#music and literature
David Bowie and Romanticism
David Bowie and Romanticism
I’m pleased to announce the release of David Bowie and Romanticism, which evaluates Bowie’s music, film, drama, and personae alongside eighteenth- and nineteenth-century poets, novelists, and artists. These chapters expand our understanding of both the literature studied as well as Bowie’s music, exploring the boundaries of reason and imagination, and of identity, gender, and genre. This…
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berlinsct · 1 month
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textual-deviant-blog · 7 months
Conflagration - A short prompt.
There's a strange calmness within you when your feel your feet leave the ground. The first paradox comes with the onset of wind- it's too loud to hear anything else. It rushes past, and almost through you as you fall. The top of the sinkhole falls away from you, and for a scant few seconds, you feel weightless.
The impact comes and goes as it breaks something possibly vital, but you were numb long before you jumped. The water is bitingly cold, sapping heat like a pit of vipers. Your body, as if in protest, feels hot. Searing, almost. A second paradox. It is of no reassurance that you know this to be a just another trick of your mind; that your body is pushing through the last of it's reserves like a desperate wildfire in the middle of a snowstorm.
Once it's done ravishing the landscape, the cold will set in, and then death.
But, therein lies the third paradox.
You float there, on the surface of that windswept lake, lacking the weight to sink properly. Exactly when death claimed you shall forever remain a mystery, as you did not see a light, you didn't have a final reconciliation with past memories and deceased loved ones, you did not even feel the last of your strength leave you.
With a final intake of air, you pass out before you can even exhale, being left, in that moment, holding your breath for all of eternity.
It's sudden and immediate when you wake, as though mere seconds passed. So sudden, in fact, that you could almost swear that you hadn't died out there in the Wight Hole.
For a single, thoughtless, hopeful moment, you thought you had failed to kill yourself.
That thought leaves you the moment your vision clears, and, instead of Detroit's starless sky, you're greeted by something more akin to a great sea of colors. You lay there, stunned, as swathes of cosmic beauty dance across your eyes.
The grass sways with the wind a moment longer, then stops, and only the sound of footsteps moving across the grass can be heard. Laying there, you quickly shift your body around to face the noise. Whoever had made it was most likely directly behind you.
You were only partially correct.
A great shadow loomed over you as the new arrival inspected you- or, more likely, you were the new arrival. Their arms and legs stretched a little too long even for such prodigal proportions, and his skin was purplish, stretched, and wrinkled across all of his surface, which was only visible on his hands and head, past his sleeves and unkempt head of hair. His jumpsuit hung loose, being the wrong size, and their hair had barely recieved more attention than keeping it out of their eyes.
They seemed amused. "A new face touches the void. I suggest you dim your flames, or you may not last very long here."
Before I could even wonder "What flames?" I smelled something burning. I looked down, and saw my body. Saw what had been on the edge of my vision but had been ignored in favor of what was pretty and spectacular and not whatever the hell this was.
What I was, was on fire. The grass was alight, and I was panicking.
First, I yelped and tried to put myself out by dropping to the ground and rolling. The purple flames did not submit. They were not hot, but it freaked me the hell out. And they caused even more grass to burn.
Second, I planned to plead to the stranger for help, but he was but a distant laughter by the time I had gathered myself.
Third, I finally tried to just... not be on fire. I succeeded. Then collapsed from exhaustion. Or, more accurately, my limbs wouldn't move.
Rather than learn how, I just decided to take a few more breaths, and then a few more, before eventually someone else came upon me.
There was no amusement in their voice as they spoke, tenderly and ponderous. A far departure than the wrinkled old cynic. "Child," They said almost remorsefully, "Welcome to the Void. I must apologize for the world that is, for now, you are no longer as you were. You will never be able to return to what you were. What you are now, is... a Conflagration. And I, I am an Ember."
Gentle hands cradled my head, "You will have to learn quickly. But for now, rest. Let the harshness of the world fade away, if just for now. When you awaken, you must embrace it. The void demands nothing less."
I felt a tap on my forehead, and it was like a dam had collapsed in my mind. I didn't merely fall unconscious. It was as though all the aches and strains of my life had caught up to me, and I could think of nothing but succumbing to my body's needs.
My eyes shut, and I let myself fall into a deep, deep sleep.
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liesandnights · 2 years
To lovely humans who were excluded from invitations, left behind when they tied their shoes, forced to walk in the grass when the sidewalk was full, spoken over when you tried to contribute, whispered about or laughed at, given side-eye when you tried to fit in.... you are so worthy of love.
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nighttime-thoughts · 15 days
Please tell me i'm not as forgettable as your silence is making me feel.
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joytri · 4 months
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the soul that you bring to the table
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shakespearesdaughters · 5 months
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words-at-night · 8 days
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newvision · 2 years
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— Bob Dylan from When the Deal Goes Down on Modern Times (2006)
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peacefulandcozy · 9 months
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Instagram credit: meshariver
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daweyt · 2 years
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— Frank Bidart, from “Half-light: Collected Poems 1965-2016; ‘In The Ruin’", published c. 2017.
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"All Romantics Meet the Same Fate Someday": Joni Mitchell, Blue, and Romanticism
“All Romantics Meet the Same Fate Someday”: Joni Mitchell, Blue, and Romanticism
“The Last Time I Saw Richard”. . . is a Romantic tour-de-force with respect to lyrics, composition, and performance. In the folk song tradition, Mitchell sings to her own musical accompaniment, and there is no other instrument playing in the recording; yet, the melodic and harmonic complexity of the song makes for a performance far more sophisticated than usually expected within the folk song…
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berlinsct · 1 month
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copingchaos · 6 months
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they couldnt have thought of this BEFORE they dropped 12000 bombs on an entire population and deprived them from water and electricty for 18+ days?
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liesandnights · 5 months
My version of flirting is looking at someone I find attractive multiple times and hoping they're braver than me.
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nighttime-thoughts · 7 days
I think about you a lot.
All the time, actually.
In the morning, at night,
in the middle of my day. It's you.
It's just always you.
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