging sea, and it’s pitch black out. He can’t tell which way is up and which is down. 
Bobby nodded, and got up to leave. As soon as he left the interrogation room, he felt free, though. He felt as if the moon was finally shining a light for him to see which way to go. He started running, he had to tell them about what just happened. How he got into trouble with the police, they’d be concerned but they’re the only ones he can see right now. 
He ran faster than he’d ever run in his life before, nearly getting hit by several cars. He saw a girl, she was sitting there in shock. He slowed down just a bit, he heard her muttering something about flirting with death. Bobby recognized her as one of the fans who was lined up outside the Orpheum earlier. He decided not to mess with it, he needed to see his friends.
Bobby was halfway home, and he started to go numb again. They won’t be there. Bobby shook those thoughts away, they would be there. They had to be. Maybe he just... imagined the last few hours. They haven’t even rehearsed yet.
As soon as Bobby opened the doors, he knew it was all real. The only thing he could see, was a dark, empty room. He collapsed to the ground, and this time, the numbness didn’t die down. 
The only way Bobby knew he was crying- no, sobbing at that point - was because his neighbor came out to see what had happened. So as soon as the old woman saw her neighbor sitting there, sobbing like he’d just lost the most important thing in the world to him, she had to see if he was okay. 
When she went up to him and tapped him on his shoulder, he didn’t even react. He was still crying, staring at the dark garage. 
Bobby was thinking of all he just lost. 
He’d lost Luke, the passionate writer of the group. Luke was the one in the first place to have come up with the idea of them being in a band together. Him and Luke had been friends since they were at least seven years old. He was there for Luke’s birthday when he first got his guitar, he remembered the excitement Luke had on his face. He was there for all of it, he and Luke worked together on a lot of songs. Luke, the one who would tease him and have fun with almost everything they did. Luke, who he let stay in his garage because his parents wouldn’t let him play music. 
Then there was Reggie, the sweet and innocent soul that Bobby had met next, they hadn’t been friends for quite as long but they got along really well. Bobby regretted every time he didn’t take one of Reggie’s offers for hugs, even if they were joke offers. He rarely wrote music with Reggie but he remembered hearing his country songs and country was never Bobby’s style but he definitely liked Reggie’s country songs. They held passion and happiness, it was Reggie’s escape just as much as it was Luke’s. 
Then there was Alex, the one who used to have a really good family life. He and his parents always got along, they always let him play music. They didn’t like the idea of him being in a band, but they never tried to stop him. Then he came out and all that changed. He was one of the most talented and humble people Bobby had ever met. He was kind and also the most sarcastic and snarky person Bobby had ever met. 
He’d lost them.
“Robert, are you okay?” He got snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at his neighbor with tears still streaming down his face. How could he be alright? His entire world just collapsed around him. He lost everyone he loved. But Bobby couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even open his mouth. 
He recalls a time once, when he was younger, at the beach. Before he met any of the guys. He’s surprised he even remembers a time before them - he’s known them for what feels like his entire life. He was always a good swimmer, growing up by the water, but being small and easily pushed over left him defenseless as a particularly strong wave pulled him under. He remembers feeling helpless. Wondering if he might drown. 
Sitting there, in the studio, he thinks that he might as well stay under and let the water fill his lungs.
The entirety of the next few months, that feeling stayed the same. He’d hardly spoken a word to anyone, so his parents made him go to a therapist, but they didn’t understand why he would look past him and mutter random words, why the parents said he talks to himself almost all day. Of course, they knew the boy had lost his best friends , but with how Bobby seemed to handle every other problem in life, they knew that this broke him. 
Bobby had to see his therapist at least once a week for many, many years. But Bobby never felt the same. Yes, he was freed of any suspicion under having killed them by the police. But he still felt like he was being pushed farther underwater by large waves, and he’d accepted that he’d never get out of that ocean.  
He changed his name, found new people, and even started to make music again. But he couldn’t write any new music. Nothing good, anyway. He couldn’t do it without his band, his family. Every time he released a song, he just felt more numb. More cold.
He felt moments of happiness, yes. He felt that with Olivia, who he was with for a long time. He had new friends. He had many, many fans. But somehow, none of it felt like it would ever change the fact that he lost his family. 
Only a few years later, he saw the sunlight. His little girl, Carrie. His hope, his joy. Olivia and him had split up, but he knew he could provide the best life for her. He might not be able to get out of the ocean, but he can see his way around now. It didn’t have to change his loss of his friends, it didn’t change his guilt, but he had something to live for.
 Maybe he could survive. 
Taglist: @nickalicious @futurearchaeologyprof @never-straight-no @queenmolina @suckerforpsychos @nervousmiracletrash @bluedarkness @queer-fandom-frog @bi-reginald @jelly-to-my-jam
You can thank @bi-reginald for the editing and some of the writing! đŸ–€
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marvelobsessedteenager · 3 years
All The Hurt - Chapter 4
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Peter was an ass, reader is a hurt and petty bitch, fluff to make up for the angst, curse words, lots of “coincidences”, horrible description of death and feelings lmfao I’m sorry
Word count: 3.4k
A/n: sorry about the late update! it’s my 18th birthday and it’s 11 pm and i just got home HAHAHA. 
You were barreling towards death with your eyes closed as your body hit the elevator’s ground, deafening screams emitting from your mouth as you thought, this is it. This is where I die.
Multiple callings of your names sounded through the empty shaft, and you were sure Spider-Man was one of them.
The elevator was hit by a stray metal pole on the right side, but it wasn’t enough to stop it, only enough to cause a dent on the inside. It was like a rollercoaster - slow as it reached the top, but fast and gaining speed as it dropped.
Only, rollercoasters were fun and safe, and didn’t make you feel like The Grim Reaper was welcoming you with open arms like a friend he hadn’t seen in a long time.
I’m sorry, you found yourself thinking, over and over again. You weren’t sure what you were apologizing for, or to whom, but your life flashed before your eyes like they do in the movies, and only then did you realize that you regretted most of it.
You regretted not begging your mom to stay.
You regretted not asking your dad to be home more often - for you to see him at least more than once a year.
You regretted not going after Peter, you regretted not telling him how you felt, you regretted bullying him. Two wrongs never made a right, and you should’ve known that sooner, but you let your anger blind you.
You weren’t a bully. That simply wasn’t you.
But that was how you were going to die.
You were going to die with everyone believing that you showed your true colors this year, and were proud of it.
I’m sorry.
But it all happened so quickly.
“Gotcha!” Someone said as a figure wrapped itself around your body - warm but stiff and solid. The floor beneath you was long gone, and you wondered if you died, still unwilling to open your eyes to check if you did.
It was proven that you didn’t need to, though.
You heard Peter. Peter and his reassurances: “You’re okay, you’re okay.” He was breathing hard against you, the fabric of his mask straining his voice, but it was still as clear as daylight. The loud crash of the elevator below you echoed through the emptiness, which caused your breath to hitch in fear.
"I got you, Y/n. I won’t let anything hurt you, I promise.” He whispered in between pants, hugging you close to his body while you clung to him for dear life, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck, like they had just found their other half and didn’t want to let go.
You were sure you were squeezing the life out of him, but he didn’t complain. He never did.
You couldn’t tell if it was your heart that was beating like a thumping drum or if it was his.
And you lost it, right then and there.
You let harsh sobs wreck through you like a tidal wave. The kind where you felt like your world was falling apart, your fingers tingling and your shoulders feeling heavy, like boulders were trying to weigh you down as the air around you stilled.
“It’s okay. You’re okay.” He repeated, tightening his arm around your body as salt water made its way down your cheeks and onto your tongue.
“I’m sorry,” you wept, voice thick with remorse and head heavy as you dug it into his neck, “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he shook his head, “don’t be, you’re okay. We’re okay.”
You knew that he was talking about being alive, but you couldn’t help but look for a double meaning - the other one where he was talking about the destroyed relationship between the two of you.
Still, you kept crying, releasing built-up sadness that you never allowed yourself to release. It felt liberating, to be frank, and if you hadn’t been right on the edge of death for the second time, you’d be embarrassed by the amount of tears you shed.
But you let yourself shed them anyway. Deep down, you knew Peter was the one that left you, but what you were doing, bullying him, wasn’t right, either. This time, you chose to be the bigger person.
Once you calmed down, save for your hiccups, Spider-Man spoke, “Hey,” he gently coaxed you out of your hazy mind, almost as if his words could break you. You knew from experience that they could.
You sheepishly lifted your head and bore your red eyes into his, aware of the fact that you looked like a train wreck. You were sure your head looked like a bird’s nest with your face as red as a tomato, and it mustn’t have been a pretty sight that Spider-Man was getting a close up of.
Your faces were merely inches apart, and it was too easy to imagine his uncovered face this close to you. You felt his thumb rubbing comforting circles on your waist where his arm remained.
“I’m gonna need you to trust me, all right?” He softly asked, “I’m gonna need to jump, but I promise I won’t let go. Okay?”
As soon as he said the word ‘jump’ your brain began spiraling again. You looked above you at the height that he would allegedly leap through, tracing the length of the web that he was holding onto, and then looked down to see how far down you’d fall if you had.
Your breath hitched in your throat, eyes widening and arms subconsciously tightening around him in fear of slipping down, down, down. It seemed to go on forever, like a bottomless pit, but you knew what awaited you at the end of it.
“Don’t look down, don’t look down.”
You glanced back up at him, petrified.
“Just keep your head on my shoulder and close your eyes.”
And eventually, you did, taking deep breathes and allowing yourself to reminisce a time where you’d do exactly what you were doing. You’d hang onto him like you were now, and he’d allow you to, knowing a hug was always what you needed to calm down.
He was your anchor, keeping your ship from sailing away into dark and stormy oceans.
A gush of wind later and your feet were safely planted on stable ground, and he was long gone before you had the chance to say anything.
No opportune time came. It never felt like the right moment, and you thought that it wouldn’t ever come.
Sally had asked that you stay after school to do your hefty science project, and you agreed since you had nothing better to do. And that’s when you saw him most of the time.
Two weeks after the Washington DC. save, you started paying even more attention to him. You noticed him participating in Spanish class more, you saw him stay after school for detention due to him skipping out on Decathlon, and you noticed he didn’t dash out of school when detention was over.
Sure, you felt like a creep just watching him from afar, but you knew something was up. He seemed less enthusiastic, and you were pretty sure it had to do with the fact that Spider-Man sightings dropped to zero, as New York questioned his whereabouts in newspapers you saw in bodegas.
Your guess was that after the ferry incident, Tony Stark took his suit away. Peter was a genius, through and through, but you knew he didn’t have the items necessary to build his suit, and so you guessed Tony made it for him, and had the ability to take it away whenever he pleased. You weren’t sure what the reason was, but you hoped it was a good one.
Even after seeing him multiple times throughout the day, you’d always rush to the bathroom to rehearse your speech in the mirror and hype yourself up, only to chicken out last minute. You wondered if you should text him or call him, asking to meet up, but you always shook your head and thought, “better not.”
Your brain was constantly seeking out chances and imagining different outcomes, and that resulted in your nerves skyrocketing and mind blanking at inappropriate times.
Like right now.
“Y/n!” Flash’s loud voice snapped you out of your thoughts, “Did you hear a word I just said?”
“Um,” You sheepishly rubbed your arm and bit your lip, avoiding Flash’s questioning eyes.
“Penis Parker is right there! Come on, this is a great opportunity.” He nodded towards Peter who was sitting at the waiting office, tediously toying with the strings of his hoodie. Flash believed you were still in shock, and his way of bringing you back to life was finding opportunities to bully Peter. You used to love it. But now, now you couldn’t bear to do it. Not that he knew that.
Before you could object, Flash strutted his way over to him and leaned on the doorframe, “Yo, Penis Parker.”
Peter closed his eyes and deeply sighed, looking up, “What do you want, Flash?”
“You know, Spider-Man never mentioned anything about knowing you,” He taunted, getting straight to the point, “I mean, he would’ve had he not stood you up at that party. Probably isn’t your first time getting stood up, though, huh?”
He chortled, “I’d bet my life that you probably don’t even have a date to Homecoming. I don’t know who to feel worse for. You, for 100% getting rejected or the girl being asked by you, right, Y/n?”
He twisted his head to see your blank face, your body stiffening as your vision moved to Peter, who was watching you with an almost pained expression, as it brought back memories of the weeks before. The weeks that felt like they happened years ago.
You knew Peter was waiting for another insult to hit him, but you found yourself unable to speak as your eyes were glued to his, feeling your stomach closing in on itself.
You couldn’t do it anymore. You knew it wasn’t right, and you knew that it was time to stop, especially after everything Peter had done for you. After all the times he saved you.
You cleared your throat and focused on anything but Peter, “That’s enough, Flash.”
Flash’s posture slacked and he furrowed his eyebrows, “What?”
“That’s enough.”
“Eugene.” You cut him off, looking him dead in the eye and delivering a message that meant you were serious. You jutted your head in your direction and walked away, missing the way Flash and Peter stared at your retreating back incredulously.
With Homecoming approaching fast, you agreed to go with Zach, one of Flash’s friends and the boy who wouldn’t stop bugging you about going with him. You knew he just wanted to use you to tell others he ‘scored’ but you couldn’t care less. Truthfully, you were only going to confess to Peter that you knew his secret. Homecoming, you thought, would be a perfect time considering you planned to be each other’s dates to the event when you were younger.
Guess you didn’t know that time not only brings people together, but separates them, too.
You drove yourself to Homecoming and parked your car as close to the school as possible in case things went wrong and you needed the escape. You took a minute to touch up your hair and makeup, which really wasn’t much more than your normal everyday look, and inhaled deeply before getting out and walking into what you were sure was going to be a disaster, purse hanging by your side.
You met up with your group of friends, rolling your eyes as Zach hugged you (too tightly), that were drinking punch in their most stylish dresses and tuxes and dancing to upbeat music. Liz and her team definitely did a good job setting up the decorations and disco ball, successfully transforming the boring gym into a chic dance floor.
Flash had informed you beforehand that he’d be taking ’this chick’ to a lavish restaurant before coming to the dance and asked if you wanted to tag along, but you refused to be a third-wheel, telling him you’ll instead meet him at school instead.
Homecoming meant close to nothing to you if you weren’t with the person you’d been waiting for your whole life, which is why you spent the first fifteen minutes eyeing the crowd for a certain boy. The sooner you told him, the less you’d feel like you were going to throw up the contents of your stomach.
And finally, you saw him entering the building looking pale, like he’d seen a ghost. You worried, your gut telling you something was seriously wrong as you watched him walk to Liz, appearing to be distressed, and perhaps..guilty.
Everything only worsened when Liz’s face dropped and-
He was running. Running away from Liz. Which clearly didn’t make any sense, but goddamnit nothing is making sense these days!
You contemplated going after him, not understanding what the fuck was going on. Why was he running? Does this have something to do with Spider-Man? Should you run after him?
Something was pulling you towards the double doors he sprinted through, like it was calling your name and luring you in. You didn’t know if you should answer its callings or ignore them.
He could be in danger.
But he also could’ve just panicked.
It was obvious Liz was his date, and maybe he ran to the bathroom to freshen up and give himself a pep talk. Usually, you were the one to do that, but you lost your place as his personal hype girl long ago.
But then, why is Liz crying?
No, no, this isn’t something Homecoming related. This is Spider-Man related.
You excused yourself from your group and made it look like you were heading to the bathroom, but once everybody was out of sight, you threw your heels to the side of the hallway and raced around the halls, wondering where he would be.
You were short of breath as you took a minute to stop and place your hands on your knees. You ran through almost every hall you could, and you were running short on routes to take.
While stretching your neck, you saw something on the ground in your peripheral vision. A strewn tie.
You went over and picked it up, confirming that it was indeed the tie Peter was wearing. Up ahead were a whole bunch of stray items of clothing scattered around, and you followed those, picking them up along the way and tossing them in a big pile beside the lockers.
You hoped to God he wasn’t naked like you thought he was.
The clothes stopped when you reached the back of the school, where the buses were usually parked. You quietly opened the door and let your bare feet touch the cold asphalt below them. You heard talking, a man’s voice, and the same purring sound you heard when you found the glowy-machine thing, only louder.
You hastily followed the noises, hiding behind one of the large buses, placing a hand on your mouth to keep your gasp inside at the shock of the scene laid out in front of you. There Peter was, on the ground beside an upside down bus, attempting to escape from the man that was advancing towards him with another strange machine.
“Why did he send you here?” Peter grunted, using his elbows to crawl away. You panicked and looked around for something, anything, you could use to fucking stop the guy from killing Peter. Your eyes lit up when you recognized one of Peter’s web shooters thrown to the side, sauntering over to it and turning it in your hands, trying to get it to work.
“Come on, come on.” You muttered, hitting it multiple times while aiming at the guy to get it to shoot, but you didn’t know how it worked, and nothing that you were doing seemed to be doing anything.
“Guess you’ll never know.” Said the dude, pulling back and getting ready to shoot at Peter.
“No, no, no, come on! Shoot your gross webs!” You desperately mumbled under your breath, hitting it harder and faster. Your palm ended up smacking a button, making a large web come out and cling to the machine. You were frozen in spot as the guy’s eyes met yours, pure anger swirling in them.
“Yes!” Peter said before turning to look at you. His shoulders stiffened, but he shook his head and pulled on the web, taking both the bad guy and the web shooter down with him.
Now that both of the webshooters were in his hold, he used them to web up the villain to the bus.
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until a voice came out from behind you, “Holy shit!”
You jumped in surprise, pivoting and raising your fist to punch the stranger behind you. Your jaw fell open the second your hand collided with Ned’s face, guilt rendering you motionless.
“Oh my God! Oh my God, Ned!” You gasped, hesitantly putting a hand on his back, feeling absolutely horrible as he held his eye, moaning in pain, “I’m so sorry! I-I thought you were one of them so I just- are you okay? Holy fuck, I’m so, so sorry!”
“Damn, Y/n.” He weakly laughed, “Who knew you could punch that hard?”
You bit your lip in worry, “I’m so sorry, Ned. I didn’t mean it, I swear.” You said, trying to get a look at how bad it was.
“It’s good, I’m fine. Well, maybe I’m gonna need some ice but I’m cool, it’s all good.” He gave you a thumbs up before hissing and opening his eye.
It looked swollen and was starting to turn into a nasty shade of blue, but he kept reassuring you it was okay, which didn’t make you feel any better.
“I’ll get you ice, I promise.” You said, rubbing his back gently with a pained expression.
The clearing of a throat behind you called to you and Ned’s attention, an awkward silence setting between the three of you until Ned's eyes widened as much as they could.
“Oh! I-it’s Spider-Man!” Ned said, unconvincingly trying to sound surprised, “W-what a coincidence that you’re here, Spidey! I-I’m such a huge fan! And I’m sure Y/n is, too.”
You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose, letting out a deep breath, “Why do you do this to me?” You mumbled into the sky.
“What are you doing?” You asked Ned.
“What do you mean? It’s Spider-Man. Isn’t it shocking that he’s here?”
You heard a long, disappointed sigh coming from Peter, who stood far away from both you and Ned. Too far, in your opinion.
“Ned, I know who he is.” You admitted, somehow hearing Peter’s breath getting caught in his throat.
“I..I don’t know what you’re talking about-“
“Dude! I know it’s Peter, cut the bullshit. You’re horrible at lying.” You turned to look at Peter, giving him a sad smile, “And you’re still not good at hiding things from me.”
Peter’s shoulders visibly sagged, his hand coming up to rub the back of his head, something he did when he was uncomfortable. He must’ve seen you dissect his action because he immediately put his arm down.
“Okay,” Ned sighed, “well, what now?”
“Look, I don’t wanna cause any trouble.” You cautiously said, “I’m just..I can help if you want me to. With that.” You pointed towards the webbed dude, offering your services to Peter. You swallowed down the feeling of you doing this to make yourself feel better about the way you treated him. Almost like you were trying to reverse what you’ve done.
Regardless, Peter stared at the villain for a long time, and then abruptly spoke.
“All right, here’s what I want you both to do.” He finally said, hastily moving closer, “The guy with the wings is Liz’s dad-“ Ned gasped, “-I know! I gotta tell Mr. Stark. Ned, I need you to call Happy Hogan, he’s Mr. Stark’s head of security. Y/n, I need you to track my phone for me, okay?”
You nodded, and even though you were confused as shit, you were happy to help in any way possible.
Ned quickly took off, holding his white hat to his head as he ran back into school with an obvious pep in his step. Peter was getting ready to swing away, but you weren’t going to let your chance leave with him. You readied yourself, the speech in your head tumbling around in your mind, ready to exit your mouth.
Ready to get some closure, and to finally be the bigger person.
“Peter?” You said, your voice coming out as a whisper, but the wind seemed to have carried it over to him because he stopped and hesitantly turned around.
You had to remind yourself how to breathe as you looked at him. He was so close, yet so far away, and just like that, your mind went blank, the words erasing themselves and leaving you with a tight throat. You gulped, your legs carrying you over to him before you chickened out even further.
You tentatively wrapped your arms around his rigid body, feeling the tears starting to cascade their way down your cheeks.
What for? You didn’t know, but you just let them fall anyway.
“Thank you.” You wobbly said, slightly afraid that he was going to push you away when he just stood there. It took a moment for him to give in and return the hug, pulling you closer. He nodded into your shoulder, and you knew he understood what you were thanking him for without having to say it.
You both worked like that.
You couldn’t comprehend how much lighter you felt after saying those words, how much had been lifted off your shoulders that you finally, finally did the right thing.
Finally, you did something you wouldn’t ever regret.
You gave him one last squeeze and pushed him back, keeping him at arm's length, fighting the urge of staying in his arms forever, "Be safe.” You sniffed, stepping back to give him space.
“I will.”
And with that, he swung away, leaving a promise behind that he’d be safe, and that he’d make it out okay.
You breathed out and straightened your posture, wiping the tears away with your hand and running into school to pay the nurse’s office a visit.
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Tags: @peachescream06
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krappykawa · 4 years
I read your s/o who likes to read hcs and was wondering if you could do the same request format or whatever it is you'd call it but with terishima,akaashi, iwa, Oikawa,and Daichi? Sorry if that's a lot! -anon
with a s/o that likes to read (part 2)
— iwaizumi, oikawa, terushima, daichi, and akaashi
word count. 1.4k
genre. fluff
note. i made these ones shorter than the ones in part two because anon requested a lot of characters and i didn’t wanna run out of headcanons to write,,, i hope you still like this though!
part one here
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- will read the books that you’re reading just because he likes the feeling of being able to bond with you over something you love since you’re so supportive of him already (literally the perfect man. perfect bf. give me a kiss rn RN!!)
- maybe not all of them, but if you get him hooked on the description, then he will probably finish the book faster than you
- if he doesn’t like a book very much he’ll take ages to finish it though
- if you ask him about how he’s doing with reading it he’ll be like “oh i’m almost done” when in reality he’s only 20 pages in
- he’ll send you texts about the books you recommend but they’ll be super blunt like “this character just died” or “oh they kissed”
- you sit at your phone for 20 minutes debating on how to respond to those because HOW??
- he loves cuddles,,,, would literally die for cuddles
- so when you climb into his lap with a book in hand and bury your head in his neck as you read his heart literally malfunctions
- his cute s/o with their reading obsession that he secretly finds so endearing climbing into his lap for cuddle time,,,,,, his heart goes &2:$84!;💞💖💘💖💓💖💞/):&38,
- iwaizumi.exe has stopped working
- but he’s also not afraid to pull you into his lap if he sees you reading on the couch
- he’ll probably put on a monster movie and just hold you as you read and he watches
- probably also buried his nose in your hair and revels in your scent (also kisses your head every so often because he can’t help it and AHHHH HES SO CUTE)
- when you start sending him messages about your books, he will attempt to respond to every single text or he will just wait until you’re done and text back with “u done?” (not in a mean way though) there’s no inbetween
- he’s smiling every time you send him those texts though
- aoba johsai’s volleyball team (ESPECIALLY OIKAWA) teases him mercilessly if they ever catch him smiling at his phone in the locker room or during class or during lunch (basically u text him a lot lol)
- sometimes when you slam your book shut and scream into your pillow, he will just watch you with amused eyes and probably make an offhand comment that’s similar to “remember to breathe while you’re at it.”
- you end up throwing the pillow at him (which he catches and then proceeds to walk to where you are and swing you over his shoulder)
- get your mind out of the gutter on the “over his shoulder” part i swear he’s just teasing you for throwing a pillow at him (I CAN FEEL YOUR MIND WANDERING STOP IT)
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- he makes an effort to read your books, really he does
- he’s just really busy, so most of the books he promises he will read stay only half way read through and never picked up ever again
- if you give him a sci-fi book though, this man will literally finish it at an insane pace
- literally he would be the one to text you at some ungodly hour (usually 3AM in the morning) because he just finished the book in one sitting and he’s literally brimming with reactions
- will text things like “WHAT THE FUCK HE JUST DIED”, “YN SEND HELP I THINK THEY’RE ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING STUPID”, “OH MY GODDDD I HATE THIS BITCH CAN THEY STOP TALKING” (always in all caps whenever he’s reacting to a book)
- you better pray that he doesn’t end up hating a character because he will text you every single time they show up on a page and complain about them
- “this character reminds me of ushijima why would you put me through this đŸ€•đŸ€•â€
- anyways, if it’s not sci-fi, it’s probably sitting on his nightstand and never touched again until you steal the book back
- CLAIMS he tried reading them (he got 2 pages in and then put it down)
- he is also a huge cuddler
- but you will not be able to read in his lap because he’s so fucking whiny
- “y/n-channn pay attention to meeee. you can read about that insanely hot dude in your book when you’re not already sitting in an insanely hot dude’s lap”
- big pouty face
- it works every single time and you hate him for it
- once you put your book down he will not let you go for a good ten minutes
- he also has tons of pictures of you reading on his phone because he thinks you’re so cute and feels like he has to snap a picture so he can remember how cute you looked at that very moment
- a lot like iwaizumi, oikawa will attempt to reply to every single one of your book related texts (except oikawa succeeds at replying to every single one)
- like you could literally send him fifty text messages in a row and you will get fifty replies back
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- i am so sorry to say this but i genuinely cannot see terushima being interested in your books whatsoever
- he thinks that it’s boring and always questions how you can just sit down for hours on end and just read
- this changes when you give him one of those insane, mind-boggling, really dark, murder-mystery books
- he’ll scoff at it but after a lot of begging on your part, he’ll give it a try
- he loves it
- he told you that he never got bored and that feeling like that while reading a book is so weird to him
- that is the only book you’ll ever get him to read though (okay maybe he’ll read a few more if you beg him for it with that cute pouty face of yours that he cannot resist)
- like he’ll treat that murder mystery book as a holy grail and insist that nothing will ever top it
- i’m sorry again but he probably texts you “what u doing rn?” and if you say something about reading he’ll try to get you to do literally anything else (most likely will send a horny text to try and steal you away from your reading, let’s be honest here)
- “come over baby you can experience all that you’re reading in that book first hand 😏😏😏”
- if you send him text reactions of your book he will most likely reply with “awe babe ur so cute” but not say anything about the books in itself (IM SORRY HE’S NOT MEAN ABOUT IT THOUGH)
- cuddling with him while reading will never happen
- seriously
- he will do everything in his power to get you to put the book down
- like start peppering you with kisses or tickling you
- he just can’t stand sitting down in silence for so long lol
- he doesn’t put you down for reading though
- like yeah he might not understand it and thinks it’s boring, but he admires that you care so much about it and also admires your commitment
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- admires you for reading honestly
- like i feel like he’s the type to get really good grades but will not look at a book that he hasn’t been assigned to read for his life
- that being said, he probably has never read any of the books you ask him to read with you
- he’s told you he’s read one or two which is a lie (you know it’s a lie but you don’t tell him that because you know he feels bad about not reading them)
- he isn’t on his phone often so most of the time your texts don’t get answered for hours
- it’s kinda fun that way though because after a while you just start sending him long text threads and it’s like talking to yourself
- when he does respond it’s with something like “you look like you had fun there” (after that he’ll apologize for not seeing it and then ask if you had anything else about the book that you wanted to tell him about AWEHISHFNF)
- very good listener!! he’ll try and have a genuine conversation about the book even if he hasn’t read it (like if you want to talk about how you think the plot doesn’t work, he will either support you or give you valid reasons that sparks constructive conversation)
- will absolutely never see the texts you send at 1AM (until the morning) because he always passes out before 11PM
- will see them in the morning and will text back “well good morning to me”
- he has absolutely no clue what you’re talking about in the texts but tries his hardest to be supportive
- cuddling while you’re reading happens nearly every single time you’re together
- is very stressed from dealing with his volleyball children so he’ll more than happily sit on the couch and cuddle with you as you read
- sometimes he falls asleep while you cuddle and you just snuggle into him and it’s so cute
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- man oh man he loves acting like a smart ass whenever you text him about your books
- you’ll be like “my favorite character just died!!” and he’ll be like “well tell them to not die then wtf”
- will stay up late texting you about your book though because he’s most likely reading it with you so you two can bounce ideas off of each other
- if you like a character that he hates he will not hesitate to start a debate about why you shouldn’t like that character (full one page of reasons. this man takes his opinions very seriously)
- if you’re together at his house or something and you start yelling at your book he’ll be like “y/n don’t hurt its feelings.”
- you momentarily pause your yelling to deadpan him
- he stares right back
- “just be nice.” (you’re like BWAH???)
- it’s uncommon but it does happen
- if you’re both reading or you’re doing homework and he’s reading, he’ll slam the book shut and yell about how stupid this character is (and when i mean yell, i mean yell)
- and if he doesn’t like the ending of something he will rant for days and you’ll have to remind him to take a breath
- he gets so hyped up from reading books it’s so cute
- will read with you when you cuddle read (does that make sense??? like when you cuddle with him while reading)
- will mumble things under his breath while you’re both reading but you’re on his lap so you can hear everything and you just laugh
- one time he mumbled “stupid bitch just fucking die already” to this character he hated
- you had to put down the book because you were laughing so hard
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writings-of-a-daphodil · 4 years
A Gift
Luke x ghost!reader
Summary: It's your birthday and you wish you could spend it with your family. Luke and the band try to cheer you up (super fluffy).
Requested?: Nope
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
A/n: This kinda came out of nowhere and once I had the idea I got carried away. I hope y'all like it!!
For you birthdays were a big thing when you were alive. You and your family would always go on a camping trip and have the time of your lives together. It wasn’t just limited to your family either, it was open to your friends too. It was your favorite tradition.
When you had met Luke, you had been looking forward to inviting him and the band, but then the fateful night at the Orpheum had happened. You and the rest of the band had died that night, now it was twenty-twenty and you were ghosts.
It had been great meeting Julie and forming a band with her, but as your birthday rolled around you were feeling immensely sad. Like Luke you had visited their family and you had seen them preparing to go on the camping trip in your honor. While it made you happy to see them keeping up the tradition, it also felt like a stab to the heart that you couldn’t be there with them.
In the days leading up to your birthday you had grown quiet and more reserved, struggling to find the energy to be happy. You couldn’t visit your family anymore, it just made you cry, but knowing that they were camping and you couldn’t be there also made you cry. It was a lose-lose.
So you had spent most of your time at the beach, watching the ocean and letting it calm you. There was something so relaxing about the way the waves moved and the push and pull of the tide. It was also nice to have privacy, just the crashing waves to keep you company.
It was inevitable that the band would notice your mood and absence of course, and notice they did.
You were at the beach, watching the ocean like normal. It was admittedly a beautiful day for your birthday. The sun was just breaking through the marine layer, creating bright orange patterns on the clouds.
Luke poofed in beside you, startling you out of your sad thoughts. The two of you had been dating since you got the band together and he was always there to comfort you.
“Hey,” he said, wrapping an arm around you. You sniffed in return.
“You didn’t think I would forget what today is, did you?” He asked, giving a small smile.
“No,” you answered, smiling a little bit.
“Good,” he stood up in front of you and grabbed your hands. “You are amazing and you are so great and understanding when it comes to me missing my parents, now it’s my turn to help you with your grief.”
You didn’t have time to respond before you felt the cold sand disappear from beneath you. The world shifted to new surroundings, ones that you definitely did not recognize.
“Luke?” You asked, letting go of his hand. You weren’t exactly in the mood for any surprises at the moment.
Luke moved back to standing in front of you. “Trust me on this, okay?”
He took your hand again and led you down a path. You looked around, trying to find anything that would clue you into where you were.
You slowly began to recognize your surroundings and you stopped walking. “What’s wrong?” Luke asked, stopping with you once he realized you weren’t moving.
“Luke, I-I’ve already visited, seeing them just makes me even sadder.”
“That isn’t why we’re here, Y/n/n. I’ve got a completely unrelated surprise for you.”
You hesitantly began to walk and Luke gave you an encouraging smile. “You are going to have a great day today. I promise.”
You gave him a weak and slightly nervous smile as you followed him. You walked over a hill and what you saw made you smile for real.
Julie and her family were setting up a campsite while the rest of the band and Flynn helped. After the whole Caleb fiasco Julie had let her family in on the ghostly little secret.
“Happy Birthday!” Luke exclaimed, gesturing excitedly at everyone.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n!” Everyone called, though Flynn, Carlos, Victoria, and Ray were a little late since they didn’t see your arrival.
You smiled at your found family. “Guys, this is so sweet.”
“Oh, this isn’t everything,” Reggie said excitedly. “Wait till you see what else we have planned.”
For the first time in a while, you forgot your grief and excitement replaced it. “I can’t wait.”
After a few incredibly fun activities, you made it back to your campsite. The sun was still up and you had a while before everyone would eat dinner.
Still hyped up you had a lot of energy and you didn’t know if you could just sit around and chat or play cards. Thankfully Carlos suggested a game of Ultimate frisbee and once the words were out of his mouth, Reggie was chanting it to. You were definitely up for a game and from there, teams were formed.
It was you, Julie, and Alex versus Luke, Reggie, Flynn, and Carlos. You may or may not have specifically engineered it to have Alex on your team, him being the tallest gave an advantage.
You took on Luke. He smirked at you as Alex threw the frisbee to Julie and Flynn intercepted. You rolled your eyes and saw Flynn get ready to throw the frisbee at Carlos. Julie was trying to guard her and Alex was on Reggie, so in a split second you ran over to Carlos. You knew you were faster than Luke so you’d be able to get to Carlos and catch the frisbee first and fortunately you were right.
You intercepted and Luke tried to guard you, giving you a pouty face when Alex caught your throw. You smirked at him, running past Alex to the area near your goal. You had barely stopped running when Alex tossed the frisbee back to you. Luke was almost to you and Julie was open. You threw it to her and smiled as she caught it, scoring a point.
“We’ll get it next time,” Luke called running off towards his team's end of the field.
“Sure!” You called back, a bright smile on your face. However, Luke was right, his team scored the next two times and your team scored the last time before dinner, leaving you at a tie.
You all made your way back to the campsite and you ghosts sat down while the ‘lifers’ got their food.
“It was interesting seeing the frisbee get caught in midair.” Ray chuckled as he took his seat, almost sitting in Reggie before Julie warned him.
“Yes, I’m glad you were having fun,” Victoria said, patting Julie. You smiled at the gesture, trying not to feel sad about your own aunts.
Dinner was full of fun chatting and Julie translating for you and the guys. After dinner the guys got their instruments out and began to sing ‘happy birthday’ to you. You sang along so everyone could see you and it turned into an impromptu concert.
As the sun disappeared and the stars came out, you and your found family sang, enjoying the moment. You would definitely treasure these memories for years to come.
After you finished singing Luke came over to you. “Just close your eyes for a second,” he said, grinning at you like an excited puppy. You did what he asked, though rather reluctantly.
“Guys, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“We wanted to,” Alex said.
You heard a lot of shuffling right in front of you and eventually Luke spoke. “Okay, open your eyes.”
In front of you was a small pile of gifts. “Guys-“
Luke cut you off before you could protest any further, “Stop, you deserve all of this and more. And don’t say you feel bad for not doing more for our birthdays, I know how long it takes you to knit those scarves.”
“Fine,” you smiled. “Which one first?”
“Ooo! Open mine!” Reggie begged, pointing at a cleanly wrapped box.” You unwrapped it, careful to make sure none of the trash went anywhere, and gasped at what you were holding. It was an incredibly detailed and beautiful sketch of a horse.
“Reggie, did you draw this?”
He nodded. “And it’s got the first country song we wrote together on it.”
You beamed at him. “We’ll get that country album some day,” you vowed, gently nudging Luke when he rolled his eyes.
“Mine next,” Alex requested, pointing to an even more elaborately wrapped box. You opened it to see Alex had decorated your old guitar strap, painting it with your favorite colors. You had been meaning to do that since you got it and you were grateful he had taken the initiative.
“I love it.”
“Good, I’m not that artistic so I didn’t know what to get you and then I remembered that you had been meaning to decorate your guitar strap since you got it, so I did it,” Alex rambled.
You laughed. “How very thoughtful of you.”
You turned your attention back to the rest of the stack, but Luke was already ready. “Here’s mine.”
“You took the small package from him and opened it. Inside was a little box and in that there was a necklace. The pendant was an old guitar pick branded with the sunset curve logo and with it was a little card in Luke’s messy handwriting: A memento of the band we started all those years ago.
“I think I’m gonna cry.” You put your hand to your mouth and Luke took the necklace from the box, putting it on you.
“I love you so much,” Luke whispered to you.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, kissing his cheek.
After admiring the necklace for a little while longer, you went to open the rest of the pile. Julie got you a gift card so you could shop together(you still only had your clothes from the nineties). Ray gave you a framed photograph of you guys at the garage party singing Edge of Great and Carlos got you a ball of yarn. Even Victoria even got you a little candle that you absolutely adored and Flynn got you a bracelet that matched one that she and Julie were wearing.
“Guys, these are all so great, I can’t thank you enough! You better bet I’ll be stepping it up for your guys’ birthdays.”
“Looking forward to it,” Carlos said, after Julie repeated what you said. He turned to his left and smiled at you and you laughed, you were sitting more to his right.
“Tell him that I can’t wait,” you requested and Julie obliged.
While she did that you got up and hugged everyone you could. “Guys, this could not have been a better day.”
“It’s not over yet. We have one last gift for you!” Reggie said excitedly and you smiled brightly, tears of joy forming in your eyes.
“You guys didn’t have to,” you protested, blushing at the kindness they had been showing you. “You’ve already done so much for me.”
“Yes we did.” Julie sat down next to you and Luke sat on the other side, with an arm around you while Reggie and Alex leaned in behind you. You tilted your head as Julie turned on her phone and went to her camera roll.
You were about to ask what was going on when she played a video. Julie and the guys appeared on screen and you saw that they were standing outside the garage.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n!” They all yelled and you smiled, expecting them to do a little birthday recording of a song for you, but instead of getting their instruments Luke spoke.
“We noticed how sad you were about your parents and we had this idea...” with that the screen shifted.
You were only more confused when you recognized the inside of your parents house. It was easy to tell that the camera was filming from just inside your old kitchen. You watched curiously as Julie and your parents stepped into the frame.
“If you could say one thing to her, what would you say?” Julie asked and you realized she was talking about you.
Your mom sniffed, tears in her eyes. “I’d let her know how much I love her and how proud we are of her. I just wish we could tell her that. She was so talented, I just wish she could have lived her dream.”
Tears welled in your eyes at what your mom said, but they started falling when your dad spoke. “I’d wish her a happy birthday and tell her that I wish she could come camping with us. We kept up our tradition and I just wish she could know how much she meant-means to us. We missed out on so much with her and though we can’t get it back I hope she knows that we love her with all of our hearts.”
The video faded into a slideshow of some pictures of you, and in the background Now or Never was playing.
A good majority of the old pictures were taken during your camping trips and it was interesting to see how you had grown. When you were twelve, guitars began to appear in the pictures and there were quite a few ones of you playing around a campfire. Everyone was laughing in those, and it made you smile to remember when they were taken.
After the pictures of your family, they faded to pictures of you with the guys. There was even one of your first gig, you recalled that your mom had taken it. Your parents had been so excited for you. You had always felt so lucky to have such supportive parents.
From there, there were the newest pictures, ones of you with Julie and even some from your current camping trip that she must have added at the last minute.
After the last picture faded away you immediately grabbed all of your friends into a group hug. You couldn’t believe they had done this for you. You felt so unbelievably honored and touched.
You sniffed. “Guys, how did you do this?”
“Well, Alex, Reggie, and I got most of the pictures, we used some cameras to sneak them,” Luke explained.
“Yeah, it was not easy. I can’t count the number of times your parents almost saw the floating cameras,” Reggie said and you laughed.
You turned to Julie. “It means the world to me that you got my parents to say that. How?”
“I told them that I was trying to get to know the old band that had once practiced in my garage and from there they told me everything.” You hugged the girl tightly.
“I can’t begin to explain how much this means to me.” You opened your mouth to explain more, but nothing came out. “Just...this is...wow, guys. I-I just, thank you? I don’t know, thank you doesn’t sound like enough.”
“You don’t have to explain, Y/n, we’re just glad you liked it,” Alex said.
“After this, I’m gonna make sure you guys have great birthdays too.” Some more tears fell. “I just, wow.”
“So you liked it?” Luke asked and you beamed at him.
“I loved it.”
Tada, I hope y'all enjoyed this! Once I started writing it bloomed into this and I'm happy with what it came out to be. It's also been a while since I played frisbee, so sorry if the rules are wrong. Anyways, I loved writing this and I hope y'all have a fantastically safe and wonderful day/night!
Also if you want me to do more gender neutral fics just let me know, I only do she/her because that's what I’m most comfortable with, but please let me know if you want they/them on more stuff. I want to make this blog inclusive.
P.S. I am open to requests, but I won't get to them until after Halloween :) Please check my blog for the pinned post before requesting.
P.P.S. if you want to be on my taglist for all things Julie and the Phantoms, feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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angeltears-writing · 4 years
can i request some angstyyyyy stuff because iM a suCkEr for pAiN meâ†’đŸ€Ą how would the brothers (separately) react to their s/o finding out they cheated on her and she breaks up with them and how it goes down and their regrets(?) how/why they cheated and if they did it on purpose and if it meant anything thankkkssyouuđŸ„ș
The Brothers cheating on MC
I hope you like this one, I couldn’t do angst for Asmo he doesn’t deserve it!
It’s like his world suddenly turned to ice, his stomach dropped to his feet when he opened his eyes and saw you staring at him.
His words were stuck in his throat as he saw you turn and run away into the crowd.
It had been a stupid dare and he was drunk, Diavolo had dared him to kiss one of the cute witches that were at the party and he had against his better judgment.
Things had heated up with that kiss, her hands looping around his neck and his tongue being pushed down her throat.
His shame hit him like a cold bucket of ice water, waking him from his drunken state.
“MC! Wait!” He raced after you wanting to reach you and tell you it was all a stupid mistake and he didn’t mean any of what happened.
He found you outside in Diavolo’s garden, crying all by yourself in the cold.
Your sobs were like slashes against his heart, he caused this. He did this by being unfaithful to you.
He knew nothing he said to you now would make up for his betrayal and the humiliation he caused you.
He knew it would take some time to win you back after this and he was a patient demon.
He watched you from afar and decided breakfast in bed tomorrow was a good start as any, for now, he’d make sure you had some space while you processed the emotions.
It had been constant fighting at the house, mainly between you and him.
He wasn’t sure what had been happening but your relationship was facing a fight after fight, after fight.
You felt sensitive because he wouldn’t stop calling you lowly human and asking you for money constantly. He felt annoyed because it felt like you were getting closer to his brothers and kept taking their side in their fights with him. Both of your insecurities had been bubbling over into passive-aggressive behaviour, snide remarks, and quick bitter arguments. He felt like you didn’t care about him anymore and decided he’d try to stop loving you back.
That’s why he found himself spilling all of his complaints about you to the cute, sweet witch who summoned him. She seemed different than the other times she summoned him, she calmed him down and was nurturing. She also seemed to support his side of the argument which you of lately scarcely did.
So when she moved in on him and kissed him, he didn’t exactly push her away.
When she suggested he spend the night, the next day and The next evening with her he couldn’t say no.
Until he caught her trying to cut him up then this little tryst was over.
He finally returned to the Devildom feeling stupid and angry, when you greeted with tears in your eyes asking where he had vanished to he felt terrible.
You did care about him and there he was returning from his cheating session where he had been bad-mouthing you constantly.
He knew this would turn out badly but he regretted his actions as soon as he saw your face. He came clean.
Your biggest fight yet happened, you shouted, screamed and cried so much you lost your voice and nearly got sick.
He pleaded for forgiveness and tried to explain himself but you were having none of it.
You decided to stay locked up in your room for the rest of the week and were ignoring his calls, bangs at your door and when he tried to talk to you at dinner.
He was broken inside and wished he could turn back time and stop himself from messing up.
To say your relationship was perfect with Leviathan would be accurate.
You guys respected each other’s interests, you did everything together and you were each other’s hype men and supporters.
So when Levi started a new online RPG game, invited you to play with him and you died immediately every time you restarted he tried to bite his tongue. There were plenty of things you were good at and this just wasn’t one of them.
Soon you said screw it and decided to stop playing altogether, he met a new player who sent him a friend request.
They followed Levi, helping him out during quests and sending him gifts so he sent his Devilcord name. They talked over voice chat while they played and he often forgot you were even in the room.
He was always chatting to his new friend, laughing at their jokes and complimenting them.
You felt like a third wheel and your boyfriend wasn’t making things better when he shouted out that he loved this new friend more than anything in the world after they defeated the mega boss together.
He didn’t even realise you left the room crying, you guys had been together for months now and he had not told you he loved you once.
He told everyone at breakfast that his friend was coming over to visit him that night so they all should stay out of his way.
Levi rushed past you when there was a knock at the door that night and who was waiting there but a pretty succubus in a tight low cut top, her hands were immediately on Levi’s arms and she pressed her body against his.
He didn’t stop her or even blush!
He led her to his room and closed the door, you entered after a few minutes and found her giving him a kiss on the lips after he defeated a boss.
You left slamming the door as you stomped to your room.
Guilt flooded Levi, he didn’t know you were there and didn’t know why the succubus was kissing him.
He pushed her off and told her to get out.
He pounded on your door begging you to let him explain, the door flew open and he was met with your tear-streaked face.
It was like he was stunned, you told him the kiss was just the tip of the iceberg of his cheating, he had not just cheated on you physically but emotionally too.
After being cussed out by you, he went to his room and locked himself in there, not playing a single game or checking out any new anime’s. He felt he didn’t deserve to after what he did to you.
He wallowed in his self-pity and stopped coming out to eat meals because he couldn’t face you.
He had high standards and lately, it seemed you weren’t measuring up.
Things you did he once called cutely were not apparently embarrassing for him.
He called you from RAD and said, unfortunately, he had to cancel your date to the art museum that night, for the fourth time this month. He said he had to go to the human world for an event.
Well you decided you could go to the art museum without Satan, so when you arrived and saw a tall blonde demon with his arm draped around the waist of some curvy succubus, you tried to brush off your suspicions.
That is until you heard his familiar laugh. You decided to spy on him for a bit.
He led her around the museum, laughing at her jokes, telling her that she was more beautiful than the art on the wall.
You felt like crying but when you saw her go to the bathroom you decided to confront him.
“Hey what the hell is wrong with you? You canceled our dates to hang out with her!” You were going to let him have it.
“Oh MC, well I guess my messages have not been getting through to you, MC I’m sorry you caught me like this but things haven’t been working out between us and I found someone I’d rather spend my time with.”
He seemed slightly annoyed and embarrassed when you started crying.
“I guess I’ll see you at The House of Lamentation, MC.” He marched off and joined his date leaving you alone.
Enjoying the night without you.
The Avatar of Lust was someone who you did not expect to be monogamous but he said he’d give it a shot for you.
That promise lasted 3 weeks.
You came home and followed to the loud moans and screams of delight to his room and walked in on him in the midst of an orgy.
When he spotted you he didn’t even seem embarrassed, he just smiled and gestured for you to join.
Instead, you ran to your room and stayed locked in there for hours.
You heard a knock at the door and saw it slowly open, Asmo stood in his nightgown and held two face masks and a pleading guilty smile.
“MC-“He started but you turned so your back was to him. He let out a low giggle.
“Look, I love you MC, I have a great time with you. You understand me and make me feel special. You’re supportive and kind and I just love everything about you. But I can’t be in a closed relationship, I only having romantic feelings for you my love but as the Avatar of Lust, I need to be sexual with others. I hope you understand and we can make this work. If you want to continue and talk I’ll be in my room.”
He left the face mask on your bedside and closed your room door after he left.
Would you be able to share him with others in such an intimate way?
He did make you feel special, loved, supported and he was always taking you as his plus 1 to every event. He gave you special beauty treatments, took you shopping for anything you wanted from clothes, jewelry, and desserts. You were a permanent feature on his Devilgram none of his love-making buddies made it on thereafter he was done with them.
You looked at the face mask and made up your mind.
It was your anniversary at Devils Kitchen, Beel had been raving about this steak he was eating, he practically inhaled the thing.
He said he’d never tasted something like that before it was like his dream meal.
So when the waiter dropped off complimentary desserts from the chef who made Beel’s steak and was told the chef wanted to meet Beel after he was done, you tried to brush off your feelings of jealousy.
When you met the cute succubus who seemed to instantly connect with Beel, you swallowed your words and plastered on a smile.
The next day when you were meant to hit the gym with Beel you found him in the kitchen with the Chef, they were laughing together making chocolate truffles and feeding it to each other.
“Ah, what’s going on here Beel?’ you said interrupting their giggling session.
“Oh MC! You’ll never believe it, my new friend here just invited me to this great food tasting event in the next town. I’ll be away for a week” The “new friend” gave you a cold fake smile that told you exactly what you needed to know about their intentions.
Well you trusted Beel and wished him well on the trip, I mean it took him a while to open up with you and a place filled with food would mean he wouldn’t be interested in this succubus.
On his second night, you got a call, it was Beel. His voice sounded depressed and strangled.
“MC, I’m sorry. I messed up, I didn’t mean for this to happen! It was an accident I swear.”
Tears pricked your eyes, “Please tell me you ate all the food at the event.” You managed to push out.
“Oh MC
I’m sorry we were getting along and it was late. Suddenly we were kissing. It didn’t mean anything though I only want you-”
You hung up, you hoped that he would stay away for the rest of the week so you could cry in peace.
You tore up your couple pictures and sobbed yourself to sleep.
He came back home the next day but you pretended not to hear or see him.
He was aching inside he wanted to make it up to you, show you it was just a mistake. He didn’t mean it.
He had been colder towards you recently, Lilith’s birthday was soon and all of his human phobic feelings were coming back up.
He had been trying to provoke you and hurt you, taking out his frustrations on you.
Nothing had made you break though, you just kept telling yourself and him that you’d be there for him and support him whenever he wanted to talk or just be held.
He felt like you were provoking him, pushing him to hurt you by responding the way you were.
So he took it further he found some random succubus and called her to dinner in front of everyone. He put her on his lap and would not stop kissing her and complimenting her. He looked right at you when he was doing this.
He had a sickly smile when you left the table in tears but seeing you like that he felt terrible.
He told the succubus to get out and knocked at your door.
He told you to open the door or he’d break it down, you unlocked it and he came inside.
“Look Belphie, I’m on your side. I thought that since we were together we’d work things out together but tonight it was too much. You went too far.”
“MC, I’m sorry I was being an ass for no reason, I tried to hurt you. It seems like I can’t stop hurting you. I’m sorry I should just go.”
He knew he was being stupid and he knew to hurt you was wrong but he did it anyway and for what.
He regretted his choices but decided it was best if he left you alone, he didn’t deserve you anyway.
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mammothhammoth · 3 years
| Satoru Gojo x Badass GN Reader Headcanons
[angst, fluff, NSFW, swearing below]
I got carried away with this and it’s kind of an absolute mess
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It’s funny cause at first you couldn’t stand him, you thought he was too egotistical

. and a loser
I mean the dude is HIS OWN hype man, even if you have 112% self confidence, if you’re the only one cheering you on then, you a loser (it’s okay dough)
He started seeing you around a lot after he graduated
It was like really weird tho, he saw you A LOT for like 4 months straight and then you straight up vanished
And then one day he saw you talking to the now principal Yaga Masamichi
Like uuuuhhhhhmmchildeanywayso
He questions him after but he isn’t getting an answer
So he takes it upon himself and attempts to track you down but that fails cause you’re one of those EXTRA cool characters that just doesn’t exist unless they’re on screen

Until one day
. One day when he gets sent on a mission a few towns away so he’s set up with a little motel for the night
But when he opens the door, you’re sitting on the table reading a book, drinking a cooler
He almost has a damn stroke
He stands there for a sec in utter shock before lowkey questioning you a bit
Well he starts off with “Nice to finally speak to you”

“Oh so you’re the silent type.”
Little does he know, you’re cool, stealthy, sneaky but also
.. really fucking dense so it takes you like 10 minutes to realize he’s even there
But by the time you do he’s immersed in a one sided conversation so you just stare at him until he locks eyes (blindfold) with you and he just
Why is your gaze so intense
It’s not supposed to be you’re just staring like a deer in headlights not knowing where to lead this conversation
You lowkey scare him but in a good way
You don’t know how it happens like AT ALL cause as far as you’re aware only like 3 words were spoken the rest of the night but when you woke up you were naked next to a naked Gojo
You throw on a robe you brought with you, not even bothering to tie it cause you’re just thAt cool
It’s not that you’re confident, no, you just don’t f#cking care, you used to care about your appearance and how others perceive you but after certain incidents the need to please just
 faded away
When he woke you were drinking a tea (with too much sugar probably) sitting against the headboard
You guys skirted around each other after that, not that you wanted to, Gojo just didn’t know how to approach you and you don’t understand feelings sooooo
But conveniently you happened to move closer (before you were in Italy because [redacted]🙂)
And you guys kept getting paired together
After Itadori Yuuji joined you were “hired” as a teacher to help (monitor) him
Things just kinda fell into place after that
Gojo started chasing you
He would bring you food, literally everywhere HE got something he also got YOU something and then would hunt you down to give it to you
You still haven’t actually talked to him but when you do it’s the first time you see his eyes
You just stared at him like the night in the motel before saying “I was hoping you were hiding a scar or something” and then walking away
GOJO.exe has stopped working
You start talking to him more after that
He would never tell you but every time he watches you fight he would almost pee his pants
He could outpower you but if he tried you would outsmart him, your wits and techniques are ASTRONOMICAL
Things don’t really become official until after Yuuji “dies” and you show up at his house for comfort
You guys spend the night in each other’s arms and when you wake up (with clothes on this time) you make breakfast together and he gets you to laugh
That’s when he realized he’s in love with you
When you find out Yuujis not dead you’re happy but when you find out Gojo knew he wasn’t the whole time you felt sad
You managed to chalk it up to all a timing thing. Gojo was conveniently paired with you on that mission, and was attracted to you that’s why you woke up naked together
You conveniently moved closer after that and he probably felt obligated to smooth things out with his one night stand
He just so happened to be training Yuuji so you thought he would need comfort over his “death” too
So you avoid him after that
He doesn’t like it
He tries extra hard to make it up to you, instead of buying you food this guy starts hand making stuff for you with little letters apologizing
He invited you to a festival and you reluctantly go
And you have an amazing time
At the end of the night he takes you to a secluded bridge with a beautiful stream underneath as you watch the fire works and kisses you with so much adoration you get weak in the knees
He had to catch you
You apologize for misunderstanding but he just shakes his head “you’re so dense”
Cue another silent treatment
You two become an ACTUAL power couple after that, like you two are the most powerful beings ever
He becomes your hype man too and since that classifies as someone else hyping you up, you are now cooler than him
Seeing you in action not scares him but lowkey gets him going, if there’s a tough mission and you end up breaking a few sweats with your badass skills you bet your ass you’re gonna be sweating A LOT more the rest of the night when you two get to your bedroom
He brags about you all the time too
“I have the coolest wife/husband/wusband”
You aren’t even engaged but he just KNOWS you’ll say yes when he proposes
When you find out he’s calling you a marital term you decided to swipe the rug out from underneath him and on one date night you take him to the bridge he kissed you, get down on one knee and ask him
“Will you marry me?”
There’s no elaborate speech, you can’t put how much you care about him into words
He stands there’s shocked for a second

You get impatient and stand before placing a ring on his finger and a ring on yours, kissing him and then leading him home
He doesn’t say anything and you think you did the wrong thing so when you’re taking your shoes off you start to apologize
“I’m sorry I did that, if you want to redo it we can or we can not do it all whatever you wa-“
He cuts you off with swiping you off your feet and kissing you so hard for so long you have to grab his hair and yank him away to breathe, which doesn’t last long cause after the first exhale he’s on you again
[NSFW content below if you are uncomfortable please don’t read and just skip ahead]
He takes you to bedroom, slowly peeling off your clothes on the way there
the last thing removed is his blindfold and when he does remove it you see watery eyes filled with absolute love and gratitude
He treats you like glass that night
Slow thrusts and gentle nibbling FILLED with praise, not even sexual praise he's just filled with so much emotion
“I love you so much”
“You make me so happy”
“You’re so amazing and beautiful”
He lets out the most amazing noises that night
His love for you wafting off of him in waves you can drown in
Your cool demeanor slipped away long ago and you became so vocal he’s shocked
“I love you too sweetie”
“You complete me baby”
“No one makes me feel the way you do”
“You take such good care of me- fill me up so good”
He’s so surprised his hips stutter a little but that little jolt hits that sweet spot inside you and you unravel beneath him
Seeing you like that instantly brings him to the edge
You guys catch your breath and then take a nice warm bubble bath after that
[End NSFW]
You hold each other close that night
Gojo never thought he’d have a happy ending like this, with his line of work and how crazy and dangerous everything is
You want to get everything off of your chest if you two are getting married so you start to apologize for how you are
“I’m sorry for coming off as cold most of the time I just don’t know how to-.... I just love you so much and -“
“It’s okay, I think you’re cool and love you with all of my heart and the kids think you’re cool and we all care about you”
“People always confuse cool with cruel”
He just hugs you close, he had his suspicions but he hoped they were never confirmed
He honestly didn’t understand at first how you can be insecure because of how badass and cool you are
But as he watched your interaction or- lack thereof with people he understood
You aren’t cool cause you want to be
People think your ~don’t give a f#ck~ attitude is admirable but they don’t know the reason behind it
That’s one of the things that drew him to you, he wanted to know you
And that’s what drew you to him
As he held you he cured you of your insecurities and doubts and told you his
He knows he can be distant sometimes when he’s busy or how cocky he can get
But you told him that’s how you like it, that’s how you like him
You guys spent most of the night talking and whispering sweet words to each other
The students knew something happened as you two were VERY late the next day, and you looked
.. happy
You never stopped being a badass after that night and you weren’t planning on it but you did smile more
You and Gojo had a simple wedding, you’re too cool for the extravagant stuff
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notnctu · 4 years
nct 127 as cliche quotes❀
『 nct 127 as cliche quotes about love & some more 』 genre - pure fluff member x gender neutral reader (i tried my best ;-;) [a/n] hi yall this is author doie❀ i really ditched watching my lectures to write this so pls leave me feedback if u like dis bc would really appreciate it hehee i am now behind on school work hahaha i love bad decisions!! 
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➳ MOON TAEIL - ❝ i love you to the moon and back ❞
“sugar”, “my only one”, “bubby”, long phone calls, suffocating hugs, goofy dancing to loud music, jumping on the bed, picnics in the field, regular date nights, goodmorning/night kisses, food adventures, light snores, tiny grins at the mention of you, wherever he goes: the sun follows, you are his stars. 
taeil has the whole universe to thank for your simple existence. he’ll take you star gazing and point out everything he loves about you. because if there is anything he loves more in the world, is how his night sky complemented you. His love for you runs deep and stretches far, resonating high in the galaxies. Incomparable lengths of love that cannot be expressed without metaphors. He’s constant reminders of how fitting you two are. he’ll make way for your shining light, even if that meant he disappears during the day. but he’ll always be there for your nights. 
➳ LEE TAEYONG - ❝ love is patient ❞
“darling”, “bub”, “angel”, 3am cuddles to calm your nightmares, hours of gentle whispers of sweet nothings, softest touches, nose kisses, quick pecks on the lip, afternoon naps, long walks in the park hand in hand, he is the light in your darkness.
taeyong would wait until the ends of the earth for your healing. for your journey to self love, he’ll be there every step of the way. he’ll make sure every hurt disappears, if that had to mean small sacrifices of himself. because to him, you always come first. he’ll listen to your complains, he’ll understand your burdens, he’ll remember your heavy sighs. he’s the first call you make in the morning. you are his last call he makes at night. he is meaningful talks and supportive words. he’s the reassurance that never falters. he’s the strength at your weakest.
➳ SUH JOHNNY - ❝ i love you, not only for you what you are, but for what i am when i am with you ❞
“hottie”, “tiny” (regardless of height), “babygirl/boy”, most comforting hugs, humbling conversations, piggy back rides, hand on your thigh while driving, comfy hoodies and pj pants, weekend adventures, long road trips, polaroids, subtle matching outfits, he makes you a better version of yourself. 
johnny’s big heart had the ability to touch even the coldest of people. he’ll hold you in his lap and tell you to reach beyond the stars. he is your number one supporter in every aspect of life, the world’s best hype man. you complement everything. he’s lucky to have you. he wants absolutely no one else in the world, but you. you are an evolution to be explored. he has an attracting personality that you can’t get enough of. he’ll show you the world through his modest lens, correcting your ignorance in the most respectful way. role model, constantly improving. he is your guide through a complex world. 
➳ NAKAMOTO YUTA - ❝ love has no flaws ❞
“cutie”, “love”, “your name”, intense admiring stares, a love that cannot be contained, cheek kisses, kissing to the sunset, happiness at your fingertips, constant teasing, small screams of excitement, honey dripping praises, you are his daydreams.
yuta acknowledges you for who you are, what you make up. there is no effort for change because he genuinely loves you for all of you. to him, you are the perfect human being, where flaws are seen as a part of your beauty. he loves you enough for the both of you. encourages, versus criticism. he has nothing but admiration for your physical attributes and stunning personality. all he needs from you is a simple loving gaze, or a comforting hold. you could do no wrong. you are excellence in your own uniqueness. you are the reasons behind his growing smiles. he never asks for more than needs, though over extends himself to you. he sees you truly for the real you. 
➳ KIM DOYOUNG - ❝ actions speak louder than words ❞
“sweetie/heart”, “honey”, always reaching for your hand to hold, flustered compliments, nervous laughter, sweet red cheeks, dainty promise rings, comfortable silences, homemade dinners, reassuring hand on your knee, your favorite book of poems, thick skin, confused funny facial expressions, you are his comfort.
doyoung often times stammers over his thoughts. he is usually a collected person, but you always break his guard down. he is unspoken words, and sweaty hands. he’s tender touches and quiet looks. the mutual atmosphere of knowing you love each other. Sweet talks on your end, and shy, bashful smiles on his. he’s at your will and call. he’s drop everything for you. he’s daily gestures to minimize inconvenience. if his love for you is questioned, he’d respond with a snarky none of your business. because frankly, he didn’t need anyone else to know besides you how much he loves you. 
➳ JUNG JAEHYUN - ❝ it was love at first sight ❞
“baby”, “princess/prince”, “my dear”, charming smiles, arm around the waist, bouquet of your favorite flowers just because, the sweetest love you’d ever find, shy gazes, butterflies in your stomach, comfort in his cuddles, blissful sugary kisses, don’t blink! or you’ll miss him: he’s every meticulous, beautiful detail of life. 
jaehyun knew the moment he laid eyes on you that he wanted to spend his days with you. on the contrary, he loves your personality the most but never fails to boast about how you are the most beautiful person ever. you take his breath away. he makes your heart race. gets shy at the thought of you, but drones on for hours about how happy you make him. he’s every love language combined into one. he’s sometimes a timid character, a bit shy. you are the center of attention because he loves to see you glow. he knows he’s in love with you. he’s found the only you, who makes him fall in love with life. he’s a happily ever after. 
➳ KIM JUNGWOO - ❝ opposites attract ❞
“bud”, “babe”, “pumpkin”, staying up and loving you until dawn, teary eyed uncontrollable laughter, loud confessions of love, a love so random that it keeps you on your toes, love bites that are purposefully hard to cover, gentle hand squeezes when he holds your hand, adorable sound effects, half of a whole: he completes you. 
jungwoo loves your differences the most. it gives him another perspective to marvel in. bc it gave you two a stronger bond. he didn’t believe in a perfect love --- no --- he believes in hard work and dedication. he knew the day you two met, he was determined to make things work. because he fell in love with everything you were that he was not. you are the caution to his wind. unknowingly, you fill the rest of who he has always admired and wanted to achieve. and together, you two are unstoppable. you are his missing puzzle piece. he is the acceptance you needed. he’s an one in a million. 
➳ LEE MARK - ❝ loving you is too easy ❞
“my person”, “best friend”, “love of my life”, truly a boy next door who falls for the person next door, always thinking of you, secret kisses when no one is looking, playful shared giggles, the widest smiles, never a doubt in mind, late night drives, you are his match made in heaven.
communication is your strongest asset in the relationship. the best parts of mark are his understanding and considerate nature. he gets you better than anyone you’ve ever known. he makes sure you’re seen, appreciated. you are everything he’s been searching for. you are the definition of an ideal partner. there’s never a question of your relationship, he makes sure you are loved. whether that be through grabbing you lunch out of his way. whether that be asking about your day. whether that be forehead kisses in the mornings. whether that be a long speech of why he loves you. he is the true meaning of good vibes. he didn’t have anything to dislike. loving him was the best and easiest decision of your life. he is the best you’ve ever had.
➳ LEE DONGHYUCK - ❝ love comes when you least expect it ❞
“wifey/hubby”, “my everything”, “soulmate”, the emotional 4am thoughts of self worth, a cathartic epiphany, a love that’s always been in front of you, light banter, snarky sly smirks, always holding you in some way, belting notes in the shower, late night serenades, cheek squishing, he’s a wish upon a star.
donghyuck has always been there for you and that is something unchanging. he’s bringing you dinner after long nights of studying. he’s showing at your door step when you need someone to comfort you. he is there for every lost cause of a relationship. the pick up the pieces and mend you back together. when you had given up on love, he never gave up on you. it took one fun drunk night and a lingering touch on your cheek for you to realize that his love for you had always been there. he wanted you more than any person in your life. all it took was him to realize that he was never going to leave you. he is the last person you would expect to be your’s. but you are the first person he wishes happiness for. he is a one true love. 
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Earthrealm customs.
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We have a big problem. This isn’t as great as I’ve hyped it up to be I fear! But I loved writing this. I’ve had to base this off the limited exposure we’ve had to Fujin. Starts off cute gets smutty. 
Warnings: Smut, oral, fluff, angst, smut, smut and more smut. 18+ under the cut.  Pairings: Fujin X Female Reader.  Word count: 6814 GIF does not belong to me. 
You stood outside the gallery. Impatiently drumming your fingers against your elbow. You clicked your tongue against your teeth. Shifting from one leg to the other. Eyes roaming around the busy street in front of you. Leaning against the cool glass of the window behind you. The skies above were blue and clear. The sun was beating down on you, making you regret taking a jacket, a that was now wrapped around your waist haphazardly. The day was only to get hotter; it was the warmest spring day of the year. But then again, it was on the cusp of summer, so it did not surprise you. You sighed, removing your phone, pretending to check it for the millionth time. Eyes looking up at the man staring at you, forcing a bittersweet smile, you returned your attention to your empty phone. It was a bad habit. You cared far too much about what people thought of you, he told you that with one of those smiles that made your heart flutter and your knees weak. You locked your phone, once more slipping it back into your short pocket, and folding your arms over your chest. No messages or missed calls, your phone was always on silent for this reason. It gave you an excuse to check your phone in awkward situations. It solidified the fact you were waiting for someone and wasn’t just some weird person stood outside the gallery. You were sure no one actually thought that, but you felt you had to prove your point, had to let people know that you were in fact waiting for your date. He wasn’t late. No late wasn’t his style. You were just early, far too early, again. But you had been excited for your date. It wasn’t often it got to be just the two of you. You’d had your outfit planned for the past week, you’d played it all out in your heard, and you intended to make the most of your time together. You checked your nails, spotless and painted a light shade of grey. Grey always reminded you of him. Grey was the colour of cloudy weather, the colour of those clouds that haunted the skies above the sea, as the wind battered the coast. A cool breeze brushed past you, causing your jacket to dance against the bare skin of your legs, and strands of hair to fly across your face. You closed your eyes. He had arrived. Savouring the moment as the breeze nipped your bare skin, as if trying to entice it to dance. The smell of freshness hitting your nostrils. It was barely a tangible smell. One moment like a fresh meadow, the next it was like fresh laundry that had been dried on the line, and then it was like the smell of the sea, salty and harsh. A small wistful smile playing on your lips. Lost in the moment. It reminded you of him, made your heartache and skip at the same time, in a unique paradox. Once the breeze had died down, once more returning to the warm spring day, you opened your eyes and the smile fades, as there is no sign of him. Your back in the city. The smell of petrol and that usual smell of the city invading your senses. You frown. You weren’t on your balcony waiting for him to appear, nor were you at the top of the Sky Temple, looking over at the beauty and majesty before you, with strong arms wrapped around you. You were in the city. The same, boring, old city. Waiting for the man you loved to return. You sighed, sliding down the window a little, your legs were beginning to tire. You regretted arriving so early. You thought it’d take you a little longer than normal to walk to the gallery from your apartment. But you were wrong. It took you 10 minutes. You did have plans to get a coffee, but the heat of the day made you change your opinion on that. You had wanted to pick up a cooler after, but upon spying the queues you’d opted against that. You had time to kill, but you didn’t want to spend it queuing in a coffee shop. Potentially spilling anything on your outfit. You weren’t vain, but you wanted today to be perfect. It had been months since you had last seen him, and you wanted to commit to memory. Who knew when you’d see him again? As much as it filled your heart with ache and yearning, you knew you had chosen this life, you had accepted this when you fell for him and he for you. Falling in love with a God wasn’t easy nor for the faint of heart. Barely seeing each other, limited time when you did, and any chance of normality slipping through your fingers. But it wasn’t all angst and waiting. Falling in love with a God was an amazing experience, one that filled you with wonder, your meetings became sacred and special. You loved nothing more than hearing the stories and tales he had to tell. His voice made anything sound amazing, he could have read you the phonebook, and you’d have become smitten. You smile to yourself, lulling your heard to the side as you look out over the road. Walking up the stairs towards you is a man. A familiar looking one at that. You narrow your eyes, placing a hand over your eyes to shield them from the light
 it looked like him, only, with shorter hair. A lot shorter. You open your mouth and frown a little. It had been a few months, but you were sure you still knew what he looked like. A smile was on his face, warm and with a small hint of a playful smirk. A small, ever so slight one, barely detectable to those that didn’t know him. It was him
 Your smile returned as he strode towards you. Catching the eye of a few passers-by, who stopped to double take the figure walking past them. You would have done the same if you didn’t know him. He was tall, pushing 6’3 at the least. With hair as white and as pure as virgin snow. Hair that used to be longer than yours, and always tied back in an elegant braid; now swept back and slightly tussled. As he got closer you spied his eyes. No longer the prominent, bold, flash of glimmering silver sclera. No. His eyes were now a deep shade of brown. “Y/N.” He greeted, closing the distance till he’s stood before you in all of his glory. Smiling down at you, he softly and deftly pushes stray strands from your hair. Acting as if he wasn’t the cause for your hair to be so misplaced. “You’ve changed your hair.” You say, smiling widely up, whilst your cross your arms. You like it. As much as you like his long hair, this one did something to him. It almost made him appear more rugged, yet more sophisticated. It was different and it emphasised that sharp jawline more. His hand shot up to the short locks, running a hand through it, trying to smooth down some of strayed messed. “Kung Lao said I would suit it
” He paused, looking you up and down, trying to detect if you liked it or not. “Do you not like it Y/N?” He asked. Worry lacing his tone. You shake your head, leaning in and attempting to plant a small peck on his cheek. Pulling at the collar of the shirt he’s wearing, he leans down slightly, allowing you to finally land the kiss. “It’s different. But I think you suit it.” You whisper before leaning back and clasping your hands in front of you. His smile returns and he shakes his head before placing his hand tentatively over yours. “I am glad you like it. I was worried you would not recognise me for a moment. The unfunny jester had joked that you would not recognise me. I was worried he was right.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with a spare hand. You feigned shock before shaking your head. Unfunny and a jester, it could only be Johnny. “A world in which Johnny Cage is right is a scary concept.” You tease back. You dip into your satchel, pulling out the guide to the gallery. You’d picked it up before waiting outside. You were eager to check it out. You weren’t sure how Fujin felt about it, but he seemed more than happy to see more of Earthrealm culture. “Are you excited?” You ask eagerly, gripping the glossy guide in your hand. You were hyped beyond belief, so much so, you didn’t even read the guide. You wanted to experience the exhibit with him. Fujin nodded before looking up at the building. “I am. I am very excited to see more of Earthrealms art
” He looked back down at you and smiled. “And you know of my vice for painting.” He gently gripped your hand in his. “You’re going to love this. It’s about Myths, Legends and The Gods of Old. I’m hoping there’s at least one painting of you and Raiden in here.” You tease, rubbing your fingers over his knuckles. His hands aren’t cold, but they are warm either. They are the perfect temperature.  Comfortable and they fil with you content. “Lead the way
” He encourages, leaning back and giving you space to push yourself up from your perch. You grab back a hold of his hand, as you walk towards the entrance, talking about anything and everything. His fingers intertwined with yours in an act of rebellion. Raiden discussed often with his brother about displays of public affection. But no one knew he was a god here. You were just a couple, here to admire some art.
You’re both stood before a painting
 well, you think it’s a painting. Fujin is behind you, hands in his pockets, eyes fixated on the painting. Smears of grey, blue and yellow paint are all over the canvas. Swirls of the colour melding into one. Dots and flashes of orange are scattered across the canvas. As if the brush had been dropped. This exhibit hadn’t been what you had expected it to be. “What is it Y/N?” Fujin asked, leaning in to whisper in your ear. As if ashamed to not know what it is. You shrug your shoulder. “Maybe it’s a sunrise?” You suggest. You weren’t one to mock art, you knew it was in the art of the beholder. But you were struggling here. Fujin nodded before opening the guidebook. “It is supposed to be a deconstructed apple of chaos, one which belonged to Eris.” Your eyes widen, you spin on your heel to face him. “The fuck?” You blurt out a little too loudly. Fujin smiles, whilst others around you frown and tsk out your outburst. You look around apologetically, mouthing sorry at the disgusted faces looking at you. Fujin chuckles to himself, his eyes dancing in the gallery lights. “I have missed you Y/N. Your honesty, is next to none.” He whispers, pulling you in to his side, so he can hold you whilst you walk. Public displays of affection are not your forte or something you’re clear on. The thought of making out on a bench or the back of a bus, turns you off majorly. But with Fujin, his displays of affection are so subtle and romantic. He’s unashamed, and mostly unadjusted to the customs of Mortals. Raiden is far more versed than his brother, and from what you can gather, mortal and Earthrealm customs confuse him still. Even after many a year among the mere mortals that call this realm home. You hadn’t expected Fujin to be this way, you imagined him to be more like Raiden
 but then you figured there was a reason him and Kung Lao got on. He was more laidback than Raiden. He joked around more. A dry sense of humour if ever there was one, but it was endearing. “Do you believe an apple could cause chaos?” He asked you curiously. You shrug your shoulders before debating it in your head. “Maybe. The myth is that Eris the goddess of discord, essentially Yeeted an apple.” Fujin cut you off. A perplexed look on his face. “Yeeted? This is a word I’m not overly familiar with. I have heard Cassandra Cage and Jacqueline Briggs often speak of this Yeet.” You nod before thinking of the best way to explain it. “Yeeted, it means to throw. But it’s slang. I wouldn’t start using it in everyday conversation. It’s a
 it’s an internet thing. I actually can’t remember most of the legend” You admit, watching as he nods and mulls over the word. “Eris threw the apple among the gods at the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. Which caused arguments amongst many of the gods and goddesses, which according to legend, sparked the Trojan War.” He looks down at you to see you’re smiling. “So, you know the legend. Do you have apples of chaos?” You ask him, curious to see if there such things. He scoffs before stopping to look at a statue. “I have never heard of them. But there is a realm of Chaos, maybe they have apple trees down there. Shujinko may know, he has visited Chaos realm. I will ask him when I see him next and I will let you know.” His way of speaking always brings a smile to your face. It’s almost poetic and breezy, he’s well-spoken and his voice always makes you feel calm. “I’ve missed you a lot.” You nuzzled into his side. The smell of a fresh breeze flooding your senses once more. He smiles down at you as you continued to walk. “A whole realm dedicated to chaos seems a bit much.” You admit. Fujin scoffs again before shaking his head. “You cannot comprehend the headache it gives me. We have always underestimated one of the Clerics that dwells there. But recently he has become, how would you put it?” He paused, looking down at you, eyes wide as if asking for help.   “A giant pain in the arse?” You say without a skip of a beat. Fujin nods before laughing a little, his strong arms encircling your waist tighter. “Yes. But enough speak of other realms. I desire to know more about this
 art. Why does it lack form or content?” He curiously asked, pausing to stare at a huge canvas painted with red. You read the label. The Sea of Blood
 You frown. You don’t have an answer for it. “Modern art. It doesn’t have to look like anything, it’s all about meaning and expression. I guess. I’m not too sure. I’m not a huge fan, but if it makes them happy, then it makes them happy.” Fujin shakes his head looking away. “The Sea of Blood is not one continuous shade of red.” He mutters to himself. Attracting the attention of a woman stood near him, who seemingly doesn’t agree with the God of Winds opinion. “I think it’s spot on.” Fujin shrugs his shoulders before continuing to walk with you.
You enter a corridor that is far darker than the rest of them. You were searching for the painting you knew was in the gallery. You needed him to see it. You feel his fingers caress your sides lightly, sending electric sensations up your spine. “Is the Sea of Blood actually real?” You ask him curiously. Fujin who seems to be lost in his own little world is looking around at the more traditional paintings. He hums before nodding. “Oh yes. It is very real. Y/N, what is that woman doing?” He asked, shrugging off the revelation that there is a real Sea of Blood, instead pointing his hand at the painting before you. Letting go of you to examine the scene before you.  Your eyes grow wide, mouth slightly agape and a blush forming on your face. “She’s giving him a blowjob.” You quickly say, coughing and looking away. The burn of mortal shame upon you. Fujin turns back to you, eyes wide, head tilted forward. Your answer clearly not enough. “Please explain what a ‘Blow Job’ is.” He asks, a little too loudly, once more people are looking at you. You quickly shake your head, a small smile on your lips. “Oh, that famous mortal shame.” He teases, swiping a finger over your face to trace your blush. You shake your head and continue walking, Fujin in tow, it doesn’t take him long with his long legs to catch you up. You’re searching for the end of this corridor. You know it’s got to be somewhere. “Y/N
” He asks, whispering now, trying to keep his voice down. You turn to him and shake your head looking around. The corridor is abandoned. You push him back against one of the walls. “It’s a sex act. Basically, you suck someone’s cock, till they ejaculate. I’ll tell you more about it later.” You didn’t give a shit about your explanation. Fujin tilted his head, leaning down to capture your lips. His lips were soft against yours, his arms wrapped around your hips. Fingers dancing over your back. You close your eyes and lean into the kiss. It became more heated as you pressed your body against his. Only to remember where you are. You pull away, coughing and blushing, as you look down the last part of the corridor spying a door. Fujin leans back down to capture your lips once more. “The Gallery will be closing in ten minutes.” The announcement voice echoed. You jerk back, nearly headbutting Fujin in the face. Your eyes wide. “Is something wrong?” He asks you, worry lacing that usual calm tone. You can’t believe it’s closing time already. “I just
 why is it closing so early?” You quickly say, looking down at your phone. It was only 3 in the afternoon. The gallery was open till 10 on a weekend. Fujin opened the guide. “It is closing early for a ball that is been held here.” He informs you, holding the guide open for you to see. Shit
 You hadn’t got to show him the painting of himself and Raiden. You sigh before looking up at him. “We better get going.” You say, moving back and grabbing his hand to help him up, not that he needed any help. He had grace and poise like you’d never seen before. The sound of late springs rain hitting the ceiling filled your ears. It was going to be an interesting walk home. Your date had been cut short, but was that bad? The two of you could always hang out at your apartment
 if he was down for that. You’d been dating for a few months now; intimacy had not gone further than a few heated kisses and stolen touches. You hadn’t wanted to push anything. But everything happens for a reason.                                                                                        
You had run home with Fujin in tow. He had offered you his jacket, but you had shaken your head, all whilst pulling him through the sodden streets back to yours. Till you had arrived, when you had invited him in, he had nodded and followed you into the foyer and the elevator up to your floor. A few soft touches as you unlocked your door, had led to where you both were now. He was sat on your sofa, sodden jacket discarded on a nearby radiator drying. His shirt was now tighter, showing off that finely tuned and muscular body. You emerged from the bathroom, towelling off your soaked hair. The sound of the rain hitting the outside filled you with comfort. You glanced over to see Fujin was on your sofa, looking around your small apartment curiously. You smiled before walking towards him, grabbing a fresh towel from the clean washing pile you had yet to put away. You drop your wet towel after drying your face off. The cup of tea you made him has been drunk, the cup now lays neatly on your coffee table on a coaster. “You’re soaked.” You tease, pushing him back so you can straddle his hips. You bring the towel up and begin to towel dry his now short hair. When you pull the towel away, his eyes are looking up at you, as dark as forest yet burning as if it was on fire. Hair dishevelled and messed up. “I am sorry about that
 I could remedy that
” You shake your head, fingers ghosting over his face, cleaning up stray raindrops. Your wondering where this boldness is coming from. His voice barely a whisper. Leaning in, his breath ghosting over your face, making your skin tingle and eliciting a spark reaction up your spine. You shiver, pressing your body closer to his. He had been very forward today. Far more than he’d been in the past. You weren’t complaining. He was an extremely handsome man, you run a finger across his jawline and down onto his shoulders, completely disregarding the towel and letting it fall down the back of your couch. Your, hands tremble slightly as your fingers ghost and dance over the buttons. Fujin doesn’t speak, his eyes instead locked with yours, burning brighter and brighter. As if reading your mind, he sits up, his lips locking with yours. His tongue dances over your lips, as his arms encircle your waist, pulling you in closer to him. You can feel his cock hardening beneath you. You moan into the kiss, opening your mouth enough for his tongue to slip into yours. Your tongues swirl and dance as they meet. The lingering taste of sweet tea fills you with joy. Your hands slip into his hair, tugging and pulling at the strands. Trying to grab onto something to ease your hands that were dying to touch other parts of him. His hands slip up your t-shirt, his finger brush against your bare stomach as they teasingly rub up and down. You grind down a little, to test the waters, only to elicit a groan from the god below you. Pulling away, you push his arms and hands away from you. Before yanking your t-shirt up and over your heard, throwing it to one side of your room. You look down to see his eyes are slowly becoming more cloudy
 You think to yourself, smirking before looking down at him. His eyes are burning into you, looking you up and down and taking in every inch of your body. “Y/N
” He whispers, hands running up and down your sides. His fingers caress every inch of skin he can touch and feel. Touches so soft, as if you were one of those statues back at the gallery, threatening to crack unless treat with such care. Your fingers start to slowly unbutton his grey shirt. One button at a time. You slowly take your time, whilst he’s taken aback by your body. Upon getting halfway and spying his well-toned abdomen you lose your patience. You quickly undo the rest, parting the shirt as your hands greedily splay out over his abs. Swirls of blue glowing tattoos line his right pectoral. Pulsating with every heartbeat. A few scars are littered here and there over his lower abs. You brush over them and you feel them tense underneath you. You pause in your movements. Looking back at him. His eyes are once again fixated on you. “What is wrong Y/N?” He asks you. You shake your head, a finger ghosting over his smooth lips. “Are you sure you want to do this, I don’t wanna rush you.” You admit sheepishly. Your thirst for the God of Wind had apparently taken over your senses. Fujin chuckles, cupping your cheeks as he kisses your lips softly. “I have never been surer of anything in my life.” He reassures you. “Would now be a good time, for you to explain more about this
 sex act you mortals seem to perform?” He teases. A joke probably. But who are you to miss a learning opportunity. A wicked grin spreads across your lips. If he was so sure. You slide back and slowly lower yourself to the floor, nudging his legs apart so you can sit between them. His eyes are blown wide, in a mix of mild arousal and confusion. “Y/N What are you doing?” Intrigue in his voice, as he watches you sink to the floor to sit between his parted legs. You begin to rub his thighs, watching as he shivers, and feeling his body twitch and react. “How about I show you?” You tease, fingers dipping up from his thighs, and wandering towards the belt he wore. “I would
 Like that very much.” He whispered, hands brushing stray damp strands of hair from your face. Your hands quickly make short work of his belt, quickly undoing it and fumbling the metal clasp to the side. You deftly pop the button on his pants and deftly undo the zip. You feel his body tense and hitch underneath you as you as you palm the bulge in his pants. “Stand up
” You prompt, one hand circling his thigh with two fingers, whilst the other gently palmed his bulge. Fujin didn’t speak or react, he stood up and you moved back give him space. Your hands travelled up his legs. You toyed with the waistband of both his boxers and pants. Your fingers deftly yanking at his shirt. Indicating you wanted it off. Fujin quickly removed his shirt, tossing it onto the sofa behind him. Your hands ran up and down his lower abdomen, caressing every inch of bare flesh before you, the feel of his powerful muscles twitching below him. Your hands run their way down to his pants, slowly tugging at the bands, before pulling them deftly down. Your soon face to face with his impressive cock. Your cunt clenched at the sight of it. It was on the large side, relatively in proportion to his body, and well suited to his form. Your hands glide down and over his cock. You feel him tense and his breath hitch, as your hands caresses his cock before gently furling your fingers around him. You look up and watch him. His eyes are closed, head lulled back, his hands clenched.
Gently you began to tease his head with your hand. You start slow, watching as his muscle tense and his reactions to your ministrations. His eyes are still closed, and his moans are muffled. He’s holding back and you can tell. You smirk to yourself whilst beginning to pick up your speed and intensity. Your hand tightens around his cock, and you begin to feel him losing control. His body shivers and you hear an escaped moan. One hand of his is digging into his hips whilst the other is still at his side. You can feel precum beading from his head, it feels slick against your fingers and you know you can’t keep up the teasing with your hands. You’d promised to show him a little bit more about Earthrealm and you’re intending to keep that promise. You remove your hand, his eyes briefly opening to look down at you. Wonderment filling them to why you have stopped. His mouth opens to interject, only to be met with shock and awe. Your mouth replaces your hand. You take him in slowly, once more testing the waters. His cock is thick and long, far bigger and thicker than you’re used to. Your tongue slowly began to swirl around his head. You felt him tense up, his body standing straight, whilst he let out a stifled moan. One of his hands shot into his hair, trying to grab and grip at it to keep in control. You watched as his eyes snapped shut and his face contorted into a pure look of pleasure. Sin incarnate, you wondered how one man could look so sinful. Like an Adonis and so much so like a 
 well a God really. There were no other words for what he was. You eventually took his whole shaft into your mouth, moaning around his cock as you did so. Your tongue wrapped around his base and you gagged slightly. Before your hollowed your cheeks and began to move your way back up his shaft. You paused halfway through before going back down, catching him by surprise, as he let out a loud moan. The noises he was making were sinful and encouraging you to go on. You carried on with your movements, moving and up and down his shaft, all the whilst he was coming undone. Moaning and tensing up with each movement. Your eyes watched as he moaned and stood still, one hand in his own hair, the other hovering over yours. You rolled your eyes, smirking against his cock. Your hands were currently braced against his thighs, helping to give you leverage as you fucked him with your mouth. You slowly moved one of them, finding his hand and forcing it to knot within your hair. His fingers were at first, hasty and unsure, but they eventually began to grip at the hair. Pulling it and gently tugging. You swirled your way to the tip of his cock, teasing the head by sucking and hollowing your cheeks. Before you took him by surprise, taking him deep into your mouth, until his cock is hitting the back of your mouth. Tears are streaming down your face. “By The Elder Gods
” He whispers, a loud moan ripping from his throat as his hands find their way to your hair. Messing it and tugging at the strands, forcing you further onto his cock. You’re unsure if he’s aware but you carry on. “I am
 I am not going to last long
” He admits. His voice, barely a whimper. You debate carrying on and finishing him off with your mouth. You can imagine the taste of his cum as it slides down your throat. You moan at the thought, but then you wonder what his cock would be like inside your cunt
 and your torn. You pull off his cock with a loud pop, you carry on slowly stroking it with your hand. “What is on your mind?” He asked. As if sensing your internal debate. “I want to sit on your cock
” You admit. Fujin croaks out a scoff before smiling and shaking his head. His eyes are open wide now, no longer the deep shade of brown, once more they are pure silver and glowing. “I would like you to do that
” You smile before standing up and releasing his cock from your hand.
You quickly stand and begin to shed the rest of your layers. Toeing off your shoes, shorts and then underwear. Before pulling your bra off and discarding of them. You’re unsure why but you turned around. You slide a hand over your body before turning round to see Fujin has followed suit. Stood before you. You chew your lower lip. He’s impressive beyond words. His legs are well-toned, as he stands tall and bare before you. His abs have a slight sheen to them from earlier. A strong muscular arm is holding his cock, playfully stroking it whilst those glimmering eyes look at you. “You are so beautiful
” He whispers, walking towards you whilst letting go of his cock. His hand caressing your face and pulling you in for a kiss. Your lips met and your tongues danced once more. You could feel him pressing you up against the wall of your apartment. His fingers running up and down your body as your back hit the wall and the kiss intensified. Your hands flew up into his hair, as a leg hooked behind his and you deepened the kiss. When he breaks from the kiss, his legs are nudging yours apart, whilst his fingers travel down from your neck to caress your breasts. Your nipples are hard from the cold nip of the air in the room, the coolness his body seems to emit. You shiver as he presses himself further against you, the cool of his skin melding with the warmth of your own. His fingers gently pinch and roll your pebbled nipple, between his finger and his thumb. You moan, arching your back, once more pressing your body further against his cool one. “Fujin
” You moan. He chuckles, his lips moving to your neck as his hands trail further down towards your cunt. His lips worked at sucking at your neck, before moving down to your shoulders, his lips latching to the nook of your neck before gently sucking and biting at your skin. You knew there would be marks but you didn’t care. His fingers ghost over your clit, with his thumb beginning to rub, there’s some uncertainty with his movements. The confidence seems to be fading as it gets closer to the act. His thumb picks up speed, moving around till he finds your sweet spot, until he hears that moan that elicits a shiver up his spine and an arch of your back. You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter, your cunt was aching, and you desperately needed something inside you. Godly intuition or maybe it was your pants and muffled words of nonsense that were dripping from your lips that helped him guess. He slid one finger up into your tight cunt, moving away from your neck to give himself a better angle. You moaned, your hips bucking up into his hand as he slowly wiggled his fingers around. Once more trying to hit that sweet spot that would make you moan. You bucked your hips once more, your cunt growing used to his digit, you weren’t normally the one to beg but
” You whined. Fujin chuckled, before trailing peppered kisses down your collarbones and onto your chest. He inserted another finger, sliding it in, it was unexpected, and it made you gasp again. A feeling of fullness taking over you. You adjusted to his cool digits as he began to slide them in and out. Pumping them until he had picked up a steady rhythm, a rhythm that had you moaning and rocking your hips against his hands in wanton lust. You could feel your cunt starting to pulsate and tighten, the band in your abdomen tightening, he was edging you closer and closer. “I need to be inside you
” Fujin whispered into your ear, nipping at your ear as he did so. Your hands found his hair, nodding and moaning, you were becoming impatient and needed his cock. “Fuck me. Show me how a God fucks a mortal.” You begged. Fujin moaned, leaning back and swiftly removing his fingers.
You watched as he pumped his cock a few times. Coating it with your slickness. You wrapped your arms around his neck and parted your leg before raising one up to wrap it around his waist. He lined his cock up with your entrance, rubbing the head against your soaking cunt, before gently pushing it in. It was cool as it slid into you. You couldn’t even moan, your mouth opened, ready to pray to The Elder Gods for sweet release, but all you got, was emptiness as your senses were gripped by wanton lust and pure pleasure. Your eyes were closed as one hand raked against his back, whilst the other flew into his hair, trying to hold on. Fujin moaned as he slid further and further in, before he was in at the hilt. He fell forward, taking a few minutes to compose himself. He nipped at your collarbone.  Before gripping your thigh and hooking his hand under your arse. You felt comfortable and full. Wrapping the over leg around his waist, you allowed him to support all of your weight as your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. His hand gripped your ass, squeezing and teasing the flesh beneath his greedy hands. You moaned loudly, panting almost at the feel of him inside you. He began to withdraw, your back pressed firmly against the wall, your cunt was already beginning to feel empty. You arched your back, clenching your legs around his waist, not wanting him to leave. Only to have him thrust back in. He repeated this action a few times, before picking up the pace, and rocking into your hips. You began to lose control, your grip on his hair and back losing, as both of them fell flat against the wall. Your tits bounced about as he fucked deep into you, your body bouncing against the coolness of the wall and his cool body. Hard abs pressed into soft flesh. You moaned loudly, praying your neighbours didn’t hear the banging, but also not caring. “Fuck Fujin
” You’d lost control over your vocabulary. Only managing to utter a few words at a time. Your hips began to rock back and forth in tandem with his own thrusts. You were edging slowly towards your release but there was just something missing from this position. You needed something
 you needed more. “Couch.” You managed to pant out. Fujin moaned into your shoulder before, nibbling as he fucked you deep. The angle had found was sublime. But you wanted to go on top. You needed his fingers against your clit. “I want to ride that godly cock of yours.” You manage to moan out. Fujin pants, slowing his thrusts down. The couch isn’t far from the wall, and he slides out of you. Your cunt aches and you’re left jelly legged. He slowly lets you down before you unwrap your legs and stand on the floor. You feel ready to collapse but you know your work isn’t done. You need to chase your release.
You push him back onto the sofa. Back into the position that started it all. Your arms wrap around his neck, your lips clashing into his, as your hand positions his wet and hard cock up to your entrance once more. You slowly slide down, taking his cock into you before you moan loudly. As you sink down to it, once more feeling deliciously full. Fujin wraps an arm around your waist, whilst you place your hands on his shoulders. You began to lift your hips up and down, quickly fucking his cock and hard and fast. Fujin moves a hand down to your clit and begins to rub with his thumb. You can feel that release building and bubbling. Your hips fuck in time with his fingers, your chasing the release and you don’t care if anyone else can hear you. Fujin’s confidence grows and he begins to match your hips. Pumping into you until you’ve both found a rhythm. “Oh my god
 oh my god
” You moan as he fucks up into you and you move your hips in a circular motion. Your hand is digging into his shoulders, all the whilst one of his are working hard to make you cum, the other is supporting your hips and helping him to thrust up. You can feel your release coming. “I’m going to cum
” You moan loudly, leaning forward, trying to get just the right angle. Fujin breathily chuckles. “Do not hold back
” He whispers. “I need you to cum for me.” He states. And with that the band in your abdomen snap. You moan loudly, your hips rocking back and forth as you fuck out your release. Your cunt clenching around his cock tightly. As you rocked back and forth against his cock, you could feel his breathing becoming more and more laboured. His thrusts becoming more and more erratic. With a loud moan you felt him buck up into you before he came. “Y/N.” He whispered over and over again as a mantra, as he came deep inside of you. He fucked up into you a few last times, before you both fell forward. You laughed breathlessly, leaning back to see his hair was more a mess than it had been all day. His eyes still glimmered silver and were still devoid of pupils. “So
” You whisper. Only for Fujin to look up at you and lean up to catch your lips once more. The kiss is soft and tender. “That was
 incredible. Tell me Y/N, are there any other Earthrealm customs you would like to show me?” He teases. You plant a kiss on his forehead, you can feel his cock hardening once more inside your sore cunt. You’re in for a long night
 but then again, you did say falling in love with a god wasn’t for the faint of heart.
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