#what do you MEAN they just move silently and smoothly across the sky
selfless1978 · 6 months
New Adventures
A storm had flared up. The rainfall so heavy Leo had to slow the van. But even this couldn't hold his full attention. The lighting illuminated those small faces as they slept. Streaking them with the pattern of the falling rain against the windows.
Leo's blue eyes repeatedly looked in the rearview. He had never been close to children before and he was struggling to come to terms with this decision he had made. What did he know about taking care of children? What did any of them know? If Splinter had still been alive, he could guide Leo on the matter.
But he wasn't.
Leo dropped his eyes to look at the road just as another bolt dashed across the sky, followed shortly after by the now familiar crack of thunder. A quiet sigh escaped him.
"You're doing the right thing, Leo." Mikey said from the seat next to him. It had seemed as if he had been asleep, but he obviously wasn't. "She's not going to just throw her hands up and surrender, you know."
"I know, little brother." Leo replied in the same soft tone Mikey was using. Neither wanted to wake the children up. It amused Leo a bit that they could sleep through the storm. "I just hate the idea of dragging them into this."
"Are you though?" Mikey asked shrewdly. "I mean, they were dragged into this the moment they were put into foster care. You didn't start this. If anything, you're offering them some kind of stability while we straighten their mom out."
Leo hadn't really thought about it that way. It did give him a bit of a new perspective on the situation, but it also fueled his uncertainty.
"Donnie says she's still on the move." Mikey reported, listening into the small headset. "Not heading home yet."
Leo nodded his acknowledgement, but stayed quiet. Once more lost in thought as his eyes flickered back to the rear view.
It wasn't long after that when they reached the access tunnel that led to their garage. The hidden entrance opened after a push of a button of a remote attached to Mikey's gear. The wipers protesting shriek at the lack of moisture was the last thing heard before he turned them off and the doors closed behind them. even the engine was a soft murmur at the now slower speed. Nonetheless, Leo was very careful as he navigated the maze of tunnels. Very conscious of his precious cargo.
Donnie was already waiting for them when Leo finally stopped the van. "Everything is ready for them." He assured his older brother as Leo got out. "Raph and Casey finished up about an hour ago."
Leo nodded and walked around the van, taking the still sleeping little girl from Mikey. Then the orange banded turtle reached back in and smoothly pulled Dennis out. He didn't wake up either.
Donnie led the way to the rooms he had set up with Raph, April and Casey. Raph came out of the kitchen, drink in hand, when he heard them enter. "Small lil' tykes."
"What did you expect?" Donnie raised a brow at him. "Giants?"
"I dunno." Raph shrugged. Then he paused. "Ya goin' to let Chief Vincent know?"
"No." Leo said firmly. "She doesn't need to know. Not yet anyway."
Raph nodded and walked along side Leo. Raph opened Amy's door for Leo while Donnie gave Mikey the same curtesy with Dennis. Leo was silent as he stepped into the room. Nothing on him making a sound that might wake the sleeping child. Then, so very gently, he used a foot to toss the comforter out of his way before settling the girl down in her new bed and fresh sheets. Then he knelt by her bed as he reached for the cover, carefully making sure she was tucked in and warm.
Leo spent a few moments marveling over this little creature. Her face peaceful in her sleep. Leo couldn't help the smile that formed on his face as she mumbled something in her sleep and rolled over onto her side. Is this what his father had felt when he had watched them sleep? This sense of awe? Because these children did overwhelm him with the feeling.
Leo sighed one last time as he rose back to his feet before making his way to the door. "Goodnight, Amy." He whispered quietly before softly closing the door.
The loud crash and heavy thud he heard ripped Leo out of his early morning meditation. A split second later he heard Raph cursing up a storm. He quickly got to his feet and made his way out of the dojo to find out what all the commotion was about.
The noises led him to the bathroom and when he looked in, he had to bite his bottom lip to keep from laughing. Somehow, the laundry detergent that had been sitting next to the washer in the laundry room had ended up all over the floor. But that wasn't what was amusing. Raph, apparently half asleep still, had meandered into the bathroom and was now doing a very interesting rendition of the moonwalk. Well, if his feet slipping in every direction counted as the moonwalk. The noise he had heard was apparently Raph slamming into, and knocking over, the heavy standalone cabinet that housed their towels.
"What on earth are you doing?" Donnie had peeked over Leo's shoulder and gaped at the still sliding Raph.
"Wazzit look like!" Raph bellowed. "Break dancing!?"
"Not like I've ever seen." Mikey's grinning face peered around the door frame. "You trying out a new style?"
"Shut up, Mikey!" Raph bellowed a second time. Then his feet both slipped out from under him and he landed unceremoniously on his ass.
Mikey cracked up. Until a flying bottle of deodorant slammed into his face.
Donnie took pity on the big brute and held out his staff, extending it so Raph could reach it. Then Donnie pulled and Raph, sliding on his backside, was soon at the doorway where Leo helped him to his feet.
Up close, Leo could see that his grumpy brother had the stuff smeared all over him. How long had he been flailing around in there?
Before any of them could unravel this mystery, Leo's sensitive nose smelt smoke before the smoke alarm even went off. They rushed towards the new emergency, the kitchen, to see smoke coming out of the microwave as it crackled and sparked. Mikey quickly went over and opened it. Inside looked like a can of some kind. Whatever had been inside it, was obviously not anymore. It was caked all over the inside of the microwave. An unidentifiable coat of burnt gloop.
only then did Mikey notice the gallon of spilt milk all over the floor, mixed in with his box of cereal.
"Not me lucky charms!" Mikey wailed.
Leo rolled his eyes, but he began to get a suspicion of what was going on. Donnie apparently did too, because he dashed off to his lab. Just in time to see two little figures try to cook hotdogs in his coffee machine.
The children startled and turned to see a tall, lean, crossed armed, brow raised turtle looking at them.
"We got hungry...." Amy explained, her eyes wide. Donnie wasn't sure if it was because she saw yet another turtle, or if it was because they got caught.
Donnie calmly walked in and turned the coffee maker off. "You could've just asked."
"We didn't want to bug anybody." Dennis said as Donnie ushered them out of his lab.
"I'll make you something to eat." Mikey had gotten over his mourning of his favorite cereal and took the kids by the hand. "Come back to the kitchen."
"And clean up your mess while you're at it." Leo said with a slight smile. A smile that left his face rather quickly when he plopped into his favorite recliner, and right on top of some discarded peanut butter and jelly sandwich remains.
He sighed, got up and went looking for something to salvage his chair. This was going to be a very interesting experience.....
@raphsweapondealer @raisin-shell @infuriatedleprechaun
@turtle-babe83 @avery73
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Late Night Admissions
Prompts: 'As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you' + 'Fingertips brushing hair from your face' and 'Body warmth as someone holds you against them' Requested by: @twisted-monster
Pairing: Loki x Gen!Neutral Reader
Triggers: None
Words: I wanted to make this longer, but I was only able to get it to 1.9k
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000 Marvel Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney, @trashywritestrash, @groovyfluxie, @marvelouslyme96, @supersourlemon13, @mochamoff, @simsiddy
*An alternate timeline in which Loki survived Thanos and ended up helping the Avengers defeat him, because why not.
**Little angst, mostly fluff
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Part of you hated how your entire being reacted when you so much as heard his name. Heart beat increased to an annoying rate, your hands get sweaty, and you feel a jolt of excitement rocket through your body as butterflies rampage in your stomach.
The other part of you was glad for it. Because it proved to you that the way you felt about him, that the way he made you feel, was real. Whether it was for him or not, still haunted your thoughts.
You wiped your sweaty hands on your pants as you looked around the room, hoping that no one noticed your sudden change in demeanor at the mention of the mischievous God. He and Thor were coming for a visit. It had been just over two weeks since you last saw Loki. His last visit was only known to you, and only for you.
Ever since Loki had helped to fight Thanos with the rest of you, he was now welcome on Earth. Many of the Avengers were cautious around him, just in case he resorted back to wanting to take over Earth. You had been cautious at first as well. But at some point, you and Loki had developed a friendship, which then developed into more. And for the last couple of months, you secretly had been "together". You tried not to think of it as a relationship, because sometimes you doubted how he really felt about you.
Loki was the one who acted secretive around you, as though he wanted no one to know you had something between you. At first you had been unsure of whether you wanted the others to know, but the longer you were with him, you no longer cared how they would react. But still, Loki refused. You often wondered if he was dissatisfied with being with someone from Midgard, maybe he was ashamed of the thought.
At times he would be gentle and kind, funny and generous. And sometimes he would be distant, as though you were only acquaintances, or less. The last time he had been here, he came in secret, and you spent the whole night watching the night sky and talking, his arms wrapped around you from behind as he told you stories of Asgard. And in the moment you felt like he might really care deeply about you, just as deeply as you felt for him. You fell asleep in his arms, and when you woke up, he was gone.
"Tony! Pepper!" Thor bellowed as he entered, greeting the two as they walked towards him. You jumped slightly as you were shaken from your thoughts at his boisterous entry.
"Thor, back so soon?" Tony asked as Pepper nudged his shoulder and smiled at Thor.
"Hello Thor, It's good to see you too, where's Loki?" She asked as she peaked behind Thor.
As she asked this, part of you was afraid he had decided not to come at all. But just as you began to feel disappointed Loki entered the room. His eyes scanned the room, over the others and on to you, where his eyes barely held for a second. Your small faltered before it even graced your face. He at least usually nods his head in acknowledgement to you, or even says your name in greeting with a polite smile, but that was barely more than nothing. You shouldn't have been hurt by that, but you were.
Pushing the thought down, you walked across the room and towards the brothers. Thor grinned at you "Hello Y/n."
"Hi Thor, Loki." You smiled as you greeted them.
When Loki did nothing but hold your gaze casually, you looked back to Thor "Your message never said why you were coming back, nothing's wrong I hope."
"No, no. Well...I'm not quite sure. We are here to speak to Strange. Apparently he has something he wants to discuss with us, a possible Asgardian causing trouble I think."
"And he needs you to deal with it?" You asked curiously.
"We'll see I suppose." He said casually with a slight grudge "We're going there now, but I wanted to say hello. We will return later." He said his voice now merry again, turning he began to leave, Loki followed with no word and barely a look at you, sending a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Feeling Pepper staring at you, you looked at her "What?" You asked cautiously, gaining Tony's attention.
"Was it just me or was Loki acting odd?" She asked.
"Now that you mention it-" Tony broke in "He was much more silent than he normally is, though that's not saying much." He said before turning and walking away.
You met Peppers eyes again and shrugged and she eyed you almost suspiciously before turning "Okay." She said unconvinced "I'll talk to you later then."
"Bye" You said as she began to follow Tony. Looking back at where Loki had been standing you felt a uneasy feeling flowing through your entire being.
- - - - -
After Thor and Loki's departure, you couldn't help but worry something had happened since the last time you and Loki were together. Had he gotten tired of you? Of pretending that he felt anything for you? Was it all just a game?
Countless thoughts troubled your mind, and only a few of them were defending his actions. Defending his disregard of you.
"Y/n." A gentle voice greeted from close behind you making you spin around in alarm at the sudden intrusion of your thoughts.
Seeing Loki standing there, a faint smile on his face, your usual butterflies were replaced with an anxious tightening of your stomach "Loki." You greeted simply.
Walking up to you, he stopped only a few inches away. Reaching down he took your hands gently in his own before bringing them up and pressing a kiss to the back of each of them.
You frowned in confusion at his sudden change, and as he looked at you he saw it clearly "What's wrong?" He asked.
Scoffing lightly you pulled your hands away from him, and you saw a small reaction on his face that seemed to be hurt. But pushing past it you tried to speak boldly "What do you mean? Isn't it obvious? I don't understand how you can move so smoothly from total disregard to- to...this?" You motioned your hands at him. "You acted as though you didn't even care I was in the room earlier, did you seriously think that I wouldn't notice? Or care?"
Loki stared at you with his mouth ajar "I- didn't think about it. I just assumed that you knew I would act...casual around you, as to not show our connection. If they knew." He chuckled lightly under his breath "They would think me....weaker, I think."
You scoffed again and Loki rose his brow at you "Love is not a weakness Loki." You said with obvious hurt in your voice. But as the words left your mouth, and you saw Loki's face change to surprise, you realized what you had said, what you had unintentionally admitted to him, and yourself in part. Quickly you stepped back from him and felt yourself become awkward "I need to go." You said as you quickly walked past him and left the room, leaving behind a somewhat astounded God behind you.
- - - - -
You stared at your curtain covered window, the white lacy fabric allowing you to see the silhouettes and faded lights of the city outside your window. Your last interaction with Loki replaced in your head on a loop. 'I really said "Love" didn't I?' You thought to yourself. You had been afraid to admit it to yourself, that you had fallen in love with him. But it came out so naturally, you must have meant it. You did mean it. You loved him. And that's why his casual disregard of your feelings hurt you so much. Surely he would not feel the same for you.
The more you thought about it, the more you felt yourself finally begin drifting to sleep. You didn't hear your door open and close, but you were aware of the footsteps coming towards your bed. Purposefully soft as they approached. If you were not in such a safe place, you'd be on guard. But even in you tired minded state, you knew who it was.
Instead of waking yourself up to deal with what might come with his presence, you continued to let yourself be taken by your sleepiness. But as you did, you felt a kiss pressed to your temple, and you blanket brought up and draped over you. The soft action caused your heart to beat rapidly, and the sleep you were fighting to take was fading away as his presence became too overpowering.
Finally, you let out a small breath and turned your head a bit further into your pillow, causing a bit of your hair to fall across your face. Speaking quietly out into the darkness of your room "What are you doing here?"
He remained silent for a moment as he reached over, and gently brushed the stray hands of hair from your face and back behind your ears. "You were right-" he began "love is not a weakness." Your heart began to beat heavier in your chest as he spoke gently from behind you, his hand rested gentle on your side. "But I became scared, of...your mortality. Of loving someone I can lose so easily and in what feels like, such a short amount of time. And that scared me more than I wish to think about." So I pushed it away a bit, never letting the others see it. Hoping that I..could stop it, I could take it back. But those were lies I told myself. I don't really want to stop it. I want to cherish it.So I have decided, it is much better to be with you while I can, rather than run from it and not have you at all. So I promise I will no longer run from it, or from you. I will make it my strength. My love. For you."
You never realized they built up, but a tear streamed from your cheek as he spoke. Remaining still you let the fabric of your pillow soak it up. "I was afraid you didn't feel anything for me." You admitted, ad you felt his hand grip your side a bit "I've thought about it too you know. You being immortal, and me not. But I more thought it was because I was human that you did not want me."
Loki brought his face beside yours "No. I want you. And...your humanity is what makes me love you more. You are so kind, and loving and strong, and so...human. I couldn't help but fall for you."
You smiled at this, and Loki pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, and you could feel the smile he had as well. Leaning back, he adjusted himself so that he was holding you now, his arms wrapped around you and his head resting just above yours. His body heat made you sink into the comfort of your bed easier, and you felt yourself drifting away again.
A sudden thought popped back into your mind just as you were losing yourself to sleep. You mumbled out quietly to him "Will you be gone when I wake up?"
Loki smiled to himself, pressing a kiss to the back of your head he then rested it on the pillow "Not this time."
No, not this time. He would no longer flee. He would no longer run from him desire to be with you. From this point on, he would cherish every moment. He would love you as you deserved.
xx End xx
Hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please consider reblogging! :)
If you want to be added to my Loki or Avengers/Marvel taglist let me know! (I also have taglists available for any other character and fandom)
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junghelioseok · 3 years
clandestine. | 04
↳ forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.
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◇ jungkook x reader ◇ smut | fluff | brother’s best friend!au ◇ 6.5k [4/6]
notes: we finally have a set chapter count! did this fic really need to be 6 chapters? absolutely not, but here we are! i’m hoping to have this fella finished up in the next month or so, but we’ll see how that goes given my track record. happy new year, everyone!
warnings: a little underedited bc i’m lazy, shower sex!!! mild? exhibitionist tendencies??? reader is dumb and jungkook is slutty, but what else is new 🤷🏻‍♀️
⇢ 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 
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“I swear to god, I am going to amputate your arm with a rusty hacksaw if you elbow me one more time.”
Undeterred, your brother prods you again, pouting at you from his spot in the driver’s seat. “I just want another chip, Noona. Don’t be so mean.”
“Are you a baby bird?” you ask in disbelief, gaping at the way he opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue. “Seriously, I’m not feeding you. Get your own chips if you want them so badly.”
“But I’ve gotta keep both hands on the wheel,” he replies cheekily. “Ten and two positions, at all times.”
You frown. “Didn’t they change it to nine and three?” Nonetheless, you reluctantly reach into the bag in your lap, pulling out a potato chip and delivering it to his waiting mouth. “Next one’s going straight into your nose,” you warn as he happily crunches down on the snack.
Jimin simply offers you a beatific grin in between chews. “Love you too.”
“Nope, I changed my mind. Next one’s going up your ass.”
Your brother has long since grown used to your threats. “Kinky,” he chuckles as he merges smoothly into the next lane over. The song on the radio shifts into something more upbeat, and Jungkook is quick to start humming along under his breath from his spot in the seat behind you. Within minutes, it’s morphed into a singalong, and the offkey warbling of all seven passengers—no matter how dissonant—is a perfect soundtrack for the remainder of the drive.
The beach, when you arrive, is awash with tourists and locals alike, all clamoring to lay claim to a prime stretch of sand and a decent parking space. Jimin manages to snag a spot just as someone else is pulling out, and the rest of you are quick to disembark and scope out the beach for somewhere to set up camp. Plopping your bag down onto the sand, you rifle through it until you find your sunscreen, mentally patting yourself on the back for buying the spray instead of the cream.
“Can I borrow that when you’re done, Noona?” Taehyung asks, watching you wrench off the cap.
You nod, squinting against the sunlight. “Sure. As long as you help me get my entire back.”
Flashing him a grateful smile, you shimmy out of your shorts and begin applying sunscreen to your arms and legs. Taehyung peels off his t-shirt, and you spray him down too, making sure to coat his entire back before he takes the bottle and does the same to you.
“I might have gone a little overboard,” he admits once he’s done, capping the bottle and tossing it back into your bag. Warm hands settle onto your exposed shoulder blades, deft fingertips rubbing the excess product into your skin. “There, that should do it. All better.”
“Thanks, Tae.” You turn around and reach out, wiping at a stray fleck of the white lotion on his bicep. “You’ve got a little bit here too, hang on—“
“Mind if I borrow this?”
You turn at the sound of Jungkook’s voice. The dark-haired young man is standing there with your sunscreen in hand, his gaze zeroed in on the way your fingertips linger on Taehyung’s bare skin. Awkwardly, you pull away and nod, hoping that neither of them can hear your heart pounding erratically against your ribcage.
“Yeah. Sure. It’s all yours.”
Jungkook grabs his white t-shirt by the collar, tugging it up and over his head in one smooth motion, and you swallow at the way his taut abdomen flexes as he tosses it aside. “You’ll help me get my back too, won’t you, Noona?”
You nod, moving before he can even finish his sentence. Your feet carry you across the sandy ground on autopilot, and Jungkook exhales audibly as your palms smooth along the golden expanse of his muscular back, dipping down to the waistband of his black swim trunks. Ever since his visit to your bedroom last night, you’ve been itching to touch him—to feel every last inch of him. It’s impossible with your watchful brother and group of nosy friends hovering around though, so you settle for this—rubbing sunscreen into his warm skin while he sprays down his arms and legs.
“Thanks, princess,” he murmurs once you’re done, soft enough so that only you can hear and raising gooseflesh on the back of your neck. “Maybe next time, you’ll let me repay the favor.”
Then Yugyeom is calling his name, and Jungkook sprints down to the shoreline to join his friend in the crashing surf, his face creasing with laughter. Each time he emerges from the waves, droplets cling to his skin like glistening diamonds in the sunlight. It’s impossible to look away from the sight, and your tongue darts out to moisten your lips as you watch water drip off his hair and down his nape, pooling in his collarbones before he shakes his head like a dog and sends it spraying in all directions.
All that sunscreen is going to waste, a tiny voice in your head points out, but it’s hard to worry about that when you’re too busy following the path of the water streaming down past his dusky nipples to the ridges of his abdomen. And it’s almost as if he feels your gaze on him, because he’s suddenly staring right back at you, a wicked smirk tugging at his lips.
“Come on, Noona,” he calls, raking a hand through his drenched hair. “The water’s fine. Don’t make me drag you in.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you call back, immediately regretting it when something equal parts mischievous and dangerous flashes across his face. There’s a glint in his eye that wasn’t there before, and you back away nervously as he emerges from the waves and saunters toward you. “Jungkook—”
“Yes?” he asks, his voice dropping down into a low purr. “What is it, princess?”
You edge around the towel that you’ve laid out in the sand, as if such a flimsy barrier could stop him in any way. “Just—just don’t dunk me under,” you plead.
Jungkook looks genuinely offended by that. “I would never,” he says, laying a hand over his heart and grabbing yours with his free one. “Now come on—let’s get you wet.”
You groan at the innuendo and try to tug free from his grip, but Jungkook only tightens his grasp, cackling the whole way down to the water.
The sun is just beginning to set, streaking the blue sky through with wispy strands of orange and gold, when Jimin raises his hand and declares it dinner time. For the past two hours, you’ve all been engrossed in a very tight three-on-three volleyball match with Jimin serving as referee, and upon hearing your brother’s declaration, Minho looks about ready to chuck the ball into the ocean.
“Dude, are you fucking serious? We’re literally two points from winning!” He gestures wildly at an invisible scoreboard only he can see. “No way we’re stopping here. I refuse on principle.”
“Yeah, I wanna see who the real winner is, too,” Jungkook drawls from the other end of the court, where he’s flanked on either side by Taehyung and Yugyeom. “I mean, we’ve been leading for most of the tournament, so…”
Minho scowls. “And we’re about to win the whole damn thing. Just you wait, Jeon.”
Behind him, you and Taemin exchange helpless glances. It isn’t the first time you’ve seen Jungkook and Minho squabble over the years, and you’re sure it won’t be the last. Both possess a razor sharp competitive streak and a certain pigheadedness that only emerges when it comes to athletic endeavors, and luckily, your brother knows this just as well as you do. Heaving a sigh, Jimin wearily gestures for them to continue, resuming his post at the end of the net. “Fine, fine,” he mutters. “Next point wins.”
On the other side of the net, Jungkook’s eyes narrow. “I’m good with that if you are.”
“Oh, I’m good,” Minho retorts. “It’s our serve. You ready?”
Jungkook smirks. “Bring it on.”
Minho cracks his knuckles and tosses the ball over to you for the serve. “All right then, let’s fucking do this.”
You sigh. Taking a deep breath, you heft up the ball, testing its weight before hitting it smoothly over the net. Yugyeom jumps up to intercept, batting it back over to your side, and Minho attempts to spike it back and into the sand. Unfortunately, Jungkook is too quick, and dives down to bump it back over to you. The back and forth continues like this for a while—you see Jimin boredly scrolling on his phone out of the corner of your eye—and you’re strongly considering calling it quits when Jungkook smashes the ball over the net and into the ground right at Minho’s feet.
“And that’s game,” he declares proudly, raking his sweaty hair off his forehead with a triumphant grin.
“Are you finally done?” Jimin asks, rolling his eyes and pocketing his phone. “Thank god. Can we eat now?”
Jungkook claps him on the back in affirmation, ignoring Minho’s loud, adamant protests that your team still technically won. Together, you head back to where your towels and bags sit in the sand, grabbing bottles of chilled water out of the cooler and fishing for snacks. Jimin pulls a package of hot dogs out while Taehyung rips open a bag of chips, and you follow their lead and grab the hamburger patties and buns. “Huh, I swear I bought ketchup,” you mumble to yourself as you rummage through the half-melted ice in the cooler. “Is it not in here?”
“I have it.” Jungkook materializes at your side, proffering the little red bottle. He’s pulled his white t-shirt back on, the material a stark contrast to his tanned skin, and you silently rise to your feet to take it when a sudden wave of lightheadedness rushes over you and sends the world spinning.
“Whoa,” you gasp, swaying on your feet. “Oh, god.”
Jungkook frowns and drops the ketchup bottle, steadying you until most of your weight is leaned against him. “Noona? Are you okay?”
You swallow, hard, and try to shake the unexpected bout of dizziness away. “I don’t know. Got dizzy, all of a sudden. I think I might have stood up too fast?”
Gently, Jungkook presses the back of his hand against your forehead. “You feel pretty warm,” he murmurs. “Have you had enough water today?”
“I thought I drank plenty, but maybe not,” you admit, and he nods decisively and gestures for you to follow him.
“Come on,” he says. “Let’s grab some water and go somewhere quiet so you can rest. Minho isn’t going to shut up about that match anytime soon, and it’s cooler down by the water.”
You laugh weakly. “We did technically win, you know. We had one more point than you guys.”
“God, not you too,” Jungkook sighs, casting you a playful look over his shoulder as he digs two bottles of water out from the cooler. He uncaps one and hands it over before taking a swig out of his, and you take a grateful sip, relishing in the cool liquid that trickles down your throat.
Nearby, your brother and the rest of the boys have commandeered one of several firepits scattered around the edges of the beach. They’re piling up pieces of driftwood and some of the long, tall sea grass that Taehyung has found, and Jungkook waves at them as he slowly guides you toward the ocean with a hand on your back. “We’re gonna go find some more wood!” he calls, and Jimin raises a hand in acknowledgment before turning back to the firepit.
Water laps gently at your toes as you and Jungkook walk along the shore, washing away all traces of your footprints. The sun dips below the horizon at last, illuminating the sky in one last burst of red and orange and gold that slowly fades into deep purples and blues as night falls. The temperature dips as the moon ascends to her lofty throne, accompanied by a smattering of starry pinpricks. Most of the beachgoers have packed up and left by this point, and here, with nothing but Jungkook’s quiet, familiar presence and the lapping waves, you feel more at peace than you have in a long time.
“You know, I’m really glad I came this weekend,” you say softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two of you. Your gaze drops down to your toes, fixing your attention on a pearly white seashell that’s sticking out from the wet sand. “I think you were right—I really did need a break from everything.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t quite catch that,” Jungkook says, swirling his pinky in his ear. “Could you say it again? Something about me being right?”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, shut up.”
Jungkook casts a quick look over his shoulder, and when you follow the trajectory of his gaze, you notice just how far you’ve gotten from the firepit where the others are sitting. Darkness has settled over the beach, the sand painted a wan silver from the light of the moon, and you flinch when Jungkook’s hand finds its way around yours.
“Jungkook—” you begin, but trail off when he twines your fingers together and gives your hand a squeeze.
“They can’t see us, Noona,” he murmurs. “Relax.”
Easier said than done, you want to say. Nevertheless, you suck in a deep breath and take another sip from your water bottle, trying to ignore the way Jungkook swings your interlocked hands between you as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“Shouldn’t—shouldn’t we be trying to find more driftwood?” you ask after several long seconds have dragged by. “We need way more if we’re gonna keep the fire going.”
Jungkook hums softly and veers inland, until the sand beneath your feet is dry and starts sticking to your wet toes. You come across a few scattered pieces of wood, dried out by the sun, and tuck them beneath your arm. Likewise, Jungkook gathers a few pieces of his own, hefting them up before reaching out to take your hand once more. His fingers slot all too comfortably into the spaces between yours, and your heart stutters a few times in your chest before plunking down into your churning stomach.
Nighttime has well and truly settled over the beach by the time you and Jungkook start picking your way back over to rejoin the group around the firepit. You pull your hand out of Jungkook’s well before you reach the ring of orange light that the flames cast across the sand, your arm now swinging free at your side and your fingers cold from the loss of his warmth. Silently, you hasten your pace and plop down onto the towel that Jimin has spread out, stretching out your legs toward the fire and wiggling your toes.
“Where have you guys been?” Jimin asks curiously. “You just kinda wandered off.”
“Getting more driftwood,” you reply, gesturing at the small pile you’ve dropped at the edge of the towel. “We told you that’s where we were going.”
Jimin frowns for a few seconds before the memory resurfaces. “Oh, right. I forgot.”
Jungkook snorts and takes a seat beside you, dropping his stack of driftwood on top of yours. “Dumbass.”
“You’re a dumbass,” Jimin retorts.
“You’re both dumbasses,” you sigh.
The fire crackles merrily, sending orange sparks up into the velvety black sky. There’s a grill situated over the flames, loaded with hamburger patties and hot dogs, and you watch as Jimin tears open a bag of hot dog buns and begins to place them around the edges.
“Hey, can you throw me the hamburger buns?” he asks you. “I wanna try toasting them.”
“You’re gonna burn them,” you tell him flatly. Nonetheless, you locate the second bag and toss it over, watching as he makes more room on the grill.
Dinner is a loud, chaotic affair, filled with laughter and conversation and plenty of booze to go around. Jimin has procured a flask of whiskey from somewhere in his clothing—an impressive feat in and of itself, considering he’s only wearing swim trunks and a thin blue t-shirt. You wave him off when he offers you a sip, and he shrugs and throws back a generous swallow himself. Then he offers it to Jungkook, who shakes his head and raises his water bottle. “Designated driver,” he says. “I’m sticking to water tonight.”
Curiously, you glance over at him. “You don’t have to do that. I wasn’t planning on drinking, so I can drive us back.”
“With the way you were looking earlier?” Jungkook fixes you with a look of pure disbelief. “Not a chance. Besides, we’re going back to the real world tomorrow, and the last thing I need is to be hungover. I have to get us back home in one piece, not to mention the entire menu I still have to memorize for work.”
You hum. Jungkook has mentioned his new job a few times—a summer stint working as a server at a new restaurant opened by a family friend named Seokjin. “Right, I remember you saying that. You start on Monday, don’t you?”
“Dinner shift,” Jungkook confirms. “I stole a whole bunch of pens from Junghyun’s room the other day in preparation. Jin said I’d probably end up losing two-thirds of them by the end of the week.”
“That sounds about right,” you tell him with a laugh. “Some guy stole my favorite pen last summer when I was working at that diner on Main. Lesson learned, forever.”
Jungkook laughs. “Yeah, I bet.”
You grin. “But, hey, seriously. If you need me to quiz you on that menu, I’ve got time to spare.”
“Honestly, I might take you up on that offer. I have flash cards, and everything.” He uncaps his water bottle and takes a long sip, his throat bobbing with each swallow, before glancing back over at you. “What about you? You ready for your internship?”
You sigh and offer him a helpless little shrug. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready, to be honest. I don’t think I’m going to stop stressing about it until I get through my first day. The entire thing still doesn’t feel real.”
“I get that,” Jungkook hums. “Well, I can imagine it, at least. I won’t pretend to know exactly what you’re going through, since I’ve never had an adult job, but—“ He shrugs a shoulder halfheartedly. “I can kind of relate, I guess.”
“All jobs suck a little bit,” you tell him, and Jungkook lets out a derisive huff of agreement.
“I’ll drink to that,” he says, and the two of you tap your water bottles together before rejoining the conversation with the rest of your friends.
The drive back to the lake house is shorter than you remember it being—though that might be because you spend most of it watching Jungkook drive. He steers with one hand slung carelessly over the wheel, his expression relaxed as he sings along to whatever pop hit plays on the radio. Unloading the car is a team effort, though you hear no shortage of complaints from Jimin as he heaves the cooler over the threshold of the house before collapsing atop it in a pile of limp limbs.
“Thanks for leaving me to carry this thing by myself,” he snarks, not even bothering to raise his head. “Really appreciate it.”
“Don’t be a baby,” Taehyung scoffs, tossing a game console at him. “Have a beer and pick something to play. We’re waiting on you.”
You watch as your brother immediately hops up and darts over to join the rest of the boys lounging in the living room, fighting back the sudden wave of exhaustion that washes over you. “I think I’m going to head to bed,” you tell them, hiding a yawn behind your hand. “Goodnight, guys.”
A chorus of goodnights and see you in the mornings rings out in response, and you wave before heading down the hall to your room and into the adjoining bathroom. Your hair is crusty from being submerged in the salty water of the ocean, and a shower to rejuvenate your dehydrated skin is just what you need. Turning on the tap, you wait until it’s flowing warm before stripping out of your clothes and tossing them onto your bed to deal with later. Then you step into the shower and tilt your head back, letting the water stream down your face and soak into your hair.
You’re midway through squeezing a generous dollop of shampoo into your palm when there’s a soft knock on the door. “Noona?” Jungkook’s voice filters through the sound of rushing water, low and lilting like a song. “You left kinda fast. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
You cap the shampoo bottle and replace it on the shelf, peering out from behind the shower curtain. “I’m fine,” you call, hesitating before you steel your nerves and continue. “You can come in, if you want. I don’t like yelling through the door.”
Slowly, the bathroom door eases open, revealing Jungkook standing in his and Jimin’s shared bedroom. His brown eyes are wide as he takes in the sight before him, and you have no doubt that he’s thinking about just what the palm tree patterned curtain is hiding from his view. Your lip finds its way between your teeth when you notice him shuffle his feet awkwardly for a moment before stepping a little closer to where you’re standing beneath the spray, his mouth opening to speak.
“Join me?”
The invitation slips past your lips, unbidden, but you have no intention of taking it back. Not when Jungkook’s gaze darkens to obsidian at those two simple words, his mouth snapping shut and his hands already reaching for the hem of his white t-shirt. Not when he strips it off in one smooth motion to reveal all the dips and ridges of his abdomen, his skin golden even under the harsh fluorescent bathroom lights. And certainly not when he pulls aside the shower curtain and joins you beneath the spray, his dark eyes appreciatively raking up and down your bare figure.
“Hey,” he says, his voice a low purr.
“Hi,” you respond, reaching out and trailing a fingertip down his chest.
And then you’re dropping down to your knees, your tongue darting out to tease at the tip of his already rising cock. One hand finds its way to his balls while the other traces the line of his pelvic bone, and you smirk when you feel him let out a shuddery breath.
“Fuck,” he rasps. “Someone’s eager.”
You wrap your lips around the tip of his cock, humming, and Jungkook’s fingers fly into your dampened hair. “Oh, fuck. You’re really trying to kill me, huh, princess?” he asks, and you respond by taking a little more of him into your mouth, laving at the vein running along the underside of his length before hollowing your cheeks. Jungkook throws his head back, a deep groan escaping his parted lips, and you preen under his encouragement as he urges you to take him deeper.
You’ve just begun to settle into a rhythm—figuring out exactly how much pressure he likes and what makes his hips buck—when he suddenly pushes you away. “Jung—” you begin, only to have him silence you with a searing kiss, grabbing you around the waist and hauling you to your feet.
“Wanna fuck you properly,” he rasps. His hand finds its way between your legs, experimental fingers sliding through the wetness that’s gathered there, and your cheeks heat up when he brings them to his mouth and licks them clean. “Just let me go grab a condom,” he whispers urgently. “Don’t move a muscle, okay? I’ll be righ—”
You silence him with a hard kiss. “Don’t,” you mumble. “I’m clean. Are you?”
Jungkook nods slowly, his eyes wide. “Does that mean… I mean, are you…?”
“I’m on the pill,” you murmur. “Fuck me raw, Jungkook.”
A sharp gasp escapes you when Jungkook cages you against the cool tiled wall of the shower, the slick surface dampened by the spray from the showerhead. He grabs ahold of your thigh and hoists it up to wrap around his waist, and you’ve never been more thankful for the ugly fish patterned shower mat that your mom insisted on putting down to prevent slipping. Jungkook nestles into the newly created space between your legs, his cock hot and slick against your center, and you keen when he grinds against you in a slow, deliberate motion.
“You feel that?” he rasps into your ear, his breath hot against your cheek. “Feel how hard you get me, Noona?”
“God, Jungkook,” you breathe back. “Just fuck me already, will you?”
His answering chuckle sends a shiver from your toes to your crown. “So needy,” he murmurs, his hand sliding from your thigh to your hip. His mouth seeks out yours as he positions the head of his cock at your entrance, meeting little resistance as he slowly begins pushing inside. Your walls part willingly for him and your lips do too—his questing tongue slipping inside when you moan and beginning his seemingly endless task of mapping out every corner of your mouth.
“God, I forgot how big you are,” you breathe when he bottoms out—the entirety of his hot, heavy length sheathed within your walls. Your head falls back against the tile as he rolls his hips experimentally, a moan that sounds vaguely like Jungkook’s name escaping your lips. Your arms come up to brace on his shoulders as he picks up his pace, but he intercepts one of your hands and twines your fingers together, settling them onto the wall just to the left of your head. His other hand returns to your thigh to keep you stable and spread out for his increasingly harsh thrusts, and you whimper helplessly in his ironclad grip.
“That’s it,” he whispers, groaning when you clench around him. “God, you’re so fucking tight, princess.”
“Fuck me open, then,” you moan back, squeezing his hand and meeting his next thrust with one of your own. Jungkook’s breathing stutters, and you laugh breathlessly at the way his mouth falls open at the spike of pleasure. Emboldened, you grind against him, the spray from the shower easing the movement. “Jungkook, please.”
He chuckles hoarsely. “Careful what you wish for,” he purrs against the shell of your ear, punctuating the warning with a harsh roll of his hips that sends all remaining thought flying out of your head. In this moment, there’s only Jungkook—his dark hair dampened and dripping, the spray from the showerhead slicking his chest and pooling in his clavicle before trailing down each ridge and dip of his honeyed skin. His lips find yours again, and you sigh into the kiss as he begins to fuck you in earnest.
“Hey, Jungkook! You in there?”
Your eyes fly open at the new voice, your body tensing when there are several loud bangs on the door. Jungkook freezes mid-thrust with an expression that can only be described as a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck, his throat bobbing nervously as he fights to find a response. You can practically see the gears whirring in his brain, and shove uselessly at his chest in an attempt to escape his steely embrace.
“That’s Jimin,” you hiss urgently, turning his face toward yours and prodding his cheek until his gaze refocuses. “What the fuck are we going to do?”
“Dude.” Jimin’s voice is laced with irritation. “I wanna brush my teeth! What the hell are you doing in there?”
Jungkook hesitates, glancing between you and the closed bathroom door. Then he inhales deeply, pressing a light kiss to your furrowed forehead before pulling the shower curtain closed, ensuring there are no gaps. “I got you,” he murmurs softly, his brown eyes boring into yours. “Don’t worry, okay?”
Your eyes flutter shut at the gentle pressure of his lips against your skin, but they fly open again when Jungkook breaks away and yells for Jimin to come in. Warm palms slide soothingly down your sides, but that doesn’t stop you from tensing up when the bathroom door creaks open, your brother’s soft footsteps approaching the flimsy palm tree patterned curtain.
“Have you been showering this whole time? Jeez. Leave some hot water for the rest of us, will you?”
Jungkook chuckles. Ever so slowly, he pushes forward until he’s fully seated inside you again, and you do your best to level a glare at him even as pleasure flares at the base of your spine. “There’s plenty to go around,” he says. “Relax.”
You get the distinct feeling that he’s not just addressing Jimin anymore. Jungkook pulls back until only the top of his cock remains nestled in your folds, and you open your mouth to berate him but all that comes out is a low moan when he sinks back inside you in one swift push.
On the other side of the curtain, you hear the faucet turn on. “Man, I can’t believe we leave tomorrow,” Jimin says over the sound of running water. “The weekend flew by.”
“Mmm,” Jungkook hums, brushing a thumb across your clit. The pace he’s set is slow and deep, and is made all the more sensual by the steam that’s steadily building up in the small room. You try once more to push him away—to quell the growing ache between your legs—but it’s all in vain as he chuckles softly into the crook of your neck, his bare shoulders quaking. “I got you, princess,” he murmurs, his voice a wicked little whisper that’s immediately lost in the spray of water. “Just let me take care of you, yeah?”
You don’t have a chance to answer. Jimin starts speaking again, this time accompanied by the sound of toothbrush bristles scrubbing against his teeth. “I’m starting up at the studio as soon as we get back—isn’t that crazy? I mean, I’ve never taught anyone how to dance before. Not really. Not for real.”
Jungkook snaps his hips up so sharply that you nearly mewl in surprise, forced to bite down into his meaty shoulder to muffle the noises that threaten to escape from your throat. “You’re a great tutor, man,” he says, his voice steady even as he resumes his slow, lazy thrusts, his cock dragging along your fluttering walls. “You’ve been helping people with math for, what, two years? What makes you think it’ll be any different with dancing?”
Jimin spits into the sink and sighs. “I don’t know. It’s scarier because there’ll be more people, I guess. Tutoring is one on one, y’know? And at the studio, I’ll have a full class of people watching me. Every single move I make, they’ll be looking at. That’s fucking terrifying to think about.”
Slowly, Jungkook’s hips still, his cock buried to the hilt in your cunt. Your heartbeat drums in your ears, backed by the relentless spray from the showerhead, and Jungkook leans down to plant a wet kiss on your cheek, his hair dripping.
“You’re a great dancer, Jimin,” he says once he’s pulled back and straightened back up to his full height. “Best one I know. You’re also one of the smartest people I know, but right now, you’re being really fucking dumb.”
There’s a clatter that sounds like a plastic toothbrush being dropped into the sink, and Jimin lets out an affronted squeak. “Hey!”
Jungkook just chuckles, his shoulders quaking. “It’s true,” he says easily. “Seriously, man. You don’t have a thing to worry about. You’re gonna kick ass out there, and your class is gonna be awesome. You’re already, what, almost maxed out on the number of registrants? You’re already killing it.”
Your brother lets out an unintelligible grumble on the other side of the shower curtain, but you can still hear the smile in his voice no matter how hard he tries to mask it. “All right, you fucking sap,” Jimin says at last, his soft footsteps padding toward the door. “Hurry up and get out of there, yeah? You’re really gonna use up all the hot water.”
The door clicks shut behind him, and you immediately smack Jungkook in the middle of his stupidly toned chest. “Oh my god!” you hiss. “Are you kidding me right now, Jeon? We could’ve been caught!”
“But we weren’t,” Jungkook replies easily, shaking his dampened hair out of his face and fixing you with an indolent little smirk. “So why don’t you be a good girl and cum for me now?”
The next morning brings with it a whirlwind of frenzied packing, and you mentally congratulate yourself for preemptively gathering all of your belongings together last night. Minho is wandering every last inch of the house with a piece of half-eaten toast dangling from his mouth, and you can hear Taehyung in the distance asking if anyone’s seen his strawberry body wash. Jungkook is seated on the floor near the front door, his brows furrowed and his lower lip jutting out in a pout as he fights to close the zipper of his suitcase.
“Got it!” he exclaims after a few seconds, triumphant. “Where’s your stuff, Noona? I’m gonna load the car.”
You begin to stand up from your spot on the couch. “It’s in my room, let me go get—”
Jungkook is on his feet and halfway down the hall before you can even finish your sentence. He returns a moment later with your luggage in tow, shooting you a grin and a wink as he passes by. “I got you, princess,” he murmurs. “Remember?”
Of course you do. You remember like it was yesterday—because, well, it was yesterday and you haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. You remember the moment you shared at the beach and the way his hand felt so right wrapped around your own. You remember the way you’d dropped to your knees for him so readily in the shower last night. And you definitely remember the way he’d fucked you afterward—slow and deep in the best possible way, even with your brother’s untimely interruption.
After what feels like an eternity, both cars are finally packed and ready to go. You bid goodbye to the boys who are riding with Jimin, promising to stay in touch, before climbing into the passenger seat of Jungkook’s beat-up sedan. Jungkook himself is already lounging behind the wheel, his sunglasses perched low on his nose as he fiddles with his phone. He looks up at your entrance and flashes you a smile, tapping his screen a few more times before holding it up so you can see.
“I changed your contact photo,” he says. “Like it?”
You peer at his phone, and something in your chest clenches when you see the photo he’s selected. You’re on the beach beside the volleyball net, illuminated by the setting sun. The sky is streaked through with pink and orange behind you, but through some editing magic, Jungkook has made it so that you are glowing even brighter in the foreground—with laughter etched across your face and the wind in your hair. It’s a beautiful photograph, and you tell him so, unable to contain the dangerously warm affection blossoming in your chest.
“I love it,” you say. “I usually don’t like having my photo taken, but wow. You have a talent for this.”
Jungkook’s smile grows. “I have a pretty muse,” he replies, and your cheeks warm.
The door to the backseat opens with a bang, and you nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden sound. “Yo,” Yugyeom says, plopping down and buckling his seatbelt. “We ready to roll?”
Jungkook scowls and puts his phone back into his pocket. “Careful with the door, man. I need this thing to last through the summer.”
Yugyeom puts his hands up in apology, and Jungkook turns back to face the front, starting the ignition with a flick of his wrist. The engine sputters to life, and Jungkook waits for Jimin to pull out first before following after him, tailing the van out of the driveway and onto the winding road that will take you back into the city.
“Music?” you ask, gesturing at the stereo.
“Go for it,” Jungkook replies. “You want my phone so you can put on the roadtrip mix?”
With the help of the upbeat music and Jungkook’s tendency to drive just a touch over the speed limit, you make it to the winding roads of Yugyeom’s neighborhood in what must be record time. “You missed the turn,” Yugyeom says lazily from where he’s sprawled across the entire backseat. “Turn left here—we can circle around and approach from the other side.”
Two more turns and a descent down a steep hill later, Jungkook manages to successfully drop Yugyeom off at his house. The drive across town takes no time at all, and before long, you’re cruising into your neighborhood, coasting past Jungkook’s driveway and straight into yours.
“Looks like we beat Jimin back,” you remark, looking at the empty spot where the van usually sits.
Jungkook hums. “Makes sense. He has more people to drop off.”
“Mm. Yeah.”
The sudden awkwardness that falls doesn’t go unnoticed by you. Clearing your throat, you reach for your purse, grabbing it from where it’s fallen to the ground near your feet. “I guess I’ll see you around then,” you begin, turning to open the door.
A strong hand wraps around your wrist, forcing you back into your seat. “Is that it?” Jungkook asks, and there’s an edge of something you can’t quite place in his voice. “Are you gonna go back to pretending like there’s nothing between us?”
You shake him free. “There isn’t anything between us,” you whisper. “We’re not on vacation anymore, Jungkook. We’re back home. Back to real life. We can’t do—whatever it is that we’ve been doing.”
“But you’re attracted to me,” Jungkook growls. “You like me. So why do you keep running away?”
A sigh escapes you. “Jungkook, it doesn’t matter if I like you or no—”
He interrupts before you can even finish your sentence. “Yes it does. It’s the only thing that matters.” And then he’s pulling you into his chest, taking advantage of your skewed sense of balance, and crushing his mouth to yours.
This kiss is different from the others you’ve shared so far. It’s hungry and passionate, and yet it’s tinged with something else—something that feels strangely akin to desperation. Jungkook kisses you with urgency, and it’s so raw and unbridled that it steals the very breath from your lungs and leaves you lightheaded.
Jungkook doesn’t say a word when he pulls away. Instead, he reaches down, popping the handle that opens the trunk and stepping out to pull your suitcase from within. Silently, he presses the handle into your hand.
And then he’s turning—climbing back into his car and leaving you with nothing but the memory of his lips and a whirlwind of thoughts in your mind.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Let's Make A Deal
↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Summary: draco and reader get hurt during a quidditch match and they wake up in the hospital wing together.
Warnings: mentions of blood (nothing too graphic i think, but if you're not ok with it don't read this!)
Word Count: 2040
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This idea came to me unexpectedly and i thought it was really cool. I hope you think so too :)
It was the day of the match: gryffindor vs slytherin. The stalls were filled with hundreds of people sporting the colors of the two teams, creating two giant moving blocks of red and green. The teams were already hovering on their brooms throughout the entire pitch and with them, you. You were one of the chasers for the gryffindor team, fast and agile, second only to Harry Potter who dashed through the air at the speed of lightning.
On the other team, the slytherins were getting ready, trying to intimidate your squad with all kinds of dirty looks. They did in fact intimidate you, but not because of their mean glares, because you knew they would have been ready to do anything to win. Much was at stake that day: the victory, the quidditch cup and honor.
When Madame Hooch blew the whistle, everyone sprinted for their respective balls: you went for the quaffle. The game was going smoothly, maybe even too smoothly as you and the other chasers kept on scoring for gryffindor. The reason, as you soon noticed, was because the bludgers weren't hindering you: one of them was currently being thrown around by Fred and George while the other one was ruthlessly pursuing the slytherin seeker, Draco Malfoy. A rogue bludger, you reckoned.
The seeker was trying desperately to get rid of it, but no matter how hard he tried, the bludger was always hot on his tail.
"What are you doing, y/l/n?!" shouted Oliver Wood from his post in front of the giant hoops as you stopped in mid-air to look at Harry and Draco being mercilessly chased by the big iron ball.
"That's a rogue bludger, we have to stop the game!"
"You can't stop quidditch! Plus, it's only helping us, keep scoring!" you scowled at Oliver knowing that nothing was more important than winning the cup for him and resumed the game, but as you took hold of the quaffle, the bludger snapped past you, almost making you lose control of your broom. The slytherin beaters had managed to free Draco from the rogue bludger, but it wasn't long until the ball chased him again.
Both Draco and Harry had now seen the golden snitch and were sprinting to grab it before the other.
"Malfoy!" you shouted at the top of your lungs, but it was of no use. The sudden distraction of the snitch made Draco forget about the bludger that hit him square in the head, causing him to fall down towards the ground at a frightening pace. You rushed towards the boy without a second thought: he might have been your opponent, but such a fall could have even killed him and you wouldn't have allowed it. You caught him inches from the ground and jumped down from your broom, laying him down.
"Malfoy! Hey, Malfoy!" he was unconscious, the bludger had hit him quite well.
Draco might have been done with the bludger, but the bludger wasn't done with Draco: you saw it dashing in the sky and descending at a dangerous speed towards the blond boy. You acted on impulse and covered him with your body, shielding him from the hard sphere that would have surely damaged him even more.
"Y/n! Get away from there!" you heard Fred shouting before the bludger struck you on your back. You let out a harrowing shriek, supporting yourself on your elbows not to crush the boy underneath you. You gritted your teeth as the bludger kept on beating you, only increasing its strength. You felt tears pool in your eyes as you felt your back breaking with every new hit, until it stopped.
Madame Hooch had managed to destroy the rogue bludger and you simply rolled beside Draco's unconscious body, eyes still tightly closed as you felt blood soaking your robes. A large crowd formed around you and the slytherin and you did your best to get up from the ground, but instead clutched your back with your hands, crossing your arms in front of you.
"Oh for Marlin's sake, how are you feeling, dear?" Madame Hooch questioned, looking distraught as she kneeled down in front of you and Draco.
"I'm not complaining. I'm not the one who has been hit in the face by that demonic thing." you managed to breathe out. Talking made the pain in your back even more excruciating and you bit your lip in order not to shriek again, almost drawing blood from your lips.
Dumbledore and other professors had joined the circle that was surrounding you, staving off all of your teammates and the other slytherins, eyes widening after seeing the state in which you and the other boy were in: you were writhing on the ground, trying to find a position in which you wouldn't feel like shards of glass were puncturing your skin, while the slytherin laid completely still on the grass, his platinum blond head now getting increasingly redder in the point the bludger had hit him.
The two of you were immediately brought in the hospital wing and Madame Pomfrey almost killed the professors after seeing two students in such conditions. She cursed quidditch and its 'barbaric ways', all the while examining your back and Draco's head. Madame Pomfrey gave you a glass of some liquid and focused her attention of the boy laying on the bed next to yours.
"Will he be alright?" you asked softly, peeking over her shoulder to see if the blond had awaken yet.
"Drink that and then get some sleep, miss y/l/n. Broken backs are serious stuff and I can't do much for the pain."
"But will he be ok?" you insisted. Madame Pomfrey sighed and turned to you.
"He will, but do yourself a favor and get some sleep. When you will wake up, you'll ask him yourself." that seemed to be enough for you and you drank the glittering liquid in the glass. The pain decreased only slightly, but enough to allow you to fall in a deep slumber. Deep but not peaceful since the only scenes that replayed in your head were the one that happened earlier that day. You found yourself questioning your choices: why did you blindly took his place? Why didn't you just let him on the ground by himself? Not even his teammates had rushed to help him, so why did you? But, as you kept falling more and more asleep, you couldn't find any answer.
The next morning you still felt a searing pain in your back, but it was far more bearable than the night before. You were still half asleep, eyes closed, when you heard someone whispering next to you. You kept your eyes sealed, focusing on the voice to hear it better.
"Come on, wake up. Please wake up." you weren't sure whose voice it was: it was deep and slightly hoarse, as if the person had just stopped crying.
"Come on, you have to wake up. You endured a bloody rogue bludger and you can't wake up?" you heard the voice assert, slightly chuckling and sniffling. The voice stopped talking for a moment. You felt a pair of hands grasping yours and holding it tenderly, drawing mindless pattern on its back.
"I'm pretty sure you can't hear me now, so i want to thank you. You didn't have to do it and yet you did." you recognized the voice to be Draco's, but you remained silent.
"I don't know why, no one would have done what you did, especially a gryffindor." he sniffled once more.
"You have been incredibly daft. You could have been seriously injured and for what? For me? You are an idiot if i ever saw one." he continued, giggling lightly. You could almost picture him in your mind, his bandaged head, his grey teary eyes and his cheeky grin.
"I never thought i would have had a chance with you but now that i almost got you killed i know for a fact." you desperately wanted to open your eyes and tell him that he still had a chance. Hell, he had even more than a chance, but you kept them closed. He remained silent for a few seconds again, still caressing your hand, and then you felt a light drop wet the back of it.
"Please wake up. I need to see you're alright."
"Why?" you asked, opening slightly your eyes with a smug grin on your face. He left your hand and immediately got up and distanced himself from you, thoroughly ashamed.
"How much did you hear?" he asked almost panicked.
"Oh, i don't know... i heard you insulting me though. That's not a very nice thing to do when talking to someone on an hospital bed." you replied cheekily and his cheeks heated up a little. You stretched your arm out and motioned for him to sit down again. When he did, you offered him you hand once more and, after eyeing it suspiciously for a moment, he gingerly took it in his own.
"Do you want to know something funny?" you asked playfully and he raised an eyebrow at you.
"You had a chance with me until you called me an idiot." you stated and he chuckled once more.
"So you heard that too, huh?"
"Seems so."
"Does it hurt?" he asked, suddenly conscious of the whole reason why you were there.
"Less than before. But don't change the topic." you said and you tried to sit up, but underestimated your pain and winced.
"Woah, woah. Stay down, i'll go call Madame Pomfrey." you grasped his hand firmly, preventing him from leaving you alone.
"Don't. I'm fine." he looked at you with concern written all over his face. "Please, stay."
His eyes softened and sat again in his chair, moving it slightly closer to the edge of your bed.
"How's your head?" you asked. As you had imagined, he had a white bandage across his head, with a red stain on the back.
"I'll survive." he shrugged his shoulders before continuing, "Thanks to you." you grinned widely at his words and shook your head in fake disapproval, causing a loose strand of hair to fall in front of your face. He instantly tucked it behind your ear, his hand lingering there before returning in his lap.
"Well, i don't think you would be doing too good if it hadn't been for Madame Pomfrey!" you corrected, still holding his hand in yours.
"Of course, but if it hadn't been for you, Madame Pomfrey couldn't have done much... They told me what you did."
"And...? It was heroic, wasn't it?" you said proudly, feigning superiority with a smug smirk.
"I stand by what i said. You are an idiot if i ever saw one." he replied matter-of-factly, but still in a playful manner.
"Oh, you hurt me, Malfoy!" he tried to stifle a laugh but couldn't and instead shook his head lightly. Your eyes suddenly widened and Draco's did too as soon as he noticed.
"Are you ok? What happened?"
"Who won the match?" Draco stared at you, mouth agape, a look of incredulity in his silvery eyes as he scoffed slightly.
"Well? Who won?" you asked again, expectantly.
"I don't know. Pomfrey hasn't let anyone inside het." you stayed silent, pondering for a few seconds.
"Let's make a deal."
"A deal?"
"A deal. If gryffindor won, i'll forget you ever called me an idiot and we can go on a date."
Draco's lips curled up slightly, "and what if slytherin won?"
You waited for a moment, staring at him in defy.
"Then we don't talk ever again." you said inching closer with your face towards the boy. Draco had a one-sided smile plastered on his face and his eyes narrowed at you. He extended his hand out and you shook it, sealing the deal. Right in that moment, Fred and George burst inside, with Madame Pomfrey in tow, trying to restrain the twins.
"Y/n! Still alive?" shouted Fred.
"Out of here now! They need to rest!"
"Madame Pomfrey, can i talk with them for a moment?" you tried asking, but she was not having any of it.
"You need to rest! You'll see them later!" and she started to usher Fred and George outside by force. You glanced at Draco who was looking at the scene very amused, then back at the twins.
"Who won the match?" you inquired, almost shouting, and the twins managed to respond before being shut outside by Madame Pomfrey.
"It's postponed."
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tulsa-trash · 3 years
Book Swap
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Request: could you do a modern!pony x reader imagine where you're both in 9th grade and meet at the library, and one day you finally have the guts to ask for his number, so you guys start texting and then you start crushing on him and then you have to figure out how to tell him, so u ask two-bit and johnny for advice
You sighed deeply as you began to reread the same sentence in your book for what felt like the twentieth time. It seemed as though you were reading but not even comprehending the words. To be fair, it was impossible to get lost in a book when a familiar cute boy was sitting a table over from you.
Ponyboy Curtis. How does one even begin to describe the amazing human you had the honor of being within five feet of? Unlike most guys in high school, Pony was something special. He was kind and very smart, you knew this because you have English with him. You've never seen someone so into a class before, he also appeared to have an interest in literature, like you. The both of you were nothing but mere acquaintances, and you secretly wished you could change that.
It didn't help that you found him absolutely dreamy. His brown hair was always a little messy, but it still managed to make him even cuter. You always feel your heart skip a beat whenever your eyes would meet his sparkling green ones in the hallways. You'd smile whenever you'd see him laughing with his friends, it showed off his dimples that sunk into his cheeks. Ponyboy Curtis was the boy of your dreams, and the young man was completely oblivious.
Your phone vibrated on the desk you were sitting at. Glancing up from your book, you seen that it was a text from one of your friends. After placing your bookmark in between the pages you unlocked your phone.
Evie: So? Did you talk to him yet?
You rolled your eyes after reading the message, your fingers quickly tapped at the screen as you typed your response.
Y/N: No obviously not. Now leave me alone.
Kathy: Girl go for it! He's a nice kid you said so yourself.
Y/N: Uh nope. Much rather stare at him from afar and not make a fool of myself attempting to talk to him.
Kathy: Well if you don't not only will I embarrass you in front of lover boy, everyone in this library will see me screaming at you and we'll both probably get kicked out.
Y/N: Wait what? How do you know I'm at the library?? Are you here right now???
Kathy: Look over at the fantasy section you nerd. You being you I obviously knew where YOU would be on a Saturday afternoon.
You looked up, eyes widening in shock as you saw your friend hiding behind a bookshelf watching you with a sly grin.
Kathy: Make a move now or I'm coming over there.
With already shaking hands you put your phone in your pocket and grabbed your book. You sent Kathy a pleading look, but all she did was shake her head and point towards Ponyboy violently. Taking in a deep breath, you got up. The chair scraped against the floor, creating a loud noise which made at least five people look up at you... including him.
"Oh god." You mumbled under your breath.
In your peripheral vision you could see Ponyboy's gaze return to his book, taking that as your cue to move you slowly crept to his table. You had made it to the chair directly across from him, he was so caught up in his book he didn't even notice your presence. You smiled softly, his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration while his eyes scanned the pages back and forth. You awkwardly cleared your throat, not too loud to disturb others but just enough for him to tear his attention from his book to notice you.
"Oh, hey." Ponyboy said, "Can I help you with somethin'?"
"Um..." Jesus this was going to be way harder than you thought. "W-Would you mind if I sat with ya?"
"Not at all. Go ahead." He sent you a friendly smile as he gestured to the chair you were at.
His smile. Your legs already feel like jello, you could've sworn you were going to collapse right then in there.
"Y/N, right?" He asked as you sat down.
"That's me. And you're Ponyboy."
"Yep, couldn't forget a name like that if you tried." He joked.
You giggled as you opened your book, Ponyboy returned to his. Curiosity got the better of you when you looked back up to see what he was reading.
"Gone With the Wind." You read aloud.
"Have you read it before?" He asked.
You shook your head, "I haven't, but I've heard only good things about it. I saw the movie about a year ago and thought it was great."
"The book is amazing!" He gushed, only to be shushed by the librarian walking by. "This is my fifth time reading it." He told you in a more hushed tone.
You snickered, "Must be really great."
"What ya got there?"
You lifted up your book from the table to reveal the cover to him, his bright eyes scanned the cover.
"The Boy in Striped Pajamas?"
"I know the title seems a bit odd, but trust me this is a good read." You told him, "This being my third time reading it."
"Well what's it about?" He asked.
You went on to tell him about your book, and he went on to tell you all about his. The both of you began to talk about anything and everything, you were beyond happy that things were going well. You were having so much fun you completely forgot about Kathy spying on you, before either of you could realize it two hours had gone by.
You peaked at your phone and cursed under your breath, the lock screen had a reminder that your shift at work was starting in less than thirty minutes.
"I really hate to end this... but I gotta go." You said.
"That sucks." He said disappointedly.
You couldn't help feeling a little giddy inside to see that he was upset you were leaving. While you got up and gathered your things, you remembered that you wanted to get his phone number badly. You just had to figure out a way to get it without making things awkward.
"Hey, Pone?"
He hummed in response.
"What do ya say we swap books... and numbers? Thats only if you want to. I just figured since we read them already and it was cool talk--"
"I'd like that." He stopped your rambling, only to send you a warm smile while doing so.
You blushed as the both of you swapped phones to put in each others information along with handing each other your books. With a final wave goodbye you left the library, your best friend of course followed after you. She interrogated you with thousands of questions and the both of you walked to work, you gladly answered them all in an almost dazed state. You felt as if you were walking on air for the rest of the day, and you couldn't wait to text him later on.
Two weeks had gone by, and let's just say those two weeks have been the best ones of your life. You and Ponyboy had been texting every single day. At first you just talked about each other's books, but then your conversations started evolve to anything and everything. You knew you had liked him before, but your feelings for him have grown drastically. It was beginning to get unbearable holding in how you truly felt, and you weren't sure if you wanted to tell him.
The fear of rejection was one of the main reasons why you've been thinking of just repressing your feelings. Sure, he seemed to like you, but it felt as though he only liked you simply as a friend. Another reason being you were afraid that it would ruin things between the both of you. You had finally become good friends, the last thing you wanted was for everything to end up being awkward all because of you and your silly crush.
After a lot of thinking you decided you needed some advice, and by advice you mean advice thats not only from Kathy. She keeps telling you to go for it, but she doesn't really know Ponyboy well. That's why you got the idea to ask one of his buddies on their opinion. Luckily Pony invited you to watch him and his friends play football. You ceased the opportunity, not only would you be able to watch the boy of your dreams get all sweaty and tuff looking, you could also get one of his friends alone to talk about how you felt.
It was a warm, Sunday morning in Tulsa. The sun was high in the sky and beat down harshly on the group of boys tackling each other in the giant field. You sat under a tree with a notebook in your lap, a cool breeze would rush by every now and then, cooling you off the slightest. You doodled randomness on the blank pages, sketching pictures and honing your writing skills. Every now and then you would glance up and watch the game for a few, sometimes cheering the boys on or laughing when they began to goof off and wrestle each other on the ground.
There was a particular drawing you found yourself enthralled in, as the pencil in your hand smoothly ran across the paper you found yourself sketching a picture of Ponyboy's face. You were so focused you didn't even notice someone come over and take a seat right beside you.
"Nice drawin' you got there." A quiet voice spoke.
You quickly slammed the notebook closed and snapped you head to the right, it was Ponyboy's best friend, Johnny. A tiny smirk was tugging at his lips as he looked at you with one eyebrow raised.
"T-Thanks." You stuttered nervously.
"You like him, huh?" He asked you.
You stood silent as you played with the grass below you, pulling it from the Earth and rubbing it between your fingers. Your gaze was straight ahead watching the game, you were afraid to meet Johnny's gaze that was burning holes into the side of your head.
"Yes..." You hesitated a bit, "I do."
"Does he know?"
"No!" You said hopelessly, "And I'm not sure if I even want him to know."
"Why not?"
"Because he probably doesn't feel the same..." You trailed off.
"Hey now, ya never know." Johnny said.
"What are you two kiddies doin' over here?" A loud voice bellowed.
It was none other than Two-Bit, he staggered over to the both of you before plopping down to your left. He was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead and trickling down his neck.
"You tryin' to make moves on Pony's girl or somethin', John?" Two asked playfully.
Your heart fluttered, 'Pony's girl.'
"No way, man. Trust me." Johnny chuckled.
"Pony's girl?" You repeated to him questioningly.
"Oh yeah! I see the way y'all look at each other I ain't blind."
You let Two's words sink in, was it that obvious that you liked him? He even said that Pony looks at you a certain way as well. Maybe there was a chance he shared your feelings after all.
"You think he likes me or somethin'?" You asked casually.
"Oh I don't think, I know."
You smiled softly, butterflies erupting in your stomach. In the back of your mind you worried that you were getting your hopes up a little too high, but you couldn't help it.
"I like him too." You admitted.
Two-Bit scoffed, "Tell me somethin' I don't know."
"Well... what should I do?"
"Tell him." Two replied.
"I agree." Johnny piped up.
Both nerves and excitement began to bubble up inside you as you got up and gathered your things.
"Where are you off to?" Johnny asked as you began to jog away from them.
"Gotta head home. Tell Ponyboy I'm sorry I had to leave but I'll text him later!"
"See ya later lover girl!" Two-Bit hollered after you while preceding to make kissing noises.
You laughed to yourself and shook your head, "Idiot."
Y/N: Whats up Pone-bone?
Ponyboy: Nothing much lil lady, and yourself?
Y/N: Same. Btw sorry for leaving so soon today, had some things to do.
Ponyboy: It's alright.
Hey what were you, Johnny and Two talking about? They didn't try to tease you or nothin right?
Y/N: Nooo ofc not they were just chattin
But thats actually what I wanted to talk to you about...
Ponyboy: Well... Go on then
Y/N: Okay I'm just gonna say it
I like you
like a lot
Ponyboy: As a friend or?
Y/N: No silly, like more than friends...
Ponyboy: Wait actually?
Y/N: Yes Pony
Ponyboy: Seriously??
... im sorry if it weirds you out
Ponyboy: NO! NO IT DOESN'T.
... Just wanted to make sure this isn't a prank or whatever.
But in all seriousness yes, I like you a whole lot.
Y/N: Are you sure?
Ponyboy: Positive doll
Do you wanna grab some milkshakes at the Dingo next weekend?
Y/N: Are you asking me out onna date Curtis?
Ponyboy: Yes, I am ;)
Y/N: Well I would love to :)
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
A Tobi/Naruto/Madara where Naruto is drunkenly reversed summoned to bridge the divide between the 2.
“They’re at it again,” Mito grumbles as she clutches her heavily doctored teacup, too irritated and done to bother brushing aside the tendrils of hair falling down from her buns to frame her face.
Hashirama, sake dish in hand, grunts in agreement, flinching minutely as the screaming and crashing in the Senju private training ground grows ever louder and more vicious.
He’s going to have to repair basically everything once one or both of the idiots finally get through throwing their respective tantrums.
“What’re they fighting about this time?” Mito asks.
“Honestly?” Hashirama drains his sake dish in one deep swallow.  “I’m not sure if even they know anymore.  I think it started with Tobirama saying something about going fishing and then Madara said something about Inarizushi and the next thing I know they were screaming and throwing chakra around.”
“By the Sage I wish they’d just fuck instead of resorting to this petty behavior,” Mito announces bluntly.
Hashirama just raises his now refilled dish in his wife’s direction in silent support and agreement, long used to the coarser aspects of her personality she only shows him in the privacy of their home.
There’s a moment of long, companionable silence between them, broken only by the shrieks and thundering crashes from outside.
“Wishful thinking,” Mito finally murmurs as she drains her teacup and reaches for one of Hashirama’s many sake bottles, no longer bothering to pretend.  “They’d never be able to get that close without it ending in a fight.”
“They need a babysitter,” Hashirama mutters, watching his wife down two entire bottles of sake in rapid succession without flinching.  Ah, the Uzumaki.  True wonders of the world that Clan.  He’ll be forever grateful that he married one who hadn’t felt the need to murder him in his sleep. Yet.  “A permanent one.  Thought about making it an S-class mission but there’s no one in the village who’d take it.  Or anyone besides the two of us who realistically could.”
“Babysitter indeed,” Mito scoffs as she clutches a third sake bottle to her chest.  “We need to find some idiot stubborn and strong enough to put up with both of them.  Someone who can bridg-”
Mito breaks off suddenly, sitting bolt upright from where she’d slowly begun to slump towards the table.
“Mito?” Hashirama blinks and stares at his wife who’s staring into the distance with a look of glee slowly beginning to dawn across her face.
Mito’s moving in the next second, sake bottle still clutched in one hand as the other sweeps out across the table, sending the the cups, papers, and tea setting sitting there flying across the room. Hashirama just raises his hands above his head to avoid to keep his sake from spilling and waits her out.
“Oh, it’s perfect,” Mito cackles, a truly disturbing grin splitting open her lovely face.  It reminds Hashirama of that truly painful but glorious week they’d spent in Hot Spring Country.  He still aches sometimes just thinking about it and Tobirama always looks vaguely nauseous and flees from his “perverted daydreaming expression”.
“Beloved?” Hashirama calls again.
“Go get me some of both the idiot’s blood,” Mito orders instead of answering as she pulls out the brush and ink kit she’s never without from the folds of her kimono.
“Yes dear,” Hashirama knows better than to argue.  Instead, sake dish still in hand, he ghosts out of the room and down the hall to Tobirama’s quarters.  He side steps the traps absently and makes his way towards Tobirama’s at home workdesk.  It’s the work of moments to rifle through one of the drawers and pull out two vials, both filled with blood and neatly labeled.
Madara would probably explode if he knew just how many samples of his blood, hair, and tissue Tobirama was storing.
Hashirama on the other hand is used to it by now.  Tobirama, his beloved brother, is a scientist and enjoys his experiments and research.  
When he makes it back to the sitting room it’s to find Mito balancing on one finger in the center of the table, sake bottle resting on the flat of her foot above her head as her free hand moves the brush across the wood with lightning quick but flawlessly steady motions.
Looks like he’ll have to replace this table too although he knows better than to say anything about it.
Instead he just sets the vials of blood down within her line of sight and flops back down onto one of the pillows.
“This’ll fix the little bastards,” Mito murmurs.
“You’re not banishing them to the shadow realm are you, dearest?” Hashirama feels the need to ask.  “Because we’ve talked about that.”
“Unfortunately, no, not this time,” Mito answers absently even as she switches hands smoothly, the sake bottle on her foot not even wavering.
Ah, what a woman.
“Then can I ask?” Hashirama prompts her.
“A bridge,” Mito tells him.  “If those two idiots can’t get along on their own and there’s no one in the village who can or would take them both on then I’ll simply have to find someone who can.”
Mito pushes up off of the table, body moving upright in a flurry of silk even as she catches her sake bottle absently in her free hand.  She drains it, tosses it aside, and then reaches for the vial of Madara’s blood.
She uses a finger to draw more seals with first his and then Tobirama’s blood in the center of the array.
“Someone strong enough to match them both,” Mito proclaims.  “And kind, loyal, and stubborn enough to actually bother doing it.”
“That’s a tall order,” Hashirama mutters.
“Which of course means it will probably have to be an Uzumaki,” Mito tells him as she bites down on her pinky hard enough to draw blood and adds only a single drop to one of the seals directly in the middle of the array.
“Probably the only real option from any of the Clans we know,” Hashirama agrees because it’s true.  Hashirama knows Tobirama well enough to know that’s true and Madara is an Uchiha and, well, that pretty much says it all.
Only an Uzumaki could deal with both of them at the same time.
“That should do it,” Mito announces, hands already moving through signs at a rapid pace and her chakra beginning to flare and pulse.  “Let’s meet the answer to our prayers, husband.”
Mito slams her palm into the center of the table and the room erupts into blinding light.
And then there’s only chakra.
It washes over the room like a golden wave, tinged with something that makes the hair on the back of Hashirama’s neck stand straight up.
He barely registers it when the shoji doors are practically ripped off of their tracks as Tobirama and Madara spill into the room together.
“Ow,” a voice, husky, warm, unfamiliar but obviously male, sounds out then.  “That hurt.  What’s the big idea?”
The smoke from the summons finally begins to clear and even Hashirama is taken aback by what he sees.
Sprawled out on the table in a mess of silk and spikey golden hair, is a man.
With golden skin bared by the gaping collar of the kimono tied shut with a Konoha headband, sky blue eyes that blink at all four of them in confusion, and rolling chakra that makes even Hashirama want to do a confusing mix of either cower or close his eyes and nap, he’s stunning.
“Who in the hells is this?” Madara is the first to break the silence and Hashirama’s more than a bit shocked to note the slightly breathless quality of his voice.
“I’m Naruto,” the man, Naruto, answers.  “Uzumaki Naruto.”
“Fishcake,” Tobirama murmurs, eyes not wavering from Naruto.
“Ridiculous,” Madara seems to agree.
“Maelstrom,” Naruto protests hotly, cheeks puffing out just a bit as he pushes himself up off of the table and gets directly in Madara and Tobirama’s space.  “Not fishcake!  And the only thing ridiculous is how stupid both of your hair is.”
Naruto reaches out a hand in both of their directions to yank fearlessly at their hair.
In the background Mito abruptly begins to cackle madly.
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Good Omens but Make It Moceit (unfinished)
I said I would do it and I tried very, very hard but it's not looking like I'm going to be able to finish because ✨mental health reasons✨
Here's what I have so far (about 8k words)
It is a little-known theological fact that the invention of the hypothetical coincided nearly perfectly with the invention of the thunderstorm, the latter being a rather effable invention of God, all things considered, and the former springing forth from the troubled mind of Phaedaël, the angel of the Eastern gate. The first drops of rain pattered to the ground and he curved one wing upward to protect his head. Addressing his companion, he said, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I should be talking to you."
"Oh, and what a shame," cooed the serpent, who hadn't yet chosen a name, "and here I was so hoping you'd wring the details out of me."
"Oh," said the angel, considering this. He shifted uncomfortably, and made a face like he'd just been forced to swallow something bitter. "Well… What did you say to her?"
"Don't patronize me," said the serpent. He paused. "I don't suppose you could enlighten me, angel, on what's so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil?"
"They broke the rules," said the angel firmly.
"I don't suppose it matters that the rule was arbitrary?" The angel drew in a breath to reply, but the serpent cut him off, looking him up and down suddenly as though seeing him for the first time. A sly smile tugged at his lips. "Lose something?"
"No!" said the angel, far too quickly.
"Oh, come on. Lying doesn't become an angel."
"It's not a lie!" the angel insisted.
"Well, then. Please do tell me what happened to that flaming sword of yours."
The rain began to fall in earnest. A thunderclap sounded overhead. The angel said, "What if you had an opportunity to help someone--"
"What if?" repeated the serpent incredulously.
"What if," persisted the angel, "someone could benefit from something you were supposed to have, but weren't really using?"
The serpent began to laugh. "Don't tell me you gave it--" he gestured into the distance-- "to them?" A few more hysterical cackles escaped his chest, but he swallowed the rest down at the anguished look on the angel's face. "Oh, relax. If you did it, it can't have been bad, can it? Angels don't do bad."
"And demons don't do good?" the angel looked at the serpent with uncertainty.
"Oh, yes," purred the serpent, "we're wicked to the core."
The angel went silent, considering this.
The thunder roared, the rain came down harder, the serpent remained, and the angel very gently lifted his other wing to keep his companion dry.
Who, after all, prayed for the Devil?
God (God)
Logan (Patton's overseer)
Satan (A Fallen Angel; The Fallen Angel, one might say)
Remus (Janus' overseer)
Janus (An angel who did not so much fall as back away muttering "I'm really going to do it this time; no one try to stop me")
Roman (a lover)
Virgil (an Antichrist)
Dog (hellhound, hellraiser, and sleeping partner)
In the Valendale Regional Military Cemetery lurked a demon.
Well, he lurked as best as he was able, given that the ambiance was all off for lurking. He had fudged the timing a little, being unaccustomed to the nature of the passage of time on Earth, and had accidentally arrived just in time to witness a beautiful sunrise over Florida's eastern coast. Half the sky was a magnificent golden ocean with waves of orange and pink. The military cemetery had also been a mistake, though this one bothered him less. While he had been hoping for something a little more ancient and decrepit, he soon began to console himself by playing hopscotch on the clean, flat grave markers, delighting in the muddy bootprints he left behind him.
Besides, he liked the way 'military cemetery' rolled off the tongue.
When he inevitably got bored of desecrating graves, he threw himself down in the grass and began to look for worms and bugs with which he might decorate his uniform.
This was Remus, a Duke of Hell.
He found a worm and began to speak to it, watching it writhe around in his palm. "I'm so bored."
He spent a good few seconds coming up with a voice to use to represent the worm, then asked himself in a high-pitched squeak, "Why's that, your
Remus cupped the worm in his hands and rolled over, nearly kicking the basket he'd brought with him. This bothered him less than it rightfully should have, considering what was inside. He only gave a blithe "Oops!" and returned his attention to the worm. "That little subordinate of mine is making me wait!"
The worm said, "You should punish him!"
"Good idea!" Remus exclaimed, stroking the worm with his fingertip. "What do you think, should I spank him? Make him kiss my boots? Or--" He cut himself off, having just caught sight of flashing red and blue lights in the near distance. Sirens had been echoing on and off throughout the night, but they were very near now. "There's my bitch!" he said with undisguised affection. He put the worm in his pocket and stood up.
The Interstate Highway System was ostensibly developed under the command of United States President Dwight D Eisenhower in order to facilitate the movement of personal use vehicles, public transportation vehicles, and self-propelled field artillery across the country. This project, as anyone who has ever attempted to traverse the Interstate Highway System can tell you, was a catastrophic failure. The criss-crossing network of freeways, highways, turnpikes, and byways is frequently backed up with bumper-to-bumper traffic.
What most hapless travelers of the Interstate Highway System do not know is that the cloverleaf interchange, one of the most commonly-used interchanges in city planning, is also the exact same shape as the sigil det in the written language of the Church of the Black Clock. Written correctly, it means "black fire upon my enemies, devour their souls!" (Note: Written incorrectly, it reads "kneel, gay men.") Every day, commuters slow traffic via their own ill-wishes on fellow drivers, granted life by the sigil. (It is a known fact that every driver on the freeway considers every other driver on the freeway an enemy).
It was one of Janus' most diabolical achievements. He was quite proud of himself, not only in the end result but in his methods. While a lesser demon might have had to go to the trouble of hands-on work: hacking computers, making bribes, and, Satan-forbid, possibly even sneaking out at night to move marker pegs by hand, all Janus had had to do was talk. He was quite good at getting people to do his bidding once he got his foot in the door.
Something Janus had inexplicably failed to account for was the fact that he, too, would occasionally need to use the freeway system. Such was the curse of Janus' great evil deeds: more often than not, they slalomed between his legs like a wily terrier and bit him squarely on the ass.
The irony snuck up on him sometimes.
Janus had dark hair and high cheekbones. His eyes and tongue were really only unusual if you looked at them twice, and he had a tendency to hiss when he forgot himself. He looked far too young, far too handsome, and far too svelte for the 1957 Cadillac Deville he was driving, bearing no resemblance at all to the sort of wealthy, elderly man who deals in classic cars.
He checked his watch, which also seemed too old for him, and glanced at the rearview mirror. Normally he enjoyed the minor thrill of having cops on his tail, but his exit was coming up and he did have someplace to be.
What he did next lacked imagination, but it got the job done: With one complicated hand gesture, he turned both officers into pigs and gently glided their cars to the shoulder. Then he turned on his blinker and took his exit.
Remus watched the police lights disappear  with impassivity, bouncing on his toes. When Janus finally emerged through the wrought iron gates, having bent reality to get past them, he raised his arms and shouted, "Hail Satan!"
Janus acknowledged this with two lifted fingers. "So sorry I'm late," he said, bringing his hand smoothly upward to tip his hat, "it's just that I don't value your time in comparison to mine." The sarcastic inflection was so light the words could very well be sincere. But of course Janus always meant every word of what he'd said. (Now that's
sarcastic inflection)!
Remus gave a feral grin. Janus was his favorite subordinate. "Wanna see my worm?"
Millennia of acquaintanceship had freed Janus from the notion that he needed to be polite to Remus. The demon was as twisted as they came and nearly immune to flattery. "As much as I'd love to, shouldn't we get this over with?"
"Yeah, yeah." Remus looked around. "Hm, now where did I put the basket?"
The basket was currently sitting atop the headstone for a General T. Pratchett. Janus spied it first and indicated it to Remus with a flicker of his yellow irises, careful not to let a trace of his hesitancy show on his face. He didn't even let himself hesitate when Remus, who had hopscotched over to the basket and then back over to Janus, thrust it out to him.
"So this is really it," Janus murmured, wrapping both gloved hands around the handle of the basket. Then he began to work. "What a high honor."
"So they say," Remus said.
"Remus, be honest with me." Brief pause, just enough for Remus to wonder at the weight in Janus' voice. "Did you pull some strings to ensure I was the one who got this task? Do I owe you a favor?"
"Are you about to thank me?" Remus asked, tilting his head. Addressing the worm in his breast pocket, he said, "Listen up, this should be good."
"So you did?"
"Of course not."
Here it was. After a few seconds of rallying, his ace: "So why me?"
"You've been in the field the longest." Remus' grin widened to an impossible degree and he grabbed Janus by the lapels of his immaculate suit jacket, coming nose to nose. "Some of us think you're getting soft."
Janus smiled back, the unblinking predator's grin of a snake about to strike, and hefted the basket. "We'll see about that." And he extricated his lapels from Remus' grasp and turned to leave.
"You didn't say hi to my worm!" Remus called after him. Janus did not reply. Remus fished the worm out of his pocket. "How rude."
"The nerve of some demons," agreed the worm.
The Cadillac's speedometer hit 110. Janus fumbled for the volume knob with a shaking hand. The radio was permanently set to 98.5 The Jukebox, which only ever seemed to play Queen.
"Shit," Janus muttered as majestic panned harmonies began to emanate from his speakers. "Shit-shit-shit. Why now? Why me?"
BECAUSE, came the harmonic vocals, YOU'VE EARNED IT.
Janus bit down on his tongue to keep from swearing. Communication via electronics had been another one of his ideas, hoping he'd be issued a BlackBerry or a Nokia. But no. Instead, upper management just cut into whatever he was listening to at the time and twisted it. "Thank you very much, my lord," he said, working very very hard to instill his voice with the proper amount of unctuous ooze.
"Yes, my lord."
"Yes, my lord."
"I understand."
And suddenly, he just knew. A new Queen song began to play on 98.5 The Jukebox, and Janus hissed and slammed the heel of his hand against the steering wheel. "What was the point of all that, then?" he demanded of Freddie Mercury.
Freddie Mercury replied, "Don't stop me now! 'Cause I'm havin' a good time!"
Janus rolled his eyes and changed lanes without signaling. He had been instructed to head straight to a hospital on the edge of town. It was technically in an unincorporated community called Misty, but for all intents and purposes, Misty was Valendale. If he kept up this pace (the needle of the speedometer now closer to 130), he could be there in five minutes. Joy.
It had all been going so well, too. He'd really hit his stride in the 21st century, and now here was Hell pulling the rug out from under his shiny Armani brogues. Armageddon. What a nightmare.
In the Publix baking aisle, two angels stood side by side. One of them was Phaedaël, who had lately adopted the name 'Patton,' feeling it suited his corporation.
The other had been christened 'Loirea' once upon a time. As Heaven began to
modernize, Loirea had been the first among the angels to adapt to the changes being made. He had even taken on the name 'Logan' as a show of good faith. 
Both of the angels were human-shaped, having discovered early on that it's much easier to get things done when you have limbs as opposed to flaming wheels of eyes and animal heads poking out at odd angles.
Both wore glasses. Patton's glasses were round, wire-rimmed things, of the sort usually found on kindly old librarians and stern but fair headmasters of all-boy's boarding schools. Logan's glasses were made of shiny black plastic and looked like they could draw blood if strategically applied to a sufficiently tender area.
Patton was, at the moment, holding a bag a semolina flour under one arm and awkwardly attempting to explain himself. "It's called 'cooking.' It's actually really clever, you take ingredients and combine them--"
"Why?" Logan interrupted 
"Oh, uh, well," Patton hesitated, shamefaced, "it makes food."
"Eating," Logan said in such a forceful tone of dismissal that three boxes of brownie mix turned to ash behind him. "I don't understand why you waste your time."
"It helps me blend in," Patton said with a sheepish smile. Everything from his shoes to his shirt was a shade of white or blue; he'd never been comfortable dealing in gray areas.
"I see." Logan adjusted his tie. "Well, I'll let you get back to it in a moment. I just came to pass on a message: Our intel has given us reason to believe that Armageddon is underway."
"Oh," said Patton vaguely, staring at a bag of something labeled 'pasta flour.' "Oh!"
"We'd like for you to keep an eye on Janus. He's a demon; he's on a similar mission to yours."
"I, uh," Patton swallowed hard, staring right through the pasta flour, "I've heard of him."
"Good." Logan put his hand on Patton's shoulder and looked him dead in the eye. "Patton."
"When I say 'keep an eye on' I mean I want you to watch him. It's a figure of speech."
Patton nodded, forcing his mouth to curve into a pale imitation of a smile. Logan nodded back and vanished.
"Well," Patton said to the pasta flour, "fiddlesticks."
Brother Emile Analogical had been raised a Satanist. There is no such thing as an orthodox Satanist, but if there was, that would be the kind of Satanism that Brother Emile's parents had practiced. He had graduated with unspectacular grades, joined the Paralleling Order of Saint Botild, and promptly moved from Nebraska to Florida: more specifically, to the unincorporated community of Misty in the greater Valendale area. The climate had taken some getting used to, not to mention the long, black robes he had to wear, but he had survived the transition and found himself a good fit for the Paralleling Order.
Note: Saint Botild Comminalitus of Malmö was reputed to have been martyred in the middle of the fifth century, for reasons unclear. It is said that the Lord granted him the power to draw parallels and connections between topics; his last words are reported to have been "This reminds me of that one story about Loptr, when he--" Then his assailants lit the pyre.
At the moment, Brother Emile was thinking about the tall, dark figure stalking down the hallways at him holding a basket, likening him to a Scooby-Doo villain, the way the shadows seemed to stick to him.
"Jinkies!" said Brother Emile once the figure was in earshot.
Janus raised an eyebrow at him over the tops of his sunglasses. "Hello."
Unphased by the cold greeting, Brother Emile pointed to the basket. "Is that the fairly odd baby?" he asked in a high-pitched coo that indicated he already suspected the answer.
"No," said Janus, rolling his eyes. "It's a basket of kittens I saved from drowning. Aren't you wondering why I'm all wet?"
"You're," Brother Emile started, and Janus braced himself, fearing the last frayed thread of his patience might snap if the sentence ended with the word 'dry,' "a Mister Grumpy Gills, aren't you?'
Janus thrust the basket at Brother Emile and did not dignify him with any answer more notable than a slight thinning of
his lips.
Brother Emile drew back the blankets and began to babble at the sleeping Antichrist. Janus took the opportunity to flee.
"Look at you," Brother Emile said happily. "Sleeping in a pic-a-nic basket, huh, Boo-boo?"
After a few more moments of cooing, babytalk, and Boomerang references, he remembered himself and found a wheeled bassinet for the baby Antichrist. 
There is a game, common among carnies and street magicians in which a ball is hidden under cups and shuffled around. Unbeknownst to himself, the two sets of new parents, and all the friars at St Botild's, Brother Emile Analogical was about to become a mark.
And Hell had had nothing to do with it.
same rate, and good and evil had a knack for balancing themselves out in the grand scheme of things. And this left Janus and Patton free to pursue other passions, which somehow resulted in the two of them spending a great deal of time in each other's company.
silence. "It's not even that I disagree with you," he said apologetically. "It's just, well, you know, I'm not allowed to disobey."
his hazelnut hot chocolate. "What's a shame?"
Janus nodded. "Roman Dowling."
Roman was about to turn 21, and lived his life according to the belief that everyone over the age of 30 was, in some degree, an 'elder').
wanna do that."
people; every social interaction, no matter how minor, always kept his body as tense as wire.
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rayofsunas · 3 years
baby daddy | kaeya [2]
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A/n: so already, in the first five minutes of me beginning to write tumblr decided to delete stuff again, so that’s pretty swag ;-; but nonetheless, I’m alright lmao, I’ve been super happy this week ever since I pulled xiao AND mona after wanting to give up plsss. also, I can’t exactly remember if I gave Klara a age in the last part, so I would just like to clarify that she’s one lol. anyways, here’s part two and I hope you guys enjoy!! it took me four hours to write this
Summary: kaeya wants to set a good example for his children, naturally. so he’s given up a lot of things, one being his excessive drinking. but being a knight is hard, despite how nonchalant he seems and he finds himself slipping sometimes… when you find out about it, you’re less than happy and decide spending time with the children would be a good idea for him. he’s more than happy to spend time with the three little monsters, but, he never realized what a normal day was for you when taking care of them.
Parings: Kaeya/Fem! Reader
Warnings: children, fluff, reader and kaeya are mid 20s, alcohol, Klara and Katheryne are friends because I said so, stan Katheryne she helps us so much-
Word count: 2.3k
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The sun was slowly but surely rising, leaving beautiful orange and yellow hues to paint the usually bright blue sky, and Kaeya couldn’t be happier. Unlike the last couple of days, he’d been able to wake up, eat a quiet breakfast with you before the kids woke up though he tried and successfully tried to flirt his way into your already claimed heart, and then when Klara woke up, he got the chance to contently feed the wailing little girl; something he shockingly missed. 
Even if at that moment, the tears and cries were a lot more than he could handle, he was more than happy to do something too trivial, just because he was spending more time with her. And unlike the other days, he’d been able to take her for her morning walk, before he’d have to report to headquarters.
Most citizens were still asleep, though very few could be seen preparing for the days work, a few stall owners he noted, as he held Klara’s tiny chubby hand and helped her walk through the town, though she greatly seemed to like speed, already worlds ahead with her mobility. 
“Slow down, my little Mist Flower.” She was moving as fast as her little legs could take her, straight towards Katheryne who sometimes gave the little girl trinkets, saying adventurers had brought back things they didn’t wish to keep or had no use for. Even if Klara couldn’t really speak, she knew little things, “Thank you” was one of them, so she was always grateful despite not knowing exactly what they were. And although Katheryne seemed to not be human, some sort of machine with a very robot-like tone, she also made sure to let little Klara know how happy she was to give the youngest Alberich little trinkets. 
“Good morning, Katheryne.” Kaeya called, grinning when his daughter’s eyes widened at the mention of the kind receptionist. As the pair approached the young woman, Klara yanked on her father's white cloak, instructing him to lift her into his arms, so she could get a better look, and Katheryne, usually behind the tall wooden counter.
“Oh- good morning, Captain Kaeya!” The woman exclaimed, eyes lighting up when she saw the little girl she adored very much. “And little Klara, good morning.” She was happy to see the pair well, seeing as though she hadn’t seen Klara in days. 
“Hi, Kat...” Klara whispered with a shy smile, Katheryne smiled even more because of the use of the nickname she’d been given.
She was just the most adorable little girl ever, Katheryne couldn’t help but think. 
All three Alberich children were the sweetest, though obviously, Klara had a sweet place in her heart especially. Adrien was an identical copy of you, sarcastic, very stubborn, but very respectable for such a young age. And Elena was a smart cookie, a young girl who enjoyed questioning and correct everyone and everything that she came across. Lastly, little Klara, who had much growing to do was the pride and joy of the large Alberich family. Everyone adored her and she continuously swayed hearts wherever she went, just her cute curiosity alone was enough to bring a smile to even Wagner’s face, who typically seemed grumpy. 
Katheryne felt very lucky to have met them in this lifetime, they were a gift from the Archons, truly. Everyone knew Katheryne as the Adventurer Guild's Receptionist but to Klara? She was Kat, a generous friend who gave her gifts. 
Though a sad frown graced the young woman's lips, Kaeya ever so observantly caught on, something was wrong.
“I’m very saddened to say this, but I’m afraid there aren’t any new trinkets suitable enough for little Klara today...” Yes indeed was the receptionist saddened, evident by every feature on her face. “There’s been a shortage it seems of adventurers and travelers willing to take the commissions.” The brunette stated.
“Why is this?” The Cavalry Captain questioned, silently huffing when the one-year-old attached to his hip kept chewing on his white fur cloak, closest to his neck. Great, another issue added to the mix. Maybe she had begun teething again? Archons, Kaeya really felt as though he’d missed so much, seeing as though he couldn’t remember the last time his youngest daughter had teethed or even if she'd stopped entirely together. In short, he probably hadn’t been there for that either, courtesy of his position and job. 
“From my understanding, there have been more hoards of monsters, and something about a mutation as well,” Noted Katheryne, watching as the curiosity built upon the man's features. “Would you like to take a few of the commissions? To show Acting Grand Master Jean?”
The part bout there being an abundance of monsters did sound familiar, he’d been hearing about that a lot recently, but mutated forms as well? That was new... He’d have to bring that up today at the briefing, maybe Jean would know more than he currently did. 
“None of that will be necessary. I’m heading there now, after I drop Klara off back home, I’ll just forward the information to her personally.” Katheryne nodded, seemingly getting sidetracked and entranced by the bright violet-eyed toddler staring at her, with her father's white fur cloak still in her mouth. 
She still couldn’t help but feel bad though. The only trinkets that had been brought back from any scarce, but recent missions were partially damaged swords waiting for Wagner to fix or scrap into new materials.
Such a thing did not belong in the hands of a child, nonetheless the ever so gentle Klara Alberich, she was too sweet for this world to be handed a complimentary sword, even if she had heard Kaeya say the countless amount of times that he wanted to eventually teach each of the children how to use a sword, preferring to start earlier, rather than later. And from Katheryne’s overheard? She now knew it had been somewhat of a topic of discussion between you and Kaeya, causing mini spouts of anger and frustration. 
Archons, how she wishes she had something suitable to give the little girl...
Katheryne nervously fidgeted. “Oh and about the trinkets-”
The usual daily gifts Kaetheryne would give to Klara, were absent today. Due to one big factor; adventurers and travelers weren’t taking commissions, therefore, they weren’t bringing back what Katheryne saw as unique finds, but they claimed to have no use for.
“No worries,” He was more worried about the fact that adventurers weren’t taking commissions instead of the usual trinkets Katheryne would give his daughter, nonetheless he offered reassurance. It really was no big deal.
Kaeya indeed was something else entirely, Katheryne concluded. A mind reader, some sort of witch- just different. How had he known without her even saying anything?
She was stunned for quite some time, though still feeling guilty despite his supposed reassurance. The guilt partially stemmed from the fact that Klara was staring so intently at her, with big blue-purple-hued eyes, unknowingly being one of the main stressors of Katheryne’s guilt... 
“Klara has too many nicknacks anyways,” You and Kaeya were sure she’d be some kind of trinket collector when she was older, seeing as though she had so many already. “Y/n says you spoil her.” Kaeya’s statement almost sounded like he was scolding her, but if not for the grin and chuckle he offered that immediately followed, she wouldn’t have known he was being entirely playful. 
“That is not my intention. She’s just so adorable, I cannot stop myself,” Kaeya laughed, glancing down at the toddler. She was adorable, his little Mist Flower.
“If it bother you or Miss Y/n, I’ll-”
“It’s quite alright, Katheryne, no need to worry,” Kaeya announced smoothly, dramatically waving his hand to show he was dismissing her statements of protest and concern.
Eventually, Kaeya did take his leave, much to Katheryne’s dismay. She’d probably see Klara tomorrow, if he stayed true to his schedule, so she remained hopeful and excited for tomorrow. 
Before he knew it, Kaeya was bringing Klara home, giving you and Elena - who was now awake - hugs and kisses, telling you both to let Adrien know he loved him and that he’d return soon - he was still asleep. And then just like that Kaeya was out the door again and off to headquarters.
No one expected him to be at the Cat’s Tail this late at night, but it wasn’t entirely unexpected nor rare by any means, he was a familiar face after all. 
It was unexpected because Kaeya claimed he had given up the incessant and excessive drinking years ago when his firstborn, Adrien graced Teyvat. Sadly, it was expected, because it seemed he’d been in here more in the last week than in the last few years... Though, patrons who often visited the tavern were all betting on the fact that you were entirely clueless to how much he’d been drinking; they were right. You were too busy taking care of the children and training to hopefully join the Knights again, to even keep up with your husband's drinking habits. So, it went unnoticed. 
Diluc though, who was often at the tavern, noticed it unlike you. Kaeya had been a great pretender, a great spy; good at keeping secrets, but when he had secrets, somehow Diluc always found himself finding out first, if not second, closely behind you. And unfortunately - Diluc thought - he was on the more personal spectrum concerning the certain Knight... He was his brother, your brother in law, an uncle... He disliked what Kaeya was doing, greatly. Especially since it felt as though his idiotic brother was going behind his family's back. No, he hadn’t promised to quit entirely, but he’d made it seem that way to you. Probably a fabrication so you wouldn’t worry... 
Diluc should’ve known he'd find himself back here again, trying to get his once again, idiotic brother, to leave and go home. The pyro user couldn’t understand. His brother had everything he didn’t. A beautifully devoted wife, three amazingly easy children, a status many simple Knights and Guards would kill for; Captain. And he’d rather risk it all for a drink or two, maybe three.
You thought nothing of it. Kaeya was out late a lot, more often than not patrol and paperwork held him from returning home, but on the rare occasions that he had a sliver of free time that wasn’t spent with you and the kids, he was drinking. 
You always knew when he wouldn’t be returning, in the form of a letter from Kaeya, stating he was alright but would be staying to do paperwork, etc. It would be brought by one of his underlings, Knights or Guards in training. But when that letter never came, you panicked. 
Was he alright? He never forgot to write... Maybe he was held up?
Thankfully, Lisa had decided to come over for tea earlier and had still been here trying her best to reassure you, after seeing how worried you’d been after not receiving any letter. 
“You should probably return home, I’ll be alright.” You kept reassuring the librarian, though she wasn’t falling for it. She could practically feel the stress and anxiety oozing off of you, it was concerning. 
You could only be thankful Amber had been busy and couldn’t come over for tea or else she would’ve ripped Kaeya a new one when she got ahold of him. He’d never be able to leave for missions again, without getting a reminder from Amber to reach out or else...
“Darling, I’m not leaving until he returns.” She took your hands in hers, hoping to offer you comfort. Lisa had always been there for you, which you were very thankful
She had no prior experience with children, though she was incredible with your own. You figured because she was one of the older members of the Knights of Favonius, she had taken more of a big sister role and the youngers looked up to her wisdom. Though she wasn’t much older than you, only by five or six years, so she was really like an older sister towards you as well. Lisa was a very kind woman, you appreciated her tons.
“Maybe I should go find him? I could ask around...”
“Please don’t stress, Y/n,” Lisa said. “You’re too beautiful to stress. I trust that he’ll be here soon.”
Lisa was in fact right. Kaeya returned soon after she had said he would. Master Diluc knocked on the door close to midnight, hanging off his arm was your drunk husband. When you saw him slumped on his brother's shoulder, you immediately assumed the worst. Maybe he’d been physically harmed. You were under the impression he had stopped drinking. 
But then, when you allowed Diluc to step further into the house, you got a huge waft of what you quickly recognized as alcohol. Surprisingly enough for Diluc, you didn’t yell, instead, you just stared at Kaeya with disappointment, gravitating towards him to try and take him from his brother's arms. 
“Thank you Diluc, I’m sorry you had to deal with this so late.”
The Ragnivndr wanted to scold his brother, for making a fool of himself and you, leaving you worried and disappointed. But, using better judgment, Diluc just nodded and offered an understanding and apology, on behalf of his out of it brother. 
“It’s quite alright, I-”
“I’m sorry he had to come home this way,” Diluc stated, glaring at the taller man.
You hummed, helping Kaeya stumble into your living room, both Lisa and Diluc watching with worried gazes from the door. “Don’t worry, I’m just glad he’s safe.”
Diluc once again, realized his idiotic brother did not deserve you or your kindness and understanding. He was one lucky man, that was for sure.
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[🏷] TAGLIST (if you want to be removed from/added to this specific taglist let me know!)
@gladly-olus , @kyquu , @craptainlou , @mintydump , @chscklvr , @irisxiel , @minh0ree​
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2.10.21, rayofsunas
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calpops · 3 years
less lonely | l.h.
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You move in with Luke and he realizes all of the time he’s missed out on with you and his son.
From my prompt list: I can’t do this anymore & stay with me
1.3k words
living with luke masterlist | feedback and reblogs mean the world
Copyright © 2021 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
Luke looks around his house, the once clean and comfortable home turned upside down. Boxes and suitcases litter the floor and footprints sweep across the tile from friends helping in the endeavor to move you and Luke’s son in. Luke’s still in awe and shock at the revelations you brought to his doorstep the previous day but an excitement sits in his heart that he can’t deny. His son sits in a baby swing and giggles as Luke crouches down to face him. Robbie reaches a hand up and gives Luke a grin.
“Hey bud,” Luke coos and takes Robbie’s small hand, the baby’s fingers tiny in his hold. “Welcome home.”
“I think he likes it here,” Luke hears you say from behind him, he spins on his heel and faces you, stands to be at eye level and watches as you place a box on the coffee table.
“I hope so,” he mutters, runs a hand through his hair and eyes all of the things that have accumulated around the house. “Is that the last of it?” Luke asks as the door shuts behind Ashton and Michael both toting boxes. Affirmative nods come Luke’s way. “Lotta stuff for two people.”
You laugh and Luke feels a little lighter through all of the adjustments. “Believe it or not, most of it is his,” you retort and send a fond smile over to Robbie. “I may have gone a little overboard.”
Luke shakes his head, knowing that he would have done the same if given the chance. He can’t imagine what he would have done for his son as a newborn, he doesn’t know what ridiculous things he would have sought out. It hits him once again that there’s eight missing months standing between them. His heart aches and his mind wanders through the time he lost but he shakes himself, knowing that letting himself drown in those missing pieces won’t do anyone any good.
“It’s too bad Cal’s not here to help,” Ashton chides lightly even though everyone knows why and would never hold it against him.
“Have you heard from him? How’s Mila doing?” Michael asks and Luke tunes in for an update; his favorite niece fighting an illness that’s left Calum by her side at all times.
“Better,” Ashton informs and the entire room lightens. Luke catches his breath and peers over at Robbie, unable to imagine what it must be like to be in Calum’s shoes. “Cal said if she’s doing even better by the weekend we can go see her.”
Luke leans back down to Robbie and picks him up, suddenly needing to know that he’s okay. Protective instincts kicking into gear at the mention of Mila and the anxiety that looms. Luke rocks Robbie, swaying himself from side to side as the eight month old delights in the motion.
“We’ll go meet Mila, huh, I think you two will be best buds,” Luke whispers with all of the hope his heart can muster.
Ashton and Michael stay long enough to help build and set up the essentials. They stay until it’s dark and rejoice in the new bundle of joy that’s joined the family. Michael makes promises that Robbie is his favorite nephew and vows that this time he’ll be the favorite uncle. Ashton only chuckles and waves a hand at his friend. The day goes by smoothly and Luke finds himself restless as night claims the sky and silence settles into the once bustling house.
It’s late when Luke finds himself sitting on the couch sifting through cardboard boxes, fingers finding a photo album and curiosity getting the better of him. He pauses, knows he shouldn’t pry but the photo of Robbie on the cover allows him to indulge. You’d already promised he could see photos of the times he missed. Alone and under nothing but moonlight pooling in from the French doors Luke assumes now is better than later. He flips the album open and takes a deep breath.
He’s met with the sight of a newborn Robbie, his height and weight written in the margins of the book. He flips through the pages, watches as Robbie grows bigger and hurt makes a home in his heart. Photos of Robbie with you scatter the pages, photos of Robbie with people Luke has never met blow hard truths into his mind. He keeps flipping, restless in his endeavor to catch up on all that he’s missed. He hears the floor creak behind him and turns to find you tiptoeing down the hall.
“What are you doing up?” you ask.
“Just… looking,” he says, voice low and quiet. He turns back to the album and finds Robbie with a smile that could melt and break hearts. “I can’t do this anymore,” Luke mumbles and snaps the album shut.
“Do what?” you question as you approach and see the album now discarded on the coffee table.
Luke sighs and covers his hands with his face as he leans back into the plush cushions of the couch. He rubs his eyes and then drags his fingers down his face and eventually settles his hands balled into fists in his lap.
“Pretend that I’m okay,” he chokes out and feels the dip of your weight on the cushions beside him. “Pretend that it doesn’t kill me that I missed so much of his life.”
“You don’t have to pretend,” you whisper and Luke hears the pain and genuine sentiment in your voice. It almost makes him feel better to know you don’t expect him to be okay with it, that he doesn’t have to put on a strong front or act detached from his emotions. He looks over at you and a realization hits him.
“I don’t want to”—Luke begins and shakes his head and all of the anxieties inside of him—“but I can’t help it. I look at you and him and how bonded you are, I see all of the time I missed to have that with him. I look at you and I blame you.”
“I know,” you say and shock Luke, leave him coming up short and make his heart beat uncomfortably hard in his chest. He didn’t expect that. “And I’m sorry.”
Luke sighs and feels his emotions spike. “Could you really not find me?”
He waits with bated breath, heart beating out the time it takes for you to respond. He feels himself cool, the accusations and blame boiling over and sending a chill up his spine. He instantly feels regret bite at him when he sees how glossy your eyes have gotten and how distant you become.
“I tried,” you say and it sounds like a promise, a plea for Luke to understand. “I wrote you but I didn’t know where to send the letters.”
It goes silent for a moment and Luke collects himself. He realizes you did all you could given the circumstances. One night stands didn’t usually wind up like this. Without his number or address it was all just shots in the dark trying to find him.
“And I was scared,” you admit in a whisper and Luke furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Suddenly I was pregnant and alone and didn’t know how to find you; I didn’t know if you’d believe me if I did.”
Luke sags, his shoulders dropping and weight sinking back into the couch. He didn’t know that. Didn’t think that you might fear his response, fear that he may not believe you or take Robbie as his own.
“I believe you,” Luke says and turns back to you. “I’m sorry too. I don’t blame you, I shouldn’t have said that.”
Moonlight and pain sparkle your eyes as they gaze at the floor. Luke watches your hands, your fingers curling into your palms and dragging across the length of your legs.
“Do you want me to go?” you ask and Luke feels a hidden meaning within the question.
“No, please don’t,” he responds quickly. He reaches a hand out and captures yours, he hasn’t felt a spark simmer under his skin in a long while, but with emotions on high and the night being so dark he feels it under his skin and in his bones. “Stay with me?”
You nod and Luke feels a little bit less lonely as the night fades away.
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all-about-seggs · 3 years
┗ Love- Lies- Bleeding
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Pairing - Geto Suguru x Virgin!reader
Word count- 4.8 K
Warnings - Gaslighting, Corruption kink, snuff (not graphically depicted) and then reincarnation, cunnilingus, fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, adding blasphemy kink just to be safe.
A/n- Geto isn't a yandere here but it's Villan! Geto we're talking about so I think his actions are pretty in line with his current canon! Personality. Though a bit delusional. This is by FAR the longest thing I've ever written.
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The gray cobblestones stretching across the shrine clicked against your thick wodden sandles, the quaintness of the place only making it seem unnaturally loud. It's was a regular autumn morning, which soon turned into noon as you felt the bright sun shining right on top of your head.
Having finished your morning tasks you were returning to the main shrine where the senior priestess would give you further things to do. Just the thought of more work non stop made you sigh at your monotonous shrine maiden lifestyle but as you lamented you heard footsteps behind you, the sound of which same as that of your own.
"Hey!.....", You turned around to see your little sister huffing as she catches up to you,
" y/n! He's here again!," The implications of her words made your face heat up, sure you were still a bit green and naive, but you made sure to discreet when it came to 'looking' at that one particular man that always seem to stand out among the hoards of faceless people you saw visiting the shrine everyday.
"How many times have I told you not to phrase it like that! You'll get me in trouble with the priestess!", Scrambling to get yourself together you retort sharply.
"Oh come on! Youre the one who used to stare at him from a distance like a lovesick teenager! Atleast now you're talking to him like a normal person", In terms of liveliness the sound of your back and forth was the only thing the place had.
"Watch it! If someone hears you we'll both get scolded", gently warning her again you find yourself turning back to where she came from. The other part of the premises where the peculiar man would be standing, as usual, in all his serene beauty, on the brigde overlooking the small lake.
A man in traditional Japanese cloths that you rarely see anyone wearing these days came to your shrine everyday, without fail for the past month. Everything from his attire to his elegant long hair left you in a trance and your eyes would naturally follow him.
Something about the fact how he'd always come here but never to pray or wish striked you as odd so at first you just observed and even before completely wrapping the situation around your head you two started sharing numerous conversations of the huge world that was right outside but so far away from your reach, his words fuelled the budding curiosity in your heart, the vastness of which made your trips to the lake, the most refreshing part of your otherwise monotonous daily routine.
Even if all you did was talk, a 'supposidly' demure maiden working in a shrine, skipping on her duties and rushing to the other side of the ginormous area to see a man felt almost elicit, scary even when you consider the consequences that would come if you were to get found out. The charisma his every action held was beyond resistance and you soon found yourself enraptured by the male despite everything.
"This is so pointless" you huffed, smiling out of self pity to hide the more frustrating emotions twirling within you.
"Yet you do it everyday", with a small nudge from her elbow you made your way straight to the lake, forgetting about your obligations as a shrine maiden, the responsibilities, the restrictions and all inhibitions put upon you in the name of god.
With quick steps you soon found yourself at the base of the curved brigde,
"Good afternoon Mr. Geto", your greeting came out in a rush, trying to ignore the warmth of your face, but your attempts at hiding your flustered state didn't go unnoticed by the man in front of you.
" Seems like you've been having quite a hectic day", smiling in his usual serene way Geto gracefully turns his head in your direction.
" Not any more than usual", calming your erratic heartbeat you slowly close the distance between the two of you and stand beside him on the arch of the bridge.
" It's really nice here", He remarked, his eyes sweeping across the tiny fishes swimming near the surface of the lake. You stared at him for a little while before finally asking the one thing that drew you to him the most.
" I always wondered, why do you come here everyday if you don't even want to go to the main shrine to pray?. Surely it's not just for this scenery."
" Hmmm? Pray for what?", Not particularly moved by your question he quizzically tilt his head.
"Well.....you know, the usual, success in job, finding a significant other or maybe even something materialistic? Although I doubt you're interested in the last one", you laugh a little to take the edge off your slightly personal question.
"Dreams come true through steadily applied efforts not praying", with his sage like appearance, his words didn't came off as a shock.
"Not the best thing to say to a shrine maiden but I guess it's somewhat true", Quipping back you just looked at him with a smile, silently revelling on your familiarity with each other.
"What about you? You never look like you're having fun while working here.... As if you're the one who's not satisfied with you're job" His voice took a more serious note and asked the question you always tried to push away but for the first time, you felt safe. Safe in talking about things what most people around you would call blasphemy.
"Yeah well, I wouldn't say it's my life's calling. It's basically following the ideals that has been written by others and just blindly following them day in and day out", just as you finished your sentence you realised how shallow and sad you just sounded but the slightly widened eyes of Geto was what made you mentally kick yourself before you hastily try to smooth things over.
" But! It's not that bad! Once you get used to-", after a few lighthearted words to clear the heavy atmosphere that was building up you were cut off with one long finger hovering just above your lips.
" It's okay, you don't have to worry about being judged with me", not touching your lips he quickly retreats his hand back,
"It's only natural to question your ideals and beliefs when you actually start thinking about them, it's a proof of growing up. I can say it was the same for me as well, I had thought I'd spend my whole life sequestered in 'that' place but...." His gaze takes on a far off quality as his words fade.
"What changed then?", Without even knowing why, you urged him to continue.
"Well, I grew up and realised mine were just idealistic views, far from practical."
"Wait! How old are you now?!", Unable to ignore your budding curiosity you went on,
With a soft flick to your cheek he snorted in amusement, his low baritone made you recognise your own rudeness as you rub the non existent pain off of your face.
"It's not polite to ask strangers their age, regardless of their gender, young lady".
"I'm sorry! It's just, your answer...... Was kinda vague so...." Trailing off, the fact that he didn't owed you any explanations dawned on you making you stop. But the sudden halt in your unabashed questioning didn't go unnoticed by the long haired man so he continued, as if reading your thoughts.
"Everyone's entitled to act idiotically every once in a while but you sure are abusing your privilege", he went on, after a few words of sass.
" It took a while but, I soon discovered my true feelings about the world I lived in and how I wanted to change it", The unshakeable conviction of his voice reverberated through your ears and there seemd to be more to the hint of darkness in his downcast eyes, but further questions left your brain as you felt genuine resolve through his words.
Before you could process what's happening, Geto pulled you in close, resting his hands on either side of the brigde railings, caging you inbetween the low wall and his body.
"How about we run away to a better world together?", not waiting for you to protest he spoke. The words falling from his lips were casual enough to make you overlook the outrageousness of their meaning and your oddly intimate position did nothing to stop your brain from short circuiting.
"The decision is yours y/n but I'll be waiting anyway," his voice seems to trail a little before he bends down, his thin lips ghosting over your right ear, " you see, I hate it when even the good gets destroyed along with the bad", with that he quickly pulles his body back, letting you have your personal space again.
"I'll come back here at 8 'o' clock tonight",
After announcing that smoothly, he turns his back away and walks off to the exit, leaving you gob smacked at his confusing words.You watch him saunter off, still to awestruck to move when you finally take a note of your own unsteady breaths and face that radiated heat rivaling the sun atop.
" Who would- even go along with that crazy idea", your meek words get lost in the now empty place but the longing in your eyes to see what lied beyond your conservative lifestyle was as clear as the autumn sky hanging above.
You turn your back on the place and jog off in an effort to escape your own complicated feelings on the matter. His casually spoken words clawed at your heart, an entire different life was just one step away and it was shocking to even you how much trust you were subconsciously putting in every single word he says.
The conflicting thoughts in your head kept you busy the entire walk from the bridge to at the door of the only home you had known for so many years and never once your feet held such hesitation as you entered the building to continue the tasks you had left behind for the momentary change you craved so much.
The evening passed by in a flash, the thumping of your heart only getting louder with each passing hour. You just got out of your bath and were getting ready to help with dinner when you heard two voices coming form one of the senior priestess's room
"I saw her talking to a man, he didn't looked like a -", their words weren't clear but one thing was. Their topic of discussion was you.
"No he was wearing a hakama", it was getting harder and harder to breath with every second. If they were to tell that to your other supervisors then it would become very difficult for you to live here.
"So he could be from a neighbouring temple, maybe just asking about something general?"
"But weren't they standing too close?"
Listening in from behind the door all you could make out was that they clearly saw you and Geto, but one thing was certain. You were about to be very strictly reprimanded for just having curiosity.
Before you could even think up of some excuses to get yourself out of this mess the previous offer of his night time rendezvous flashed in your mind. It got you thinking, if you were going to be made to stay under supervision for a while anyway then the least you could do was to meet Geto one more time so as to let him know that his idea was indeed crazy and that life wasn't that easy for you to give up on everything you've done until now just on a whim.
You couldn't exactly get to a proper conclusion, sure leaving seemed like the better option but the fact that you'll be heavily dependent on Geto for everything didn't sit will with you either. It's not like you had any other skills or connections and even if he said he'd take you with him, you weren't fully ready to trust him on that. Why would you? It's not like you two were connected or related in any way.
The meeting time was approaching fast and since it's dinner time soon most of the girls would be around the dining area to help. It was the perfect opportunity to slip out unnoticed and come back after explaining things to the kind person who brought a few extra colors in your dull life.
Shakily you made you way to the back door, knowing full well you're about to commit another offense.
In a few minutes you reached the bridge, it was empty right now, indicated that your are ether early or that maybe Geto was actually just messing with you and oddly enough you felt your stomach drop at the thought of the second option.
But before you could overthink out the negative options you sense eyes on your back and whirl around to see a happy looking Geto strutting towards you.
" I take it you have decided to entrust yourself to me?", Greeting you with his self assured words he smiles amicably at you.
" Actually- I've decided to not leave", you say, with both sadness and regret in your voice.
He listenes to you in silence, his face doesn't look convinced no matter how much you explain but he never interrupts you until you're finished.
" So, Is that what you really want? To rot in a place which binds you to unnecessary obligations?", He blankly says, after you're done.
"It's only natural to lose something in order to attain greater things y/n", steping in your personal space again he peers at you face, his eyes were slited enough to hide their true intentions yet leaving just enough space for the moonlight to give them an otherworldly glow.
His beautiful face just centimetres away from yours and before you can finish he grabs you by the chin and delivers a mind blowing kiss.
This wasn't good for your heart. Your previous resolve was melting, just like the rest of you. Geto quickly slipped his hot tongue inside your mouth, exploring every nook and cranny of it.
"Why are you going so far?", You ask, still not entirely convinced.
" Because we are the same, that's why I know what you want and I can give that to you. So trust me okay?", A few seconds pass as you both stare into each other, when you finally heave a sigh of defeat.
" I do want more than just a life of modesty,", having changed you decision yet again you look up at the man in a renewed resolve.
"That's my girl!", Almost excitedly he envelopes you in a warm hug,
"Well y/n? How exactly do you want to celebrate your new found freedom? ", giving his words a suggestive tone he leaned forward to press his lips against your ear, placing light kisses up and down its lobe.
A surge of heat runs through your confounded heart, voice raspy as you reply " Ofcourse I want to do it with you", the snickering above you made you realise the innuendo your words held,
" I meant the celebration! It as in the CELEBRATION OKAY?!", Frantically, you push against his chest to break your embrace, trying to explain the simple meaning behind your previous words but even so, you'd be lying to yourself if you said that the thought of sleeping with him never crossed your mind.
The unmarried virgin criteria you had to fulfill in order to be a shrine maiden was in the past now. So you couldn't find any reason to hold back now.
" I'd be an honor," Geto's melodious voice reverberated through the entire room and you whip your head upwards to look for the confirmation you needed.
With minimal amount of words Geto took you to a near by cottage, saying he atleast wanted your first time to be in a proper place. You thought he was staying at just a room in that cottage but it turned out he had rented the entire place.
For you, it was quite a luxurious thing, while it was something you'd love to revel in, you had other, more important matters to give your attention too.
With a soft click, Geto opens the bedroom door and ushers you in, you breathing coming out irregular, and you were almost shaking in both excitement and nervousness.
What if he doesn't like how I look like naked? Would he like it better if I had shaved? Wait- I hope I'm not wearing my ugly panties today!. While you were freting the small details, the long haired man quietly made his way towards the bed, where you sat, buring his face at the crook of your neck as his arms wrap themselves around you.
"White suites you",His voice rumbled in your ears, his tone as smooth and sweet as honey when he slipped his hand inside the collar of your top, parting the neatly tucked fabric until your chest was exposed. The sudden contact with the air and his hands made your nipples perk up. He fondles them a little while kissing up your neck and shoulders.
Slowly he undos the cloth belts that tied your red hakama to place and eventually you feel them loosen up and then down to the ground, leaving you in just your open white kosode.
Being so exposed in front of a man and that too for the first time made you instinctively cover your chest and crotch, but it was pointless really, because even your hands couldn't hide the dampness of your panties from the sharp eyes that seems to look straight through your meek attempt at modesty.
"Come on, show me everything", his eyes met yours, all attention on you and it was almost disconcerting how vulnerable his eyes made you feel.
Felling a warm rush of blood to your face, you slowly loosen the grip of your hands around your body, letting Suguru pry them off until they rested limply on your sides. Slowly you lie down flat on your back, shyly looking away.
"Getting embarrassed is fine, but there's no need to hid yourself, It's only natural to want to look at your lover's body",He says it with such low, sweet, seduction that your toes curl in response, the word 'lover' ringing in your ears sent your heart in a frenzy.
Slipping the rest of your garments off of your shoulders he gently kisses your ear, licking the contours of your jaw and all the way to the hollow of your throat. His mouth nibbed at the skin beneath as his smooth tongue caressed the marks it left behind.
Soon he latched his lips onto on of your nipples, his teeth grazing the hardened tips pulled a few moans out of you, his long hair tickled your skin wherever they fell and it took everything in you to stop yourself from grabbing onto them.
Moving lower, he soon reached your pussy, already dripping with arousal. You felt his breath on your folds as spreaded them with one of his hand and gave the smooth space inbetween a long lick.
Sucking on your clit with fervor, his arms around your hips traced it's dips and curves as he delves deeper into your moistened sex. Your moans were inevitable at this point, the feeling his mouth in the most intimate part of your body was making you shiver in ecstasy but as soon as he brought his hand near your hole you felt your thighs clench.
"Don't worry I'll only use one finger at a time to get you all nice and ready for later" Gentle reassurances flowed naturally out of his mouth as he covers his fingers in your slick before spreading your pussy more.
His digits push past your folds and buries themselves deep into your throbbing pussy, the sensation of being penetrated both new and arousing. Geto slowing moves his finger in and out as his tongue latches on to your clit again.
The sensations of being licked and fingered together intermingled in your body, bringing you closer to your release in no time. Although it was a good thing you didn't wanted to end it so quickly. He was undeniably good with his hands, knowing when exactly to add another finger or when to curl or rub them inside.
Maybe it's because it was your first time but the onslaught of your orgasm leaves you shaking and moaning wildly in the most unladylike ways you have ever acted. It was embarrassing how much you ended up enjoying while Geto did all the work.
Though he pushes you to your limit you can't help but want to watch his every movement, anticipation building inside you when he raises his head and props himself on his knees to get a better look at your blissed out face. You let out a sigh of longing as he bought his glistening digits to near your face as a proof of you how good he made you feel.
" I'm glad you like it honey", his voice dangerously seductive, he licks his fingers just as erotically, making you embarrassed.
" Let's move onto the part where you cum on my cock now shall we?", His crudeness may have been shocking but right now all you cared about was the cumming part so you let him manhandle your throbbing form until he properly lines himself up against your hole.
Suguru didn't removed his cloths fully, just loosened his hakama just enough to whip his member out.
" Deep breaths now y/n", his gentle guiding eased your mind, and so you relax your body to take him in because even if it's your first time, you were pretty sure he was big enough to make anyone ache.
A warm tingling pain tears through your core which soon mealted into something more euphoric, unbearably good even, making you cry out in ecstasy. He filled you up to the brim and you wondered how bad it will ache tomorrow. As soon as he bottomed out in you, the entire aura of the person about you changed and the room felt like it dropped a few degrees in temperature.
It was not what you'd expected as your first time. Not the painfully rough speed he started with. Not the large hand around your neck that threatened to cut off your air supply. And certainly not the cold, detached look in his face.
Even when your breathing was getting shallower by the second you still writhed in pleasure. It was alarming as to how much you were willing to entrust your entire self to Suguru who was nothing if not composed, keeping his hand firmly around your neck while thrusting his member in and out of your pussy, fucking you like some sort of rag doll.
Long gone was the mild mannered person you looked up at with heart eyes, maybe he was just different in bed, that's what you wanted to tell yourself but the lack of consent and the level of his roughness kept you from doing so.
He eventually let go of your neck, only to flip you on your stomach and shoved his cock inside from an even deeper angle. He didn't let you tap out until you came twice, with your third orgasm approaching just as fast.
The sumptuous heat from his body lingers on yours for sometime even after he pulls himself out
And you felt that the longer you stayed in his embrace, the more darkness seeped into you which would surely make you go numb eventually
You wanted to ask Geto what was happening but a few broken screams were the only thing you could make out, everything was sudden, how the pain made your vision go white to then pitch black and as your consciousness left your body all you could hear was Geto's calm voice.
" Next time you wake up, well be in a better world"
The few rustling sounds of fabric brought you back to the waking world, the dark blue skies outside with flashes of gold inbetween told you it was just the crack of dawn.
You slowly prop yourself up in a sitting position to look around the unfamiliar room.
You catch your reflection in the nearby window next to your bed, you looked the same save for the few indecipherable marks here and there.
" Good morning y/n", Quickly looking at your right, you see Geto just walking out of the bath, his mascular form only covered by a thin cottan kimono.
He was behaving normally, as if the events of last night didn't happen. So normally that you were starting to think you may have hallucinated the whole thing.
Walking towards your sitting form, Geto bends down to cup your jaw and layers his mouth on yours, the scent of his shampoo tingling your senses almost made you forget about everything else.
He breaks the kiss, gazing at your downcasted eyes, the heat from your face made him chuckle.
"Quite an innocent reaction considering all the things we've done", he smirks triumphantly at you, his eyes a mix of dark but intense passion. All the things huh. You thought. Your mind was still in a haze and it was talking longer to process your words and thoughts.
"What happened last night?, I can't remember everything properly", you were expecting straight answers, that how did you passed out or where you exactly were right now but Geto seemed to go off on his own tangent.
You were just like my past self,", were, he said. As if you're something else now. The man in front of you was changing his colors faster than you could comprehend his words and it was terrifying you.
"That's why it's my duty to show you everything that life has to offer, the entire extent of it. As long as you stay by my side.", Not paying an ounce of attention to your shocked state he want on,
" The people you were staying with before were only going to confuse you further, that's why I had to take you away".
"You are the most free and safest at my side, darling. But if you still want your preistess life back then, I'll be your god and you can spend the rest of your life worshipping me instead"
Of course, he didn't saw you as an equal who could stand beside him, you weren't even his lover, just someone below him who he needed to worship the ground he walked upon in. But even so, the fear you experienced just a few minutes ago dissipated, bringing back the curiosity that was at its height whenever he was around.
"Were you lonely?",Geto's eyes trailed up and down your face which halted in their track after hearing your words which oddly resembled pity.
" What-", the previously composed and slitted eyes expanded a little before his expression abruptly shifts, turning serious, making you flinch under its sharp gaze, the animosity that surrounded him contrasted with the previous tender kisses and touch.
With his one large hand he grabbed your face from the base of your jaw, painfully lifting it up until your entire body was a few centimetres above the surface of the bed.
" Listen up y/n, I didn't brought you here to dote on you and the only reason I wiped out your silly little shrine because I can't stand hypocrites who spread false teachings written by equally hypocritical people. It was your job to worship things you couldn't see before and now you have to do the same job for someone you can see. That's. All."
"Ofcourse, leaving isn't an option.I've turned your body into a reincarnated curse. If any of the Jujutsu tech people caught you roaming around, it'll be instant exorcism for you." He lets go of your face and sits next to your form, Geto was quite for a while, giving you time to sort out your own feelings on the matter.
You knew what was happening now. Inbetween those conceited words flashes of the warm blooded man behind the god slipped out and you had to resist the overwhelming urge to comfort the person who just confessed to have burnt down the shire you were living in just until a few days ago. Maybe your thought process was altered just like the rest of you body, or maybe you were always this crazy too.
The source of your sympathy was unknown but the twisted obsession of his was provided you with more solid answers.
Your meeting, the conversations, how you eloped together. All of it made sense now. He wanted to save you from the oppressive state of the place you had spend most of your life in, ofcourse he would. He was thinking of you in ways no one ever had. He loved you in ways no one ever will, or could for that matter.
And you,
You loved him too. You had to.
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asciendo · 3 years
Ember Island
Went through my old laptop and found a few Zuko drabbles i wrote years ago!
 Still thinking if i should post the rest so, let me know and comments are appreciated! 
Inspired by Zuko and Mai's fight in the Ember Island Episode but of couse, with the reader! 
The gang was stationed in Zuko’s ancestral home in Ember Island. It was a huge mansion with rooms for everyone. You were sharing a room with Zuko as the both of you have been dating the past few months after both of you joined Team Avatar. Zuko joined when he left the Fire Nation to help Aang and you were rescued along with Suki from the Boiling Rock. Your father was a high-ranking Fire Nation general that left after disagreeing with the inhumane ways of Fire Lord Ozai. You were captured when you tried to steal food from a Fire Nation camp for the refugees you and your family were hiding with. Zuko recognized you from the jail and rescued you and a little while after, the two of you began dating.
Everything was going smoothly, until the gang reached Ember Island. As soon as you arrived on the beach, Zuko became cold. He gave a half-hearted tour of his old house. While the gang was ecstatic on how huge it was, Zuko remained unbothered the whole time.
“Are you alright?” you asked him, resting your hand on his shoulder. “I’m fine.” He was staring out the window with no expression in his face.
He remained the same the days after. You’d try to talk to him but he’d shrug it off. The only form of response you got from him was at night, when you’d be asleep then suddenly feel arms snake around your waist. Katara would ask you if anything happened with him and you’d explain how he was fine until we arrived on the island.
“I don’t know...he won’t talk to me.” You sighed as you and Katara sat on the balcony. “Well, it obviously has to do with his family being back here and everything...” she looked at with you concern as it was obvious that Zuko’s behavior was taking a toll on you. “He’s so used to keeping his feelings to himself and afraid of being vulnerable, I don’t blame him though after everything but...”
“It’s hard.” Katara finished and you nodded.
Zuko’s cold behavior turned to snappiness and anger. The slightest inconvenience would make him angry. When you ran out of the tea he liked he threw a fit. The time you accidentally moved his robe after his shower and he couldn’t find it, he was in a bad mood the whole day.
Zuko’s attitude hasn’t gotten better and you were tired of it. No matter how many times you asked, he’d insist he was fine. It was like an ending guessing game. Your demeanor around Zuko changed as well as you replied to his nonchalant responses with sarcasm and eye rolls. This caused numerous fights and bickering between the two of you. Zuko sensed your distance and tried to somewhat make amends by bringing you tea in the morning although still in his cold behavior.
He’d try to hold you at night but you refused, angry at his erratic behavior. One moment he’s yelling at you for a robe, the next he’s trying to make amends by giving you a flower or trying to hold you. It was sweet but you were tired of trying to guess which Zuko you were waking up next to, the sweet and caring one you knew, or the angry and short-fused Zuko you’ve been experiencing.
The gang decided to go to the local carnival dressed in Fire Nation clothes. Everyone was excited to finally have some fun after months of training.
It was huge with hundreds of booths with games, rides, and variety shows. Zuko won a stuffed monkey in one of the booths and walked up to you. “You want this?” he asked you with no expression. You were annoyed at how it seemed like it was such a task to win you that toy and how it felt like he was forced to do so. “No.” you stated which caused Zuko to grunt and throw the toy on the ground.
The gang was surrounding a large arcade game where you had to shoot fire from two buttons to the target. “What’s this?” Zuko asked. “A game Zuko, we’re in an arcade what do you think it is.” You rolled your eyes. Zuko huffed then tried to play it. He ended up losing and burning the whole thing up.
“Hey we should get out of here before we get caught!” Sokka exclaimed and the group left.
The next day, the gang decided to hit the beach. Sokka and Suki were playing in the water, Katara was practicing her bending and Aang and Toph were building sandcastles. You and Zuko were relaxing under an umbrella just watching the sunset. Suddenly, he tapped your shoulder and there was a shell in your face. You stared at him then at him, he had a slight smile almost pleading. “This is for you.” He moved the shell in front of your face.
“What am I gonna do with that?”
“Don’t girls like this stuff?” he asked you, “Maybe stupid girls.” You rolled your eyes and looked away from him. “FORGET IT!” Zuko threw the shell across the beach,
He huffed then stood and left. Zuko came back with two ice cream cones but when he offered you one, you felt a cold scoop on your lap. There was ice cream all over you and there was a frozen Zuko staring at you waiting for your reaction. “Great, refreshing.” you rolled your eyes and left.
“Come on, it was an accident!” he called but you kept walking.
Some local Fire Nation teenagers invited Sokka to a house party and the gang decided to go.
Aang was dancing in front, Katara was giggling at him, Toph was dragging her feet as she didn’t wan to go to the party, Sokka and Suki walked hand in hand after them. You and Zuko walked behind in silence, the both of you not looking at each other.
You got to the party and the gang dispersed on their own. You weren’t feeling like socializing so you slumped on the couch at the end of the room. Zuko sat next to you but you two sat in silence. “I’ll get us some punch.” He announced and walked off.
Scanning the room, you didn’t see the gang anywhere. You began to daydream while waiting for Zuko to come back.
A voice broke your thoughts as you looked up to see a tan muscular boy stand in front of you. “Hey, I’m Lee.”
“Hi.” You pretended to be interested in your fingernails as you weren’t in the mood for small take. “What’s your name?”
“Ma-li” you almost said your real name, which could cause problems for the gang.
“Mali? Interesting name.” he winked. You smiled blankly as you wanted him to leave but he wasn’t moving.
“Soooo...what are you doing here alone?” he tried to walk closer to you but suddenly, there was a hand grabbing his shoulder.
“She’s not alone.” Zuko grumbled behind him. Zuko then threw Lee to the side of the room that Lee’s body broke a vase. “Seriously?!” you glared at Zuko as you left the party. You walked out onto the beach where you saw a campfire going, and sighed in relief, as it was the rest of the gang. You plopped on a piece of wood next to Katara and sighed.
“Where’s Zuko?” Aang asked with a mouth full of food. “Beating some guy up.” You rolled your eyes and laid back in your seat.
“WHAT?!” The rest of the gang sat up from their seats. “Why?!” Katara asked.
“Can’t believe I missed that.” Toph sighed.
“Oh, there you are.” Zuko said through gritted teeth then sat next to Toph on the other side.
“Did we miss something...” Sokka nervously asked, sensing the tension between you two.
“No, just Zuko being a ticking time bomb as usual.” You said coldly as you stared up at the sky. “Shouldn’t you be there with your boyfriend?!” Zuko spat back at you.
“Boyfriend?!” the rest of the gang piped up.
“You’re overreacting and you know it.”
“NO I AM NOT!” Zuko was yelling across the fire at you and the gang watched in silence.
“Yes you are! This whole trip you’ve been hot-headed, angry and impatient!” You snapped back, sitting up from your seat now as well. “Well at least I feel something! Instead of being like you, having no emotions for anything and being a big blah the whole trip!”
The rest of the gang became silent. Not knowing what to do with the two of you fighting in front of them.
Stung by this, you stood up and fixed your hair into a ponytail, with Zuko and the rest of the gang watching you closely. “Well, you don’t have to worry about having a “blah” person in your life anymore, it’s over.” You said softly yet harshly then walked off.
The rest of the gang stared at you walk away, shocked, then stared at Zuko who seemed shocked but angry as well.
“AGH!” he exclaimed and shot a ball of fire in to the existing campfire that made the gang disperse.
“Z-Zuko...” Aang began. “WHAT?!” Zuko shot back at him.
“Uhm...nevermind.” Aang nervously backed away.
“Zuko...” Katara placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” she was concerned about him, they’ve gotten closer over time and it was obvious that he was going through something.
“Why does everyone keep asking me if I’m okay? I’m fine!” Zuko shoved her hand off. “W-well..I mean...you’ve always been moody and angry and—“ Sokka began.
“Ow hey!” Sokka exclaimed as Suki hit him. “Zuko, we can tell something is bothering you, alright.” Katara began.
“Ever since we got here it’s like your whole attitude changed...you were impatient, you were snapping at everyone all the time and ignored all of our attempts to be there for you...even Y/N.” Katara finished and Zuko slumped to the ground.
“Is it because you’re back in your family’s home?” she asked softly and Zuko buried his face in his hands. “It’s just...the last time I was here I was still trying to capture Aang...I was still with my family...I used to come here with my mother...and now...I feel like a stranger in my own home.”
The gang looked at each other and exhaled, they felt sorry for Zuko. They knew his past and how he keeps everything bottled up. They could only imagine being back in the life you left but as a completely different person.
“It’s okay Zuko, we understand, we just needed to know that.” Karata smiled as she sat next to Zuko. “I’m sorry guys...I’ve been such a jerk.”
“Yeah you kinda have been.” Sokka stated. “OW!” he yelled in pain as Suki hit him again.
“We forgive you Zuko, and we’re here for you. You don’t have to hide anything from us. All of us had our share of meltdowns.” Aang sat on the other side of Zuko and smiled at him.
“Yeah except me.” Sokka said proudly. “What about the time you lost you boomerang?” Katara rolled her eyes. “HEY! THAT DOESN’T COUNT!” Sokka panicked which made Suki laugh.
“Ugh! But I ruined it with Y/N. She just broke up with me.”
“Yeah you did.” Sokka chuckled which earned another punch from Suki. “WILL YOU STOP HITTING ME?!”
“I don’t think she meant it...she’s just frustrated because she doesn’t know what’s wrong with you...” Katara assured him. “Yeah right..she seemed like she meant it.” Zuko hung his head low.
“Look, if you just talk to her it will be fine, I promise.” Katara smiled and Zuko looked around at the rest of the gang. They were all nodding in agreement with Sokka nodding as well but with Suki covering his mouth. “You think she’ll forgive me?”
“I know she will.” Katara smiled sweetly. Zuko got up and went to look for you.
You found a nice rock to sit on while watching the waves. You were slowly regretting breaking up with Zuko, you know you didn’t mean it and was just so angry. You began to climb down your rock to find Zuko but there he was, standing nervously staring at you.
“Y/N...I’m so sorry.” He began and you sighed. “Zuko—“
“No, let me explain.” He cut you off and you nodded for him to continue. “It’s just..I thought I was going to be fine coming back here, like it wasn’t a big deal...but it was.”
“It just brought back so many memories, with my family, my mother...when I was regretting choosing Azula’s side...and I just felt so lost...in my own home...like I have all the memories but it feels like it doesn’t belong to me.” You stared at him with compassion and empathy, you knew it had something to do with his family. It hurt you to see Zuko like this, you knew it was hard for him to express all of these things to you because he’s always been the type to hide his real feelings and anger.
“I was so angry at myself for feeling that way because I know I did the right thing joining Aang, and I took it out on you. I’m so sorry...I understand if—“
He couldn’t finish because your lips were on his.
“Does this mean we’re not broken up?” Zuko smiled as he looked at you. “No...I’m sorry too...I wasn’t being easy either.” You laughed and he did too. “I just hope that you tell me when you feel angry or sad or anything next time...I can help you, Zuko.” You placed a palm on his cheek and he leaned into it. “I know and I’m sorry...I love you.” He said and both of you stared at each other in surprise as this is the first time any of you have said it to each other. “Y-you don’t have to say it back—“
You crashed your lips onto his and he lifted you up to deepen the kiss. “I love you too, Zuko.” You smiled and he squeezed you tight.
The rest of the gang was waiting by the campfire. You and Zuko walked back with his arm around you. “Aw, the love birds are backed together!” Katara squealed. “Finally! My stomach is growling, I’m starving!” Sokka announced.
“Yeah lets go.” you laughed looking at Zuko.
“Lets go home.” Zuko kissed you on the forehead and you happily went back to the house.
That night as you slept tangled up with Zuko, you couldn’t help but smile.
“He loves me.” You whispered to yourself, and happily fell asleep next to Zuko.
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fayeimara · 3 years
Suna Rintaro || Two of Hearts
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*Song Scenario | Inspired by Two of Hearts by Stacy Q*
PAIRING. Suna Rintaro x you
GENRE. Fluff <3
WARNINGS. Incredibly suggestive, sexual innuendos & references, swearing, drinking
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Ah- Ah-Ah-Ah- I need- I need you...
Low, provocative music filters through the lush backyard of your house, mixing into and around the louder cadence of chatter. The space is relatively private due to the large trees bordering your parents' property and provides the perfect setting for your small get together.
The boys and girls volleyball teams have gathered on an unusually warm evening to celebrate the end of their respective seasons, but for Suna Rintaro, the draw is something more compelling and far more complex than a casual night to finally let loose.
Looking up to observe the slow darkening of the sky, the middle blocker leans back against the low stone fence that separates the in-ground hot tub from the walkout patio. Keeping an eye on the stars instead of following his instinct to seek you out from among the group around him, Rintaro contemplates what exactly he's doing here tonight.
The game of cat and mouse between the two of you has built a certain tension, spilling over into your day to day interactions. Having grown closer as friends the last couple years, neither you nor Suna can pinpoint exactly when the dynamic changed but it's as undeniable as it is unspoken.
The hypnotizing melody of the song currently keeping him company amidst the usual bickering between the twins spins around him but as the chorus flies out, Suna hears the scrape of a screen door and can't stop himself from looking across the tiled patio to meet your eyes as you step out from inside the house with a red solo cup in one hand and ... a chuupet in the other.
Ignoring the warmth that spreads across his chest in time with the thundering of his heart, Rintaro simply tilts his head in reaction, eyeing you as you approach him with a smirk on your face.
"I figured you deserved a reward for keeping these two company while I placed our order for dinner."
Even as his piercing eyes narrow and remain on you in a penetrating stare, the smallest quirk of his lips is enough to tell you he appreciates the gesture, as he extends his hand out to meet yours in the space between you.
Ignoring the jitters of both nerves and excitement churning through your body, an anticipatory feeling you're now well used to whenever he turns that discerning gaze your way, you nonchalantly hand over one of the many jelly sticks you'd bought specifically with him in mind. Neither of you comment on the pause as your fingers brush together and linger for a moment that stretches in silence, where only you two exist, carved out from time.
Osamu's voice cuts through the moment with a bored tone as he ignores his brother's last words to him in favour of turning to face the two of you instead. "If you two are done, can we get back to everyone else? It's definitely someone else's turn to deal with this dumbass."
You and Suna both retract your hands back to your respective spaces without a word, you turning to 'Samu with a sudden, playful grin, "Oh yeah, and who's going to deal with him if not you?"
"Angel?! Where's my treat?" Atsumu's outraged query slips out more pouty than he probably intended and you fully intend to ignore it. He's comfortable enough in your home to grab his own preferred snacks after all. You do keep them stocked, as well, for both him and Osamu.
"That would be you." 'Samu's delayed answer to your own interrupted question is threaded with relieved amusement.
One of the pretty generous perks of being your best friends is that the twins get to fob each other off on you when they're each too overwhelmed with the other's antics or behaviour. Joy. But you signed up for this, didn't you?
Suna stays quiet during your interaction with the twins, stepping up to follow behind you as you move to the gate that separates the patio from the hot tub and pool, twins falling in behind him. Pushing off the cool tiles of the patio down to the previously sun-warmed stones, you grin at the calls from the rest of your guests, faces turning your way as the volume rises slightly with friends calling out about the antics you missed in the mere minutes you were gone.
Rintaro hasn't looked away from you, watching the gentle sway of your hair as you walk in front of him, the breeze catching strands and lifting them lightly in the air to dance around with abandon. Stopping suddenly with his chuupet clutched in one hand, Suna shoves the other into the waistband of his shorts, quelling the urge to reach forward again, this time to capture the playful locks and slide them through his fingers before ending in a tug that calls your attention back to him.
Atsumu provides a momentary distraction, brushing past him to race over to the others in the adjacent pool, tossing himself in the air with complete abandon before pulling his knees to his chest and dropping like a bomb into the water. Or a cannonball, supposedly, but it lacks the form to be called so.
Suna looks back to you only briefly, catching the amused look you throw over your shoulder at him, likely in solidarity of the shared thought. That's one of the things that takes his breath away to this day, how for someone that outwardly seems so different from him, you always surprise him by understanding his thoughts to an exhilarating degree.
It was just fascinating at first, then eventually amusing and familiar, to seek you out for your shared humour, claiming space rent free in Rintaro's thoughts until you finally nestled in as his electrifying comfort. You were the one who would always be looking back without fail, reflecting his thoughts with just one look in those mischievous, enigmatic eyes.
Breaking the eye contact as smoothly as you caught it, with that wry smile still curving your lips, you turn back to your conversation with the others. Suna isn't in one yet thankfully, having stopped halfway to the pool, but he's sure something has to be coming his way from the way 'Samu has also quietly stopped by his side, so he looks over and raises an eyebrow at his best friend, who just obstinately mirrors the expression.
"I don't know what you're waiting for me to say." Osamu finally speaks, happily losing the silent challenge as his lips curl in amusement at Suna's carefully blank expression.
"Who said I was?"
"Then I guess I won't tell you how much more obvious the tension is lately. Like a string about to snap."
Suna turns his head slightly away to cast a disinterested look from the corner of his eyes with his response, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."
And with that, he starts to walk away, turning his head fully forward only to be caught in an incredibly rare moment of complete surprise to find you suddenly in his path, having left your conversation with the others by the pool at some point.
"What he means by what?" Your intoxicating smile aimed up at him freezes Suna completely in his tracks and words, a potent desire sweeping through him to just lean down and capture your lips with his.
Where Osamu was just about to silently step away, Atsumu is the one that steps in to break the tangible intensity between his two best friends, running up between you and Rintaro, soaking and slightly chilly now from his dip in the pool.
"Angel! The sun's almost completely set, let's hop in the tub!"
You back away with a light laugh, from where you had just found yourself rooted in Suna's path when his eyes locked on yours with heated intent. You're still holding his gaze as you answer the setter, "Sure, 'Tsumu. Remove the cover will you?"
"Of course! 'Samu, Suna, c'mon!"
This time it's Rintaro who looks away, slowly and keeping steady, probing eye contact with you until he's fully turned away, to walk the few steps over to the hot tub. You watch as he crouches down and literally single-handedly tosses back the tub's heavy cover with a droll look aimed at Atsumu who just shrugs in that careless, single minded way of his.
Osamu simply stands there, arms crossed and eyes rolling upwards before looking back at you in a silent request to take pity on him. Right, you were supposed to spare him from his brother's exuberant energy for a bit.
With another laugh, this time at all of them, you walk up to join your friends, stepping up to the edge of the tub at Suna's side, close but ever so careful not to do more than lightly brush against him. You're addicted to this thrilling feeling, the way your heart races and skin tingles with electric heat.
You enjoy the rush as the four of you adjust the various controls to set the hot tub up just right for a relaxing soak, adding in the various scented salts that you've finally managed to get them to appreciate as the wonder they truly are for overworked muscles.
Several other friends either hop out of the heated pool or move from their comfortable seats by the poolside firepit to join the four of you, until there's eight in total. Perfect for an eight-seater tub, coincidentally.
While you quickly tie your hair up in a bun to keep it from swirling and tangling in the water, Atsumu ignores the steps down to the floor of the tub and just hops lightly in, somehow avoiding too much displacement of the water and managing to slip right in without a big splash.
Your eyes seek Suna's in amused bewilderment, thinking of 'Tsumu's much bigger splash earlier, and find him smirking back at you, completely in sync. It continues to take your breath away, this likeminded connection with someone seemingly so different from you.
Preoccupied with these thoughts, when you slide down into the heated water of the tub, you find your side also sliding against Suna, sensations alternating with the switch between fabric and skin until you're fully seated. Fighting your blush at the skin to skin contact, you can't resist the compulsion to glance up at him briefly only to find his gaze on you yet again. He doesn't say a thing, however, so you end up anchored to your spot, feeling more and more lightheaded every time one of you shifts but sure he'll catch on if you move away even a little now.
Suna, on the other hand, has never had to fight so hard to keep his expression neutral as the effort he's currently making. The urge to slip an arm around your waist and drag you even closer still, to tilt your head up and press his lips to yours, or even just to pull you over his lap and hold you to him with his face buried in your soft neck. Nothing he can do surrounded by so many people, especially when the two of you are 'just friends'.
Then, Ginjima, one of your other friends but also Suna and the twins' teammate, walks up to ask if there's room for one more in the tub and somehow, having stood in the shuffle to accommodate him, you end up pulled back on Atsumu's lap, the same seat by Suna's side that you'd occupied before now shared by you both.
The middle blocker finds himself clenching his jaw in painful resignation of his late reaction, reminding himself that not only is the setter your undeniably platonic friend but his own close friend as well, even if he did offer to move much too quickly.
At this point, as Suna is debating the merits of simply yanking you away to the only place you should rightfully sit, someone, probably Atsumu, decides to start in on a discussion about boys and girls, and what each likes in the other. You don't know what kind of questions might come your way but you're curious to hear your friends' answers, particularly one typically reserved friend.
It's Gin, now sitting across from you, that asks Suna about his preferences in a girl, teasing implication in his carefully worded question. Careful not to look either too interested or too disengaged to be natural nonchalance, you notice that, for once, Rintaro's not watching you but making steady eye contact with the wing spiker instead.
With a casual shrug, he answers, "I dunno. I guess it's cute when their hair's all tied up in that messy bun."
You make a concentrated effort not to raise your hand to your hair, smirking at Suna instead while you wait for him to decide who'll answer his question next. Somehow, you're not surprised when his eyes slide over to you, happy to have his gaze meeting yours again, even though your heart races at the intent in his eyes.
You know what it's going to be even before he asks you- "What do you like in a guy?"
It's likely your projection, but the night seems to get quieter, stars peeking out above you to watch what feels like a monumental moment, as everyone in the hot tub waits for your answer.
Raising an eyebrow as if in pensive thought, you briefly sift through what you can and shouldn't say in reply before the time seems to stretch too long to be normal and you decide on, "I dunno. I guess it's cute when they're all confidently direct."
His smirk is slow to appear, melting across his lips as if he's carefully analyzing the truths and hidden depths to your words and coming to his chosen conclusion.
"What a cop-out, princess." His hand rises from the water, droplets running back down his wrist and arms to their domain, as his forefinger meets his thumb to flick your forehead in retaliation but you're already angling your face away as you reach up to intercept him.
You end up grabbing his hand just before he can connect, giving him another arch look as you force his hand back down below the water, aware that if he'd really wanted to catch you off-guard, your reaction would have been much too late.
Everyone is watching, some chuckling at the quick exchange, and because you need the attention to divert as soon as possible, you look over your shoulder to narrow your eyes on Atsumu and challenge, "What don't you like in a girl, 'Tsumu?"
He throws his head back in laughter at your twist, arm flexing around your waist as he traps you down to harshly poke your side in subtle retribution, before he meets your eyes with his own burning with indignation at your implication and responds, "I can't say, Angel. I haven't been able to take my eyes off you long enough to tell."
There's a slight brush against the back of your hand under the bubbling water, but you think nothing of it as you roll your eyes in response, with enough exaggeration that everyone can read your genuine disbelief as if it weren't already radiating from your very core, "Right, or you're just a smooth talker that can't admit you're an extremely picky perfectionist."
"Or that." He agrees with another laugh as you dig your elbow back into his stomach as penance for putting you on the spot like that, but he ignores your literal jab and turns to his brother to throw your twist in the question his way.
You're actually curious to hear what the less talkative of your two friends has to say about his dislikes, but your attention is immediately drawn away when you feel yet another brush on the back of your hand and it's as if a spark lights and sets ablaze in your lower belly when you realize it's the textured pad of Suna's thumb.
If anyone chooses this moment to speak to you or ask you a question, there's entirely no way you'll be able to form a coherent answer because your brain is short-circuiting as you realize you're still holding Rintaro's hand under the water, having never let go from when you grasped it before. But... he hasn't pulled away either. No, instead he's rubbing small, maddeningly slow circles on the sensitive skin where your thumb meets your first finger.
It's all you can do to keep your eyes trained on whomever seems to be talking, focusing on keeping your breathing even and quelling any involuntary responses from your sudden awareness. Trying desperately not to unintentionally twitch or shift your hand, not until you can absorb the consequences of this new development, born from one too many bold actions.
If Suna's aware that you've caught on and yet continue to hold his hand, you'll both be crossing into unknown territory. But with your awareness, and likely sudden stillness, how could the perceptive middle blocker have not noticed?
With a calculated move, you lean further back into Atsumu - trying not to blush at the realization that you're sitting on one best friend's lap but completely drowning into the connection to other beside you - and you tilt your chin to glance up at the only one that can hold your thoughts hostage in a binding way. Even though you expect it, you're caught by the knowing look in his eyes when you find him already watching you back, both of you falling deep into the acknowledgement in each other's gaze.
You've clearly missed something though as the volume gets louder and your attention is pulled away, making the conscious choice to nonchalantly slip your hand from Rintaro's as you lightly lean forward again when Atsumu shifts.
"Of course, I can! Look, I'll show you right now!"
And before you know it, you're lifted up by the waist only to be deposited onto the only seat you really wanted, back when you had to move previously. Your entire body is thrown to havoc as, this time, its Suna's toned arm that curves around your bare waist, sliding against your sensitized skin and pulling you firmly to settle back into him without a single word.
You can't even comprehend that while Atsumu might have, quite literally in a sense, tossed you into the fox's den, there's nothing more alluring then the possibilities for how this can end. So you allow your tension to slip away as you relax back into your friend, whose thumb has now resumed its too recent pastime, except with new patterns played on the delicate skin of your waist and stomach.
When Rin speaks, you can quite literally feel the rumble in his chest, like the earth shifting and tilting you off balance with small tremors of sensation, to the point you almost miss his question, "What's that about?"
Suna supposes he should expect the look both 'Samu and Gin throw his way. Of all the people here, he's the one least likely to be unaware of what's been building right in front of him. But how can they fault his distraction when the reason for it is such an appealing temptation, and one he's now finally able to hold in his careful grasp, especially when he almost just felt you slipping away.
Gin, taking pity on his friend's obvious slip, answers, "What do you think? He's trying to prove that at least one person here won't name any traits of his as a personal dislike."
"Wow, he really likes a challenge." You let out a light laugh as you shift to look at Rin behind you, his smirk matching yours but something entirely different in the piercing light of his eyes. At this point, the two of you are already hopelessly transparent, so everyone politely ignores it when neither of you pull back to make further conversation.
Instead, when Suna speaks again, it's addressed directly to you in a low tenor, "Who doesn't?"
"I thought that would be you, no?" You're quick to reply with a teasing look at him.
His arm tightens around your waist before his next words, "I bet I can prove you wrong."
Your smile drops slowly as your mouth opens and then closes, searching for the words that have chosen to desert you. Rin just watches steadily, patiently waiting for your decision but filled with relieved elation when your hand finally rises to rest on his chest, resting just over his speeding heart.
Your next words almost trip over themselves with the sudden desire to reach his ears when Atsumu bounds back up to the tub, challenge momentarily forgotten because- "Dinner's here!"
The spell breaks as you tug both your gaze and your hand away, almost jerking in reaction as if you've somehow fused into him and need the extra force to separate from the magnetic pull.
You lift up quickly from the water with a cheerful excuse that you'll return shortly, avoiding the sardonic arch of Osamu's eyebrow and Atsumu's narrowed eyes. You can't even force yourself to meet Suna's gaze again just now.
Once you've put enough distance between you and the hot tub, you're able to finally dispel the building pressure and tension with a long, slow exhale, grabbing a fresh towel from the deck box to wrap around yourself before heading into your house.
Suna tilts his head back up to the stars, questioning if they're simply curious observers or maybe even mocking meddlers with timed disturbances, as he rubs his thumb against his now empty fingers. Missing the weight of your hand in his, pondering the perfect fit of your frame to his, and committing the silk of your smooth skin to eternal memory.
Fuck it. I don't want the memories.
Harshly lifting himself out of the water, he ignores his friends' questions and, without overthinking it for once, follows restlessly in your wake.
You've already directed the deliveryman to leave the takeout containers on the entryway table, paying and tipping him generously before locking the door behind him, when you hear the door to your backyard open and shut across the open space behind you. Thinking it's likely 'Samu, offering to help with the food so he can get to it faster himself, you're already gesturing towards the takeout boxes as you turn to face him.
You have only seconds to see Suna, dripping with water left in a careless trail behind him, before he's towering right in front of you. In a swift move, he curves his arm back around your waist to pull you up against him before capturing your lips with his.
The credit card in your hand drops to the floor with a faint clatter as everything fades around you except for the feel of Rintaro's mouth moving against yours, his arms tight around you as you melt into his demanding kiss. One of his arms loosens, hand sliding up along your spine before you feel a tug on the tie keeping your hair up in its messy bun.
As the strands escape to flow down your arched back, he captures them in a new constraint, leveraging his fisted grip in your hair to tilt your head and deepen the kiss. You find yourself carefully maneuvered as he moves forward into you until your back is hitting the door and then you're trapped between it's hard surface and Suna's unyielding frame.
Your eyes have long since closed as you feel yourself falling apart in the middle blocker's relentless embrace, so you're caught entirely by surprise when a throat quietly clears, followed by a familiar voice loudly exclaiming, "I knew it!"
You and Suna draw apart, not suddenly but slowly instead, as if waking from an exquisite dream that you both desperately wish would keep you in its grasp forever. There's barely a shred of space between you two and you lock eyes with each other momentarily, his peridot gaze trained on you as you each work catch your breath.
You're careful to clear your expression before looking over at the twins both standing there in mirrored stances, and with ironically identical, unsurprised looks on their faces.
When no one else speaks, Osamu states calmly into the ensuing silence, "Don't let us interrupt. We just came to see if we could help with the food."
"I called it! Didn't I 'Samu?" Atsumu's voice is smug with excitement and satisfaction.
"You sure did, 'Tsumu."
You exchange another look with Rin, yours unreadable and his searching for something more, before you address the twins. Or try to, because it seems like you're at a loss for words yet again. Suna's effect on you, it seems, stealing your words, breath, and heart, all in a single move.
"Do they know there's water everywhere?"
"I think they do."
The twins have picked up the containers and are already walking away, you can catch the movement in your peripherals but you don't move to follow them, not with your eyes or your physical self. Rintaro's made the final move to change this game that you both have been playing long enough, the least you can do is acknowledge his win.
So instead of turning away as you've so gotten used to doing, you reach up instead to wrap your arms around his neck, drawing his lips back to yours in an unspoken concession. You don't see his exhilarated smile as it tugs at his mouth, no, you feel it curving his lips as they return to press against yours once again.
This kiss is softer, gentler, a luxuriously slow celebration of your two hearts finally beating in sync, together as one.
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A/N: This... one got me so much. It's based very closely on one of my own experiences which might have been why it just had to be Suna. It also took me so long as I wrote it over many separate days, coming back to it again and again. And the quiet middle blocker just kept taking over. There are still so many thoughts and moments remaining for this scenario, going wild in my head every time I revisit it. So many things Suna has left to say or do... No promises but, I suppose this might not be the end after all.
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© 2021 fayeimara. All rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify, or claim as yours.
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peculiarpatches · 3 years
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bella swan x fem! reader. 
lowercase intended.
this story takes place during new moon. also, i love edward cullen as much as i love bella swan but in this story, edward cullen has no rights. 
me and my homies all fucking HATE new moon edward cullen. 
anyways, if you like this, please give it a 'like' and tell me if you like it because it'll mean the world to me :( 
thank you and enjoy!! WARNINGS:  smut. there's not a lot of it, it's mainly just oral and somewhat dirty talk. again, not a whole lot of anything, really. it's mainly fluff with somewhat smut. idk??? either way. i hope yall like it.
(y/n) stirred in her sleep, the floor  below her squeaking loudly due to her  continuous movements. she couldn't stop squirming around, couldn't get comfortable in the slightest, no matter how much she tried to do so.  (y/n) tried her best but didn't - couldn't - succeed. she was constantly stirring as she tried to rest.. no matter what position she tried, no matter how many melatonin gummies she had previously taken before as well, nothing seemed to work. both her thoughts and heart were racing, she knew they wouldn't stop or slow down any time soon, either.    they kept going, running and running, it was as if her thoughts were a horse, racing to the finishing line but the finishing line was so far away, so out of reach, she couldn't seem to catch up to it. as for her heart, it was hammering away against her chest, rapidly.    though, she knew it was physically impossible, (y/n) swore her best friend - bella swan - could hear (y/n)'s heartbeat drumming and jack hammering against her chest. but all was silent in the room, other than the faint snores drifting away from bella's lips and (y/n)'s heavy breathing. the thoughts that clouded her mind were nothing but pure filth, such sinful things that'd make even the devil red in the face and cause him to go speechless.   all these thoughts were about bella, too. (y/n) knew it was wrong to think such thoughts about your best friend, especially one who just went through a break up not too long ago but she couldn't help herself.   truth be told, she always did have an attraction to her best friend, ever since the two were children, actually, (y/n) always had a crush on bella.   
of course, she didn't know what those feelings were as a kid, she just thought bella was pretty the way flowers were and the way the sky was when it'd drastically change colors, have it be a sunset or a sunrise, it didn't matter because they were a beautiful sight to her, as was bella.   The marriage of warm honey hues and deep caramels spun  in bella's eyes,  her brown hair was long and wavy,  it   flowed  so smoothly down over her shoulders and across her back.  
as of the moment, however, her hair was a bird's nest and in every other angle, strands of hair poked out from her sleeping, restless face. it actually made (y/n) giggle faintly as she bent forward, sneaking a peek at her best friend. 
she had done this every other time within the night, sneaking a glance, here and there, just to watch how beautiful she slept - how peaceful she looked.  but  (y/n) also was quick to lay back down against the sleeping bag she was  oh so, uncomfortably sleeping in. the moment bella rolled over and shifted in her sleep, she'd be quick to shut her eyes and play pretend, afraid of bella waking up and seeing her, gawking at her, googly eyes and a lovestruck expression across her face.  she didn't want bella to think she was a total creep, for gazing  at her like that, especially as the girl was elsewhere within her own state of mind, more than likely, dreaming of her ex boyfriend, edward, too.  the reason they were having this sleepover, anyways, was because charlie - bella's dad - suggested it. said that bella could use a friend, especially with edward getting up and walking out on her for whatever, given reason that may be, nobody expect bella knew. and even then, bella didn't say anything about it. she kept quiet. but even then, no words needed to be spoken, bella's expressions and body language were more than enough of a dead giveaway; she was still so hung up about the cullen boy. 
at least, this is what (y/n) thought. everyone in forks thought that. expect, as she's thinking about bella, lost in her own thoughts, she hears a faint whimper, coming above her. eyebrows furrowed and bottom lip tugged between her teeth, (y/n) sits up and at first, she hesitates, wondering if she should wake bella up herself or go and get charlie. charlie warned her that bella was having nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night, she'd yell on the top of her lungs and cry until there were no tears left.  expect, before she could make that decision, she hears the whimpers growing louder, thus giving her the explanation and the answer to the question she had yet asked. bella wasn't having a night terror, no, instead she was touching herself. and she was touching herself to (y/n).  "a-ah.... oh... (y/n)..." bella's voice is hoarse, groggy, it's as if she had just woken up.   (y/n) felt foolish  for not having picked up on the sudden noises before but there they were - the faint buzzing and the soft, slick sound of bella pleasuring herself with said toy.  once she recognized the sound, she couldn't unhear it. (y/n)  now, having known what it exactly was that she was doing, she could hear it a little too well.  it sent her own core throbbing, begging to be touched.  the thin layer of cloth she wore around her thighs, a poor excuse of a pair of panties if you ask her, began to leak with (y/n)'s arousal.  but there, she lay, as stiff as a board, unable to move.  until she heard bella's voice. then and only then, did she feel her heart begin to pick back up with speed  and the butterflies that she desperately tried to hide began to flutter and fly deep within her stomach, sending an endless amount of feelings to flood her.  "(y/n)? i know you're awake... i know you can hear me. i can practically read your thoughts, too. read you like a book. i've known you since, well... forever." bella giggled but her voice cracked, giving away at the last sentence she spoke, it was as if she was on the verge - the edge  - of coming undone. and completely oblivious to the fact, bella was, indeed, on the edge of an orgasm. and she needed  (y/n). now, more than ever, she needed her best friend.  "i know you want me, (y/n). i won't lie, either, i want you too... and i also know you want my pretty pussy as much as i want yours."   (y/n)'s breath hitches in her throat and she solemnly  swears her heart stops beating.  fully sitting up, her (e/c)  eyes meet with bella's hazel ones. "are you sure? you aren't just saying this because-" bella shook her head, quick to reply before (y/n) could even mention her ex boyfriend's name. bella didn't want to hear about him. not now, not ever again. he broke her heart but here (y/n) was, always there to pick bella up when she fell. bella, herself, felt like an idiot for not realizing her feelings sooner.  yes, she loved edward, and a little piece of her always probably would love him.  and yes, she'll also think about the endless possibilities  that could have happened in the future with edward but.... 
as she looked at her best friend, bella realizes that she'd rather remain as a mortal and die, loving this girl than love an immortal who left, even after claiming he loved her and wanted to spend forever with her.  
she'd rather be with (y/n) the girl who never gave up on her, even in the most difficult times.   this was her forever. and as dull and depressing as a human may be, especially one so scared of dying, bella wasn't afraid anymore. being with (y/n) made her feel alive. 
and again, she'd die, happily, as long as it meant (y/n) was by her side throughout it all.  
both bella and (y/n) knew, too, nothing would ever tear them apart. no matter what, they'd always be together.
 friendship or relationship, at the end of the day, it'll always be them.  "yes. i'm sure. i'm positive. i want you now more than ever. i.... well, i've been thinking about it for awhile. often, i should say.... you're the only friend  - only person - who has remained by my side, not just with this breakup but even when i lived thousands and thousands of miles away. you sent me letters and packages.... hell,  when i told you i finally got a laptop. you were the first person in my inbox.  you sent me multiple emails, all of which mainly contained of nothing expect, 'i miss you's.' 
you were always there for me. and even now, even when i had pushed you away for a boy who could care less about me, you were there. i love you, (y/n). and i am so sorry it took me so long before to realize."  by the time, bella was done talking, (y/n) scrambled up on her feet (she nearly fell in the progress, too) and pushed bella down against the bed, instantly crashing her lips on the other girl's. smiling in the kiss, bella happily kisses back, murmuring a soft, "i love you," against (y/n)'s lips. "and i love you." (y/n) replied. the kiss was short, simple and sweet. it would have lasted longer and  bella was upset when (y/n) had pulled away  but (y/n) giggles softly and explains why she ended the kiss so soon, so quickly.  "what did you say earlier, by the way? you know.... about me, wanting that pretty pussy of yours? is that offer still on the table, bell?" (y/n) whispered, seduction easing its way into the words she spoke. bella shuddered, feeling her nipples harden and her cunt throb as (y/n) talked.    "y-yes." bella stammered, blushing deeply as she chewed on her bottom lip. "will you? please? 'm still so wet." bella continued, the blush on her cheeks only growing a deeper and darker red as she confessed this.  
 in one swift movement, bella holds the toy up, proving her statement. the toy was small, no bigger than her and (y/n)'s fingers combined.  the only light in the room, other than the faint glimmer and glow of the lights hung up above bella's bed was the pale light of the moon, peaking out from the curtains. even with little to no light, (y/n) could tell the toy was soaked with bella's wetness.  "lay on your back. spread your legs for me, want to see your full pussy on display for me. won't you do that for me, bells? be my good girl and show me your cute cunt?" 
 like earlier, bella shuddered at (y/n)'s words and throwing the comforter off of her, she gets cozy and lays on the mattress, her breathing heavy as she watched (y/n) spread her legs apart and before she can even register what's happening, she feels the soft but wet tip of (y/n)'s tongue in between her folds.  "oh." bella mewled, throwing her head back against the pillows behind her head.  edward never touched her, other than a few awkward kisses, here and there. he  always said he was too scared he'd hurt her. how ironic, being the fact he still managed to hurt her by leaving her. not so much in the bedroom because they never got around to it. but he was gone now and (y/n) was here,  showing and proving that she was better than that heartless, and undead son of a bitch.  "(y/n) please..." bella whimpered, tugging on her lower lip harder as she felt (y/n)'s tongue go deeper inside. a moan leaves her lips before she could say anything else.     (y/n), taking her clit  in her mouth, bella squeals with delight and surprise at the sudden action.  "oh, fuck, yes~!"  bella moans, throwing her head back, her hand finds its way into (y/n)'s hair, curling her fingers around the stray few pieces that slip between her fingertips.  "eat me out, baby, just like that.  you like that, hm? like the taste of your best friend's cunt on your tongue?  fucking devour it, baby, eat me out as if i'm your last meal. oh, (y/n)!!" bella's voice grew louder, more needy, by the second. (y/n) as quick as ever, flicks her tongue again and again, over and over,  against bella's clit, her lips hollow over her womanhood and she licks all around, taking in bella's juice like a cum slut she was.  
bella seemed to enjoy it, with the way she was withering and shaking above her. there's that, of course,  and her, growing wetter the more (y/n)'s tongue and lips hover over her cunt. so,  there was the answer to the question she had yet asked. being the ultimate tease, however, (y/n) pulls back and replaces her tongue with the toy that bella used earlier, slipping it in easily as the wetness of herself continues to leak out.  "oh, fuck!" bella exclaims, she's quick to cover her mouth with the palm of her hand,  however, reminding herself that her father was downstairs, more than likely, passed out on the couch with a repeat of last year's game on the screen. if he had heard her yelling, (thanks for that, edward) he'd be quick to run up the stairwell, careful on his feet so he wouldn't trip and  he'd burst through the door, seeing if his daughter was okay and if she needed him like all the other times he had heard her, screaming and hollering.  of course, if that were the case; he'd see bella, being eaten out by her best friend, tears of pleasure and satisfaction rolling down her cheeks, bottom lip clamped between her teeth, all while (y/n)'s face was full of her pussy, her chin glistening with her juices.  as her one hand covered her mouth, her other had left (y/n)'s hair and was digging into the comforter, her nails digging into the flower printed fabric. 
"that's it, baby, yes, yes, oh, FUCK.  fuck me like that, please, don't stop, oh please, don't stop."  bella's words ran together as she was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. the slur in her speech made it seem as if she were drunk, more than anything. "fuck me like a whore, (y/n), please... want you. need you so bad. 'wan be a good girl for you and cum just for you, babygirl, please."  more than happy to do so, (y/n) does exactly that.  removing the toy, (y/n) replaces the opening of bella's cunt with her fingers, pumping her fingers back and forth; in and out. she does this while shoving her face back in between bella's thighs.   meanwhile, bella bucks her hips into her best friend's mouth, her lips falling down into a little 'o' shape as  the familiar heat pools in the bottom of her stomach and continues to build. her teeth clench together as her feet arch up and her toes curl downward. "oh god.... oh, (y/n).. i'm coming!"  bella's words, like earlier, have not changed because the palm of her hand was still clamped over her mouth, therefore the words that left her lips were muffled.    as the girl rides out her high, the other gal remained in the same position, licking and swallowing all the cum that bella just let loose, happily slurping it up.  the girl below was obviously messy.    even in the dim lighting of the room, bella could see her best friend's face was covered with her own  arousement, it  was dripping  from her lips and her own wetness - she noticed - was sticking to her underwear and was beginning to leak, the drip sticking to her thighs. had she really came, untouched? 
the thought made bella hornier, if that were even possible.   "was that okay?" (y/n) was the first one to speak up and her voice came out in a whisper. it took bella a moment or two to process the words and piece them together. giggling, bella is quick to sit up and crawl over, pinning (y/n) to the bed and kissing her. 
"baby, that was wonderful... you made me feel so fucking good so great. i love you so much." (y/n), hearing bella confess this, squeals with happiness as she kisses her best friend - girlfriend? - back, smiling widely into the kiss as they lay there, lovingly interlocking lips with one another. "but..." bella pulls away, her cheeks flushing as she continues with her sentence, "how about me? can i have a taste of you?" goosebumps prickle her skin  at the question and eagerly, (y/n) nods and grips onto bella's arm, her fingernails digging into her skin as she practically begs for it. 
she needed this so bad. 
wanted bella so bad since all those summer's ago.  "please, bella..."  giggling and smiling - oh, how (y/n) loved seeing her smile, especially knowing she was the reason behind it -  bella nods as she trails down, opening (y/n)'s legs and doing the exact same thing that (y/n) just did. "oh... bella..."  *~* 
throughout the night, bella and (y/n) took turns, pleasing and pleasuring the other. soft, gentle whispers of 'i love you's' left their lips at any given chance, at any free moment they had.  by the end of the night, bella forgot all about edward cullen, all she could think about was (y/n). 
 as for (y/n) she was - though, she wouldn't dare say this to her best friend -
(well, girlfriend) 
(bella asked if it was okay if they put that label on themselves and (y/n) laughed and pulled her into a passionate yet hungry kiss, "i've been waiting forever for you to ask me... yes, bella, i'd love to be your girlfriend.") 
but she was glad edward was out of the picture, too. 
(the two girls came out to charlie the next morning and completely unfazed, he nods and presses a steaming cup of coffee to his lips, sipping on it slowly before he spoke,  “at least you know you have my approval.” 
charlie, too, was more than happy to see edward gone and out of the picture. he liked (y/n) a lot better, anyways.) 
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hufflautia · 3 years
Late-night Shenanigans
Summary: Hufflepuff and Slytherin are strolling through the quiet halls, the moon shaped like a silver disc as it hangs in the starry sky. It’s midnight, which means that they have all the privacy in the world while the rest of the school sleeps. Romantic, right? Well, yes, but only if you label “scaring Hufflepuff while she’s distracted” as romantic. I won’t blame you if you aren’t surprised by Slytherin’s mischievous nature at this point. Hufflepuff certainly isn’t. In fact, she’s come prepared for payback. Slytherin seems to have forgotten that his girlfriend is just as rebellious as he is, and he shall have to pay a price for that—a very delightful price indeed. 
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Hufflepuff flinched and spun around in a panic, relaxing once she realized that it was merely her boyfriend fooling around. She let out a sigh of relief mixed with exasperation, fixating an unamused glare on Slytherin as he laughed at her. 
“You’re such a prick,” she huffed. “Why am I not surprised you did that?” Though she tried to maintain the pout on her face, she could not stave off the effects of Slytherin’s infectious smile.  
He shrugged and continued his stroll through the darkened corridor, with Hufflepuff begrudgingly following after him. “I guess you know me too well, darling,” he replied with a smirk. “It was dark and you were distracted. What else was I supposed to do but take that glorious opportunity to scare you? Besides, it was your idea to come out here—in the middle of the night, mind you—and venture around the school while everyone else is asleep.” He stopped walking and cocked his head to the side as he turned to face her. “So if you really think about it, that was technically your fault.” 
Hufflepuff let out an incredulous laugh and shook her head. “You’re the worst.” 
“Yeah,” he said coolly, his eyes narrowed as if he were challenging her. “And what’re you gonna do about it?”
She raised her eyebrows at this, and a smile slowly spread onto her face. It was a teasing grin that said, Oh you *really* shouldn’t have said that. Before Slytherin could say another word, she smacked a glob of whipped cream into his face. It dripped onto his shirt, the milky color of the dessert standing out from the dark green material like black ink on parchment paper. 
Now it was Hufflepuff’s turn to burst out laughing as Slytherin stood there in complete shock with cream covering most of his face. Her laughs echoed through the empty hall as he wiped at his eyes and examined his hands, smearing his thumb over the white substance. 
“What the…” 
“As you said, darling, I know you too well,” she cooed. “That’s why I came prepared for payback.” She held up a see-through bag of substances that was filled with whipped cream. An invisible force shaped the sweet delight into ball-like figures—perfect for pranking someone. 
“Behold George Weasley’s latest invention: Cry o’ cream! In a few minutes, your eyes are gonna start watering—hence the name—so you better wipe that off while you can.” 
She swiped a finger through the cream that was plastered onto his face and put it to her mouth, releasing it with a pop! “But it’s still perfectly edible,” she beamed, her smile widening as she took in his disgruntled expression. 
Too amused and proud of successfully pulling off her prank, Hufflepuff didn’t react fast enough to stop Slytherin from snatching the bag from her hand. He grabbed a ball of cream from within and chucked it at her in a flash. She had dodged with a shriek and began sprinting towards the end of the corridor, with him racing after her. 
And so the chase began.
She ignored Slytherin as he called after her. He said stuff like “Hey, get back here!” and “I just wanna talk!”. She continued running away from him because…well, it was Slytherin she was dealing with. She knew better than to trust his deceitful pleas after pulling a prank on him.    
Slytherin aimed and threw the balls at her whenever he was close enough, but she always managed to escape that tasty fate. At one point, he almost succeeded when one of them hit the exact spot that she had been at a few seconds ago. It splattered all over the wall, and flecks of the cream sprinkled onto her hair—a narrow miss. 
He finally cornered her at a dead end, his eyes lighting up with triumph once he realized that she had nowhere to go, nowhere to escape. 
“Wait!” Hufflepuff backed away as he walked towards her. “Why don’t we call a truce?” 
“I don’t think so,” he replied, venturing closer until her back was pressed against the wall. He reached into the bag for the final attack. To his great dismay, there were no more balls left.   
Her eyes darted from the bag to his disheartened facial expression, and she relaxed. “You don’t even have anymore,” she japed, crossing her arms with a smug smile. “Victory is mine.” 
Slytherin let out a dramatic sigh of defeat. 
“I guess you won this time,” he grumbled. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he smiled at her slyly before placing his arms on either side of her, effectively trapping her. “I think you owe me a kiss for your little stunt.” 
He leaned in with puckered lips, but she avoided the kiss by pressing her hands against his chest. “Hey,” she exclaimed, wrinkling her nose in distaste. “I know what you’re trying to do.” 
Slytherin arched an eyebrow and went poker-faced, acting as if he had no idea what she was talking about. “What’s wrong? Does my breath smell bad or something?”  
“You still have cream on your face and you know it!” 
“Oh really? Is that why my eyes feel like they’re burning right now?” 
Hufflepuff hummed a giggle and bit her lip. “Maybe?” 
“Little minx,” he chided jokingly before he leaned in again, trying to capture her lips with his. She tried to dodge his attempt but he managed to plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek. 
Hufflepuff let out an indignant sound of a squeal mixed in with a laugh. “Get away from me,” she laughed, a wide smile on her face as she playfully tugged at the hairs on the nape of his neck. “You just got cream on my face!” She squirmed in his grasp and tried to slip away from him, but his arms remained securely wrapped around her waist as he showered her with butterfly kisses—or at least tried to. 
After a while, Hufflepuff stopped resisting and welcomed his touch, softening her smile in surrender as she tilted her head up and closed the distance between them. He pulled her closer as their lips moved together like two partners dancing at a ball—smoothly, gracefully, and intimately. 
They pulled apart, both slightly breathless. He regarded her briefly, his gaze hanging on her parted lips. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” 
There was a smudge of cream on her nose but she paid it no mind, her face slightly flushed as she peered up at him. “I don’t think you ever tasted as sweet as you do now,” she quipped with a warm smile. 
Slytherin chuckled and wiped at the tip of her nose with his thumb. 
“Maybe you should prank me with whipped cream more often.” 
She hummed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “You’re gonna regret saying that in the future.” 
The corners of his mouth turned up. He had no doubt about it. Right as he leaned in for another kiss, they heard something—or someone—nearby. 
Hufflepuff drew in a sharp breath and squeezed his arm, looking around in alarm. Slytherin jerked his head in the direction of the hallway, silently beckoning her to follow him as he crept closer to the source of the sound. It seemed to be coming from one of the classrooms close by. 
With the door left ajar, they peeked in and caught a glimpse of an arm slumped on the table at the front of the room. Hufflepuff squinted to get a better look, knitting her brows once she realized who the arm belonged to. “What’s Professor Slughorn still doing here?”
“He probably fell asleep while grading the exams,” Slytherin responded, pointing at the papers scattered across the desk.
“I bet you got a perfect score. You were always the best at Potions.” 
Slytherin frowned. “Were?” 
“Were,” she affirmed with a cheeky grin. “You were the best until you became my tutor, not knowing that you were helping me become the soon-to-be superior, perfect, and downright amazing Potions student that I am today.” She squeezed his cheek affectionately. “But you’re a close second.” 
“Well, I’m still Slughorn’s favorite.” 
“Are not.” 
“Am too,” he retorted with a smirk, knowing that he was getting under her skin when she shot him a dirty look.
When Hufflepuff reached for the collar of his shirt to properly shut him up, she accidentally bumped her elbow against the door. 
She pulled away from him in alarm. The door swung open at a slow pace, continuing to make the eerie sound until Slytherin grabbed the knob in a hurry and stopped it from moving any further. 
Her eyes wide, Hufflepuff stood frozen and hoped that Professor Slughorn didn’t wake up from the noise. To her surprise, he remained motionless, light snores parting from his mouth every now and then. “He’s certainly out of it,” she whispered, staring at him in surprise. 
Slytherin furrowed his brows as he took in what Hufflepuff had just said, his interest piquing as he thought about it. Slughorn was out of it. An idea suddenly bloomed in his mind. He turned to her with a gleam in his eye and pulled something out from his pocket. 
“What do you say we partake in some late-night shenanigans,” he asked, a trace of mischief hidden beneath his words. 
Hufflepuff looked at the sharpie in his hand and stifled a laugh. She almost asked him why he had that in the first place but decided against it. It was no surprise that Slytherin always had some sort of prank up his sleeve. Even though it was irritating at times—especially when she was his prime target—she loved him, if not more.  
A wide smile slid across her face as she gazed at him fondly. 
“I’d love nothing more.” 
“Mornin’ Professor,” a student chirped, walking to their desk. 
Professor Slughorn greeted them with a smile before turning his attention to the newspaper that he had been reading. He had gotten up later than usual today but managed to compose himself before the morning classes began. Waking up in the classroom was certainly helpful in being on time. “Good morning, Sterling. How are things with you and your sister Menna?” 
When there was no response, he looked back up. The student was staring at him, jaw-slacked. 
“Whatever is the matter, child?” He put the newspaper down. “Have I gotten her name wrong again?”  
“Uh, no, you got her name right,” they replied, their face still contorted with surprise. “You just…Professor, you have a little something on your face.”   
He frowned and stood up. How strange, he thought as he made way to the nearby cupboard. I didn’t have time to get breakfast, so there shouldn’t be a mess at all. Opening the closet to look at the mirror inside, he was expecting to see ink smudged somewhere. 
What Professor Slughorn did *not* expect to see was a black mustache drawn on his face. 
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MASTERLIST(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง << sometimes links don’t work for some reason; if you can’t see it, just go to my profile. there, you shall find my masterlist, which is the pinned post. 
Let me know if you enjoyed reading this one-shot :) I welcome your thoughts, keysmashes, or a simple “oh my gucci gumdrops'' comment. Let’s not forget those glorious reblogs—I will seriously treasure your existence. 
Author’s note: 
Hello everyone! First things first: To the lovely anon who sent in the request, I hope you are pleased with the outcome of this one-shot. Thank you for the idea, I don’t think I would’ve come up with it on my own. 
Anyways, I’d like to share a scene that I deleted from the story. It’s from the moment when Hufflepuff and Slytherin are standing in front of Professor Slughorn’s door. The sentence before this deleted scene is “She squeezed his cheek affectionately. “But you’re a close second.””. Ok, here it is: 
He let out an exasperated breath. “Y’know, I’m glad I signed up for Slughorn’s tutoring program because that’s when I met you, but you’re making me regret that decision right now.”
Hufflepuff pouted and batted her eyelashes at him. “Oh, how ever will I change your mind,” she pondered, leisurely dragging her fingertips over his chest. 
Shooting her a dark look, he put his hand over hers on his chest and pulled her closer. 
“I have a few ideas...” 
Their lips collided once more, and Hufflepuff accidentally bumped her elbow against the door when she reached up to tangle her fingers into his hair. 
I deleted it because it just didn’t feel right to me. The “tutoring program” bit was redundant. Also, I like what I replaced it with instead. 
Did anyone catch the hidden meaning behind this part: “When Hufflepuff reached for the collar of his shirt to properly shut him up, she accidentally bumped her elbow against the door...She abruptly pulled away from him in alarm.” I’m not sure if I should explain it or not lmao but it’s for anyone who wished to read more PDA or fluff. 
This is what my writing process is like: I write down ideas that I have for the story and basically any dialogue that pops up in my brain. When I actually start writing the fic, I keep the general ideas and finalize them. I do it sentence by sentence. For instance, the original beginning that I wrote down when the ideas were flowing was this:
Sly dude and huff girl sneak out for some shenanigans 
They’re walking through the dark corridor and she turns. Sly? Sly, she whispers harshly, her voice getting louder and more frantic
He scares her and laughs 
Slytherin! You scared me, [insult] . She pouted. Why am i not surprised that you did that? 
Then, during the weekend when I started working on the story, I looked over my ideas and started writing the beginning based on that. It turned into this: 
Hufflepuff whirled around and stepped back in a panic, only relaxing once she realized that it was merely her boyfriend fooling around. She let out a sigh of relief mixed with exasperation, fixating an unamused glare on Slytherin as he laughed. 
“You’re such a prick,” she huffed. “Why am I not surprised you did that?”
I’m gonna show you what I put down as the general details for the entire fanfic. I wrote it the day that I got the anon ask. 
Sly dude and huff girl sneak out for some shenanigans 
They’re walking through the dark corridor and she turns. Sly? Sly, she whispers harshly, her voice getting louder and more frantic
He scares her and laughs 
Slytherin! You scared me, [insult] . She pouted. Why am i not surprised that you did that? 
Guess you know me too well, darling. It was dark and you were distracted. What else was i supposed to but scare you? Besides, it was your idea to come out here in the first place, sooo if you think about it, this is technically your fault. 
She glared at him. You’re the worst. 
Yea, he shrugged, a smirk that challenged her. And what’re you gonna do about it
She gave him a sweet smile with a hint of mischievousness before smacking a glob of cream into his face
Now it was her turn to burst out laughing as he stood there, shocked with white cream all over his face. She doubled over laughing as he wiped at his eyes and held out his covered hands, pressing his thumb against the liquid/material/cream to examine it 
What the… 
She stepped closer and swiped a finger through the cream on his cheek and put it to her mouth. Like you said, darling, I know you too well. Thats why i came prepared for payback. And she held up a bag of ball-like figures with white stuff inside from fred and george’s shop, like a trick thing in which its small but u open it and it poofs into a plate of cream . “George Weasley’s latest invention. Cry o’ cream” or some nice name. 
She was too proud of her prank to stop him from snatching the bag from her hand and chucking one at her. She ducked and shrieked, and began running away. He chased her and kept throwing it but missed bc she was quick. She passed a wall and he threw it and it splattered to the spot right next to her head and some got in her hair. He cornered her in a wall and she looked at him and frantically said, wait, stop! i call truce!
He reached into the bag but it was empty. She relaxed. You dont even have any more, she chortled, crossing her arms. Victory is mine, she smirked, staring at him as he walked closer. 
He let out a dramatic sigh. I guess you won this time, he grumbled. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he smiled at her slyly. I think you owe me a kiss for your little stunt. He leaned in with puckered lips
Hey, she laughed and avoided, putting her hands on his chest. i know what youre trying to do
What’s wrong? Does my breath smell bad or something? 
You still have stuff on your face and you know it! 
She avoided his lips but he managed to plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek. She let out an indignant sound like a squeal mixed with a laugh. get away from me, she exclaimed, a wide smile on her face as she leaned away from him but he had effectively trapped her in
As they continued play-fighting-- with him trying to kiss her and her pushing him away-- they heard soft snoring from somewhere nearby and looked into a room  
Professor [name] was still in their classroom
What are they still doing there, she whispered
Probably grading the exams, he responded, pointing at the papers on the desk
She leaned in closer and accidentally nudged the door, and it made a very loud creak. It kept pushing back slowly and the creak continued. 
She winced but sly acted quickly leaned over and grabbed the door to stop it from moving 
She stood there, frozen with her hand over her mouth. 
However, to both of their surprise, professor didnt react. They kept on sleeping 
An idea bloomed in his head and he looked at her with a devilish gleam in his eye as he brought out something from his pocket. What do you say we partake in some late-night shenanigans, he whispered, holding up a sharpie.  
Her eyes darted from his face to the pen in his hand. She smiled at him. 
I’d love nothing more. 
Bonus scene??????? 
Mornin’ professor, a student chirped. 
Professor scratched his head and smiled at them lazily, reaching for their notes on the desk. Morning, [last name] 
The student suddenly stared at them, jaw-slacked. 
What is it, child? 
Uh… you have something on your face.
The professor frowned and opened a nearby cupboard to check the door. 
There was a moustache drawn on his face.
As you can see, my original plan for the middle part of the story where Slytherin is trying to kiss Hufflepuff was to make Huff resist against him in a joking manner. When I start writing, I flesh out the story and make some improvements. Personally, I prefer the fluffy bit in which they actually do kiss, because it was cute! 
Also, I have a meme (it isn’t related to the story): 
“Hi everyone, the next fanfic that I am posting will be chapter 4 of the slytherpuff series!” 
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Yes, yes, I know. Jessica breaks a promise once again :( I am sorry to the people who were looking forward to reading chapter 4 as soon as possible. During my free time, I thought about writing it, but I held back because I wanted to work on part 2 of “Cheater”, given the fact that it is half-finished. I did not want to start a whole new story when I already had one that is kinda-almost-halfway finished, one that many of you are anticipating to read. Then again, I literally just wrote a whole new one-shot instead of working on part 2...someone please get me the clown suit, I need to wear it. 
I actually did work on part 2 too, I just finished this one-shot first because I was excited to write it. I actually do have a valid reason for writing this one-shot instead of continuing to write part 2. The time I take to write chapters for the slytherpuff series is about 6 days if I work on it non-stop. The time I take to write mini-series “chapters” depends on the mini-series itself. For “Mine”, it will definitely be long, so it is taking some time to finish. For one-shots, it takes about a day or two. That’s the main reason I decided to work on this story instead of working on other stuff—it is more likely that I will suffer from writer’s block when I’m working on the mini-series and the main series. One-shots are quick and easy. This leads us to the topic of the next paragraph...   
It is likely that I have attached negative emotions to the slytherpuff series, which explains why I am hesitating to get started on chapter 4. Everyone, prepare yourselves, it’s gonna get a tad bit sad. When I was working on chapter 3 during the summer, I faced a period of writer’s block in which I was very depressed because I read a murder case that was triggering and I went down a spiral. The case made me believe that the world was corrupt, and I became so very numb and literally just stared out the window for five hours straight while the google doc for chapter 3 was open on my screen. That was a terrible experience, and now, I think I’m anxious of working on any chapters relating to the slytherpuff series because I’m afraid of being sucked into that headspace again. Going back to what I was saying in the previous paragraph, I don’t want to get writer’s block while writing chapter 4 because it will remind me of what happened over the summer. I’m scared that I’ll go back to staring out the window while the google doc for chapter 4 sits on my screen. The good thing is that I’m not depressed and in the same mental state as I was before, so hopefully that won’t happen. It takes a long time to write the chapters because they’re lengthy. I hesitated to write chapter 4 because I only want to do it when I have a big burst of motivation and energy and excitement to get started in it. That way, I’ll be able to work on it for a week straight, which is difficult since I have school. That explains why it was kind of easy to write the slytherpuff series beforehand because that was in the summer and I had a lot of time to write. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that I can’t write the story during the weekends. Maybe the cure is to keep working on the chapters despite this fear so that I will come to realize that all is well and the slytherpuff series is not cursed—and yes, the traumatized part of me does think it’s a liiiitle cursed. 
Similar to “people who got into car accidents and became scared of driving, but overtime, they started driving again and slowly got over their fear,” I will try to do the same. 
I am not sure what fic I will work on next. I do have one in mind but I am not gonna say anything, because I feel as though I jinx myself when I tell others about what I am working on. For instance, when I told everyone that I would be posting The Queen and the Dragon for Thanksgiving, I ended up not doing that. I will try to refrain from sharing what I am working on until I am 100% sure that it is ready to be posted. That way, I won’t lift anyone’s hopes up of reading another fic and then immediately squashing it down by saying that there is a delay. As you are probably well aware of, I break promises sometimes without meaning to—and I feel very bad for it! I am not the type of person who’s like “haha yes omg I break promises and what about it? I’m just built different.” I kept asking people what I should do in this situation and saying stuff like, “Should I work on chapter 4 or part 2 or the one-shot? I really wanna work on the one-shot but I made a promise that chapter 4 would be the next thing I posted.” They gave the good advice of, “THIS IS YOUR BLOG DUDE DO WHAT YOU WANT!” I am still having some trouble with my problem of wanting to make people happy and putting others before myself. I guess I had a small victory for myself in the sense that I decided to write this instead of writing chapter 4, which I didn’t want to do. 
Anyways, have a fantabulous day! I’ll see you all again when I write another fanfic. Who knows what I will post next?
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TAGS: @slytherpuff-shenanigans​ ​@malfoychick @theycallhertitania @professorwerewolfmcwerewolf @hufflepuffdragonlord @b-r-f-a @asterinflower @makailatozier @navyrose99 @oa-mm @hp-nerds @poetrybeige @bradenmeden @hufflinpuff @cinnamon-roll-unicorn @rj-raven @basspam @axieleration @nutellatherapy @detective-bakugou @nonstopfeelingsss @kboofoolz @mrs-winnie-asano @i-havnolife007 @lirandzu @mystical-lex @madi7777 @rip-us @kjk2788 @mahqiaoyun030722 @apexherbals @jasminedayz @icanspeaktosnakes @wxderal @cryxholic @mandamalfoy @smileygirl08 @theodorenottswifee @leal-love-lace @fangbangerwitch @randomwriter23 @honeydvke @iamquitekid @mgiese14 @magnoliamermaid @fantasyinsperation @m0rdred-the-fallen @kirisredcrocss @coffeeismywaterr @rindu-tak-bertuan @kenmakozume31 @officialcga @ultrafuckitimgay @hufflepufftimelady  @voluntasetveritas @levi-the-nonbinary @minetticatinwonderland @akaihiya @kpopgirlbtssvt @helmiiihh @hufflekatsstuff @wow-kinda-sus-my-dude @its-chickenwing-450 @xxmichx @slytherinutella  @yggdrasiltheworldtree @demos-oneiroi @purplewerewolfhologram @theif-charm @ic0nicstyles @hillvalleyus @mossy-axolotl @hufflepuffhouseheart @mischiefhasbeenmanaged @wheresthedamnpopcorn @toni-wood @arrysola @phantomface1983 @annihilatedthenightstalker @avada-kedammit @bitchytimeliner @slytherin-lv04 @catinabubble @dobbyisafreewhore @camilaainsworthsme @maldiciondeluna @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @stainy289kh  @vulnerabilizaste @eldr1tchhorror @enchantmentimagine @freddielupin @annoyingtacohumanduck @eunnieah   @zanaharven  @allieverwantedisadaddy  @maraundersstuff @alexhia @cedricsegg-blog @fixstationed @miyuki7  @mystifiedby-a-londonboy  @pansexual-strawberry  @pastel-princess-boi  @ultimateswag4ever @lililunatique  @slothonyourface @herpes-free-since-04 @idknanmollaaa-blog  @cel3stialone  @yxl04  @lualunalunatica @serenityweasley @girlmadeofivory  @idrawdumbstffs  @ktgl2017 @itsslexaay-blog  @habibaelgadar  @dumbbitch11  @slytherin-chaser  @widowsgranger 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157 notes · View notes
catxsnow · 4 years
Request: Hello! I would love a fluffy Jason x reader where he goes and buys a engagement ring and says 'I'm rly nervous what if she says no I'm not good enough for her' and dick says BOI JUST DO IT and he does and fluff and crying (from both reader and Jason?!!! :000).
Warning: fluff
A/N: I’m losing followers + Raptors won tonight so HA suck it Celtics 
Word Count: 1.8k
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Jason and Dick didn't always see eye to eye. They had their fights and disagreements. Neither of them could be in a room for too long together before one was storming out in rage and frustration. At the end of the day, they were brothers, as much as they didn't always want to be.
So, when Jason showed up at Dick's apartment, out of the blue and in civvies, he was more confused than anything. Jason didn't just come by to have coffee and a chat, he came by for business and that was it. Nonetheless, Dick invited him into his home and offered him a drink.
The couch shook as Jason bounced his leg up and down nervously. It was rare to see him like this - he always exuded confidence. Dick handed him the mug of hot tea and sat on the chair across from him. Without evening having to ask, Jason started to spill why he was so antsy.
"It's (Y/N)."
"Are they okay?" Dick asked, suddenly concerned. He had been the one to introduce you to Jason all those years ago. The two of you clicked instantly and it hadn't taken long for him to fall in love with you. You and Jason had been through lots - running with the Outlaws, fighting along side the Great Batman, the two of you have even been to hell and back
No matter what it was, you were always at Jason's side - and he at yours. Dick had never seen such a perfect couple together, he didn't know what Jason would be like if he didn't have you. As the two of you grew, so did your relationship. You became a more mature couple, not just the young, reckless kids you used to be.
Crime fighting was no longer the priority, it was each other. Jason was always going to keep you safe, whether it was day to day life or stopping crime. You had each other's backs constantly. Now, it was time to make that a little more permanent.
Jason rustled his hand in his pocket to find the small velvet box that he had picked up several weeks ago. To be honest, he had impulsively bought it. Now, he was unsure of what to do with it and nervous as hell about what you would think of it.
"Holy shit, man," Dick's eyes widened as he looked at the beautiful engagement ring inside the box. He grabbed the ring from his brother to look at it better. If he knew you well enough - which he did - Dick knew that you were going to absolutely love this. It was exactly your style. "This is amazing!"
"You think they'll like it?" Jason nervously asked. He had not once brought up the idea of marrying you. For years, you thought that he was just content on how your relationship was - not that you thought any differently. Marriage never seemed like an option for either you, your lives were far too busy.
Jason hadn't thought about it for a long time. He didn't think that he needed to marry you to prove his love to you. But, as he passed that jewelry store, all he could think about would be how stunning you would look walking down the isle. As soon as that image popped into his head, he knew he needed to make it a reality.
"I think they'll love it," Dick confirmed. He handed the ring back over to Jason, who tossed the box around in his hands. The first Robin could tell that he wasn't quite convinced by his answer. "You don't think so?"
"I don't know," Jason admitted. "We've been together for so long, but what if that's just because it's easier this way. What if they don't actually love me? What if they say no? I don't want to lose them just because I want to take this extra step."
"You're not going to lose (Y/N), Jaybird," Dick assured. There was no one more perfect for Jason, than you. Everyone knew that, the second that they saw you guys together they assumed that you had already been married. Hell, half the time you acted like it. "They love you, more than anything. Besides, (Y/N) is the best thing to have ever happened to you, there's no way you'll give up on that love so easily."
"Has (Y/N) ever talked to you about a wedding?" Jason asked. He knew that you were friends with Dick for a long time, if there was anyone that would hear about your secrets, it was him. As much as he didn't like you being friends with his older brother, there were times that he was thankful for it.
"No," Dick shook his head. You had never even toyed with the idea of marriage, or maybe you had just kept your thoughts silent. Either way, neither of the men had a clue about what you thought of it. "They're happy with you no matter what. Propose to them, they'll be excited. I know it."
"I hope you're right, Dick."
In all your time that you had known Jason, he had never seemed nervous to you.
Jason was always confident in everything he did - or at least showed that he was. Whether it was beating the ever living hell out of someone or flirting with you, he showed that he knew exactly what he was doing. That was one of the things you loved about him - he was confident.
In all your time that you had known him, Jason proved every day how much he loved you. Whether it was making you breakfast in the morning, buying you flowers out of the blue, or being the hidden romantic that he likes to be. There has never been a time that you doubted his love for you.
For the first time in a long time, Jason had offered to take you on a date. The two of you got dressed up all fancy and headed to some expensive restaurant that you weren't sure you could afford. It was a pleasant surprise to see Jason dressed up in a suit. He looked handsome, but when didn't he?
Throughout the entire night, Jason wavered been the utmost adoration for you, and a state of anxiety. You could see this struggle within him, and upon asking why, he didn't give you a straight answer. Jason often shrugged off his feelings, even when it came to you. It wasn't a surprise when he did it again.
In the end, you had a delicious meal, and an excellent time with Jason, even though you were still worried about him. You hadn't noticed, but Jason continuously shifted the small velvet box in his pocket. That was the reason he had been so nervous.
Jason had full intentions to ask you while you were having your dinner. He had chickened out at every opportunity that he had gotten. Now, the two of you were walking hand in hand as the sun set in the sky. Your home wasn't far away, and instead of hailing a ride, you decided to walk. Any peaceful time spent with Jason was well worth anything.
"You've been acting off all night, Jay," You brought up, again. Jason's hand tightened around yours for a brief moment. "Are you sure you're okay? Bruce isn't getting to you again is he? I'll got talk to him, he doesn't scare me, you know." Yes he did.
Jason chuckled at you, just another thing that he loved about you. You were always willing to protect him against all odds. "No, I haven't talked to Bruce in months," Jason assured you. He stuck his hand in his pocket once more, the heat of the box burning through his skin. "I love you."
"I love you, too," you reached up to kiss him. Jason smiled into the kiss before pulling away. His smile quickly turned into a frown. This had only made you more nervous about what was going through his head at the moment. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, just," Jason stuttered over his words. Seeing him nervous like this, it wasn't something you were used to. "I love you, more than anything in this world. And I know that this life that I'm trapped in isn't ideal, and I'm sorry for dragging you in it. But, I wouldn't change anything if it meant I got to have you for the rest of my life.
"You mean everything to me, and I don't know what I'd do without you. You're the person that drives me to be better, to come come home every night. You're the reason that I smile and laugh. I guess what I'm trying to say is... (Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?"
Jason pulled out the box from his pocket. Just as he was nontraditional in every sense possible, he was with this as well. Instead of getting on a knee, Jason held the opened box towards you, an obvious tremble in his hands. He was far too nervous to move from his spot and get down to the ground.
Tears stung your eyes, never had you imagined Jason would want to get married. You always assumed that he was happy with your relationship and never needing to conform to society's wish of marriage. You were content with that, but marriage was always something you wanted, only with him.
All the words you wanted to say were stuck in your throat. You wanted to scream to the world that you were going to marry the man you loved. You wanted everyone to know just how lucky you were. Instead, all you could manage was a head nod and a massive grin on your face. Jason's nerves finally broke.
He matched the grin that you had and wrapped you in his arms. Without any effort at all, Jason hoisted you off the ground and spun you around. As soon as your feet touch the cement, your lips were on his. he had been beyond excited that you were just as happy as he was about this step.
Jason plucked the ring from the box and smoothly slid it on your finger. It suited you just perfectly - as much as he didn't want to admit it, Dick was right. Jason wiped the tears streaming down your face, followed by wiping his own.
"I love you, Jason," You kissed him once more. Jason no longer cared that you were in the middle of the sidewalk. People walking by as you were completely engrossed with each other. He couldn't bare the thought of letting you go, feared that your acceptance of his proposal was nothing but his imagination.
"Dick was right," Jason chuckled. You raised an eyebrow at him, confused as to why he was bringing up his brother at a moment like this. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."
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Can I request Nagito proposing to the reader and I loveeeee your work
Mod Mikan: I had a lot of fun with this one, ngl! Sorry if this ending is cheesy af. Enjoy!
“Please Hajime, you have to help me!” Nagito begged his reserve course best friend, as they walked throughout the classroom they were cleaning. It was cleaning time at their shared college and all the students were roaming around the institute with cleaning supplies in hand, doing their fair share of chores. The usual trio, Hajime, Nagito, and Chiaki were in the library scrubbing the windows clean 
“Listen Nagito, (Y/N) is your girlfriend, not mine. So just leave me alone and solve your own problem. Please,” The brunette begged the infamous lucky student, his eyes fixated on the glass window he was rubbing small circles into with his rag. Hajime’s slightly rude attitude was interrupted by his sleepy girlfriend snapping her head at them, holding her hand out disapprovingly towards her own lover
“Hey, hey. Hajime, don’t be rude,” She scolded at him in her usual quiet voice. Hajime just looked away with a slight blush on his cheek. He continued to scrub the window, failing at an attempt to hide his embarrassment from his own girlfriend giving him a stern talking to
“Chiaki! Weren’t you sleeping just now?!” He hid his ashamed blush with a surprised look. However, the gamer girl just shook her head, turning to Nagito with a smile on her face
“Don’t worry, Nagito. I helped Gundham present a promise ring to Sonia. No doubt I can help you get your girl!” She offered her own helping hand, making a wide smile form onto the pale face of the luckster. He sighed in relief, nearly throwing his mop and water-filled bucket onto the floor in consolation
“You will? Oh, thank you Nanami-san!” He expressed his gratitude in his usual merry manner, just earning an eye roll from Hajime. He turned to them again, the shock expression fading into a real on, as if he just saw a problem with Nagito’s plan to propose to his girlfriend
“Umm....Nagito? Aren’t you and (Y/N) um, I don’t know....still in your second year of college?!” Hajime pointed out, just making Nagito sigh, crossing his arms. Hajime was one to let his slightly cynical attitude put a damper on things. He pointed out problems with many issues the students just wanted to brush under the rug and enjoy for the time being. But there was a reason to Nagito’s rash reason. It was a mix of both his ‘forever-honeymoon’ phase with his angel, as well as his own insecurities. He wanted to snatch his angel of hope off the market before anyone else would. While he did have negative thoughts of his luck messing up the proposal, as well as you saying no to ‘trash like him’, he didn’t want any pessimism to get in the way of tying the knot with his beloved hope
He knew it was selfish, but he wanted to be the one to serve and worship her for as long as they lived
“Hajime.....” The platinum haired male exhaled before turning to him with a sulked expression. “Well....I can’t say I’m surprised. A reserve course student such as yourself probably wouldn’t understand the true meaning of hope like an ultimate would. I mean, I thought trash like me understood it so it would’ve been simple common sense. But I guess you still haven’t grasped the idea of the hopeful effect someone like (Y/N) can have on a person,” Nagito finished his rant with one last suspire before ending the conversation “It’s okay. It’s not like anyone would expect much from a reserve course student like yourself,” He smiled calmly, which just made the aura around him condescending with what he just said towards Hajime. Chiaki sighed, crossing her arms with her own sulked expression looking down at the floor. Hajime rolled his eyes, wincing as he was looking down at the floor himself 
“S-Shut up! Just....” An exhale left the brunette’s lips, as he turned towards Nagito “Just tell us what we should do,” 
“This is a much needed date idea, Nagito. The beach sounds like a great idea,” (Y/N) cheered, as she clinged onto her boyfriend’s skinny arm. The white haired male smiled at her cheerfulness, admiring the view he had of her wearing a (F/C) bikini underneath a sheer tunic dress. Wow, how did he get so lucky? His angel was hopeful, bright, talented, intelligent, AND beautiful on top of that? It was no surprise that Nagito always wondered out of everyone someone so hopeful could be with...why scum like him? He was a mere nobody compared to an angel like her
Nagito got lost in thought, the smile becoming a bit creepy as he was silent along with the unexpected beam becoming wider by the second. (Y/N) cocked her brow, as she snapped her fingers in front of him, literally snapping him out of his daydream
“Hello??? Earth to hope boi~!” She giggled, running towards the ocean. She took Nagito hand, practically dragging him along with her to admire the view of the crystal blue waves crashing into the white sand that provided a grainy warmth between their toes
“Come on, Naggie! Our I’ll leave you behind~!” She snickers, before turning back to him, not stopping her journey towards obtaining a good view of the sea
“Just kidding! I won’t leave you behind no matter how slow you are!” She teased, stopping a few feet away from the ocean. She booped his nose, making him giggle, a blush being painted a thin coat over his white skinned face. He took out the folded umbrella that was tucked underneath his arm, setting it up along with a picnic blanket. Just when his committed girlfriend was reaching out to help him, the lucky student shook his head, holding his hand out to signal her to stop
“(Y/N), just relax, okay? I’m excited about this date too, but I want to spoil you. Please, allow trash like me to take care of everything today,” He insisted, his usual calm smile plastered on his face. (Y/N) sighed disapprovingly of her boyfriend’s typical self-loathing attitude. She knew old habits were hard to break, but his degrading insults towards himself was getting less frequent. So...it’s progress! Right? 
The (H/C) haired girl chuckled lightly, her censorious sigh being the thing of the past quickly. She flashed her own merry grin at him, just nodding, signaling him to take the lead. There was no use arguing with someone as tenacious as Nagito. It would be easier to make a list of days he hasn’t spoiled his angel, rather than ‘special days’ where he flats out takes her anywhere and buys her anything her precious heart desires
Smiling to herself about all the modest, yet sentimental dates they cherished together, (Y/N) didn’t even notice that her boyfriend already set up their own little spot under the huge umbrella Nagito brought along. The platinum haired man patted next to him, motioning for the angel of hope to join him with a beam of happiness on his face. (Y/N) snapped out of her daydream, sitting next to her lover as they began their beach date with setting up the picnic food they brought along 
“Did you enjoy today, (Y/N)?” Nagito asked his girlfriend, holding her hand as they walked parallel to where the ocean waves crashed onto the white sandy terrain. (Y/N) nodded with the twinkle of joy that never left her face when the day started. She took the last bit of the (F/F) ice cream Nagito bought for her before throwing the wrapper that came with it in a nearby trash can. She turned back to her boyfriend, wanting to thank him for the special day
Little did she know the best part still had yet to come
“I had a great time, Nagito. I wanted to thank you again for today. Finals are coming up soon and I think we both deserved some relaxation from the hard work we’ve put in,” She expressed her graciousness, making a pink shade dust upon the pale skinned man’s cheeks and nose bridge. He leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her forehead, before pulling back, the blush still visible across his handsome face
“My love, it’s nothing. Nothing is too good for you and I will continue to do anything I can to keep that beautiful smile on your face,” He declared in a chipper voice, pulling her close to his skinny frame. A sigh fell out of the taller male’s lips, watching an orange hue fill the horizon. The ripples of crystal water almost looked like they were engulfing the lovers that were staring at the approaching sunset. Half the sun was visible at the end of the sea, warm colors swallowing the sky in a shade of reddish-orange. The color was reflected from the waves towards the beauty of (Y/N)’s facial expression. Nagito glanced at her, softly praising her under his breath
God, she looked beautiful. It’s now or never, Nagito 
The infamous lucky student started the first step of ending the night with a new step in their relationship. A gasp of surprise left his lips, as he pointed towards the sea, lightly nudging his girlfriend’s shoulder
“Sunshine, look!” He directed a lanky finger towards the colorful scenery flooding the sky. A giggle escaped from a glossed mouth, (Y/N) nodding rapidly at the landscape. The hand that was clinging onto Nagito’s as swiftly removed, only to act as a shield from the sunlight that was beating onto her (E/C)’s orbs
“Naggie, I know~ I see the sunset too. And it’s gorgeous,” She suspired in awe, basking the warmth that was provided to the both of them
“Not as beautiful as you, my angel.....” Another compliment muttered under Nagito’s breath, as he took his chance to pop the question. He moved back a couple of feet, so he was directly behind his girlfriend. He got down on one knee, pulling out a black velvet box. He bit his lip, the worse possible scenario racing through his mind. He racked his brain from everything that happened during the date, not one having an effect due to his luck cycle
Our picnic went smoothly....swimming was okay.....buying her stuff from the gift ship and snacks.....building sandcastles went just fine.....will my bad luck kick in at the most important part of the date? 
As the marshmallowed haired man pondered his thoughts, anxious from his bad luck activating any time now, he managed to calm himself down only a few seconds later. Chiaki and Hajime was watching from a distance. 
They’re going to do everything they can to make sure this goes smoothly. Trust them. Trust (Y/N). She keeps telling you she loves you. Nothing will ruin this....nothing will ruin this.....nothing will--
“Nagito, wh--” A female voice broke the silence, as the (H/C) female turned around, trying to find her boyfriend that was just by her side a minute ago. However, a pair of wandering (E/C) eyes stopped and widen at the sight of seeing her boyfriend on his knee, a velvet box resting upon it. She gasped, placing a fragile hand on her chest. Nagito’s on his knee and....a velvet box? Could it be? 
“Nagito, what....??? What’s going on?” A shaky tone wavered through her question, her knees started to tremble as she failed to keep herself from crying. If Nagito was on his knee and holding a box and if a ring was inside.....
“(Y/N), my angel....” The white haired male, took her hand, still kneeling down, as if worshipping and bowing to his goddess. He gently opened the box, revealing a gold ring with a princess cut diamond being adorned by smaller diamond encircling the ring band. (Y/N) couldn’t take her eyes off of the beauty that was presented to her. She took a step back, swiftly moving her head to be sure not to fall into the water. She moved back to her boyfriend, who was not done with his explanation from the sudden surprise 
“(Y/N) (L/N). I.....I’m aware a sound like a broken record, but you are my literal hope. You shown me how to love by doing the impossible--loving me. I never thought anyone could love someone like me. All these years with you have been the best years of my life. You brought the shining lights of hope in my dark life. You made me feel complete. I’ve learned to live with all the bad things that has happened because of my luck. I thought I was a terrible person. That’s why I thought I was cursed with my luck. I made peace with the fact that I’m a worthless human being that can’t do anything right. The equivalent of human trash. I’m aware I sound selfish by talking down about myself, I know you don’t like it....” His ghostly green orbs softened, as he took one of her hands in his, the other one brandishing the ring closer towards her view
“My angel...my love....my beloved hope....you showed me happiness. Happiness I thought someone like me never deserved. I....I want to pay you back for everything you did for me. Being with you...make me feel like I’m worth something. You said you didn’t care what my luck cycle brought. You reassured me that no matter what happens, you will always love and stick by my side. I know you aren’t a liar. You have my full trust. But you’re an angel. It’s only a matter of time before someone better steals you away. I know it’s selfish of me, but hey....can a guy, even someone like me, be a little selfish at times?” He ended his sentence with a slight chuckle before staring deep into her (E/C) eyes locked with his green ones before asking the question that sealed the deal 
“(Y/N) (L/N), my sweet, sweet angel of hope...will you do me the honors of marrying you?” He asked, his love-sickened heart pounding with anticipation. With a stream of salty tears rolling from her eyes down her cheeks, (Y/N) nodded rapidly, feeling the cool metal being slipped on shakily on her left ring finger. Nagito got up and hugged her before staring deep into her eyes, kissing her passionately. The couple melted into each other’s arms, taking in the warmth of their lover. No other words were needed that night. Just the comfort of being in the arms of their future spouse 
“I told you, Hajime! Aren’t you so happy for (Y/N)-san and Komeada-kun?” Chiaki smiled softly, still recording the proposal on her phone, as she watched the now engaged couple enjoying their own celebration with each other. The gamer girl’s boyfriend just sighed, but smile lightly to himself, letting out a small nod
“I guess so. But damn. (Y/N)....please take good care of that one....” He exhaled, a hint of exasperation lacing the breath. But the smile never left both their faces, as they gave Nagito a small thumbs up from the bush they were hiding in. Hajime bit his lip, letting his chin rest on his fist for a second, Chiaki noticed her boyfriend in deep thought for a second, as her eyes turned to him for a moment
“Hajime? You okay?” She asked him, only earning a blush emerging onto his cheeks, scratching his nape, a bit of nervous
“Chiaki.....would you like our date night next week to be at the beach?” 
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