jimjambiscuits · 2 years
Dead poets rise at the break of dawn.
With their quills and inked sleeves
Rushing to the mountain top
Summer fades away and autumn awaits
Warm hugs and chilling bones
notebooks with folded letters inside
Faint glow of the sun in the dusky sky
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riowantstostudy · 2 years
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13 June || Day 10 of 14
of @alfalfaaarya 's productivity streak
Sorry for disappearing for a few days, I got distracted but I'm back on track again, studied for another 9 hours today and gave my first test and I'm not satisfied with my results so time to try harder! Hope everyone's doing okay! Shoutout to @medstudyblr02 for talking some sense into me lol, tysm!
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study-and-be-gay · 2 years
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2nd December- What is your favourite thing about winter?
This probably isn’t the best answer but I love it when it’s the last week of winter term and all your teachers let you watch films. I’ve got some great memories of watching the animated Christmas Carol film in English a few years ago. Things tend to be more relaxed around this time of year. 
I’ve been very productive so far today haha. Spent almost 4 hours making notes on the last politics topic on the paper we’re going to do for mocks. They’re getting way too close now, just praying I’ve done enough work to get decent grades. 
Came home from school a bit early since I don’t have any lessons. Planning on doing a bit of self care then cracking on with a few more hours of work before I get some sleep, trying not to burn out right before exams hit. 
Actually got to walk to school in the snow today! It’s been ages since that happened! I was so caught up in it I was almost late lol. Sadly the sun came out and melted it all :(
Hope everyone’s doing well! <3
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yoghurtandhoney · 3 years
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23/3/21 | 14/53 Days of Productivity
Today I didn't have any lessons in the morning so I had a kind of self-care morning. I made myself a coffee ☕ then listened music while I did a manifestation.🌸
I wrote another essay for history than I re-read my notes and study for my class. In the afternoon I did some english listening tasks and also I had a private history at 5pm.📝
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study-van · 3 years
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(06/03/2021) Yesterday, I went to book shopping in a very long time only to end up with buying one book. (Also yes that’s me)
Day 6- Quickly! tag urself!
eight pm. netflix. cuddles warm sheets. indoors life. loves singing but can’t. sweats. never sleeps.
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summit-studies · 3 years
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last week's lecture notes!! I'm trying to at least write down the ppt subtitles before the lecture in hopes of better structured lecture notes, so that writing them is more meaningful and also I have more incentive to focus (last year's were just kind of all over the place, and I lost motivation to do them very quick) and it's working pretty well so far!!
sometimes you can tell which lecturer structures their lessons best based on how well structured your lecture notes end up being. It's not always a bad thing, for ex we have a prof that hops around between slides to make sure we're getting connections between concepts but it's a teensy bit frustrating bc that's not acc to the subtitles!! now I don't have space >:(( but overall last week's content has been pretty interesting!!
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theselflearner · 3 years
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11 - 04 - 2021
My exam is in 2 days and I’m in cramming mood. 
I took a few breaths,  turned off my notifications, took a walk, and repeated affirmations to myself. I think I’m better now.
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nightlystudying · 5 years
all those motivating and uplifting posts are great but sometimes I feel like they are belittling the effort it takes. It’s not easy to start anew. You can’t just go to another country and start working. New clothes cost a lot. Changing Careers is hard and frightening. Breaking with toxic people takes a lot out of you and any new start goes with a lot of planning, anxiety, existential angst and courage. Any of those things, no matter how small, feels like a battle and I am proud of all that choose to fight it.
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eruditelyn · 3 years
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bullet journal first page<3
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Uni Study Diary 17th Entry: Feeling Out of Place in Studygram + My Criticism/Hiatus
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I wanted to make a statement like this a long time ago, but I did not know how to put my innate feelings into words. For those who do not know, I have not been posting on Instagram as much as I have before. At the beginning of 2021, I took a break because of my mental health. In March, when I tried to return, I suddenly stopped posting for about 2 months or so because I just simply felt out of place in the studygram community. Since I have been running a studyblr/studygram for 4 years, I truly wanted to get back into doing so, so I felt confused why only negativity brewed. This platform has given me nothing but benefits; it gave me a place for me to express myself and overall, be happy when I could not. I could share my everyday, my favorite stationery, foods, and the study tips that resonated with me the most at the moment. I met many people who placed a lot of emphasis on learning as much as I did. People who shared similar values and pathways inspired me to push through with my own academic journey. However, taking all of these breaks made me realize how much the studygram community on Instagram has shifted compared to when I first started out, and the attributes held by this newest incarnation, I have to admit, tanked my enjoyment overall.
First, there exists this frantic emphasis on acquiring followers, comments, and likes rather than creating quality posts. Every now and then, I receive a slew of direct messages or comments from those who want me to look at their page and interact with their posts in some manner. Back in the day, I would put my utmost support in budding accounts, and I would do what they told me to. Nowadays, I immediately block or unfollow those who ask me to because these requests can be so dispiriting. In 2017, when I started threecheersforsuccess, I would always get excited to receive a direct message or comment because people usually be sharing their opinions, criticism, or questions in regards to what I put out on my page. This opens the floor for some really nice discussion, and I met some long-term studygram connections this way. Being used as a potential “like” machine does not feel good at all, and this behavior just dismisses the whole point of running a study platform in the first place.
Secondly, the growth of some of these Instagram pages does not sit well with me. Instagram (TikTok as well) has never been a great place for informative and in-depth content (as you can see with activism posts); many of these Instagram pages use these quick and snappy carousel or reel posts that do not, for a lack of a better phrase, hold much substance. In many tip/guide posts, people reiterate short statements regularly along the lines of “remember to take breaks,” “do not procrastinate,” “use a pomodoro,” etc but never go into how, why, or challenge the notion entirely. I love tip posts, and I believe they have been the core of the study community since its beginnings on Tumblr, but Instagram and the way tips have been presented rewired my brain in a way to see them more of a nuisance than helpful. Sometimes, I even find them inundated with pseudo-psychology (ex. those promoting MBTI-based or astrological-based study strategies, which I can see as helpful in giving direction. However, for some, people can fall prey to one-dimensional thinking based on the label they identify as when in fact, studying requires constant trial and error of techniques regardless of what your personality may be. After all, you will be switching in and out of different classes, professors, and subjects throughout your journey so variance has to be highlighted, and there is never one "hack" that solves everything), and some people simply do not know how to look at proper sources if they want to cite something. I have never been a numbers person, and I have never been consistent with my theme or aesthetic because I just post what I want to post. However, when I put a tip post out of my own that I put a lot of work into, I do find it disheartening sometimes how quick, easy content triumphs over what kinds of new and in-depth ideas I want to bring. To be honest, I do feel especially sad when the only comments I would get on my posts would be those who want me to like or follow their own page.
Thirdly, all of these factors combined pushed me to set these strange expectations of perfectionism that prevents me from making posts altogether . I would get an idea and then feel immensely overwhelmed whether or not to pursue the topic. Not only I want the post to be helpful, but now, for some reason, I feel the obligation for the post to have a strong enough reach. Back then, I could churn out posts in less than 30 minutes, but now, creating carousels or tip/guide posts just take up too much of my time. All for the sake of perfectionism, the criticism and commentary I have for others, and the overall need to do better. I have so much to say, but I get stuck and do not know how to put any of that in words in the "best" way possible. As a result, I struggled with writing this post as well.
I am not the type of person to leave issues unattended, and I do not want to quit. Therefore, I have decided on a new approach that provides me more flexibility with my mental health and my production on threecheersforsuccess. This approach requires a huge change in my attitude. I have always seen threecheersforsuccess as something personal but not ENTIRELY personal. I do share my academic journey, but I always felt the duty to give back in the most optimal form and always know what to say in relation to giving tips and techniques. From now on, I’m going to shed away the need of giving back to others and have this blog focus on myself, mainly on the process (ups and downs) and mistakes of being a student. I realized from these months that I do not need to always know the answer or have all the answers because I am constantly learning too. I can make this shift easily; this is not company or service, even though I do hope to inspire others, at the end of the day, this place operates best as a place for myself. By giving myself more autonomy and less restrictions in the way I think, I will be able to have everything up and running again. Knowing that I have that direction makes me extremely happy.
As for my 4th anniversary on this platform, thank you all so much for your continued support! I really appreciate you all out there, and I’m excited for what’s to come in the future.
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langblrwhy · 5 years
How to learn a language and its culture together
1 Learn typical recipes (maybe try to recreate them)
2 Watch movies (not only the genres and themes you prefer, but watch their classic movies that everyone there already watched)
3 Listen to music (same as 2)
4 Watch and read the news (follow the news on social media)
5 Watch people travelling around the country
6 Follow youtubers (the vloggers who visit buildings, who talk about festivals and holidays and do stuff at the town)
7 Read books (you can read in english and then re-read in the target language, it'll make easier)
8 Follow random people on social media (in that way you'll can see the everyday language, photos of some city, political stuff, etc)
9 Follow meme pages - memes aren't spaceless and timeless, they talk about some subject the people from that culture are talking about
10 Talk to natives and ask them about their daily lives
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Bringing back STEM academia.
It is beautiful to romanticize life, but it is romantic to study it. 
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academiceve · 5 years
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Original post + caption can be found HERE.
Credit: @academiceve​
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kaylareverie · 3 years
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[ 03.19.21 ] course: SOC 100 - Social Organization
insta post | pin
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yoghurtandhoney · 3 years
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16/3/21 | 7/53 Days of Productivity
I had to go to the school today because we had to hand over our notes to the teacher. At least it was a good afternoon walk!☀️ The weather was sunny, unfortunately the wind was quite strong. But hey, I don't complain!
Today I wrote (another) essay about the development of Budapest into a world city.📑 I wrote my math homework and re-read my notes before my private history lesson has started.
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study-van · 4 years
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We call these flowers “zakkum” they’re seriously so pretty and they’ve been planted on the side of the road to the beach. Btw I started reading a new Murakami book!!
9th August - What was the last movie you watched?
Just last night we watched Casino Royale! We’re in this James Bond mood that no one is able to explain!!
🎧pomme, adieu mon homme
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