#Bruce has never once been as thankful to be just out of range of something than in that moment
bwabbitv3s · 10 months
John is never in his office in the watchtower as he always ends up found and forced to deal with things when he is there. Today is no different only it is Batman that shows up at his door. He is sorely tempted to hide under his desk and pretend to not have seen Batman at the door. Only Spooky probably knows he is there and will just track him down. A deep sigh and regret about not being allowed to smoke in the watchtower he gets up and unlocks the door.
That, he was not expecting that. Batman standing in the doorway to his office with an armful of cats. Two adults, one young cat just out of kittenhood, and a little kitten. The largest cat, ginger tom with a torn up ear and white blaze, glares and growls at him. The other placid adult cat, looks like a one of those fancy gray leopard spotted ones, just bats at the first and chirps happily. The younger black cat dangles from Batman's arms and gives John that judging look only cats can pull off. The kitten is a tiny cinnamon coloured thing puffed up in adorable fury with seething green eyes.
"Fix them." Batman say.
John has the dawning horror that he begins to recognizes the cats the longer he looks at them.
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 3
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 2627 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazons' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
'You are five miles from the estimated target, Master Dick,' Alfred said over the intercom of the Bat Wing.
Immediately upon entering Wayne Manor, Dick had rushed to his childhood room - the one he still used on the occasion he worked with Bruce as the Dynamic Duo, or he needed some space from his duties as Bludhaven's hero - and packed a small duffle of clothes and weapons and ran straight for the Bat Cave. As promised, Alfred had the Bat Wing waiting, ready for take off, and Dick barely greeted the old man before leaving Gotham far behind.
Dick had been flying for almost twelve hours and hadn't slept a wink. Sitting at the control panel with only a wide window of open sea to look at, Dick rubbed his tired eyes as the shadows of sleep flickered in the corners of his vision. He had to stay awake, just a little bit longer at least.
And then... Well, he'd cross that bridge when he got to it.
'Is there anything else you need from me, Master Dick?' Alfred asked.
Dick shook his head initially, then remembered Alfred couldn't see him. 'No, thank you, Alfred,' Dick replied, sitting up straighter in his seat. 'I should be fine from here on out.'
It was quiet for a moment, and Dick thought Alfred had signed off accidentally. But then he spoke. 'Are you sure there is something out here? I know you and your friends' findings seem well-supported, but there is only open ocean. There isn't even an under water volcano or ancient mountain range recorded there.'
'Which makes it an even more suspicious place,' Dick countered. 'Trust me Alfred, there is something out here.'
'Let's just hope Miss Y/N is too, or you'll have wasted Master Bruce's fuel. And I will tell you now, he will not be pleased about that.'
The mention of her name caused Dick's heart rate to increase with anxiety. But he quickly recovered as he scoffed. 'I don't know why he's complaining,' Dick said nonchalantly. 'He's the billionaire of the family, after all.'
'Have you seen the price of fuel these days?'
That caused Dick to chuckle slightly, just imagining the singular raised eyebrow Alfred used to ask the silent question of Are you serious? In that moment, he was once again grateful for Alfred. He barely asked any questions as to why Dick needed the Bat Wing, he just trusted Dick that it was for a good reason. Unlike Bruce, where trust needed to be hard earned, Alfred had always given his trust and love unconditionally.
The Bat Wing suddenly jerked as it seemed to hit something. Or, maybe, something hit it.
'Master Dick, what was that?" Alfred asked, worry lacing his words.
Suddenly alert, Dick brought up the different cameras hidden in the ship to try and find what had cause the sudden shift, but sound nothing.
'I'm not sure, Alfred,' Dick answered, running diagnostics over the ship in case of damage. 'There seems to be no damage to the Bat Wing, and there is nothing on the radar indicating another ship or flying creature of sorts.'
The ship rocked again, and Dick gripped tighter to the control handles as he took the ship off autopilot. 'What in the world!'
'Master Di-,' Alfred said, but his words were glitchy and some parts were coming through slowly. 'A-re yo- all rig-' Alfred was cut off before he could finish.
'Alfred? Alfred,' Dick called, but he got no reply. He slammed the control handles in frustration. 'Damnit.' He was on his own now.
However, his annoyance dissipated at the site he'd only ever seen in books he'd borrowed from Y/N when they were children.
To say Themyscira stood atop a mountain would be an inaccurate description. It was more like Themyscira was the mountain, with a long staircase weaving and winding up the entire mountain from the ivory beach and cerulean waters at the base of it. There were small stone huts with woven roofs closer to the beach, but quickly evolved into larger houses and buildings of impressive white columns and marble. As Dick flew closer to the island, he spotted a large coliseum used for sports and physical trials like the ruins in Greece, and a small amphitheatre next door that no doubt was used for the arts.
Atop Themyscira's mountain could only be the royal palace, held up by intricately carved statues of women and marble columns, decorated in plates of gold and held together by green grape vines that covered the palace walls, the statues, the columns.
The bed time stories he'd heard from Wonder Woman when he and Y/N would have sleepovers was more than his imagination could ever conceptualise, and the few descriptions and drawings of the island in the books he'd read were amateur attempts that held no candle to the real deal.
It was, in a word, paradise.
I must've hit the invisible barrier before, Dick deduced as he took in the sight of it all. That's why communications were knocked. That's why he'd felt so anxious and tired the closer he got. Now that he'd passed through, he felt ten times better.
A beeping pulled Dick out his trance, drawing his attention to the radar. Something was coming at him. Fast.
Dick looked up in time to see a large fire ball flying at him and barely dodged it. It was so hot Dick felt its heat through the window as it scraped by.
'Woah!' Dick cried, angling the Bat Wing so Dick could see where the fireball had come from. And, more importantly, who had thrown it. Down on the ivory beach was a line of catapults set up Dick hadn't spotted before, and he could just make out an army milling about around each catapult as they reloaded the catapults.
Before he knew it, he was swerving as another fireball flew at him, this time catching part of the left wing and melting it. Sirens blared, indicating the damage, but Dick didn't have time to worry about that. The Amazons thought he was a threat. He needed to change that, or he'd be a goner.
Crazy an idea as it was, Dick manoeuvred through the line of fireballs the Amazons catapulted at him towards the beach. Once he was close enough, he turned on the speaker so the outside world could hear him. 'Please, Amazons of Themyscira, I mean you no harm,' Dick announced to them, hoping he sounded genuine. 'I am going to land my aircraft on your shore. I just want to ta-'
He didn't have time as a small boulder connected with the left wing, sending the Bat Wing into a spin that Dick couldn't control. Sirens blared in the cockpit, reds light flashed and his front window lit up with the message SYSTEM FAILURE in bright red letters. The steering was shot, his vision was impaired, so Dick just closed his eyes and braced for impact.
The Bat Wing hit the beach hard, knocking the wind out of Dick for a moment. Once he'd regained his breath and the world had stopped spinning, Dick checked his immediate surroundings. He was in one piece still, and the Bat Wing hadn't exploded. Good start.
Before he could unplug himself, a spearhead stabbed through the glass of the front window, shattering it completely as the Amazon wielding it pulled it out. Dick was temporarily blinded by the sudden invasion of sunlight to his senses, but he still put his hands up in surrender in case they still thought him a threat.
'Please,' he begged through laboured breaths. 'Please, I don't mean you any harm. I just need to talk with someone you might know. Please.'
'Síko órthios, pareísaktes,' a strong voice hissed above him, her words whipping out like a delicate snake. She yanked him from his seat, breaking the seatbelt as she did, and threw him onto white, hot sand.
Vision coming back ever so slowly, Dick saw more figures approaching where he laid on the beach, spears and swords and shields in hand. All women, and all wearing brown leather skirts, sandals, and breast plates and bronze helmets of the ancient greeks. A small crowd formed around him, leaving no room for escape.
Realising this, Dick hauled himself to his feet and spun around to survey the group with his hands raised. The women ranged from youthful to mature, but all of them looked capable of killing him should he dare run. Capable, and willing.
'Poios eísai esý?' a woman with long brunette hair asked. She looked slightly older than him, perhaps mid to late 20s. But knowing how old Wonder Woman had lived for already, Dick was almost sure all of the women surrounding him were much older than they appeared.
I really regret not taking those Greek classes with Y/N now, he thought to himself, not having a clue what the woman had asked him. When he didn't reply though, she repeated her question but with more annoyance and aggression, pointing her spear towards his chest.
'I am Dick Grayson,' he said, not sure if they could understand him or not. 'I mean you no harm. Please, I must talk with someone you know... Do you understand me?'
The blank faces he received in return were answer enough. The brunette turned to two other women beside her, whispering to one another. It only lasted a moment, for then the brunette raised her spear higher towards Dick's throat. The rest of the women also raised their weapons, all pointed at him.
'Ánthropos apó to exoterikó,' she announced for all to hear, her delivery final and true, 'edó tha petháneis!'
Just as she raised her spear, Dick threw his hands up again and cried, 'Y/N!'
He waited for pain, for the sensation of falling and then nothing, but it never came. The brunette paused, spear still raised above her, and looked at him curiously.
'Pós gnorízeis tin prinkípissá mas?' she asked, and to Dick's surprise, he recognised one word. Prinkipissá. Princess.
'Yes,' he said, seizing potentially his only chance at surviving. 'She would be your princess. Sorry, your prinkipissá. Daughter of your champion, Diana.'
At the mention of the mighty Wonder Women, the brunette lowered her weapon entirely and turned to the other women as quiet murmurs broke out amongst the group. Dick wasn't sure what he'd started, but he knew they knew of who he spoke of, and what power her name held. Not just anybody could wield her name.
'I came here to speak with Prinkipissá Y/N,' Dick continued, and then he put his hands together as if he were about to pray. 'Please, can you lead me to her? Is she even here?'
The brunette and her two friends looked him up and down for a moment before consulting one another one last time. After what felt like an eternity, the brunette stepped forward and looked him dead in the eyes.
'Piáste ton!' she cried, and two women grabbed both his arms, ensuring he couldn't escape. 'Tha ton páme stin prinkípissá mas.'
She then turned away, and Dick was lead by the arms after her and the rest of the crowd. He managed look over his shoulder to see the wreckage of the Bat Wing. The left wing was one metal sheet away from tearing off completely, and the shattered glass and the many dents in the side of the ship just added to Dick's dismay. Oh yeah, Bruce is going to be pissed.
If the Amazons let him live and he ever got off the island, Bruce would definitely make sure Dick suffered long and hard.
Dick was lead up hundreds and hundreds of steps, walking through the bustling city of women and young girls all going about their daily lives. For some reason, it was off putting to Dick to see women and children doing the washing or playing games in the open street. He wasn't sure why, but he envisioned the whole island as warrior women who all fought and died for each other and their home.
They could probably still whoop my ass, he thought as he was marched by some children who were previously playing a game with some dice and a ceramic cup before he came along and stole their attention. It came to Dick's mind that these young girls probably had never seen a male before, and so he smiled at them as kindly as he could. Some of the children smiled back, others had their mothers nearby collect them and take them inside. Dick couldn't blame them for it. Wouldn't he do the same for his child if the roles were reversed.
Why the hell am I thinking about children right now? he asked himself, but he didn't have time to ponder the question as they quickly walked up a final set of stairs into an open field of green covered in warrior women training. When the whole group stopped, Dick was brought to such a startling halt that he thought his arms were going to pop out of their sockets. Thank God for that, he thought, feeling his legs ache with all the climbing. Or is it Zeus I should thank? Maybe Hera? Athena?
The brunette raised her spear, and those not holding Dick prisoner did the same. 'Prinkipissá,' she called out above the din of all the sparring and training. 'Échoume kápoion gia esás.'
Dick wasn't sure who the brunette was talking to at first, but then his gaze settled on a group of women just ahead of them. It seemed it was a six-versus-one situation, as six women surrounded one young woman with familiar H/C hair. The six women ran at the young woman in the middle, all taking swings with their fists and swords, aiming for her head and legs and mid section. While the young woman took a few punches, she didn't flinch with pain. She would just grab her attacker's wrist and flip her over and slam her into the ground.
The fight only lasted a minute, and ended with the H/C haired pointing a sword at her final opponent's throat as she pressed her to the ground with her foot.
When she flipped her hair as she turned to face their group, only then did Dick fully realise who it was.
'Y/N!' he cried out, the brightest smile spreading across his face. Two years since he'd last seen her, his best friend. After the not-so-very-warm welcome, he was beyond relieved to see a familiar face.
But instead of reciprocating his smile with the one he'd always admired since they were children, Y/N paled as if she had seen a ghost. Her whole body seemed to freeze up as her eyes connected with Dick's, and for a moment Dick feared he had mistaken some poor girl for his best friend.
But her shock melted away, and Dick was met with angry eyes and a stony face. Oh, yeah. That's Y/N. He couldn't recall the amount of times he'd seen that expression before, but there was no mistaking it.
His fear turned towards himself as she suddenly, with sword still in hand, stormed towards him, ignoring the other women around her still training.
'Y/N, it's me Dick,' he said, just in case she hadn't recognised him, but still she came at him, raising the sword to her side. 'Wait, what are you doing?
As she stood a step from him, she changed her grip on the sword's hilt and swung the butt of it at his head.
'Hey! Don't-'
The last thing he saw were Y/N's angry eyes of E/C before pain exploded from his right temple and darkness overcame him.
Síko órthios, pareísaktes = On your feet, outsider
Poios eísai esý? = Who are you?
Ánthropos apó to exoterikó, edó tha petháneis! = Man from the outside, you will die here!
Pós gnorízeis tin prinkípissá mas? = How do you know our princess?
Piáste ton! = Grab him!
Tha ton páme stin prinkípissá mas = We shall take him to our princess
Échoume kápoion gia esás = We have someone for you
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@valiantbouquetcloud | @epicy0n | @tyrannosaurexrex1300 | @lunaizhere | @nameunknownsthings | @tqrgvryen | @pariahsparadise | @edgycatx | @b4tm4nn
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lazycats-stuff · 6 months
Hi! So I’ve had this idea for a while and idk why but I thought I would go ahead and request it. Batfam x Batbro reader who’s the 2nd oldest (maybe their ages range from like 25-18) and is really close with all his brothers. One night after some encouraging from Dick he decides to go out with some friends. While he is gone this villain who he’s been fighting for a while breaks into the mansion and uses his powers of mind control on the family. (the boys and Bruce, Alfred has the night off so he isn’t here) He uses them as leverage over batbro when he gets back from his night out. (Could you focus more on the scene where they break in and mind control happens? I’ve been picturing we see that part happen and then batbro gets home. Kinda like you would see on a tv show) The villain tries to bargain with batbro (maybe he has powers that villain wants?) for his family but because batbro is a smart badass he finds a way to project villain’s own powers back onto himself so batbro is able to command him to release him family and then he gets sent to jail. The brothers are very impressed with his quick thinking skills and they end up having a “sleepover” in one of their room (because let’s be honest, those beds could probably hold like 15 people) and they all fight over who gets to lay next to batbro and Dick and Jason end up winning that fight. It ends with the brothers being like “hope you enjoyed your once chance at protecting us because it will never happen again!” To batbro because they (even the once younger than him) and very protective of him.
If not it’s totally ok!!! Thank! Love your work!!
Okay, this is good! All of you are so creative. Lets go!
Summary: (Y/N) has to save his family from mind control. It goes somewhat good.
Warnings: mind control, original enemy, OC flirting with (Y/N), introvert reader, (Y/N) is a badass.
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(Y/N) looked himself over in the mirror once more. Dick has been telling him for the last week that he should go out. Not alone, but with his friends. (Y/N) preferred his own company over anyone else. Sure, it may sound like he is some sort of antisocial person, but he is just an introvert.
Dick managed to convince him after making a compromise. He wouldn't really go out for the next month and Dick wouldn't nag him about going out at all. Dick happily accepted and made sure to help (Y/N) get dressed.
It was obvious that he is going to go in black, since black is his color and he loved to wear it. Of course, Tim and Alfred would make sure that he wore some color sometimes, but not today. Alfred has a night off and Tim is in his room.
And that's why he looked himself in the mirror once more. A black turtleneck, black pants and on top of that black shoes. Dick wanted to comment on the color choice, but choose not to. If (Y/N) is going out, then Dick won't comment on anything.
Dick and (Y/N) made their way to the kitchen. (Y/N) didn't know if he is going to drink yet or not, but it's better to have a full stomach when drinking. (Y/N) glanced at his rings and his necklace.
His beloved protective amulets.
(Y/N) is a special batkid too. He has powers and sometimes he loved them and sometimes he hated them more than life. He has telepathy and is able to read minds and other things with telepathy that made Bruce pale when he explained it. Second power was pre cognition. Sometimes it turned into full on nightmares and calling out for the person in question.
That was something that he hated, but it was helpful on the field and it was great for avoiding near death situations. Of course, at first nobody knew how to react to the news on the field, but soon they agreed that when (Y/N) said get out or don't do it, they would comply.
And he didn't use telepathy on his brothers and father. He tried not to at least, he couldn't help if he heard a snippet of their thinking process. Sometimes he was freaked out with the way they were thinking.
And sometimes it was just an empty head, no thoughts. That's something that he likes and something that freaks him out too.
Another thing that made Bruce worry is the fact that he is friends with a lot of magical people as Bruce would say. One person was Lord Morpheus, the Dream of the Endless, whatever that meant.
Bruce knew that there was nothing he could do. (Y/N) is an adult and you know, he is responsible for his own choices and actions. Dick knew that too, but he was always worried for his brother.
" Dick, will you stop pestering me? " (Y/N) asked as Alfred gave him leftovers from dinner. " Thanks Alfred. "
" No problem. I'm off, try not to burn the manor down and maybe keep the kitchen intact. " Alfred said and said goodbye afterwards. Dick and (Y/N) said their byes too.
(Y/N) ate the pasta that Alfred has made.
" I'm not pestering you. You are my younger brother and I worry about all of you. Don't drink too much. " Dick said and (Y/N) chuckled as he continued eating.
" Please. You keep forgetting I can read minds. In your mind, you think I'm going to drink beyond belief. " (Y/N) said and Dick started whining at the fact that (Y/N) read his mind.
" Hey! No mind reading! " Dick said and (Y/N) just clicked his tongue.
" That's what happens when you annoy me. " (Y/N) said, putting the Tupperware container in the sink, soaking it in warm water. Dick shook his head as he threw (Y/N) his car keys.
" Now, I want you to go out and have fun. Try not drink too much. " Dick said as he walked (Y/N) out the door. (Y/N) flipped him off and Dick cackled.
" I know you love me! "
(Y/N) gave him another bird and Dick closed the door. Damian walked in, going straight for the fridge.
" Did he leave? " Damian asked as he took a bottle of water out of the fridge. Dick noticed he was slightly sweaty.
" He did. Were you in the gym? " Dick asked and then Tim walked in looking for water too. He was slightly sweaty too.
" I see. A spar? " Dick asked and the two boys nodded.
" Who left? " Tim asked as he opened his water bottle.
" (Y/N). "
" When? " Tim asked, confused. Why did he go? Where did he go?
" Just a few seconds ago. " Dick explained.
" Where? " Tim asked. (Y/N) never really liked to go out.
" He is going out with a couple of friends. Probably to a bar. " Dick said and Tim just nodded, still confused as to why would (Y/N) go out.
" Hey, do we know where (Y/N) is? " Jason asked as he also walked into the kitchen. " I need to talk to him. "
" He went out. " Dick said and Jason has never turned around to quickly.
" No. " Jason said and Dick nodded. " The gremlin finally left his room. Who would have thought? " Jason mused to himself. Dick shook his head in amusement.
" Well, at least someone will have fun tonight. " Jason commented and Dick shook his head once more.
" Wow Jay. I have fun all the time. " Dick said and Tim snorted and Damian had to look away.
" No you don't. Liar, liar pants on fire. " Jason said and Bruce stepped in the kitchen now, looking for his coffee.
" What is going on? " Bruce asked, seeing the way they got along.
" We are talking about the fact that (Y/N) went out with his friends. " Jason said and Bruce raised his brow.
" He did? " Bruce asked, as if the world's greatest detective couldn't believe that his second oldest son was able to go out of the house out for fun and not because he had to.
" Is that really hard to believe? " Dick asked and everyone nodded. Dick just sighed quietly as he looked to the living room. He had to do a double take when he saw Black Seer, just seeing the bastard sitting on the couch.
What the fuck?
Everyone turned to look at the place where Dick looked. Everyone was frozen when they saw Black Seer. He is (Y/N)'s biggest enemy and he wanted (Y/N)'s powers for as long as Bruce could remember.
" Now, where is (Y/N)? " Black Seer asked as he stood up.
" Not here! " Jason said, reaching for a knife to throw. Black Seer tutted as his eyes turned black completely. The knife clattered down on the floor as Jason gripped his head tightly.
Everyone gripped their heads tightly, pain shooting through their heads. Bruce grunted as he felt something heavy in his mind. The others did too. Bruce felt something penetrating the defenses of his mind. He tried to fight it as his knees gave out. He held on the counter tightly as he tried to stand up, but with the headache that's the size of America that was rather difficult.
Bruce kept on grunting. Black Seer watched in amusement as the vigilante family fought the mind control. But alas, there was nothing they could do. It was only a matter of time before they succumbed. Jason didn't want to go down quietly as he grabbed the knife from the floor.
Black Seer tutted as he pushed further in Jason's mind. Jason screamed as he felt the last defenses were breached. He fell down unconscious and the others were not far behind. Damian and Bruce were fighting the most.
" Come on, let go of the control. The sooner you let go, the less painful it will be. " Black Seer prompted, watching in amusement as everyone lost control. Jason was the first to break. He stopped grunting and just looked blankly ahead. His eyes turned black and he knelt in front of Black Seer.
Damian was the next who followed. He fought long and hard, but in the end he succumbed too. He cursed in Arabic before and just stopped resisting. He knelt to in front off Black Seer, just like Jason.
Dick and Tim were the next ones. They put up a big fight, but in the end it was all the same. The two knelt down in front of Black Seer, with the signature black eyes.
Before Bruce lost control, he thought about (Y/N). When is he going to find? Will he have a vision and come and save them? Maybe he will, maybe he won't. Bruce could only hope that (Y/N) would come soon.
(Y/N) sat alone in the bar. His friends had left a few minutes earlier, but he just wanted to sip his drink a bit longer. He found this bar to be cozy and nice and the service was actually really great. And they had great burgers.
He nurtured his cup of Jack and Cola, a nice drink that he has just discovered. He is going to drink all of this and probably one more before going back home, you know, one for the road.
" Anything else I can get you? " A bartender asked, walking up to (Y/N) from the bar, wiping down the counter next to (Y/N) left.
" No, thank you. " (Y/N) said, sipping more of this drink.
" A loner night then? " The bartender asked and (Y/N) shrugged.
" Not really. I was out with friends and they had to leave. I decided to stay alone here. I said why not. " (Y/N) answered and the bartender nodded his head.
" I know that feeling. "
" Thank you... " (Y/N) said, trailing off to get a name.
" Chris. " Bartender filled in the blank with a smile. (Y/N) smiled back shyly before sipping on his drink to avoid talking. Chris took a hint and moved to the right, going to serve another guest.
Oh my God. Was there something more? Is (Y/N) reading more into this? Is he underreading into this?
(Y/N) cursed quietly as he looked up. Son of a bitch. Damn his introvert nature and his awkwardness. He took his phone from his pocket to check the time.
He sighed as it was time to go home. He finished his drink in one go and took his wallet out to pay his tab and tip. He put some cash into a tip jar and he called Chris over.
" Ready to pay? " Chris asked with a smile and (Y/N) gave him his credit card. " Yup. " (Y/N) said, saying to himself that he is going to come back to this bar.
Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to go out tonight. Just maybe. But he would never tell Dick that. He would kill himself before doing that.
Now, this would be good if he wasn't put in a trance by his vision. Black Seer?! In his manor?! (Y/N) was more alert now, waiting for Chris to come by with his card.
" Here you go. " Chris said with a smile and (Y/N) had to force a smile on his face.
" Thank you Chris. " (Y/N) said, standing up. His legs felt like jelly as he stood up.
" I hope you come back. "
" We will see. " (Y/N) said with a forced coy smile on his face. He is going to come back, that's for sure, but after he gets Black Seer out of his house and away from his family.
Like now.
He practically ran to his car, hands shakingly unlocking the car. He turned on the car, driving to the manor as fast as he could. He could only hope that he is not too late.
Oh God...
(Y/N) parked the car before slowly entering the manor. He walked to the kitchen first and seeing a knife on the floor didn't give him any hope. He walked further into the house, shocked when he saw Black Seer.
(Y/N) felt shaky when he saw his brothers and dad under mind control. But now wasn't the time for fear. He had to think quickly on his feet.
He knew what Black Seer wanted. He wanted (Y/N)'s telepathy and pre cognition. He knew it all too well. He still remembers when he saw Black Seer for the first time. He was scared, but he was stronger now.
Bruce trained him mentally and (Y/N) had many fortifications. Not to mention, (Y/N) has been trained in martial arts, just in case according to Bruce. Just in case.
" Hey asshole. " (Y/N) said as he walked closer slowly to Black Seer. He didn't want to scare him and do something to his family's minds.
" That's no way to talk to your enemy who controls the minds of your family. " Black Seer said in his silky voice and (Y/N) knew he had to breach Seer's mind in order to do this.
That is not an easy feet, considering the fact that just tapping into the mind and not reading it are two different things. He knew that he had to thread carefully now. More so when the source of his powers in the mind are very protected.
" I mean, you come into my home, threaten my family and me. Am I supposed to roll the red carpet? " (Y/N) asked, tilting his head with a sarcastic smile. He started tapping into his mind, looking for a way in.
" I mean, that would be nice. It would fit the theme of the manor too. " Seer said, looking around. (Y/N) took a deep breath as he found a week spot.
Now he just had to maneuver his way through the maze and reflect the power back. It's a ballsy move, but hey, sometimes you need to have balls in order to do stuff.
" Sure. Should I serve you caviar too? " (Y/N) asked, allowing sarcasm to seep through.
He is just there. A few more moments.
" That would be nice. " Seer responded and (Y/N) saw it. He just saw the opening and he took it. It took everything in him to not start smirking.
He took a deep breath as he mirrored the power. It took everything in him, this type of reflection is really difficult to pull off. He still needs to learn how to reflect such powers and it takes a lot of mental stamina.
He sighed in relief as his family members were released from their mental shackles. Bruce was taking deep breaths and (Y/N) said that they need to call the Justice League now.
Everyone scrambled to call them and (Y/N) still waited. Once the power damper was put around his neck, (Y/N) relaxed and Bruce caught him before fell down completely.
" Good job son. " Bruce praised as he picked him up like a toddler. He saw the exhaustion in his eyes and waited for the bastard to be taken to jail.
Somewhere far away from them. In another dimension maybe.
The brothers slowly made their way to their brother in Bruce's arms. Bruce allowed (Y/N) to stand and the brothers hugged each other tightly. Bruce joined in, happy to have his sons back.
" I have to say, this was badass. " Jason said, squished in the hug.
" I have to agree Todd, it was smart. " Damian added and Tim and Dick just hummed, too tired to talk.
" Now we need to have a sleepover. " Dick said and everyone had to agree with that.
Bruce picked (Y/N) up and everyone moved to the rooms. More specifically, to (Y/N)'s room. (Y/N) was left in his room to change and that's what he did. The others came by not even 20 seconds later. They were arguing about something while (Y/N) was laying down on the center of bed.
He didn't expect Jason and Dick to jump on either side of him and he didn't expect to see Tim and Damian sulking. After some grumbling they all laid down, Dick and Jason on either sides of him.
" You know, you will never protect us again. I hope that you enjoyed it, because it will never happen again. " Damian said and (Y/N) shook his head, chuckling quietly.
" Sure, sure. "
The others agreed with Damian, even Jason.
" Now that you said it, can we just sleep? I'm tired. " (Y/N) mumbled, closing his eyes.
There were mumbles of agreement and the brothers fell asleep quickly. Bruce joined them a few minutes later. He just wanted to hold his sons for the night.
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fanficshiddles · 7 months
The Call Of Fate, Chapter 19
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The following few weeks were a huge range of emotions for Jade and Loki, but more so Jade. She went through hell and back on almost a daily basis. Loki being the only one that was able to bring her back from it.
It broke his heart seeing her so distraught, but trying to put on a brave face for the most part. He knew how much she was struggling.
Getting fitted for the wedding dress was one of the worst days.
Someone from Arthur’s estate had been sent with a dress to put on her and adjust as necessary. Jade not only hated the dress, it was so not her, it was revolting and uncomfortable. But she was scolded by the nasty old woman over her tattoos, piercings and hair. Told once again that she had to be rid of them. Even when Jade argued that it was too late for her tattoos, she would be left with big marks if she started the process, but she was told it would be better than the awful state of her skin as it was.
As soon as the old bat had left, Jade ran to the bathroom to be sick. Loki rushed after her after seeing her running down the corridor. It wasn’t the first time he’d found her puking after some kind of incident to do with the wedding.
He rubbed her back and held her hair out of the way for her until she felt better.
‘I hate you’re seeing me like this.’ She whispered as Loki wiped her face with a cloth. ‘So disgusting.’
Loki tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘You could never be disgusting, cupcake. Even if you wore a bin bag and had bin juice as perfume.’ Loki smirked.
Jade laughed a little and shook her head with a small smile. He always did manage to make her smile, even in her darkest moments.
She dragged herself up to her feet and went with Loki to get something to eat in the kitchen. Loki had been making sure she was eating plenty, as she seemed to forget to do so in all of her worry. Which was understandable. But she had to keep her strength up.
‘You know, I’ve been thinking.’ Loki announced loudly as he reheated some of Bruce’s leftover pasta for her.
‘Uh oh. That’s dangerous.’ Jade teased.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her momentarily.
‘What’s dangerous?’ Tony asked as he walked in with Clint.
‘Loki has been thinking.’ Jade said.
‘Uh oh. That is dangerous.’ Clint chuckled and sat down next to Jade at the island counter.
‘What’s on your mind, reindeer games?’ Tony asked.
‘Jade is so appallingly bad at cooking. Perhaps she mistakes a herb for poison while she cooks the prince a meal one night… I mean, we can vouch her cooking is bad, can’t we?’ Loki winked at her.
‘Hey! It’s not THAT bad… Is it?’ She whined.
Clint and Tony shrugged a bit sheepishly. ‘I mean… your Bolognese is ok… but you could do with some practice otherwise.’ Said Tony.
Jade crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. ‘Thanks guys…’ She said sarcastically. ‘So as long as I don’t make bolognese I can fuck up any other recipe and get away with it?’
‘I’d say so.’ Loki grinned and slid the plate of pasta across the table to her with a fork.
‘Or just push him off the balcony after the wedding.’ Tony suggested as he grabbed a fork and stole some of her pasta. Loki glared daggers at him for doing so, but Jade just shook her head at him with a smile.
‘There’s a pool right underneath his balcony unfortunately… That thought has already crossed my mind.’ She said with a mouthful.
‘So you chuck in some sharks, that’ll do the trick.’ Clint said.
‘Filling it with acid would probably work quicker. Less chance of survival.’ Tony said.
‘Not as easy to do though.’ Clint countered.
‘Emptying the pool would do just as good.’ Loki shrugged.
‘I don’t think any of that would work, I’d be spotted too easily.’ Jade said.
‘I’ve got it!’ Clint announced loudly after everyone had fallen silent for a few minutes, making the other three jump. ‘Well it’s obvious. She just smothers him in his sleep with a pillow. Easy, no mess and no struggle.’
Jade laughed and facepalmed. ‘I appreciate the throwing ideas around, guys. But I’d rather not end up in prison for murder.’
‘You blame it on a maid.’ Tony shrugged.
‘I’d rather not have a poor maid chucked in prison either.’ She laughed lightly.
‘Hm. I guess not… Well, how would you like to come and watch us kick Loki’s ass in the training hall?’ Clint offered.
‘I think you’ll find it’s your ass that gets kicked.’ Loki growled at him.
‘If asses are being kicked, I don’t care who’s, I’m there to watch.’ Jade said as she put her plate in the sink.
‘I can assure you, cupcake. My ass is not one that will be kicked.’ Loki said firmly as he draped his arm over her shoulder as the four of them headed towards the hall.
But as they were walking, Tony literally kicked Loki in the ass, making him stumble forward a few steps. Jade and Clint howled with laughter while Tony ran off in another direction after the death stare Loki gave him, and he then ran after him, cursing at him on the way.
‘I’m so going to miss this.’ Jade said to Clint once she calmed down with her laughing.
Clint put his arm around her and gave her a squeeze. ‘You’ll still visit, you’re always going to be part of our family now.’
Jade smiled and nodded, trying not to think about it and hold back tears. ‘You… You will look after Loki for me, won’t you?’
Clint smiled. ‘Of course we will.’
‘I know he’s finding it hard too… considering how close we’ve gotten since I’ve been here.’ Jade said with a lump in her throat.
‘Don’t worry about him. I promise, we will look after him.’ Clint assured her. ‘You’ve got enough to be worrying about yourself.’
Jade nodded. ‘I know… But I do worry about him.’
Clint pulled her into him again for a proper hug this time and rubbed her back. They both froze though when they heard Tony screaming from somewhere in the compound, followed by a large smashing of a glass window.
Jade leaned back and looked at Clint. ‘I… think Loki found him.’
Clint scrunched his nose up and nodded. ‘Yeah, I’d say so.’
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griffin-girl-r · 7 months
Created: 10.08.2022
Finished: 11.08.2022
Edited: 13.09.2023
Age: 17
Word count: 4,198
Based on: The movie 'Run'
Note: The plot had been altered to fit a happy ending
Warnings: Blood, Different health issues, Mental disorder, Medicine, Poison, Lies, Fainting
Request: Yes (Tumblr user)
"Is she going to be okay?" Natasha looked with tear-filled eyes at the baby inside the incubator
Bruce took a step forward and put his hand on her shoulder "She's got some serious problems, Nat, and she's very small. Giving birth at only 5 months of pregnancy can be very risky for you as well as for the baby."
"Is she going to be okay?!" Natasha repeated as she tried to fight back a sob, her eyes never leaving the baby, her baby
"With a lot of care and attention, she'll survive." Bruce explained "And despite the health problems she has, your baby can easily live an almost normal life."
Natasha sniffed as she pressed her hand harder on the incubator in hopes that this would help her be closer to you "I'll make sure she'll survive."
*17 years later*
The Avengers were all sitting in another boring meeting when suddenly Tony started talking about how Peter would go off to college very soon and about how fast the time passed.
"I can't believe my boy has grown so much." Tony smiled but everyone could swear that he was tearing up behind his sunglasses "Who will now be there for him to remind him to eat or rest enough? Who will do the grocery shopping for him now and buy him everything he actually needs not just junk food?"
"It's a hard time in a parent's life to let their child finally go, Stark." Clint started to play with the pen in his hand "Trust me, I got 3 and it never gets easier. Especially for us that we're walking targets and we're afraid they'll come for our kids as a form of revenge towards us. But we'll also be proud to see how well they can actually do on their own."
Tony pretended to play it cool as he turned his head towards Natasha and chuckled "You've been really quiet, Romanoff. Aren't you scared that something could happen to your daughter now that she'll go to college?"
"No." Natasha replied nonchalantly
"No?" Steve questioned "Nat, we know how much you love your daughter and protect her. We know it can't be that easy for you to let her go. Especially since she's..." Steve couldn't bring himself to say it "You know... She's..."
"Intelligent?!" Natasha interrupted him "Brave? Much more capable of taking care of herself than any adult in this room? I know my daughter. I gave birth to her. I raised her. Y/N is better than all of us. So if anyone needs to be worried about their child, that's Tony." She pointed to the man in question "Not me."
Steve wanted to say "sick" but hearing Natasha's protests he gave up on that thought.
Clint knew exactly this was just Natasha using her well-known poker face in a successful attempt to hide her feelings but he said nothing.
You sighed and put your blanket over your head as the morning alarm rang once again to wake you up.
Sticking one hand from under the blanket you stopped it and made your way out of the bed.
It was another boring day of your boring life.
Thanks to the fact that you were born such a small baby and thanks to your mom's health issues when it came to her having babies, now you're stuck in an endless loop.
You get out of bed and hardly make your way towards the bathroom.
For a moment you stare at yourself in the mirror then wash your face and proceed to brush your teeth.
After this part of the routine is completed you make your way just as hard as before towards the kitchen.
"Good morning, sweetie." Natasha kissed your head once you sat in your chair at the table
"Morning, .ama." You yawned and Natasha giggled
"I made breakfast." She smiled as she put the plate with food in front of you
You smiled back at her "Thanks, Mama." And proceeded to eat
"Don't forget these, baby." Your mother put in front of you a glass of water next to your daily pills "So when was the last time we saw a movie together?"
You were born with a set of serious health problems that included: arrhythmia, hemochromatosis, asthma, diabetes, and an easy form of paralysis that is responsible for you moving your legs way too harder than a normal person does.
Arrhythmia: An abnormality of electrical impulses in the heart, causing irregular heartbeats.
The orange pill in front of you.
It made you not feel as funny in your chest as you do when your heart starts beating out of its normal rhythm.
Hemochromatosis: An excess accumulation of iron in the bloodstream, causing rashes and nausea.
The white pill in front of you.
You hated that every morning you woke up feeling sick and if it wasn't for this pill, you would constantly throw up.
Asthma: An inflammation of the airways in the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.
You knew what was coming right after breakfast. You had to use your inhaler.
Your mom had these things stashed all around the house, the car and she's always carrying one with her.
Diabetes: An impairment of the pancreas to produce insulin, causing unstable glucose levels.
You knew the drill.
If it was too high you had to make an injection. If it was too low your mom gave you some chocolate.
You always prayed you had it too low.
Paralysis: An inhibition of muscle function, causing an inability to move, feel, walk, or run.
Something you will never be able to do.
When you were born, Bruce told your mama that you would never be able to use your legs but Natasha was stubborn. She couldn't accept the fact that her daughter would never walk so she researched day and night to find a solution for your problem.
Her solution was followed by countless hours of physical recovery but she achieved her goal.
Slowly but surely, her care and the physical therapy you were doing every day at home offered you over time the ability to walk. Still a little harder than normal people do but you are walking and Natasha was happy with just that.
But running was one thing you'll never be able to do and you made your peace with that.
"Do you know when the mail will come today?" You hopefully asked your mom
"I have no idea baby girl but don't worry. If there is a letter from any university, you'll be the first to open it." Natasha smiled and put a book on the table for your daily lessons
It was no surprise that you were homeschooled.
Natasha was very overprotective of you. As a matter of fact, you rarely even left the house at all and when you did, you were always in Natasha's company.
You didn't even have friends.
To keep yourself busy, you developed a passion for engineering and building different machines and computers on your own. Natasha provides you with anything you could need to work on your passion.
Sure, Clint's kids visit you as often as they can, and twice a week Peter comes to talk with you and tell you how the outside life is.
You both were now 17 but very soon you and Peter will turn 18 and both of you were waiting for your letters from the universities you applied for.
Peter was only 2 months older than you and you have been really close from the first moment you met each other.
He was Tony's adopted son but try and tell that to Tony.
And you were Natasha's miracle daughter, born from an experiment.
"Please don't lie to me, Peter." You skeptically looked at your friend
"I'm not lying Y/N." He defended himself "Look. Here it is." Peter pulled out of his pocket his acceptance letter from the university
You snatched it from poor Peter's hands and quickly looked over it.
"Off..." You deeply sighted "Mine still hasn't arrived. What is it taking so long?"
Natasha could hear you from the basement where she was throwing away the third letter you received from another university that was honored to have you as their student.
She wasn't planning on letting you go ever.
Natasha was afraid that you would die alone in the cruel outside world. She was scared of losing you.
Her little baby girl can't go off to college alone. There are too many dangers and you're still so fragile and so in need of her help.
It wasn't up till one day when you decided to look through the grocery bag that your mom left on the counter in hopes of getting to steal more candies to eat behind your mother's back, that you found something unexpected.
It was a medicine bottle with Natasha's name on it.
This was new. You never saw these meds before. Let alone know that your mama needed them.
But before getting the chance to have a good look at them, you heard Natasha coming towards the kitchen. So as fast as you could, you returned to your seat and pretended to work on your homework.
You said nothing about the pills you found but you were determined to find out what were they and what they were used for.
Natasha started to give you these pills telling you they were actually for you, that the doctor gave you some new medicine to take, and that it was for nothing more than to prevent you from passing out whenever your heart started acting up and beating like crazy.
At first, you believed her.
She was your mom after all. Right?
All she ever did was to take care of you.
"Mama, why was your name on the bottle?" You finally had the courage one night to ask your mom about the pills
"What are you talking about baby?" Natasha turned around and leaned on the door frame after she tucked you in
"I've seen your name on the bottle. Which means that you should be the one taking the meds, not me." You confidently looked at your mom
Natasha lightly laughed "Oh no honey. My name was on the receipt. You know, they lately put the receipt on the bottle. That's why there is my name on the bottle and not yours."
"Oh." You were confused "I guess you're right. I'm sorry for accusing you, Mama."
"That's okay my love." Natasha softly smiled "I forgive you. Now off to bed with you." She put her hand on the light switch and turned it off
Natasha left, closing the door behind her, and you pulled your blanket more over your shoulders.
But Natasha's answer wasn't enough for you.
After almost half of the night where you just tossed and turned in bed, you decided to get up and find out more about those pills.
You quietly made your way towards the computer that was downstairs.
You looked on all sides before opening up and searching for the name of the medicine.
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you anxiously waited for the results of your search to show up on the screen.
But instead of the results, the screen showed up the text that let you know the computer had no Internet connection.
Only if your mom allowed you to have a phone.
You defeatedly made your way back up to your room, unaware of the fact that this entire time Natasha was watching you from the dark and she was the one who cut the Internet connection.
"You can't treat your clients like this. Leaving us in the dark for the entire night." You saw Natasha argue on her phone while you sat down on your chair at the dining table "I hope this never happens again." Your mom ended the call
"Was it about the Internet connection?" You sighed as Natasha sat in front of you
"Yes." She nodded "But how do you know it was about the Internet, baby?"
"I tried to use the computer last night." You shily said "I tried to figure out why the processor of my new invention isn't working."
You lied. You were not just going to reveal to Natasha that you suspect something strange is happening.
But Natasha knew you were lying and she played your card.
"So did you find out why wasn't it working?" She asked as watched you from the corner of her eye
You shook your head "No. How could I?! The Internet wasn't working." You decided to push your luck "If only I had a phone."
"Nice try, baby." Natasha laughed "But don't worry. I'm sure you'll figure it out on your own. You're my smart girl."
You were her smart girl but you were also her stubborn girl and you weren't going to give up till you hadn't learned all the truth.
So you took advantage of the fact that your mom left the house to water the plants in your garden outside and went to her room, you called Peter.
"Hello?" Peter answered the call
"Peter, I need your help." You were watching your mom through the window to make sure she didn't come inside
"Y/N? What happened? Is there something wrong?" He asked concerned
"I need you to look something up for me on the Internet and tell me what it's used for." You quickly answered and proceeded to tell him the name of the medicine
"So here it says that is used for severe cardiac problems..." Peter read a whole list of things that it had treated with that medicine "Wow! Is that what you're suffering from? That's nasty!"
"There's no time for that, Peter... I need you to tell me what color they are." You rushed Peter into answering
"The color... the color..." Peter repeated while he searched for photos of the medicine "Ah! Here it is. They are red."
Your brain stopped working for a moment and the phone fell from your hand.
The pills you were taking were half green, half grey.
No red.
"Y/N? Y/N? Are you still there?" Peter shouted through the phone trying to catch your attention once again "Is that all you wanted to know?"
"Yes, Peter. Thank you." And with that, you ended the call and rushed out of your mom's room
Your mom had been tricking you.
But why?!
What were these meds actually for?
"I see you figured it out." Natasha startled you as she opened your door
Your mind instantly raced to what happened today.
"What do you mean?" You slightly panicked
"You figured it out. I knew you could do it." She pointed with her head towards your invention that was now working
"Yes. Yes, I did." You smiled as you sighed in relief
Natasha came closer and handed you the meds with a glass of water.
"Good night, baby girl." She kissed your head
"Good night, Mama." You flashed a smile her way then looked back at the book that was in your lap and pretended to keep reading
Natasha looked one more time at you before closing the door behind her.
"When was the last time we watched a movie?" You smiled at your mom the next morning during your breakfast
Natasha's face instantly lit up as a wide smile appeared on her face "What do you want to watch?"
You successfully made Natasha agree to take you out to the city to watch a movie together at the cinema.
Your plan was set in motion.
You were going to find out what those pills were for one way or another.
"I'm going to get more water." You whispered to your mother in the middle of the movie as you shook the empty bottle in front of her "Tell me what I miss."
"I won't." Natasha chuckled as she watched you stand up and leave
Going out of the cinema you took off towards the pharmacy that was right across the street and from where your mom always bought your meds.
You sighted as you saw the enormous line of people that were waiting there.
So you decided to play the disabled person card.
"Excuse me. I'm disabled. Please let me through." You shouted as you exaggerated your walk to show people that they should let you in front
"Hey, Y/N." The lady from the desk greeted you "Where's your mama? Is Natasha here too?"
"Yes!" You rushed to answer as you put one on the desk one pill "But I need to find out what is this pill used for."
"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry but this is confidential information and I'm afraid I can not give it to you without your mama being here." The lady apologetically smiled at you
"Please..." Then an idea popped up in your mind "We're playing a game! It's a hunting treasure game and to find the treasure, I need to find out what this pill is used for because this is a clue that will get me closer to being the one who wins."
The lady thought for a second about your words then sight "Okay, Y/N. If you say so." And she started to search on her computer what that pill was
You were looking around scared. Praying that Natasha wouldn't come look for you here.
"Ah, here it is." The lady said "Here it says that it's a medication used to treat the persons that are suffering from bipolar disorder. It should calm them and their mood swings. Made them more relaxed and..."
The lady kept on explaining but you weren't listening to her anymore.
Natasha gave you medicine that wasn't yours. Why? Why would she do that? Why do you need to calm down?
You felt how your heart started to beat faster and faster and faster. Your hands started to shake and you could feel the blood rising and see the world spinning till it became blurry.
That damn arrhythmia. It was the worst time for it to start acting up.
"Y/N!" Natasha desperately shouted as she ran to your side "Baby, talk to me! Say something!" She cupped your face
She reached you just in time before your legs gave up on you and you passed out in her arms.
"What did you tell her?!" Natasha shouted angrily at the lady behind the desk "It's okay, baby. I catched you." Natasha whispered as she held you tight in her arms slightly stroking your hair "I got you, baby. Mama got you."
Natasha gently laid you down on your bed once she took you back home and left the room after that in a hurry.
A few hours later you woke and tried to get out of your room only to find out that Natasha locked you in there.
"Mama!" You shouted "Mama, please! I just want to talk to you! I promise I won't do anything! I just need answers!"
When you received no response you decided to try and unlock the door only to realize that Natasha not only locked the door but she actually blocked it from the other side so it would be impossible for you to open it.
You had to escape now.
So you decided to get out through your window after you secured some wires around your waist and then crawled on the roof till your mother's window and broke it.
Crawling back inside you rushed to your room, unclocked it, and barely reached your inhaler just in time.
After you caught your breath you made your way to the stairs.
What a great time for your legs to give up on you because just when you were at the top of the stairs, your legs gave up and you fell all the way to the bottom of the stairs.
You looked at your hands and saw cuts and scratches and after you checked the right side of your head, you understood that there was a bleeding cut.
But you didn't have time to cry over something so little as falling down the stairs.
You made your way on the lonely road that led to your house and stopped the first car that was coming that way, which happened to be the mailman's car.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He ran to your side
"I need your help. Please. My mama tried to hurt me. She gave me medicine that was for her, not for me. Help me please."
"Y/N, are you sure, kid?" The man asked
But before you got the chance to answer him, your mom's car pulled behind the mailman's.
"Baby?" Natasha started running to you worried when she saw the state you were in "Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"Miss Romanoff, please stop." The mailman stepped in front of Natasha, blocking her way to you
"What are you talking about?! I need to go to my daughter! I need to make sure she's okay!" Natasha shouted
"Natasha..." The man whispered "She said you were hurting her."
"What?!" Your mom asked confused "Can you hear what you're saying right now?! Me? Hurt my daughter? You know I could never do that. She's just feeling off because there were some new meds that she was given."
"Look, I'll take her to the hospital and we'll talk more there." The man said
Natasha nodded and walked back to her car.
"So the hospital or the police?" The man whispered to you as he helped you get up in his van
"The police." You smiled relifed "Thank you so much."
But before you got the chance to even leave that place, Natasha knocked unconscious the poor man who tried to help you.
You woke up in a strange room.
But as you fully came back to your senses you realized you were in the one room, you weren't allowed in.
The basement.
As you looked around at the room where Natasha was spending her free time you noticed the letters from the universities in the trash.
You were accepted.
To every college you applied for.
Natasha kept this as a secret from you.
You got so angry that you started throwing all around the room the trash and the letters till you noticed a strange box.
On the box there was a name very similar to your mother's name and yet not hers at the same time.
'Natalia Romanova' was the name on the box.
Your mom's name is 'Natasha Romanoff' not 'Natalia Romanova'... Right?
Even though Natasha chained you by one leg you managed to find a way of reaching the box and started looking through it.
There were a few pictures of your mom when she was younger, one when she was pregnant with you, and one of yourself as a baby. Then there was your birth certificate, a paper where were listed all of your health problems, and one paper that clearly said that your mom had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Your mom was sick?!
"We can start again, baby." Natasha softly explained as she reached the bottom of the stairs "No meds. No nothing. Just us two like we were before."
"You tricked me!" You shouted in her face "Was I ever even sick? You poisoned me!"
Natasha shook her head "I protected you! The outside world it's very dangerous, baby girl, and you are too fragile to fight alone. You need me."
You thought for a second "No... You need me."
You managed to lock yourself inside the storage closet before Natasha had time to reach you.
"Baby, please..." Natasha knocked on the door "Please open the door. We can talk about this."
But you knew what you had to do. You took the first bottle of chemicals that was inside there and drank it.
When she heard no answer Natasha took down the door and let out a desperate scream as she saw you lying down with blood pooling out of your mouth.
Bruce and his team managed to save you and Natasha never felt more scared and desperate in her entire life.
But before she got the chance to see you Bruce talked with you a little, first.
He managed to tell you about the problem your mom has and he told you that Natasha accepted getting help for you because she wants to start again and give you more freedom.
Natasha understood where her mistake was and she accepted specialized help.
And you decided to forgive her and give her a chance.
You knew your mom wouldn't hurt you on purpose. She couldn't control herself when she did and you were planning to help her.
*7 years later*
Natasha did change and everything went back to normal again.
She seeked professional help, you went to college and graduated last year.
You both left it all behind and were now looking ahead to a brighter future.
One where you helped each other and took care of one another while overcoming everyday challenges.
You both understood that you needed each other to keep living a normal life.
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chrisbitchtree · 6 months
Everyone Say Thank You to Daddy Wade!
When Mobius's admittedly pathetic attempts at flirting fail, he resorts to letting Wade trick Loki into making a move!
Lokius - NSFW - 4.5k
With one last glance at Loki, Mobius turned the corner onto Wade’s street, picking up his pace, eager to escape the late November cold. It looked like it’d been raining, but it seemed to have stopped, leaving only a bunch of puddles and grey clouds behind. Mobius was thankful, since he couldn’t find his umbrella before leaving, and Loki had started to complain that Mobius was taking too long and was going to make him late to meet up with Thor.
That was one of Mobius’s favourite things about the new chapter of the TVA. The fact that with the newfound freedom to use his magic (by his own decree, his first, as co-director of the TVA with Mobius), he’d been able to use it to locate and reconcile with his brother. It had taken time, a whole lot of it, but now Loki and Thor were closer than they’d ever been before. Just thinking about it brought a smile to Mobius’s face.
Now that the two were thicker than thieves, they were spending a lot of time together, both alone, and frequently with Mobius and Thor’s boyfriend recently turned fiancé, Bruce. Loki had been shocked when Thor had announced that he was dating The Hulk of all people, telling Mobius privately that he couldn’t understand what the two saw in each other, but Mobius thought their relationship was sweet. They really seemed to balance each other out. Just like Mobius and Loki.
Not that Mobius and Loki were a couple, much to Mobius’s dismay. He wanted the man with every fibre of his being, wanted to kiss him and hold him, fuck him, court him, marry him. Not even his desire to own a jet ski outweighed how much he wanted Loki.
He’d tried his best to make his feelings known to the god, but he was a terrible flirt, so usually his come-ons either went unnoticed, or were brushed off as a joke. Mobius sighed, shoving his hands deeper in his pockets and walking the last couple blocks to Wade’s apartment.
Mobius has never actually intended to befriend Wade Wilson, and on paper, they were a bad match. Wade was rude and gross, his home and his life a mess, and the way he flirted with anything on two legs, and honestly, more than once that Mobius had seen, things on four legs, but somehow their friendship worked. They’d met at a party at Thor and Bruce’s, and had gotten to talking, finding common ground in their love of power ballads, video games, and surprisingly enough, tea, and had been meeting up to hang out when they could find the time since.
So, when Loki had told Mobius he was heading to New York to go suit shopping for Thor’s wedding, where Loki would serve as best man, Mobius had decided to tag along and go visit Wade, who’d told Mobius he had a new rooibos tea he wanted him to try.
He rang the buzzer for Wade’s apartment in his new building, and after a minute, the speaker crackled to life.
“What the hell do you want? If you’re selling something, we don’t want it. Unless it’s girl scout cookies, and only if it’s thin mints.”
Mobius smiled at the sound of Blind Al’s voice. “Hi, Al. It’s Mobius. Can I come in? Wade’s expecting me.”
She didn’t reply, but she did buzz him in, so that was something.
As he waited for the elevator, a flyer tacked to the bulletin board next to it caught eye. It advertised the knitting circle that Wade had talked about starting and had apparently finally gotten around to. It was supposed to be for residents only, but he’d invited Mobius, telling him he should bring Loki along. The flyer stated that the first meeting was in two weeks. He opened his phone and as he rode the elevator, he entered the details in his calendar, wondering what it would take to actually get Loki to come with him.
The elevator opened on the 10th floor and Mobius stepped out, knocking on the first door on the right.
“I’m finishing up on the shitter, but it’s open!” shouted Wade, much to the dismay of both Mobius and the woman fumbling with her keys and a bag of groceries three doors down. She gave him a startled look that he pretended not to see, quickly stepping through the door and shutting it behind him.
“There’s my favourite silver fox!” Wade grinned, stepping out of the bathroom and grabbing Mobius’s shoulder’s giving him a big, smacking kiss on the cheek as Mobius slid his coat off his shoulders.
“Wade,” Mobius replied, ducking his head. Feeling a blush beginning to creep its way onto his face, Mobius busied himself with grabbing a hanger from the hall closet and hanging up his coat and scarf. Before he’d made friends with Wade, no one had ever really flirted with Mobius, and all this positive attention still made him slightly uneasy.
Wade would wink, or pinch Mobius’s ass, he’d tell him how hot his moustache, or greying hair, or belly were, but he also knew that Wade was like that with everyone, so even if it did make him blush, he was fine with it, because he knew it was probably just a reflex for the other man at this point. See human, spew flirty comments.
“Make yourself at home, Moby. Preferably in my bed. I’m just putting the water on for the tea. I’ll be back in a minute.” Wade called, as he walked down the short hallway to the kitchen.
Mobius ignored the comment about Wade’s bed and settled into the couch, next to Blind Al, who had a book balanced in her lap as she ran the fingers of one hand over the braille and held a bottle of beer with the other.
They sat in silence as her fingers glided over the bumps so fast that Mobius wasn’t sure how she could even be absorbing the words, until Wade’s shouting broke through.
“Do you want a cup of tea, Al?”
“Do you think this one would taste good with PBR?”
There was a beat of silence, and Al returned to her reading before Wade replied. “I’m not sure. No, time like the present to find out though!”
With that, he re-entered the living room with a tray containing a teapot, three mugs with spoons, cream and sugar, and a platter of assorted cookies, biscuits, and jams. For a guy who Mobius had once seen with his own eyes eat, according to Wade himself, three-day old pizza from a box on his living room floor, he sure put together a nice tea party spread.
Wade set the tray down on the coffee table before turning on his Switch and grabbing the controllers. He walked back over to the couch, wedging himself into the frankly too small space between Mobius and Al, and started to pour the tea into the trio of cups. He slid the can of PBR out of Al’s hand and poured the remainder into her mug along with the tea before handing it back to her and grabbing a biscuit that he proceeded to slather in jam.
“This is awful, Wade,” Al said, a look of disgust on her face, but it didn’t stop her from taking another sip.
Mobius tried a sip of his. He personally thought it was delicious, but he also hadn’t cut his with cheap beer. Grabbing a chocolate dipped cookie, he settled back into the cushions as Wade started up Animal Crossing.
When Loki had once asked what kind of video games he and Wade played together, he mentioned GTA and Call of Duty, but the truth was that while yes, they had played both of those, they spent most of their time together working on Wade’s Animal Crossing island, taking turns planting flowers, redesigning his home, fishing, and trying to get rid of his most hated villagers. It was their (and Al’s) little secret.
They spent the better part of an hour and a half sipping their tea, picking at the cookies, and selling crops at Nook’s Cranny, and were headed to the Able Sisters’ so Mobius could give Wade his opinion on some items that were new to the shop, when Wade brought up his favourite topic of conversation, Mobius and Loki’s relationship, or lack thereof.
“You know that pathetic little meow meow has the hots for you, Moby.”
Now, Mobius knew he could play ignorant, pretend he had no clue what Wade was talking about, but that would only buy him an extra minute or two, so he took the bait.
“Shut up, Wade. We’ve been through this. He’s not into me.”
Wade laughed. “Then why the fuck does everything about him scream otherwise?”
Mobius tried to protest again, but Wade cut him off. “We’ve been through this a million times, so I’ll just cut to the chase this time. The way he clings to you like he’s scared that you’ll disappear. The way that as far as he’s concerned, everyone else ceases to exist the second you walk into a room. That weird, overly large smile that he only whips out for you. The “fuck me” eyes he’s always giving you. The fact that he never laughs at my jokes, but when you say something mildly funny, he acts like it’s the most hilarious thing he’s ever heard. Any of that ring a bell?”
Mobius shook his head. “Have you ever considered that he doesn’t laugh at your jokes because they’re not funny, Wade?” That wasn’t true, and Wade knew it, but he still needed to take the other man down a peg sometimes.
 Wade clutched at his chest, over his heart. “Oh, how you wound me, Moby. And yet, daddy Wade is still willing to help you get yo man.”
“I’ve told you before. I’m not calling you daddy Wade.”
“Fine then, what about daddy Deadpool?”
“Still no.”
“Can I call daddy Moby?”
Mobius sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to shoo away the headache currently brewing behind his eyes. He had no clue why he kept this friendship with Wade up. No, that wasn’t true. He did know. It was the massive collection of teas, and the fact that under his incredibly weird exterior, he actually had a heart of gold and would do anything to help his friends.
“Is daddy Moby staying for dinner? I hope so because I already took out porkchops to defrost.”
Mobius shook his head. “Sorry, but I can’t. Loki wants to make me some kind of pasta dish for dinner.”
“And you say that man doesn’t love you. Cooking for someone is the surest sign of true love!”
“Wade,” Al said, setting down her book. “Don’t forget your matchmaking plan. We worked hard on this. It can’t go to waste.”
Oh, great, apparently Wade was discussing his pathetic, non-existent love life even when Mobius wasn’t around.
“Right!” Wade replied, throwing an arm over Mobius’s shoulder. “So, hottie long legs is the jealous type, right?”
Mobius couldn’t deny that. Loki had a jealous streak three thousand miles long. “Yes? Where is this going?”
“Well, what Al and I were thinking was we just have to get your pal Loki to catch me flirting with you. He won’t be able to resist staking his claim like a cat pissing to mark its territory. Mobius had his doubts, but really, what could it hurt to try?
“Sure,” he said, hesitantly.
They were just finishing up at the Able Sisters’ when Mobius’s phone started to ring. Loki. He accepted the call, and barely had a chance to say hello before Wade was yanking the phone out of his hand.
“Hello, Mr. Laufeyson, Al and I are holding Moby hostage. If you want him back, you’ll have to come get him.”
Mobius could hear shouting from the other end of the line but couldn’t make out Loki’s words.
“Perfect,” Wade replied once there was silence. “Now we wait.”
Loki dug his nails into the palms of his hands, stopping just short of having a full on freakout on a street corner in Queens, as he waited for the light to change so he could cross. Before splitting up, the two had decided that they would meet at Thor and Bruce’s since they’d arrived much closer to Mobius’s destination. It had only seemed fair.
But now, Wade Wilson was insisting that Loki fetch Mobius at his apartment, and it’s not like Loki had much choice in the matter, since Mobius had the Tempad. He huffed and grumbled under his breath as he walked to the entrance of Wade’s building. He called Mobius again, and Wade picked up this time.
“Hello,” Loki greeted the other man curtly. “May you please release Mobius so we can return home?”
“Sorry, no can do, Amigo,” Wade replied. “You want him, you’re gonna have to come get him. I’ll buzz you up.”
Resisting the urge to stamp his foot like a child, Loki threw the door open as the buzzer sounded, almost pulling it off it’s hinges, and not caring one single bit.
He tapped his foot in the elevator, ignoring the glances from the woman and her two children who were occupying the space with him. Finally, after what seemed like eons, the elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. He rapped loudly on Wade’s door, and soon heard a reply from within.”
“Come in! It’s open!”
Loki pushed through the door, taking in the small space before him. He’d only been once before, and it didn’t look any less like a bomb had gone off in the room than the last time. He’d once asked Mobius what he saw in the other man, and he’d shrugged, telling Loki he was kind and funny, and had good taste in tea. Loki was hilarious, and could be kind if he wanted to, and he personally thought that most tea tasted like leaf juice, but he could get used to it if it meant keeping Mobius to himself.
He zoned back in, his eyes landing first on Wade’s creepy roommate the ridiculously, if aptly named “Blind Al”, and then beyond her, Wade, with Mobius on his other side. There was a loveseat to the right. Why wasn’t one of them sitting on that. And wait, was that Wade’s arm around Mobius’s shoulder? And his other hand on Mobius’s thigh? What on earth was happening here? Why was that human pile of trash flirting with Mobius?
Loki couldn’t have that. Mobius was his. But he wasn’t, not really. Because Loki had been too much of a fool, too wrapped up in his own feelings about not being good enough for Mobius to stake his claim. What if it was too late?
No one seemed to be paying any mind to Loki, Al running her fingers over the pages of a large book, and Wade speaking to Mobius in low tones, whispering in his ear. Loki cleared his throat, and Mobius and Wade turned their heads slowly towards him, as if they’d just realized that he was there.
“Oh hey, baby cakes, come in, make yourself at home. There’s room for a fourth here on the couch, if you want to join us?” There was most certainly not enough room, and Loki was about to say as much when something inside him snapped. He could not lose his precious Mobius to Wade Wilson, of all people.
He stalked over to the couch and yanked Wade’s hand off Mobius’s thigh, his arm from around his shoulder. He then took Mobius’s hand and pulled him free of the saggy cushions.
Mobius moved towards the front door of the apartment, but Loki redirected him, guiding him, with a hand on his back, down the short hallway. One of these doors had to have a bedroom behind it. After two false starts with a linen closet and a bathroom, Loki finally found a bed behind the third door, and shoved Mobius into the room, losing the door behind them.
Turning, he walked towards Mobius, until there was only an inch between their faces. Mobius stared at him as Loki slid one hand into the back of his silver hair, and settled the other onto his hip, and pulled him in for a kiss. It was short and chaste, just their lips briefly pressed together, but it was the best first kiss that Loki had ever had.
Pulling back, Mobius looked at Loki with wide eyes. “What the hell are you doing?”
Loki bridged the gap again, and his face just a quarter inch away from Mobius’s, he whispered “What I should have done a hell of a long time ago.” And with that, he pulled Mobius in for another kiss. Where the last kiss had been brief, just a peck, this kiss was anything but. It took them a moment to get it right, their noses bumping as they met head-on, but then Mobius tilted his head just a little, and everything slotted into place.
Mobius fisted his hands in the front of Loki’s shirt, pulling him impossibly closer as Loki sucked on Mobius’s bottom lip and tugged on his hair. Mobius moaned softly, licking at the seam of Loki’s mouth, seeking entrance that Loki willingly gave. They stayed like that, pressed tight together, for an indeterminate amount of time, before they finally had to come up for air.
In the end, they never even made it to the bed. They panted into the small space between their mouths, and Loki turned them, so Mobius’s back was up against the door. Loki was glad the other man was wearing a button down as he made quick work of the first few buttons, just enough to gain access to the juncture between Mobius’s neck and shoulder. He sucked and bit and nipped and licked all over every inch of skin that he had access to, leaving quickly purpling marks in his wake. Good. He wanted Mobius to think of this every time he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror over the next few days.
Satisfied with his handiwork, Loki continued open the buttons of Mobius’s shirt, stopping first to suck on his nipples, one by one, deeply pleased with the increasingly loud whines that Mobius was emitting. At some point, he’d weaved his hands into Loki’s curls, and Loki could feel his already half hard cock jump in his slacks when Mobius tugged sharply.
He continued to work on Mobius’s pecs, rolling and pinching his nipples between his fingers as he bent down and sunk his teeth into the soft meat of Mobius’s belly, brain practically melting out of his ears as it quivered under his touch. It was something Loki had wanting since he’d met the man, and it felt like heaven on earth to nuzzle his face against the hair there.
His lips followed the trail of hair to the top of Mobius’s jeans, and he slid down to his knees, and he tilted his head up, meeting Mobius’s molten gaze and giving him a questing look as he slipped his fingers just below the waistline. He stood back up and pressed his lips hot to Mobius’s neck. “Can I? Can I please make you feel good, Mobius?”
He took the answering groan as an affirmative and made quick work of the button and fly on Mobius’s pants, not even bothering to pull them down, instead plunging his hand inside. There as barely enough room, but Loki made it work, circling Mobious’s cock with his fist. He thumbed at the head, already wet with precum, using the slick to ease the way.
Mobius moaned, his eyes squeezing shut momentarily, as if he was overwhelmed by the pleasure, as Loki stroked him fast and hard.
“Is that good?” he asked, continuing his ministrations.
Mobius, who by now had worked open most of the buttons on Loki’s shirt and was sucking marks of his own into Loki’s collarbone, pulled off, panting. “Yes, fuck Loki, it’s so fucking good. You’re so fucking good. I can’t believe this is happening.”
Loki chuckled softly, stroking faster. “You’d better believe it, because it is.” He could feel everything he’d wanted to tell Mobius the whole time they’d known each other about to spill out. He knew the middle of a hand job wasn’t exactly the best time for heartfelt conversation, but he couldn’t hold back. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Mobius. You’re so beautiful. So kind and smart and patient, so sweet to me, believing in me when no one else did.” Mobius was bucking into his fist, his breath becoming shallower, and Loki knew he should focus his attention on making the man come, but he couldn’t stop now. “I love you, Mobius.”
With that, Mobius was groaning loudly, his head banging on the bedroom door as he came, spilling hot into Loki’s fist. He kept his head tilted back, eyelashes fluttering as he caught his breath, coming down from his high. Maybe, if Loki was lucky, Mobius’s orgasm was so good that he hadn’t even paid attention to what Loki was babbling on about.
“Do think they heard us?” Mobius asked, sounding abashed.
“Who cares,” Loki replied. “Those perverts are probably out there getting off to this.”
Mobius laughed but didn’t disagree. He pulled Loki to him, wrapping his arms around his back and nibbling on his ear lobe. “I love you too, pussycat, for the record. I think a part of me always has.”
Pussycat. Oh gods, Loki was weak for this man. It was a good thing that Mobius was holding Loki to him, because Loki suddenly felt as if his legs were about to give out under him.
“Can I return the favour?” Mobius asked as his hands roamed over Loki’s exposed chest, his eyes reverent.
Loki nodded, unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone words. He expected Mobius to slip his hand into his pants, but instead, he slipped down onto his knees, mouthing at Loki’s cloth covered cock, his breath hot against the fabric.
“Oh Mobius,” Loki breathed, his voice coming out like a whine. “You don’t have to.”
Mobius chuckled. “I’m well aware that I don’t have to, Loki. Have you ever considered that I want to? More than anything?”
Well then. Loki certainly wasn’t going to stop him if it was what he truly wanted. “Be my guest.”
With that, Mobius was quickly divested Loki of his pants briefs and mouthed at the flushed head of his cock. He ran his tongue along the dripping slit, and Loki gasped, sinking his hands into Mobius’s hair, and tugging hard. Mobius groaned at that, taking more of Loki into his mouth as his hands roamed up the back of Loki’s thighs before settling on his ass, which he squeezed, kneading the cheeks in the palm of his hands.
Loki loosened his grip on Mobius’s hair and used his hand to gently guide the man’s head as he took Loki all the way in, until his nose was nestled in the hair at the base of his cock. He bobbed his head a few times, and Loki could feel the coil of heat in his stomach tightening. He could tell this was going to be over embarrassingly fast, but he couldn’t bring himself to care when it felt so fucking good.
Loki tugged on Mobius’s hair in warning, but the other man only took him all the way back in, hollowing out his cheeks like he was trying to suck Loki’s soul out through his cock. He came close, Loki seeing white, going breathless as he came with a loud cry own Mobius’s throat.
In a moment, Mobius was back on his feet, and Loki pulled him into a kiss, licking into his mouth, not caring that he could taste himself on Mobius’s tongue. They stood there, trading lazy kisses, until Mobius finally pulled away.
“I think we should maybe go now, kitten. We’ve been locked in here long enough, and I’d like to get the walk of shame over and done with.”
Reluctantly, Loki agreed, and they got dressed, doing their best to smooth out the wrinkles in their clothes and flatten their hair.
They slipped out the bedroom door quietly, hoping that maybe they could leave the apartment undetected, but no such luck. Wade, who was laying on the couch, reading a magazine, let out a loud wolf whistle. “Hey cuties, glad to see you finally got into each other’s pants. I really fooled you there, didn’t I, Loki? I should receive an Oscar for my acting. Then I’ll be one letter closer to an EGOT. Or at least I’ll have one letter towards an EGOT. Actually, no letters, because I wasn’t acting. You’re hot hot hot, Mobius. It’s not hard to flirt with you at all! Do you two want to give daddy Wade a kiss as a thank you?”
Loki rolled his eyes, taking Mobius’s hand in his own. He had no clue what the man was on about, but he certainly didn’t want to kiss him, that he was sure of. “Thank you, Wade, but no thank you. I believe we’ll only be kissing each other from here on out.”
“Fine,” Wade replied, sticking his tongue out like a child. “I don’t want you anyway. I’ve moved on to daddy Wolvie.” At that, Wolverine appeared, inexplicably wearing a frilly pink apron over his clothes.
Loki’s cheeks burned with shame. It was one thing for Wade and Al to hear them, but quite another for Wolverine to hear. He was a real, distinguished man.
“Hi Mobius, Loki.” He greeted them. “Had fun, I hear?” He winked, and Loki had to turn, no longer able to look him in the eye.
“Uh, I didn’t realize you were having other guests, Wade.” Mobius said, reaching into the hall closet for his coat.
“Well,” Wade replied, not taking his eyes off his magazine, which Loki could now see was pornographic in nature. “When you ditched me for dinner, I had to make other plans. Couldn’t let those pork chops go to waste! How about you take a quick break from making my dinner and come give daddy Wade a kiss, Wolvie?”
“Never going to happen, Wade.”
“But it could!”
“But it won’t! Also, stop trying to make “daddy Wade” happen. It’s not going to happen.”
“If I stop, will you give me a little sugar, sugar?”
Wolverine rolled his eyes. “Maybe. If you’re a good boy for daddy Wolvie.”
Loki and Mobius took that as their cue to leave, and hand in hand, they slipped out the door, ready to head back home, far, far away from here.
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mistaah-j · 7 days
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🃏Biography. The Joker🃏
Most of this is made up by the mun— do not steal or reblog as I’ve put a lot of thought into this. Also do not copy this layout.
Basic info:
Real name: Jack Oswald White— but this information has never been disclosed to anyone else so only he knows his real name.
Preferred alias:
Mister. J.
John Doe.
Age: 31 years old.
Birthday: Born October 31st.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Nationality: American.
Born in: Gotham City, United States.
Currently residing in: Gotham City, United States.
Morality: Chaotic evil.
Occupation: Full time menace to society/Self proclaimed King of Gotham City.
Height: 1.8m / 5’11”
Weight: 76 kg/ 12 stone.
Hair: Neon Green/Brunette before the acid incident.
Eyes: Bright blue.
Tattoos: Joker has a range of tattoos from head to toe. Most resemble his alter ego. From jesters to playing cards and toothy smiles, his skin is decorated like tapestry with the art. His favourite tattoo of all is the ‘Damaged’ on his forehead as it best describes his mental state of mind. He plans to get more, possibly something that could be used to mock Batman with because why not~? He just loves to rile the caped crusader up.
Piercings: The only piercings Joker currently has are his ear piercings and a tongue piercing. He much prefers tattoos but will likely get more anyway in the future.
Scars: Due to many battles and run ins with Batman over the years, Joker has sustained many injuries much like his archnemesis. Scars litter his pale skin, some jagged and deep and some faded. Luckily his tattoos cover the worst of them— partly the reason he got them to begin with.
Other: Thanks to a rather intense fight with Batman before being escorted to Arkham Asylum, Joker’s regular front teeth were brutally smashed out and had to be replaced with silver caps— thus why his mouth takes on a more metallic look.
Faceclaim: Jared Leto.
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Mother: Sophia White.
Status: Unknown.
Relationship: Joker doesn’t remember much about his time spent in his mother’s care. At the age of seven, he was placed into an orphanage due to his parents not wanting him anymore, though he briefly recalls his mother’s hand combing through his hair one last time before she turned on her heel and made a swift exit from his life— a strange display of affection for somebody who so easily gave up on him. The true reason as to why she gave him up remains unclear, but the abandonment has stuck with him more than he likes to admit. He can’t help but to wonder though.. was there a part of Sophia that regretted leaving her son behind?
Father: Damien White.
Status: Unknown.
Relationship: Much like his mother, not much is recalled about his relationship with his father. All he remembers is that his father used to shout a lot and smack his mother around when she stood up to him. Perhaps the reason he was put into care? Joker doesn’t know, but he no longer possesses the quality to care about why exactly they’re no longer around.
Siblings: He’s an only child as far as he knows. Given the fact that he doesn’t know his family at all though, it’s a possibility that he could have siblings somewhere out there.
Spouse: N/A. (Depending on the verse, I usually ship him with Harley Quinn and have a few plot ideas if anyone is interested. Bruce Wayne is also an option too as an enemies to lovers/enemies with benefits plot.)
Kids: N/A. (Again, depends on the verse.)
Pets: He once owned a pet Hyena called Chuckles, but it was quickly confiscated and sent off to a zoo when Joker was apprehended by Batman and sent to Arkham Asylum.
Friends: Joker doesn’t consider many people his friends, but his closest companions are Harley Quinn, Jonny Frost and of course he’ll claim Batman to be his best friend even though Batman loathes the bones of him.
Personality traits/Characteristics: Narcissistic, sarcastic, witty, cruel, unpredictable, brazen, overconfident, wild, crude, apathetic, heartless, clever, impatient, impulsive, aggressive, cynical, enigmatic, obnoxious, possessive, envious, greedy, menacing, loud, immature, twisted, wicked, evil, mischievous, irritable, selfish, boastful, excitable, assertive, demented.
MBTI Type: ENTP. He’s an extrovert who is creative and loves a good plan. However, he’s easily distracted by new possibilities and can often stray away from his original plans to pursue another manic idea. He’ll do anything to achieve his goals even despite the resistance from others he knows he’ll be met with.
Any mental illness: Joker suffers from schizophrenia— psychotic disorder which often results in random bursts of violent outbreaks and excessive delusions, hallucinations included. His mind is often muddled with wild fantasies that can only be described as insane and no amount of therapy has been able to provide him relief. Past therapists at Arkham Asylum conclude that he may be bordering on dissociative identity disorder too.
Weapons: Depending on his mood, Joker uses a range of weapons from handguns to bombs and melee weapons.. but his absolute favourite of them all is his trusty submachine gun. Nothing gives him a thrill quite like letting those bullets fly all while laughing hysterically about it.
A rough childhood behind him, Jack was born into an abusive household and exposed to violence at a young age. With his father mercilessly beating him and his mother almost every night in an alcohol induced rage, it’s no surprise that his morals were corrupted from the get-go. However, he wasn’t around his father long enough for him to be a major influence in his life when his mother decided enough was enough.
Waiting for her husband to consume enough alcohol for him to pass out, Jack’s mother wasted no time in driving her son to the nearest orphanage and after a whispered ‘you’ll be safe here’ and a quick kiss to his forehead, she disappeared off into the night never to be seen or heard of again.
Growing up, Jack always knew he was different to the other kids in care. He wasn’t interested in what they were interested in, dolls and action figures only doing so much to appease his tormented little mind. Instead, Jack found himself fascinated with crime and death which quickly caused concern for staff at the orphanage when told time and time again about his morbid curiosity. To say the least, staff often found themselves uneasy around him, especially when he started to display symptoms of early schizophrenia— the exact same symptoms that deterred any potential foster parents away from adopting him.
By the time he reached eighteen and with no success of a foster family, Jack was released as a young adult into the world— and that’s where his life of crime began. Quickly getting in with the wrong crowd after a club brawl gone wrong, Jack joined one of Gotham’s many notorious gangs of thugs where he quickly began to climb the hierarchy. For the first time in his life, Jack felt as though he had a purpose. Like he had a life worth living with people who understood him. But all of that came crashing down within the blink of an eye.
One stormy evening, Jack found himself on the end of a drug bust when Batman intercepted the deal. Him being the supplier, he was chased through the streets of Gotham until a promising escape route beckoned him in the form of a chemical factory. Little did he know this is where his life would take a drastic turn.
On the cusp of escaping, it wasn’t until Batman took a swoop at him from the top floor did he lose his footing and take a tumble into a burning container of acid that quickly burned and bleached his skin a sickly white, lips stained red and chemically altering his hair to a neon green once he finally emerged after almost drowning. It was that exact same acid that drove him further down the road of insanity. Pronounced dead by Batman, he’d once again been left behind.
Following that night Jack became obsessed with Batman and swore revenge, and in the following years he adopted his alter ego— becoming well known and greatly feared as ‘The Joker’ thanks to his unique appearance which oddly resembled that of a clown.
From bank heists to mass murder and destruction across the city, it didn’t take long for Batman to find him once again and many altercations with him later, Joker unfortunately landed himself a one way ticket to Arkham Asylum after a particularly lethal fight with the masked hero. Therapy sessions were made a mockery of, and Joker only laughed at anyone who attempted to help him, only requesting to speak to Batman. This resulted in him being doomed to spend most of his twenties confined by white cushioned walls and restrained in a snug straitjacket for everyone’s safety— including his own.
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allnightlongzine · 8 months
Shyness Is Nice, but Not When Reaching for Grandeur
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Kelefa Sanneh | Oct. 26, 2006 | nytmes.com
Who says it has been a dull year for rock ’n’ roll? Why, only a few months ago, Angels and Airwaves, the new band led by the former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge, released a CD that generated “album of this decade” hype. More recently, the Killers created “one of the best albums in the past 20 years.” And even before the new album from My Chemical Romance arrived in shops, there was a sense that “something big” was afoot. All those quotes come from the lead singers, not critics. But that’s a start. And at least one of those lead singers happens to be right. It was Gerard Way, from My Chemical Romance, who told MTV how excited he was about his band’s new album, “The Black Parade” (Reprise/Warner). He said there was “a sense of something big is going to happen and it’s potentially terrifying.” And on Tuesday he was proved right twice. In the morning, that CD hit shops; it’s brilliant. And that night, his band played a thrilling set at Webster Hall. It certainly felt like the start of something big.
It can’t possibly be a coincidence. Now that rock ’n’ roll seems more than ever like a niche genre, a handful of bands are reaching for grandeur. In an age of weightless mp3’s, they want to make weighty albums (whatever that means). Conscious of a rock ’n’ roll power vacuum, these bands are trying to fill it.
Mr. DeLonge’s campaign is perhaps the most surprising. His old band, Blink-182, was known for fizzy pop-punk songs, not grand statements. After the trio split up, he formed Angels and Airwaves, telling MTV, “I want to come out with an album that people will refer to 20 years from now as the album of this decade.” Later, he said his band, which owes a notable debt to U2, was “on the edge of doing something extremely powerful and massive in music.”
Brandon Flowers, from the Killers, has been just as immodest. He has belittled the competition, from Fall Out Boy to Green Day. And he told the British weekly NME that the new Killers album, “Sam’s Town” (Island Def Jam), is “one of the best albums in the past 20 years.” Even better: Mr. DeLonge took offense, hinting that Mr. Flowers had stolen his “20 years” rhetoric.
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All three of these bands come from genres known more for youthful energy than for gravitas. Mr. DeLonge’s grand proclamations might be a delayed reaction to the years he spent in Blink-182, a pop-punk band that once released an album (a really good one, too) called, “Enema of the State.” Similarly, the Killers’ debut, “Hot Fuss,” was full of propulsive, vaguely new-wavey singles; now Mr. Flowers is telling interviewers how much he loves Bruce Springsteen. And Mr. Way has talked about wanting to escape the emo scene that nurtured his band; songs on “The Black Parade” nod at influences ranging from Queen to cabaret (thanks to a brief but much-discussed cameo from Liza Minnelli).
This is partly a story about money, too. At a time when lots of major-
label bands are learning how to be content with low six-figure sales, these bands want to keep selling millions of CD’s and filling big rooms. If anything, the industry slump has made bands less shameless about aiming for mainstream success; it’s hard to rail against arena rock when there are hardly any new arena-size bands to rail against. This obsession with bigness is, in part, a small rebellion against a world in which bands shrink themselves to fit MySpace and YouTube. These bands want to make albums that are actually worth $18.98. (A special edition of “The Black Parade,” in an oversized box, has a list price of $44.98.)
Finally, this is partly a story about America. In Britain, where rock ’n’ roll never shrank, strutting major-label bands are a dime a dozen. Not coincidentally, Britain’s biggest and most important band is Arctic Monkeys, a group that followed its small-sounding debut album, “Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not” (Domino), with a couple of mini-CD’s (the second, a charming 10-minute disc called “Leave Before the Lights Come On,” was released on Tuesday) and a distinct lack of pomp or theater. The lead Monkey, Alex Turner, is a shrugger, not a boaster.
But back to America, and to reality. It turned out that the Angels and Airwaves album, “We Don’t Need to Whisper” (Suretone/Geffen), was charming but lightweight; it has sold fewer than half a million copies, according to Nielsen SoundScan. The Killers album sold an impressive 315,000 copies in its first week, but it has a long way to go before it matches “Hot Fuss,” which sold over three million copies. The My Chemical Romance album certainly deserves to be a smash, and first-week sales are sure to be huge. But even that doesn’t make it a sure thing.
It would be easy to say that sales don’t really matter; the music is what matters, right? But when bands acknowledge that they want to be important, they’re also acknowledging that they want to be popular; they’re acknowledging that they care about how they are perceived. And once you have acknowledged that, you have also acknowledged that you might fail. “Something big” might not happen, after all. In that sense, all this seeming hubris might also be read as a form of humility: an acknowledgment that no band can do it alone.
At the Webster Hall concert, Mr. Way still sounded excited about his newly released CD, but he was also sweetly solicitous of the fans who will, he hopes, join the “Parade.” Over and over, he shouted, “Hip, hip,” and the audience responded, “Hooray!” It was hard to tell who was cheering whom.
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Father of Mine – 2/2
Character: Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: With the tragic passing of her mother, Y/N learns to the truth of who her father is.
Word Count: 4,100+
Warnings: absent father, subtle violence, mention of family death
A/N: The reader is described as tall in this fic. Bruce Wayne is 6′2 and I’m tall, so I’m indulging myself with no apologies. Read it or don’t.
Part 1
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Bruce was working in the cave when Alfred interrupted him.
“Master Wayne, a guest has arrived unexpectedly.”
Bruce gave him a strange look. Hardly anyone showed up to the manor unannounced.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” Alfred added.
“Right,” Bruce sighed.
“She’s waiting for you in your office.”
Bruce found Y/N pacing in the room, refusing to take the seat that he was sure Alfred offered her.
“Y/N,” he greeted, remembering how she disliked the formalities last night.
She whipped around at his greeting. “Am I your charity case now?”
He feigned confusion. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”
She looked offended by his lie. “Don’t insult my intelligence. You paid all of my outstanding expenses that my mother left me.”
Bruce opened his mouth.
“Don’t try to lie to me,” she warned.
Bruce closed his mouth.
“Look, I don’t need your help,” Y/N sighed in obvious irritation. “Did you or did you not pay them?”
He took in a shallow breath, “I did.”
Y/N clenched her jaw as Bruce finally admitted his deed.
“I was only trying to help.”
“You can’t just throw money at me and expect it to make up for being a no-show.”
Bruce tensed. 
Did that mean…Did she know?
“You read the letter?” He asked.
“No,” she clarified. “But I figured it out.”
“I had no idea,” he tried to tell her.
“I don’t care,” she almost snorted.
“You have ever right to be angry with me…”
“I’m not angry. I’m annoyed.”
She took a defiant step toward him and crossed her arms.
The heeled boots she had on caused her already tall height to make her be eye to eye with Bruce. 
How many people had faced off with Batman and cowered with fear? 
But she didn’t submit or show any signs of intimidation.
“Do you think I cried myself to sleep every night as a child, wondering where my dad was or why he didn’t want me?” Y/N hissed.
Bruce didn’t respond.
“You think I give a fuck about the father-daughter dances? Or whatever the hell people think dads are only capable of doing?” She narrowed her eyes. “The thing is…I didn’t need you. I didn’t need you then and I don’t need you now.”
Bruce felt sick as he listened to her.
“I have the sneaking suspicion that you wouldn’t have been there for those anyway,” she added roughly. “My mom loved me more than enough. I didn’t need anyone else. And she made damn sure of that.”
“So I’m not your charity case to make yourself feel better after my mom made it clear she thought it was better to keep me from you, than to ever tell you that I existed. Says a lot about what kind of person she thought you are, huh?”
When Y/N finally stopped, she was taking deep breaths.
Bruce wondered how long she had that all bottled up. He didn’t think anything she said was a lie. Y/N didn’t need him. That had become clear.
She had grown up to be a successful, intelligent, and independent young woman.
And she got that way without a father figure of any sort.
After a few moments, Bruce finally bowed his head and cleared his throat. “I never intended on making you feel like a charity case.”
Bruce saw as Y/N took in a deep breath and the guilt slowly took over her expression.  
“Look,” Y/N sighed, “we finally know the truth. Let’s just…let’s just move on with our lives. OK?”  
Bruce couldn’t deny that the suggestion hurt.
After processing the news over the past week or so, he realized he wanted to get to know her. This wasn’t the first time a child of his had been dropped on him far too late. He had failed Damian in so many ways because of it. 
But Y/N was a young woman, fully developed and independent now. And Bruce couldn’t help but wonder that him being absent from her childhood had only benefitted her.
“If that’s what you want,” he finally told her.
Y/N didn’t know him well enough to hear the underlying pain in his words.
So she simply nodded and walked past him, having nothing more to say.
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Bruce adjusted his tie. He wanted nothing more than to rip it off his neck.
But he was on his best behavior tonight.
This year, the Gotham Gazette was given the honor of hosting the Pulitzer Prizes. And since Bruce and Wayne Enterprises donated quite a large sum of money to the Gotham Gazette, they felt inclined to invite him.
Bruce had every intention of skipping, until he found out that Lois Lane was receiving an award and Clark would also be attending.
He figured the least he could do was congratulate her and say hi to both of them.
That’s why he was trying to find them as soon as possible so he could and get the hell out of there.
Bruce finally spotted Clark talking to a woman whose back was to him. All he saw of her was the black dress and y/h/c hair. 
He made his way over.
Clark noticed him when he was a few feet away.
“I see you’ve finally left your cave,” he teased with a lift of his brow. “I honestly didn’t expect you to show.”
But when the woman Clark was speaking to turned to look at him, Bruce swore he felt his heart stop.  
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly, clearly just as surprised at seeing Bruce.
None of this went missed by Clark. “Oh, do you two know each other?”
Bruce didn’t know how to respond. What would Y/N want? 
So he hesitated.
“I shot him for a cover once,” Y/N answered quickly.
She was a shockingly smooth liar.
Maybe she got that from Bruce, too.
But she didn’t realize that Clark could hear her heart rate quicken, catching the fib.
“And how exactly do you two know each other?” Bruce asked, recovering quickly.
“Y/N works with Lois a lot,” Clark answered. “She basically refuses to work with any other photographer.”
Y/N managed to force a smile.
“I should actually go find her and say my congrats,” she answered. 
“And I need to hunt down a drink,” she mumbled. 
Both men caught it.
Clark was rather taken aback by how she fled.
The Y/N he knew was always charming and kind, usually life of the party. He’d never seen her dodge a conversation in such a way before.
As soon as she was out of hearing range, Clark gave a intimidating glare to Bruce.
“Want to tell me what that was about?” He asked Bruce.
But Bruce only clenched his jaw.
“Past fling?” Clark asked with a somewhat disappointed tilt of his head.
“No. Nothing like that,” Bruce quickly corrected.
Not only did the idea make him feel sick. But if rumors started of the two of them being romantically linked, Bruce knew it would only make Y/N hate him more than she clearly already did. 
Thankfully, Clark took his denial seriously.
“She’s not my biggest fan,” Bruce added darkly.
“Y/N is a good friend,” Clark told him – almost in warning. “Lois and her have become rather close over the years.”
Then Clark smirked. “She does know how to hold a grudge though. And she’ll make your life hell...if you deserve it.” 
Bruce’s brain hurt as he realized how easily Y/N and his path’s could’ve crossed. She had been friends with Clark and Lois this whole time?
“I’m happy for her,” Clark added.
“Happy for her?”
Clark looked at Bruce as if it was obvious. “She’s being awarded tonight, too.”
How could Bruce not have realized? Why didn’t he think of looking at the list of people being awarded tonight? He’d been dreading attending so much that he didn’t even consider it.
“Bruce?” Clark asked with concern.
“Hmm?” He was not one to hum or mumble.
“You alright?”
Bruce didn’t have a lot of friends.
But Clark Kent was one of them. And him and Diana had noticed how Bruce was acting off for weeks now. Bruce was notorious for remaining stoic and giving nothing for people to try and guess what he was thinking or feeling. But they both knew it was something different. 
Someone over Bruce’s shoulder suddenly waved Clark over.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Clark told Bruce politely.
Bruce’s first instinct was to leave now that he knew Y/N was also in attendance.
But he knew he couldn’t act so cowardly.
Was he really that scared of his own daughter?
His eyes glanced around the room looking for her.
He spotted Y/N at one of the bars.
Either her conversation with Lois had been quick, or she simply used that as an excuse to get away from Bruce.
Bruce walked up beside Y/N at the bar.
He knew she felt his arrival by the way her body tensed.
“Had I known you would be here I would not have attended,” he told her while looking straight ahead.
Y/N ignored his apology. “How do you know Clark?”
“He’s a friend,” Bruce answered casually.
Then he allowed himself to take a sideways glance at her.
Her jaw was clenched.
He wondered what thoughts she was holding back.
Y/N really did remind him of her mother.
When they were together, Bruce was convinced she was the prettiest girl in the world. He wondered if Y/N had found someone in her life who told her the same.
“Congratulations on being honored tonight,” Bruce offered sincerely.
“Thank you,” she answered shortly.
A beat passed between them.
Bruce was about to give up and leave her be.
“Does Clark think I’m one of your one-night stands now?”
Y/N might not know Bruce well, but everyone was familiar with his romantic history. He wasn’t one to keep the same woman around for long. 
“No,” he quickly answered. “I made sure to prevent such a rumor from starting.”
Y/N finally slowly turned to him, her annoyance clear. “And you’re convinced that he really believed you?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, Clark has always been rather good at detecting a lie.” His tone was so confident that it left little room for argument.
But Bruce knew a losing battle when he saw one.
He dipped his head. “Enjoy the rest of your night. Congratulations again.”
But Bruce lingered, debating if he wanted to say what was on my mind.
“You look very beautiful. Just like your mother.”
There was nothing creepy or contrived about it.
Y/N blinked at the compliment, completely taken aback.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Bruce dipped his head and finally surrendered, leaving the party.
Y/N felt a presence behind her shoulder as he watched him leave.
“Was Bruce Wayne just hitting on you?” Lois asked with amusement.
“No. Not at all,” her tone was dazed and confused.
“He’s a good guy,” Lois told her lightly.
“Doubt it.”
“I mean it,” Lois insisted. “The media has given him a bad image. But I think he likes it that way,” she shrugged. “It’s not easy for him to open up. He’s not quick to trust.”
Lois thought she was building up a possible suitor for Y/N, having not a clue that she was describing Y/N’s father to her.
But Y/N was too busy thinking about how much Bruce sounded like her.
A few weeks had gone by since Bruce and Y/N had run into each other at the ceremony.
It got Bruce to thinking: would he and Y/N had run into each other at some point in life – even without her mother’s posthumously confession?
Y/N knew Lois and Clark, lived in Gotham, seemed to know the same people through her work that Bruce was forced to interact with to keep up his persona.
Would he have sensed a connection had that been the case?
The possibilities kept Bruce up at night…along with the guilt that had already been eating away at him since he first read the later. And he’d read it 100 times more since.
Of all the boys, Dick was the only one that knew of Y/N’s existence. And if he hadn’t been at the right place at the right time, Bruce never would’ve told him. He had just been in shock after reading the letter that he blurted out the realization while Dick was in the same room.
Since then, Bruce didn’t linger in a room alone with him, knowing Dick would finally let all of his questions loose. And Bruce wasn’t ready to answer them.
While Tim was the one to connect them, he never followed through with what the situation was. He already had too much to deal with on a daily basis. Tim simply thought he was doing a nice favor for a beautiful woman. 
But if Bruce had told him, Tim would immediately do every possible background check on Y/N. He would be suspicious of the timing and underlying motives. He would probably assume that Y/N’s end goal was to get money or fame – or both. Bruce knew eventually Tim would come to the conclusion that Y/N wanted neither of those things. But it would still get an unnecessary rise out of the boy.
Bruce didn’t even want to think about how Damian would handle it. He knew his son felt a certain level of pride from being the only blood-son of his. Knowing he had a sibling – and an older sister at that – would most likely enrage him. And that wouldn’t make anything better. 
Jason…Well, Jason would get a kick out of Bruce letting down yet another child. And it would just be worse that she was blood related. He’d be curious about Y/N. Hell, he’d probably be tickled by the no-bullshit attitude Y/N had towards Bruce and her harsh efforts to keep him out of her life completely.
Now, Bruce sat at a Justice League meeting.
They were only a few minutes into a council session when his communicator started going off.
The boys knew not to contact him unless it was an emergency. So, he quickly excused himself and stood to leave the room.
“What is it?” Bruce answered, his Batman voice in full form.
“There’s been an attack at city hall,” Dick reported back hurriedly.
Bruce frowned. The boys had handled much worse things on their own before. There had to be more to it than that.
“Scarecrow,” Dick confirmed. “He released a fear toxin. It’s bad Bruce. The mayor has been infected, along with half of their staff. I think it’s a new string. Our antidote doesn’t seem to doing anything. Even if it did, we don’t have nearly enough for the amount of victims.”
“The others?” Bruce asked quickly – meaning Damian, Jason, and Tim.
“They’re fine. Jason’s trying to get everyone out before they inhale too much. Tim and Damian went after Scarecrow. GPD is in a panic.”
Bruce turned to see Clark had raced to his side. Clearly he had been eavesdropping on the conversation. But the expression in his face prevented Bruce from getting into an argument about it.
“What?” Bruce asked him, knowing something was wrong.
“Lois and Y/N were at that council meeting,” Clark breathed out.
“We’ll be there soon,” Bruce told Dick before hanging up.
Bruce thought he knew fear from the few times his boys had been in trouble. But it was nothing compared to the fear he had knowing it was Y/N this time. She wasn’t a trained vigilante; she was just an innocent civilian. Bruce had not insured that she was trained and could take care of herself.
As soon as Clark dropped them on the ground, they were in the midst of the chaos.
“Lois!” Clark yelled.
People were too distracted to notice Superman and Batman had arrived.
Bruce looked over to see Lois rushing to Clark. He could tell it took all of Clark’s willpower not to embrace Lois from his relief.
“Are you OK?” Clark asked as he dipped his head and his eyes raced across his wife’s body.
“I-I’m fine. I got lucky. Somehow I was out of range of the gas explosion.”
“Y/N?” Bruce interrupted. “Did you see Y/N?”
“She was helping these kids get out and I was getting shoved out of the building. I tried to get to her but it was impossible with everyone’s panic. I think she’s still in there.”
Before Bruce could turn to Clark to come up with a plan, Clark flew into the building. A few people finally noticed the presence of superheroes and started murmuring.
“Nightwing, Red Hood – I’m at the front entrance of City Hall.”
Clark flew back to them not even 30 seconds later.
Y/N was unconscious in his arms.
“Oh my god,” Lois muttered at Y/N’s condition.
“She’s gone into shock. We need to get her to the medics,” Clark informed them. “She was exposed to the toxin more than the others.”
But Bruce was already shaking his head. “They won’t be able to help her.”
Clark gently handed Y/N to Bruce as he explained, “There are others in there.”
Just then Nightwing and Red Hood dropped in front of them.
Nightwing immediately recognized Y/N and his eyes shot up to Bruce with worry.
“Nightwing, I need you to take her back to the cave,” he tried to sound as controlled as possible.
Bruce was confused why Dick hesitated to take Y/N out of his arms.
“Do you have the batmobile? I brought my motorcycle,” Dick sounded apologetic when he explained.
Jason stepped forward before Bruce could answer. “I got her.”
As if she were the most fragile being ever, Jason carefully took Y/N’s unconscious body from Bruce’s grip. He could see in Bruce’s gaze that she was someone special. How and why, Jason would figure out later. 
Jason had seen Y/N trying to help as many people before she was completely poisoned from the toxin. She’d risked her life to help. 
Watching Jason cradle her into his body caught Clark off guard, always seeing the brute strength and almost animalistic energy from Red Hood whenever they so happened to fight beside each other.
“Meet us at the cave,” Bruce clarified. “Alfred will know what to do. We have to help out here more.”
Jason nodded before he hurried away with her and rushed to his hidden car.  
Y/N’s eyes snapped open and she shot up, sitting in a cot.
“Hey, hey, hey,” a voice she didn’t recognize said beside her. “You gotta relax.”
She turned to see a mammoth of a man sitting beside her, wearing vigilante gear with at least two guns being displayed at his sides. But it was the red helmet completely hiding his face and true voice that made Y/N feel uncomfortable.
“What the fuck,” she groaned at the sight of him.
Just a few seconds later, two men rushed into the room.
Bruce walked in still in his Batman uniform, but without his cowl – to Jason’s shock.
Clark was beside him, making Jason confused as to why he was still here. Surely he would want to be with Lois. 
Y/N took in the sight before her.
“You were poisoned with a new strand of Scarecrow’s toxin,” Superman explained.
Y/N had seen plenty of pictures and shaky video of him. But now that the man stood before her, she immediately recognized him.
“Clark?” She gasped.
He didn’t say anything. But his expression didn’t fight her realization, just silently waited for the truth to settle.
“Does Lois know?” Was her next question.
Clark smirked at that. “Of course.”
Y/N gave a slight nod.
But now her attention switched to Bruce. 
The Batman symbol was large across his chest, and his cape was still intact.
She looked around her surroundings and then up at the ceiling.
They were in a cave.
“You’re…you’re…” she couldn’t finish her sentence.
“Batman,” Bruce finally offered.
Y/N’s eyes were wide with panic.
How was this possible?
Now that the others had exposed their identity, Jason felt inclined to take off his helmet. Clearly, it was making her uncomfortable.
The hiss of his helmet being removed caused Y/N to finally look away from her father and to Jason, who still wore a domino mask. But it was far less frightening than the helmet.
“We’ll give you two a moment alone,” Clark spoke for both him and Jason.
Jason nodded and stood up from the seat beside Y/N, and walked out. 
Clark lingered in the doorway. “I’ll be right outside if you need me,” he told her.
He might’ve revealed his Superman identity to her, but she was still his friend.
Y/N managed to nod in thanks, but was clearly still shook by all this news.
Bruce very slowly made his way to the chair that Jason had just been sitting in.
“How are you feeling?”
She shook her head. “Body’s sore. Migraine is killing me. What happened?”
“You were more exposed to the toxin more than the other victims. Jason brought you here. We had to make a new anecdote, and quickly.”
Bruce wanted to add that she could’ve died. But he didn’t see the use in scaring her.
“Oh,” was all she managed to mumble.
An awkward silence settled between them.
“Very few people know the truth about me,” Bruce explained.
Y/N’s gaze flickered up from her lap to look at him.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me. But I figured I couldn’t ask you to allow me into your world if I didn’t allow you into mine.”
She was silent.
“Y/N…” Bruce cleared his throat. The time had come. “The reason I left your mother was because I was starting this life. I pushed her away to protect her. I knew I couldn’t be the man she deserved while also being Batman. Had I known the truth…”
His words died out. It was starting to become harder to control his emotions.
He leaned forward in his chair, just getting slightly closer to her.
“Had I known about you, I would’ve…” He cleared his throat to try and hold back his tears. “I never would’ve abandoned you or your mother.”
He leaned back then. “But I know those are just words. And to you, they probably sound like empty promises for the past.”
“She never knew?” Y/N whispered.
In the few moments she was allowed to process this information, her mind immediately wondered if her mom had known about Bruce’s double life all along. And that’s why she kept him away from her.
Bruce shook his head.
“Thank you…for trusting me enough to tell me your secret,” Y/N finally told him. “I promise I’ll never tell anyone,” she quickly added, feeling like she just needed to clarify that to him.
He gave her a small small, “I know.”
Y/N winced as she thought about how terrible she’d been to him all this time. Now that she knew the truth – the whole truth – she was looking at everything with a new perspective. Even what she knew about Bruce Wayne, the spoiled socialite... it was clearly all wrong. 
He used it as a cover. It was all a cover.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you,” she whispered shakily.
But Bruce shook his head before she could even get the apology out.
“Do you think it’s too late for us?” She breathed. 
Could they ever find any fragment of a father-daughter relationship?
Y/N was an adult – she had been for years now. And she made it clear she didn’t need nor want a father.
“Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time this has happened to me,” Bruce sighed.
Her brow furrowed. “This meaning…?”
“My son, Damian. His mother kept him a secret from me. She didn’t reveal his existence until he was nine. And she only did it in an attempt to disrupt my life.”
“This seems to be a rather strange pattern in your life,” Y/N couldn’t help but point out.
Bruce glared at her, causing her to chuckle.
“My point is,” he continued, “I don’t think it’s ever too late.” And he cleared his throat quickly. “That is, if you want to try.”
“I think I do,” she answered with a shy smile.
It was the first time she’d done so in his presence.
“I don’t know anything about raising a daughter,” Bruce rubbed his face as he attempted to make the joke. But she could tell there was sincerity there, too.
“Well, I’ve already been raised,” Y/N laughed.
That laugh.
It brought Bruce back to his teenage years. It sounded so much like her mother. Her face lit up just like her’s had.
“You remind me so much of your mother,” he gasped.
Her face dropped at his confession.
He nodded. “She said you were just like me. But there’s more of her in you than I think she ever realized.”
Bruce saw his much his words effected her.
Y/N’s eyes were shiny with tears, but she managed to hold them back.
“So what now?” She quickly asked, obviously trying to distract herself so she wouldn’t have a complete emotional breakdown.
“Well, Alfred should have dinner ready soon. Would you stay?”
She gave him a tear-filled smile. “I’d like that.”
“You can meet the rest of them,” Bruce told her casually as he stood.
“The rest of them?”
He nodded. “Well, you only have to meet Damian now. You already met Jason, Dick, and Tim in passing.”
“And here I thought you had no idea how to be a father…” Y/N muttered with amusement.
Bruce helped her get out of bed, making sure she was alright to stand and walk on her own.
“Well, depending on which of them you ask, they might tell you that you’re right.”
Thank you to everyone who read the first part. Let me know what you think <3
BONUS: This Game of Ours
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Bruce Wayne x Reader SERIES
WARNING(S): Some violence, not a lot.
CHARACTER(S): Bruce Wayne, x Reader  (Robert Pattinson) (Or your choice of Bruce Wayne), Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow)
-CHAPTER 1-      -CHAPTER 2-     -CHAPTER 3-     -CHAPTER 4-
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Glass doesn’t just break- it shatters. And when it shatters, it gets messy, and it is hard to clean up. No one prepared me for the “everyone shatters at one point” thing. My world shattered a week after finding out Bruce was the Batman. After Bruce left my parents house the morning after figuring out he was Gotham’s Dark Knight-- I didn’t see him for five days. I took many trips to Wayne Manor within those five days and they all ended the same way:
“Alfred, is Bruce home?” I asked his butler after entering the manor. “Not right now Ms. Y/L/N.” he would say as he was cleaning something. Day after day, I would sit there and wait for hours for Bruce to get home. No matter how long I waited, he never came. When I figured out he was the Batman, I thought we would be closer. I thought I finally made it into his “glass walls”, but I didn’t.
After hearing every excuse in the book from Alfred, I decided to stop going by. One day, at the office, I decided to call Bruce. It rang a few times and went straight to voicemail. “Hey, uh, Bruce. I think we need to talk... you know where to find me and you know my number. So please, come by, or call me back. I love you.” I said quickly and I slammed the phone down on the base.
Looking around the room, I tried to find something that would give my anxious mind and thoughts a rest. A stack of papers on the corner of my desk caught my eye. When did we start using black envelopes? I thought to myself. I picked up my silver letter opener, and slit the top of the envelope.
It was a thick piece of paper with a polaroid hanging on the back of the sheet of paper. I opened up the folded paper and began to read:
Dearest Y/N,
It has been a long time since we have seen each other. Your father pushed me away after he took me in and threw me to the curb when I finally got to a good spot in my career. You were 18 when I was finishing college; I hate to say but I fell in love with you.
Remember that conversation we had about fear? I successfully conquered fear and I want you to too. Soon, we will see each other again, because I want at least one fearfully, happy ending.
Doctor Jonathan Crane.
The photo was of me asleep in my apartment, how did he get in there? My heart began to pound in my chest; fear engulfed my entire being. I tossed the letter on my desk and stared at it. Why was he writing me? How did this letter get into my office? How did he get into my office? Questions were running through my mind without a pause. “Ms. Y/L/N?” My secretary’s voice brought me out of fearful trance. “Are you alright?” She asked and I turned to face her. “Oh, yes, I’m.. I’m fine...” I say and she gave me a concerned look. “Would you like me to call Mr. Wayne before I leave?” She asked.
I was dumbfounded; it was already night? “Oh uh...  yes, please. And if he doesn’t answer call Alfred Pennyworth.” I say as I jotted the Manor’s phone number. “Here. Thank you, and have a good night.” I say and she gave me a small wave as she left my office. I read the letter once more and a shiver crept up my spine. My phone began to ring once I got up to leave, “Hello?”
“Y/N....Y/N, are you there?” Bruce’s voice cracked on the phone. “Bruce? I haven’t heard from you in almost a week...”
“Y/N are you there?”
“Bruce? Can you hear me?”
The lights began to flicker and then the power was out. I gasped and sat the phone down on its base. I heard gun shots come from a lower floor level; I panicked. Standing up from my desk, I quickly walked to the staircase, my heels clicked across the floor, “Hey boss, what do we do with her?”  I heard a man’s voice in the stairwell. “Get rid of her and then go find Y/N. I need her alive.” Crane’s voice echoed to the top of the stairs. 
I took my heels off and began to run up the stairs that led to the roof. My heart was pounding and once I reached the top, I realized the dumb mistake I had made. The helicopter was gone from the helipad and there was nowhere to hide. I looked over the edge and there was a ledge I could easily get to. I need to get far away from here, and this was my best bet.
Putting my heels back on, I sat down on the cool cement. I turned and began to lower myself down; my feet dangled trying to find where the ledge was. Before I could touch the ground, a hand grabbed me, and I was met by an ugly masked creature. “Hello, Y/N.” His distorted voice said, and I let out a scream. His hand slipped off of mine and the next thing I know, I was falling. All I could hear was a loud, swooshing sound.  Was this how I was going to die?
I mentally prepared myself to hit the ground, but a pair of arms gripped around me. Opening my eyes, I saw Bruce’s blue eyes; he had a lot of panic in his eyes. We didn’t hit the ground, but instead we went through a glass window across the street. Shards of glass flew everywhere, and when we hit the cool tile of wherever we were, glass surrounded our bodies. Glass skidded across the floor with us, but his grip never loosened.
We both were breathing heavily; I looked over at Bruce and he closed his eyes with a sigh of relief. My back stung from the glass slicing through my shirt, and I slowly sat up. Glass fell from my hair and Bruce sat up, “Are you alright?” He asked in his Batman voice. I stood up and I could feel blood running down my arm towards my hand. “You... I haven’t heard from you in almost a week!” I seethed as he stood up from the pile of shattered glass. “Why did you even bother saving me?” I questioned and his eyes went to the floor.
“Y/N, I care about you. I love you. But have you not learned anything? Do you not see how dangerous this life is?” He asked as he circled around me. “If you haven’t noticed, him being here has absolutely nothing to do with you!” I shout and I walked towards the door. “Now let’s go before he figures out where we fell to.” I say and Bruce turned me to face him. 
His usually bright blue eyes, were now dark. “Listen to me, it won’t take him long to connect the dots. When I was in his lair, I found pictures of you and I together. No where is safe for you.” Bruce said with his hands on my shoulders. “You’re not even safe with me, as my true self.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“I’m being serious, Y/N! I’m taking you with me and you have to get out of Gotham. Until I figure out what he wants with you and is put away at Arkham.” He said and I didn’t argue with him. I followed him in silence.
Sorry if this was short or rushed! I hope you guys enjoyed, also comment if you want to be apart of the Taglist!
TAGLIST: @leastlikelytoachieve
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Darkest Secrets
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Requested by @mcmorgan9794
Summary: Keeping this secret from Wanda has been hard, but you don't have a choice but to come clean when everything is brought to light.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,446
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You’d always wanted to tell Wanda your deepest, darkest secret. You had been with her for well over a year, after all. A secret like the one you harboured wasn’t something that you should keep from someone you loved so dearly. But your secret was the ugliest part of yourself. It was something you hated, lurking deep within every inch of your body. It brewed in your blood and rested in your bones, uncontrolled at the best of times and unstoppable at the worst. It was a burden you’d never wanted to place upon the girl you loved.
Yet, keeping it from her hurt too. She’d look at you with those soft green eyes, spilling everything to you. Tears would stream down her cheeks as she’d tell you all about how much she hated the powers she’d been given. You’d hold her close and whisper soft words of comfort, wiping her tears away with the pad of your thumb, refusing to tell her you felt the same about your own. She would tell you everything. You wouldn’t tell her anything. You couldn’t tell her anything. She thought she was a monster. In reality, you were the monster. If she knew that, her heart would shatter.
Sometimes, these facts were all you could think about. It was the quiet moments. Wanda was away getting coffee with Natasha, Tony and Bruce were in the lab, Thor was on Asgard, and Clint was home with his family. You were left alone at the compound. You hardly ventured out of your own room. While silence screamed in the dark room, you tried to distract yourself with a book or a movie, but it didn’t last. Instead, the weight of your secret was crushing the oxygen out of your lungs. It always did. You longed to have Wanda back, to have her by your side and thread your fingers through hers. She didn’t know how agonizing solitude could be.
You curled up in your armchair, pulling your knees up to your chest and curling your arms around them. You squeezed your eyes shut, wishing you could will the overwhelming thoughts out of your head. They were screaming at you. They were reminding you of the monster that lay dormant in your very soul, cackling as they pushed images of what you were capable of. Then you imagined Wanda. You could do her so much harm and she didn’t even know it. Were you putting her in danger every day you lay by her side? You swallowed as you tried to force back the tears.
The dark thoughts came next. They always did. You wondered how much better off the world would be without you. You wondered how much better off she would be without you. She loved you. Losing you would break her heart, but she’d be okay eventually. If you hurt her in the way only you knew you were capable of, you knew she would never be okay again. None of them would. The dam broke and tears spilled down your cheeks. Hurting Wanda Maximoff would kill you.
And as you were about to imagine all the ways you could take yourself and your monster out of this world, your phone rang.
You grabbed the phone off the table, wiping the tears from your eyes with the back of your hand. You took a steadying breath before you even dared look down at the screen. The first thing you noticed wasn’t the person who was calling, but the time. It hadn’t felt like it had been as long as it had since the other had left you alone in the compound. The darkness in your head could do that. You lost track of time often when you reached that place. An hour could pass, then two, and then six.
It was Natasha’s face that was flashing on your screen. Worry filled your gut. Was Wanda okay? She had to be okay. You forced a deep breath in, and then out. Her phone had probably died. The Sokovian was notorious for remembering to plug the charger into her phone, but forgetting to plug it into the wall on the other end. After reminding yourself of that a few times, you finally found the ability to slide the answer button and hold the phone up to your ear.
“Thank god,” Natasha’s voice said. There was a loud screech in the background, the sound of metal grinding against metal. “Listen you need to get to the hospital.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Oxygen caught in your throat and you were barely able to let words squeeze past the lump that had formed. “The hospital?”
“The ambulance is almost there. She’s hurt bad. Don’t come anywhere near Midtown.”
You didn’t even bother to respond. In fact, you didn’t even bother to hang up the phone. You simply slammed it down on the table that you’d only just picked it up from, heading for the elevator. A million thoughts were racing through your head. There were so many emotions tugging at your heart that you could hardly decipher one from the next. Fear, anger, and worry were all fighting to take over every one of your senses. You couldn’t breathe. It was as if on autopilot that you made it to the garage and hotwired one of Tony’s cars.
Scenery was flashing by you, mere streaks outside the windows of the car. The pedal was on the floor beneath your foot. You flexed your fingers; knuckles having gone white with the force of your grip on the steering wheel. Your brain was showing you visuals of Wanda lying on the table, shining green eyes dulled in the absence of life. Head too wrapped up in the thoughts that ran through it, you didn’t realize you weren’t headed for the hospital at all. You were headed toward midtown, exactly where Natasha had told you not to go.
You’d never been an Avenger. You would never be an Avenger. Maybe it was selfish, refusing to help others when you had the ability to. People died and you might have been able to stop it. Your own powers scared you too much to allow you to. It was something you’d decided long ago. The lives of every civilian that you could have saved were worth it. You couldn’t unleash that sinister thing that lived inside you. Yet, here you were, rushing toward the fight like you were Tony Stark in his suit of armour, or Steve Rogers with a vibranium shield strapped to your back.
The car screeched as you slammed your foot down on the brake. The seatbelt dug so hard into your ribs that you weren’t sure a few hadn’t snapped beneath the pressure. The adrenaline pumping through your veins assured you wouldn’t feel it even if they did. You fought to keep your breathing under control as you stepped out of the car and took in the destruction around you. Someone here had hurt Wanda, and, honestly, you couldn’t find it in you to care which one it had been. You’d kill every single one.
Gravel and rubble crunched beneath your feet as you ventured further and further into the warzone that had broken out in Midtown New York. They looked human, whoever they were. They were armed to the teeth and attacking every moving thing in sight. None of them had noticed you yet. That was better for both of you, for the time being. You shut your eyes for a brief moment and listen to the sounds around you. Civilians were screaming and car alarms were blaring and explosions roared. Then there was running, and it stopped at your side.
“I told you not to come here. Wanda’s at the hospital.”
You opened your eyes. Natasha was at your side. Blood trickled down her temple, staining her pale skin. She flinched as she put weight on her left leg to move a little closer to you. Wanda might have been the woman you called your own, but the Avengers were your family. Seeing one of them hurting in the way Natasha was only stoked the fire that was beginning to burn hotter and hotter inside of you. Your gaze moved away from her and back to the oncoming forces. They were getting closer.
“How did you know I was here?”
“Tony’s cars have trackers. We got an alert the second you left the compound and another as you came here. Get to the hospital.”
But you’d already stopped listening. The incoming threat had gotten close enough to notice you now. Green eyes followed your gaze until she, too, noticed the men approaching the two of you. She raised her arm, the gun still clutched tight in her grip. You could tell by the bewildered expression on her face that she hadn’t at all been expecting you to stop her. Your hand grabbed her wrist, lowering her arm until it was back against her side. You suspected it was the crimson gleam in your eyes that was the only thing that was keeping her weapon lowered.
You turned back to her once more. Surprise was written across every feature on her face… no, it was fear. She was afraid. She should be scared of you. Your skin began to blacken as you began to fade into nothing. Her eyes were still able to find yours, glowing bright as ever. She flinched when you reached out, backing up as you reached for her hand in an attempt for a final goodbye. You bowed your head, wishing she’d let you feel the warmth of her skin beneath your hand one final time.
“I’m sorry, Natasha.”
Then you turned away from her. The last of your human form faded away. It was hard to make out any shape in the tall, dark shadow that you’d become. Haunting golden eyes cast to the men that were racing toward you. As if to match the scene, a dark cloud rolled in front of the sun. Its shadow cast down onto the city, the darkness concealing you even further and making your eyes glow seemingly brighter. They continued to approach. They didn’t know their mistake. You did. You were dangerous at any time. You were more dangerous now that they’d hurt the person you loved more than you had ever loved before.
You raised your arms into the sky, feet leaving the ground. When your feet had been touching the concrete below them, you’d already been towering over the oncoming men. Now, you looked down upon them. Guns raised to where you hovered in the sky. It was almost comical. One of them screamed, and suddenly they were all firing. Their bullets tore through you, yet they didn’t touch you. Your head tilted to the side ever so slightly as an unsettling grin appeared in your dark shadow, disrupted by the whiz of dozens of bullets flying through it.
“Knock knock,” you said. Even your voice was sinister, a deep rumble that felt like it emanated from every direction, or deep inside of any listener.
The laughter that burst from their chests was strange, at first. It seemed out of place in such a setting. Confusion flickered across each of their faces. Then they laughed harder, and harder. Guns fell to the ground and they howled with laughter, but it contrasted their eyes. There was no sparkle of amusement in even one. It was pure, unbridled fear that you could see shining in them. One by one they fell to their knees, clawing at their throats as they tried to stop. One had tears streaming down his cheeks as he covered his ears, trying to block out the sounds that were torn from his own throat.
They couldn’t get in their comms to tell their men to keep away.
The next group that came for you met the same fate. Soon they, too, were on the ground. You got some sort of sick satisfaction as you watched them fall, unable to control their bodies. You’d taken over, grabbing hold of their heads and their bodies. You’d grabbed onto their lungs and ripped laughter from their chests, absolutely uncontrollable. When they lost control of that, that was when the fear started to take over. Fear would grip at them; you could feel it emanating off them. It would only get worse. You’d watched men take their lives as they lost their minds.
There was a reason you never used your powers. You were afraid of them, sure. The reason you were afraid of them, however, wasn’t because of their strength. Their strength could have saved lives. It wasn’t even because you couldn’t control them. You were addicted to your own powers. You took pride in watching grown men reduced to tears, curled up on the ground, shaking like an abused puppy. Your sick satisfaction was what you feared.
Was this what it felt like to be an Avenger? Were you taking pride in watching the civilians able to run from the scene, or was your pride in the fact that they no longer feared the invading forces, but you instead? The men were rendered immobile as the New Yorkers ran far from the scene. There you were in the centre of it, arms outstretched eyes gleaming, and grin growing wider and ever more evil. Natasha was still hovering just outside of your reach. You could feel her. You turned to face her. You could tell by the look in her eyes that she no longer recognized you. She put her lips to her comm.
“Evacuate the area. Don’t come down this way. Clint, go check on Wanda.”
Your powers ceased. No one rose right away. It would take some time for them to recover. They were gasping for breath. Their arms were too preoccupied hugging themselves tight to bother even trying to wipe the tears that covered many of their faces. Some of them were even rocking back and forth as the effect wore off. You dropped to the ground, human form taking back over. Your eyes were back to normal as you looked to Natasha once more. Neither of you said anything, but you took off running.
You pulled your hood up further, gaze locked to your black running shoes. You couldn’t help but feel like every set of eyes was on you. That’s how it felt, you supposed, being wanted by every agency on the planet. With the ability to change your form, though, it was pretty easy to hide in plain sight. Your footsteps echoed on the hard floor beneath your feet as you kept forward. Anyone who saw you would know you were on a mission. You knew exactly where you were going.
She was sleeping when you arrived. The cuts on her body had been stitched and bandaged, and her broken arm had been cast. Sam’s signature was already present on the red material, accompanied by a bad drawing of a bird. You couldn’t help but smile a little to yourself at that. Hopefully, it had kept a smile on her face as her world fell into turmoil, something undoubtedly caused by you. That simple fact would always break your heart. You had to turn to the window to keep the tears at bay.
When you turned back to Wanda, her green eyes were on you. There was something in her eyes that you couldn’t quite read. Her head tilted to the side as she looked at you, in a form that would be unrecognizable. It wasn’t just hiding you from the authorities, but it was hiding you from her. It was protecting her from you. She didn’t need to know that it was you, the woman who had never for a single second deserved to love her or be loved by her. A small smile grew on her lips.
“You forget I can read minds, my love.”
Of course. Wanda had always promised you she’d never read your mind. She would never violate your privacy like that. Right now, though, standing in her hospital room, you hadn’t been you. Obviously, she’d found it appropriate to peek into the mind of the stranger who had been watching her sleep. You should have been mortified. You’d never wanted her to know that you were here. Instead, a large part of you was relieved.
“Hey yourself,” she breathed out. “So, that was quite the secret.”
Even though you deserved it, it still felt like a knife to the heart when she said it aloud. You nodded slowly, cracking your knuckles nervously. “I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
You studied her face. Wanda really was a saint, with powers like the ones she had. She was kind, thoughtful, and respectful. You were sure if you’d had her powers right then, you’d be digging through her mind trying to find out what she was thinking. Her eyes weren’t showing you enough. They were calm, though, and it was keeping you calm. Your breathing was level and your head was steady on your shoulders, something you wouldn’t have had been able to say only five short minutes ago.
“Are you afraid?” You managed.
“No,” she assured instantly. “Confused. Why didn’t you tell me?”
You breathed out slowly. “I didn’t want to hurt you. My powers? They’ll hurt you.”
“Will you hurt me?”
“Never!” You insisted. “I… I only hurt them because they hurt you.”
She smiled. “Then I’m not afraid.”
She beckoned you. You padded slowly toward the bed, watching as she stared up at you with an amount of love and adoration that you didn't deserve. Wanda glanced at the door, making sure no one was there to see, and then took your hand in hers, tugging on it to get you to sit down next to her. Instant calm washed over you, drowning out any negative, scared thoughts that had been in your head for days previous. It was like her hand was a lifeline, keeping you anchored on the spot. In the last few days, you’d been anything but calm and present.
You’d been a wreck without her, not knowing if she’d hate you… if you even saw her again. You didn’t know if you’d be able to feel her touch again, to feel her hands on your cheeks or to feel her grab onto you and pull you into a searing kiss the way she did. But you had seen her again, and, somehow, she didn’t hate you. Now, it seemed now you could get oxygen flowing through your body again. Still, you were uncertain.
“And can you forgive me?” You asked, voice so quiet she almost didn’t hear it. “Can you ever love me again?”
Wanda took her free hand and put it on the underside of your chin, tilting your gaze up to hers. “I see nothing that has to be forgiven.” She brushed her thumb across your cheek, wiping away a stray tear. “I love you. I will never, ever stop loving you.”
“I promise you,” she assured.
She leaned forward and then her lips were on yours. It took you a second to realize the salty taste was from the tears that were streaming down your cheeks, but it didn’t seem to be bothering the Sokovian. Both of your hands found hers and you held tight, as if afraid you’d never see her again if you dared to let go. She slipped one hand out of yours as she pulled back, using it to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’m sorry I kept it from you,” you muttered.
“I’m sorry you were so scared all alone.”
Your heart swelled. You really had found the perfect woman. “You’re really too good to me. You know that?”
Wanda laughed. “You deserve the world. You know that?”
With the way you tucked yourself against her in a hug, it was obvious she knew you felt the same of her. Her hand stroked your hair as you finally, for the first time ever, felt absolute ease and a sense of peace. Hiding that secret from Wanda had been the second hardest thing you’d ever done. The hardest had been coming clean with it. You snuggled a little closer to her, burying your head into the crook of her neck and mumbling against her skin.
“I’ll never hide anything from you again. I promise.”
Wanda pulled you away so she could look at you. “While we’re revealing secrets, I suppose I should tell you about the engagement ring in my jacket pocket.”
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Fix You
Pairing: angsty!soft!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Words: 4173
Summary: Bucky has been working hard at getting over the trauma that came from being the Winter Soldier, and you do your best to help him through it. But a particularly painful memory almost breaks him.
Warnings: ANGST (I’m so sorry y’all), explicit language, explicit sexual content (oral sex (F receiving), fingering, unprotected vaginal sex), soft!broken!Bucky, fluffy ending, TW: this fic contains implications of animal cruelty in a character’s past. It is extremely vague and non-specific but I will put a warning in the text itself if you still would like to read but this particular type of thing upsets you. Please be mindful of it my soft babies!! SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: This is my entry to the Happy Hoelentine’s Day gift exchange hosted by the absolutely fabulous @chrissquares​, @drabblewithfrannybarnes and @amythedvdhoarder​. My giftee was @bucky-the-thigh-slayer happy v-day sweetie! 😘
Soo, apparently, I cannot just write a sprinkling of angst, I have to write cut your heart out of your chest and watch it beat in front of your face angst. This fic made me cry while writing it so if you are a big softie, you might want to skip this one. Don’t worry, I gave everyone a nice, fluffy, soft ending to soothe the pain!
Happy Hoelentine’s y’all! Check out my masterlist and join my taglist if you want!
dividers are made by the lovely @chrissquares
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not my GIF
You weren’t sure what had initially roused you from sleep. Maybe it was the fact that you were used to Bucky’s frame being draped over you, smothering you with his body heat. Whatever had woken you at first, the sound of shattering glass snapped you from your dazed state immediately.
You flew out of the bed and ran towards the bathroom. The light was leaking from underneath the door and when you wrenched it open, you swore under your breath.
Bucky was seated on the floor by the tub, his head in his hands as sobs wracked his chest. The mirror over the sink was smashed, pieces of reflective glass scattered all over the counter and across the floor.
You ignored it, not even noticing as you cut the bottoms of your feet while making your way to him. You knelt beside him and drew him to you, tucking his head under your chin as you ran your hands over his back, trying to calm him down.
“I’m here, Buck.” You murmured as you pressed your lips to his hair. His breathing was coming in ragged gasps as he leaned into you, and you could tell he was still upset. “Do you want to talk about it, honey?”
He just shook his head as another sob ripped out of him, his fingers wrapping in your sleep shirt.
You knew this was all part of the process. Bucky had been working with Bruce and his psychiatrist for 6 months now on identifying and moving past his repressed memories, but damn if it didn’t break you heart every time a new one popped up. This one must have been especially painful, he hadn’t had a breakdown like this in months.
“Sweetie, I’m gonna call Bruce, ok?” He was still a mess, even with you there, and it made you worried.
“No, don’t leave me.” He looked up at you desperately as he leaned against your shoulder, his eyes a startling blue from his tears as he pleaded with you.
“Shit, Bucky.” God, you fucking hated seeing him like this. You felt so helpless. “I can call from here. FRIDAY? Let Banner know we need him, stat.”
“Will do, Y/N.” The AI chirped back at you.
You reached your arm to the sink and turned it on, running a washcloth under the warm water before bringing it back to rest against his forehead.
“Y/N? Bucky? It’s me, Bruce.” You heard Banner call from the front door.
“Yeah, we’re in the bathroom.” You called. Your shoulder was soaked with snot and tears as Bucky continued weeping against you.
“Jesus, what happened?” Bruce hissed when he found you, picking his was through the broken glass as he knelt to examine Bucky, opening his medical case.
“I dunno Bruce, I woke up and found him like this.” You did your best to straighten Bucky up as Bruce took his pulse before pulling back to assemble his otoscope.
“Ok, Barnes, I’m gonna give you a sedative, buddy.” Bruce murmured as he dug in his case again, bringing out a vial and syringe. “I called his doctor when I heard from you and she’s on her way, but she was in Chicago for a conference, so she won’t be in until later this morning. She gave me the ok to calm him down for now.”
You just nodded as you stroked Bucky’s hair, doing your best to distract him as Bruce wound the tourniquet around his arm before plunging in the needle. He released the band before pushing down the plunger, and you felt Bucky relax against you almost immediately.
“I hate this so much, Bruce. I just want to be able to do something for him.”
“You’re doing it, Y/N. I don’t think his recovery would be going so well if he didn’t have you.” He looked down at your feet and winced. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“What? Oh, fuck.” Now that Bucky wasn’t occupying your attention, the slices on your feet and knees were throbbing.
“I don’t think you need any stitches, but I’m gonna use some skin glue to keep these from opening up repeatedly.” He muttered, rinsing the cuts with a betadine solution before patting them dry with some gauze.
“Thanks Bruce. Can you help me get him back to the bed?” You asked as he finished his work, throwing a towel over the broken glass and shoving it out of the way.
“Sure.” You each put one of his arms over your shoulders and hauled him to his feet, shuffling awkwardly back to the bedroom. “Dr. Laurent should be here around 10, if you could get him to the med center around then?”
“Of course Bruce, thank you so much.”
He just waved you off as he left, closing the door gently behind him. You changed into a new t-shirt and climbed back into bed, curling yourself around Bucky as you tried to fall back asleep, failing miserably.
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  It had been two weeks since Bucky’s breakdown. His nightmares had gotten better, but you could tell he was still upset about things. He was barely talking to you, and he hadn’t initiated sex during that whole period. You could maybe coax some small talk out of him over meals, but you could tell he was avoiding talking to you about what he remembered. All you wanted to do was comfort him and he wasn’t letting you.
Dr. Laurent assured you that they were working through it, but that this particular memory was harder to move past. All you wanted to do was comfort him, but he wouldn’t let you close.
The two of you were sitting together in silence, you were going over some field reports with your feet resting in Bucky’s lap as he read some trash mystery novel that you would usually tease him about. Your phone rang from the coffee table and you stretched to pick it up, grinning when you saw it was your sister.
“Hey Frankie!” You said cheerily as you picked up. “What’s going on?”
Bucky smiled to himself sadly as he listened to you chat with your sister. He felt so guilty about what he was doing to you. You were amazing, and kind, but he was so worried that if he let you all the way in, you’d see what a monster he was and leave him.
“Oh my god, a puppy!?” You squealed, and Bucky felt all the blood drain from his face. “Send me all the pictures! We’ll have to come visit soon and meet him.”
Bucky stood up and walked towards the kitchen, getting himself a glass of water and drinking it down greedily.
“Hey, Frankie, can I call you back tomorrow? Great, love you!” You had picked up on Buck’s change in demeanor and followed after him. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” He muttered, filling his glass again and taking a sip.
You let out a deep sigh at his attempt to dodge. You knew you weren’t supposed to push him, but watching him withdraw from you like this was killing you.
“Bucky, please talk to me.” You pleaded, fighting the urge to go to him and wrap your arms around him, drawing all his pain into yourself as you held him tight.
He shook his head at you as he set his glass down on the counter, avoiding making eye contact. “I can’t.”
You took in a sharp breath at the crack in his voice and your resolve broke. You took three steps forward and pressed your body to his, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and bringin his forehead down to lean against yours.
“It’s ok, I’m not going anywhere.” You murmured, bringing up one hand to run through his hair, trying your best to soothe him as you watched tears leak from his eyes.
“Fuck, of course I promise.” You murmured before pressing your lips softly to his. “Bucky, I’m not going to leave you. I love you.”
He buried his face in your neck and let out a deep sigh, inhaling your scent and letting the warm comfort of your body relax him. You kept stroking his back and hair, waiting for him to speak.
“When I first woke up,” He started after several minutes of silence, still not looking at you. “They would never let me outside. It was almost a year before I saw sunlight. They eventually let me out once they were sure the brainwashing had done its job, but only for a little while. There was…”
He choked on his words and you made soft soothing sounds against his cheek, doing your best to not hold your breath as he opened up to you, worried you were going to spook him like a baby deer.
“There was this tiny stray mutt I found on the compound one day. It was hiding in a little hole in the wall with an injured paw, scared of everything. I managed to sneak out some of my rations the next day for him, and did the same thing for the next week. He wouldn’t take the food from me directly, but I would leave it for him, and it would all be gone when I came back.
“It took a few weeks before he would take the food from my hand, and a couple more before he would let me pet him. Seeing that little guy was the best part of my day. The only break I had from the fighting and the torture. Sometimes he’d crawl into my lap and curl up, and those were the days I thought about making a run for it.” Bucky finally looked at you, giving you a sad smile as he pressed his forehead to yours again before screwing his eyes shut. “I named him Vladik.
“I don’t know why it took them so long to figure out he was there. The guards were supposed to be watching my every move. I wasn’t supposed to have anything for myself, no happiness or solace. And that was all he was. Just a harmless little friend. But the Soldat couldn’t have any friends.
“When the doctor in charge of my programming found out, he told me to bring him the dog, and he… he made me…”
He started sobbing before he could finish, and you felt tears running down your own cheeks as you held him tightly, the two of you sinking to the floor as Bucky wept in your arms. You curled yourself around him, wishing you could do something to just take all of that pain from him.
It was an hour before either of you moved. You were stiff from leaning against the counter for so long, but until Bucky started to straighten up, you didn’t even notice. He drew you up after him and you moaned as you unfolded yourself, your legs tingling as blood rushed back into them.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” He whispered against your hair with a heavy sigh, drawing you into another deep embrace. “Fuck, I’m exhausted.”
“I love you too, honey.” You murmured, pressing your lips to his forehead. “I’ll be right there.”
You left him to strip out of his clothes as you headed to the bathroom, locking the door behind you as you splashed cold water on your face, trying to keep yourself from having a meltdown.
You were so relieved he had finally opened up to you. But every fiber of your being just wanted to fix all of this, and the fact that you couldn’t was killing you. You choked back a sob as you bent over the sink, bile rising in your throat. It took you a few minutes to fully calm down, but you got your emotions under control with some deep breathing.
You splashed your face a few more times before heading back out to the bedroom. Bucky was still up, sitting on the edge of the bed as he waited for you. He gave you a small smile as you walked toward him, wrapping his arms around your middle and nuzzling his face against your stomach.  You moaned as he started to lift your shirt, pressing his lips to your skin softly as his fingers traveled to brush against your breast, squeezing it gently.
He held you tightly and turned his body until you were laying on the bed underneath him. He crawled up your torso slowly until his face was hovering above yours. His vibranium palm cupped your cheek softly as he gazed into your eyes before bending to kiss you, his mouth needy against yours as he bit at your lips before pressing his tongue to yours, drawing a whine from your throat.
Bucky ran his hand down your throat before his fingers started working to unbutton your blouse. He made quick work of it and his mouth moved to your neck as he slid it down your shoulders. You gasped and moved your hands to wind in his hair as he unclasped your bra and wrapped his lips around your nipple, sucking softly and swirling his tongue around it until it was peaked and sensitive. Your cunt clenched around nothing as he moved to your other nipple, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he continued to move down your body.
His tongue dipped into your navel as he worked at undoing your jeans, pulling them down your legs swiftly along with your panties before diving between your legs.
He had missed this. Those soft sounds of want you made were a panacea for his wounds, soothing his heart as he moved his lips over your sex, his tongue running through your folds as he lapped up your arousal. You arched into his mouth when he pressed against your clit, your hands digging into his hair as his hands gripped your thighs, keeping you spread open for him.
He moaned against you as you wriggled beneath him, your back arching and relaxing as he brought you closer to your release. You grip on his hair was bordering on painful as you tightened it, and he relished your loss of control as you fought to close your thighs around his head and press him even closer.
“Mmm, Bucky!” You moaned as he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking softly. He finally released your legs and you wrapped them around his neck as he pushed two metal fingers into you, making you yelp.
He scissored his fingers inside you, stretching your canal as he drew obscene squelches from deep within you. He loved the feel of your pussy clenching and fluttering around him, trying to draw his fingers even deeper inside you as he edged you towards your climax.
When he curled them against that sweet, secret spot within you, you lost it. Your heels duck into his shoulders and your back arched you off the bed violently as you clamped down on his fingers. You screamed as your release flowed into his mouth, making him moan as it covered his chin. He licked his lips as he straightened above you, savoring the taste of you on his tongue. It tasted like home.
He gazed down at you lovingly as he removed his boxers, kicking them away before bending to kiss you deeply. Bucky kept his mouth on yours as he crawled onto the bed, tucking his knees under your thighs as he pressed one palm against the small of your back, drawing you up to straddle his lap.
“I love you so fucking much.” He whispered against your lips, running his fingertips through your hair before his tongue was invading your mouth, curling against and tangling with yours as he stole all the breath from your lungs. His metal hand curved over your ass as he ground his hips into you, running his cock through your slick folds. “I need to hear you say it, please doll.”
“God, Bucky. I love you.” You panted as he positioned himself at your entrance, making you whine as he breached you with just his tip. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as he pulled you onto him and you hissed through your teeth as you stretched around his length, relishing in the sting you felt each time he entered you.
“Never leave me.” He pleaded as his hips started moving, his thrusts slow and sensuous as he stared deeply into your eyes, watching your face contort with pleasure as you lost yourself in the feeling of being filled with him.
“Never.” You murmured as he buried his face against your neck. “Fuck, baby.”
Your head rolled back as he picked up the pace just barely, his pubic bone grinding against your clit with each thrust and bringing you close to your edge. He nuzzled himself between your breasts and mouthed against your soft slopes gently as you tightened one hand around the back of his neck.
One particularly forceful drive had you falling backwards with a gasp. You managed to catch yourself on one arm and you pressed your toes against the mattress on either side of his hips, doing your best to keep your balance as your pussy clenched around him.
“Fuck, right there.” You whispered, your nails digging into his neck.
He brushed his teeth against your nipple and you almost collapsed against the bed, but Bucky wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly to him as your body spasmed uncontrollably, quivering in his grasp as your pussy fluttered and your release seeped out of you, soaking both of your thighs.
“You feel so good doll.” He murmured against your chest as he kept fucking into you, still moving in rich, deep plunges that made it hard for you to breathe. “So tight and warm. I fucking lose myself in this pussy.”
All you could do was whine as you wrapped your legs around his waist and gripped his neck tightly. You took in a sharp breath when he suddenly lifted himself off his knees and pushed even deeper into you, his cock hitting a new spot inside you that had you seeing stars. He gripped his hands tightly at the small of your back as he ground against you.
He hit you at just the right spot and you came again, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his hair as your body vibrated against his. He inhaled your scent with a moan as he fell forward, catching himself on his vibranium hand before he collapsed on top of you.
You kept your body wrapped tightly around his as he held you in that position with one arm, carrying all of your weight as his hips started moving violently, slapping against the back of your thighs as soft wet sounds came from between the two of you. It only took a few thrusts before you were cumming again, screaming against Bucky’s neck as the coil in your stomach snapped, your muscles finally giving out as you rode the wave of your pleasure, your body rolling underneath him as you released his neck and he let you sink back onto the bed, your arms falling above your head and your feet coming to rest on either side of his knees.
Bucky kept one arm hooked under the small of your back, arching your body at a beautiful angle as his hips started to stutter, his cock twitching inside of you as he neared his own end.
“Gimme one more doll.” He whispered, mesmerized by the way your tits bounced with each thrust of his hips, and the way your face had that blissful, fucked out look as you bit your lip and screwed your eyes shut.
He ground his hips in a circle with his next thrust and smiled as your body tried to curl off the bed. You sobbed as you came, crying his name as your thighs squeezed his hips and your cunt milked his cock. He collapsed on top of you as he came right behind you, his spend shooting into harshly, painting your canal in thick white ropes as his hips stilled.
You held him to you tightly, refusing to let him go as the two of you drifted off to sleep. All you wanted was to rest with him inside you, and he needed to feel you around him, to let you know that you were his home, his haven against all the pain of his past. You smiled as you felt his breath grow deep with sleep, your hand resting on his back as your own slumber took you.
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  Bucky made a lot of progress over the next few weeks. Telling you had lifted a weight from his shoulders that he didn’t realize he was carrying. His sleep was still interrupted by nightmares occasionally, but every time he woke up to find you next to him was like a balm for his soul.
He was finally starting to feel truly happy, and that made you happy. Dr. Laurent had finally given the ok for him to start going on missions again, and that was great, but he really found fulfillment at home with you, and the best part of his day was when he walked through the front door to find you waiting for him.
You were excited for Valentine’s Day. It felt like the first holiday you could really enjoy as a couple as he had made so much progress. You were thankful that Steve had kept him occupied all day, giving you a chance to work on your present for him. He was out for a run in the rain right now as you put the final touches on the meal, reviewing the recipe a final time as you set the table, shrugging to yourself and lighting the candles.
You almost dropped your match when you heard him open the front door, cursing as you narrowly avoided setting the tablecloth on fire.
“In here baby!” You called as he came inside, shaking himself from the rain. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“Aww, doll, this looks… is that aspic?” He asked, one eyebrow cocked as he eyed the meal you had set out for him.
“Sure is!” You said with a grin as you eyed the brown, gelatinous entrée, doing your best to tamp down your nausea. “Steve said it was your favorite back in the day, so I decided to surprise you.”
“Steve?” He asked, a grin spreading over his face as he ran his fingers through his hair. “You asked Rogers what to get me for Valentine’s Day?”
You studied the look on his face and looked back at the meal, considering things.
“That motherfucker.” You said as he broke down, laughing hysterically. “I’m going to murder that giant.”
“I can’t believe you thought I would actually like this!” He said, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“I dunno, the 30s were a weird time!” You cursed yourself in your mind for being so gullible. “Well shit, I wasted a whole day. I’m ordering Chinese.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself doll, it’s the thought that counts.” He said, giving you a mock pout before wrapping his arms around you and kissing your hair. You yelped when you felt something move in his hoody.
“What the fuck, Barnes?” You screeched as his pocket squirmed, something inside it making a tiny squeaking sound.
“Uhh, don’t be mad.” He said sheepishly as he tucked his hand into his pocket and drew out a tiny, white kitten who was screaming bloody murder. “I found her in a ditch when I was on my run, and it didn’t seem like her mother was anywhere nearby. I didn’t want to just leave her out there.”
“Oh my fucking god, Bucky!” You reached out and he handed her to you. You wrapped your hands around her loosely and cradled her against her chest. “We need a heating pad.”
“What?” He asked confused for a second.
“She’s barely a week old honey, she can’t regulate her own body temperature, go get my heating pad from the bathroom.”
“So, we’re keeping her?” He asked, a grin spreading over his face as he rushed into the bathroom.
“Of course we’re keeping her Barnes.” You scoffed at him. “FRIDAY, we need kitten milk replacer as soon as possible, and specialty feeding bottles for newborns. And get a vet here too.”
“On it, Y/N. There’s a house call veterinarian that can be here in one hour, and the rest of your supplies should arrive within 30 minutes.”
“Thanks FRIDAY.” You were making soft cooing noises at the baby as Bucky came back into the room with the heating pad, and he practically groaned at the smile you gave him.
“Happy Valentine’s day, doll.” He murmured as he kissed your hair and wrapped one arm around you, handing you the heating pad.
“Happy Valentine’s day, Buck.” You whispered back at him. “What should we name her?”
“What do you think of Alpine?”
@buckysnumberonegirl​ @slothspaghettiwrites​ @captain-asguard ​ @starlightcrystalline​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @quxxnxfhxll​ @bonkywobble​ @chrisevanscardigan ​ @chubbybuckydumpling​ @StanAllStarks @blackestpinkworld​ @fistmebuckyskywalker​  @wandering-spiritash h​ @khadineberry​ @shutupstevie @muzzyandbusy​ @slytheriin2002 02​ @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl ​ @isysen en​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @stargazingfangirl18 ​ @jack-skellingtons-stuff @chrissquares
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queensoybean0724 · 3 years
Succession Chapter 8 (Karl Heisenberg/female reader) Resident Evil Village fanfic
Chapter 8 is here!
Title: Succession Chapter 8
Characters: Karl Heisenberg, female reader, OC
Rating: R for language and explicit gore (may be triggering with the descriptions of the bodies in the factory)
Summary: you discover a long lost relative has died and made you his sole beneficiary.  While flying to collect your inheritance, you crash in a village in Romania.
Author’s Note: I do not own the characters from Resident Evil Village. This is a work of fiction.  Anything remotely similar to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
The soft tugging of your wrists woke you from sleep.  You blinked rapidly and looked up to see Heisenberg removing the cuffs and setting them on the floor.
“What are you doing?” you asked, bringing your hands close to your body and rubbing your wrists.
“Sorry to wake you,” Heisenberg murmured, “but I’m going to work for a while downstairs...didn’t want you to be shackled to the bed the whole time.  Do you need to use the bathroom before I go?”
You nodded your head, realizing you were in need of the facilities.  Standing slowly to your feet, you padded to the door and walked across the way into the bathroom.  Once you relieved yourself, you washed your hands and made your way back to the room.
“I’ll be down there for several hours,” Heisenberg said as he rinsed his hands in the sink, “I’ll probably skip lunch.  Help yourself to whatever is in the refrigerator.”
You thanked him and curled back up under the covers.  You couldn’t believe it, but this fucked-up picture of domesticity was starting to grow on you.  Last night’s dinner outside at sunset was quite pleasant.  Heisenberg didn’t talk much aside from the occasional grunt or nod if you said anything.  It seemed that something was weighing on his mind.  And when you asked him what he had been working on at his desk a few hours earlier, he once again told you to mind your business.
Heisenberg put on his hat, sunglasses, and trenchcoat and left without another word, closing the door behind him.
You fell asleep for another three hours before finally waking up and looking over at his clock on his nightstand.  The time read 11:46am.
Rising from the bed, you cooked yourself some breakfast and filled a mug full of water.  You ate leisurely and leafed through a fashion magazine that had been stuffed into one of the suitcases Heisenberg had brought from the crash site.  
Once you were finished with your plates, you washed them in the sink and put them away.  You had made up your mind that you were going to shower.  You hadn’t washed since Heisenberg brought you here and it was creeping up on day three...or was it day four...five maybe?  Either way, you needed to wash.
You gathered your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and sponge.  You also reached for your razor and shaving cream.  It had been several days since you shaved your legs and you wanted to be clean and smooth...just in case…
No, you thought, not because of Heisenberg!  But because I want to get back to feeling normal again!
There were a couple of towels hanging over the windowed walls of the shower, no doubt used by Heisenberg himself.  You made a mental note to ask him for towels of your own when he got back…
Then it occurred to you.  When he left, he closed the door, but you didn’t hear the loud click that his key usually made in the lock...
He didn’t lock the door.
As you shaved and showered, you mentally weighed the pros and cons of whether or not you should leave Heisenberg’s living quarters.  He had never not locked the door.  Maybe whatever work he had planned was at the forefront of his mind and he had simply forgotten to lock the door.  Or maybe, just as he trusted you to go back and forth from the bathroom without him keeping watch over you, maybe he was starting to trust you not to leave the room.
The monotony of the room was starting to become boring...perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to walk around and stretch your legs.
You put on a pair of jeans, a long sleeved shirt, socks, and sneakers. Promising yourself that you wouldn’t walk too far, you opened the door quietly and peeked out into the hallway, looking right and left.  Heisenberg wasn’t in the vicinity.  The usual sounds of the factory rang out in the distance.  You strained your hearing to listen for footsteps.  Except for you, the area was empty.
Pushing the door all the way open, you stepped out into the hall.  You walked down the hallway, making sure to keep your steps light and quiet.  The pounding of your pulse was ringing in your ears and you were terrified of Heisenberg finding you outside of his living quarters.   He would not be happy with you if he could see you at that moment.
You walked to a closed door and opened it to see the suspended walkway you had run across on your first day.  The noises were louder as you looked out among the metal, chains, steam, and rotating bodies.  A large body of water was several feet below you.  You stood there for a minute and looked all around, afraid that Heisenberg would be nearby and see you on the walkway.
The coast was clear.  You quickened your pace as you walked, making sure to tiptoe.  You reached the door on the other side, pushing it open.
This was uncharted territory. You didn’t know what was around the corner and made a mental note of which way you turned, how many flights of stairs you went up and down, and factory signs.  The signs were written in Romanian, but you sounded them out in your head in hopes you would remember your way back.
Occasionally you would open a door or two along the way, poking your head in and scanning the rooms.  A part of you felt guilty...you were being invasive and nosy.  This was Heisenberg’s home and even though he was keeping you here against your will, you thought it unlikely that he would want you poking around in his factory.  You could picture him now:  his brows furrowing, his gloved hands balling into fists, and his mighty voice booming as he yelled at you to get back to his quarters.
Dear god, why did that turn you on?
You had descended stairs earlier and hadn’t seen another set in quite a while, so you assumed you were down in the dregs of the factory.  It started to feel warmer the further down you went.  Why wasn’t Heisenberg’s room down here instead of higher up where the cold slid in through the walls so effortlessly?
You turned a corner and came up to a heavy steel door that was slightly ajar.  Leaning forward, you peered down a dark hall...with bodies hanging along the right side.  “Oh my god…” you whispered.  You couldn’t tell whether they were alive or dead, but a gas mask sat over each of their mouths and they hung from a tight leather strap wrapped around the breastbone and up under their arms.  Their skin was pale and their eyes closed.
Keeping your back flat against the left side of the hallway, you quietly and slowly made your way across.  You counted in your head...one, two, three, four, five, six bodies spaced out along the hallway.  Was this part of the work that Heisenberg was doing around here?  You shook your head.  Why was he doing this?  What was he doing with all of these bodies?
Another steel door was at the end of the hall and you silently turned the knob and pushed it open.
Upon entering the large room, you gasped audibly, your eyes wide.  The place looked like a morgue.  Five steel tables sat in the room...with five more corpses lying on top of them.  They each looked recently dead, their skin not as pale as the men hanging in the hallway behind you.  Decomposition had not occured yet.  The bodies had various trauma to them.  One was missing an arm.  One had its left leg sewed on.  
The other three were fitted with a visor over their eyes.  They laid shirtless on the tables.  One was a woman, her bare breasts visible with a gaping hole in her chest where her heart was supposed to be.  She was clothed from the waist down in a uniform that looked familiar...she was wearing a flight attendant’s uniform.  Could this be one of the attendants from your plane???
The other two bodies had something different over their left chest.  A circular metal contraption was lodged inside.  “What the fuck…” you murmured softly, walking amongst the carnage.  You were beginning to think that maybe you should have stayed inside Heisenberg’s quarters.
A door was opened on the other side of the room.  You crept towards it and looked inside.  The room stretched out before you and you could see a steel wall in the middle, separating one section of the room from the other.  A steel table stood next to the edge of the wall and you saw that you would have to circle it to see what was on the other side.  Swallowing the growing anxiety in your throat, you stepped closer.  
You reached the table and the wall and leaned forward, peering into the room.  Your mouth dropped, your eyes widened, and you gasped loudly.
Bruce Williams sat in what looked like a dentist’s chair, his body slumped forward.  A visor, just like the ones the three bodies were fitted with in the previous room, was also sitting over his eyes.  Three or four tubes were hanging from the ceiling and plugged into different areas on his body.  But the worst thing was his arm...the forearm from the elbow down was missing...and what replaced it was an electric saw.
A tear rolled down your cheek.  Oh, god, Bruce, you thought, what happened to you?
Before you were able to put two and two together, there was movement behind Bruce’s body.  An open door was against the back wall and Heisenberg entered the room, both of his hands holding surgical tools.  He stopped in his tracks when he looked up and saw you standing before Bruce.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” Heisenberg growled, “how did you get out of my room?”
Panic, disbelief, and terror surged through your body.  You found yourself mourning for Bruce all over again and being gripped with fear over being caught...but even greater, fury had begun to make your blood boil.
“What is this?!?!” you cried out shrilly, “what are you doing to him???  Bruce...he was seated next to me on the plane!!!  OH DEAR GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM???”  You took several steps back, your fingers gripping your hair.  This was not happening....this was not happening...you were dreaming again…
“Y/N, let me explain…” Heisenberg said, fastly approaching you, putting his tools down on the table.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!” you screamed, turning on your heels and running out of the room.  You ran into one of the bodies on the table, your body falling forward.  Your chin touched its cold skin and you let out another loud scream.
“Y/N, stop!” Heisenberg commanded.  You felt him behind you, his hands gripping your shoulders.  You yelped and whirled around, shoving his body away from you.  You ran for the exit just as one of the tables with a body flew out in front of you, blocking your path.
Adrenaline was pumping through you and you quickly ran around the table and out of the door.  You ran down the hallway, ignoring the hanging bodies, your heart hammering in your chest.
“Y/N!!” Heisenberg yelled as he ran after you.  You were in total flight mode and you couldn’t remember which way was up.  The little notes you had jotted in your memory were long gone and you had no idea how to get out of the factory.
As you turned a corner, you saw a large industrial lift.  You darted inside, gripping the sliding elevator door from above, and pulled it down shut.  Looking over at the buttons, you hit the UP arrow rapidly in pure panic.
Heisenberg ran full force at the door, his fingers wrapping around the wooden railings.  You screamed loudly, scrambling back against the other side of the lift, pressing your back against the wall.
“Y/N!!” Heisenberg shouted, “Y/N, STOP!!! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!!”
The elevator lift began to ascend, putting more and more space between you and Heisenberg.  You could hear him shaking the wooden railings, screaming your name over and over.  Looking upwards, you watched with growing impatience as the lift slowly made its way higher and higher until it stopped at the very top.
There was a metal door before you with thin railings.  You looked between them to see a small field surrounded by a barbed wire fence.  The metal door was shut tight.  You started to kick at the door and shove your shoulder against it, desperate for it to open.  After what felt like several moments, you shoved your body once again and the door flew open.  You spilled into the grass and looked around wildly.  Where could you go?  Where could you hide?
You looked to the left and saw a small section of fence that was rusted and pushed back, creating a space that would allow you to escape.  Running as fast as your legs could take you, you pushed at the wire and slithered your body through the hole.  Jagged edges snagged your skin and your clothes, but you were too fueled by panic to worry about scratches.
After clearing the fence, you jumped to your feet and ran towards the trees and the mountains, desperate to get as far away from Heisenberg as you could.
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joansiefics · 3 years
I Actually Just Want To Sleep
SUMMARY: You have been training with Natasha for weeks on end. She is harsh in training and you barely have time to take a break. So one day it all gets to much for you to handle and you pass out, but luckily someone is there to catch you.
WARNINGS: Fainting, Fighting, Malnourishment
After a long, tiring day at school the bell finally rang making all the students bundle out of the classes, with teachers still trying to get in a few last words before everyone disappears through the doors to freedom. You stood up from your chair and bid your farewell to the teacher as you left class and started your 15 minute walk home.
It was a habit of yours to play your music on full blast through your earphones when you undertook the walk home to take your mind of things - from your day at school to the assignments and homework that awaits you at home. You just barely started listening to 'Nurse's Office by Melanie Martinez' when an uncomfortable feeling made its appearance. You didn't stop listening to your music but you were more aware of your surroundings. Goosebumps were now evident on your skin, but you couldn't make up your mind if it was from the chilly, winter breeze hitting your skin and blowing through your hair or from someone's eyes boring into the back of your skull. You shrugged of the second thought, trying to stop your paranoia.
You started humming to the next song 'Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots' when a large, coarse hand grasped your shoulder and pulled you backwards, making you lose your balance. You quickly got back on your feet and put up a good fight, one that the man was definitely not expecting which gave you the upper hand. You threw a few punches his way and dodged a few of his, but your last punch knocked all consciousness out of him and he went tumbling to the ground.
You picked up your now cracked phone and straightened yourself up a bit to continue your walk home, unfazed by the fight, when you felt another hand touch your shoulder. This hand was smaller and more gentle than the previous one, but your adrenaline was still coursing your veins and you grabbed the hand, sending the person with a twist of their arm over to the ground. "What the heck do you all want with me!!!?" You yelled out of frustration "I just want to go home, finish my damn homework and sleep, is that to much to ask?!" You don't know why you just asked your attacker this, but you couldn't keep the pent up stress and anger in anymore.
"Are you okay?" The person you flipped to ground asked with a hoarse voice and a following groan as they pushed themselves to get of the ground and brushed of the dirt form their clothes. "Why are asking me if I'm okay, you're the one that was laying on the ground?" You ask very confused at what is happening. "I saw the guy attack you, I was just to late to help you take him down, but I see you took care of him very well" The person says gesturing towards the still unconscious man on the ground. "So you didn't want to attack me?" You ask raising your eyebrow at the person "No, not at all..." There is an awkward silence between the two of you before you introduce yourself, having made up your mind to trust the person: "Y/N...Y/N Y/L/N" you say putting your hand out for the person to shake "Natasha Romanoff" she shakes your hand.
"You really have skill Y/N,  I mean you just flipped and ex-assassin and current Avenger to the ground without even a bit of struggle" Natasha laughs "Ummm... thank you?" You say not knowing how to respond to this compliment, a compliment that no one has ever given you. "Do you maybe want to come back to the Avengers tower with me and I can introduce you to everyone?" She offers politely "Umm, yeah... sure" You mentally scold yourself for being so awkward.
It was a peaceful walk through alley crannies and idle parts of the town to the tower, but you enjoyed the calm feeling. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you get your skills Y/N?" Natasha curiously asked, but not wanting to invade your personal space "I just watched some self defence videos online and practiced them for rare occasions like today" You answer her question.  After a few more minutes of walking you arrive at the tower and enter the building "Here we are" Natasha says breaking the comfortable silence.
You were marvelled by the perfectly planned and designed architecture and interior design and let your eyes roam until Natasha cleared her throat to get your attention. "Y/N, I want you to meet the Avengers: Tony, Bruce, Thor, Wanda, Peter, Bucky, Steve and Hawkeye" She introduces while pointing to each and every one of them. You flushed with embarrassment and shyness as everyone greeted you, you didn't even notice them until Natasha cleared her throat. They already think I'm weird you think.
"So I wanted to introduce her to all of you, because you wouldn't believe the story I'm about to tell you if I didn't bring the key witness." Natasha smirked, knowing that she pricked their curiosity. "Well Y/N over here was being attacked by some old creep-" Before she could continue Steve interrupted her "Is she okay?" he directs the question to Natasha, then he looks at you "Are you okay, are you hurt?" He askes caringly. "I'm fine, thanks?" You say, still unsure why everyone is making it such a big deal. Natasha gives Steve a daring look, one telling him to shut his mouth for the rest of the story or he won't see dawn, before she continues: "So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted... Y/N was attacked. I saw the fight and was on my way to go help her, but she knocked him unconscious before I could get there. I just wanted to make sure that she was alright before I left and I approached her form behind and tapped her shoulder. She caught me off guard and flipped me to the ground as well..." she took a small pause before exaggerating her statement "SHE flipped ME!!!"
Everyone wore a look of shock on their face now, which confused you even more "Why is everyone making such a big deal out of this?" You ask, not able to control your ignorance any longer. "Do you know what you did?" Tony asks "Did I do something wrong?" You ask still not catching the drift. "No, no, no, no, not at all... you just, ummm... well you flipped an ex-assassin, not many people are able to do that" Tony answers with a proud smile, even though he just met you, you made him proud. "What would you say to being an intern at the tower and train with us and then when you're ready, you can become one of us, you can become an Avenger?" Tony asks. This question definitely caught you off guard and you were gawking at him in surprise and excitement at the same time "Uhh, ye...yeah, sure....I would, ummm.. I'd ummm love...that" you manage to croak out. "Great, you start tomorrow after school" Tony says as he leaves the room and the rest of the team, except Natasha, follows after him.
The next day after school, Natasha came to pick you up and took you to the tower. You went up to the training room and once again took in all your surroundings. All of this felt like a dream to you, you couldn't believe that the Avengers wanted to train YOU. "You can get dressed into your training clothes in there and then we can start with your first training." Natasha said as she directed you to the bathroom.
The first training was something to experience. You were tossed from one side to another, making your head spin, you were punched and kicked and bent into awkward and uncomfortable positions - if this was the first training, you didn't even want to know how the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that would turn out. When you returned home, exhausted and sweaty you took a shower and immediately started on your homework and assignments that had to be done the next day, you were so busy that you even forgot to eat something and barely got some sleep.
Your days continued like this for at least a month. Your brutal training sessions included 4 hours of training directly after school, then one break of 10 minutes to eat, drink and catch a breath and another grueling 3 hours of training. By the time you got home it was nearly 21:30 and then you still had to complete all of your homework and assignments. By the time you were ready for bed it was 02:00 in the morning and you would get three and a half hours of sleep, before the next cycle of exhaustion started.
But the end of this routine was in sight, you just didn't know it yet. You were currently in your third hour of training with Natasha for the day and to say you were tired would have been an understatement. You couldn't dodge any of her punches, grab any of her kicks or maneuver yourself out of the death grips she held you in. "You're slacking" Natasha said sternly but yet concern covering her features. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just really tired, but we should keep going, my break is in an hour, then I can rest" You said, not wanting to sound weak. You were given this internship and you were not going to disappoint Tony for giving you the spot. Surely if you had told Natasha about your lack of sleep and little eating she would have given you more breaks and less hours of training, but you never told her and that is why you were in this never ending cycle of enervation.
"Y/N, you should go home and sleep, we can continue tomorrow" Natasha spoke. "No, I'm fine, I can do this...please" You almost begged. The proposal of Natasha sounded so welcoming, but you couldn't stop now, you had to keep on training, you had to prove to them that you are worthy of being an Avenger. Natasha gave in and you both got into your fighting stances and you began training again. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on dodging the punches, you just couldn't and one last medium blow to your jaw sealed the deal.
Your vision went form clear to blurry, decorated in black spots dancing in your eyesight. A wave of nausea hit you harder than a punch from the strongest super soldier. You could vaguely hear Natasha calling your name, almost as if you were underwater, before the earth started slipping from underneath you, though the fall didn't come. Your mentor, friend and motherly figure, Natasha, caught you in her arms milliseconds before your skull collided with the earth's lithosphere. Maybe she called your name again, but you didn't know. You were in good hands and let the unconsciousness consume you.
After you fainted, Natasha ordered FRIDAY to notify Bruce to get to the infirmary and rushed with you still tight in her arms to Bruce. Once she got there and put you on the hospital bed she told Bruce everything she knew: "We were training, but she wasn't dodging any of my punches or blocking my kicks so I told her she's slacking and she just told me that she's really tired. Then I told her to go home, but she wanted to keep on training and the next I know she starts falling to the ground" Natasha says trying to get her breath back. "Did she hit her head?" Bruce asks, concern of a concussion crossing his mind "No, I caught her right before she hit the ground" Natasha says with a proudness in her voice. "Okay, I'll stabilize her and then I'll do a few test on her to see if there are any other factors aside from tiredness that could have caused it." Bruce said getting to work.
Why is it so bright? When did I change my alarm sound? Am I even in my bed right now? These thoughts were all crossing your mind when you first got your consciousness back. The bright fluorescent lights were making it near impossible for you to open your eyes and you could only get as far as a squint before closing your eyes again. After a few more minutes your slowly open your eyes again trying to grow accustomed to the brightness. You let out a groan when you finally open your eyes fully and see that you are hooked up to all sorts of tubes and a heart monitor
"You're awake" Bruce says in a cheery tone, happiness apparent on his face. "What happened?" You croak out from your parched throat, furrowing your brows as you try to remember how you ended up in the infirmary. "You passed out while training with Natasha" Bruce answers, but the look on his face tells you that he wants to ask you something but he's to afraid to hear the answer. "There's something you're not telling me" You say, slightly scared at what he might say What if they don't want me as an intern anymore... "I promise I'll get back to training as soon as possible, please just don't take the internship away from me" You ramble quickly. "Is that why you haven't been eating or sleeping enough? Are you afraid that we won't like you or take the internship from you?" Bruce asks concerned
"No, well kinda yes....but no." You answer not sure how to approach the doctor in front of you "I'm going to need more than that Y/N" Bruce says, arms crossed over his chest. Just before you can start explaining Natasha walks into the room. The moment she sees you awake she rushes to your side and gives you a warm, comforting hug, but careful enough to not rip any tubes from your skin. "I'm so glad you're awake, how are you feeling?" She asks. She would never show this side - the soft side - of her to anyone, but you brought out the best in her. "I'm a bit tired, but I don't have any pain" You say. "She was just about to tell me why she hasn't been eating enough, but now that you're here and you're her trainer, she can tell both of us" Bruce says giving you a stern, disapproving look.
"It's not that I wanted to starve myself, I just didn't have time to eat." Natasha makes herself comfortable on the foot of your bed as you continue "Since I started with the internship I haven't had the best routine. I would wake up at 05:30 in the mornings to get ready for school, after school I would come here and immediately start training, then in my 10 minute break I would eat something for the first time that day, then get back to training. Then when I got home, I would take a shower and start with my homework and assignments, usually I'd finish at about 01:50 in the mornings and then I would brush my teeth and go to bed."
"Why didn't you say something Y/N? I could've changed your training schedule for you" Natasha says "I didn't want you guys to think that I couldn't handle all this and then I would never be able to become an Avenger" You say out of defeat "We already know you can handle all of this, what's important now is that you focus on living healthy once again, okay?" Bruce asks "Okay... thank you guys"
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dukethomas · 3 years
Summary: Duke’s parents recover and come home. Written for Duke Week 2021 Day Six: Family Bonding.
I was going to write something angstier for this prompt, but it actually turned into just the comfort part of hurt/comfort. Sometimes I need a good cry about something good happening to characters I love.
Also read it here on AO3!
His parents were back.
His parents were back, and Duke could cry and cry and cry forever. He sobbed into his mom’s shoulder for who knows how long when he saw them. His mom pat his back—he was taller than her now—and murmured to him, “It’s okay, baby bird. We’re here.”
The use of the nickname he hadn’t heard since he was in elementary school made him sob harder.
His mom and his dad were, were okay, their mouths weren’t contorted into unnatural grins and they didn’t carry that gleam of hatred and they said they were so sorry and they loved him so much and wow, hadn’t he grown up so much—he turned out to be the spitting image of his mother, didn’t he think?
Duke didn’t think he’d ever stop crying.
“I missed you,” he blubbered. “I missed you every day, I swear, I tried so hard to find a cure or something—”
His dad smiled at him, softly, tears in the corners of his eyes. “And you did. We’re right here, Duke. You brought us back.”
He had to call Jay to pick them up, because his parents no longer had licenses and Duke didn’t trust his hands to not shake in the full force of his joy.
In the days that followed, Duke didn’t go out as the Signal. How could he? This all felt like a fever dream; he’d been wanting this for so long. If he didn’t spend every waking moment with his parents, he feared they could revert back to what they were, and it would be a dream after all.
Jay took a few days off of work, and Duke called in sick for a few days at school. The Thomas family glowed with genuine grins, because they were whole. They spent the time catching his mom and dad up on what they missed, and having fun playing games or going out the rest of the time. To his dad’s chagrin, Duke had gotten much better at chess, but no one could beat his mom at Monopoly.
Then life came crashing down around them. Jay had to go to work, Duke had to go back to school, and his parents needed to begin a new chapter of their lives. Unbeknownst to Jay and his parents, Duke skipped his first day back at school to chase down a string of thefts he’d read about in the news.
He could never stay away from Signal for long. Gotham needed him, needed all the help it could get.
It wasn’t a difficult case, by any means. Mad Hatter was about as subtle as a barge. Still, Duke embraced the thrill of hunting them down, as the trail of clues led him right towards a newly opened costume store, Wonderland Haberdashery.
Again. Subtle as a barge.
“What are we waiting for?” a man dressed as a giant white rabbit complained.
The dormouse next to him shushed him loudly. She hissed, “The boss’ signal.”
Duke took that as his cue. He launched into action, running forward with a well-timed punch to the rabbit’s face. “You’ve got one right here.” (Those jokes never got old.)
He let himself loose, using all of his training as well as his own metahuman power to demolish his way through the storybook-themed goons. He couldn’t fight the grin on his face; he was having too much fun. His heart reached a thunderous frenzy in his ears and he loved every second of it. These guys couldn’t touch him.
When the time came to knock out Jervis Tetch himself, Duke obliged with glee. He’d just finished tying him to the wall when his phone buzzed with a notification.
It was three, school was over, and he should be heading home. His parents should be home.
His parents were home. It still felt surreal.
He ran into Jay’s apartment and kicked off his shoes faster than he ever had when doing a superheroic change of clothes.
“Hey Mom! Hey Dad! I’m home!” he called. When he heard no response, a chill went down his spine, and he rushed to the living room. There, his parents sat on the couch, fixated on the TV. The news channel was on, talking about an altercation at—oh.
It was talking about him.
“That’s you,” his mom said without turning back to look at him.
A wad of bile as large as a stone formed in his throat. He knew Bruce probably had contingencies for if anyone guessed his identity. Deny it, prove that he was in school, get a shapeshifter to pose as Signal in the same room as him. But he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Yeah.” He couldn’t, he wouldn’t lie to his parents. “Are you upset?”
He’d imagined this scenario many times. What would his parents say about his vigilantism? He was risking his life every time he was out there, and no parent would want that, but he was helping Gotham. He was helping Gotham’s people, just like they had taught him to do.
“Let me take a look at you,” his mom told him, beckoning him towards the couch. Duke listened, sitting in between his mom and dad. His mom cupped his face with her rough hands, and he leaned into the touch. “It’s dangerous,” she murmured; Duke squeezed his eyes shut.
A firm arm reached around his shoulders, holding him tight. His dad. “But you’re happy,” he said.
Duke nodded, his chin trembling.
They dwelled in a moment’s pause, until he was being hugged from both sides. Duke opened his eyes to see his parents with faint smiles. “We couldn’t be there for you,” said his mom, “but you found yourself.”
“I did,” Duke whispered, crying for the millionth time this week. “I did.”
“We’re so, so unbelievably proud of the person you’ve grown up to be, baby bird. We just wish… we just wish we could have been here to see it happen.”
His parents laid down some ground rules. No more skipping school unless he had all his assignments done and he had straight A’s. He had to be home for dinner, and after sundown he was off his shift. He could join night shift with the other Bats only twice a week in a limited capacity, and he had to go to sleep before midnight on school nights. And he would tell Jay his secret.
That had been the hardest one. Duke could barely get the words out, suddenly filled with shame for not telling Jay earlier.
But as it turned out, Jay already suspected it. “I’m no genius, but you’re disappearing constantly. I can never find you. Wayne takes you out of Gotham all the time. That’s not just an internship, Duke.” His jaw hardened. “But don’t think that I’m going to be the cool cousin now and let you break any of those new rules your parents set. Safety first.”
Duke rolled his eyes and hugged him. “Love you, man.”
“Love you too, rascal.”
He had to let Bruce know. He’d been keeping in touch with Bruce throughout all of this, but sparingly. He got the vibe that Bruce was keeping his distance out of respect for him and his parents.
Well, no more of that. Duke shot off a text to Bruce to let him know he was coming, then pocketed his phone. “Hey, Mom? Dad? You wanna ride with me on my motorcycle to Wayne Manor?”
He wouldn’t have actually done it (it was too big of an identity risk), but it was worth it to see his parents’ briefly stunned looks before his dad started chasing him with a noogie at the ready.
Jay drove them all to Wayne Manor. His mom and dad walked out of the car tentatively, scrutinizing their surroundings. Duke fidgeted with his shirt, wondering what they thought. For all intents and purposes, this was his home, if only for a little over a year.
Duke rang the doorbell, ready to greet Alfred, but it was Bruce who opened the door for once. The way he held himself struck Duke. It wasn’t extravagant and flighty like Brucie, nor grim and tense like Batman. Duke’s family were some of the very few to see Bruce Wayne as he really was, without a persona.
“You took Duke in while we were… unavailable,” his mom said before Bruce could say hello.
“Yes,” replied Bruce calmly, wearing something on his face Duke didn’t often see. Vulnerability. Anxiety .
His dad held out his hand. “Doug Thomas. Thank you. Thank you for taking care of our boy.”
“It was a pleasure.” Bruce shook Duke’s dad’s hand. “Duke was a delight to mentor and guide. I’m glad he has you both back.”
Duke grinned. “He says I’m a delight but he didn’t think so every time I snuck out of the Manor to track down a lead.”
“You were supposed to be on bed rest.”
“And I rested, in a bed, after I solved the case! I do it every night when I sleep—that’s working overtime on bed rest, Bruce.”
“And you won’t be pulling any of that with us, young man,” his mom told him in a stern tone.
Duke quickly made his eyes as wide, pleading, and innocent as possible. He would never, he was about to say, when Bruce told them to come in.
“A better man than I expected him to be,” his dad said once Bruce had moved far enough he wouldn't hear. His mom hummed in agreement. “And Duke, you felt safe with him?”
Duke snorted. “Define safe.”
“Smartass,” Jay muttered, behind the three of them. He’d been through the tour already. He had a begrudging respect for Bruce, but he wasn’t impressed.
“And who taught me to do that, ever since I was a little kid?”
Duke yelped as he dodged a smack from Jay. “I’m fragile, don’t hurt me!”
“You’re not fragile,” said the amused voice coming from down the hall. Cass, here because Duke asked her to be. Because he wanted his family to meet his family.
“Oh! Mom, Dad, Jay, this is Cass.” He dragged them over to meet her. “She’s like… she’s my sister.”
Cass nodded, observing Duke’s family. “Good to meet you.”
At his parents’ confused glance, he told them, “When you were gone, I made new friends, but I also found new family. Cass isn’t your daughter or Jay’s cousin, but she’s my sister.” In his chest, he felt a weight alleviate, one he hadn’t even been aware of. “Wait until you meet Damian. Remember how I always wanted a baby brother when I was a kid, but you guys kept telling me that I was enough of a handful?”
As he kept introducing his parents to the family he made, he felt a warmth grow within him, tickling his ribs, infecting his lungs. It was like he couldn’t do anything but beam from ear to ear, now that he had almost everyone important in his life gathered together. (He would introduce them to Izzy, Riko, and the rest of the Robins soon.)
His family had been shattered, but Duke had picked up the pieces and created something new. And it could never be the way it was, but that was okay. Duke was happy with his family the way it was now.
His parents were home; all his family was home. Duke couldn’t be happier.
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hollyharper · 3 years
I think DC neds to do a five year time skip. Take their entire continuity and more it forward five years. Give us fans something new.
Maybe Bruce and Selina finally tied the knot, maybe they even have a little Helena Wayne. Their starting to train her to follow in their footsteps. Just have a bunch of sevens of the little three year old doing splits with her mom, learning how to analyze samples with her dad. Damien teaching her to fight. And of course, all the older siblings spoiling her rotten. Bruce is simply happy to spend time with his wife and kids. Selina still loves her cats. The house is over run with them, domestic and wild.
Dick and Babs should definitely be married. They have a two year old boy, James, after Barbara’s brother. Maybe even start with Barbara’s second pregnancy. This time a girl named Mary, after Dick’s mom. They have a large apartment in Blùdhavan. Dick is still Nightwing. Barbara struggles juggling her roles as his partner and wife, Batman, and The Bird’s Oracle, and being a mom. The Alfred Pennyworth foundation is thriving, and Babs resented reclaimed Gotham Clean Energy. Being the genius she is is Barbara refuses to send her kids to public school. Dick worries that adds to much extra stress to her life. She loves it. To thank her for all of her hard work, Dick brings home little gifts for her at least once a week. These presents range from chocolate bars to new computer equipment. As much as he loves when Babs cooks, Dick usually prepares their meals.
What would truly be a bomb, would be to put Jason in serious relationship. Personally, I would go with Helena Bertenilli. They started working together as partners. As they spent more time together, it became clear that they both were looking for a more intimate relationship. Their shared understanding of loss brought them closer together, until their relationship turned into lovers. Helen’s exceptional skill as a history teacher, earned her a place at Gotham High. Seeing Jason’s talent with kids, her confided him to get a teaching job as well. He mostly teaches P.E. at Gotham Academy, but also has a black smith class. He makes knives and sword son the weekend, and sells them to make money on the side. On the Battlefield, Huntress and Red Hood are inseparable, and on of the best teams Batman has. They both deeply love each other, but are afraid to talk about commitment.
Tim and Stephine are currently have issues. They’ve had an on and off relationship for the last year. Tim has entirely taken over running Wayne Enterprises. He works all day, and is out as Red Robin most of the night. His exhaustion puts a massive strain on their relationship. He feels bad about having so little time for Steph, and to show her how much he loves, her is planning to propose. Stephine feels neglected. As much as she loves Tim, his constant stress weighs on her. After talking with her mentors, she has decided that time apart would be good for both her and Tim, but she doesn’t know how to tell him. Steph has been job bouncing for awhile, another reason she’s cautious about leaving.
Cass is still Bruce’s angel child. She has little interest in dating. Her main focus is always the mission. Barbara believes she needs to get a job and stop relying on Bruce for funding. The only idea she even considered, was Helena’s suggestion to become a federal agent. Bruce strongly opposes the idea. After her father died, Cass has been trying to patch things up with her mom, who unsurprisingly wants Cass to join the League of Shadows.
At first, Damien was reluctant to accept Selina, though he would never admit, he was still hoping for his parents to work things out. When Bruce married Selina, it became clear Talia wasn’t coming back. Over time, she grew on him. Selina was the one to figure out that Damien missed his mother. After some negotiations, she convinced Bruce to invite Talia over for the holidays. It became an eagerly anticipated tradition for Damien. Talia as brings food and gifts for him. It’s the one time of year when Damian’s almost always smiles. Dami adores his little sister, and has even sworn to protect her at all costs. His relationship with Flatline died out very quickly after their meeting. Mostly, because of how immature they both were. Four years, and a sweet ex later, they meet once again on the field of battle. Again sparks flew, leading to a passionate reunion, and another hero and villain love story.
Jade and Lian were recently reunited. Their relationship is still on rocky ground, but Jade is determined to make up for the time she missed with her daughter. She makes every effort to connect with Lian, even while fighting shadows from her past. Every night, to two will sit on the roof outside of Lian’s window. Their shared interest in astronomy is a safe topic, one they touch on often. Lian wants a relationship with her mother, but is afraid Jade will leave again. Jade’s proud that her daughter took the name Cheshire Cat, and love watching her daughter in action, even though it’s usually from a distance.
Dinah and Oliver have been married for a few years. They found out pretty soon that they can’t have kids. After the news, Dinah went into depression. Their friends and family stepped up to help. Bruce tried to convince them to adopt. Neither want to, until they meet a feisty young girl named Kayleigh. Kayleigh is closed off, with deep wounds. She’s trying to become a vigilant in Star City. Her methods are overly violent. Oliver sees his younger self in her and brings her under his wing. Dinah takes a little to warm up to her. Kayleigh gives them both quite a bit of trouble, but their determined to read her. But Kayleigh’s secrets are something that could shatter their belief in her. She knows the day the find out, will be the last time she has anything close to a family.
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