#Bruce being a perfectly normal child is broke
redrobin-detective · 2 years
Listen, we know Bruce was traumatized by his parents’ death but I hold that even before they were killed Bruce Wayne was a little weirdo. Like his paranoia and difficulty with emotion and attachment are from that terrible night. But I imagine 8 year old Brucie was OCD as hell and painstakingly arranging and rearranging his things to his satisfaction. He was meticulous, even as a child, very detail oriented. Highly intelligent, showing a boundless curiosity and determination to understand everything from a young age. I bet he was hell to enforce bedtimes on, always to do much to do and too little hours in the day. 
Bruce was that kid who dragged bugs in the house for study, pulled down all the books on one shelf so could arrange them in height order, skittered around the house’s many passages like a little rat. He was the kid who was happy and cheerful but a bit awkward from growing up a Wayne, he would much rather squirrel away somewhere with a book considered too old for him than talk with people he didn’t know. He loved the macabre in the way weird little kids too, he wanted to see Zorro for the action and the violent fight scenes. Thomas and Martha Wayne had to listen to their precocious son ask them time and again how they thought they would die and listen to his speculations.
I want the Justice League to have to go back in time for whatever reason and they expect Bruce to be a delightful, happy, normal child. Instead, they find a kid with a lovingly worn Sherlock Holmes omnibus under one arm, an entire bag of raisins in the other, dark circles under his eyes from late nights reading and he’s covered in dust and debris from getting stuck behind the drywall again. 
“You’re not mom and dad’s friends,” he’d say in a petulant voice with a familiar set of his mouth. “I’m gonna call my butler and he’s going to kick your butt.” And the whole League loses their mind because Bruce really has always been Bruce.
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cdelphiki · 3 years
Bruce wasn’t sure what he was thinking.
Well, that was an absolute lie. He knew exactly what he was thinking. He just wasn’t sure how he was going to explain to Alfred and Jason what he’d been thinking, because he certainly couldn’t tell them the truth.
He’d been considering getting Jason a dog, but hadn’t anticipated doing it so soon. How did he tell the twelve-year-old he’d recently taken in that he saw a starving, skittish puppy out on the street and thought of him?
Jason was such a skittish child, and tended to take everything Bruce said or did the entirely wrong way. Sometimes, Bruce wondered if Jason were doing it on purpose.
But other times… other times he was starkly reminded of how truly awful Jason’s life had been.
Like when Jason had dropped a glass, three days prior, and immediately cut himself on the shards, trying to clean it up in his bare feet, with only his hands.
“I’m sorry,” Jason had been blubbering, tears streaming down his face, when Bruce had to physically pick him up and set him on the kitchen counter, just to get him to stop.
He’d gone so tense and rigid, Bruce just wanted a list of every person who had ever hurt Jason, who had ever caused him to think, even for a second, Bruce would beat him over a cheap four dollar glass.
Or over anything, ever.
But Bruce already knew the name of the person who had caused his reaction, and since Willis Todd was already dead, all Bruce could do was pull out the first aid kit and silently started picking the tiny pieces of glass out of his feet with the tweezers.
“Hey there,” Batman said, his voice soft and completely void of his normal gavel. The small, grey puppy was backed up into the corner of the dead end alley, his tail between his legs as he shook violently.
Batman knelt down, a few feet away from him, as far back as he could be without giving the puppy an escape route. He knew that was adding to his distress, but Bruce didn’t want to risk him getting away.
The poor thing was absolutely starved. Bruce could see his ribs, jutting out along his side, marred with scrapes and scratches and welts. The poor little thing had had it rough, and he couldn’t have been more than twelve-weeks-old.
“It’s okay,” he soothed, making himself as small as he could, trying to get down at the dogs level, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
When the puppy whimpered, instead of relax, Bruce considered just picking him up, just like he’d done with Jason. Sometimes, the only option was to force the contact and prove it would cause no harm.
But the puppy wasn’t actively hurting himself, so Bruce stayed still and quiet, as he reached into his belt for a piece of his snack jerky.
“Here,” he said, tearing off a small piece he was confident wouldn’t choke the dog and holding it out, “Come here, I know you’re hungry.”
That was another method he used with Jason quite frequently. Being patient and waiting for him to come to Bruce. It didn’t always work. Jason had yet to come to Bruce about his nightmares. Or to ask for help with his schoolwork, or training, whenever he got stuck and worked himself into frustrated tears. But Bruce could be patient as long as Jason needed.
One day, he knew, Jason would trust Bruce to never hurt him. But in the meantime, he’d keep offering, and waiting.
Just like he did with the puppy, holding out the jerky so he could smell it, and then placing it on the ground, half way between them.
Jerkily, the puppy skittered forward, trying to sniff the treat better, between his quick movements back into his corner. After doing that a few times, each time staying near the treat a little longer, he finally snapped it up and jumped back into his spot.
“See, it’s good, isn’t it?” Batman said, tearing off two more little pieces. He set one right where the first had been, and the other a few inches closer to himself, in hopes of slowly luring the dog to him.
It worked.
Slowly, but surely, the dog came closer and closer, each time lingering just a little longer near Batman, before finally Batman held out the final piece of jerky, and didn’t set it down.
Warily, the puppy inched closer to him, sniffing at the air and eyeing Bruce, like he thought it was a trap, but wanted the food more than he wanted to not be hurt.
Bruce felt a little bad, because it was a trap, in a way. But not a bad one.
When the puppy put his nose right up near Batman’s hand, he slowly brought his second hand up to place on the puppy’s head, and gently started scratching it as the puppy ate the last piece of jerky.
“That’s a good boy,” Bruce said, continuing with his scratches, getting behind the ears in a way that made the dog tilt his head, “See, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Swiftly, before the dog could bolt, Bruce scooped his now empty hand right up under the puppy, and lifted him into the air.
The dog yelped, and struggled for a second, but stilled when Bruce pulled him close and kept scratching at his head. “That’s a good boy,” he murmured again, as he stood to his feet, “No reason to be afraid.”
He trembled the entire time, but Bruce kept with his rhythmic pets, careful to avoid any spot that looked tender, and tried his best to reassure the little guy that he was perfectly safe.
Perfectly safe and about to meet the little boy Bruce knew would love him unconditionally.
Jason loved dogs, Bruce had found out, two weeks prior when they were out for a walk in one of the parks in Gotham. They passed a woman playing fetch with a golden retriever, and Jason’s face had absolutely lit up at the sight. Bruce wanted to encourage him to ask if he could pet the dog, but Jason had seemed perfectly content to watch.
“I had a yellow lab when I was a kid,” he’d said, a bright smile on his face and his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah?” Bruce prompted.
Jason nodded enthusiastically and said, “Yeah. Well, he was a mix, but his name was Sparky.”
“Sparky,” Bruce had repeated, “That’s a good name for a yellow dog.”
“Yeah. But he bit Dad one day, so Dad ditched him in a park.”
The nonchalance with which Jason had said that was probably what broke Bruce’s heart the most. Jason just… said it. Without emotion. With a little shrug. To him, that was just how it was. Something that couldn’t be changed, and therefore shouldn’t be dwelled upon.
Bruce was glad Jason could be mature about things, but still. It killed him that his twelve-year-old had learned to be mature about it, long before the age of twelve.
He knew the puppy in his hands wouldn’t replace Sparky, or anything close to it. But maybe it would give Jason a little more feeling of stability.
Jason seemed to think his welcome in the manor was sitting on a razor thin edge. One little misstep, and Bruce would kick him out on his rear, send him back to the street to fend for himself and fight for his keep. No matter how many times Bruce said it, Jason just could not trust his ‘I will never kick you out” statement.
Apparently Jason’s own father had ‘kicked him out’ when he was a mere eight years old. It might have just been for one night, a night Jason spent sleeping on the fire escape, but one night was enough to destroy all trust in a little boy.
Sure, Bruce had only had him for three months, but that didn’t mean Bruce was willing to part with the sweet little boy he’d come to adore.
Bruce would never, never even think about kicking Jason out. Or moving him to another home. Or anything of the sort.
Jason was his, and that was that. It didn’t matter what Jason did, that would never change.
Maybe having a puppy. Maybe giving Jason a puppy would show him how permanent he was. How could Bruce kick him out, if he had a puppy to take care of? Jason seemed quick to believe in Bruce’s kindness to others, just not to himself. Hopefully he’d trust Bruce would never kick the puppy out, and therefore couldn’t kick Jason out, because he was Jason’s puppy.
And one day, when the puppy grew larger, as large as his little paws, proportionally massive compared to the rest of him, suggested he’d be, maybe he could also offer Jason a little security, too. Bruce had no doubt the puppy would bite anyone who dared touch Jason, just as Sparky had done, all those years ago.
“It’s okay,” Bruce repeated, as he approached the Batmobile, the quaking puppy whimpering in his arms, “We’re going home. We’ll get you cleaned up and fed, does that sound good?”
Batman opened the trunk to the car, first, and with one hand dumped out one of the crates he used to organized all his supplies. He couldn’t think of a better way to transport the puppy, without someone else there to just hold him. The last thing he wanted was for the dog to crawl around the car and cause trouble while he was driving. After he lined the crate with one of the blankets he kept on hand, just in case, he gentled settled the puppy inside.
He seemed to calm, slightly, once he was set down, and when Bruce folded on edge of the blanket over his body, so only his head was exposed, he snuggled down a little more and looked far more relaxed than Bruce had seen yet. Bruce scratched the top of his head as he carried the crate up to the front, and settled him down into the footwell of the passenger side.
It must have been cozy in the box, because in the twenty minute drive back to the Manor, the puppy fell asleep, the sweet sound of little puppy snores filling up the car.
Bruce might have wanted a dog for a long time, as well, he had to admit. Just could never justify getting one, with how little time he spent at home, and how inconsistent his schedule was. Alfred, also, always balked at the idea of pets in the house, so Bruce had never explored it much.
Even now, he was a tad worried about how to care for the dog, how to ensure the puppy received the care he needed. He hadn’t intended on getting Jason a dog so quickly, so suddenly.
He’d been doing the research, reading articles and studies about dogs and their effects on child abuse victims. Trying to decide what kind of dog he’d get, how they’d get one, and how they’d share the responsibilities. Jason, Bruce thought, would be the dog’s primary owner. The one responsible for walking him and feeding him and playing with him the most. But Bruce or Alfred would have to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
Jason was just a child, after all, and he had school. He hadn’t started school yet, they were still homeschooling him in order to catch him up to where he should be, but one day he would have school. And Bruce would likely have to take the dog out multiple times. Alfred did not even know Bruce was considering a dog, so it was unlikely he’d be very thrilled or eager to do any of the work.
Alfred had been quite clear, multiple times when Dick was a boy, that there would be no filthy animals in his house…
Then, of course, there was the issue of caring for the dog’s health, which would likely fall upon Bruce’s shoulders, not Jason.
As Bruce pulled into the Batcave, he tried to set all his planning aside, and just focus on the moment. He had quite a bit he needed to do with the puppy, to ensure he could be brought up into the house.
First and foremost, removing the fleas from his fur and getting him nice and clean.
Did they even have flea treatments in the cave? They definitely had some sprays for them, but Bruce was hesitant to spray down the puppy with them. It might require a quick trip to the store, to purchase pet specific supplies.
Jason was in the cave. That was the first thing Bruce noticed, when he pulled the car to the parking spot. Because the batcomputer was on, and the computer chair spun around to reveal the tiny twelve-year-old curled up in it, looking like he’d just been startled awake.
Bruce resisted the urge to sigh as he got out of the car. Jason was supposed to be in bed. His bedtime was midnight, and he knew it. Especially with Alfred not feeling well, and taking the night off, Jason was really pushing his luck spending the night in the cave, by himself, past his bedtime. Bruce had threatened punishment if he defied the rule, and thus far just the threat of punishment had been enough to deter him from misbehavior.
All Bruce would do was ban him from TV for the next day, and he’d told Jason as much, but sometimes just the thought of being punished made Jason a little antsy and nervous. Even though the punishment itself would hardly even faze Jason, since the boy rarely watched TV anyway.
But Jason being awake could be beneficial, Bruce thought idly, as Jason slowly stood up and smiled a touch nervously at him. He kind of wanted to surprise Jason in the morning, waking him up with the puppy, but Jason could help him a lot with settling the dog.
“Hi, Bruce,” Jason said, when Bruce shut his door and looked over at him, where he was standing about ten yards away. He put his arms behind his back, and smiled a little tighter when Bruce pulled down his cowl shot him a ‘you know what you did’ look.
“Aren’t you up a little late?” he asked. It was 3am.
“I was reading case files,” Jason said, as if that were a valid excuse, “I wanted to finish all the ones related to the Riddler tonight.”
“Hrn,” Bruce grunted, “And did you?”
Even if it was frustrating, Bruce couldn’t help but be proud, every time Jason defied him. He knew testing the limits and pushing the boundaries was going to happen eventually, and probably cause Bruce to gray prematurely, but he was so damned relieved it was happening. That finally Jason was starting to test to see just how far the rules went, and if the consequences were what Bruce said they were.
All he wanted was for Jason to feel safe. He’d put up with the frustration if that was what it took.
“I’m almost done,” Jason said, a little sheepishly. Bruce’s guess was he fell asleep not longer after midnight, and hadn’t actually got anything further accomplished.
Bruce hummed as he started to round the car. Jason took half a step backward, before he seemed to catch himself, and started warring on his lip instead. When Bruce stopped at the passenger door, however, and didn’t keep walking toward Jason, he stopped.
“Come here,” Bruce said, as he opened the door, “I need your help with something.”
“What?” Jason asked, a touch curiously, as Bruce gently picked up the crate.
Despite his best effort, the puppy startled awake at the inevitable jostling. The dog stood, and tried to shake the blanket off of him, so Bruce got a good grip on the crate with one arm so he could use the other to move the blanket.
Jason skipped over, then, but froze when Bruce held the crate low enough for him to look inside.
“Is that?” he whispered, a touch of awe in his voice. Carefully, he walked the last few yards to Bruce, and lifted a hand to set on the dog. Just before he touched him, however, he looked up at Bruce and asked, “He’s not, like, radioactive or anything, is he?”
“No,” Bruce said, a smile tugging on his lips. Although radioactive dogs wasn’t something entirely out of the possibility. Not in Gotham.
He hoped he never came across radioactive dogs…
The puppy shrank back at Jason’s hand, and gave him the most pitiful little whimper Bruce had heard yet.
“Just scared and hungry,” Bruce murmured.
“Oh.” Jason slowly finished his approach, holding two fingers out right in front of the puppy’s nose, letting him sniff for a long few seconds, before he started scratching the top of his head. “Why are you scared, little guy?” he whispered, moving so he was scratching behind the dog’s ears.
The dog highly appreciated that, because he tilted his head, pressing himself into Jason’s fingers more as he shut his eyes.
Bruce couldn’t help his smile. He always knew Jason was a sweet kid, but seeing it in action might be one of Bruce’s new favorite things.
Jason looked up, and his cheeks reddened a little when he did. “Where, uh,” he stammered, “where’d you find him?”
“That dead-end alley on Broad. I didn’t see any other puppies or a mother anywhere nearby, and based on his appearance I’m fairly confident he’s a stray.”
“Aw, poor little guy,” Jason murmured, looking back down at the puppy.
The dog backed away from Jason, the best he could inside the crate, but pushed his head forward for Jason to scratch a second later.
Bruce could already tell, they were going to be best friends.
“Can you watch him while I run out and grab some supplies?” Bruce asked, once Jason had pet the dog for a minute or so, and looked completely in love already, “We need to give him a flea bath before we bring him upstairs, or Alfred will kill me.”
Jason looked up sharply, his eyes a little wide as he asked, “What am I supposed to do?”
“You don’t have to do anything,” Bruce said quickly, “just keep him company and let him know he’s safe. We can put you in the locker room with the door closed, so he can’t run off.”
“Oh,” Jason said, nodding, “yeah, okay.”
“Okay,” Bruce repeated, “Here, let’s get you settled.”
He carried the crate into the locker room, and set it down on the ground, where Jason sat down right next to it. Carefully, Bruce picked the puppy up and set him down, semi close to Jason, in hopes of not scaring him too bad.
It didn’t work, because immediately the puppy backed up, his little tail between his legs and his whole head lowered, his piercing gray eyes darting between Bruce and Jason. When Bruce moved, with the intention of standing up, the puppy bolted, finding a bench up against the wall to cower under while letting out his pitiful little whimper.
“Aww,” Jason said, softly as he crawled a little closer, then laid on his stomach, “don’t be like that. We ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
“I’ll grab him something to eat, first,” Bruce murmured, as he stood and walked toward the door, away from the terrified little puppy, “you might get him to come out for some food.”
Jason merely nodded, as he rested his chin on his hands and kept his attention on the puppy.
“Are you hungry, buddy,” Jason said, softly, as Bruce was leaving the room, “I bet you’re starving. The food here is way better than street food, trust me.”
Bruce tried his best to ignore the twinge in his chest, as he went upstairs.
In the kitchen, Bruce looked through the fridge in hopes of finding something for the dog. If push came to shove, he could scramble an egg. He knew he was capable of that, but he’d rather not mess up a pan and hear it from Alfred in the morning about how he wasn’t ‘allowed’ to use his own damn kitchen.
Thankfully, though, he found what remained of a rotisserie chicken Alfred had made for dinner, two nights before. The left overs hadn’t been turned into anything else, yet, so it was basically plain chicken. Absolutely perfect for a dog.
Bruce made short work of peeling off the skin and cutting up about half a cup of it, into small, puppy sized bites. He really wasn’t sure if it was too much or not enough for the little dog. He’d find a good vet to explain all that to them, within the next few days.
Or he’d spend the morning researching.
Likely both.
He brought the plastic bowl of chicken he prepared, along with another bowl and a bottle of water, down to the cave where he found Jason in basically the same position, the puppy still pressed up into the corner, deep under the bench.
“Here, you can give it to him,” Bruce said, only walking in far enough he could hand the bowls and water to Jason, “I’ll be back in half an hour, 45 minutes tops. I’m just running to the Walmart up the street.”
“Okay,” Jason said. He sat up and took the bowls and water, and sat them on the bench above the puppy, before he opened the water and poured a little into the bowl.
“Call me if you need anything,” he added, pulling a still unused burner phone from his belt and handing it over. He needed to get Jason a real phone, eventually. But for the moment, a burner phone worked fine. “You have my number memorized, correct?”
Jason rolled his eyes dramatically and rattled off Bruce’s number.
Bruce might have made Jason repeat it dozens of times, until he didn’t have to think about it and could simply recite it without hesitation. And Jason was still not over how ‘cruel’ the method of memorization was.
“Okay, good,” he said, smiling a touch, “I’ll be right back.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jason mumbled, as he turned back toward the cowering puppy and picked up the bowl of water, “here, buddy. Are you thirsty?”
Content, Bruce turned to leave, but paused when Jason called out a little urgently.
“Wait,” he said, “What’s his name?”
“He doesn’t have one yet. Why don’t you start thinking about that.” Bruce had some ideas of what he’d name the puppy, but if it was going to be Jason’s dog, Jason should get to name him.
It ended up taking Bruce fifty minutes to get back home. Between having to shower and change, then actually find the pet section at the maze that was Walmart, it took way longer than he wanted. Once he was in the pet section, he got a little lost trying to round up all the things he thought they’d need to survive the night.
A crate was a good idea. A real one, meant for dogs. A bag of food, too, but then he got distracted by all the options. He had no idea there was so many kinds of dog foods, all claiming to do something different. He ended up with a bag of the stuff meant for large breed puppies, and a box of canned wet food, as well. Just to have on hand. Then he bought a jar of treats, a couple toys, the flea shampoo and some other grooming supplies, and a collar and leash.
It was way too much stuff, he felt, but not nearly enough at the same time.
Once Alfred was awake, he’d probably have a much better idea of what they needed.
In the meantime, it was good enough.
Bruce felt bad, leaving Jason alone for as long as he did, but then again Jason had spent hours in the cave already, even though he wasn’t supposed to, so it wasn’t like it’d hurt him. Especially not when he spent the whole time watching over the puppy.
When he finally made it back down to the cave, with the grooming supplies and treats, it’d been nearly an hour. Bruce would be a giant liar if he said he wasn’t anxious about having left Jason alone so long.
But when he got to the locker room door and opened it slowly, he breathed a sigh of relief.
Jason jumped, of course, when the door opened. Bruce wished the boy didn’t have such strong reflexes, sometimes, because based on how he was curled up against the wall, the blanket wrapped around himself, he had been fast asleep. Bruce would have loved to snap a picture, if only to show Alfred, because not only had Jason been asleep, but the little puppy was curled up in Jason’s arms, sleeping against his chest.
Now that Bruce had entered the room, however, the dog’s ears lowered and he sank further into Jason’s hold.
“Shh, it’s okay,” Jason whispered through a yawn, as he sat up, his hands holding the dog close, “It’s just Bruce. We like Bruce.”
Bruce couldn’t hide his smile as he shut the door behind him and crossed the room. “Everything okay?” he asked, as he knelt down and slowly ran his hand down the dog’s head, trying to reassure him a little.
“Yeah,” Jason said, his shoulders dropping a little, “You were right, he came right to me when I offered the food.”
“That’s good,” Bruce said, looking over at the half empty bowl of chicken, sitting up on the bench, “He only wanted half of it?”
Jason grimaced, a touch, and asked, “Remember when I first got here, I got sick cause I ate too much?”
With a nod, Bruce said, “Yes.” He remembered that clearly.
It had absolutely broke his heart to know three pancakes, a few pieces of bacon, and a scrambled egg had been enough to make Jason sick. Had been too much food.
They had to slow him down and put him on a rigid meal plan for the first couple weeks, just to get his tolerance back up. Three months later and he still was underweight, but at least he could eat a full meal and not get sick.
“I didn’t want the same thing to happen to him,” Jason said, turning his attention back down to the puppy, who looked up at him with big eyes, “so I was feeding him one piece at a time, and he started acting pretty full.” When Jason ran his hand down the dog’s back, he tried to stand up, and Bruce could see his tail twitch from under the blanket still wrapped around him. When he couldn’t stand up, he started licking at Jason’s arm, making Jason grin for a second.
“You’re a good kid,” Bruce said, setting a hand in Jason’s hair and ruffling it, a touch. A compassionate kid. Just when Bruce thought he couldn’t like Jason any more.
Jason hid his smile in the puppy’s fur.
“Come on,” Bruce said, standing back up and motioning with his head toward the bathroom, “Let’s get him a bath.”
Bruce led Jason to the large sink they mostly used for soaking things or washing things like their grapples, when necessary. But it was the perfect bathtub for a puppy, so Bruce scrubbed it down quickly, then plugged it up and filled it with a couple inches of warm water.
“Okay, set him down,” Bruce said, as he went through the various bottles of soap he’d purchased.
The puppy whined when his paws touched the water, and tried his best to stay in Jason’s arms.
“It’s okay,” Jason soothed, running his hands down the dog’s back, when he tried to climb out of the sink, “you’ll feel way better clean.”
Despite Jason’s reassurances, the puppy continued to whimper and try to escape the bath, so Bruce worked as quickly and as gently as he could, first washing him off with the regular shampoo, then with the flea shampoo, working it into his short, slightly matted fur carefully, sure to avoid his scrapes and cuts. All the while Jason kept murmuring at him and offering gentle scratches to his head, between his eyes, and his snout. The puppy’s ears remained down, and his tail tucked between his legs, but he did quit whimpering and trying to escape Bruce’s hands.
“Have you thought of a name?” Bruce asked, while he was gently pouring clean water over the puppy’s back, to rinse away the rest of the flea shampoo.
Jason merely shrugged, not even taking his eyes off the puppy, who was looking back at him pitifully.
“That’s okay,” Bruce said, “Take your time.” Bruce wouldn’t be able to name a dog on the spot, either.
Once Bruce was content the puppy was as clean as could be, he picked him up and placed him on a towel Jason spread out on the counter. Jason wrapped the towel around him, and rubbed him down, drying him off and petting him at the same time.
The puppy barked, the first not whimper sound Bruce had heard from him, when Jason flipped the towel over his face.
“What?” Jason asked, when he moved the towel, a big grin on his face, “You don’t like being blinded? How unreasonable.”
In response, the puppy barked again, and jumped up on Jason, putting his front paws on Jason’s shoulders while he started licking at Jason’s face, his tail wagging slightly behind him.
Leave it to Jason to win the puppy’s adoration in less than two hours. He’d basically done the same thing to both him and Alfred, after all.
Jason laughed, loud and clear, and tried to catch the puppy’s face with his hands and get him to stop licking at his face. “Stop it,” he said, through his laughter, “Buddy come on, that’s so gross.”
“All right, how about we take him outside first,” Bruce said, after he’d drained the sink and put away the supplies. Maybe if they took him outside first, Alfred’s introduction to the puppy wouldn't be cleaning up an accident on one of the carpets.
Alfred… Alfred would not appreciate that at all. And would likely begin demanding Bruce find a better home for him.
They’d also have to figure out where to keep him. Jason needed sleep, Bruce knew. And the puppy likely did as well. He just wasn’t sure where to do that. It was probably a terrible idea to trust the puppy in any room before they’ve had a chance to go through and make sure it was ‘puppy proof.’ And Bruce felt like all of them going to sleep was trusting the puppy alone, even if he was with one of them. Likely Jason.
Perhaps they should set up his crate, and get him acquainted to it. Establish it as a safe place that was all his.
“Hey, Bruce?” Jason asked, as they were taking the elevator up to the manor.
Bruce didn’t like taking the elevator, when not absolutely necessary. It was a good workout to climb the stairs, but Jason insisted on carrying the puppy, since he still cowered away from Bruce, and Bruce did not trust him on the stone stairs quite yet. There was no telling what would happen if they set the dog down free. Bruce had no faith he’d actually follow them, and if he did, that he’d be able to climb the stairs without falling.
And with Jason carrying the dog, he did not trust Jason on the stairs, either. Not that Bruce couldn’t easily catch him or the dog if the dog started squirming and Jason lost his balance or grip, but taking the elevator took away all the anxiety, so that was what they did.
“Yeah?” Bruce asked, when simply looking down at Jason hadn’t prompted him to continue.
Jason shifted from one foot to the other, his attention down on the puppy. He had a solid grip on the dog, with one arm under him and the other arm on top, holding him still. Not that he needed to hold the puppy still, since he had snuggled down into Jason’s arms and seemed content, just looking around at the elevator around them.
“Are, uh,” he finally started, but he paused to clear his throat, and asked a little more confidently, “Are we keeping him? Or just watching him until the shelters open?”
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened to the landing between the actual entrance to the house.
“Do you want to keep him?”
If Jason didn’t want to keep him, Bruce could certainly find him a loving home somewhere else, but he’d be a little shocked if, after how quickly Jason clearly has fallen for the puppy, he didn’t want him.
But Jason looked up at him, and Bruce could tell that Jason didn’t dare ask.
Another one of Jason’s little habits. Hide away the things he truly loved, play them down as ‘no big deal,’ all out of fear Bruce or Alfred would take them away from him. Why? Bruce didn’t know. And he was afraid to find out from where such a fear came.
All he and Alfred wanted was to give Jason the world. He’d spent far too much of his life without even the basic necessities. For once he deserved the things he wanted.
Bruce took a step to the side and wrapped his arm around Jason’s shoulders, trying to ignore how the puppy’s ears lowered and he tried to bury himself further into Jason’s hold. “If you want to keep him,” he said, pulling Jason to his side for a second, “We’ll keep him.”
“Really?” Jason asked, shifting in Bruce’s hold just a touch, but not pulling away, “You’re sure?”
“I wouldn’t have brought him home, if I wasn’t sure,” Bruce said, squeezing Jason a little tighter, “I’m ready to keep him forever.”
“Oh,” Jason whispered, as he looked back down at his puppy. When he didn’t say anything further, Bruce led him out of the elevator and into the manor.
Getting a collar on the puppy was quite the task. Every time Bruce tried to put it on him, he pulled away and tried to run. In the end, Bruce had to hold him still while Jason put it on him, whispering his reassurances the entire time. Just based on how the puppy kept flinching away, cowering from Bruce’s hands, he would have said fuck it, and let the dog be without a collar.
But he was terrified if they let the dog outside without a leash, he’d bolt and they’d never see him again. The coyotes or foxes or something would kill him. They did not have a fence, except for around Alfred’s garden, and Bruce knew letting the dog run free within the garden would not win any points with Alfred.
Finally, though, they got the collar secure and hooked the leash to it.
“If we’re keeping him, we really ought to have a harness for him instead,” Jason said, as he tried to lead the puppy out the door. He kept pulling on the leash, trying to run off, but would stop when the leash went taught and started pulling on his neck.
“I see what you mean,” Bruce said. It probably would be much safer and more comfortable for the puppy, in a harness rather than a collar. He hadn’t even considered that, when shopping. “How about I stay up here, so he stops trying to get away from me. You can take him out.”
Jason hesitated, but leaned over and ran a hand down the puppy’s back. The little dog looked up at him, then back at Bruce, and started to follow when Jason took a step down the patio stairs, toward the yard.
When Jason paused again, and looked back at Bruce, he said, “I’ll be right here watching, okay?” Being outside, alone, was not something Jason enjoyed much, completely understandably. Doing it while it was dark out hadn’t come up, yet, but Bruce could understand him being a little nervous about it. Even if the sky was starting to light up, with the twilight of the coming sunrise in an hour or so, Bruce wouldn’t go anywhere. He’d stay right on the patio, and wait for Jason and the puppy to get back.
“Okay,” Jason said, nodding a little, as he turned to lead the puppy out into the yard to do his business.
It took some coaxing, and about fifteen minutes, but finally the puppy relieved himself, and Jason rewarded him with one of the treats he’d tucked into his pocket, from the jar Bruce purchased. They’d both taken a few, just to start in on the training.
He had a lot of research to do come morning, on training.
Once Jason finished praising him and petting him, he started to lead him back up to the patio. It wasn’t until they reached the stairs did the puppy notice him, and start to pull on the leash to get away.
It killed Bruce, just a little, to think what other large men had done to the poor dog to make him so afraid. He’d warmed right up to Jason, but even with Bruce being gentle and kind and feeding him, he was still wary.
Just like Jason could be, at times.
“It’s just Bruce, buddy,” Jason said, kneeling down and running a hand down the puppy’s back, “I know he’s big but you don’t gotta be scared of him.”
“That’s right,” Bruce said, trying not to smile warmly and embarrass Jason. He took a few steps to the top of the stairs and knelt down, holding out a treat for the puppy. “Come here, bud.”
The puppy openly warred with himself, taking half steps forward and back, as he sniffed at the air in the direction of the treat. Bruce stayed still, and waited, until finally the puppy gave in and hopped up the four stairs, so he could sniff the treat more directly and snatch it from Bruce’s fingers.
“That’s a good boy,” Bruce said, pulling another treat out and holding it out with one hand, so he could scratch behind his ears with the other.
“See,” Jason said, smiling brightly, “Bruce is nice.”
Once inside, Bruce reluctantly let Jason take the leash off, and watched with a sigh as the puppy immediately found a bench to hide under in the mud room.
It was going to be a long process.
“Why don’t you work on getting him to the kitchen,” Bruce said, as he hung the leash up on the coat rack, “I’ll go prepare him another bowl of water.”
Jason nodded, and sat down on the floor, a good ten feet away from the puppy, so Bruce let him be and left, shutting the door behind him.
In the kitchen, he did as promised and filled a shallow bowl with water, and set it on the counter for when it was needed. Then he pulled out the crate he’d bought, one that was likely going to be too small once the puppy grew. It was meant for medium sized dogs, and Bruce had a feeling the dog would be squarely in the large category. It would work for the moment, though, so he opened it and started putting it together. They could figure out a good spot for it, later. When it was time for Jason to get some sleep.
He wasn’t quite sure what the dog’s breed was. Looking at his eyes, he looked a little like a pitt bull. His nose had some pitt qualities, as well, but the rest of his body looked more like a lab to Bruce. But he was gray, a solid gray, with light gray eyes.
Honestly, Bruce didn’t know a ton about dog breeds, so that was likely another thing he’d be researching, once Jason and the puppy finally went to bed.
Alfred was going to kill him, letting Jason basically stay up all night with only a couple short naps in strange spots.
Jason finally came into the kitchen a good fifteen minutes later, the little puppy trotting along, right by Jason’s side.
He didn’t startle, much, when he saw Bruce, but instead pushed to be right between Jason’s feet, and started looking around the kitchen.
“Impressive, son. Looks like he trusts you already,” Bruce said, as he continued opening all the toys he’d purchased. There were only a few, but each of them had zip ties and cardboard to remove before they could be given to the puppy.
With a bright smile, Jason took the bowl of water and knelt down, offering the dish to the puppy who eagerly started lapping it up, his little tail wagging happily as he did.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna name him?” Jason asked, sitting next to the bowl and watching as his puppy continued drinking, “He is your dog.”
Bruce paused from where he was freeing a little hotdog toy from its packaging and looked over at Jason. But Jason wasn’t looking at him, he was still staring at the dog, almost like he was pointedly not looking at Bruce.
“No, Jason,” he said slowly, frowning at himself that he obviously hadn’t been clear enough, “He’s your puppy. I brought him home for you.”
Jason didn’t say anything, just pulled his knees up to his chest, so Bruce ventured, “Unless you don’t want a dog?”
“No,” Jason said quickly, shaking his head, “I want him.”
With the hotdog freed, Bruce crossed the room and took a seat next to Jason, who didn’t look over at him still. The puppy did, however, and took a few steps to the side, but warily hopped back over to his bowl after a second, pausing every few sips of water to look at Bruce.
Jason absently placed a hand on the puppy’s head, then withdrew it, and hugged his knees a little tighter.
“Are you okay, lad?” Bruce asked.
“Yeah,” Jason said, dully, nodding a little as he did. Clearly not okay.
Jason and his moods were so unpredictable. The strangest things set him off, sometimes, and Bruce often felt like he were navigating the woods in the dark, without a flashlight, trying to talk to Jason when his moods hit.
Sometimes placing a hand on his back was welcomed, but other times, it was very not. And only set Jason off further.
So Bruce kept his hands to himself, and looked down at the stupid little hotdog in his hands.
He held it out to Jason, tapping him gently on legs with it to get his attention. It was a pretty dumb looking toy, in all honestly. A stuffed hotdog with a little smiling face on the front of the weiner. He’d known the second he saw it that Jason would get a kick out of it, so he couldn’t not buy it.
As expected, Jason smiled when he looked at the hotdog, and shifted into sitting crisscross as he took it from Bruce. “That is so cute,” he said, inspecting the whole thing, before turning his attention to the puppy, “Have you ever had a hotdog?”
The dog, of course, didn’t answer, but did look up when Jason squeezed the stuffed toy and found the squeaker inside. His little tail started wagging slowly when Jason squeaked it a few more times, then held it out for the puppy.
Clearly the dog had no idea what to do with a toy, at first. Because when Jason offered it to him, he trotted up closer and started sniffing at it rather intently.
“Bite it,” Jason said, pushing the toy at him a little more, “It’s yours buddy, you can play with it.”
It took another minute of experimenting, but the dog eventually took it from Jason, biting at it several times until he had a good grip on it. He jumped backward, and leaped around a couple times with it, as he kept working on his grip.
Finally, he seemed to be satisfied with how he was holding it, because he started shaking it aggressively, his tail wagging a mile a minute while he growled, a cute, very non-threatening little growl.
“You got it,” Jason said, grinning wide, “Good boy.”
Bruce draped one arm across Jason’s shoulders, hoping that with his upturned mood, he wouldn’t be too jumpy at the action.
He wasn’t, but he did look up at Bruce before relaxing into the arm.
“I’m glad you two are getting along already,” Bruce said, running his hand up and down Jason’s arm for a second before letting go, content to just sit there with Jason for a bit, watching the puppy fight with his new toy hotdog.
If the dog was going to be as big as Bruce imagined, it was unlikely the hotdog would survive very long.
Not if he kept playing with his toys that violently.
They lapsed into silence for a few minutes, just watching the dog as he trotted around the kitchen, flinging his hotdog around and going to ‘catch’ it, just so he could shake it around again and send it flying.
Eventually, Jason shifted again, pulling away from Bruce’s arm, so he removed it with one pat to his back. He placed his hands on his own knees, while Jason started hugging his again.
Bruce didn’t bother telling Jason he was right there, ready to listen to whatever Jason had going on inside his head. If he did, Jason would roll his eyes and make some joke, or completely brush Bruce aside and try and forget about whatever it was.
So instead he waited.
The puppy bounced over to Jason after a few minutes, and set the hotdog down next to him. But when Jason reached out to pick it up, he changed his mind and quickly grabbed it, trying to pull it away before Jason could take it.
“Why this puppy?” Jason finally asked, while he taunted the dog by tugging at the toy. He acted like he was letting the puppy have it, then pulled it, pulling the entire dog with him.
The little growls he got in response were cute, though Bruce knew it wasn’t a behavior they’d be able to tolerate long. Growling at them, even while in play, probably wasn’t a good behavior to encourage in a dog.
Bruce shrugged and said, “He’s the puppy I found.” There hadn’t been anything special about him, he supposed.
Except that he’d found the dog in Crime Alley. And had been starkly reminded of Jason.
Which still was not something he was going to tell Jason.
Because Jason was not a dog, and Bruce did not think of Jason as a dog in the least bit.
Even if he had found Jason starving and alone in Crime Alley, too…
“But,” Jason said, when the puppy had ‘won’ the hotdog and carried it five feet away to keep playing with, “What if he turns out to be bad behaved and, like, pees on all the old rugs.”
Why was that even something Jason was worrying about? Of course the dog was going to pee on the rugs. He was pretty sure it was part and parcel to owning a dog. They’d be damned lucky if that was the worst thing the dog did.
“Then I guess we’ll buy some new rugs,” he said with a shrug.
“But,” Jason said, looking up at Bruce with slightly wide eyes, “what if he tears up all the sofas. And eats your shoes. And bites you. And, and—”
“Jay,” Bruce interrupted. wrapping his arm back around Jason’s shoulders. He saw the problem, now.
Willis had ditched Sparky at some park, all because he bit him. Likely protecting Jason, if Bruce’s suspicions were correct. Why would Jason believe Bruce would be any different?
Even though Bruce had been trying his hardest to be absolutely nothing like Willis Todd.
He’d rather die than be anything like that sorry excuse for a man. Jason deserved so much better than him. And while Bruce didn’t think he lived up to everything Jason deserved in a parent… he at least hoped he was better than Willis.
But Willis was Jason’s example of a father, so Bruce could not blame him for expecting Bruce to act like him.
How did one convince a little boy that unconditional love existed, when he had never experienced it before?
“He’s part of the family now,” Bruce eventually said, pulling Jason into his side when Jason didn’t shy away from his hold, “He might do things to make me upset sometimes, but that’s okay. I’ll still love him, and I’ll never hurt him or kick him out, because I’d never do that to my family. No matter what they did or how mad I got.”
Jason’s lip twitched, slightly, as he sank into Bruce’s hug. He took a moment, but finally sat up and asked, a smirk on his face, “What if I peed on the carpet?”
“Would it be on purpose?” Bruce asked, seriously. Because it did matter, even if Jason thought it was just a funny joke.
All Jason did was snicker, and say, “Yeah.”
“Well then,” he said, “You would clean it up and then we would have a very long, very serious conversation about what the hell you were thinking.” He jostled Jason a little, playfully, and offered him a smile when he looked up. “And then you would apologize to Alfred profusely”
“That’s it?” Jason asked, but he was outright grinning, so Bruce figured it was all landing the right way.
“That’s it,” Bruce confirmed, “Although Alfred might make you do a bunch of chores after.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
“I think we can forgive the puppy, though, if he does it on accident while being house trained.”
“Good,” Jason said. He pulled away from Bruce’s arm, again, so Bruce let go once more, “he’s just a baby.”
“That’s right. He doesn’t know any better.”
The puppy had laid down across the kitchen, his head resting on top of the toy hotdog while he just looked at them, his eyelids drooping more and more with each blink.
It was just about bedtime for all of them.
“I,” Jason started, before Bruce could open his mouth and voice that thought, “I was thinking ‘Gable.’ For his name.”
“Gable?” Bruce said, turning the name over in his head, “From Anne of Green Gables?” He knew that had become one of Jason’s favorite books, after he’d read it his second week in the manor.
“Yeah, because he’s gray, and Anne had gray eyes.”
“Ah.” It was a good name, he thought. “I like it. It suits him.”
Jason smiled, one of his sweet, shy smiles, and held a hand out to Gable. “Come here, Gable,” he said, “are you tired?”
“Yes, I think we should take him outside one more time, and then both of you need to get some sleep.”
Gable stood, at Jason’s continued prodding, and started to walk over to them, but then the kitchen door opened and Alfred walked in, carrying an empty breakfast tray, likely so he could begin preparing breakfast for them.
“Dear heavens,” he swore, dropping the tray to the ground as Gable ran past him, right toward Jason. But when the tray hit the ground in a loud crash, he jumped, and changed trajectory toward a small table up against the wall, that had a shelf under it and about eight inches of clearance between it and the ground. Gable squeezed himself in there, and turned around so he was looking out at all of them, but was as far under the shelf as he could be.
“Gable,” Jason said, scrambling to his feet to get across the room to where Gable was cowering, “it’s okay, shhh. It’s just Alfred.”
“Sorry, Alfred,” Bruce said, as he got to his feet and picked up the tray for Alfred, “I was going to warn you.” He did feel bad for startling Alfred so hard. He, too, would be a bit startled, he hated to admit, if he saw a dog he wasn’t expecting in the kitchen at 6am.
“What in heavens is that doing in this house,” Alfred asked, directing all his ire at Bruce.
Bruce shrank back, a little, but then looked over at Jason. Jason had laid out on his stomach, the same as earlier, and was completely ignoring them while he gently spoke to Gable, offering him a treat and promising him everything was perfectly okay.
“No one here’s going to hurt you,” he was whispering, “I promise.”
“We kind of adopted a dog last night,” Bruce said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Alfred opened his mouth, like he was about to dispel a whole pile of vitriol at that, and likely demand Bruce return the puppy immediately.
He had been quite clear, on a number of occasions, that there would be no animals in his house… Or, more specifically, no filthy animals in his house, causing him more work.
But they were interrupted by a little bark, followed by some laughter.
Looking over at Jason, Bruce found him still on his stomach, but the puppy now out from his hiding place. He had one of his paws in the air, and was batting at Jason’s hair as he jumped around, Jason with his face hiding in the crook of an arm, the other hand trying to catch Gable’s paw as he giggled. “Stop, stop, you’re pulling my hair.”
Alfred visibly softened, so Bruce whispered to him, quiet enough that Jason likely couldn’t hear them, even if he were paying attention, “I found him in an alley, starving and alone.”
With a sigh, Alfred ran a hand over his face, and finally murmured back, “I suppose this is the more… traditional stray you’ve brought back.”
Jason rolled on his back, and Gable bounced over to where he was, and started climbing up onto his chest to get a better angle to lick his face, only eliciting more giggles from Jason.
“They’ll be good for each other,” Bruce whispered.
Alfred sighed one last time, and turned toward the counters, where he dug out a pan. “I hope you know I will never hear the end of this from Master Dick. The number of times he begged for a puppy.”
“I know,” Bruce said, grimacing. Dick was going to throw a fit about it, because even Bruce had told him ‘no’ about a dog. But then he’d fall immediately in love with Gable, and likely get over it.
He’d understand, too. If he took the time to listen to Bruce’s explanation of why a puppy was good for an abused, anxious kid.
“Rule number one,” Alfred said, much louder for Jason to hear, “dogs are not allowed in the kitchen or dining room.”
“Aw, Alfred,” Jason started whining, picking Gable up so he could sit up with him, “But—“
“No buts, Master Jason,” Alfred asserted, “This manor is plenty big enough, it will not harm him to ban him from these two rooms. It is simply unsanitary to have a dog slobbering all over my kitchen while I’m cooking, therefore he is not allowed under any circumstances in these rooms, please train him accordingly.”
Jason frowned, for half a second, before absolutely lighting up. “Wait,” he said, hopping to his feet, Gable struggling in his arms to be let down, “So we’re keeping him? For real, for real?”
“Jay I told you—“ Bruce started, but Jason cut him off.
“Yeah, but we all know Alfred’s the real boss around here.”
“Hey,” Bruce protested, but there was no heat behind it.
It was true.
Jason set Gable down on the ground, and watched in amusement as he ran over to his hotdog and picked it up, then pushed his way back between Jason’s feet.
“Yes,” Alfred said, clearly trying, but failing, to keep the smile off his face, “If you can take care of him, you may keep him. He is your responsibility, not mine. I expect you do do the research necessary for training puppies up into well behaved dogs.” Half way through his spiel, he turned toward Bruce and raised an eyebrow at him, so Bruce nodded right along with Jason.
“All right,” Jason cheered, kneeling down to jostle Gable’s ears, while Gable licked at his face again.
“How about you take him outside again, Jay,” Bruce said, before Jason and the puppy lost the little bout of energy they’d both found, “I want both of you to at least take a nap this morning, and he should probably go before that happens.”
“Sure,” Jason said, hopping up to his feet, “come on, Gable. Let’s go outside. You’ll like it more now that it’s lighter outside.”
“Don’t forget his leash,” Bruce called after him, as Jason skipped out of the room, Gable following close behind.
“I know,” Jason shouted back.
Alfred huffed a short laugh, as he pulled out some breakfast sausage, and got to work preparing them a breakfast.
“Thanks for that, Alf,” Bruce said, once he’d heard Jason make it into the mudroom, “I think it’s really going to help him.”
“Of course my boy,” Alfred said, smiling fondly as he placed sausage on the skillet to cook. His expression shifted, and he turned to Bruce, pointing his spatula at him, “But I was serious. I will not be cleaning pee out of my carpets, do you understand? If that dog—“
“Got it,” Bruce said, holding his hands up, “We’ll handle it, don’t worry.”
Bruce was confident in his ability to clean a rug.
And if he couldn’t, well…
He was certainly capable of hauling it away to the dump and ordering a new one online.
If that was the price he paid for giving Jason the joy he’d already experienced that morning, then Bruce was willing to pay it a hundred times over.
Because for Jason, Bruce would do anything. He deserved nothing less.
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undertheknightwing · 3 years
Posted by popular demand: all my dad!Dick Grayson headcanons! 
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I’m doing the canonverse ones first. My au ones will be in a separate post so this one doesn’t get too long! Enjoy random stuff I’ve thought of!
Important note: when I say ‘canonverse’ I mean I could see it happening in the show’s universe more than an au, I don’t mean everything is going to fit perfectly with the canon storyline we got since there’s not much I can headcanon with the real storyline anyway. Nothing is going on but useless drama and shitty treatment of the main characters. So keep that in mind,,
Dick had a hard time admitting to himself that he cared for Gar and Rach as if they were his kids because of the whole ‘i don’t do family, i work alone’ thing. Tbh the thought of loving someone again, let alone two people, with his luck of family death and misfortune was scary to him and that’s why after Asylum, he left the two in Angela’s care. He knew he was getting too attached to them (that became clear to him when he went dad rage mode on the guards). Then the Trigon thing started and when he realized he led Rachel and Gar into a trap without knowing, he said ‘fuck it they are my kids and they’re in some serious trouble, I’m going to get them out of that trouble even if it kills me’ and that’s why he ran head on into that force field with his only thought being: ‘my kids are in trouble and I will protect them. Nothing can stop me, not even a demonic force field.’
He treats the kids as equally as he can in normal life situations. Like if Rach got to choose dinner the night before, now It’s Gar’s turn to choose. But when it comes to how to comfort them, that’s when he has to change it up because both kids feel comforted in different ways. Both get nightmares and he had to learn how to handle the situation differently for the two. If Rach has a nightmare, he’ll know cause she wakes him up and they’ll talk about it together until she’s calm enough to go back to bed. Now, if Gar has a nightmare, he’ll hear it cause Gar’s usually screaming, which turns into panicking after Dick wakes him up and then him holding onto Dick while crying. Not much talking on Gar’s end, it’s Dick who’ll say a few words. Rachel needs words to feel comforted because her mother hugged and kissed her growing up but they never really talked, so she felt like she never knew her mother while Gar needs physical affection because he grew up without it and got his thoughts and emotions manipulated by words. And throughout the next day, he’ll check on the Gar or Rachel to make sure they’re doing alright.
When Dick went to Doom Manor to get Rachel, that man did not think he’d be leaving Doom Manor with another kid but surprise! he does. Why though? the show never explains why Dick just decided to take a random kid with them. Well in my headcanon it’s because Rachel refused to leave Gar with the Doom Patrol and to help Dick realize that Gar was being treated horribly here, she used her abilities to show him what Gar’s been going through. Dick saw the things Rachel saw like Chief shooting him just because he stood up for himself and the things she didn’t see, like all the times Chief treated Gar like he was worthless trash and the Patrol’s neglect by keeping him down in a basement with nothing to keep him entertained or company. Dick wasn’t going to let a child be treated like that. Since Chief was knocked out, he just talked to the other three and by talk, I mean rip into like an angry momma bear and tell them he’s taking Gar with him. Cliff wasn’t a fan of how Dick came in and acted like he’s entitled to whatever he wants. That ended with Dick and Cliff screaming over each other until Rita allowed Dick to take Gar with them, though Dick wasn’t looking for permission from them, just an agreement from Gar himself. He got that rather quickly. 
He’s never raised his voice at either of the kids in anger. Not even when Gar almost got himself killed by following Jason, he made sure Gar knew he was disappointed and upset with him by calmly explaining; not yelling. No shock to anyone there that Dick has some issues with his anger and he’s afraid one day he’ll take it out the wrong way on the kids and say something he doesn’t mean just because he’s angry/stressed, ultimately harming his relationship with them. I think the only time he’d actually yell at one of them is in serious situations, like if one of them froze up during a mission, making them an easier target, he’d yell their name or something to try to get their attention and snap out of it.
Kind of on the same note, how he manages worry is very different. He will be over the top about it. He’s very dramatic. Rachel got sick and better believe he learned how to make homemade chicken noodle soup because Alfred would do the same with him. Besides that, he’ll hover around her just in case she needs him, which Rach might take advantage of just a little because what kid doesn’t? She’ll have Dick carry her to bed and tuck her in. Gar slipped during a race with Jason up the net wall in the training room and broke his arm since ya know, he fell onto that hard ass mat and since him nor Rachel can go to the hospital because they’re metahumans, Dick had to fix Gar’s arm, which he wasn’t thrilled about since he was afraid he’d make it worse, but Alfred (over the phone) walked him through it and Gar turned out fine, no further injuries. The only thing Gar got was an overprotective bird dad constantly wanting to be around him and Gar was 100% cool with that. They got some well deserved father-son time. I’m also going with Dick feels awful about Gar’s injury because he wasn’t around when it happened so he couldn’t try to catch him and hearing ‘Gar fell from the net wall and he’s not moving’ coming from a panicking Rachel threw him into a completely frantic state of mind. It’s all worry for Dick but Gar helps him feel better with his cheesy jokes and puns.
 I have a feeling after a few months around him, Gar and Rach start adopting Dick’s reactions to certain things and his mannerisms. Dick feels conflicted about the whole thing. There’s a lot about him he’d rather them not replicate. But Rachel doing his pondering face where he puts his hand over his mouth and Gar folding his arms and leaning against whatever he can when people talk to him, like Dick does quite often, is fine with him. If this teaches him anything, it’s to fix his own act and be a good example. 
Dick doesn’t favor either kid, they’re both his favorite but there’s certain things they do that would be considered his favorite things about said kid. Like the way Rachel hums or softly sings her favorite songs while painting/drawing and Gar’s loud bursts of genuine laughter that turn into snorts the longer he laughs. The surprise and love he felt when Rachel gave him a sketch she did of him, he put it on the fridge and probably went to cry in his bedroom so no one saw him. Dick’s not known for his laughter, and most people haven’t even seen him smile, yet Gar seems to get him to do both more than he’s ever in years. The first time Dick has laughed so hard that he started crying was to some sarcastic joke Gar made about a commercial when the living room had been silent for awhile. The day Gar’s favorite show is new is also one of Dick’s favorite days because when the episode is over Gar rushes to him all happy and tells him about it like: “dude, dude you won’t believe it I was so shocked!”. Honestly seeing Gar and Rachel truly happy is his favorite thing in the whole universe.
I feel like there’s been a few times where Dick has been sad that Gar and Rach aren’t really his kids. He wishes he could have given them a happy childhood. Rachel shouldn’t have had to be terrified of her abilities and lied to cause of them and Gar shouldn’t have had to raise himself and be shut away like he was some kind of monster. 
At some point before they all reached the tower or the day after, Dick had to take the kids shopping because where did their outfits come from (and room décor?). This is the first time they’ve all been in a normal situation together and Dick learned a few things. Rachel had no problem being around crowds of people due to her more normal upbringing while Gar stared wide eyed at everyone like he had no idea what to do. Dick assumed since Gar’s been isolated from the world around him for so long mixed with his enhanced senses, he got overwhelmed by all the noises and sights. So Dick told him to focus on him and his voice until his senses get used to the many things happening around him. And that Gar could hold Dick’s hand if he wanted, which he did. He also learned that every piece of clothing Rachel wanted was either black or dark blue, there is no in-between, making Dick jokingly wonder if Rachel is secretly related to Bruce. Then with Gar, all his clothing is bright and busy,, matching his personality. I’m also going with this conversation happened at some point: “Hey, Dick, why don’t you get yourself something while we’re here?” “I don’t have enough money for me, just you two.” “You don’t take whatever you want? I do.” “Umm.. no? That’d be steali-- YOU WHAT.”
On the note of clothes, both of the kids absolutely wear Dick’s clothes. If he can’t find one of his shirts or hoodies, he’s pretty sure one of the kids took it and it’ll be obvious it’s his even if it’s plain cause his clothes are huge on them. He never asked them why they steal his clothes but goes with it comforts them in some way.
One night when Rachel couldn’t sleep, she wandered out to the living room where Dick was still awake and watching tv. She tells him she couldn’t fall asleep so he gives her permission to stay up with him. Dick’s tv show quickly turned into a disney movie after that decision was made and Dick’s not the kind of person who has an easy time sitting through all the marshmallowy stories and singing of those movies but they make Rachel happy so he’ll sit through one for her. He’d rather Rachel watch a kid’s movie than his true crime shows anyway. Rach falls asleep cuddling Dick before the movie ends and instead of taking her back to her room, he lets her stay asleep there and goes to sleep himself because she’s comfy and he’s not going to disturb her. 
Gar expends so much energy during the day that when he goes to his room to chill before bed, he usually falls asleep with everything on in his room and without being covered up because he just passes out. Knowing that fact, Dick finishes the rest for him. Go in Gar’s room, take the ps4 controller out of his hand (cause he normally streams his shows on his ps4), turn everything off besides the green night light, cover Gar up and just because, place one of Gar’s tiger plushies with him, which leads to Gar the next day being like: “really dude? The tiger again. You’re not funny.” and Dick answering: “I’ll stop when you fall asleep correctly.”
Dick now knows how to braid hair multiple ways thanks to Rachel. When the original Titans returned, Dawn said how beautiful Rachel’s hair was, asking if she did it herself and when Rachel said “No, I wish I could. Dick did it for me, he’s great!” Dawn just stood there, not knowing how to respond because the Dick Grayson she remembered would chuckle and act like she didn’t even speak when she’d ask him to do her hair in the past. Gar’s s2 hair was done by Dick as well. The kids said “our hair is boring, can you fix it” and Dick’s inner Wayne surfaced.  
At some point the kids are going to call Dick their dad and he’ll cry, no doubt about that. By the nature of the show, I’d imagine it’d happen during or after some serious thing. For Rachel, it’d be during the s2 premiere. After Trigon is defeated and they’re all settling into Titans Tower, Dick goes to check on Rachel. The day was pretty rough for her. At first Rachel tries to act cool, like nothing is bothering her, but Dick can see through that and she knows. Eventually they get into a deep conversation about Rachel’s destiny, her father, and her feelings about it all. At some point Dick says something on the line of “I'm sorry you never had a real father” after Rachel compares her upbringing to Dick’s. Rachel smiles and tells him she has a real father, it’s him. Sure he’s a little late to the party, but he showed up when she needed him the most and stayed. This will be the first time Rachel will see Dick cry. For Gar, it’ll be after he gets over some sickness his powers gave him since they’re connected to his system and didn’t get finished by the Chief to be properly balanced, they can get out of line. He gets weak and loses his bright green hair/eyes, turning them a dull forest green. It’s not deadly, it’s just his version of the flu. When he’s finally over it and turns back to his normal self, Dick is all overly worried parent to him and Gar, being Gar, has to joke with him first: “jeez man, you are such a parent! All that worrying and pacing you were doing yikes! I think my legs would have fallen off haha!” before going into the soft stuff: “but, it shows that you’re a good one. better than my folks.. thanks, dad-- for, like, everything you did these few days.” then cue Dick pulling Gar into a hug and crying like ‘my purest angel son too precious for this world’.
Early on, Dick kind of sucked at being affectionate through words because Bruce was never with him, so he really didn’t know how to. Instead, he’d buy the kids things they’ve always wanted or things that reminded him of them, like a wooden pencil case carved in the shape of a raven’s feather for Rach and a tropical jurassic park themed backpack for Gar. The ‘hey I saw this and it reminded me of you so I bought it’ gifts are the kids’ favorites.
Ya know that cauliflower pizza Dick makes in s2? Yeah better believe I have a headcanon for why he makes that type of pizza specifically. Dick was having a hard time forgiving himself for killing Gar even if it was Trigon controlling him and this was when he didn’t know how to talk about his feelings, so instead of trying to have a conversation with Gar about it, he decided to do something else to say ‘I’m sorry’. He’s pretty good at cooking (thanks Alfred!) and knows Gar’s favorite food is pizza and that he’s vegan, there’s got to be something he can do with that and as we know, there is. A knock on his bedroom door made Gar remove himself from a video game and see what’s up. On the floor sat a pizza box with a note typed on that read: “I know this is stupid and I need to work on my communication skills, but I’m so sorry for what happened. I hope someday you can forgive me.” now my reasoning for why Gar jokes about said pizza with Rachel is because he and Dick don’t really have a lot that’s just theirs. Dick and Rachel have a lot they share together and Gar kind of wants something he can share with his new dad. So joking about it is his way of covering up his real feelings and no offence to his sister, but he knows how she gets when she feels left out of something so it’s best if he keeps this one thing between him and Dick.
On the weekends aka no training days, Dick normally takes Rach and Gar out so they can do normal kid things. He refuses to be like Bruce and keep the kids shut in the tower all day to ‘keep them safe’ like he did with Dick in the Manor. They need fresh air, sunshine, and fun. Plus he’s with them so if trouble shows up whether by one of their powers or something else, he’ll take care of it. Day activities will be: going to places like the park or the mall, get lunch somewhere, go to the store cause grocery shopping day is Saturday, make dinner at home, then finish the day with a movie. If the daytime is busy with over-do chores and a long time at the store, then night activities will be: going to dinner, either going on a relaxing drive while the kids play their favorite songs over the radio or going on a walk. Both include slushies and snacks for Gar and Rach and coffee for Dick. The last thing of the day is still a movie but more than likely the kids will be asleep before it’s even halfway done and Dick has to carry them to bed. But that’s okay with him, he wouldn’t change it for the world.
There used to be a lot more for the canonverse but I added them into my Rewrite au cause they were already leaning towards au territory,, you’ll see them in my next post
I’ll probably turn some of these into a short fic at some point, but if you see one you’d like to write about, go for it! I’d love to read it!
tagging @not-so-mundane-after-all-97​ real quick cause I know she wants to see this post,,
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rason-rodd · 3 years
All The Time We Need - Jason Todd x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Summary: Reader and Jason meet again after two years being apart and reconnect with their long lost love.
Warning : Angst, Fluff, Smut  
Author’s note: A OS definitely inspired by my 2-years long hiatus and that somewhat acknowledges it. It was almost cathartic writing it and allowed me to reconnect with Jason on a writing scale. You can read it as a sequel to “Summer Love and Swimming Pool” or not. Some moments are a bit too cheesy to my taste but I hope you’ll enjoy it nevertheless. NSFW Part is at the end. You can skip that part if you want to.
You actually realise Time flies when you take time to acknowledge it. And sometimes acknowledging is like getting buried under a mountain of sand and feeling each grain slowly chocking you and reminding you there is no escaping. The sands of Time cannot be stopped, nor can they be shoveled. They run and slip through your fingers like dust in the wind and the tighter you try to grasp them the faster they go. And when they’re gone, there is no catching them back.     That’s why Time is scary. Because no matter what you do, it won’t allow you to go back or to put an end to it. And it will certainly not allow you to forget about it either. Time will pave your life until the day you die with a constant reminder that, unlike it, you’re not eternal. And the saddest thing is it doesn’t care about what you think of it.           And yet, it seemed like Jason Todd had managed to tell Time to go fuck itself. “How long has it been?”
He hadn’t changed a bit. Looking as handsome as ever. Always and eternally sporting the same disheveled short black hair and the same mischievous yet tortured blue eyes, eyes that had put you in more trouble than you could remember. “Two years or so … I don’t know.”             All you could remember was a passionate summertime infatuation that had burnt your body and your heart night and day like a hot and dazzling sun. A fading yet intense memory you secretly cherished and replayed in period of loneliness and that you couldn’t seem to be able to replace on the timeline of your life. “Still so beautiful, I see.” You scoffed and he chuckled. “What?”       “You haven’t changed a bit, have you?” He scratched his head; arm muscles compressed in a leather jacket à la Jason that made you wonder how he could bear wearing such a light jacket in such freezing weather. “I tend to believe constancy is a quality.” You goggled at his smile, childish, adorable yet naturally so seductive. The same smile that used to make your legs shake and turn to jell-o. “I didn’t know you were back in Gotham.”         “Right back at you. Last time I heard of you, you were in this little town … Hopletown, was it?”   “Appleton.” He corrected. “Looks like Timbo talks about me in my absence.”           “You’re his brother. Of course, he talks about you, just like everyone else in your family.” Judging by his signature small crooked smile on his face he seemed touched by your words, taking even time to ponder over them. Did the family really think of him in his absence?
Shivering, you tightened your wool coat around you, attempting to prevent the cold wind to infiltrate under the cloth and steal your body heat, as you let Jason think about what you had just said. But your reaction didn’t go unnoticed and it managed to pull him out of his train of thoughts. “Do you want to go somewhere warmer? We could have something to drink, catch on. I’m sure you got plenty to tell.”         “Not plenty but I could use a hot tea.” You confessed, already imagining the spicy smell of cinnamon and chai in your nostrils and the hot steam caressing your cold face.     “Amazing.” He grinned, genuinely happy and excited, a bit like a little boy at a toy store, and lowered your beanie to properly cover your ice-cold reddened ears. That gesture got you confused for a small second but it was so sweet and caring you eventually smiled. Ah Todd, always the overprotective type I see.
“So, what are you doing in Gotham City? I thought you wanted to ‘travel the world Dora The Explorer-style and get the hell out of this cesspool’?” He quoted you and your genuine chuckle made him smile but only briefly as you gained back your seriousness in a matter of seconds.
He could tell you were not the same girl he used to date two summers ago. You had changed, matured. You had become a woman, a woman who seemed to struggle with responsibilities so heavy they could crush her at any second. You looked tired, weary… sad even. The cheeky light in you was gone. And he wanted to know why. Not out of curiosity but to help you.           “Well, I did travel and it was awesome, like a dream come true. But I guess we always wake up from dreams eventually.” You looked down at your tea, looking at your pale reflection in the hot water, melancholia hitting you like a train. “My mother got sick and, well, her savings were not enough to pay for all the medical care so … let’s say I had to swap my backpack for a satchel… I work at Wayne Enterprises now. Bruce hired me, out of pity I suppose.”         “I’m sure it wasn’t out of pity.” You shrugged and Jason grabbed your hand and you looked up at him. “And I’m sorry about your mother. I know how it’s like to …”     “Do you still think about us?” You abruptly cut him short, not willing to keep talking about your personal issues or to plunge Jason back in dark memories that you know were very hard for him to handle.     Sure, you could have chosen another question, another topic of conversation but the thing was that those words were niggling at you since the moment you two broke up. “I mean do you happen to think about what happened between us?”
Jason didn’t answer at first, more out of surprise than out of hesitation because there was none. There was just one answer to that question. Of course.             Of course he had thought about you all over those two years. Of course he had thought about what happened, about the moments spent with you – however ephemeral they had been -, about that love he had felt and had never learned to completely erase despite the women who had entered and exited his life. Of course there had been nights in which he had replayed the lustful burning memories of you in his arms, against him, against his naked body. Of course was the answer. But not the answer he gave you. “Come with me.” He forced you to get up and slammed a fifty-dollar bill against the table, not caring about the hot chocolate he hadn’t finished or the blueberry muffin you had barely touched. “But … the change.” You tried to protest.         “Fuck the change. I want to show you something.”
           Out of all the places in Gotham, you never thought he would have brought you here. “Why are we here, Jason?”       It was an ancient building, far from the fancy city centre and only a few blocks away from Crime Alley. Dilapidated, covered in colorful yet ugly graffiti, this place looked liked a landmark for drug dealers and junkies and it was an understatement to say that, without Jason’s company, it would have normally made you feel unsafe and uncomfortable.         “I grew up here, before Bruce took me in.” You glanced at Jason who was staring at the place with both disgust and melancholia. “I’ve always hated that place. But it was home. And I guess it made me… I guess that is because of that place that I somehow became the man I am today… I mean, if Jason Todd hadn’t grow up here with a junkie mother and a lousy father he would have never met Brue Wayne and never became …” He stopped, on purpose, you could tell it. “Even if I hate to, I come back here when I want to think of my past, when I’m looking for a reason to keep on fighting. This place is like my temple, a memento of who I am. Damn, you must think I’m crazy.”         “ No, not at all… ” You smiled and put your hand on his arm to reassure him. “Just very Romantic for the bad boy of the Wayne family.” You teased him, knowing perfectly that literature always been Jason’s hobbyhorse and that the whole bad boy thing was a persona, a thick armour he had made to protect himself.     “Blame Alfred. He’s the one who made me ready Wordsworth.” He joked, appreciating the small banter. “Follow me.”           You took the warm hand he offered you and followed him inside the decaying building, minding your step and trying to ignore the dirt and the potential rats.          
Once on the third floor, Jason pushed a rackety wooden door that cracked and squeaked on its hinges and you entered what once was his house. “You grew up here?” You asked only to fill the heavy void caused by this dreadful place. “It was the living room. Used to hide under the table there when my parents were fighting.”
You looked around you, trying to imagine a small Jason living in here. You always knew about his crappy childhood but there is a huge difference between what you had imagined based on the stories Jason had told you in the intimacy of your bedroom and this place.       “You asked me why we’re here.” You turned around and spotted Jason knelt on the dusty wooden floor, a small dusty shoebox that he had just taken from under a floorboard between his hands. “I’ve had this since I was a child. Used to keep the things I loved most in it. Somehow, even after I left this place, I never could take it away from here.” He handed it to you and you slowly opened it, careful not to drop it. You could tell this box was important to Jason.
The content left you silent and you sat on the floor near Jason to study it. “I never really opened it. I don’t like getting stuck in the past. It terrifies me.” You frowned, thinking about all the nightmares, all the anxiety attacks he used to have back in the days you were together. “I never showed it to anyone either but hopefully that’ll answer the question you asked me in that coffee shop.” The question? You had forgotten about it, way too overwhelmed by the sudden solemnity of this moment.  “Never?”           “You’re my first. You should be proud” He tried to joke to lighten the mood and it worked for a couple of seconds. Then, you saw it, among a dog toy, a broken necklace, a batarang and other small tokens. A photo of you two kissing and smiling. A Polaroid you had personally taken on the day when Tim had offered you the camera to illustrate your travel book. “You kept it.” You declared in a whisper.     “I told you. I keep the things I love most in that box.” You stared at Jason, at the cracks of melancholia and the vulnerability in his beautiful blue eyes he allowed only a few people to see. “Of course I thought of you over the years.”       You were not the cheesy romantic type. Jason was - something rooted to his love for gothic literature and poetry you supposed. But that sincere and pure confession got you all … flushed? bothered? You couldn’t really pinpoint the feeling but you could feel the shaky warmth spreading in your body, now paralyzed by the beauty of that moment. “Did you … think of me?”
If Time could stop, you would have chosen this moment to stop it. Here, now, away from your stressful life and its issues, away from all fears and all pains, with Jason and only him, forgetting about the past you’ll never be able to change or the future that vows to be uncertain and scary, thinking about what truly matters, now. “What do you think?” He chuckled and you saw his hand slightly twitch, as if he was hesitating to do something. And so you took it in yours and shared an umpteenth intimate look only he could read. “Sometimes I wish I’d never left.” Meaning, sometimes I wish I would have stayed and be with you.           “Trust me, princess. You made the right choice. Your life would have been miserable with me.” He tried to reassure you, in vain. After all, he could barely convince himself? “More miserable than the one I have right now? I seriously doubt it, Jay.” You frowned and finally got up, leaving Jason’s box on the ground, to watch at the sunset and its red golden rays from the shattered window. “What do you think would have happened had I stayed?” You had your ideas; small little ones of pure love, happiness and bliss that Jason would have managed to lock in that little box of his. “I have a better question, Y/N. What do you think can happen right now?” He was towering you, expecting an answer, waiting as he was gazing at your skin glowing under the soft light of the sun and at your shining eyes. “You tell me, Todd.” This sentence echoed in Jason’s head as a call.
And so his thumb brushed your cold cheek and you looked up at his face, your eyes glued to his features observing them and all the small details you hadn’t noticed before. A little scar thin as a needle on his right brow and a much bigger one, an invisible one that you could see in his eyes, the scar left by all the losses and the pains he had gone through recently. Roy, Bizarro, Artemis. Maybe Jason had changed as well after all. Maybe there was no secret to stop time. But he didn’t let you ponder over this and gently pressed his lips on yours.
He needed that. He had thought about it all day and the truth was, you had too. You welcomed his kiss without hesitation or second thoughts and came to press your small body against his - which seemed so tall and strong in comparison to yours – to instinctively look for safety and protection. “I missed you, princess.” He whispered close to your mouth for a brief second before capturing your full lips with his again. “I missed you too.” You confessed, hands over his hard chest, feeling his heart beat loudly under your palms.     Jason was holding you close now, his arms tightly circled around your form as if he was scared for you to leave, scared to be alone again. His fingers weaving in your hair, his head buried in the nape of your neck, he was pecking your delicate skin, smelling the sweet and heady perfume, glad it was exactly like the one he remembered. “Damn, Y/N. You’re still driving me crazy.”  He murmured as he allowed his hands to slide in your coat and under your jumper to caress your bare back, awakening a cheekiness that you thought was long gone. “I tend to believe constancy is a quality.” You quoted him.
           As soon as the door to your apartment slammed shut, your coat dropped to the floor and with hasty hands, Jason threw your beanie across the room, showing an excitement you had almost forgotten. It almost knocked an old crystal vase over but he couldn’t care less.   He had waited long enough. Two years to be precise and he couldn’t wait a second longer. “Bedroom?” He asked between two hungry kisses that were making you almost suffocating against him. “ At the end of the corridor.” You whispered, already breathless, as you managed to finally get rid of his leather jacket.       “Okay.” He suddenly grabbed you to hoist you up with incredible ease, hands under your ass, squeezing it on purpose. A lustful yet cheerful action that made you yelp in surprise.  “I’m already making you scream? Perfect.” He declared with an amused smile as he rushed towards the bedroom, with you in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist, his lips devouring yours.     “Wrong door.” You said as he tried to open the bathroom. “Fuck.” You giggled and very soon your body finally bounced on your bed as it landed on the soft mattress.
You attempted to sit down to admire Jason but before you could do anything the hasty young man was already on top of you, right in between your legs, his lips already kissing your hot belly as his hands were slowly pulling up your jumper above your lace-covered breasts.           That’s when your first moan finally escaped your mouth. “God. I missed that sound.” Jason mumbled against your shivering skin as he cupped and squeezed your round breasts. “Do it again.” He demanded, his tongue licking you up until it reached your cleavage. “Jason.” You moaned his name, feeling a very specific humid warmth forming in between your legs as you fingers were struggling to get rid of his green t-shirt.   He cursed and knelt on the bed to take off your jumper that he carelessly tossed on the nightstand. It knocked the lamp and the radio alarm clock to the ground with a loud clinking noise. “Can you stop breaking my stuff?” You joked and he apologized with another amused bright smile. “I’m sorry, princess”             “Are you? Show me how much.” You declared with an audacious confidence you hadn’t seen in a while. “Yes, ma’am.” Jason winked and immediately unbuttoned your jeans to pull them down along with your panties, revealing your wet and rosy womanhood begging for his attention. He sighed and took a deep breath when he saw it, glad to rediscover that little part of you. Slowly, his calloused fingers went to caress it, making you draw a sharp breath as your fingers tightened around the covers. You didn’t want him to tease you too long and you somewhat you know he wouldn’t. Not today. He was too excited and needy for that.     And so were you in a way judging by the certain frustration that made you mewl when Jason’s expert finger slowly entered you while his thumb came to tickle your swollen clit. You wanted him now but you had to admit you had missed his fingers down there, the same way you had missed everything about him. Which reminded you there was something you had to do. “Let’s even the odds, shall we? I want to see how you handle such a sweet torture.”   “Sweet torture?” He repeated with a cute chuckle as you unbuckled his leather belt. “How am I torturing you, Y/N?” You unzipped his black trousers and immediately plunged you hand in his underwear to gently grab his already hard cock, making Jason curse even more crudely than before.           You chuckled and free his shaft from his boxers to jerk him off. He was as thick and long as you remembered. You bit your lower lip, impatient to feel him inside you. “Like what you see?”             “Shut up.” You knelt on the mattress and immediately took his tip between your lips to suck it like a lollipop, enjoying the taste of his bitter pre-cum on your tongue and the sound of Jason’s sharp breath in your ears. “Damn it, princess.” He managed to say with half lidded eyes.   You licked his penis with a grin before finally welcoming it in your mouth with a lustful moan. How much you had missed it. “You know. I think I get what you mean by sweet torture now.” Jason confessed as he weaved his fingers in your soft hair, torn apart by two ideas: one, let you continue your amazing blow job. Two, fuck you like he never did before. But you did not listen and started bobbing your head the way you knew he loved, taking his dick as deep as you could without gagging around him. “Fucking hell, Y/N” Jason groaned as he grabbed your head between his hands to accompany your pace. “You’re fucking amazing.” Then, his hand gently slapped your ass and he bent over to kiss it with a loving smile that was swallowed by another growl of his as his abs violently tensed with pleasure. “Alright, enough.” He pushed you flat on your back and placed himself between your legs again. He kissed your folds and licked your slit to wet it even more than it already was to finally lingered on your clit that he sucked eagerly, forcing a guttural crying moan out of your tightly sealed lips. Damn, that tongue! “I thought you said enough.” You complained, your voice as low as a whisper.
Jason chuckled and smiled brightly before he eventually knelt in between your spread thighs. “God, how gorgeous you are.” He declared as he tapped his hard cock against your reddened lips, a cheeky gesture whose sole purpose was to make you beg. You knew it. “You want this?”       “Fuck, Jay.” You grumbled, moving your hips vigorously against his shaft, looking for a way to finally welcome it inside you. But Jason ignored your whim and bent over your body. “You want me?” His face was so close to yours you could feel his hot breath caressing your lips. “Yes.” You murmured. “I want you, Ja…” He did not let you finish your sentence and caught your lips with a burning eagerness, his hand around his cock guiding it inside you, making you moan in his mouth. “Fuck.” Jason growled between his gritted teeth as he felt himself slowly sinking inside of you. “I almost forgot you felt so tight.” “ I almost forgot you were so big.” You cleared your voice, an inexplicable mechanism to relax and allow his cock to fully enter and stretch you. “I know. Sorry.” He winced, adjusting his position on top of you to admire how beautiful you were around his penis and how perfect you pussy was for him. “Damn. I don’t know if I’ll last long, princess.” Jason admitted with a shiver and you cried out when he suddenly pulled out to push himself back inside of you with one long exquisite move. “That’s alright. We’ll do it again.”
Those last words made Jason grin in a way he had never done before as he was genuinely happy that you didn’t want this to be a one-time thing, a casual lay to remember the old good days.       So he immediately took a nice pace that quickened after each new thrust and you let your hands caress his smooth chest from his strong pectorals down to his divine abs and the chiselled V below his navel, finding him simply handsome. Then you nudged his rear with your ankles, pressing his hips closer to yours to take him deeper inside of you, and started moaning his name again, a strong wave of pleasure forming in your core, ready to drown you. “Jay!” His mouth met your neck and sucked on the thin skin with ardour. “Are you gonna cum for me, princess?” That was too much to handle. “Yeah” You cried out, tears of bliss watering your eyes.       “Cum for me then.” He didn’t have to say it twice. You dug your nails in his back and screamed loudly as your walls clenched around tightly his thick cock. “That’s it, princess.” He said as you kept calling his name on and on, sending him closer to a most awaited orgasm that he eventually reached and let explode in you under the shape of a loud growled “fuck” and beads of white seed right inside of you. “Y/N” Jason groaned between his gritted teeth as he thrust hard and deep in you for the last time, his sweaty forehead against yours. “Jay!” You shouted again while clawing at his back painfully enough to make him wince and hiss.     Then he stopped moving, exhausted and breathless just like you, and watched you sink in the mattress trying to catch your breath. He caressed your hair as you both slowly came down from cloud nine. A kiss on your nose and he whispered. “You’re okay?” and in spite of the silliness of the question you nodded. “Never been better.”
Your lips found each other again and Jason let himself lie down on you, placing his head on your breasts, listening to your hearts pounding and to your loud ragged breaths. “I missed you.” He whispered and he held you body against his.     “I missed you too.” You repeated as you planted a kiss in his wet dark hair. “Did you have to keep your jeans on?” The question escaped with a laugh and Jason chuckled. “You know me. Didn’t want to waste any time.” He managed to gather the little energy he had left to sit down and finally remove his trousers as he thought he would feel more comfortable without them. “Oops. I think I broke your clock.” He grimaced as he noticed you the broken device on the floor and the flickering numbers flashing up endlessly on the screen. “I don’t care.” You said as you pulled Jason back against you. “We’ve got all the time we need.”
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Their Redemption (Harley Quinn X Poison Ivy X Daughter!Reader)
Characters: Harley Quinn X Poison Ivy X Daughter!Reader
Universe: DC, Batman
Warnings: Mention of torture and abuse, mention of injuries, blood, and violence
Request: Oooo love that requests are open, could I ask for a story where poison ivy and Harley Quinn have adopted and raised a child together and she’s in her late teens (16-18years old) when the Joker kidnaps and tortures her to try and get Harley back so Harley and Ivy team up with  to save their daughter with a fluff ending? :))
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When Batman got the news that you were missing, he already had a good idea on what had happened to you, and he didn’t waste time on trying to locate you, and more importantly, locate the Joker. 
It seemed everyone in Gotham had heard of you. A few knew your name, like Bruce and his family, James Gordon, and a few criminals, like Crane and Penguin and Catwoman, though they were all very wary to tell people your name, or when anyone was around who didn’t know- they knew better, and knew they had to keep your safe. The rest of the world simply knew you as the daughter of Ivy and Harley. You had a nickname as their redemption. 
How the pair had found a way to legally adopt you was still under investigation, but no one could deny that they were good parents to you. Bruce and his sons had met you at least once, and they remembered how… normal you were. You once even asked Tim for help with your homework since you knew he was a ‘smarty pants’. Harley had made a safehouse in the city and converted it into a dreamhouse for her and her family. It was also noted that since your adoption, Ivy and Harley had calmed down and actually adored the experience of domestic life. They were starting to cut off some criminal links, and Ivy had mentioned to Batman that she’d spotted a place outside Gotham that seemed perfect. 
But now your missing, and hell had broke loose. Harley also had seemed to make the connection of who probably took you, as she was just defeated and ready to hand herself over so you could go with Ivy. Ivy wasn’t having it though, and was raising hell, ordering that Batman help her. And he did. Word spread of your predicament through out Gotham and soon even some goons were sent by others who knew you to give information on what they knew. It wasn’t long till Joker’s location was pinpointed, and you were confirmed to be in the same place.
“What do we do? He could have guns pointed at her at every angle.” Dick asked, looking at Bruce. Bruce quickly came up with a solution. 
“We need to tell her mothers.” 
The second the women got the location of their daughter, Ivy put together a plan, and Harley more than happily accepted her role, and Batman followed her orders as well, knowing that Ivy was not in the mood to be questioned. Not when it came to her daughter’s wellbeing, and Harley was willing to risk her own wellbeing if it meant getting her daughter to safety. You were the top, and only priority. 
You kept your eyes shut tight. There wasn’t a blindfold, but you just needed to block out as many senses as possible. He was taunting you, hurting you, torturing you, and you were terrified. Red Hood had told you about what he had done to him, and your mother had told you what the clown had done to your mom. You knew it would be a bad idea to talk back, and even worse to give him any reaction. So you bit your tongue, kept your eyes shut, and stayed still. You didn’t flinch when you felt the gun being pressed to your head, or when he ran a knife across your skin. You stayed perfectly still in the chair you were strapped down to. 
“Leave her alone, Joker.” Your mom’s voice interrupted the Joker taunting you with what he was going to do to you, right in your ear. You felt him move to stand up properly, turning to face her. You could hear how shaky her voice was and a gasp from her when she saw your state. You didn’t want to think of the blood and bruises he’d given you. “I’m here. Let her go.” She tried to act brave and have authority, but it was clearly a beg. She was begging to take your place. 
“Mom.” You finally reacted, crying for her, still too scared to open your eyes. 
“Let her go. I’m yours.” Harley insisted.
“You made a good call, Harley. Good thing you didn’t think to keep me waiting any longer.” Joker said, turning back to you, and you felt him cut the restraints on your arms, before you heard your mother roar, and a thump near your face and then another hit the floor. You felt something hit yout face and you flinched, turning to the side. There was silence before you heard your mother’s heavy breathing turning into sobs, and the sound of her bat hitting the wooden floor.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.” Harley sobbed, coming to your side and freeing you from the rest of your restraints, pulling you into her body to hug you tightly. You heard a door burst open and you were scared it was the goons and held her tightly, worried they’d shoot you both, before you felt another body hug you tightly. 
“It’s okay, we’re here.” Your mother’s voice soothed you.
“Nice aim Harley.” You heard Robin comment, and you eventually opened your eyes, seeing your mom’s blonde hair with red splattered in it, and your mother’s green tinted hand pulled your face to look at her, to check your face. 
“It’s okay. It’s over.” She assured you, before she turned to Harley, who still clung to you tightly in a hug, sobbing. “We need to get her out of here before police show up.” 
“Go. We’ll deal with this.” You turned at the sound of Batman’s voice, managing to get a glimpse of him and Robin, and them looking down at Joker who was face down, bleeding from the head.
“Need a hand?” Red Hood’s voice emerged from behind you, and your mother had to pry your mom to let go of you so he could pick you up for them. “To the safehouse?” He asked them. 
“No. The car. We’ll leaving tonight.” Harley sniffed, starting to be able to pull herself together, sending a glare to Joker’s body. “We’re getting as far away from him that we can, and we’re gonna be a nice, normal, family.” Harley stated, and Ivy put her arm around Harley, giving her a side hug, as they followed after Red Hood. 
“You’ll come visit right?” You asked the vigilante, exhausted and dizzy from the blood loss. 
“Do you have to ask? Your mom’s will have to kick me out the house.” He assured you, making you smile before you relaxed finally, fainting in exhaustion. “You sure you don’t want us to look at her injuries?” He offered. 
“I’ve got everything I need in the car. I’ll treat her while Harley drives.” Ivy assured. “We want to be out of Gotham by sunrise. Away from this. I’ve already got a job offer, and the deposit on the place has been paid.” She explained as Jason put you in the back of the car. It was a crappy, old thing but spacious, enough for you to lay in the back with space for your mother so she could look after you. 
“Thanks Red.” Harley patted his arm as she walked past him, getting in the driver’s seat. 
“Good luck. If you need us, don’t hesitate to get in contact. You know my safehouse number.” He told them as they shut the doors. Harley and Ivy smiled at him thankfully before the started the drive. Jason sighed, watching the car turn a corner. For once, a happy ending. You really were their redemption. 
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha x Romanoff : Escape
Summary: The Red Room haunts you, from the moment you stepped foot inside to long after you’ve left. Truth is, you don’t think there is any escaping it.
Warnings: 18+ Violence, Depression, Mentions of Death, Smut
!!Final Chapter!!
Chapter 16
Three broken bones. 
They’d need to be reset and wrapped but due to your enhanced abilities they would heal quickly. 
For now though they sit under an ice pack.
While you’re use to damage being done to your body in combat, the last circumstance you expected to be injured in was holding your wife’s hand.
Natasha had gripped your hand with not a single regard to the pained expression on your face and you’d paid very little attention to the damage she had done. Between her screams and the doctors calmed words you couldn’t care less.
Even after she had let it go and slumped in exhaustion you worked through the pain. With the sounds of your child crying, you hurry to the foot of the bed, picking up the scissors as instructed and cut the umbilical chord.
Now you watch as the doctor and nurses follow the basic procedure of weighing and cleaning your baby, and also attending to Natasha. 
Part of you feels a little useless as you stand to the side but more than anything you’re happy and concerned, slightly nervous. You really just want to hear that your wife will recover properly and that your baby is in perfect health.
As you wait for the nurses to finish up, you run the cool damp rag over your wife’s forehead, wiping away the sweat that had built up. You place a gentle kiss on her head, brushing away almost dried tears and loose strands of hair. 
“I’m so proud of you lyubov moya, I love you so much.” You whisper praise and honest words into her hair.
Natasha gives a sleepy smile to you,“ I love you too.” She sighs, eyes closing.
Her rest hasn’t even begun before the nurses are stepping over with your baby.
“Congratulations on your healthy baby girl.” The nurse speaks through the mask.
She eases your little girl into the open arms of your teary eyed wife. They both handle the baby with care and gentleness, treating her as if she’s porcelain. She’s more precious than that and you know it, which is what makes you even more nervous. 
During the pregnancy you had done everything you could to care for the baby and Natasha. Making sure Natasha ate properly and was equally as active as she was relaxing. Staying awake a littler longer than Natasha to ensure she remained comfortable and in the proper position while asleep. 
All of that still hadn’t prepared you for this moment. Nothing truly could have but that’s usually the case.
“Y/N,” swallowing, you focus on your wife as she sits up to hand your daughter to you.
That phrase repeats itself in your head as you accept her.
Your daughter. You make sure her head is rested properly on your arm.
Your daughter. You press her close to your chest to ensure she’s warm and safe.
Your daughter. 
A soft, almost inaudible coo escapes her lips. She just barely wiggles in your arms. And then those little eyes open.
When those emerald orbs stare back at you it’s an other worldly feeling. The emotions that swirl through your chest explode and fill you from head to toe. 
It was undeniable that Natasha’s green eyes could motivate you to move mountains. For the same green eyes that belonged to your daughter, you swore you would move the universe. 
“She has your eyes.” You breathe.
Natasha chuckles softly, mesmerized by the sight of you. 
The red head remembers every bit of your panic and nervousness the months prior to this. 
Staying up for hours reading pregnancy and child care books. Scurrying through the house to child proof every inch of it. Waking up in the middle of the night just to run your fingers over her stomach and make sure she and the baby were okay.
Admittedly Natasha had felt a little guilty during her pregnancy. There wasn’t a moment that you weren’t by her side. You attended to her cravings and the sporadic changes in her body, whether she was in pain or she needed you to fuck her into oblivion, without a second thought. 
With each symptom that came with each trimester you adjusted and did everything in your power to be there for Natasha and ultimately your child. And she didn’t miss the sleepiness that lingered in your eyes or the tired sighs you let out every so often. 
It brought the woman to tears more often than she’d like to admit, most times resulting in you trying to comfort her, which just made her cry more. She genuinely felt as if she was asking too much of you. 
But you reassured her, after she finally broke and told you how she was feeling, that you would do it all again in an instant(part of you thinking of the chance of you having to do it again should you both decide to have another child) because you love her and your baby. 
Every little move and decision you had made, despite your worry and doubt in yourself, you’d done it all because you love her and your daughter, and it all lead to this moment.
Right now, with your daughter cradled to your chest and love radiating off of you, Natasha knows that you’re going to be the greatest mother.
In the passing hours you both easily lose yourselves in her presence. Even as the nurses come in and out of the room to check on you all, has you sign all the necessary papers, and guide Natasha with breastfeeding, you remain completely entranced by the tiny human.
So much so that you’d forgotten about your friends and family out in the waiting room. One look at the clock reveals that they had indeed been waiting for ten hours. 
Before you do anything you check with Natasha. If she says she’s too tired you’ll tell them to go home until she’s ready. But the excitement of seeing her family meet her daughter keeps her awake. 
Fingers wringing together in excitement and remaining waves of nervousness, you step out the room and walk down the hall.
No one notices you at first, giving you a moment to take in all the support you and Natasha have.
The large waiting room is nearly full of Avengers and friends alike. Right beside the door sits the Captain himself clutching an adorable brown teddy bear. The three chairs beside him are occupied by the Starks: Tony sips from a cup of coffee with his arm thrown over his daughter, who is holding a slightly used white bunny rabbit with her mother on her opposite side.
Along the wall opposite the door sits the Bartons. Clint’s leg bounces up and down, Laura’s hand placed on the still one. Their children sit beside each other on Laura’s side, an assortment of balloons and flowers with them.
Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Carol, and Peter sit in the center of the room, the first holding a gift basket as a bag sits beside Carol’s foot. Lastly, seated behind them across three chairs is Bruce. It’d been years since you’d seen him in normal human form but it doesn’t surprise you that he chose this particular occasion to down size.
Making yourself known, you step into view. You’d never seen the group of heroes move so quickly before. They gather around you, an array of questions flying from their lips that causes you to smile.
“Calm down guys please.” Despite them shutting up, you still see the way they physically can’t calm.“ I am pleased to announce the birth of our perfectly healthy baby girl, Annalise Romanoff-Y/L/N.” 
The nurses are not happy with the cheer that bursts over the group and you’re quick to silence them. 
From there you bring back a few people at a time. The first group of course being Clint, Steve, and Tony. 
You enjoy seeing the big bad super solider get so nervous when Annalise is placed in his arms, you imagine that’s how you look if not more nervous when you hold her. And of course Clint and Tony handle her with the care of that of a father. 
The next group is Pepper, Morgan, Laura, Wanda, and Carol. Pepper and Laura, while very much in love with Annalise already, spend more time than the others checking in with Natasha. Which is to be expected, they’re the only ones who truly understand how wracking this all has been for Natasha. 
In groups of three, the last of your visitors come in. All of which want to hold your daughter. Except for Bucky, Morgan, and little Nathaniel. Truthfully you weren’t too sure about letting Peter hold her as he was more than a little nervous, you didn’t want the jumpy boy to drop your daughter so you sat him down before handing her over.
Like all things, visitation comes to an end. Natasha loses her last bits of strength to stay awake and after another feeding she and Annalise are asleep.
Of course you are tired, you’d woken up at three in the morning and have been alert and slightly on edge for ten hours. Still you stay awake, eyes spending equal amounts of time looking at your wife and daughter. 
Standing guard in the hospital room probably wasn’t necessary and you definitely need the sleep but you’ve already vowed in yourself to give anything for your girls. And it starts right now. 
***** ***** *****
“Heads up Mama!” 
Looking up at the sound of your wife’s voice, you catch the sight of your little girl quickly coming your way. You set down your drink, stand up, and scoop her into your arms. 
“What can I do for you little miss?” You ask, earning a toothy grin from her.
She buries her face in your neck seeing Natasha walk over, mumbling,“ want juice pop.” 
Your wife rolls her eyes in mock annoyance, a smile instantly taking over her face.
“Have I missed something?” You look from your daughter to your wife.
The older redhead nods,“ yes in fact you have. She wanted a snack and I pulled out her carrots and she took off toward you hoping to get a juice pop.”
There’s no denying that Annalise has both you and Natasha wrapped around her little fingers, and at the young age of three she knows exactly who to go to to get what she wants. 
You give Natasha a pout,“ awe, come on mommy, one little juice pop won’t hurt.”
Hearing that you’re on her side, Annalise sits up and looks at you, before pouting at Natasha as well,“ pease mommy. One little juice pop?”
“I’m a highly trained secret agent and you two think pouts is going to make me crack?” She looks from your e/c eyes to the green eyes of your daughter.
One glance at each other and you’re looking at her with pouts and puppy dog eyes. 
“Fine!” Her hands go up in surrender,“ you can have juice pops.”
The two of you waste no time going to get the sugary snacks, Annalise making sure to bring back a strawberry one for your wife as Natasha deemed it her favorite.
It had taken years, for things to finally start to settle. Rebuilding the world takes time, and despite the progress there is still much to be done. But with the compound having been completely redone(with more safety precautions installed than there were to protect the state) the team decided it was time to relax.
With today being ultimately rare, as no one was off on a mission or working in general, Tony called for a picnic at the compound. 
Gentle breezes pass through the large field, rustling the surrounding trees and wafting the nearby aromas: smoky scents of cooking meat from the grill, natural fruity tones from the table of healthy snacks and the contrasting sugary scents of the desert table. 
Obvious sounds of happiness fill the air. Childish shrieks and squeals come from the bounce castle that the Barton children, Morgan, and Peter occupy. Boisterous laughter from the super soldiers, God, and soldier who stand around the drink coolers. A harmless altercation between Tony and Bruce being instigated by Clint, Happy and Rhodey, that is quickly broken up by their wives as they head over to join Wanda and Carol under the shade. 
In this moment, watching all your friends spend the day together and seeing your daughter messily feed your wife a strawberry juice pop, you feel lighter than you ever have.
As a child you were taught that love is for children. Growing up you were trained and made to be a weapon. You’d done horrible things to people both good and bad. And for majority of your life you believed you were destined to do the bidding of the people who enslaved you, destined to live in the darkness you grew accustomed to.
Throughout that darkness there were shimmers of light, sprinkles of hope, and glimpses of a better future. 
Natalia had illuminated the darkness that the Red Room subjected you to, little moments together showing you that love isn’t for children. 
Natasha pulled you from the shadows HYDRA casted over you, proving that there’s more to you than the bad you’d done for them. 
Misses Y/L/N-Romanoff opened the door to a future of happiness you thought to be unattainable.
Each alias belonging to and assisting in the creation that is the woman that single handedly changed your entire life. The woman that loves you unconditionally, that introduced you to the large group of people you call your friends, and gave you your daughter, a gift beyond your wildest dreams. 
For the first time ever, with your family and friends surrounding you, you’d felt truly at peace. The demons of your past no longer loomed over you. You’d escaped the darkness they trapped you in. And nothing could mass the love and happiness it brings you.
Taglist: @thelastavenger-3000 @aaron-despair @messuhp@izalesbean @bvb-bk @username23345 @sighsam@confusinggemini612 @natasha-danvers @rileigh519@higherfurther-romanova  @dynnealberto
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mrs-daddyissues · 3 years
~ C H A P T E R  3 ~
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~ Masterlist ~
Pairing: Alfred Pennyworth x OFC
Series Summary: Sarabi Nichols is Bruce Wayne’s life long friend that aids in creating weaponry and making outfits. When she was younger she had a thing for Bruce but now her taste has aged. Considerably. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce’s guardian and butler is more her style now. Despite this knew found liking, Sarabi feels trapped. She can’t talk to Bruce about it and clearly can’t mention it to Alfred. The only person she has is her best friend, Claudia. Sarabi has to fight the things she feels for the older man because he could never feel the same way back, right?
{Normal} Playlist
{Slowed+Reverb} Playlist
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1725
Author’s Note: 
This part, I hope, is more intriguing the last two. I promise that the chapters from here on out will be get increasingly mature *if you catch my drift*.
"Would you like some tea, Miss Nichols?” Alfred asked as he stood from his desk in the Bat Cave to get some.
“Yes, please,” Sarabi replied while she rested back into her chair.
“With 3 sugars, yes, Miss Nichols I remember how you like your tea,” Alfred smiled from where he was and Sarabi chuckled.
Alfred and Sarabi had been working for 2 hours straight on the gauntlets and had made some progress. They knew how they were going to make them, they just needed to assemble them. Bruce was demanding, that was for sure, but at least he paid for everything. But being the billionaire he was, a couple hundred thousand was nothing.
Something Sarabi always wondered was how nobody knew he was Batman. Some simple profiling and common sense would reveal exactly who he was. With all the high-tech weapons he had, he must be wealthy in order to buy the materials needed. There was only one man in Gotham rich enough to pay for all those weapons and tools. He was hiding things like a Batmobile, plane and other automobiles and in order to hide those he needed a large, isolated property with a big bunker of sorts to hide it. He was also a 6 foot 3 white male with extensive martial arts training and computer science education. Simple profiling was all that Gotham Police Department needed. A profile would lead right back to Bruce.
“What is on your mind, Miss Nichols?” Alfred asked as he walked back over to the desk with two cups of steaming tea.
“How nobody can work out that Bruce is Batman. Like seriously? Some profiling would suffice. Thank you,” Sarabi took the cup of boiling tea and placed it on the desk.
“I most definitely agree but I think that secretly the police don’t want to reveal the Bat yet because he’s extremely helpful,” Alfred took a sip from the tea and hummed. Sarabi also took a sip and withheld the groan she could’ve let out.
“God, Alfred, did I miss your tea,” Sarabi commented with a small smile and watched Alfred’s eyes light up.
“I highly doubt it’s as good as the organic stuff in Italy,” Alfred scoffed before taking another gulp.
“Oh it certainly is,” Sarabi smirked and then took a massive sip of the delicious liquid. 
“Well, thank you, Miss Nichols,” Alfred nodded his head and Sarabi was going to correct him and tell him to just call her Sarabi but she realised it would do nothing.
Sarabi had been saying to Alfred for years to just call her Sarabi like everyone else but he never did. It was his sign of respect to her but that’s what kind of irked Sarabi. She did not see Alfred as below her and didn’t want him to think that. Sarabi hoped that Alfred knew she didn’t see him as below her because the thought saddened her.
Sarabi turned back to her notes on the gauntlets and when she looked up she noticed Alfred quickly look away from her. ‘He was looking at me’, Sarabi thought as she tried to hide the blush on her cheeks. She felt her cheeks start to fire up and confusion filled her brain. ‘Why am I trying not to blush? What the hell is happening?’ Sarabi tried to push his face out of her thoughts but it seemed to be stuck there like a splinter puncturing her psyche. 
“Are you ready to ask for Master Wayne’s opinion?” Alfred asked as the two stared at the trial gauntlets they had created.
6 hours had passed and they looked ready but the thought of how many hours spent on them made Sarabi tired. These weren’t the real ones and the real ones would take even more time. Alas, she knew it was her job to ready Bruce for whatever lay ahead.
“No,” Sarabi chuckled as Alfred pick up the phone in the cave and called Bruce.
“Master Wayne? Miss Nichols and I have come up with trials gauntlets if you wish to come down and see,” Alfred placed the phone back on the hook before he could even answer. 
“I don’t want to have to hear the whining,” Alfred wave his hand in a dismissive motion just as the elevator started moving. Sarabi snickered at Alfred’s catty but utterly hilarious approach to Bruce’s whiny tendencies.
“Here he is,” Sarabi nearly burst out laughing as he trudged into the cave. He looked fed up. Sarabi’s best guess is that a business deal didn’t go as planned, it was always put him in a bitter, foul mood. 
“This better be worth it,” he commented with a disgruntled groan and Alfred rolled his eyes.
“Master Wayne, you wanted us to make these and we did, so don’t complain,” Alfred ridiculed Bruce’s behaviour and he immediately stopped pouting. Sarabi marvelled at how Alfred could still have so much power over Bruce even when Bruce was a grown man. Bruce had a deep love and respect for Alfred and Sarabi knew he would never do anything to trouble the man. He was a stirrer and teased people but when Alfred told him to stop, he stopped. But, Sarabi noticed the small eye roll he gave when Alfred’s back was turned. Even as a 40-year-old man he still acted like a child.
“We haven’t tested them yet as we wanted you to see it first hand,” Sarabi presented the gauntlets and Bruce nodded.
“They look cool,” Bruce remarked as he looked upon the devices. They were black, obviously, and blended perfectly into his suit. 
“Well, Miss Nichols and I worked on them for about 8 hours so I hope they do. Let’s trial it shall we?” Alfred was clearly tired as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Alfred grabbed the alien gun sitting to his right and held it with precision. He angled it towards the gauntlet and Sarabi moved to Alfred’s side. She caught a whiff of Alfred’s scent which was a mixture of natural musk and a fancy cologne she didn’t recognise. She breathed in softly and sighed lightly at the pleasant smell. While Bruce drowned himself in cologne, Alfred let his natural aroma blend in with it. It was quickly becoming Sarabi’s favourite smell and this concerned her. ‘Why was everything about Alfred all of sudden alluring to me? Snap out of it!’ Sarabi thought as she realised what she was thinking. She was so concerned she was thinking those things about Alfred Pennyworth, a man about 50 years her senior. 
“You might want to move over, Master Wayne,” Alfred’s snarky comment snapped Sarabi out of her subconscious and back to the present. 
Bruce moved over to Sarabi’s side with a slight hint of annoyance. Alfred then shot the beam from the gun and it landed straight on the gauntlet. The gauntlet absorbed the energy and dissipated it. 
“Yes! Success!” Sarabi cheered while Alfred placed the gun back on the table.
“Well, that worked. Thank God,” Alfred mumbled the last part to himself.
“I think we did a great job, Alfred,” Sarabi praised with a small grin and revelled in Alfred’s small smirk in return. The smirk seemed innocent enough but it could be interrupted as holding something else. 
“I’m quite impressed, you want something to eat?” Bruce asked after a short investigation of the gauntlet.
“Yes, I am quite famished. What do you guys want me to cook?” Alfred queried without even a second thought.
“No, Alfred you’ve done enough work for today, we’ll order in,” Bruce replied quickly and didn’t give Alfred room to disapprove. 
“Pizza?” Bruce looked into Sarabi’s eyes and she nodded.
“I’ll eat anything,” Sarabi shrugged her shoulders, feeling very indifferent to what they ate.
“Great, I’ll go order some,” Bruce headed back up the lift as Alfred rolled his eyes.
“Takeaway food! All that grease will kill you,” Alfred condescended as Bruce’s large form retreated up into the house. 
“Like you’re cooking isn’t slowly giving us cancer,” Sarabi joked and watched as Alfred’s jaw dropped to the floor.
“Miss Nichols! I think my cooking is quite good,” Alfred defended himself and Sarabi broke down in giggles.
“Alfred, you’re cooking is amazing! I’m just poking fun!” Sarabi reached for her empty coffee cup just as Alfred’s did and they touched. As soon as their hands made contact, they both withdrew quickly.
“Apologies, Miss Nichols,” Alfred moved his hand up to fix his glasses and Sarabi noticed the light twinkle in his beautiful eyes. It wasn’t much, it was only a small glint of something but it was something. Sarabi picked up the coffee cup and cleared her throat from the lump that had formed.
“No, it’s fine Alfred, shit, I mean stuff, happens,” Sarabi stuttered before making her way to the elevator to avoid more embarrassment. She could feel her cheeks glow from excitement but also nerves. 
She pressed the button as Alfred walked up behind her. He stood slightly behind her and just close enough so that Sarabi could feel his breath on her neck. He didn’t say anything but his presence was enough to elicit an anxious but exhilarated feeling. 
The elevator landed on the floor and Alfred allowed her to walk in first. ‘Always a gentleman’, Sarabi thought to herself. The two, without saying a word, rode the elevator back up. Sarabi had to force herself to not look at Alfred, no matter how hard it was. Once they were up in the house, Sarabi made her way to her bedroom as fast as she could.
She took off her jacket and shoes, suddenly feeling very hot. Her body warmed up as she laid down and tried to calm her racing heart. Sarabi looked up the beige ceiling and contemplated everything in her life.
She was finding Alfred attractive. Not just his looks but his being. His scent, his voice and this was a problem. Sarabi had never been attracted to many people save for Bruce at one point and some kid from her part-time orphanage but she definitely never saw herself liking Alfred, of all people. When she left for Europe, Alfred was just her friend and work partner but now he was something more, well, to her at least. 
Sarabi came to the conclusion that her taste in men had changed.
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<<CHAPTER 2<<  ~ ~ ~  >>CHAPTER 4>>
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 1
@abrx2002 @clumsy-owl-4178 @daminett4life @zalladane
@heaven428 @unmaskedagain
@dawnwave16 @virgil-is-a-cutie
@kris-pines04 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer
@be-happy-every-day-please @blue-peach14 @annabellabrookes
I hope I got everyone in the tag! I know I said this was gonna be fluff but it's also going to be angst. Sorry not sorry.
On that note, this book will contain swearing, mentions of rape and torture. I will try not be explicit but that's really relative. Read at your own risk. There will be warning before if I make a explicit scene so that you can skip it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and don't hunt me down for this.
Marinette had punched Bruce Wayne. 
Marinette had punched Bruce Wayne, Prince of Gotham, in Wayne Enterprises Tower in Gotham City and she was probably going to get kicked out because of this but it was so worth it. 
"Marinette honey," He said cautiously, "I'm sure I deserve it but why?"
She clenched her jaw and took a few deep breaths as she opened and closed her fists. She was trying really hard not to punch him again. 
You won't be able to get a second shot in without the boys intervening. She told herself, eying the way the boys - her brothers, she reminded herself stood, ready to pounce on her at any instant.
She had no doubt that the only reason she wasn't being restrained yet was because they were too shocked to react. 
"I don't think I asked for much Dad." She practically snarled the words out. "I just asked for a few phone calls and yet-" Her voice was shaking. "Yet, I haven't heard from you in over three years."
"Mari I can expl-"
"No, no, you don't fucking have that right to anymore. I did not come to Gotham to ask an explanation or beg for your attention. This was an unfortunate coincidence. I would have been perfectly happy to never see or hear from you again."
She turned to leave but Bruce grabbed her shoulder. She froze. This was Bruce Wayne, She had to remind herself, This was her father. He would not harm her. 
"I needed you Bruce. I needed you and you were not there." She shrugged off his hand from her shoulder and left in the direction of her class. 
Dick wordlessly moved out of her way and she tried not to think about the fact that she may have lost her chance to have a relationship with her siblings. 
Dick didn't know the whole story. Hell, before today Dick hadn't known that he had another sibling. He hadn't known that Bruce had another biological child. 
At least, he guessed that she was his biological child but he couldn't be sure because, once again, Bruce hadn't told them.
He watched the man. As always, he had an incredible poker face but he knew him better, he knew him enough to see the emotions waring among themselves behind his eyes. 
"You messed up big time B." He said quietly. "You know that, don't you?"
His father said nothing, instead he pushed past him and Damian to go after Marinette. He and his little brother had only to share a look before they took off after him, if only to stop him from doing something rash that he would regret and and that would probably damage their chance to know their sister better. 
Damian, Tim, Jason and he himself already had had the chance to talk to her. They could all collectively agree that they already loved her, even Damian, and they had no doubt the others would too.
Dick saw Marinette head towards the washroom. It was clear that she needed a moment alone, just like it was clear that that Bruce intended to wait for her to come out to be able to talk to her again. 
He disagreed. 
"I need to talk to her."
"I know." He soothed despite wanting nothing more than to yell at the man. Sometimes, Bruce understood less than Damian. "But she won't like it and you've already pissed her off enough. Why don't we go to the cafeteria? The rest of her class is there. We can wait for her there, once she had some time to calm down."
Dick could see that he was about to protest. "Damian will wait for her and accompany her back." He said, sparing a glance at the youngest who gave him a nod back in return. "She'll be fine. Come on." 
He tugged Bruce along with him and the fact that he didn't argue and let himself be pulled along was a testament to how much he was upset by this whole thing. 
Dick was angry, he wanted nothing more than to scream at Bruce because didn't he know better than to keep secrets like this from them at this point?
Bruce knew he was a coward and definitely not the father one would wish for, but if Marinette really had given up on him, she wouldn't have been so angry. 
There was something he was missing.
"-your stupidity aside, she was found bound and gagged with clear signs of having been assaulted. She was tested positive for rape for God's sake. What more do you need to leave her alone?" 
There seemed to be an argument going on in the cafeteria. While that was alarming enough, the blond girl's words gave him a very bad feeling. 
"Oh, please." A sausage-haired girl rolled her eyes. "She was probably there willingly. No one would get through such  traumatic event and be back to normal so soon after. Not even her parents believed her. "
"Normal? Are you serious right now? I was there when they found her. I was there when she screamed at the sight of anyone with blonde hair or green eyes. And you've all seen how after that, she hates being touched."
"She's just over-reacti-" Sausage-hair stopped in the middle of her sentence, staring at something in his direction. 
"Oh no, please do continue to speak so openly about the worst month of my life." He couldn't help the flinch when he heard his daughter's voice as she walked past him... because that meant that Marinette, sweet precious Marinette - his sunshine had been kidnapped and assaulted for a month and if the other girl was to be believed neither Tom or Sabine believed in her. 
The sausage girl scoffed but backed down. Her reaction meant that she was at least a little guilty. He filed that information for later. She muttered a 'Whatever.' and walked away. 
"Marin-" the blonde haired girl who was defending his daughter spoke up but Marinette cut her off. 
"I do appreciate you trying to defend me Chloe but I'd appreciate it better if you didn't speak of it at all."
The girl - Chloe, gave a nod in acceptance. "Go on ahead," Marinette said, from beside him. "I'll catch up." 
The blonde eyed them for a moment before she walked away. 
Bruce looked down to his daughter who was still staring ahead.
He had so much to ask her, like What the hell happened? But she beat him to it, unclenching her fist. 
"I'm sorry for punching you, but I was. Angry." She was gritting her teeth. "But I did meant it, you don't need to bother trying to contact me or anything. I'm perfectly happy without you." 
She started walking away.
"Marinette-" he called out and she stopped. It reminded him of earlier and he had a sinking feeling that her words would be as heartbreaking as the first time. 
She shook her head. "Like I said B, I needed you." For the first time, since she arrived in the cafeteria, she turned to look at him and gave him a small sad smile that broke his heart all over again. "It would have been nice to know that at least one of my parents supported me."
He didn't say anything. What could he say to make this better? 
She walked away, and this time, he didn't stop her. 
Jason was a little more than pissed. 
His day had started out nicely enough, made better when he saw a tiny girl taking out two men probably twice her size. 
He was going to help her but she had already taken care of them. 
She still thanked him for trying to come to her aid and when he offered to walk her to wherever she was going, the girl took a few moments to assess him - to him it felt like she was looking through his soul.
There was something about her that screamed to him not to underestimate her.  She knew what she was doing, that much was clear and when she offered him a sunny smile and told him that she was heading to Wayne Enterprises, he felt something loosen inside of him. 
It was bizarre to say the least but he felt at peace near her. Safe. 
Later on, he would realise that the haze of the Lazarus pit that he had struggled with everyday since his ressurection had retreated when he was near her. 
Jason's mood started to worsen when he found out that she had been left alone by her class. Something like an ugly acidic green snake coiled up inside of him wanting to protect her and extract revenge. 
Jason's mood improved again as throughout the day she saw the girl interact with his brothers, clearly winning over them as well. 
Though, he was rarely - to the point of never seen at WE usually, he decided to make an exception that day and hang out with the tour group Tim was supposed to be leading. 
Damian had also supposedly been bored and had decided to crash the party and Dick wasn't too far behind their youngest to keep him out of trouble. 
Everything was going smoothly and honestly, it was after a long time that they found someone the others didn't have a problem with. 
Then he had noticed Bruce, and not even a few seconds after, he noticed the bluenette slipping out after him.
Dick and Damian - who had been shadowing her all day, slipped away after her and he was stuck behind babysitting with his replacement.
That class had nothing of worth except Marinette. There was actually even a fool that was stupid enough to claim that she knew the Waynes in front of them, while not knowing that they were the Waynes and instead treating them like mere employees. 
He would enjoy putting her in her place. 
But before he could, his day started taking a turn for the worst, impossible to brighten again.
The girl, he didn't care enough to know her name, out of the blue stated that Marinette probably just slipped away again to draw attention to her. That escalated in a very…informative battle of words that made him want to take a plane to Paris and drench it's streets in blood.
As if that wasn't enough, he saw Bruce again, now looking like someone slapped him in the face with a fish...
On closer look, he could see that someone had actually punched him. He was so going to hack the Tower's camera. 
And then Marinette spoke up and...what? 
He was completely lost.
Did she say one of my parents? He hoped for Bruce sake that he misheard because otherwise that meant that this father figure fucked up again...which wasn't that suprising really.
So really, Jason was a little more than pissed and he felt like his choice of words was appropriate. 
"What the actual fuck Bruce?"
Tim was tired. 
His day had set out to be a tiring one, irrespective of the fact that he had stayed up all night to work on a case. 
He had to lead a tour group. 
Wayne Enterprises had a habit of keeping an eye on promising students for schools that they funded. For some reason, Bruce had started funding a College François Dupont in Paris. Why? He didn't know but knowing the man, he probably had some ulterior motive. 
That had intrigued him and he had taken a look at the students in their last year. There was indeed some very promising young talents - who by the looks of it, already knew which career they wanted to do and were clearly working toward them. Many of them had already been on T.V shows, had their names in newspapers or did small gigs and commissions. It was rather impressive. 
There was this one class however which at the beginning was one who seemed to have a lot of potential but he saw in their files that over the years their...efforts dropped collectively around the same time. It was extremely bizarre. 
One particular student in that class drew his attention though. It was one Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her academic records were stellar - always had been and while her grades had dropped a but at one point, she got them back up within the year which was more than impressive since she had skipped two years. She also seemed really talented, had won several awards and supposedly had a website for commissions - her file seemed...rushed and considerably lacking in details compared to her classmates even though Tim felt like she did way more than them. 
Call it his detective instincts but he knew that there was something going on in that class, his doubts were further re-inforced when he saw a report about Marinette, it was once again quite vague but what little was in it still chilled him to the core.
But...still...there was something else about her. Something striked him as soon as he saw her picture - she seemed really really familiar but he couldn't put his finger on where exactly had he seen her before. 
Well, as CEO he was supposed to be leading the tour groups anyways, so hopefully he'd get to find out then. 
The tour group consisted of all the senior class of the college and he prayed against all hope that it wasn't to be a disaster. 
Flashforward to the big day...it wasn't actually so bad. His brothers had crashed the party...which was unexpected but they weren't causing any trouble which was for more than he could usually hope for and while some students were absolutely aboherent ((mostly from that one class that had caught his attention)) the rest were genuinely nice. He had managed to talk to a few of them and was pleasantly surprised at their intellect. 
The most interesting student there though was, as he had predicted, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, she was able to keep up with him throughout all of his explanations, whatever department may it have been in even though it was clearly stated in her file that she wanted a career in fashion. But well, he knew better than most that appearances could be receiving. Simply put, she was a genius. 
She reminded him of Elle from Legally Blonde for some reason. 
There was however also one student who had certainly not impressed him, thoroughly disgusted him actually - Lila Rossi. 
See the thing was that no one knew that he was actually the CEO. That had been done intentionally. The aim of the tour after all was for him to be able to see if there was any potential employees for Wayne Enterprises among them. 
And boy, was he going to blacklist her. 
The girl was a lying machine and the lies weren't even good. She name-dropped at every other sentence and even did the mistake of lying about him and his brothers in a place where any employee who knew them personally could call her out on her bullshit. It was such an amateur mistake. 
His opinion of her only soured when she insulted Marinette, he had taken her a liking to her, however brief their conversation had been and even if he hadn't - the fact that Lila bought up her kidnapping and downplayed it would be more than enough. 
Thankfully not everyone from that College was total numbskulls. A few people immediately jumped to the defense of the absent girl. 
He cataloged them mentally - The Braindead, The Neutrals and The Defenders, while also taking notes of what they were saying. 
What he heard out was even more horrifying that what he had read. 
That it! He was going to be looking into this girl's case personally.
As of all of this wasn't bad enough, Bruce just had to make everything worse. 
Because he could finally out the pieces together and understand why Marinette looked so familiar. 
Marinette was his sister. 
Marinette was Bruce's daughter and he was going to have to answer to Tim - and but the looks of it, his brother too - about what had happened to their newfound sister. 
Damian didn't know what to think. 
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watchtower-feed · 4 years
Waynesitter’s Dating Life
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✧ …
✧ You don’t even get a day off. What makes you think you have a dating life?
✧  Least of all a normal one where you don’t have millionaire vigilantes with boundary issues dropping envelopes filled with complete profiles of your dates.
✧ You’re moping in the Wayne living room, sprawled on a couch because your last date turned out to be involved in a human trafficking ring in Gotham.
✧ Worse: Cass and the boys had to save you.
✧ “Get over it, Y/N.”
✧ “But Jason, he was soooo hot! He had sex lines!”
✧ “We have those!” Dick lifts up their shirts to show you his and Jason’s V-cut abs. You look but you’re not impressed and Jason swats Dick’s hand away.
✧ “I can’t believe you tried to convince us that he was just being blackmailed.”
✧ You sway your hand in the air, dismissing his comment. “Tim, he had a baby-face that could rival yours any day, and he was charming. How was I supposed to know he was the leader of their operation.” You finally sit up and rub your face down harshly. “Ugh! Why do I have the worse luck in dating? I must be cursed.”
✧ “Or you live in Gotham?” Cass teases you from the floor while she plays with your styled hair, twirling the curls. 
✧ “I gotta get out of this city or else I'm going to end up like Bruce.”
✧ Dick suddenly gets this bright idea to cheer you up and feed a little bit of his ego. He huddles Jason and Tim behind the couch to look down on you. “Why are you wasting your time with strangers when you have three perfectly well-mannered, well-off, and well-chiseled bachelors in front of you?”
✧ You and Cass bend down to look under the couch, “Where?”
✧ Dick props you back up and he’s grinning wider as he grabs your shoulders, “If you had to choooooose” he drags out the word as he pulls Jason and Tim back to your field of vision, “Who would it be?”
✧ “Questions like these start wars, Dick.”
✧ “Replacement’s right. Haven’t you read the Trojan War?”
✧ “That’s what you’re going with, Jason!”
✧ You sit up straight on the couch and stare at the three of them, making them stop. You make sure to deliver your retort with a deadpan expression, “I’d wait for Damian to turn 18 then live the rest of my life as a gold-digging cougar. Oh! And I would build a pool in the West wing.”
✧ “I’ll allow it,” Damian answers from one of the armchairs in front of you. He’s leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands folded in front of his face. “But after we condition your hips to be fit for child-bearing.”
✧ You walk out and cry to Alfred because Cass won’t even let you into her room. She’s too upset that you would choose Damian and the manor over her and a little apartment in the middle of the city like you’ve always talked about.
✧ “It’s one thing to be called fat, Alfred. But to be told I’m not woman enough by a 13-year-old?” Your eyes widen as you clutch the hem of his vest, “What does he even mean by condition my hips?”
✧ “Y/N, why wait for master Damian when master Bruce is already in his prime. He could use a woman like you to keep him in line.”
✧ You grimace. “Alfred. Are we working for the same guy? Would you date Bruce?”
✧ Alfred gives you a long look before he speaks again, “Perhaps I can introduce you to one of my nephews when they visit?”
✧ “Now we’re talking.”
✧ One day, you do fall for someone. Someone great and surprisingly none of the Wayne’s are hounding you with background checks, date stakeouts, or random texts asking if you need help bailing out on the date.
✧ You’re happy for a while but then you start getting suspicious because of the lack of Wayne activity. They’ve done it to all of your dates before, so why not now? 
✧ You start stalking your date every now and then, trying to catch him and see if he’s actually Dick in disguise. Or he’s someone Jason paid off to show you a good time. Or maybe it’s one of Tim and Damian’s alien friends. He could be Cass, too. You never know.
✧ In the end, your longest almost normal relationship ended because of your own paranoia. He broke up with you because of all the sleuthing and doubts.
✧ You were so devastated that you couldn’t bring yourself to walk into the manor. So you walk home and you text Bruce and Alfred that you can’t make it. It took you three hours to get back to your apartment and your feet are killing you. You slump over the couch and before you know it, you’ve been staring at the wall until past midnight.
✧ You hear a lot of whispers and scuffling from your fire escape. You groan when you hear them creak open your window. “Go away.”
✧ “We come in peace. We even brought Steph.”
✧ For every physical talent Cass and the boys possessed, god took back an essential social skill. Aside from you, Steph is their go-to empathy guru. “Oh, baby,” she watches you untangle yourself from the couch and hugs you tight. “Come here.” You bury your face in her shoulder and swallow back a sob. You can smell the gunpowder and smoke.
✧ “Did you have to come in your suits? You’re going to get Gotham on my carpet.”
✧ Jason bends down to look at you and gives you a proud grin and thumbs up. "Don't worry, Y/N. We made sure that guy regrets hurting you."
✧ You stare at Jason and you start snickering little by little until it turns into full-blown laughter. "He's Alfred's nephew!"
✧ "Shit--!” 
✧ “Dick, this is all your fault."
✧ "Woah hey-- It was your idea--Hey! Tim! Cass! Wait for me!"
✧ “Damian, you knew didn’t you!”
✧ “See you in hell, Todd.”
✧ You grin against Steph’s shoulder who’s giggling, “He wasn’t really, right?”
✧ “Nope. Now, they’ll race to see who can apologize to Alfred first.”
✧ “They’re going to dig their own graves!” 
✧ You sigh in satisfaction, "I feel better already."
✧ Watchtower Masterlist ✧
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vln-vibes · 4 years
Unwanted, Unreliable, Unstoppable
Yeah so this thing is crazy long so I’m dividing it into three parts. Anyways this is very self indulgent but I hope you like the content.
Summary: They were tired, they were so so tired. This fight has been going on long enough, this war was getting harder and harder to fight as the years went on but no one ever helped; Not the citizens of Paris, not the French government and certainly not the Justice League. But what is they received help from a man that was practically a myth himself; the Batman.  Is this exactly what the Miraculous Team needs or will this lead to their falling from grace?
“I’m so tired of this!” Ladybug scratched at her head feverishly. Currently she was standing at the second most top of the Eiffel Tower with her team: Chat Noir, Ryuuko and Viperion.
“I know m’lady” Chat sighed, letting his cheerful mask take a break as he stood next to her, leaning into the railings.
“Those— Those assholes that call themselves the Justice League just keep ignoring us; it's like they just don’t give a shit about us” Viperion rolled his eyes. They had tried, time and time again, to get help from older, more experienced heroes with their situation in Paris; they were fucking teenagers thrust into an adult’s war. One they didn’t even care for anymore.
“They don’t care for Paris… Why should we?” Ryuuko spoke up, cold fury clear in her eyes. “If they cannot find the need to handle the Paris situation themselves then why must we be the ones to? No one even appreciates out efforts, its like they just want us to have everything handled”
It was true.
At first the Parisians praised the Dynamic Duo, Ladybug and Chat Noir, for stepping up and saving the city from the terrifying Akumas they had no way of handling. They even got the heroes to help out with things not in their jurisdiction; suddenly any crime, as minor or major as it could get, required their attention, any fire could not be handled by the fire department alone, schools needed the heroes to make guest appearances, they were wanted in television interviews, everyone needed to know everything about them. It was fine, for a while, they didn’t mind helping out.
Then Heroes’ Day happened.
Suddenly they were pathetic.
If they were supposed to be so strong then how come other heroes had to come to help? It had never occurred to them that they were chosen by Ladybug and Chat Noir, all they knew was that the duo was not as strong as they once believed.
After all it was just one criminal,
How hard could it be?
Sometimes, Ladybug wishes, she had just let Alya keep the stupid earrings. She was sure the girl would have taken them immediately at the time but, given her brashness and temperamental nature, she would have already lost to Hawkmoth.
Plus she didn’t blame the small kwami or even Master Fu all that much: She resented the man but still respected him very much and knew he went through the same thing as she did at an even younger age with absolutely no way out. She was aware that if she truly wanted to all she could do was just give the earrings to someone else or even hand them over. But Ladybug was stubborn and the earrings were her’s now, just like the ring was Chat’s, the choker was Ryuuko’s and the bangle was Viperion’s.
That didn’t mean this battle was theirs to fight.
“... Why don’t we leave?” Viperion asked, disturbing their silence. The trio looked at him curiously, as though he broke an unspoken rule.
“Why would we?” Ladybug responded, knowing fully well that Viperion didn’t tend to speak up unless he was certain of his words.
“Because they’re running us dry, this city is killing us” Viperion raised his voice, aware that they could already, “Adrien and Kagami are living shitty home lives with abusive assholes that want to call themselves parents. Mari, you’re being burdened with too much responsibility by that bitch Bustier and that class full of sheep! I hate seeing you all kill yourselves for people that will never appreciate it because they think they’re above it!”
At the end of his rant Viperion’s eyes were nearly glowing, his breathing a bit more rough than normal, looking away from his teammates knowing he stepped too far. “Sorry, but I don’t want my friends to die on me when I can do something to stop it”
Ryuuko, Chat Noir and Ladybug understood where he was coming from but it was like a slap on the face, a reminder of what civilian life was like for them. Ryuuko could feel the sting coming from her leg, where mother had hit with her shinai after failing to be in proper form. Chat Noir still felt the ache of having to do photoshoots all day and then staying up at night to have to do his make-up work; not that his father cared with his disregard of child labor laws. Ladybug still had some redness from bruises Alya had caused by tripping her on her way to class.
“... Okay so these are the sad gang hours” the group turned back seeing Roter Fochs land, Roi Singe and Pegasus landing behind them. The Parisians were really only aware of ‘The Core Four’ as they’d rather have some aces up their sleeves; not that the three were ready to confront the Parisian backlash just yet. They didn’t want to deal with anymore bullshit than they had to in their civilian lives.
“Is everything alright? Or is it just Life™?” Roi Singe asked, leaning onto his bo-staff next to Viperion.
“It takes 60 euroes to go to therapy but no money to say it just be like that sometimes” Roter Fochs shrugged, much to the dismay of Viperion, Roi Singe and Pegasus.
“Can you please stop joking about your mental health” Pegasus found himself groaning. A small hovering screen appeared next to him, a cowboy hat firmly attached to the top with an antenna sticking out.
“Yes studies show that LGBT youth have a higher percentage to suffer from depression, some even to the point that they𑁋”
“Thanks for the concern CowBot but, really, I’m fine; let me have my fun” Roter softly tapped the little robot. It was nice having people, well sentient beings, still concerned with his well being.
Suddenly the group tensed, their artificial ears and enhanced senses picking up a light clink, the sound of something quickly winding up followed. Two male figures landed in front of them, quickly surrounded by the Parisians. The taller one of the two quipped:
“Well aren’t you a merry bunch”
“Who are you and why are you here?” Chat Noir kept an icy cold edge to his voice, emulating how his father would talk to employees that weren’t Natalie.
“They’re not Akumas, no magic radiating off of them” Ladybug analyzed, looking closely at the duo but she couldn’t recognize them at all. The male that had spoken had a lean and relatively tall body, he couldn’t be more than four years older than her team, so around his late teens early twenties. He had long raven hair, his bangs framing his face perfectly, even in the moonlight she could tell he had a pale complexion though the black domino mask he sported helped hide most of it and his eyes. His uniform wasn’t one she recognized from any superhero from the League; black kevlar, if she had to guess, made up nearly the entirety of his suit, from his boots, pants and even gauntlets, heck she wouldn’t be surprised if his cape was bulletproof. One of the only things to bring color was his crimson chest piece, with two belts across it holding up a golden bird symbol, the same one on his canary utility belt.
“Tt, we just came here to talk” the smaller male scoffed, his posture not looking any more tense or relaxed, just attentive. His build was also lean like his taller partner though she could tell his body would be able to build more muscles with his broader shoulders. She assumed they were around the same age, his jawline defined but not to the same extent an adult’s would be. His hair seemed almost darker than that of his partner’s and was slicked back though maintaining most of its volume, a naturally tan skin was found beneath a green domino mask, much like his companion’s. His uniform was definitely more colorful, almost as if he was meant to garner attention(and boy wasn’t that concerning); black seemed to be the main color in his suit with the outer cape, pants and sleeves being that color, ruby red tunic that went beyond his belt with dandelion accents on its edges and a golden R over his heart, pine boots and gauntlets matching the shade of his mask with dandelion yellow covering the inside of his cape and hood as well as his own utility belt.
She had no clue who they were.
“And why should we trust you?”
“Because we don’t like the Justice League any more than you do”
One Week Ago
“Hey B, we found something interesting while reading the League’s data” Barbara Gordon’s voice echoed in the BatCave. Currently she and Tim were doing the weekly check-in on the League, something those heroes never seemed to notice. Not that they were surprised.
“What did you find?” Bruce asked, telling Duke and Damian to take a break from combat training while he did.
“There’s an alarming amount of distress calls from France, specifically Paris, that the League has been either ignoring or not receiving” Tim showed him the graph of all the history, going back at least three years closer. It was small at first, once every two months at the beginning, once a month when the second year began, every two weeks bordering on weekly near the end of it, by the start of the third it was daily until some time three months ago they just stopped.
Well wasn’t that cause for concern?
“Can we get any audio of the calls?” Bruce’s detective side coming up as Barbara was able to bring up a few that hadn’t been automatically deleted by the Justice League’s system. The first one was the very first from three years ago, a video call.
“Uh hello!” the girl on the video said awkwardly, clearly nervous but determined to get her message out, “My name is Ladybug”
Her costume looked like it was simply made by spandex, a rather plain design of red with black spots around, a domino mask with open lenses was the only thing really concealing her identity.
“Paris has a supervillain, his name is Hawkmoth and he feeds off of negative emotions. His power can turn anyone into his enslaved champion and we- my partner and I are the only ones really fighting this. I- I know you’re all really busy saving the world and all that but- but we’re just kids! We have no experience and well, we were hoping you can send someone to help? We’ve only confronted him three times now but well, we were just pushed into this”
Bruce could feel his blood growing cold, she couldn’t have been older than thirteen when this was recorded. He knew no Leaguers went on missions to Paris for the past five years… He told them to play the next video, from two years ago.
“Hello Justice League” Ladybug still wore her simple spandex though now standing tall next to a boy with a black cat leather outfit. Behind them was a girl with a bee themed outfit, a girl with a fox themed outfit and a boy with a turtle theme.
“We just came out of this Heroes Day disaster”
“No thanks to their help” the bee girl snapped before looking away.
“Look, Hawkmoth is getting more and more dangerous. He was able to transform half of Paris into his minions, they took over Paris and nearly won”
“What is it going to take you for you guys to finally help?” the cat boy growled much to the surprise of the others.
“Chat Noir!”
“Oh please we can totally handle Hawkmoth without them; you two should be enough already. With us three helping you, defeating him should be easy, power of teamwork and all that” the fox girl waved off, much to the surprise of the turtle.
“Rena did you seriously not remember what just happened. We were compromised, we nearly let Paris fall. We’re not trained for this, not even LB and Chat, and they’ve been doing this for the past year”
“What was the last transmission?” Bruce found himself asking as the cave suddenly grew silent, all eyes on the monitor as their last transmission played.
“Why are we even bothering with this?” a new male voice asked, the video was shaky before finally pointing at the Parisian streets. If you could even call what was essentially a river of water, reaching to the top of most rooftops streets anymore. Items were floating about, bodies littered around them.
“They’ll never listen, they never did” another female voice agreed, they assumed it was the girl at the corner of the screen, looking down on the streets in what could be described as pity.
“I know” Ladybug’s voice sighed from behind the camera. “But they should at least see the consequences of their actions”
“If they even bother watching these, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just delete these as soon as we send them” Chat Noir entered the screen, eyes cold and calculating.
“Paris should be thankful that Lucky Charm is able to bring them back” the male with the snake themed outfit shook his head. “This is probably the 1,000 time most of Paris died with an akuma, second with Syren”
“Super lucky” the dragon female rolled her eyes “It’s not even worth trying to save citizens since all they do is cretique us”
“And the officers; Apparently we should be able to deal with city-destroying being and protect the people at the same time while officers just stand behind the lines waiting for us to do both” Chat Noir hissed
“What's done is done. This will be our last call for the Justice League; I hope you’re all happy, knowing that you’ve forced children to grow up and fight in a man’s war. Bug Out”
“There are no records of these videos even being played, or even of these events happening as far as Parisian government records say. But there’s clearly a lot of cover up going on, most of Paris’ emergency broadcasting doesn’t make it out of its borders, heavy encouragement of tourism even though there have been complaints by the people about… akumas?” Tim reported as soon as the video finished playing.
“There’s even records of a city-funded statue being made for Ladybug and Chat Noir yet no indication of where it is or what its for” Barbara continued “This blog keeps coming up, it used to be called the Ladyblog before it switched to Fox Tea. Look at these videos”
The screens were suddenly filled with shots of these Akuma; one that froze the city over, one who controlled the weather, one who began dropping adults from the sky, Syren, Heroes’ Day… All of them had to be handled by scared children. 
“These look too real to be edited” Duke said in awe. He was very aware of his children all surrounding the screens, looking at the countless destruction of one of the major cities in the world.
And none of them had ever heard of them or these children who were forced to deal with it.
Ones who seeked out help and were never given the time of day.
“Red Robin, Robin” his two sons standing in attention “I want you to investigate the matter and offer our help; convince them that we’re on their side on not aligned with the League”
“We’re on it, Batman”
“So you just want us to believe you found out about us and suddenly want to help?” Roter Fochs looked at the duo skeptically. 
“We wish to assist you with this whole… situation. No one has heard of Akumas or of Parisian heroes before, we concluded that it may be the government attempting to keep tourism up” the shorter male, Robin, they later learned, spoke up while keeping his hands in the air.
“Though that doesn’t excuse the League, who we know you personally sent distress messages” Red Robin echoed the message “We understand the incompetence of the League better than anyone else. Did you know they never bothered to even open most of those messages?”
Red Robin was surprised by the sudden animalistic growling coming from the group, some of their eyes glowing while others looked disappointed.
Ladybug looked hurt.
“Who do you work for?” Ryuuko  asked, curious but not letting her sword lower from its position.
“We’re Robin and Red Robin”
“Like the food chain?”
“.... Yes. Anyway we’re vigilantes sanctioned in Gotham, New Jersey in the United States; we’re both proteges of the Batman” Red Robin held back the need to roll his eyes at the monkey boy’s statement.
“Never heard of him” the French heroes turned to each other, trying to see if the name rang any bells.
“According to the internet the Batman is almost a folklore for Gotham; people claim to see him and his array of birds and bats but none could ever get clear photos” CowBot replied after a quick search.
“If the League never saw our messages then how do you know about them?” Chat Noir stared right at them, as though he’d know they were lying, which he couldn’t but Roter Fochs could and would.
“Because we’re better than the League” Robin said with the same certainty one would say the grass was green.
“Why should we believe you?” Ladybug asked skeptically, if they were so good then why didn’t they handle what the League wouldn’t? Why didn’t they just try to take over the Hawkmoth situation without their input? Why didn’t they just take down the League by themselves?
“You shouldn’t, “ Robin shrugged once more “But we’ll actually help where the League wouldn’t”
Ladybug stole a look from Chat Noir, both turning to Roter Fochs, who shook his head softly indicating the duo wasn’t lying.
“If you really want us to talk then give us the coordinates to meet with the Batman” Ladybug demanded, Robin looked outraged at the implication while Red Robin nodded.
“Alright, but how will you know if we’re lying to you?” he asked curiously, typing something in his communicator, the center of his utility belt, before handing it over to her.
“Trust me, we know when you’re lying plus we’d know when we get there” Viperion smirked, “Also you can stand down now Bunnix, MultiMouse”
The duo were not surprised to see two figures standing behind them, one male with a mouse theme and rope wrapped around his hands, and a petite girl with a bunny theme and a sharp looking umbrella pointing straight at their backs. They were just surprised that they hadn't sensed them before.
“Did you get those coordinates, Pegasus?” 
“Yes Ladybug, waiting for your signal”
“Well then birdies, we better hope you weren’t lying or you’ll find Hawkmoth won’t be your biggest problem”
“Why don’t you guys like the League?” 
The meeting between the Bats and Team Miraculous had gone much better than any of them had expected; it had certainly helped when they found out one of their own, Agent A as they called him, was once a wielder.
They had both been surprised by the amount of members each team had: The Bats had expected Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuuko and Viperion; Roter Fochs, Pegasus, Roi Singe, Bunnix and MultiMouse had been a surprise.
Meanwhile Team Miraculous had only heard of whispers of Batman and many Robins, even a theory on a bat girl of sorts from their brief research; having Batman, Robin (V), Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Signal, Batgirl, Batwoman, and Black Bat not to mention Oracle and Agent A; they had almost thought it was an ambush.
They supposed they each knew how to keep certain secrets tight.
“The Justice League, though still consisting of some of the most powerful people in this Earth, are too high and mighty; none of them really consider the consequences of their actions and are too reliant on their powers to be able to resolve all their problems. None of them have any contingency plans if their enemies find out their weaknesses and exploit them. Not a single member is a ‘normal human’”
He pulled up a hologram in the middle of the meeting table, every person who's worked with  Justice League showing up, each showing their array of powers and abilities before showing their membership status.
Batman, Green Arrow, Speedy, Robin, Artemis; Non-Members
Two Green Lanterns, Captain Marvel, Black Canary, Bumblebee, Rocket, the Atom, Blue Beetle (II), Superboy; Reserve members with clearance.
“That does seem pretty discriminatory” Viperion hummed as he thought of the people on the list, those on the Non-member list had no power or enhancement at all while those on the reserve, with the exception of Captain Marvel and Superboy, had powers or suits but the vulnerability of humans.
They weren’t considered strong enough, or maybe even reliable enough.
“We’d probably be considered in the same capacity as a Green Lantern” Pegasus concluded “Take away their ring and their powers go away”
“Which brings us to the next question” Batgirl chimed cheerfully “What is it exactly that you’re facing off against?”
“The Miraculous are ancient artifacts that lend you the powers of certain godlings named Kwami. Kwamis are the essence of concepts and ideas: The Ladybug who represents Luck and Creation, the Black Cat who represents Misfortune and Destruction and Horse who represents Transportation and Innovation are just some examples” Ryuuko explained for them
“Hawkmoth is in possession of the Butterfly Miraculous of Metamorphosis and Desire along with the Peacock of Emotion and Will” Ladybug paused briefly as she saw the look of surprise on Agent A’s face, wondering if she’d feel that way if she found out Tikki was being used for evil in the future. “Both were thought to be missing, possibly destroyed, when the last Master of the Order was able to salvage them from the attack to the Temple of Miracles. He was only a child when the Temple was attacked, thus he was able to escape without being detected by the enemy”
“If I remember correctly,” Chat Noir interrupted “I believe Master Fu said their name was “The Shadows” or I think he said they now go by𑁋”
“The League of Shadows” Nightwing softly added, the air tensing immediately.
“You know of them?” MultiMouse was weary considering the Shadows were very keen on keeping to, well, shadows. That had to mean that the Bats had confronted them.
“Intimately so” Batman growled out.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bunnix’s brows furrowed underneath her mask, feeling as though they wouldn’t like the answer.
“The Shadows have been a pain in Gotham’s ass in the past” Batgirl explained before turning to Batman “Especially since the Demon’s Head was interested in having Batman as a Son-in Law, though his daughter is sometimes an ally”
“Batgirl!” Red Robin admonished
“Don’t forget the little demon over here” Red Hood joked, missing the look of shock in the Parisian heroes.
“Or the fact that it sometimes seems like he wants to get on Red Robin’s dick and have his babies”
“Batgirl, Red Hood that’s enough” Batwoman sternly looked at the duo.
“You’re saying Robin is related to the Shadows” the Parisian heroes in the Reserve Team looked at them suspiciously while the Core Four just patiently waited to see what the Bats would say.
“That’s in the past” Nightwing steely stated “He was born into that lifestyle, but his mother let him chose to leave and live a different life”
“We had no choice of who our parents were” Black Bat reinforced, the team taking a mental note that she was once a shadow as well.
“Noted” Chat Noir said cooly “Though you must understand our reluctance when hearing the Shadows; like we said the Shadows destroyed the temple that was meant to safeguard the Miraculous and killed off every Guardian in the process”
“It would be foolish of us to not be on guard when hearing of them being so close to us again” Ryuuko explained “Though we will give the benefit of the doubt”
And so was the beginning of their partnership.
“You’re all skilled fighters for not having any proper training” Oracle commended, looking at the statistics of the spars they all had, by far the Core Four had the strongest stats but it wasn’t because of the others’ lack of skill.
“Thank you, Oracle” Ryuuko bowed after finishing her match with Robin, an intense sword fight having just finished. If she had truly wanted to she could have ended it by cutting Robin’s katana but she found it both dishonorable and the easy way out considering they were testing skill sets. On the other side of the room was Red Robin and Roi Singe’s fight, bo-staff against bo-staff, being monitored by Black Bat.
“Oh kwami” Ladybug whispered as she and Chat Noir were called for the next match… against Batman and Batwoman.
“This is where we die Noir”
“It’s been an honor m’lady”
The fight had been entertaining, each side coming in with an array of attacks. At first the Bats had played offensive with the Miraculous duo playing defensive, dodging Batarangs and all their little gadgets. The Bats hadn’t expected just how durable the simple looking yo-yo and staff would be or any of its features.
At some point there had been a flash bomb, Chat Noir blocking it from Ladybug and getting temporarily blinded, Batwoman had planned on attacking while he was disoriented however the attack amplified his enhanced hearing, extending his staff and tripping her in the process.
In the end the Bats had won but it had been a close victory considering the Miraculous Team had not bothered to use their special abilities during any of the fights.
As they were taking a breather, resting and getting drinks, Robin spoke up.
“How are you allowing your city to step all over you?” Team Miraculous looked at him briskly before Red Hood, of all people, continued for him.
“We’ve seen the reports and the Parisian news, they’re relying on your team of four, considering they aren’t aware of the others, to be there to solve all their problems”
“It’s okay for your people to put so much trust in you but it's gotten to the point where they expect it of you” Robin concluded.
“I’ve tried telling them” Viperion sighed, facing his group “We really should be leaving Paris to handle their own problems, we’re busy enough in civilian life and akuma fights as it is”
“How do you suppose we do that when we already face scrutiny for not dealing with Akumas fast enough?” Chat Noir asked, his tail flickering behind him.
“You could always stop patrolling in broad daylight if you don’t want to leave the city altogether” Red Robin suggested, “Hiding in the night is easier to avoid any authority or anyone trying to get interviews. Plus this way it's less predictable where you’ll be certain hours of the day”
“He does make a good point” Ladybug said, mostly to herself, before nodding “I think it's a good idea”
“You heard her team,” Chat Noir turned to face the others “All for stopping daylight patrol?”
All of them nodded in agreement, the beginning of a long list of necessary changes in their lives.
“My father is planning a press conference to talk about his ‘concerns’ with the lack of your appearances” Chloe rolled her eyes. A year ago, after the Heroes’ Day Disaster, she and Carapace had chosen to stand down while Rena was ultimately retired. She’d found out about Adrien when she went for a visit only for him to jump in through the window.
It was awkward between the two of them before they called for Ladybug.
She gave her neutral face of disappointment first before making a plan.
They were all aware that Lila must have been the one to start the disaster, being Volpina was the only explanation, as Ladybug confessed that Lila had a vendetta against her. Chloe also figured she must have been lying, something she had already suspected before, about being in another country considering Hawkmoth’s attacks only stayed in Paris.
Due to Chloe’s secret identity being out in the open they realized Hawkmoth wouldn’t be above targeting her family again. Thus Chloe became Ladybug’s spy.
Meanwhile in civilian life Nino was getting tired of Alya and Lila’s antics, especially the ones against his bros Adrien and Marinette. Well more against Marinette and more sexual harassment/getting together with Adrien. That’s not even touching on their newest content on the blog which was just criticizing the Miraculous Team for all their weaknesses and shortcomings, in the guise of offering “suggestions” on how to get better. 
They thought it’d be good to have an inside man, someone who could warn them of anything Lila and Alya might come up to.
They were both the secret members of Team Miraculous.
“Holy shit are you serious?” Nino exclaimed in Chloe’s room. They’d all come in secretly and by different entries to meet up in case certain nosy classmates had spotted them.
“Yep, I may or may not have threatened my father with a lawsuit against his violation of child labor laws and me not receiving my paychecks” Adrien said excitedly.
Chat Noir had made an off-hand comment on how his father had tired him out with a packed work schedule. This resulted in prodding from the mother hen known as Nightwing asking for details which ended in Chat Noir confessing that he works for his father’s company, had been homeschooled most of his life and often had a packed schedule full of extracurriculars, including up to around 12-hour work days sometimes. Turns out with that brief information Oracle informed them that his father was violating child labor laws due to the fact that he had worked more than thirty five hours a week since he was fourteen.
“Holy shit” he’d say in awe at the moment “My father is rich though… who knows if this would even go through with his influence”
“No man is truly above the law” Nightwing had given him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, “But… is everything alright in your home life?”
“I- I shouldn’t say anything that reveals my identity… '' the usually chaotic boy said solemnly, his cat ears downcast.
“Chat Noir,” the group turned to Ladybug, the one who’d help introduce her team to the life of masks and magic “Your own safety is much more important than keeping your identity safe. We both know the kind of person your father is… I’d rather you have the best options possible to face this”
“How come you’re so fast to trust us?” Robin asked, surprised but keeping a stern face.
“You do realize that she has the coordinates to this place, right?” Viperion smirked “She’s known who you are for a while and never mentioned anything. We just expect you to return the courtesy”
“That seems about right” Red Robin sighed before taking off his mask, the others of the Bat Clan following suit. Team Miraculous gave Ladybug one last look before dropping their own transformations, some of them looking familiar to the Gothamites.
“Marcus is that you my boy?” Agent A, otherwise known as the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth made his way to MultiMouse who nodded shyly. 
“I actually go by Marc now great-uncle Alfred”
“Wait what, Al has siblings?” Stephanie exclaimed, Jason was whispering for Tim to write it down in The Book.
“Yes, an older half-sister” he said with an impeccable raised brow “I would have never thought you’d follow after my footsteps Marc”
“I guess it does run in the family”
“Adrien Agreste! Like son of the fashion mongul Gabriel and late actress Emellie Grande de Venily?!” Stephanie exclaimed as soon as she focused on the blonde teen.
“Yep” was all he could find himself saying, taking comfort in Marinette’s presence next to him.
“Don’t worry Adrien,” the boy looked up to the slightly intimidating looming figure of Bruce Wayne “We’ll help you deal with your father”
“Boys” Bruce had said as soon as he entered the living room, where the group had devolved into a video game competition. “Remember tomorrow is your monthly therapy session”
“Already?” Damian groaned, his brothers, with the exception of Dick, looking like they would rather not go.
“Timmy isn’t prepared to face his inner demons” 
“And it seems Timmy hasn’t slept in some time again, hasn’t he?” Luka teased, continuing to run his hand through Tim’s hair, the boy practically purring in response.
“You have a therapist?” Marinette asked Bruce skeptically.
“We’ve all… gone through things growing up. Alfred made me realize that we were all in need of some help”
“And do you umm… talk about your nightly activities?”
“They’re trustworthy and confidential, yes”
“Do you think you could give me their information?”
That’s how Team Miraculous found themselves on the day after another akuma attack, in a private room within Wayne Tower, each waiting their turn to see the doctor.
“You’ve been through alot Luka” the teen was lying on his back, facing the ceiling as the psychologist who worked with Bruce talked. “Losing what you’ve come to accept as your family, watching your friends die, even though you knew you could change the outcome. Doing it over and over again in order to save the city… It's not something anyone could be expected to handle, let alone a child your age”
“I… I know Dr.Quinzel. But I can’t allow myself to feel guilty over everything or even get overly emotional. If Hawkmoth found out it’d be a disaster, especially because Marinette trusted me with the miraculous… the first for her to assign full time as the Guardian…. I can’t let her down” Luka gave her a lost look, one rarely seen on the charming boy before.
“Keeping all of that inside… It could fester up and explode if you’re not careful Luka”
“So you’re telling me that you are perfectly fine with how your life at home is going, Nathaniel? Even after everything we’ve discussed”
“Look I’ve tried telling my parents they were wrong but they just keep saying I’m confused, not to mention think my art is a joke… and maybe they’re right”
“Those are important parts to who you are. Saying that would be like considering yourself a mistake… Do you feel that way Nathaniel?”
“I think I have pretty bad taste in girls, though my friends usually call me a himbo for not really thinking things through. Maybe I should think before acting more?”
“I’ve known I was going to become Bunnix ever since I was fourteen, it was always just a matter of when. So when I was finally called to action I was so excited but… I can’t help but wonder if I’m cut out for this”
“My mother has groomed and taught me to be perfect at all I do. It was something ingrained to me since I was a child; It wasn’t until recently that I learned that is impossible to achieve. Why was mother so pertained to me being it?”
“I know I’m the smart guy but I shouldn’t be expected to have all the answers, especially for my classmates who refuse to look at evidence as it is. Seriously, if I had known they would have taken my comment about how dangerous a napkin can be as pure fact then I would have not said anything that day”
“Sometimes I feel like I’m not enough for my grandmother. She’s getting older, she’s starting to forget a lot. I help by telling her things like stories but I’m not sure how long that will last… She’s the only family I have left in Paris, I don’t want to leave my friends or boyfriend behind”
“My father has always been a distant man but ever since my mother… I’m not sure if he even sees me as his son at this point. There are some days I’m treated as nothing more than a trophy boy or a regular employee. I wonder if this would have happened regardless of my mother’s passing”
“I am Ladybug, I am also the last Guardian. But I’m just a teenager! I have a life I want to live outside of Paris… I want to be a designer, start my own brand, find love and have my own family… But Hawkmoth is in the way of all that”
“Are you sure about this LB?” Nino asked from the terrace of Chloe’s penthouse. They’d been talking strategy when an Akuma attacked, given the chaos displayed by the news via LadyBugOut livestream, they could only assume it was another Volpina attack.
Unfortunately Volpina had a Sentimonster to help, Reality Check. A glorified 3D printer who could temporarily make Volpina’s illusions tangible and real.
It had proven to be a difficult battle, especially since Luka and Adrien had been caught up as civilians and couldn’t help Ryuuko and Ladybug. The others still had to wait for Ladybug to give the signal before they’d consider going out to help in broad daylight lest their hidden cards be revealed too soon.
In the middle of the fight the two heroines had made a strategic retreat, one the Fox Tea blogger did not hesitate to call the coward’s way out. Suddenly the two appeared at Chloe’s along with Roter Fochs. The scarlet hero had taken out two familiar boxes with extremely familiar jewelry inside. 
“I’m certain of it” she said with a determined smile, “Besides this could finally get Hawkmoth and maybe even Alya off your backs if I introduce new heroes; Of course your costumes will have to be different, as will your codenames, but I trust that you’ll know what to do”
“Hello my queen!”
“What’s up dude”
Paris was in uproar when they heard of the new heroes; Abeille and Anselm.
Abeille’s costume was much more armored than that of Queen Bee’s; the whole suit had a honey yellow bodysuit with black armor pieces, her chest piece in the shape of a bee’s face, black elbow length gloves with some honey stripes, thigh high black boots with honey kneepads. Her own mask was different from her former as it changed her eyes to royal blue like Pollen’s while being honey colored with black v shaped lines. The golden gauntlets on top of her gloves would be able to send out small shocks, capable of stunning enemies for small intervals at the time, nowhere near as potent as Venom.
Anselm’s own attire was not so different from Carapace; Anselm still kept the hoodie his predecessor did though beneath it is where the differences began. Anselm wore a pine green helmet, yellow tinted goggles on top of his red eyes, with pale thin daffodile lines going from the top to the bottom of his hood. The hoodie and his undersuit was sacramento green, bordering on black, though the majority of the suit was also armored with pine pieces like the hexagonal chest piece, shoulder, thigh, shin, knee and elbow pads. He also had much thicker gauntlets than Abeille’s along with armored gloves and reinforced sneakers.
Of course, Chloe Bourgeois and Nino Lahiffe were quickly off of the suspect list when the two were spotted separately looking for shelter amongst the Akuma attack during Fox Tea’s livestream.
“So you’re part of the OG Team huh?” Stephanie asked as she gave a once over to the two newcomers.
“Deep undercover missions, you know how they go” Abeille scoffed, her honey blonde hair swaying along with her five black streaks around it.
“What she said. We couldn’t help as Queen Bee and Carapace anymore, compromised identities, so we helped as civilians before covering our tracks and coming back” Anselm tried to keep back Chloe’s prickly personality.
“Like what?” Cass’ appearance startled the two, though both looked like they were about to draw out their weapons.
“Well I get them intel from what’s happening in the mayor’s office that Max and Markov can’t get out from the computers, daddy is a bit of a pushover and squeals pretty easily”
“While I get intel from Fox Tea’s disastrous dude duo. I’m usually among the first to find out about anything their plotting… though I’ve had to drop that. It was getting too much for me to continue being with Alya so we broke up”
“So you kept dating Cesaire just to gather intel? Doesn’t that seem manipulative?” Duke asked from his seat on the monitor, the two Parisians looked at one another before beginning to laugh.
“Not compared to what those two are capable of”
“Are you sure about this?”
Currently Viperion, Ladybug and Bunnix were on the Gotham rooftops, shadowing the Bats for the night. The three were honored to be trusted with the responsibility but still felt foreign in the much darker environment, literally and metaphorically.
“It’ll be a good experience” Oracle said in their ears, their comms being synced to those of the Bats “And you won’t be alone, I’ll be here and so will your partners”
Right on cue Robin, Red Robin and Black Bat landed on the same rooftop. The plan was for the six to cover the patrol for the night, the others would be getting rest or doing specialty training with their abilities. It was a surprise for the Miraculous gang when it was revealed that Signal and Red Hood would be joining them as fellow trainees. Alfred and Black Canary, a metahuman who often worked together with Green Arrow in Central City, would be in charge of the training while Bruce also oversaw their progress.
Honestly they hadn’t known what surprised them more: the fact that Batman had metas on his team or that he trusted other heroes with the training of his children.
“It should be a regular night; standard mugging, gang fights and possible robberies should be all that happen tonight”
Of course that was not what happened.
As it turned out Riddler had escaped Arkham, no surprise, and had gone too long without his medication. Edward Nygma was usually a pretty tame man, if a little eccentric with his love of riddles and his brilliant mind.
He decided to hold Gotham Grand Terminal hostage.
Ladybug was decidedly trying not to panic as she saw the very obvious bombs spread across different sections of the terminal. There were too many for them to deactivate in less than three minutes and there were probably more hidden around.
“Riddle me this; What is Joan of Arc made of ?” Ladybug and Robin were the first to arrive at the scene, Viperion and Red Robin being the closest to coming as back up. Robin seemed as confused as she felt but decided to really think about it…
This was so stupid.
“Maid of Orleans” the look Robin gave her, like she just made the most foolish decision of her life, was seen spread across the faces of hostages before Riddler began to laugh.
“Why you are correct, little red” he wiped a tear from his eye “Bats would never think of something so punny like that!”
“Yeah well I’ve had a lot of experience with annoying puns”
“What’s colorful, loud and is a mess to clean up?” Ladybug’s eyes widened as he pressed the big red button on the remote control, Robin bringing Ladybug down and shielding her as the hostages began to scream.
“...Confetti cannons” Ladybug muttered, her whole body covered in the colorful paper pieces with glitter in the mix.
That son of a bitch!
It was April 1st.
“So what is it that we’ll be doing?” Bunnix asked as Black Bat silently leaped through the Gotham rooftops, camouflaging effortlessly with the shadows unlike her because of the white and baby blue costume she had on.
“You two will be checking up on Red Hood’s sector for the night, Crime Alley” Oracle’s voice responded for her.
“Right, so is this just a standard patrol?”
“Something like that”
Bunnix was admittedly a bit nervous about being with Black Bat, Cass didn’t really talk much and was kinda hot. Bunnix had just dutifully shadowed her, staying as quiet as she could even if she did more parkour than necessary, when they stumbled upon a drug deal. Bunnix was about to go down to smack some people around with her umbrella when Black Bat shook her head.
“One of Red Hood’s men, let’s wait to see the deal go through”
Bunnix wasn’t sure what to think as she watched the deal go down. Weren’t they supposed to be the ones to stop this from happening and not helping them? It was a bit confusing and against her moral code…
“We do this to keep the kids out of the involvement” Oracle seemed to read her mind, explaining their reasoning “Before Red Hood decided to get involved with drug trafficking Crime Alley was full of children who would be taken advantage of by dealers; whether it meant getting them addicted or becoming their messengers and delivery boys. He made it very clear to his ‘allies’ that no child from Crime Alley was getting involved in their plans again or else the deals were off. Those who tried going above him… well they’re no longer around to try and take him down”
Still that did not help ease Alix’s worries as the night continued on. Black Bat came to a sudden stop on top of a warehouse, gesturing for Bunnix to follow behind her, and climbing in through a shattered window. Inside were dozens of wooden crates, each with cameras pointed at them and only one with an open lid. Black Bat walked towards the open crate with ease, going inside and taking out three duffle bags from inside. She placed two on her, criss-crossing each other before handing the other one to a reluctant Bunnix.
The tow then headed to a hidden tunnel underneath one of the empty crates, making their way in a closed (?) Gotham sewer. It didn’t smell as disgusting as Alix imagined it would be, musky at best, though she thought that it may be due to the fact that there was no dirty sewage water there. They walked in relative ease, essentially walking for what had to be at least 15 minutes in numerous twists and turns before reaching a ladder. The two got out, Bunnix recognizing it as part of Crime Alley with how run down the area looked.
Black Bat knocked on a rusting steel door, three times, five, once and then a tap with her palm.
The door opened up, a boy no older than 12 being the ones to greet them.
“Where’s R.H?” he questioned, he looked disappointed but not alarmed, clearly he had met Black Bat before.
“Was busy. This is Bunnix, she’s helping for the night” The boy was clearly unimpressed with her but he closed the door and led them down the long hallway. She noticed the few scattered toys along the way, with some open doors showing mountains of writing supplies and even a little library.
What was this place?
“This is Red Hood’s sanctuary for the kids of Crime Alley” Black Bat whispered next to her “Batgirl and Red Hood are usually the ones to come here though all of us have come at some point.” they entered the large room showing children of all ages, some as young as infants and others looking close to early adulthood. They dropped the duffle bags in front of what she thought was the leader of the pack when Red Hood wasn’t around.
They were filled with non-perishable food, wads of money that will probably be used to provide for the group of 30 or even more for the next month, toys, books and some new clothes.
As the children gathered around, each a little dirtier than Alix remembered ever being as a child, lining up to get a new something that Red Hood got for them she couldn’t help but think;
… Maybe things were never so black and white.
“I know it may seem frightening, even unnerving, to let go of your control but if you keep your powers bottled up it may prove to be disastrous in the future” Black Canary told the group of teens.
“With abilities bestowed to you like those of the Miraculous are left untrained then it may prove to lead to your downfall” Alfred nodded along to Dinah’s words.
“As capable as Ms.Lance and I are, we have realized that we would need further assistance to properly be able to train each of your abilities”
From one of the Batcave’s entrances they could hear the screech of tires before a slick black car parked next to the Batmobile and Hoodcycle.
“Sorry, we’re late” a red headed woman said as she stepped out of the car, her pale freckled skin slowly gaining a green tint to it as she removed her lab coat and glasses, “Selina here thought she could make a quick steal on our way here”
“Oh c’mon Pam, you know you love the rush as much as I do” a tanned woman laughed, twirling around a golden necklace with one of the biggest rubies they had ever seen in its center.
“Now, ladies; Pam-a-lamb has a class of powered kids to teach” they recognized Dr.Quinzel belatedly as she was missing her glasses and uniform. She was now wearing a much more colorful array of clothes with the consistent theme of red,black, and white. Her skin seemed paler than they remembered and her blonde hair had red tips on one side and blue on the other.
“Hey girls” Barbara came down the elevator at the same time as Stephanie and Cass, seemingly cutting their conversation when she saw the newcomers”
“Babs!” Dr.Quinzel exclaimed, making her way to the other girls after giving a quick kiss to the green skinned woman.
“Well you’re right on time Pam” Dinah sighed, cocking her hip before pointing at the newcomers “These are Dr.Pamela Isley otherwise known as the Gotham Rogue Poison Ivy, Selina Kyle a more vigilante type thief Catwoman, and, of course, you know Dr.Harleen Quinzel or as she prefers to go by Harley Quinn”
“Hey kittens” Selina waved at the group “By the way it's been too long since we girls have hung out; how’s about a Birds of Prey raid? You in?”
“Only if Oracle agrees” 
“Oh pleasepleasepleaseplease!” Stephanie and Harley’s persistent pleading could be heard immediately afterwards. A polite cough interrupted the chaos.
“As enthusiastic as you ladies are for your plans, may I remind you that we have prior plans to care for first. Namely the training”
“Sorry Alfie” Harley said, chastised, “We’ll get out of your hair. C’mon ladies!”
“...So training?” Marc asked
“What happened to you?” was the first thing Kim laughed out as the duo stepped into the cave, leaving a trail of confetti and glitter behind. Marinette looked back at her team, unimpressed, in their own state of disarray.
Chloe, Max, Marc and Nathaniel seemed to be nursing their own cases of migraines; most likely having pushed the limits of their own new abilities which relied on mental fortitude. Chloe and Jason’s powers were the most similar to Alfred’s which involved manipulating and projecting thoughts and ideas to the people around them or to specific targets. Nathaniel was developing the power to create illusions that only his target would be allowed to see. Marc could create intangible clones of himself but could still project what they were seeing and hearing to him. Max could teleport objects a few meters away from or towards him.
Kagami, Kim, Adrien and Nino seemed the most physically exhausted. Kagami was beginning to have slight control of fire, wind and water but not yet conjuring it; given her slight burn marks, wet clothes and messy hair Marinette would guess that she still hadn’t fully grasped the manipulation aspect outside of being Ryuuko. Kim’s own face was dirty and slightly bruised and matched that of Adrien’s. Kim had begun to use his chaotic energy to make the wackiest things happen but to have the outcome he wanted while Adrien could suck the luck out of people for small intervals lest he want to have the misfortune backlash cling on him. Nino’s was more tame though he now had to focus on two things since he could now use his energy to both heal and to create a shield that encompased his body like armor.
“Oh god you guys look like messes!” Alix laughed along with Luka, the only two that looked fine as they had a fairly tame patrol with Cass and Tim.
“Next time I see Riddler remind me to throw a glitter bomb” Marinette grumbled as she made her way to the showers.
“Not before I stab him with his stupid cane” Damian growled heading for the male showers.
“So how long till Daminette guys?” Adrien asked
“Definitely before the end of the year” Duke concluded, the others not being sure if he used his power or not.
“I’ll take you up on that. I’ll bet we make more money than with Red Scales” Stephanie laughed.
“Red Scales?” Luka asked curiously before the others yelled out.
“Okay how come no one warned me about that!” Jason yelled as he came out of the Cave’s entrance. The group either gave questioning or amused looks.
“Oh, so you saw that too?” Alix asked, perched from one of the sofa’s armrests.
“You assholes could have given me a heads up” he complained before groaning into a sofa “God, someone get me some bleach”
“What’s Jaybird talking about?” Dick asked, coming in from the kitchen with an array of snacks for the rowdy bunch of teeneagers.
“Oh just Timbers getting some with the big bad snake boi” Stephanie sang, causing Jason to groan and Dick to choke on his own spit.
“More like trying to eat each other’s tongue out” Nathaniel responded in disgust.
“Timmy, no!” were the words the oldest yelled out before heading into the Batcave in record time.
“Anyway,” Stephanie began “It’s time to pay up bitches. Marinette and Cass get the loot”
“Hmm, so I guess that’s what fresh blood splatters looks like” Chat Noir said in morbid interest.
“Well it's certainly more noticeable than dried blood” Viperion nodded along, watching as Red Robin and Red Hood carried out the interrogation from a one-way mirror. There was a new gang who specialized in child trafficking, most of the kids coming from Crime Alley and therefore not getting reported to the police; luckily they had Red Hood looking out for them.
“Yes, well we are here to see how they carry out their investigation and get used to all the squeamish things” Ladybug gave a calculated look, as though she herself were in there and what she would do to get the information out of the man they captured earlier that night.
“Do you guys think this sort of thing is going too far?” MultiMouse asked curiously, he was beginning to grow a bit uncomfortable with the amount of blood the man had begun to lose. 
“I mean this asshole deserves it” Roter Fochs glared “I don’t think it's too much if it means saving all those kids”
“Standing on the edge of what is seen as a hero𑁋”
“Let’s you see all the things you can’t from the center” Ryuuko watched as the man was forcibly being held back up by Red Robin after Red Hood slammed his face on the interrogation table. 
“World is not black and white” Black Bat spoke from next to them “Many shades of gray in between; We are in the gray”
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science-lings · 4 years
Hey I saw you were asking for prompts/AUs, so I thought I'd send one in! Could you write an Irondad Foster Kid Peter and Foster Parent Tony AU? Lots of hurt/comfort or fluff?
There were few things that motivated Tony more than the need to become better. Better than he was, better than he was treated, good enough to deserve the praise that he was given so freely. Normally he wouldn’t even consider becoming a father. He felt as though he was doomed to repeat his own father’s sins. His heart always sunk when someone told him how similar he was to his late father. There was no one he hated being compared to more. Well, that wasn’t quite true, he also hated being compared to Captain America when he was a kid. Still, Tony’s father wasn’t exactly his hero. 
It started when he began to visit orphanages when he couldn’t sleep, restricting himself to rocking babies, and occasionally when he was left alone with them, he sang lullabies. He liked the feeling of helping someone, a very small someone who didn’t know who he was or that he was important. He liked it when they fell asleep in his arms. 
That expanded to him telling stories to older kids on days that he had time. He found himself buying hundreds of picture books to read to them, starting out slightly awkward and flippant but turning more animated and dramatic as he discovered which voices made the kids laugh. 
When he ran out of books to read and songs to sing, he created his own. Making up stories of heroes and bad guys, the kids loved those ones. Full of epic battles and cameos from the other avengers, when he wanted to switch it up he told the stories in different settings. He portrayed himself as a golden king with a dragon, fighting monsters with his knight friends for his kingdom, as a zombie killing ninja trying to find a cure for the zombie plague, and when requested, he was a Jedi knight fighting Darth Vader. 
Sometimes the kids asked dumb questions about the story, and sometimes they’d ask very smart questions phrased only in the strange way that only a child can. 
Over the years, Tony got closer to the kids, but one in particular really piqued his interest. The boy was one of the oldest there, almost fourteen. He was very quiet and almost crazy smart. Tony didn’t know how smart a junior high student was supposed to be but it was nowhere near this kid was. He loved science books and any high tech Tony brought near him. There were almost visible stars in his eyes when he got to see the Iron Man suit up close. 
Tony never wanted to be a father but this nerdy kid, Peter, was really tugging at his heartstrings in a way that he had never really experienced. Not many kids could sit through his purposefully complicated explanation of the arc reactor but Peter did so with such enthusiasm that he couldn’t help but dig the old one out of storage to show it off. 
He learned about Peter, that his parents died when he was six and he was taken in by his uncle and aunt, who also died a few years after. That he used to wear glasses but had grown out of them, that he had always wanted to be a hero like Iron Man. Tony made sure to mention to the kid that being a hero is not as great as it looks on TV and Peter just looked at him and whispered that he knew. Tony had a weird feeling when he said that. It was too understanding.
Pepper had suggested it, after hearing him talk about the kid for weeks and seeing him look pensive at the sight of alcohol and become more responsible instead of pretending to be a larger than life celebrity that the world saw him as. She could tell that he was ready. 
It took a lot of paperwork and time but eventually Tony was able to become a foster parent for Peter. Tony wasn’t sure if it would be a good idea to go as far as to adopt the kid, he knew that there would be someone better for him out there that knew more about actual parenting but at least he was extremely well off and had the stability that would be very helpful for a genius child. The closest he had to a parenting guide was a mental list of Howard's behaviors and a promise to himself that he would do the exact opposite. 
The adjustment period was weird, neither of them really knew how to act but after enough movie nights and long periods of time in Tony’s lab, they got used to their new normal. They just fit together like perfectly placed gears, they understood each other so well. Sure, Tony wasn’t the perfect dad-figure, but he tried so hard and cared so much. He did his best and he truly knew Peter like he was his own kid. 
This was why he knew exactly when something was wrong. Peter came home bruised, he would try to start a conversation as if it were something important then chicken out after bringing it up. He would sneak into the lab when he knew Tony was busy and spend whole afternoons after school “with friends” even though Tony was fully aware that there was only one of those. 
At first Tony thought that Peter was getting bullied. But the pieces didn’t quite fit, so he decided to confront Peter about it. 
It was late, Peter had tried to hide a limp when he got to the penthouse like he had twisted his ankle and was treating it as gently as possible. Tony was waiting for him. Peter looked at him nervously before trying to shuffle to his room. 
“You know kid, I’m trying to give you your privacy and all but I’m really starting to get worried about you.” Tony held out Twix bar like an olive branch. An offering of sorts. 
“I’m fine... is this about P.E.? You know I’m trying to get my grade up...” Peter took the candy bar and sat down carefully next to his foster father, still trying to hide whatever was hurting him. 
“No, no. I’m not worried about school for you, You’re probably as smart as I was at your age and you actually care about your education. No, I’m worried about you. I want to know what’s going on with you. Are you being bullied? Is someone hurting you? Did you try to kick a steel pillar? What?” Peter seemed to go a little pale and he was quiet for a minute. Tony just waited for any sort of reply. 
“I uh...” Peter started after a long pause, “Can you promise that you won’t be mad.” Tony thought for a moment of his own father's outbursts of rage when he wasn’t perfect when he didn’t live up to Howard's astronomical expectations. 
“I don’t think I could ever truly be mad at you Pete. You could probably kill someone and I trust you enough to realize that they deserved it somehow and take you to therapy or something. Being angry never really helps anyone, I mean aside from Bruce Banner, he has some benefits from being angry once in a while.” He saw Peter sigh in relief. 
“I... I’ve been lying to you. I’m not who you think I am.” He said quietly. 
“What, are you like a jock or something. Do you play basketball and want to audition for a musical? I think you would be pretty good in a musical.” This caused Peter to crack a little smile but normally he would laugh at a joke like that. Tony realized that this might actually be serious. 
“No, I’m not Troy Bolton, I... something happened to me a while ago. I know it sounds crazy but I-got-superpowers-from a-radioactive-spider-and-I-kinda-became-a-small-time-vigilante-that-thwarts-like-bank-thieves-and-creepy-dudes-that-stalk-women.” He said the last part quickly like if he said it fast enough Tony wouldn’t completely process the information or not hear it completely. Tony did in fact hear all of the information. 
“You know... that’s not what I thought you’d say but I’d be lying if I said that I was completely surprised by the fact that when you gained superpowers you immediately turned to helping people,” Tony said after a few seconds of processing what had been revealed. “I do think you need to reevaluate my standards for crazy because I work with spies and a Norse god and a guy that survived being frozen and patriotic for seventy years and that isn’t even it. Out of weirdness standards, spider super-kids are not even in the top five. I mean we had an alien invasion not too long ago this world is full of weird shit. Don’t tell Pepper that I said a bad word in front of you...” 
“Yeah and I think I broke my leg.”
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gaygent37 · 4 years
Could you do an ABO where the reason why Dick left and Bruce adopted Jason was because Dick had a teenage pregnancy? and the dad is Roy and when Lian is born everyone lies about who the mom is and that Dick is just the cool uncle ho is always there and no one knows the truth except Dick, Bruce and Roy.
He was young, excited, and honestly really dumb. He thought he was invincible because he was Robin. Everyone loved him, and he was a ray of sunshine in Gotham. As Dick Grayson, people sent him compliments left and right about how adorable he was, and how lucky Bruce was to have him as a son.
And perhaps, it got to his head a little bit. Dick was overconfident and tended to get little reckless with adrenaline pumping in his veins.
Dick could still remember that night with startling clarity.
He and Roy had just gotten back from a mission. It did not even matter what the mission was for. All Dick could recall was that it was a huge success, and he was abound with energy. So much so that it triggered his presentation prematurely. Typically, people presented around the time they turned eighteen, but it is possible to present a bit earlier or later. 
Dick was sixteen and a half when his first heat was triggered, and he had no one else there but Roy. His pheromones were so powerful that he had triggered Roy’s premature presentation too. And so, the night went. 
The two of them - one deep in heat, the other in the beginnings of his rut - found the nearest flat surface and christened it all night long. Dick still remembered the feeling of his first alpha knot swelling inside of him and pumping his fertile body full of delicious alpha seed. 
Even in his heat-hazy mind, Dick was sure he knew exactly when it happened. It was a little shiver that ran through his full body and a tiny moan from his throat. Dick just knew. 
But the next morning, Dick ignored it, denied it, blocked it from his memory. He and Roy swore never to bring that night up again. They gave their respective mentors no explanation of what happened to cause them both to present prematurely on the same night. 
It was Alfred who convinced Dick to take a pregnancy test. A month and a half after the incident, Alfred finds out that Dick had been throwing up in his bathroom every morning. 
It took some yelling and a lot more denial before Dick finally broke down and told Alfred what had happened that night. Alfred was sympathetic, and he let the young omega cry into his shoulder for hours. He did not tell Bruce.
Alfred held Dick’s hand while Dick waited for the results of the pregnancy test. Then, he held the boy again when he started crying at the news. 
It was positive, but Dick already knew that. It was just that it was so jarring to see it on paper.
“It’s going to be okay, Master Dick,” Alfred said, pushing back Dick’s tear-matted bangs.
“No,” Dick sobbed, tears and snot flowing freely. “Bruce’s gonna fire me, and- and he’s gonna kick me out! And- And Roy-” He took a shuddering breath and started crying anew. 
“Master Bruce won’t kick you out,” Alfred assured. “I won’t let him.” Those words did little to soothe Dick’s worries, especially considering he did not deny that Bruce will fire him. 
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Bruce took the news rather well.
He sat stoically behind his desk, staring at Dick, who almost shrank back under his gaze. 
“How far?” Bruce asked, his voice impossibly soft.
“T-Two months,” Dick mumbled, twisting the tissue in his hands. 
Bruce sighed, closing his eyes. He was silent for a long time. “I have a friend who is an obstetrician-gynecologist who specializes in... exceptional cases. She won’t say anything.”
Dick sniffled. He had been prepared for a sharp lecture on responsibility, but it never came. He nodded and asked the question that had been eating away at him day and night since he found out.
“Are you going to fire me?” he whispered. 
“You can’t be Robin if you’re pregnant, Dick,” Bruce said coldly. 
Dick nodded, understanding that much. “Then, where... where will I go?”
Bruce’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean? You’re still staying here, of course. You just be...” he sighed. “You’ll just be a normal teenager. I suppose I’ll have to pull you out of school as well. I’ll see if Madame Beaulieu is still tutoring...” Then, he gave Dick a sharp look. “Have you told the father yet?”
Dick twisted his tissue some more. “Not yet,” he said. 
Bruce’s lips pressed together. “You should talk to him. Whatever you two decide...” He sighed again and shook his head. “I just hope it doesn’t mean I will have to see Queen more often.”
Dick cracked the tiniest of smiles at that. Maybe things really were going to be okay. 
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“Roy, I’m pregnant.”
Roy’s bowstring twanged as it snapped against his forearm. “Shit!” Roy yelled before turning to Dick. “You’re what?!”
“Pregnant,” Dick said, much calmer than he felt inside. He handed Roy another arrow.
Roy stared at him. “Fuck, it’s mine, isn’t it?” he asked. He dropped his bow and crouched down, snatching the arrow from Dick and tossing it aside. “Was it- Was it because of... that night?”
Dick nodded, pulling his legs up to his chest. “Yeah,” he whispered. 
Roy sat down, dumbfounded. “Oh my god...”
“I know,” Dick said. 
“Do you know its gender?” Roy asked.
Dick shook his head. “It’s too early to tell.”
“Oh,” Roy said. “What are you going to do?” he asked, staring at Dick’s belly, which had yet to show. “What about Robin?”
“I’m not Robin anymore,” Dick said, still miserable about that. “But B is letting me stay. As for afterwards... I don’t know,” he admitted. “I don’t want a kid, Roy. Not right now at least.”
Roy nodded. “I know what you mean,” he said. Then, he looked up at Dick. “Can I...?”
Dick laughed and uncurled himself. “You won’t feel anything,” he said, but he still let Roy touch. “My OBGYN said I probably won’t show for a while since I presented really early.”
“Oh,” Roy said, still in wonder. “Can I feel when you do start to show?”
Dick smiled. “Sure, Roytoy.”
Past that point, everything went smoothly. Dick mostly stayed at the Manor, occasionally going to visit Roy, but Roy mostly came over. They spent many nights just cuddling together in bed, despite Bruce’s unsubtle glare sent in Roy’s direction the first few times he stayed the night.
Dick’s belly grew as the months passed, and the baby was very healthy despite Dick’s young age, and Roy came with him to the OBGYN to find out the gender.
“A girl?” Roy asked, his voice suspiciously high. 
The doctor nodded. “A perfectly healthy baby girl.”
Roy burst out crying, and Dick knew then that the baby was not going anywhere. As he suspected, Roy admitted that he wanted to take responsibility of the child after Dick gives birth. He even had a name picked out: Lian Harper.
Dick told him then that he was not ready to be tied down with a kid of his own, but he would like to be in Lian’s life, one way or another. They agreed on the plan and told Bruce and Alfred.
Bruce was almost relieved when he heard the news, and he was much more welcoming to Roy after that. Dick had the feeling that Bruce was not ready for the title of “grandfather” yet either, but he would not mind having a tiny child around in the Manor.
Roy did not tell Oliver anything until after six months after Dick had Lian. Oliver had been outraged, and he fired Roy for being irresponsible and for not telling Oliver anything. Roy had also lied and said the mother was some random girl he had met. Roy was not too upset about it, saying he and Oliver had been at odds for a while now.
Despite their heated parting, Oliver did pay for Roy and Lian to move into a penthouse of their own in one of the nicest areas of Gotham. It was fortunately close to the Manor as well, and Dick could visit them often. 
But Dick... he was free again. As soon as he had gotten back in shape, Dick upped and left the Manor, and Nightwing was born. 
Dick lived and breathed Nightwing. Most nights, towards the end of patrol, Dick would drop by Roy’s penthouse to say hi to Roy and to greet Lian, who adored her uncle Nightwing. 
Dick was so happy with Nightwing that he was almost accepting of the new Robin. Almost.
Jason was brash and rude. He had screamed and recoiled violently from Lian when he first met her because Lian tried touching his face with her jelly covered fingers.
At least Lian found it incredibly entertaining.
“DeeDee!” Lian giggled, holding her hands out and wrapping them around Dick’s neck instead. “Jelly!” She pointed at Jason.
Dick grimaced and laughed. “That’s Jason, baby girl,” he said.
“Jelly!” Lian laughed, waving at Jason again. Jason glared at her from a safe distance away. Her other hand went to Dick’s hair, her sticky fingers pulling at her hair. 
“Let’s go wash your hands,” Roy said, taking Lian from Dick. “You’re going to get Dickie all dirty. He’s supposed to be training Jason, and you’re supposed to have a nap now.”
“No!” Lian shouted, kicking her legs. “Daddy, no! Jelly! DeeDee!”
“I’m going to go put her down for a nap,” Roy said with a grimace, Lian’s fingers now in his hair too. “Work on that roundhouse kick, kid!”
Jason frowned at Roy’s back as he walked away. “I’m not a kid,” he grumbled, walking back to the training mats.
“Buba!” Lian screamed at Bruce when he walked by, still begging for someone to save her from the nap. 
Dick laughed at Bruce’s alarmed expression. Then, he turned back to Jason. “You kind of are a kid though,” he said. “Now, let’s try the kicks again. Make sure to keep your legs straight, otherwise you won’t get that impact you want.”
1664 words
I wasn’t sure how to end this, so it was a bit sudden. And there isn’t... really... smut in this, but I had no idea how to work it in. Still, writing this was fun, so thanks for the prompt!
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What’s Stopping You? // Peter Parker X Reader
A/N: Oh look, an update or whatever. My procrastinating ass still hasn’t even finished the ones that were requested lmao. I’ll see what I can do tbh. But for now, have this.
Also, Peter and the reader will be 18 years old since Harley is 21 in Endgame because the reader needed to be legal so that Harley doesn’t really look like a pedo lmao
Reader - 18 years old
Peter - 18 years old
Harley - 21 years old
Requested: Nope
Warnings: Cussing and a jealous Peter Parker ;))
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
You remember meeting Harley in 2013 after your dad, Tony Stark, introduced the two of you. You didn’t have many friends at the time and you dad thought you and Harley would have worked out perfectly.
And you both did. Now, 2023 and the whole Thanos and snap thing had ended, everything seemed to be back to normal. Well, mostly.
When you came back and came to the battle against Thanos’ army, it was a lot to take in all at once. But once the battle was over, everyone was able to relax once more.
Natasha had been lost getting the soul stone with Clint, but a funeral had been made after the battle in her honor. You had loved Nat, she was practically your Aunt and when you first met her, you gave her the name of ‘Auntie Natie’. She loved it and thought of you as the child she could never had. You missed her dearly but without her sacrifice, the remaining Avengers wouldn’t have defeated Thanos.
Bruce, now known as Professor Hulk, had lost his right arm bringing everyone back. But you were forever grateful to him. Clint was now reunited with his snapped away family, but still distraught after losing his best friend. Steve had decided to go back and live the life Tony recommended him, being with Peggy. You supported him with his choice, but you knew Bucky and Sam would miss the old Captain America. Thor went with the Guardians to space and left ‘New Asgard’ in the hands of the new ruler, the Valkryie.
And your father, the famous Iron Man, Tony Stark had defeated Thanos by using the stones and snapping away him and his army. Luckily, he had survived but suffered the same fate as Bruce, losing his right arm. You’d rather have an armless father than none at all. He was extremely lucky but nonetheless, you were just happy to see him.
You and Peter Parker, known as Spiderman and your best friend since you met him in the first year at Midtown High as sophmores, were one of the people snapped away five years ago and now you were back as well as everyone else who was snapped.
Which comes to now, it was now a couple of weeks since then and Nat’s funeral, and your father was getting better, you met your little half sister Morgan (who you immediately fell in love with) and went to start college with Peter, Ned and MJ.
You and Peter had come back from checking out a few colleges that you might go to.
“Dad! Mom! I’m home!” You called out, throwing your keys on the table next to the front door.
“And I am also here!” Peter yelled after you, causing you both to laugh.
“(Y/n)!” You heard a little voice squeal out.
A grin formed onto your face as you kneeled and spread your arms for your little sister to jump into them. You spun Morgan around before attacking her with kisses on her cheeks and forehead.
Peter watched in admiration at the love you and your sister showed. It had only been a couple weeks and you were already wrapped around little Morgoona’s finger. He was too, but he could never match the love you two had.
Peter sighed internally, he’s been wanting to tell you how he felt since the moment you were being dusted away before him. How he urned to hold you in his arms too and kiss you. But you had been friends for four years, how could Peter ruin all of that just from his feelings? So he kept them all to himself.
“How’s my little gumball doing?” You asked Morgan after setting her down.
“Harley’s here! Harley’s here!” Morgan replied, jumping up and down in excitement.
Your grin only grew as you heard the name of your old best friend.
“Harley? Really? Then lead the way!” Morgan grabbed onto your hand and led you towards the couches, leaving a pouting Peter in the doorway.
Once you and Morgan got into the living room, you saw your dad, mom and a familiar brown/blond haired tall boy sitting on the couches facing away from you.
“Harley!” You said, joyfully.
Almost immediately, the said boy turned towards you and a smile broke out on his face.
“(Y/n) oh my god!” You then were tackled into a large bear hug by the boy.
Just then, Peter had walked into the room to see you hugging a random boy he hadn’t seen before. Jealousy bubbled in his chest as he saw the boy hold you, just like how Peter wanted to hold you in his arms.
Tony and Pepper saw the look on Peter’s face when he came in and smirked to each other. They knew the feelings he had for their daughter, although Tony was hesitant to agree to it, he realized Peter had the same look he himself had before he started to date Pepper.
Finally, you and Harley broke apart from the hug and smiled to each other.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” You said to him.
“You do realize it’s only been like two weeks, right?” You both broke out into laughter before you noticed your other best friend standing a few meters away from you two.
“Oh right! Peter, this is my old best friend, Harley! You remember him from Nat’s...funeral, right?” You were a bit hesitant to mention your Auntie’s funeral but Harley grabbed your hand in comfort when he heard your words grow soft.
Peter was not happy with this action but put on a face smile and held his hand out to Harley.
“Yeah...I remember you. I’m Peter Parker, (Y/n)’s best friend.” The brunette introduced, putting an emphasis on ‘best’.
Harley shook Peter’s hand and said:
“Harley Kenner, I am also (Y/n)’s best friend.” A few seconds of awkward silence went by before you broke it.
“Well...I don’t meant to be rude but, Harley, why are you here? I thought you went back home a while back?” You questioned.
Harley let go of Peter’s hand and turned to you.
“I did but I decided to come back for a couple weeks to help out with Tony. Besides, I couldn’t leave my best friend behind, could I?” Replied Harley, smirking in a casual way.
“Harley will be staying with us for a while until he can go back. But why don’t you guys talk while Tony and I make dinner.” Pepper cut in, getting up from the sofa and helping Tony.
“Can I go play outside?” Morgan asked, pointing to the play fort she made.
“Alright but be careful, don’t go any deeper into the woods.” Tony said. Morgan nodded.
“Can you come play with me, sissy?” The little girl asked.
“Okay but only for a little while.” Soon, you and Morgan were out the door, giggling.
It was just Tony, Harley and Peter in the living room and Peter still seemed to have the fake smile on his face but the ex-Avenger could see right through it.
“I’m gonna go help Pepper. Play nice boys, we just cleaned these floors.” Then Tony left to the kitchen, leaving the two boys in the room.
It was an awkward few minutes of nothing before Peter finally spoke up.
“Soooo....when did you meet (Y/n)?” The spiderboy questioned.
“When I was ten so maybe around 2013? But Tony was the one who introduced us, saying we would get along very well. Since I don’t live here, (Y/n) and I usually just call or text a lot.” Harley laughed at the memory.
“Yeah...Tony said that about me and (Y/n) too. But I met her in my sophomore year.” Peter’s jealousy only grew.
‘Okay so what if he’s known her longer? He lives in somewhere away from here so I shouldn’t worry about that, right??’ Peter thought to himself.
“Alright let’s cut to the chase. I saw the way you looked towards (N/n). You like her, don’t you?” Harley smirked at Peter’s shocked expression.
“W-well...I-I wouldn’t say I-I liked her....b-but she is very pretty and kind and smart...” Peter rambled on about his best friend and crush, making Harley’s smirk deepen.
“Aww...you don’t like her. You LOVE her. That’s adorable.” Harley almost laughed out loud when he saw the red face of Peter Parker.
“W-well what about you? Do you like (Y/n)?” Peter asked but dreaded the answer he didn’t want to hear.
Instead, a low chuckle escaped from the blond boy’s mouth.
“Nope. (Y/n) is my best friend, practically my sister so that would never work out. I love her, just not the way you do.” Harley’s words comforted Peter as he let out a sigh of relief out loud.
“Oh thank god-“
“But dude, you get jealous so easily that I can’t believe you two aren’t even together yet!” Harley exclaimed.
Peter almost faced palmed.
“Is it really that obvious?” Questioned Peter.
“Duh, I saw it, Tony saw it, Pepper saw it. Hell, I think even Morgan saw it!” The boys shared a laugh as Peter became less tense from Harley.
“I would have already asked her out by now but...so much has happened in the past month that it’s hard to find a good time to do so.” Peter said as he looked out the window to see you and Morgan play fighting.
You as the evil dragon and Morgan as the knight. It was an adorable sight and Peter found his eyes on you, your (h/c) hair seemed to glow more today and your (s/c) was smooth as a baby’s bottom. And most importantly, your bright and genuine smile was the cherry on top of your beauty. Peter Parker loved you. He just wished he could say it.
Harley looked to where Peter’s eyes were and saw the same sight that Peter was seeing, only he looked into Peter’s eyes and saw love, admiration and happiness.
“Well today might be a good time.” Harley said, interrupting the hero’s thoughts.
“What do you mean?”
“Look at her, she’s happy, not really busy and there’s no battle happening right now is there?” Peter shook his head. “Then what’s stopping you right now?”
Peter looked at Harley then back to you. He was right, today would be a good time because there was nothing happening at the moment (besides you playing with Morgan). Peter took a deep breath and smiled as confidently as he could.
“You’re right.” Peter felt a hand go on his shoulder and saw Harley giving him a comforting grin.
“Go get her, Peter.”
“Also if you hurt her, I’ll shoot you with my potato gun.”
“Wait what?”
A/N: Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in my stories!
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Immediate Calm
Cassandra never liked waiting, despite being known as the most patient in the family. Being high above Gotham, having to stay completely still while listening to the traffic and terse voices made her head ache. Every car horn shot through her brain, every angry pedestrian interrupting her train of thought. She couldn’t stand having to sit and listen to the chaos. You’d think after all the long nights alone in dark rooms, trying to forget the pain of her gunshot wounds, she would have become better at it.
But sitting here, on one of the tallest rooftops in Gotham, it took effort not to fidget. To hide it from the man who sat next to her. 
Cassandra looked at Red Robin sitting next to her. Despite having a rough start, she liked Tim. They had a few fights they had to get past, a weird drug overdose that almost made her come onto him, but after everything, he always tried to include her in the family. Cass appreciated his kindness. Since being adopted by Bruce, she appreciated it even more. It didn’t take long to realize that his kindness came from being forgotten. He had been the one last thought of, in both the Drake and Wayne households. When she first noticed, she was confused. He was the smartest among them, she would have even thought him worthy of being the favorite. Bruce was beyond lucky to have such natural genius in his son, but to her astonishment, he never acknowledged it.
Her, Steph—and surprisingly Jason—shouldn’t be the only ones looking out for him. However, this seemed to be how it turned out. Dick cared of course, but the Titans had become a huge priority as of late so he couldn’t be around as often. Cass let out a deep breath, at least she was still here. She was here to understand Tim while Jason gave him some of that tough brotherly love. And Steph? Steph was just good for Tim. Cass was beyond relieved that Steph never left his side, even after their breakup. 
On days where Bruce couldn’t afford the time, Cass made sure that she and Tim patrolled together. He made the waiting easier, and she hoped that she offered some good, if not quiet, company. Tonight though, he seemed tense. His eyes weren’t as focused on the world below, and his movements were slower than normal. If there was one thing she admired about Tim, it was how quick, yet controlled his movements were. She considered herself graceful, but he took it to a whole new level. Cass frowned under her mask as she looked at him now, he had no grace in his stature.
“Tim.” Cass said, grasping his attention. He smiled. It seemed forced.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He replied, earning a glare from his sister. Even behind the mask he could see it. He laughed. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m fine.” He looked down over the ledge of the roof to the ground, as if to end the conversation. Cass observed him as he did so, his brows were drawn too close together, his lips parted from lack of breath. He was hurt—ribs most likely—even though Tim rarely got hurt on normal patrols.
His thoughts were far away, distracting him. 
“Timothy.” Cassandra reached out and grasped his shoulder, maybe a little too tightly, and looked at him pointedly. “Talk.” She knew that he would talk to her, because even though he could lie to the rest of the family, didn’t mean he could lie to her. They were too similar to not catch each other.
Tim’s back stiffened, before relaxing, his form slouching forward.
He looked so much more tired than Cassandra had given him credit for.
His hair fell in his face, but it didn’t hide the bags under his eyes as he removed his mask. His baby blue eyes looked glossed in the lights of the buildings across from them, revealing the tears forming in his eyes.
“I’m just so tired.” He whispered, fiddling with the mask in his hands, making Cass wonder if he normally hid that tendency from her like she did. “I’m tired of pretending that I’m not tired. That I’m not hurt, that everything hurts.”
Cassandra turned to face him, straddling the parapet, her right leg dangling over the rooftop. She reached up and wiped under his eyes. Tim’s brows twitched slightly, the only sign of confusion telling Cass that he didn’t realize he was crying. “Bruce?” She asked. He nodded.
He’s demanded so much of you.
“I’ve given him everything.”
“I know.”
“It’s not enough.” He murmured.
Cassandra paused. Rubbing her fingers down the back of his head, through the hair at the nape of his neck. She waited until his breathing evened before saying, “I know.”
It never will be.
“I should be better than this.” Tim said, wiping his nose. “I should be able to handle criticism, it’s what makes you better. But I just…” Tim looked up at Cassandra, his broken gaze meeting hers. His lip trembled, barely, but it was enough to make the man in front of her look just like the boy she met long ago. “I just hate seeing him disappointed in me again, and again, and again.” Tim’s gaze dropped back down to his hands and a sob ripped through his throat against his will. “All because I’m not like the others.”
At those words, Cass ripped off her mask, her eyes darkened. She rushed forward and wrapped Tim up in a hug, her legs over his, one hand in his hair, the other rubbing his back. 
Tim broke.
“It’s just always me.” He whimpered.
“I know.”
Cass wasn’t good with words, hell, she couldn’t even use them for most of her life. She used to get frustrated, because she couldn’t communicate normally. Her limitations seemed endless—but through her teachings she found a different way to speak. Movement, touch, even silence. Movement was how she talked, how she lived. So the only thing she could think of to comfort Tim was to get as close to him as possible, to hold him tightly, close to her. It worked. He cried into her shoulder, his relaxed muscles telling her that he finally felt safe, vulnerable, finally. Tim hadn’t let himself be exposed like this, let himself cry, in far too long.
Cass didn’t project her emotions onto people, she wasn’t used to it, but she still cried. Sometimes you just have to let it out. Steph saw her cry once, but Cass is okay with that. It isn’t something she’s ashamed of. There was something going on in this family, something that kept convincing her brothers that they couldn’t let themselves hurt. That breaking down was a weakness.
It broke Cassandra’s heart to think about how long Tim must have been holding this in. God, she would be lying if she said she wasn’t terrified. Tim was known to be the most analytical and emotionally controlled member of the family. His work had always been precise, thought out, and most of all—free of emotional choices. He never let his emotions get the better of him, an annoying habit Bruce never broke.
So Cass didn’t normally witness his emotional side. And now, here he was, crying in her arms. 
Cass wanted to ask questions, so many rested on her tongue, but she felt that that would only cause more distress. 
Be gentle, be gentle, be gentle. 
As carefully as she could, Cass kept tracing shapes along Tim’s back, counting his vertebrae, playing with his hair. She saw Steph play with his hair all the time when they were dating, so it must be something he likes. Cass had seen the muscles in his back and shoulders relax when Steph touched his hair. Cass thought it fascinating. When Dick hugged Barbara, when Ace licked Damian, the same thing happened.
Immediate calm.
The physical touch she experienced as a child never gave her that kind of reaction. She never understood it, but she longed for it. Bruce had hugged her before, but she always felt like that was another thing she had to perform perfectly. 
As Tim slowly started to stop crying, Cass couldn’t help the relief that flooded through her. She expected him to pull away afterwards, but instead he buried his head into her neck, his eyelashes fluttering against her skin. Whenever his shoulders tensed even the slightest bit, Cass raked her fingers through his hair again, pulling a sigh out of him and a shiver down his spine. They stayed this way for what seemed like hours, Cass practically in Tim’s lap, playing with his hair.
“Tim?” Cass whispered.
“Your hair is soft.”
Tim chuckled into her neck, warm and low. “Thanks, Cass.”
Cass pulled away to look in his eyes. They were slightly swollen and red, but still a piercing blue. “Are you okay?”
Tim leaned forward and pressed his lips to the top of her head, a gentle lie escaping his lips. “Always.”
Tim moved forward, his arms wrapping around her, pulling her closer, his fingers dancing along her ribs. 
Cass sighed as she relaxed into his arms.
She felt calm.
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Two Night Stand (Part 6)
Synopsis: (AU) You found yourself at a club drinking away to forget about the stress of your shitty job as the assistant of the biggest Editor in New York, you end up hooking up with the man of your dreams only to wake up to a nightmare when you find out he’s the son of your boss.
PART 5 | 2NS Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 4,075
A/N: I still have trouble with my wifi so I’m posting this part early!!! 
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Monday, the first level of hell. And I’m not an idiot to be late, despite getting home at 12 AM. I woke up at six and put effort into applying concealer on my Walmart eyebags. I wore a white loose halter top which I’ve tucked in my beige high waisted skirt and put a gray blazer on top. I twirled my hair into a bun, securing it with a pen which I’ll pull off when I get to the building. As much as I’d love to look nice on the streets, these curls are not gonna take the pollution. I fill Pogo’s bowl and rub his belly, leaving a chew toy next to him, Bruce will be here later to pick him up. I grab my bag and I walk out of the apartment. Wanda’s already left for work, she teaches at one of the private pre-schools, and I can’t trace one single wrinkle on her face. I guess working with kids is easier than working for Winnie. I start walking and go into my boss’ most favored cafés—my order already out front. I make my way to the counter and give the barista a wink, handing him a few dollar bills. The woman in line frowns at me, sorry honey but until you’re not Winnie, you’ll have to wait in line. I’m in an awfully good mood today, considering that it’s another day at the office, but there’s no use in being a fuzzball, I’m not in the building yet. I pull one of the cups from the tray and take a sip, mmm coffee is like my heroin. I used to get a regular latte but ever since I’ve started working for the View, I invested a little more coin into it and started ordering Winnie’s too. It’s amazing, I have no idea what they put in this, but it’s an investment I’m willing to continue cashing myself to. I put it immediately back just before I bump into a cyclist, I hear an audible apology and I immediately forgive him, just as long as no one ruins my clothes, you are all forgiven.
I’m half an hour early when I arrive at the building, which is neat. I get to warm up, because yes working for the view is sort of like training for a sport, with very fast economic risks, the risk of me not getting to pay my rent this month if I don’t get myself right. When the lift arrives at my floor, half of the employees are already there, per usual. I walk to my desk and put my things down. Okay, where’s Maria’s cubicle? I need that article before Winnie arrives. I walk gingerly amongst the sea of busy people procrastinating anything they can get their hands on. What are these people doing all day? I get to her table and it’s empty. Even when I’m thirty minutes early, this desk isn’t supposed to be empty. I pull my phone out and text her where she is.
[Home] I wiggle my eyebrows, what? I have no time for this, I hit call on her number.
“What do you mean you’re home? Are you sick?”
“Home, as in I’m at home.” She replies deadpan, as if it’s normal to be at this time of day. “I’m not sick.” What the hell is going on?
“Then why aren’t you here? Where’s the article Winnie asked you to write?” I’m itching, I’m starting to get very annoyed, I try lowering my voice when people start to glance my way.
“I haven’t written it,” holy. Shit. WHAT? A dramatic pause ensues before a loud cry breaks through my phone. “HE BROKE UP WITH ME Y/N. He. Broke. Up. With. Me.” What’s this have to do with me? “And he told me I wasn’t like anybody else, but he hasn’t been calling me in a week, so I went to his apartment then- aaaah!!!” I hear her sneeze on the other end of the line. That’s her excuse? I could get hit by a truck and I’d for sure still show up at the front desk.
“Okay,” I say like I’m trying to ease a five-year-old child. “can’t you write anything? Anything! Is there anything old on your computer I could give to Winnie?”
“And he had the audacity to tell me it wasn’t me! It was him!” Okay, she is not hearing me out. I start panicking myself, and I drop the call. What the hell am I gonna do? Maria’s gonna get me fired. I doubt Winnie’s gonna let me slide on this one. The weather guy could mess up and give her the wrong information on TV and she’d still find a way to put the blame on me. I dash to my desk almost tripping and hitting the hot coffee sitting graciously on top of it. Not today, mister.
I open a new document and then google on the side. I have no idea what to do, but I’m for sure not letting Winnie come into the office with an empty desk. I’m going to write this article and putting Maria’s name on it, even if it’s the shittiest article ever written. She’s already risked her job not coming in today, could I really make things worse? Milan fashion week, Milan – fashion – week, Milan… Nothing is coming to my head. How am I supposed to know how describe anything? I attended the event sure, but mostly I was just trying to keep my snarky remarks to myself, sitting behind Winnie on the front row of the runway. I can’t think of anything, apart from my feeling queasy when I saw Thor walking the runway looking all fresh and snazzy. I made him, I gave him that career. Focus! I start googling for photos taken by the View’s photographers and I type furiously. I’ve got twenty more minutes; I haven’t written anything in so long. Isn’t this supposed to come naturally? Like riding a bike? It doesn’t go away? All my brain contents are Winnie’s schedule and coffee orders, come on! I spent big bucks on college, work for me, brain! While I’m questioning my own competence, my phone notifies me of a text, “Good morning, doll.” As much as I’d love to respond and giggle to myself, I need to focus. I flip it face down, and face the monitor. How does Maria even talk in her articles? I haven’t read anything she’s written, screw it!
Everyone who’s asking me anything about other things unrelated to my boss and this article has been shooed away and given the hand, by my hunched over self. At this rate, the computer should be releasing smoke.
Most people don’t even have the least bit knowledge on the things they wear, others know more about the brand more than they know themselves. Fashion has turned worlds reeling into first glances, wear the wrong shade of pink and you’re out. |
I continue typing Maria’s article not even knowing which direction it’s heading. Oh god, is this even an article? It sounds, so—stupid, that’s the word. Best case scenario, Winnie reads this and thinks it’s a draft and Maria will be here tomorrow to rewrite an entirely new one; worst case scenario, she burns this paper and Maria will be unemployed, which I never thought I’d not mind until she’s made me incredibly haggard looking like Quasimodo in front of my computer instead of the Esmeralda I longed to be when I came out of the apartment.
Milan’s fashion week gives us a peek of not just the trends you think will be rocked by the young and wealthy of this generation, but of how pattern, shape and form is a huge mark of character when wanting your presence known in the world. Your clothes are your brand, it’s their job to make them look and your voice to make them listen.
Okay cheeseball, we’re printing you. I click the icon and it’s started inking the paper. I want to puke at how cheesy that last paragraph is, but come to think of it, the entire article was destined to be a failure the moment I’ve started writing it. It’s obvious that an ignorant on cashmere wrote it.  I hear the printer stop buzzing and I pull it out the tray, raising it up and twirling in my office chair. I did it, or should I say, Maria did it. We did it! And I’ve got three more minutes to go. I pull the pen off my hair, and salvage what’s left of my curls. This looks… decent. I pat my forehead with a napkin, that article was a workout.
The floor grows silent, and there’s only one explanation for that. I stand up, reach for her cup and stand by the door. It’s the perfect temperature, bordering on still hot and are you sure this is still hot? Just the way she likes it. I see her, walking on the aisle and everyone looking and walking elsewhere, not wanting to be in the same lane as her, you don’t want to be in the same lane as her. She’s got her shades and her fur white coat on, and those gorgeous red heels. Her gray hair miraculously curled, framing her face, and even with all that beauty, you know beyond those dark lenses that she’s an evil woman. You can’t have everything, I guess. She gets to the door and I open for her, show time.
“Good morning, I have Maria’s article here and your coffee.” I run behind her and she opens her palm, I gently place the cup. She pauses and bring her shades down her nose to look at the Louis Vuitton handbag sitting where it’s always been, clean and perfectly, seemingly untouched. I see her grin, yes Winnie, no one’s going to jail today. “You have a meeting in 2 hours, and then Clint asked if you could check the creative department this afternoon to review the clothes for the editorial.” I place the paper on her desk, she removes her shades and looks at it. She glances at me from her chair, and my eyes grow wide.
“Right, yes I’m leaving.” I run to the doors and flop on my chair spinning it in a direction where she’s on my peripheral vision. I pretend to type something, please don’t fire me. Please don’t fire me. Please don’t fire me. I repeat it in my head like a mantra.
“What are you typing?” I jump in my chair, it’s Sam. “AHwufuef hswuqodb udnidnl---”
“What are you doing here?”
“Is that a new language? The new Morse code?” I bite my cheek, and spin my chair in his direction. I need this chair in my house. I raise my eyebrow and cross my arms. “Nothing, I work here too you know? Why shouldn’t I be on this floor?” he says as a matter of fact. I shrug and spin back to the angle I was gazing at Winnie on.
“Is that a letter from the president?” he says pointing through the glass partition.
“What? No.” I wrinkle my nose.
“That’s odd, she’s still reading.” Holy shit what does that mean? Is that good or bad? Every time any of the writers would submit an article I don’t give enough care to look at Winnie reading, but I’m pretty sure she reads them, I mean that’s her job. And my mornings consist of putting things on her desk and leaving, I don’t know what she does in there.
“Your point is?”
“I’ve been here for more than a year, she doesn’t read articles that long. She reads the first paragraph and the last sentence, then puts it down.” Holy crap, I might’ve just written the worst article known to mankind and she can’t take her eyes off it in disgust. She’s probably getting sore eyes from reading my words. Think positive, maybe it’s the opposite. Maybe she likes it? I move my head forward and stare at her, her eyes squinting on the paper. It’s disgust. Holy shit, sorry Maria, you’ve killed your career the moment you didn’t go to work, that was me trying to salvage whatever brownie points you had.
“D’you write it?” Sam’s voice scares me off again. I shake my head violently. “If you say so.” He crouches down and whispers in my ear before laughing and spinning my chair in the direction of my computer. I’ve been pretending to type on the same document I’ve written the article in. I blow air into my cheeks, great James Bond-ing Y/N. I exit the document and open my phone, oh shoot, Bucky! I text him back “Good morning to you too.”
A few seconds later, my phone buzzes, he sent me a photo of him in his office with his eyes closed and his tongue out, with the caption “meeting later, I’m sleepy.”
I look up my desk and when no one’s looking I snap a quick selfie of my fingers looking like they’re holding Sam who’s standing far enough just to look like a toy. I think of a funny caption and hit send. “Maybe I can send Sam in to proxy you.”
He replies with another photo of him, his eyes staring into the camera, giving me puppy dog eyes. He looks so cute, I’m literally pouting. His brown hair looking luscious, oh how I’d love to run my hands through his hair. “Can you send yourself instead?”
I flush, I reply with three laugh emojis, not really knowing what to reply. I gotta play hard to get sometimes, what happened to miss workaholic and focused? Bucky Barnes has quite a way with me alright. “I guess I was shipped to the wrong Barnes,” I type in, sneakily taking a photo of me mid shrug with Winnie in the background.
“Ugh! Damn delivery service, always getting my address wrong!” I giggle. Before I could type in another reply, I hear my phone ring. Right, I’ve almost forgotten I’m at work.
“Hi! This is Y/N from the View how may I help you?”
“I’d like to talk to Winifred Barnes,”
“Who’s calling?”
“Sandra Wang,” I gasp, the Sandra Wang? I skim through Winifred’s list of people I am not to connect the phone to… and she’s on it.
“I’m sorry, but she’s currently unavailable. You’re going to have to set an appointment for a formal meeting.” I scramble across my desk in search for my planner, “she’s free on-“
“No need, I’m already in the building.” My jaw drops, what did she just say? Did I hear that right?
“I’m afraid, I’m going to have to-“ she hangs up on me. I dial her number on the telephone, and of course she’s not going to take it. Oh, no. I start biting my nail, flustered. Surprise visits? For Winnie? That’s a very hard no. And it’s Sandra Wang, one of the designers lined up for the fashion ball, her coming here uninvited doesn’t sound like good news to me.
I call Sam real quick, who’s flirting with one of the girls in the office, waving my hands frantically and begging him to hurry up. He arrives at my desk and I tell him what’s happening, or should I say, what’s about to happen. And he’s now biting his nails too. The two of us start pacing around my table, we look like the Hardy boys.
What does she have to say that can’t be over the phone? Is she pulling her collection off the ball? Is she dying? Somehow, in some twisted way, Sandra, dying sounded better that having to look for another designer to replace her slot at the ball. Winnie’s influence is overwhelming. The sole reason why we’re both panicking over what other people might think is ridiculously so little of an issue is because 1) as I’ve mentioned multiple times, uninvited guests are unwelcome, count family off the list. 2) Winnie hates her daily routine rearranged, anything that disrupts the schedule. Anything that happens wrong on a Monday, reflects through Friday, and I’m not about to have a target on my ass. The last time this happened, she fired 14 people in the floor. One of them were fired just because Winnie heard her breathe too loud when they were in a meeting. By golly I was scared, it was just my first month on the job, and that’s when I knew I was in deep.
“Did she say where in the building?” Sam asked, momentarily taking a break from his nail biting.
“I’ll stall Sandra, tell her she’s not in the office, and you block Winnie, ask her to do something else or tell her to pee!” Sam whispers, his hands doing wild gestures.
“Ask her to pee?!”
“You know what I mean!” we both run on opposite directions. He pulls out his phone and calls someone. I enter Winnie’s office not even knowing what to do.
“There you are, submit this for proof reading, I want it printed on this month’s issue.” Winifred tells me the moment I enter then hands me the article I just wrote. Holy cow! I can’t believe this is happening, what?! I bite my lips trying to hide the ginormous smile my lips can’t seem to shy away from. Maria owes me big time.
“You got it!” she whips her head, raising her eyebrows at me. Whoops, too much enthusiasm. “Uh- yes of course…”
“What are you still doing in my office?” Oh right, Sandra Wang! What could I say that’ll make her leave the office? I can’t think of anything, anything that’s plausible. A tarantula got in your desk! Or fire drill! I mentally smack my head, fire drill my ass. I know! I’ll tell her Bucky’s outside, I’m sure he’ll back me up, right? Then I can just tell her he suddenly got called for work. Okay that sounded pretty stupid, but it’s better than the first two things I’ve thought of… I think.
“Uhm, there’s someone in the building—”
“Bucky is the perfect cover for Dolores,” hold up what? I walk a little to the back as two women walk into the office with Sam outside the glass walls giving me an apologetic shrug that spells “y-i-k-e-s”, to which I replied a look that spells “r-e-a-l-l-y-?-!”. I guess 14 people on the building might need to start packing now, or more. The woman who’s just spoken looks like she’s in her mid-forties, black hair pushed back, and snaking straight on her back. She has olive skin and small almond eyes, a sharp black liner on her lash line, I bet it could kill. A red head was behind her, she has legs that can go for days, she has beautiful freckles on her cheeks, and her teeth gapped in the middle. She looked like a cover girl.
“Sandra, nice to see you too.” Winnie replies, but gives me a killer look, I give her one of my signature apologetic smiles. And I’m glad she doesn’t reply with my unemployment.
“The girl in the orange camisole, the mystery girl- I have her right here.” Sandra pulls Dolores from her back. I don’t know if I should leave, but I for sure don’t want to and so I figured to leave when Winnie asks me to. Until then I’m getting front row on this devious plan. The girl in the orange camisole? I’m sorry Sandra, but that’s not her, I would know.
“I didn’t think you for being color blind, Sandra, but I’ve seen the photos. The girl caught snogging my son had ____ hair.” My eyes grow wide, she has seen the photos! I shake my head, of course she has, Y/N. But it’s been two days, and I’m still pouncing in this office. She didn’t recognize me? I don’t know if her not acknowledging anything is a good thing.
“As if you haven’t been involved in rumors, Winnie. We could say she dyed her hair.” Sandra smiles, wickedly. What is going on? Who is this Dolores anyway? And what’s this cover for? “This is buzz! This could give my niece her spotlight back,” spot light? I try to recall where I’ve seen her face, but nothing comes to mind. “and Bucky and Dolores have been linked in the past before, it would be the topic of the century.”
“If I wanted to make a rumor to be the topic of the century, I would’ve asked my assistant to pretend to be the woman in the photo. Don’t you think that would be more scandalous?” I choke, an audible one, which makes the three of them look at me. I laugh, hysterically and when no one joins me, I shut the hell up. I smile, funny Winnie. Funny, funny, Winnie. I start fanning myself with the article I’ve written.
“What have you to lose Winnie? In my side of things, I think it’s a fair trade. A good one too.” She puts her hands on Winnie’s glass table. She hates that, she really hates it when people touch her desk. “All your son needs to do is take Dolores as his date to the ball, they’ll wear my designs… Unless you want me to pull my collection out your ball.”
“You do know it’s more of a loss for you than it is a loss for me, right?” I want to laugh because it’s true. Every designer longs for the exposure on that ball, no matter how old or big your brand is, a slot at the View’s ball is to die for. But still, its half a bluff, since we wouldn’t be able to replace Sandra under a week’s notice. And the press will be all over us, which is something Winnie is not a fan of when things are still being prepared. “But fine, if this is your way of getting your niece a date.” WHAT?
Sandra looks insulted, but she still managed a smirk to spite her colleague. She removes one of her leather gloves and offers it to Winnie to shake. I already know what’s going on my boss’ face, she hates handshakes, if there’s a bill on it she’d be the first to sign it. She waits until Sandra gets impatient, and she doesn’t, so Winnie sighs and shakes it anyway. And right after she does, Sandra flashes her million-dollar smile and leaves the room, but not before looking me up and down. And I can say the same for Dolores, who’s made it a point to look at me during Sandra and Winnie’s conversation the way they both looked at each other. Like we’re their mini-mes and I cringe, but not as much as I’d cringe if I was Sandra’s mini me.
“How desperate.” Winnie scoffed as soon as the two have made their exit. I pull a small bottle of alcohol out of my blazer’s left pocket and spray some on Winnie’s already waiting hand. She gestures on the place where her two unexpected visitors have just stood and I spray that as well.
“Next time you let anyone here without an appointment, you’re fired, Y/L/N. I don’t care if you can write a good article, I don’t want unnecessary people taking up oxygen in my office.” Fear rushes through my body, how did she know? I didn’t even realize she’d given me a compliment.
“But I didn’t- It was Maria—"
“Maria already called in sick today,” that bitch. She didn’t even get me a heads up. I worked my ass off for that paper, and here she is calling in sick? I worked my ass for nothing. Well, maybe not nothing. Did Winnie just say I write good stuff?! My inner goddess is beaming, my lips start to curl up. I can’t wait to tell Wanda.
She then turns to me, waving a finger, “Get back to work, and call Dolce and Gabbana, tell them to cancel James’ fitting. Guess we’re settling with Sandra Wang.” I spoke too soon.
I’m dumbfounded, so many things have happened under one conversation and I haven’t processed a single thing. What the hell just happened? Not a second later, I feel my phone vibrate. Nat just texted me a photo of the dress I’m wearing to the fashion ball. Great, I can’t wait.
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mrs-daddyissues · 3 years
~ C H A P T E R  I ~
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~ Masterlist ~
Pairing: Alfred Pennyworth x OFC
Series Summary: Sarabi Nichols is Bruce Wayne’s life long friend that aids in creating weaponry and making outfits. When she was younger she had a thing for Bruce but now her taste has aged. Considerably. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce’s guardian and butler is more her style now. Despite this knew found liking, Sarabi feels trapped. She can’t talk to Bruce about it and clearly can’t mention it to Alfred. The only person she has is her best friend, Claudia. Sarabi has to fight the things she feels for the older man because he could never feel the same way back, right? 
{Normal} Playlist
{Slowed+Reverb} Playlist
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of kissing
Word Count: 1475
Author’s Note: 
I apologise that this part is kinda boring. This bit is mostly expositional, so you guys know what’s going on. I promise the rest of the chapters will not be like this.
The trees passed by in quick succession. Each tree made up of bright green leaves covering the sky from the road like a blanket. 
Though she had been up this way many times before, the serenity and peace she felt at the sight of the trees was surreal. 
Sarabi Nichols had spent the past 12 months discovering the beauty of Europe. She went to Italy, France, England, Spain and Switzerland. She flew 1st class, stayed in boujee hotels and got all the best treatment because of her life long friend Bruce Wayne. 
Bruce insisted on paying for everything no matter how big it was. With his billionaire status, it seemed like nothing. He knew Sarabi was stressed and needed time off, so he gave it to her in the only way he knew how. With luxury and in expense. 
Despite loving the stunning aesthetics of Europe, she missed Gotham. She missed Bruce, she missed Claudia, she missed Alfred and she missed her home, 
Sarabi had lived with Bruce for as long as she could remember. When Sarabi was only 6 her parents were killed by the infamous Clown Prince of Crime, Joker and left her as an orphan. She hated foster homes so she broke out and lived on the streets of Gotham. 
Bruce came into contact with her when she attempted to steal from his house at the age of 13. He took pity on her and adopted her. Even though he is about 15 years older than her, she saw him as a friend rather than a father.
Sarabi had to admit to herself that she used to have a little crush on Bruce. She knew it wasn’t just because of his money or good looks, it was because he saved her life. If he hadn’t taken her in then it’s possible she’d be dead on the streets or worse rotting alive. 
The crush never turned into anything. They kissed once when she was about 20 and Sarabi loved it. She had never kissed anyone and to her, it was the best thing she’d ever experienced. She didn’t feel any fireworks like her bestie Claudia said there would be but she felt warm. Claudia advised her that no fireworks or sparks meant no connection. Though the comment hurt, it slowly registered with Sarabi. 
She loved Bruce but not like that.
Claudia Flynn was her only friend other than Bruce and Alfred. Claudia was the most optimistic, joyful person Sarabi had ever met. There was never a dull moment with her. Claudia was supportive of everything Sarabi did but also told her when something wasn’t a good idea, like with Bruce. Claudia was outspoken, confident but also encouraging. 
Her other friend was Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce’s butler and weapons maker. Sarabi spent most of her working time with Alfred in the Bat Cave making weapons and such. Alfred was catty and opinionated but sure as hell funny when he made fun of Bruce. He usually muttered things under his breath and the British man helped get the jobs done quicker. He was also a gentleman always holding the door open for her and making her tea. She and Alfred got along perfectly. They talked pleasantly while they worked and made jokes about anything and everything, especially when those jokes were about Bruce.
All of these thoughts filled her head and before she knew it, Sarabi was at Wayne Manor’s gates. As soon as her driver made it to the front door Bruce came running out with Claudia at his heels. 
“Sarab! I’ve missed you so much!” Claudia pushed Bruce out of the way and threw her arms around Sarabi. 
“I missed you too but you didn’t have to push Bruce like that,” Sarabi wrapped her arms around Claudia’s neck as she attempted to grab her luggage bag. 
“He can handle it,” Claudia retorted with a smirk and Bruce feigned hurt.
“No Claudia that hurt,” Bruce pouted his bottom lip and Sarabi chuckled.
“Suck it up you little bitch,” Claudia let go of Sarabi and grabbed her backpack.
“Wow, that hurts my feelings,” Bruce stalked his way to Sarabi, still holding a shit-eating grin. He wrapped his burly arms around Sarabi and squeezed her tight.
“I miss you, Sarabi,” Bruce let go and picked up the rest of her bags.
“Thank you, Bruce. My own superhero,” Sarabi and Bruce laughed at the inside joke as Claudia looked on perplexed. 
The three walked Sarabi’s stuff up to the front door that was being held open by none other than Alfred Pennyworth. 
“Miss Nichols, welcome back,” Alfred greeted in his suave, British accent. Sarabi looked up and felt her stomach flutter. It was a strange feeling, one she had never felt before but it was good. She had never denied that his voice had always echoed through her head. It was just so perfect. It was charismatic but mysterious. A new thought popped into her head about Alfred but she pushed it out immediately, hoping her cheeks didn’t flush.
“Alfred how many times do I have to tell you, just call be Sarabi like everyone else,” Sarabi composed herself and watched the older man’s lips curl into a smile.
“Well, I am not like everyone else, Miss Nichols,” Alfred closed the door behind the trio and led the way to the kitchen.
“That is for sure,” Bruce commented and everybody laughed.
The rest of the night was spent by the fireplace catching up. Alfred constantly brought in wine and food whenever one of them wanted it. Claudia drank any alcohol offered while Sarabi was cautious. 
“Claudia, slow down,” Sarabi grabbed the shot out of her hand and placed it on the floor.
“You’re not my mother,” Claudia snatched it back and downed it quickly.
“You’re such a fucking child,” Sarabi rolled her eyes and sipped her beer.
“You two done arguing?” Bruce called from the kitchen as he grabbed another bottle of Jack.
“Possibly,” Claudia and Sarabi fell against each other in a fit of giggles. Claudia snorted on accident and they cackled louder. 
“Master Wayne? Do you want me to set up the guest room for Miss Flynn?” Alfred also kept a close eye on the group to make sure they didn’t set the place on fire.
“Yes Alfred, thanks,” Bruce walked back into the kitchen with the bottle of jack and Alfred rolled his eyes.
“Better get the Advil ready for tomorrow morning too,” Alfred whispered to himself as he walked off to ready the guest bedroom.
“Got some more to go around but not for you, Claudia. You’ve had enough,” Bruce poured himself and Sarabi a drink, watching as Claudia angrily sipped her wine.
“I would like some please,” Claudia quickly grabbed the bottle and drank straight from it. 
“Claudia! For fuck’s sake! You’re gonna be vomiting all night!” Sarabi pulled the bottle from Claudia’s mouth as Claudia tried to grab it back.
“No, that’s enough,” Bruce pulled Claudia back to a sitting position and watched her eyes flutter closed.
“I’m gonna have a small nap,” Claudia closed her eyes and Sarabi and Bruce withheld their laughter as she flopped on the ground like a fish out of water.
“Alfred!” Bruce shouted as quietly as possibly. Sarabi marvelled as Alfred practically appeared out of nowhere. 
“Yes, Master Wayne?” Alfred was clearly annoyed by their antics and just wanted to sleep.
“Can you help me carry Claudia up to the guest room?” Bruce grasped onto Claudia’s hands and beckoned for Alfred to move closer.
“Aren’t you the superhero?” The British man mumbled loud enough for them to hear.
“Yes and weren’t you an SAS soldier?” Bruce rebutted as he grabbed her hands and Alfred grabbed her legs.
“Yes like 30 years ago,” Alfred and Bruce hoisted her up and Sarabi snickered at Claudia’ swaying form.
Bruce was back pretty quickly with an annoyed Alfred.
“Anything else, Master Wayne?” Alfred breathed a sigh of relief when Bruce answered no.
“Goodnight Master Wayne, goodnight Miss Nichols and welcome back,” Alfred bowed lightly and walked off.
“Goodnight Alfred,” Sarabi waved as he strutted off.
“How has Gotham been, Bruce?” Sarabi asked in the light of the fire.
“As bad as ever. There seems to be way too many criminals these days,” Sarabi frowned as she noticed Bruce’s tired eyes.
“Well if all else fails, you have Claudia to be your trusty sidekick,” Sarabi raised her eyebrows in a goofy manner and was thankful that Bruce laughed.
“I guess she could scare the men away,” Bruce shook his head as he laughed.
“She scares everyone away,” Sarabi rested her head on Bruce’s large shoulder and felt herself fall asleep.
“Night, Brucey,” Sarabi quipped as her eyes closed.
“Night, Sarbi,” Bruce placed his arm on her shoulder delicately and the two of them fell asleep, curled up in each other’s arms.
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<<INTRODUCTION<<  ~ ~ ~  >>CHAPTER 2>>
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