#be your own inspiration
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serenagaia · 5 months
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pleasuremehere · 1 month
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Just Be You, Boo 😘
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positivelypositive · 9 months
...does not need to become a burden.
learn from others, admire their journey, and do your best to extract lessons for yourself. make sure, however, that you don't start living a life that's not yours.
live your own life with some extra spice sprinkled on from your learnings. that's just what you need ✨
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wasalimnaa · 6 months
Jangan Jadi Ibu yang Biasa Biasa Saja
Perhatikanlah kebersihan pikiran anakmu dari kalimat-kalimat buruk yang tidak pantas, sebagaimana kau memperhatikan kebersihan bajunya setiap hari.
Isilah akalnya dengan akidah yang teguh, sebagaimana kau beri gizi pada jasadnya.
Beri perhatian agar ia shalat tepat waktu, sebagaimana kau memperhatikan anakmu mengerjakan PR.
Perhatikanlah kepergiannya ke masjid dan hafalan Al Qurannya, sebagaimana kau memperhatikan kepergiannya ke sekolah.
Daripada kau menceritakan padanya kisah-kisah tidak nyata dan bohong setiap malam, ceritakanlah kisah-kisah para nabi, sahabat, tabi’in dan orang-orang shalih agar dia mencintai dan meniru mereka.
Ajarkanlah dia makna “la ilaha illallah: tidak ada tuhan yang berhak disembah kecuali Allah”, sebelum kau mengajarkannya huruf abjad.
Ceritakanlah padanya tentang surga sebelum kau menceritakan padanya tentang dunia.
Jadikanlah ia mencintai akhirat, sebelum dia besar dan takut padanya.
Ajarkanlah padanya untuk menghormati orang tua, adab makan, dan menyambung silaturahim.
Ajarkanlah padanya akhlak-akhlak yang terpuji.
Jadilah ibu yang hebat, haraplah pahala dalam mendidik mereka karena Allah, supaya Allah memberkahi mereka.
Asuhlah mereka dengan pola asuh yang benar sehingga jika ia berjalan dalam kesenangan dunia, maka mereka akan memilih masjid sebagai jalan mereka, memilih teman yang shalih sebagai tempat berlindung, Al Quran sebagai teman, dan surga sebagai tujuan hidup.
Jadilah teladan baginya dalam pendidikan.
Jadilah teman, kesayangan, dan kerabatnya, bukan hanya seorang ibu.
Umat membutuhkan orang-orang yang tidak takut terhadap celaan orang, dan dunia tidak memalingkan perhatian mereka dari akhirat.
Maka, jadilah engkau wanita yang menghasilkan orang-orang seperti itu.
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pained-princessluna · 9 months
The space I've put between me and you,
I've grown comfortable with it,
It can be lonely, but it is also exciting.
There are so many possibilities waiting there.
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chill-out-my-brother · 7 months
"Seeking peace is sitting on the edge of a cliff viewing the most extraordinary view of the sun diving into the sea as a hurricane is about to come drown you as you have a clear mind."
-Jeremy R. Young
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braindamaged007 · 1 year
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lockdowndiariesbyjj · 11 months
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.🌷 ​
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suaymak · 1 month
Embracing Imperfections: learn to accept ourselves just as we are.
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Hello! I am Raizah Anggalan, and I am here to share how i "Embrace my Imperfections" So, "How can we embrace our imperfection?" Now, I will share my experiences when it comes to imperfections, In today's world, there is often a lot of pressure to be flawless in every aspect of life. Whether it's striving for the perfect body, the perfect career, or the perfect relationship, the pursuit of perfection can take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being. I know there's no perfect in this world, but imperfections we often observe are not inherent to the world itself but rather to the people who inhabit it. Many imperfections arise from the high standards that people set for themselves and others. Consequently, individuals are often judged and criticized for not meeting these unrealistic expectations. This constant judgment can lead to a decrease in self-confidence and prevent individuals from appreciating their own worth. Moreover, people tend to compare themselves to others, which further contributes to feelings of inadequacy.
This is what I experience that I want you to know and it's meant a lot to me. I experienced this past 2022 I am a senior high school students and I have this kind of classmate that everyone call her Ms. Perfect, this classmate of mine is extremely beautiful, and many people are attracted to her. She is always chosen as the muse in class. I'm not jealous because she is she is too kind for me, it looks like I am toxic but I know everyone feel this, feeling that no one knows about you even what you like, what do you want, even inviting you in some events, like birthday or "gala" I find myself comparing to her, and it hurts me because I don't have anything that she has. She always gets noticed by everyone, while I feel like I'm just there, unnoticed. I often ask myself, why am I like this? After that, It's our Arts day and There was a time when our teacher assigned us a task, and I was happy because it was very easy for me. I noticed that others were struggling, especially my girl classmate that I mean. She approached me and asked for help. I was surprised because she seems perfect and doesn't need someone like me. But it turns out she was having a hard time, and I gladly helped her, Afterwards, she suddenly shouted in our class, "Hey, she's really good!" and everyone inside started asking for my help. It made me realize that everyone noticed me. They were all focusing on me. I know that it is just because I did well in the task assigned by our teacher, but it meant a lot to me because I realized that I can do something that others can't, especially to that my girl classmate who seems perfect, that time I know is like a small thing to other but for me is not. And that's when I realized that nobody is perfect, all of us have imperfections, and we can embrace them. Why not? We can be who we are, and no one can dictate who or what we should be. After that, I stopped questioning myself. Besides, I became proud of myself because being true to who I am brings happiness. No more pretending or wearing a mask. I simply enjoy life as it is.
Now I want to share some advice or thoughts about " How can you embrace your own imperfections".
Embracing imperfections it is being kind to ourselves when we make mistakes or face challenges. Instead of being hard on ourselves, we treat ourselves with understanding and patience. This helps us to bounce back from setbacks and grow stronger. It's about accepting ourselves as we are, learning from our experiences, and being kind to ourselves along the way. It is being true to ourselves and not pretending to be perfect. It helps us build genuine connections with others because we can be honest and real. When we accept our own flaws and the flaws of others, we can understand and empathize with them better. We let go of unrealistic expectations and love people for who they truly are, which creates a more caring and supportive environment.
And what yours?
If you want some advice, and you want to share about yourself and if you are struggling right now, I can be your listener.
You can contact me in my IG account: @future123765
Your story will be share and be an inspiration to others, let's spread positivity for everyone!
Note: when I am sharing your story in this platform, I am surely to have your consent if you want to share your story.
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enii · 1 year
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Be your own sunshine💕🌻
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serenagaia · 4 months
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I’m not a type. I’m a vibe.
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browneyedreamer · 2 years
There is something devastating about growing up in the house of a man made of storms.
How violent for the soul, to disassemble and rebuilt yourself every night to get rid of every piece of you he seems to disaprove of.
How humiliating, to run in every direction at his will only to find out he never intended for you to win the race anyway.
Yet you keep trying; demeaning yourself when he isn't around to do it himself, silencing your needs to better accommodate him, feeding him the pieces of you that are left untouched.
Your entire self become a secret preciously locked behind the facade you so carefully built to protect yourself.
And when you finally have the freedom to be angry about having to protect yourself from the very person who was supposed to keep you safe, years later, you still can't talk about it.
You're the only one who saw his thunder, how can you expect people not to believe him when he says you're the one who put the house on fire?
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uniquely-annabella · 3 months
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It's 3am and I'm sat in my office working on my businesses rebrand and working on making a comeback in 2024. No one else is going to help me move forward in my journey so it's time I become my own support squad. I got this 🤘🏻🤓😅
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